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An 18-Pulse Full-Wave AC-DC Converter for … 109

JPE 8-2-1

An 18-Pulse Full-Wave AC-DC Converter for Power Quality


Bhim Singh* and Sanjay Gairola†

Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, New-Delhi, India


In this paper, a novel delta/double-fork transformer based 18-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter is designed, modeled,
simulated and developed to feed isolated DC varying loads. The proposed AC-DC converter is used for low voltage and
large current DC loads in applications such as electrowinning, where isolation is required mainly for stepping down the
supply voltage. The proposed converter improves power quality at AC mains and meets IEEE-519 standard requirements
at varying loads.

Keywords: 18-pulse, Fork connection, AC-DC converter, Power quality

1. Introduction connected in each output phase for rectification. (This

technology is well established.) Two three-phase output
Three-phase AC-DC conversion is commonly carried groups are connected so that one is of opposite
out using two circuit arrangements: (1) Full-wave AC-DC instantaneous polarity to the other. This mutual disposition
converters or (2) Bridge AC-DC converters. The of 180° would give a six-phase diametric vector if no
differences between the two, which are useful to interphase reactor (IPR) or interphase transformer (IPT)
emphasize their role for different applications, are given in were present and the two neutrals were directly connected
Table 1. Low-voltage and high current applications . However, each device conducts for 60°, so the
require minimum drop in the voltage due to source interphase reactor (IPR) as shown in Fig. 1 separates the
impedance, leakage reactance and in devices used in the six phase star in two groups, with greatly improved diode
path of the load current. Full-wave rectifiers have only one
device in the path of the load current and are preferred in
industrial applications such as electro-chemical and
induction heating processes, plasma torches, etc.
A six-phase full-wave rectifier is shown in Fig. 1, which
employs a delta/ double-star transformer (ANSI 45
configuration) and an interphase reactor (IPR). A diode is

Manuscript received Sept. 10, 2007; revised Dec. 15, 2007

Corresponding Author: [email protected]
Tel: +91-11-26591045, Fax: +91-11-26581606, I.I.T. Delhi, India Fig. 1 A 6-phase full-wave uncontrolled AC-DC converter
Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Eng., I.I.T. Delhi, India using delta/double-star transformer (ANSI 45 rectifier)
110 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 2008

Table 1 Comparison of Full-wave and Bridge AC-DC converters

Full-Wave AC-DC Converter Bridge AC-DC Converter
S. No.
1 There is only one device in path of load current. There are two devices in path of load current.
2 The DC voltage produced corresponds to applied The DC voltage produced corresponds to applied line voltage
phase voltage. Vdc= 2 (p/π)sin(p/π) Vphase, voltage. Vdc= 2 (p/π)sin(p/π) Vline, where p is the pulse
where p is the pulse number of AC-DC Converter number of AC-DC Converter
3 These are especially suitable for applications where These are suitable for medium and low value currents.
load current is very high as the losses in devices
will be less.
4 The presence of transformer is must as the The presence of transformer is not essential (as in 6-pulse
centretap is needed. AC-DC converter) as the centretap is not needed
5 These do not lend themselves for all types of These lend themselves easily for different multipulse
multipulse AC-DC converter configuration as the AC-DC converter configurations as transformer windings
mmf balance is achieved mainly in multiphase carry bidirectional currents, reseting the flux in the
arrangements only. The reason is that the transformer core.
transformer windings carry unidirectional currents
and so to reset the flux in core, the transformer
should have another winding of opposite polarity in
same phase to reset the flux.

