Prepared by
Revision History .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Approvals ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 4
A. PURPOSE.................................................................................................................................................. 4
B. POINTS OF CONTACT .................................................................................................................................. 4
C. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................. 4
2. OVERALL DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................... 5
A. SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE ................................................................................................................................. 5
3. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................................................................... 8
4. ASSUMPTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 9
A. DELIVERY SCHEDULE ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................... 9
A. USER INTERFACES ...................................................................................................................................... 9
B. HARDWARE INTERFACES ............................................................................................................................. 9
C. SOFTWARE INTERFACES .............................................................................................................................. 9
d. CORPORATE INTRANET SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 10
E. COMMUNICATIONS INTERFACES ................................................................................................................. 10
6. OTHER NONFUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 10
A. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................. 10
B. SAFETY REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 10
C. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 11
D. INTEGRITY .............................................................................................................................................. 11
7. SOFTWARE QUALITY ATTRIBUTES ............................................................................................................... 12
A. RELIABILITY ............................................................................................................................................. 12
B. USABILITY............................................................................................................................................... 12
C. AVAILABILITY (SYSTEM UPTIME) ................................................................................................................. 12
D. MAINTAINABILITY .................................................................................................................................... 12
E. ROBUSTNESS........................................................................................................................................... 12
F. RECOVERABILITY ...................................................................................................................................... 13
G. CAPACITY ............................................................................................................................................... 13
H. DOCUMENTATION ................................................................................................................................... 13
I. APPENDIX A: DATA DICTIONARY ................................................................................................................ 14
1. Document describes the software functional and non-functional requirements for the "CERP
system" to be developed for Pro Coffee Company.
2. Document serves as the primary source of reference for all the participants in the said project.
Document covers a high level understanding of the proposed system.
3. Information contained in this document is dynamic in nature the same would be updated on
“as required”.
1. We at say ( Padavray InfoTech Private Limited ) define a clear process in identifying the
following points of contact in this engagement. Following are the points of contact.
Meeting of Padvaray InfoTech Private Limited project team members with Mr. D Parab (AVP
Projects – Pro Coffee Company) held on Thursday 24th March 2019 provided a high level
understanding of the system that needs to be developed.
SP-1:- The CERP System is a new system that would give upper hand to the company in managing
its total functions online.
SP-2:- Listed below are the modules which will be developed as per customer requirements
1) Sale Module
(1) Interaction window for all kind of customers of procoffee company. Customers
practices of buying as well as rent contract of coffee machine. Which needs to be
channelize in well systematic manner using this CERP system. So the separate windows
itself helps customer to go and place there order in system.
(a) Customer
ii) Login
iii) Requesting Purchase Order of Machine (Buy / Rent) and Materials
iv) Invoicing and Bill payments
v) Coffee Machine Service request
vi) Order tracking (Buy / Rent / Service request)
The sales performance is relatively affecting product survival in the market. System
needs to help there sales persons performance and monitor it timely manner. The
subset module will cover the overall sales person and management’s
b) Sales person
i) Login
ii) Order logging & tracking (Customer-wise / Date-wise / Region-wise)
iii) Goal setting and achievements
iv) Recall business
v) Lead Tracking
3) Service Module
a) Service Engineer
i) Login
ii) Pending service request as weightage.
iii) Service request allocation (priority-wise/area-wise/day-wise target)
iv) Call closure status
b) Installation Engineer
i) Login
ii) Installation target (Machine per day).
iii) Installation report /status.
iv) Training Machine operations.
4) Logistics Module
i. Anatomy of shipment movement information is primary focus of the system.
Geographic map system also integrated to uplift the performance of the logistic
ii. Machine delivery (Buy / Rent)
iii. Material delivery (Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly)
5) MIS
Reports are providing real-time information of the business. Report access is
categorized based on role and designation structure of person.
6) Dashboard
(a) Sales.
(b) Procurement & Inventory.
(c) Installation & Service.
(d) Schedule of Pending Services.
SP-3:- Welcome screen would vary as per the login by entities such as Customer, Employee (Sales
personal, Service engineer) and Supplier etc.
SP-4:- For customer it would be displaying products and renewal of order with an ease to place
orders of machines and materials like coffee beans, milk powder sugar etc. Also lodge service
request of machines in case of faults.
SP-5:- Sales person will be logging pipeline orders and successful closures as per target allocated.
New business generated and recall of old business.
SP-6:- Suppliers are given purchase order just in time basis to supply the products such as
machines, materials etc.
SP-7:- Service engineers would be allocated to the jobs of servicing, new machine installation as
per geographical location and call priority.
