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January 2023

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer
Dvedhik Technologies Private Limited
Phone: 9154371827
DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements


The purpose of this document is to provide business requirements for
evaluating a human resource solution for the Dvedhik Technologies
Private limited. These business requirements provide a basis for
defining information system requirements, whichcan aid the Dvedhik
technologies private limited in effectively evaluating a human resource
software solution that will support their present and future business
functional Needs.

This document presents the business requirements for the Human
Resources Systemto support the Dvedhik technologies private limited.

Section 1
Introduction: Explains the context of the project, document purpose
and organization as well as reference documents.

Section 2
Key Business and System Requirements: This section describes a
general list of requirements that either spans six specific business
process flows or is specific to extra requirements outside the scope of
these flows


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements


ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ........................................................................ 1

DOCUMENT PURPOSE........................................................................................................ 1
DOCUMENT ORGANIZATION .............................................................................................. 1

SECTION 1 – PROJECT INTRODUCTION ...................................................... 3

BACKGROUND ................................................................................................................. 3
OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................... 4
REQUIREMENTS GATHERING PROCESS .............................................................................. 4

SECTION 2 - KEY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................. 5

DATA PROCESS , CONTROL AND INTEGRATION ................................................................... 5

Workflow Processing ........................................................................... 5
Security and Access ............................................................................ 6
Integration ........................................................................................ 6
USER INTERACTION.......................................................................................................... 7
User Interface .................................................................................... 7
Training and Documentation ................................................................ 8
REPORTING AND PRINTING .............................................................................................. 8
Standard Reporting and Printing ........................................................... 8
Ad Hoc Reporting................................................................................ 9
DATA ARCHIVING AND RETRIEVAL ..................................................................................... 9
BUSINESS PROCESS REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 10
Position Management ......................................................................... 11
Recruitment ...................................................................................... 12
Personnel Administration .................................................................... 13
Time and Payroll Management............................................................. 14
Benefits Administration ...................................................................... 15
Personnel Development & Training....................................................... 19


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements


Currently using kredily application for managing Human Resource Management
services such as employees’ information including payroll, attendance
management and etc. Required to build an application for managing all the
above services.

New functionality include:

 Increased adoption
 Culture boost
 Ease of use
 Better recognition programs
 Workflow systems that electronically route documents for review
and approval
 Web access
 Major improvements in position tracking, management, and
control, as well asrecruitment and training and development


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

The general project objective statement reads:

To identify unique and common requirements to support the Dvedhik

Technologies Private Limited employee management and human resource

Additional project objectives were to:

• Identify and flow the business functions to be included

in a new human resource solution for Dvedhik
• Create and manage deliverables for the Requirements
Gathering process
• Users can easily increase their process efficiency and
• Auditing of each and every transaction of various objects
is possible through Workday
The requirements gathered for this document were obtained by:

 Facilitated sessions with Dvedhik technologies private limited

cross functional teams to identify:
 As-Is (current) business process flows
 To-Be (future) business process flows

The specific requirements that were gathered during these sessions

have been consolidatedand summarized in this document.


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements


The following requirements are based on the key business drivers

communicated by the focus groups, As-Is and To-Be groups and the
Dvedhik technologies Human Resource System Replacement
Project (HRSRP) Steering Committee members. These major
requirements must be met by the new human resource solution.

It is expected that any solution that is provided to meet the

requirements outlined belowwill comply with all Local, State and
Federal guidelines, and support the policies and procedures of the

The key requirements are described in the following subsections


The Dvedhik Technologies Private Limited HR business functions are
achieved through the interactions of many different departments
and personnel. These departments are located in geographically
dispersed locations across multiple locations. The HR system must
accommodate the interactions between these diverse internal

The solution must be able to process, control and integrate data

across business functions using:
 Automated Workflow Processing
 Security and Access controls which can be set up and
modified by authorizedusers
 Integration with others

Workflow Processing:
 Flexible, rules based system with ability for users to modify
rules per pre-defineduser access levels

The Dvedhik Team has created a powerful and complete HRMS and Payroll
Software that helps Companies automate their HR and Payroll workflows


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

without spending a single penny. With Dvedhik technologies Payroll

Software you can now streamline your HR

Workflows by:
 Eliminating error prone, manual & time consuming
spreadsheet/excel based workflows.
 Empowering and engaging your employees.
 Tracking attendance and optimizing your business