and transformer utilization. Each group commutates by together as shown in Fig. 2 to make a full-wave 12-pulse
itself so that the diode conduction period is 120°. The IPR AC-DC converter. Maslin et. al.[5] reported a 12-phase
absorbs the instantaneous voltage difference between the full-wave AC-DC converter based on zigzag transformers
two commutating groups and allows them to operate for electrical induction apparatus as early as 1943. This
independently. twelve-pulse converter uses two three-phase transformers
It is a common practice to use multiple 12-pulse or having star and delta primary windings but identical
18-pulse AC-DC converter units fed from such zigzag secondary windings. This rectifier configuration is
phase–staggered transformers to meet IEEE-519 standard reported to use seven interphase reactors. However, it is
requirements as the total harmonic distortion (THD) of observed that the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the
the input line currents of a single unit is high and may not input current is more than 8% in all these cases and tuned
qualify as clean power at high loads. The isolation passive filters are extensively used.
transformers used for high currents can have different ANSI 45 and ANSI 46 rectifier combinations are also
winding arrangements such as star, delta, fork, zig-zag, described by Brown[6] for the copper electrowinning
and polygon. The isolation transformers used for industry. A twelve-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter fed
full-wave rectifiers generally have delta or star primary from transformers with delta and polygon primary
windings (sometimes polygon windings also) and star, windings is also described by Wiechmann et. al.[7] for the
zigzag or fork secondary windings. The star, zigzag and same application. A novel transformer connection in
fork windings provide a neutral point for full-wave which primary windings of different transformers are
rectifiers; however, two secondary windings must have connected in series and identical secondary windings for
interphase reactors between neutral points as shown in Fig. full-wave rectification is described by Oliver et. al.[8] that
1. Unfortunately, a six-phase full-wave AC-DC converter doesn’t require IPRs. However, it has complex primary
affects the power quality at the point of common coupling winding connections for higher pulse numbers and a
(PCC) by injecting harmonics into AC mains and, thus, greater number of transformers are needed, thereby
affecting the neighbouring consumers. Due to this reason making reliability of the system poor. Miyari et. al.[9] have
ANSI 45 and ANSI 46 transformers [3-4] are employed explained a method of pulse multiplication in 6-pulse
An 18-Pulse Full-Wave AC-DC Converter for … 111

full-wave rectifiers but it adds one more semiconductor other and at 00 and +200 respectively from voltage VR,
device in the path of the load current. An 18-pulse diode where VR is the secondary voltage phasor in the direction
bridge based front end AC-DC converter for electrolytic
applications is explained by Wiechmann et. al.[10]. This
topology also has two devices in the path of the load
current and, hence, additional voltage drop and losses,
which are not desired on the secondary side, as the load
current is very large.
In this paper a novel 18-phase full-wave AC-DC
converter is proposed for low-voltage high current
applications. The developed 18-pulse rectifier is fed from
a delta/fork-fork transformer. The input transformer
secondary winding is a symmetric fork extending two sets
of 9-phases for the two nine-diode full-wave converters. A
detailed design of the transformer and resulting 18-pulse
diode rectifier system is carried out to study the behavior
of this converter. The designed converter system is Fig. 2 A delta/double star transformer (ANSI 45) and star/
double star transformer (ANSI 46) combination for
modeled and simulated in MATLAB to demonstrate 12-pulse full-wave AC-DC conversion
power quality improvement at AC mains. A prototype is
developed in the laboratory to validate the proposed model iA

and design of the 18-pulse AC-DC converter. Zs

Proposed B19
iB Fork
- V dc
Zs idc
FW1 +
2. Proposed 18-Phase AC-DC Converter ~
~ 18-pulse
Transformer FW2
iC Zs B21
Fig. 3 shows the proposed 18-phase full-wave AC-DC AC
converter. In this configuration delta primary winding and Mains
fork connected secondary windings are used. Each Fig. 3 Proposed delta/fork transformer based 18-pulse AC-DC
secondary winding produces a set of 9-phase supply for converter
full-wave converters.

2.1 Design of delta/fork transformer for

a1 a3
18-pulse AC-DC Converter K2 K3 a5
A K3
Fig. 4a shows the schematic diagram of the proposed n
K1 b1
delta/double fork transformer winding arrangement and its VA iCA
VB a6
connection to two nine-diode full-wave AC-DC converters, c3
iBC c1
iC C B FW1
FW1 and FW2. Two nine-diode full-wave converters FW1
and FW2 are connected to two sets of nine-phase LOAD
secondary at (B11, B12, B13,…B19) and (B21, B22, iB
B23,…B29), respectively. Fig. 4b depicts the graphical a2
representation of the transformer secondary and angular c4
K3 a4
position of various voltage phasors. Two sets of nine K1 K3
n a6
phase voltages are (VB11, VB12, VB13, VB14, VB15, VB16, VB17,
VB18, VB19) and (VB21, VB22, VB23, VB24, VB25, VB26, VB27, b6 b4