SP-8:- We would have a tie up with logistics company or have delivery boy's to deliver over the
machines or materials required by customers.
SP-9:- Various MIS reports and dashboard would be made available to concern departments and
Super Administrator
The super administrator of the system would be responsible for managing the administrative
requirements like controlling user management, registration approvals, controlling user access,
adding, deleting etc.
HR Department
Every organization has an HR department. We identify to make use of the HR
department who are responsible for allocation of service engineers and other employees.
Sale Department
Refers to the organization employees who would be generating new business, recall
business, renewals.
Supply chain management and delivery / logistics of machinery as well as materials
required by customers.
Stock Maintenance& procurement process is pillar of the entire business so it feature
needs to be classify and monitor in the system.
OE-1:- The CERP System shall operate with the following Web browsers: Microsoft Internet
Explorer versions 5.0 and higher, Netscape versions 6 and above, Google chrome, Mozilla
OE-2:- System shall permit access to the employees, customers and suppliers from the cloud base
web portal.
OE-3:- Customer can place there order and track there order by using mobile application.
OE-4:- Service Line employee can track request closure using mobile application.
OE-5:- Sales person able to access lead generation and report access using mobile application.
AS-1: Payment gateway would be recommended, if company would like to go for net banking
payments on chargeable basis.
AS-2: Cloud would be AWS or Microsoft Azure as per companies’ budget and plans agreed.
AS-3: Rental plans may vary customer to customer as per earlier prescribed by company
AS-4: System is expected to operate and give service as per geographical demarcation done by
AS-5: The super administrator from is responsible to update and approve the registration, login
AS-7: Stock quantity should be checked properly by stores and update accordingly so that system
can generate the delivery schedule.
AS-8: We would be responsible to define the instance of the portal by means of a unique
alphanumeric identifier.
UI-1: The website pages and mobile application shall permit complete navigation and product
item selection using the keyboard alone, in addition to using mouse and keyboard
UI-2: The Invoice documents and Bill documents needs to standard printing format.
HI-1: Cloud service contract involved with APRO limited. This contract involves all micro
services as well as macro services.
CERP System
SR-1 System shall transmit the quantities of products selected by a customer by means of a
programmatic interface.
SR-2 System should notify if a specific item is no longer available, the super admin shall remove
such products as applicable.
SR-3 Submit a payment request via email to the admin department for a purchased product.
Admin department will check and verify the order request then it place to procurement request
for Inventory department.
SR-4 Coffee Machine details will interface further with CERP product view.
SI-1: System shall transmit the quantities of products selected by an employee by means of a
programmatic interface.
SI-2: System should notify if a specific item is no longer available, the super admin shall
remove such products as applicable.
SI-3: Submit a payment request via email to the HR department for a purchased product.
SI-4: Orders should interface with JDE and SAP looking forward in the future. This would be a
mandatory requirement.
CI-1: The System shall send an e-mail message to the HR department to confirm acceptance of
an order, price, and delivery instructions.
PE-1: Response times – application loading, browser refresh times, etc.
PE-3: Query and Reporting times – initial loads and subsequent loads, ETL times
SR-3: Audited database fields – which data fields require audit info?
SECR-3: Access permissions for application data may only be changed by the system’s
data administrator
SECR-6: System data backed up every x hours and copies stored in a secure off-site
SECR-7: Encryption (data in flight and at rest) – All external communications between
SECR-8: Data Classification / System Accreditation: All Data must be protectively marked
(Consistency of events, values, methods, measures, expectations & outcomes)
REL.1:- The ability of a system to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a
REL.2:- Mean Time Between Failures – What is the acceptable threshold for down-time?
REL.3:- Mean Time To Recovery – if broken, how much time is available to get the system back
up again?
HD-3:- Locations of operation – where should it be available from, what are the connection
R-1:- The ability of the system to resist change without adapting its initial stable configuration
– operational characteristics with growth?
R-2:- Fault trapping (I/O), Application Hooks, SMNP – how to handle failures?
RC-4:- Backup frequencies – how often is the transaction data, config data, code backed-up?
CAP-1:- Throughput – how many transactions at peak time does the system need to be able to
CAP-2:- Storage – (memory/disk) – volume of data the system will page /persist at run time to disk
8 Item order number = * a unique, sequential integer that the system assigns to each accepted order;*
10 order date = * the date on which the employee placed the order; format MM/DD/YYYY *
18 quantity ordered = * the number of units of each item that the employee is ordering; default = 1;
maximum = quantity presently in inventory *