Dvedhik Technologies is also tax-compliant – meaning you automatically

benefit from in built PF, ESI, PT & TDS checks, challan & voucher generation.
HRMS helps you manage leave and attendance, Payroll, Pay-out, end to end.
 Controls at the field level, based on pre-defined
rules for changing controls
 Controls that can be turned on and off by users
as needed per access level andrules
 Status tracking of transactions throughout the
workflow process

Security and Access

 Correlate controls and access levels with the level of the
 Authorization applied at granular level (i.e. division,
department, salaries, andline items)
 Audit trail by login ID
 Allow single sign on for all areas within a user session
Integration with other systems
 Integration with the financial system in order to
provide accountcode verifications and edits
 Integrate with the KRONOS time keeping software
Interface with miscellaneous other systems. (E.g. Space
Management, Badging Parking, Student Systems, HR
Alchemy Document Archive and RetrievalSystem, etc.


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

The solution must be easy for users to interact with and serve end users in an
intuitive manner. The Dvedhik Technologies user community is a diverse
group of people with many different business and computer system
experience levels. The optimal user interface for the human resource system
is one that can serve the experienced user as well as the first-time user. The
user interface should also help accommodate the geographical dispersion of
the user community by providing appropriate business process and system
online help resources.
The two main components of this requirement are:
 User Interface
 Training and documentation

User Interface
 Web access to human resource data with appropriate
 Minimize jumping from screen to screen and table to table
 Validate data input before a transaction is completed. (E.g.:
verify that a charge is allowed against a financial system
account before it is applied)
 Single User Sign On for user authorized access
 Easy to use, even for the occasional user
 Ability to allow users to link to supporting/related
documents and transactionsincluding imaged documents
 Free text area on all transaction screens
 Allow use of templates for re-occurring periodic
 Field entry edit

Training and Documentation

 Online or integrated tutorials
 Online documentation
 Online help at more than one level (function, screen,
DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

field etc.)
 Provide technical and business process help Key word
search by business process or system function to guide
users to thefunctionality/transactions that they need
 Core HR suite at no cost
 Dvedhik Technologies brought to us a Core HR suite at
no cost. It’s basic and simple interface is very intuitive
and doesn’t require any training to implement. It’s
interesting to see how in India, an HRIS company is
offering these value services at no upfront cost to


Reporting is an integral part of the Dvedhik Technologies Private Limited
human resource system.we can provide the repository of all the service
records of the employees of Government of India; through HRMS, an
employee may apply for leave, loan, or send their reports, requests or
grievances. They can receive the sanction or reply online from their office.
The solution must be able to report on and deliver information in diverse
media and formatsto satisfy business functional scenarios.

Every functional area with human resource responsibilities within the

university must generate reports for both internal and external entities.
Reporting, exporting, and printing capabilities for the human resource system
must be both robust and flexible.
The Dvedhik Technologies Private Limited reporting needs can be broken into
two categories:
 Standard Reporting
 Ad Hoc (on demand) Reporting
Standard Reporting and Printing
 Standard, configurable, event driven reports.
 Decentralized, access controlled printing of personnel reports,
initiated ondemand by end users
 Ability to print any transaction on demand during the
processing of thetransaction
 Ability to produce local reports using common office printing


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

Ad Hoc Reporting
 User initiated ad hoc (on demand) reports
 Download capability to MS Excel for what-if analysis
 Query tool that serves both power users and occasional users
 Query tool that is ODBC compliant and allows for entry of SQL by
the users
 On demand reports on statistics such as gr


The solution must have capability to archive data and allow for its easy retrieval.

The Dvedhik Technologies Private Limited regularly interacts with external

regulatory bodies, legal firms, and financial services firms.

This interaction generates a requirement for Dvedhik Technologies Private

Limited to be able to archive and retrieve data, and supporting imaged
documents as well as microfiche documents. Some of the archived data has to
be stored and available per local, state and federal guidelines. The human
resource system must support these diverse requirements.

Dvedhik technologies can archiving strategy optimizes how necessary resources

perform in the active system, allowing users to quickly access data archive
storage devices or data archiving plans for easy retrieval and more cost-effective
information storage.

The main requirements for data archiving and retrieval are to:

 Easily archive and access with appropriate retention limits

 Make historical data available from former human resource
 Allow for reactivation of information from the archives to the
current system

 Maintain the Archive and Retrievalsystem for archived



DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements


The human resources functions are comprised of six businessprocess types.
The human resources solution/system must provide
Functionality to support the activities of the following nine business process
 Position Management
 Recruitment
 Personnel Administration
 Benefits Administration
 Time and Payroll Management
 Development and Training

Establishing the related key system requirements in this way ensures that the
system requirements are driven by confirmed business needs.