VB28, VB29). These sets are displaced by 20° from each


Fig. 4a Delta/ double fork transformer winding arrangement

for 18-phase full-wave AC-DC conversion
112 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 2008

of the supply phase voltage VA. The number of turns in VB19 = K 1VR − K 3 VR ∠ - 120° (5)
every winding is determined as a function of the required
VB12 = K 1VR − K 3 VR ∠120° (6)
secondary voltage, VR. These secondary voltages, as
Eqns. (4-6) give the values of constants K1 to K3 for
marked in Fig. 4, are expressed by the following
desired phase shift as
Let the transformation ratio of the transformer be a,
K1 = 0.3949, K 2 = 0.6051, K 3 = 0.7422 (7)

a = VA / V R (1)
2.2 Transformer rating for the 18-Pulse AC-DC
The required voltages for the converter I (FW1) are:
The rating of a transformer is dependent on the voltage
across each winding and the current through them. The
VB11 = VR ∠00 , VB12 = VR ∠ − 400 , VB13 = VR ∠ − 800 ,
(2) winding voltages determine the core size while the
VB14 = VR ∠ − 1200 , VB15 = VR ∠ − 1600 , VB16 = VR ∠ − 2000 ,
currents determine the conductor size and, hence, the two
VB17 = VR ∠ − 2400 , VB18 = VR ∠ − 2800 , VB19 = VR ∠ − 3200
determine its equivalent VA rating [11]. The VA rating of
these transformers is calculated as:
The required voltages for the converter II (FW2) are:
VA rating = 0.5 ∑ (Vk I k) (8)
VB21 = VR ∠200 , VB22 = VR ∠ − 200 , VB23 = VR ∠ − 600 ,
VB24 = VR ∠ − 1000 , VB25 = VR ∠ − 1400 , VB26 = VR ∠ − 1800 , (3)
Where, Vk and Ik are the root-mean-square (r.m.s.) value
0 0 0
VB27 = VR ∠ − 220 , VB28 = VR ∠ − 260 , VB29 = VR ∠ − 300 of the voltage across and current through the kth winding.
The same relation is used for estimating the transformer
The values of constants K1 to K3 marked in Fig. 4a rating of this 18-pulse AC-DC converter.
determine the secondary winding turns as a fraction of The mathematical analysis of the different converters
primary windings turns. These values can be determined gives the following power rating [11]:
by solving the following equations: The rating of the full-wave double star connection
converter (without interphase reactor) is 154%.
VB11 = ( K 1 + K 2 )VR (4) The rating of the ANSI 45, 6-Pulse converter
connection is 126.5%.

Fig. 4b Graphical representation of delta/double fork transformer secondary windings for 18-pulse AC-DC converter and phasor
An 18-Pulse Full-Wave AC-DC Converter for … 113

The rating of the ANSI 45 and 46, 12-pulse Each diode in the 18-pulse AC-DC converter conducts
combination converter is 126.5%. for 40° in sequential manner. Therefore, the windings of
The rating of the Zigzag 12 pulse AC-DC converter is the transformer in Fig. 4a corresponding to segment
133%. lengths K2 and K3 have diode current flowing through them
The power rating of the proposed transformer can be which is due to conduction as well as induction. However,
estimated by referring to Fig. 4 as follows: the current through the K1 length winding is flowing for
Let us assume that the secondary output phase voltage 120° as it carries current due to induction only. When
of each group in Fig. 4 is VR. these currents are transformed to the primary side, their
Then the peak voltage of the rectified sine wave is: value will change in the primary to secondary winding
2 VR sin 80°=1.393VR (It is the peak of the sine wave voltage ratio. These transformed currents are shown in Fig.
segment that is the average of two full-wave rectified 5b. These currents, when added, become the primary
output ripples of 40° each). winding current which is shown in Fig. 5c. The difference
The output voltage at no load, of the two delta winding currents is the AC mains input
current that is shown in Fig. 5d. The AC mains current has
VDC0= 18 steps and their values are indicated in the Fig. 5, which
1 helps in determining its r.m.s. value.
(1.393 VR )
(20°π 180°) ∫ sin(ωt)d(ωt) = 1.385V
R (9)
The average current per diode is (Idc/18) (assuming a
rectangular current waveform).
So, the peak diode current is Idc/2.

Fig. 5 The ideal values of primary winding current (iAC) and input AC mains current (iA) in proposed 18-pulse full-wave AC-DC
114 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 2008

Therefore, the rms current per diode = (Idc/6)= 0.1667 Idc

VA (secondary) = 2 X 3 [(K1. VR) .(Idc/ 6 ) + (K2. VR).

(Idc/6) + 2.(K3. VR).( Idc/6)]
= 3.05676 VDC0 Idc=2.207 VDC0 Idc (10)

Let us assume that the ratio VAC=VR be 1:1 for

The primary current waveform is a stepped waveform
Fig. 6(a) MATLAB model of the 18-pulse full-wave AC-DC
(Fig. 5c) and the r.m.s. value of the current in the primary
winding is determined to be equal to:

40 ° 40 ° 40 ° ⎞
I CA = ( I dc / 2 )2 ⎛⎜ K 12 + (K 1 + K 2 ) 2 + (K 1 + K 2 + K 3 ) 2 ⎟
⎝ 180 ° 180 ° 180 ° ⎠
= 0.4825 I dc

The ideal input current waveform that is determined by

the two primary winding currents (Fig. 5c) is also drawn in
Fig. 5d.

VA (primary) = 3 (VCA. ICA) = 1.045 VDC0 Idc (12)

Fig. 6(b) MATLAB model of the proposed transformer for
18-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter
Therefore, the transformer VA rating becomes=1.626
VDC0 Idc =162.6%.of DC output power.
4. Experimentation
3. Matlab based simulation
A small rating prototype of the proposed AC-DC
converter is developed in the laboratory for 6kW, 150V
The proposed 18–pulse AC-DC converter is simulated
DC load. The 18-pulse AC-DC converter is realized by
in the MATLAB environment along with the SIMULINK
three single-phase transformers and the design details are
and Power System Blockset (PSB) toolboxes. The
as follows.
18-pulse AC-DC converter system is fed from a 4160V,
Flux Density: 0.8Tesla, Current Density: 2.3A/mm2,
50Hz AC supply. The DC load connected to the converter
Turns per volt: 0.88
is 62V, 40kA. The value of the source impedance used for
E-Laminations: Length=23.5cm, Width=16cm
the simulations is 3%. Fig. 6(a) shows the MATLAB
I-Laminations: Length=23.5cm, Width= 4cm
model of the 18-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter to
Effective Area of cross-section of core=58cm2 (7.6 cm
improve various power-quality indices and Fig. 6(b)
X 8.6cm)
shows the model of the transformer winding arrangement
Autotransformer winding details-
used. The simulations of the 6-pulse and 12-pulse
Winding Number of Gauge of wire
full-wave AC-DC converters are also carried out in Voltage turns (SWG)
MATLAB for the same supply and load conditions for
VAC 365 17
comparison with the proposed topology. The results of the
K1*VR 40 15
6-pulse, 12-pulse and proposed 18-pulse full-wave
K2 *VR 61 17
AC-DC converters are given in Table 2 and the
waveforms are shown in Figs. 7-13. K3* VR 74.5 17
An 18-Pulse Full-Wave AC-DC Converter for … 115

The results are recorded using the ‘Fluke 43B’ Power converter at light load (20% of full-load). The current
Quality Analyzer and the power quality indices so waveform of the AC mains, its harmonic spectrum and the
obtained are tabulated in Table 3. The recorded waveforms THD of the six-pulse AC-DC converter at light load are
for light load and full-load are shown in Fig. 14. shown in Fig. 8(b). The waveforms and the input current
harmonic spectrum at full load for the 6-pulse AC-DC
5. Results and discussion converter are shown in Figs. 9(a) and 9(b), respectively.
The THDi is of the order of 18.51% at full-load which is
The power quality indices obtained from simulations of not acceptable as per IEEE-519 Standard requirements.
the 6-pulse, 12-pulse and the proposed 18-pulse AC-DC Fig. 10(a) shows the input AC phase voltage VA, input
converters are given in Table 2. The various waveforms of AC current iA, output DC voltage Vdc, and load current idc
the 18-pulse converter transformer are shown in Fig. 7 at waveforms of the 12-pulse AC-DC converter at light load.
light load to make the steps visible. It can be seen that the Fig. 10(b) shows the AC mains current waveform iA and
input current (iA) has 18 steps in one cycle of AC supply. its harmonic spectrum. The harmonic spectrum clearly
Two primary winding currents iAB and iCA are shown
shows that the 11th and 13th are the dominant harmonics
whose algebraic sum is the supply current (iA). Moreover,
and the THD of the AC mains current (THDi) is 10.05% at
there are the secondary winding currents (iK1, ik2, iB15 and
light load. Fig. 11 shows the performance of the 12-pulse
iB16, where iB15 means the current in the transformer
winding connected at B15) which results in idc1. The
current idc is the sum of two full-wave converter output
currents (idc1 and idc2) shown along with the output DC
voltage, Vdc.
Fig. 8 (a) shows the input and output current and
voltage waveforms of the full-wave 6-pulse AC-DC