Each business process type listed below includes a brief overview of the business
process followed by its specific requirements.

Position Management
This function must provide a means of managing the cost of the single largest
expense within the university budget. It must deliver the ability to track vacant
positions and vital payroll information for tracking of filled positions. Any
Organization and Position Management System installed must integrate with
both the core Financial and Human Resources Systems of the university to
enhance the capability of tracking, allocating, and budgeting for positions
campus wide. In addition:

OBJECTIVE: To manage and fund positions so that all University goals and
objectives are met

The Position Management Function should support the following specific

business needs:
 Track the status of all positions such as:
 Existing
 Filled
 Vacant
 Abolished
 Monitor and manage positions with workflow processing
 Use template functionality to pre-populate default information


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

Salary & Position Management

There has been a complete change in the way people handle money after
digitalization of the banking services. While companies started transferring
salaries using digital methods long ago and is now the favoured way to pay
employees for their services, the question is can companies do the same using
UPI? The answer is yes as there are several benefits of using UPI to pay
salaries. The immediate advantage is the amount of time saved in payroll
activity. While most online banking services are free, there’s always a limit to
how much money can be transferred using the application and to how many
people. Banks have their limitations here. The tricky part, however, is paying
salaries to the employees using a special application.

 Automatic update of salary schedules and job class

table (minimum, midrange,maximum, hire rate, APR,
 System to deny the input of salary information less than
the minimum of the payrange
 Position history – to include when position established,
vacated, current & lastincumbent
 Populate all related codes when entering job code to system
 Instant update of on-line job descriptions
 Resume archive for all unclassified employees
Reporting/Survey/Tracking Capabilities
 Populate incumbents by specific title, grade, and departments
 Populate information for responding electronically to surveys
 On-line salary conversion for survey purposes

Broadband Projects
 Capability to store & retrieve target market salaries
Electronic Submissions
 University-wide on-line Position Description Questionnaire
 Populate information from HR system into electronic PDQ
 Standardized Table of Organization

DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

An automated system will reduce the time and costs associated with processing
employment application materials while improving service levels to applicants
and hiring managers. Improvements associated with an automated system may
OBJECTIVE: Identify, select and hire the best candidate through an efficient,
The Recruitment Function should support the following specific business
 Applicants can complete the necessary application form and
upload additionaldocuments via the Web
 Applicants can complete a profile of their ideal job and receive
advertisementsthrough email as similar positions become
 Provides applicants a self-service model to review the status of
their applications
 Hiring managers can complete and submit job requisitions that
are electronicallyrouted through the appropriate approval
channels (budget, payroll, EEO, etc.)
 Email notification to Workflow contact
 Positions are automatically posted to our Web site once HR has
 Allows HR to create multiple tailored application forms and
select which application (staff, faculty, part-time, etc.) or
materials (resume, cover letter, vitae) will be requested for a
specific position
 Provides the ability to design a completely different workflow
from staff and professional positions
 Provides hiring managers and search committees on-line access
to application materials
 Employment applications can either be directed through Human
Resources or delivered to hiring managers and search
 Provides EEO officer real-time access to the makeup of any
applicant pool andthe status of any search being conducted
 Allow EEO real-time access to approve the applicant pool for
specific positions (A900)
 Create an automated pool of candidates for screening
 Generate necessary candidate communications
 Allow authorized Team to electronically screen candidates for


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

minimum qualifications using job specific multiple choice

qualification questions
 Integrate with Position Management to validate the status of
the position for recruitment.
 Update/view the status of candidates on-line
 Automatically update Personnel Administration system with
critical incumbent data when candidate is hired.

Personnel Administration
OBJECTIVE: To efficiently maintain accurate, real time personnel data.The
Personnel Administration functionality within the system should:
 Record and/or generate a unique identifier (other than social
security number)for all employees
 Trigger functionality in other HR modules when personnel data
 Capture and store data about student employees
 Associate an employee with more than one position within the
 Track service credit from multiple companies approved sources
(e.g. service stategovernment agencies)
 Management self-service, with workflow, for personnel action
processing, salaryadministration, and all employment related
data maintenance.
 On-line employee self-service for maintenance of personal data,
direct deposit enrollment, and IRS compliant Form W-4
 Web-based performance appraisal and evaluation process,
grievance and disciplinary procedures, and record keeping.
 Position control to identify and budget vacancies.
 Integrated with Position Management to maintain critical
incumbent data.
 Security controlled and user-friendly ad hoc reporting access for
all users.
 Integrate with nonresident alien tax and immigration software
 Multiple service and seniority calculations, some specific by job

 Accommodate multiple job and account source requirements

DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

using financesystem chart of accounts and variable local tax

 Local tax entity table application to accommodate
coordination of workplace residential municipality, and school

district income tax liabilities.

 Accommodate up to three-dozen retirement plan alternatives,
and 30 optionalSection 403(b) and Section 457(b) elective
 Integration of applications and data access across HR functions

Time and Payroll Management

OBJECTIVE: To record accurate information and update employee records for
payroll andcompliance purposes.

The Time Data Management & Payroll function should be able to:
 Allow employees to view time not worked
 Integrate with KRONOS time keeping software
 Provide direct deposit and corresponding check advices
 Provide robust gross to net reporting capabilities
 Track detailed descriptions about unpaid leave
 Pay employees at different time intervals
 Weekly
 Bi-Weekly
 Monthly (e.g. 9 months or 12 months)
 Access and change historical data that will be reflected in
both the HR and Finance systems
 Facilitate increase calculations
 Seamless integration to payroll from a time and attendance
 Integration of leave usage and accruals for up to two-dozen
variable andgraduated vacation and sick plans with FMLA and
general leave administration.
 Online Leave Administration – Request Time Off
electronically with workflow approval processing
 Integration of absence and attendance data with labor relations’
 Work and shift scheduling functionality. Application of variable
gross-to-net priorities for available net pay when elective
DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

deferrals conflictwith required or other deductions.

 Paperless payroll delivery, including pay card services to
supplement direct deposit, on-line access to pay “stub”
information, and electronic access to annual Form W-2 wage and
tax statements.
 Create and print checks/advices
 Use of an ACH feature within payroll production to generate
payment transactions, from direct deposits to datasets for
reporting and remittance of payroll liabilities, such as taxes,
retirement contributions, wage attachments, andvoluntary
 Provide account code edits for financial system use in advance
of expensedistribution.
 Automated extract of grants and contracts information with
calculated staffbenefit costs by funding source.
 Integrate off cycle payroll check processing with gross pay
derivation and gross- to-net calculation processes.
 Coordinate payroll calendar use of separate pay dates and
paycheck accounting dates for accounting system purposes.

Benefits Administration
The new Human Resources/Benefits Administration System should integrate
each of thefollowing functions into one system that interoperates in a
seamless manner for all users.

OBJECTIVE: To design, implement and administer University benefit programs.

The Benefits Function within the human resource system should:
 Manage leave, retirement and core (welfare) benefits.
 Maintain an easily accessible indefinite history of benefits
 Allow employees to view personal benefit information
 Facilitate controlled employee self-service for some benefit
 Allow security controlled access for managers to see appropriate
benefitinformation about designated employees
 Comply with Section 125 requirements
 Facilitate electronic transmission of data to benefit carriers and
other third parties
 Track retirees and deceased employees and their dependents
for Benefitmanagement
DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

Record past service time from multiple sources/organizations

 View/access employee benefit cost
 Ability to execute mass benefit plan changes
Online Enrollment
 New and fully integrated Online Enrollment Module
 Information automatically updates as entered online in BMS
 Ability to accept and update Current and Next year information
simultaneously whether through a nightly cycle or from entering
in database and enrolling online for the same ee
 Include an express enrollment function, ability to see
Information entered before doing electronic signature, ability to
go in throughout the year for Qualified Status Changes, updates
to beneficiary information which can be changed at any point
during the year, ability to change/delete dependents and
giveeffective date why and reason, Beneficiary data entered
online downloads to the BMS for view and submission to the
Health Insurance Company and Life Insurance carrier
 Auto email verification once data updates in BMS
 Direct links and split screens available on applicable page to
insurance company website or employee workbooks for medical
Coverage comparison for that specificemployee group based on
who is completing online enrollment and has logged in
 Date/Time stamp all elections and have access to see history of
what and when employee enrolled online
Dependent Verification
 Ability to tie into SIS and notify our office of an ineligible child who
drops belowFT student status and automatically verify FT student
status for our employees if on FLX and enrolled in Medical, Dental,
tuition remission and/or Life and automatically create a list based
on employees status for all dependents of employees
 Ability to write reports from FLX internally and also against SIS/FLX
data as well
 Letters and forms created from BMS monthly as needed
 Ability to move it online for employee self-service (Attaching