(a) Input and output voltage and current waveform

Fig. 7 Instantaneous values of input phase voltage (VA), input

AC mains current (iA), primary winding currents (iAB
and iCA), winding-currents of secondary (iK1, iK2, iB16,
iB15), a bridge output current (idc1) and output DC current (b) Input current waveform and its harmonic spectrum
(idc) and voltage (Vdc) waveform of 18-pulse full-wave
AC-DC converter at light-load Fig. 8 Six-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter at light-load
116 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 2008

Table 2 Comparison of power quality parameters of the load fed from different AC-DC converters at various loads
Sr. Topo- % %THD AC % THD Distortion Displace- Power DC Load Ripple
No. logy Load of VA Mains of IA, Factor ment Factor Voltage Current Factor %
Current Factor (Vdc) Idc
IA (A) (kA)
20 2.664 163.3 25.26 0.9693 0.9893 0.9589 88.54 11.41 3.238
1 6-pulse
100 5.562 559.2 18.51 0.9877 0.9771 0.9591 62.24 40.13 1.596
20 1.629 130.1 10.01 0.9948 0.9922 0.9871 81.36 10.50 1.128
2 12-pulse
100 3.011 490.1 5.175 0.9983 0.9816 0.9799 62.09 40.03 2.032
20 0.713 109.8 3.785 0.9993 0.9978 0.9971 75.08 10.30 0.318
3 18-pulse
100 0.417 442.7 1.270 1.0000 0.9959 0.9959 62.28 40.15 0.800

AC-DC converter at full-load. The THD of the AC current waveforms of the proposed 18-pulse AC-DC converter at
at full-load is observed to be 5.175%. The value of the light load. Fig. 12(b) shows the AC mains current
AC mains current THD is found to be less than that of the waveform iA and its harmonic spectrum. The harmonic
6-pulse AC-DC converter. spectrum clearly shows that the 17th and 19th are the
Fig. 12(a) shows the input AC phase voltage VA, input dominant harmonics and the THD of the AC mains current
AC current iA, output DC voltage Vdc, and load current idc (THDi) is 3.785% at light-load. Fig. 13 shows the
performance of the 18-pulse AC-DC converter at full-load.
The THD of the AC current at full-load is observed to be
1.27%. The value of the AC mains current THD is found
to be lower than that of the 6-pulse and 12-pulse converter
input currents and meets IEEE-519 Standard requirements.
The improvement in power quality indices such as total
harmonic distortion of the supply current (THDi), total
harmonic distortion of the supply voltage (THDv), distortion
factor (DF), and power factor (PF) at different loads can be
seen in Table 2. It can be seen that the THD of the input AC
current of the proposed 18-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter
system is around 5% at varying loads and its waveform is
close to sinusoidal. The power factor is observed to be of the
(a) Input and output voltage and current waveform
order 0.99 at varying loads in the proposed 18-pulse AC-DC
converter as given in Table 2. Moreover, Table 2 reveals that
the voltage distortion at the point of common coupling (PCC)
is negligible as THDv remains less than 1%. Further, the
input current has been reduced by about 20% in the
proposed configuration compared to the 6-pulse Full-wave
AC-DC converter. The mathematical analysis (section
2.2) shows that the rating of the transformer is 162.6%
which is of the order of other full-wave AC-DC converter
transformers but the power quality at its input is well within
the IEEE-519 Standard limits.
(b) Input current waveform and its harmonic spectrum

Fig. 9 Six-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter at full-load

An 18-Pulse Full-Wave AC-DC Converter for … 117

(a) Input and output voltage and current waveform (b) Input current waveform and its harmonic spectrum
Fig. 10 Twelve-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter at light-load

(a) Input and output voltage and current waveform (b) Input current waveform and its harmonic spectrum
Fig. 11 Twelve-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter at full-load

(a) At light-load (b) At full-load

(a) Fig. 14 Test result showing(b)input current waveform, power, and

Fig. 12 Eighteen-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter at light-load - (a) Input spectrum
and output voltageforandfull-wave 18-pulse AC-DC
current waveform
(b) Input current waveform and its harmonic
(a) Input and output voltage and current waveform spectrum converter
(b) Input current waveform and its harmonic spectrum
Fig. 13 Eighteen-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter at full-load
118 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 2008

(a) Input and output voltage and current waveform (b) Input current waveform and its harmonic spectrum
Fig. 13 Eighteen-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter at full-load