 Ability to enter Beneficiary data on BMS and write report and


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

download that information to Life Insurance Company if needed

 Online Enrollment feed beneficiary data directly info BMS as well
 Currently we have a paper document or information entered on
web enrollment, which creates fragmented information. Could we
create a mechanism to enter all beneficiary information into the
system to be kept in the system and not depend on paper

 Process to allow information to download full file weekly with
updated informationand submit electronically with the push of a
button without a whole lot of manual intervention and requesting
the job.
 All data secure and de-identified to insurance companies
 Create a mechanism that downloads information automatically and
system transmits to carriers
 Complete the Met Life paperwork necessary to send the dental
transmittals electronically. We are now sending a zipped file to Met
Life by e-mail

Coordination of Benefits
 Be able to enter COB information on the system and transmit data
directly to Medical carrier via an electronic transmittal

COBRA (Currently in MSDOS)

 Scrap the DOS program currently being used and enter
information in BMS
 Be able to create coupons, multitude of letters, premium
changes, reports, andHIPPA Certificates automatically online for
 Identify anyone losing coverage and start process automatically
with little manualintervention
 COBRA/HIPPA notice capability
 Identify/track monitor all COBRA functions as listed above using
MS/DOS systemincluding mechanism for over age

Leave of Absence & Retiree

 Invoices created online based on premiums in system and type of


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

 On-line listing of disability leaves, retirement disability
participants, life insuranceclaims (pending and retro to one-year)
 Benefit Account administration and letters created in BMS
 Retiree System that is able to print correspondence and payment

ROWE Loan Program (Currently In MSDOS)

 Capability to run amortization Schedule and Letters for employees
from BMS
 Identify/track calculate yearly 10/12 pay schedules for Rowe
Loan Amortizations schedules

 Track and create ARP letters and reminders as appropriate from
BMS based on eligibility and deadlines for new employees and
changes in status

Leaves of Absence
 Track Date of disability approval/denial from OPERS, UNUM, and
paymentsreceived as known for disability and annuity under
 On-line listing of disability leaves, retirement disability
participants, life insuranceclaims (pending and retro to one-year).
 Easy access to current filed, pending, denied worker compensation
 System to identify all entries and system able to update and pay
correctpay/retirement deduction
Address Changes
 Create a mechanism for the employees to do address changes on
line for HRMS and FLEX

Workers’ Compensation
 Ability to look up exactly what days an employee worked or was off
(and the reason why he/she was off – receiving sick pay, workers’
 Comp, etc.) This is the only function I need that I don’t currently
have available with HRMS.
 Dates of employment
 Current and past supervisor(s), positions, departments, rates of


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

pay, maillocation, email, phone and fax

 Personal information (home address and contact information)
 Termination reason(s)
 Paycheck information Hour balances (sick, comp, vacation, etc.)
 Availability to look up check requests submitted to Accounts
Payable and trackwhen they are sending it out

Personnel Development & Training

OBJECTIVE: To develop and train employees and affiliates for individual growth
to enhance company productivity.
The Development & Training Function within the human resource system
 Provide a central contact point for all training related functions
 Capture and report knowledge, skills and abilities by position
 Capture employee training needs
 Track information to support mandatory training
 Track re-occurring certifications and training needs

For the employee and management

 Integrate with skills identified in the job/position description;
allow the capabilityto supplement/refine by individual position
 Capture individual skill assessment initially and on-going
 Determine skill gaps (i.e. needs analysis)
 Capture individual goals and standards
 Generate development plans based on needs analysis and goals
 Provide information on learning opportunities (defined broadly,
not just training workshops) to meet needs
 Track participation in learning development opportunities
 Link employee development, job description skills, and individual
goals toperformance evaluation and employee recognition
 Technology-based courses that present high-quality training to
employees' PCs

For career and succession planning

 Identify requirements for advancement to another position/level
 Identify candidates for advancement, promotion, transfer


DVedhik Technologies Private Limited
Detailed Business Requirements

For the training department

 Determine and schedule training and events based on needs
 Target and market training and events to appropriate audience
 Provide online capabilities to register and pay for training and
 Report with ease and flexibility (on participants, events,
instructors, evaluations,etc.)

Track a program’s (longer term) impact (i.e. success at changing behaviour)


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