The experimental results of the proposed 18-Pulse AC-DC

converter at varying loads are shown in Table 3. It shows
that the THD of the input current varies from 3.6% to
5.4% when the load is reduced from full-load to light load
(20% load). The displacement factor and power factor also
show similar trend and values. Fig. 14a clearly shows
dominant 17th and 19th order harmonics in the AC mains
current and marks the 18-pulse converter behavior. The
harmonic spectrum and THDi at full-load is shown in Fig.
14b. THD is even less than 5% implying that the most
stringent requirement of power quality is met without
using any filter at the input and the output voltage ripples
are also reduced. The number of diodes required is
eighteen but the tuned low pass filters are eliminated and
the transformer derating due to harmonics current flowing
in it is minimized.

6. Conclusions

The delta/double-fork transformer used for an 18-pulse

AC-DC converter system has a single primary and needs
only one interphase reactor. Simulation and test results
have demonstrated the improved power quality of the
proposed 18-pulse full-wave AC-DC converter. The (a) At light-load (b) At full-load
resulting system has exhibited a high level performance
Fig. 14 Test result showing input current waveform, power, and
with clean power characteristics to be used for high harmonic spectrum for full-wave 18-pulse AC-DC
current applications. The total harmonic distortion of the converter
An 18-Pulse Full-Wave AC-DC Converter for … 119

Table 3 Test Results of Proposed AC-DC converters at varying loads

Sr. Input %THD of AC % THD Crest Factor Displace- Power Factor DC Load
No. Power, VA Mains of IA, ment Factor Voltage Current Idc
kW Current (Vdc) (A)
IA (A)
1 1.09 0.9 1.53 5.4 1.5 0.99 0.9939 152.4 7.08
2 1.58 0.9 1.99 4.7 1.4 1.00 0.9944 150.2 10.39
3 2.05 0.9 2.59 4.4 1.4 1.00 0.9953 147.7 13.62
4 2.51 0.9 3.53 4.2 1.4 1.00 0.9950 146.4 15.96
5 3.05 0.9 4.28 3.7 1.4 1.00 0.9952 144.4 19.20
6 3.51 0.9 4.96 3.4 1.4 1.00 0.9950 142.5 21.69
7 4.02 1.0 5.63 3.5 1.4 1.00 0.9950 140.6 24.38
8 4.49 0.9 6.28 3.2 1.4 0.99 0.9938 138.5 26.63
9 4.96 1.1 6.96 3.4 1.4 0.99 0.9939 136.0 28.46
10 5.47 1.1 7.67 3.3 1.4 0.99 0.9938 133.7 31.11
11 5.96 1.1 8.4 3.6 1.4 0.99 0.9909 131.5 34.17

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[5] A. J. Maslin, Sharon, G. F. Jones and Irwin “Electrical Technology (IIT), New-Delhi, in 1979 and
Induction Apparatus”, US Patent 2,307,527, Jan., 1943. 1983, respectively. In 1983, he joined as a Lecturer and in 1988
[6] R. R. Brown, “Rectifier and DC Bus System Design for became a Reader in the Department of Electrical Engineering,
the Copper Electrowinning Industry”, IEEE Trans. on Ind. University of Roorkee. In December 1990, he joined as an
Appl., vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 1116-1119, Nov./Dec., 1990.
120 Journal of Power Electronics, Vol. 8, No. 2, April 2008

Assistant Professor, became an Associate Professor in 1994 and

full Professor in 1997 at the Department of Electrical
Engineering, IIT Delhi. His fields of interest include power
electronics, electrical machines and drives, active filters, static
VAR compensators, power quality, FACTs, and HVDC systems.
Prof. Singh is a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of
Engineering (INAE), the Institution of Engineers (India) (IE (I))
and the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineers (IETE), a Life Member of the Indian Society for
Technical Education (ISTE), the System Society of India (SSI)
and the National Institution of Quality and Reliability (NIQR)
and a Senior Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers).

Sanjay Gairola was born in Chandigarh,

India in 1968. He received his B.E. degree in
Electrical Engineering from Motilal Nehru
National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
in 1991 and his M. Tech. degree from Indian
Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi, in
2001. He joined as a lecturer in the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology,
Ghaziabad, U.P., India in 1997 and became Assistant Professor
in January 2004. At present he is working in Galgotias College
of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, U.P., India. He
is a Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education
(ISTE). Presently, he is also a research scholar in the Department
of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi, pursuing his Ph.D. degree.
His fields of interest include power quality, power electronics,
electric machines and drives.

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