P. K. Pattanaik EM September 2021

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September 2021 Volume XI, Issue III Pages 104 80/-

English.Monthly.Date of Publication 5 of Evergy Month

C ase Study
of the Month

Er. P.K.Pattanaik, is presently working with OPTCL as

General Manager, EHT (O&M) Circle Bhubaneswar
- Odisha and associated with the Protection and
Control schemes of Electrical systems.
Having 29 years of technical experience on various
HT and EHT voltage level in the field of transmission
sector. Specialization on the development techno-
economical design of protection control schemes for system development
and planning. At present involved with various on-going projects on
GIS, SAS and updated Remote SCADA control stations of OPTCL.
Published 105 technical papers in National and International arena
and is a regular contributor to the National journals like Electrical
Mirror, Electrical India, CBIP journal and IEEMA journal and author
of many technical books. Also Awarded in various arena on National VARIOUS CASE STUDIES
level. He is also the coordinator of a Nationwide Power Engineers’ ON OPERATION AND CONTROL
Technical Group named “SPARK- Ignited to share” consisting of Senior SCHEMES FOR GRID SUB-STATION
Electrical Engineers from different parts of the country.
[email protected]

1. Introduction: For the last few months, the response of the readers to resulted tripping of the incomer supply from the Grid Sub-Station.
the case studies on various incidents is overwhelming. Hence this month we (Refer Fig 2.1)
are again choosing the write up on similar kind of studies for developing
the synchronization of practical observation to the theoretical concepts.
The analysis of each incident being supported by actual observations
had been described during the situation to add awareness amongst the
operation, testing and commissioning engineers to know the cause of
problems and be helpful for easy rectification of the problems. This can
also help to develop economic schemes for the smooth running of the
operation and control system in the Grid Sub-Station.
2.1. Damage of Internal Metering Solid Insulation Set: At one of 33/11KV
GIS station, the incomer metering unit was found burst severely and Fig 2.1 Damage of Metering Unit

34 ELECTRICAL MIR ROR || September 2021 || ||www.electricalmirror.net||

Observations: 2. The current on the CT was very less of 200 Ampere for
1. This GIS sub-station was connected from one of the the 800/1 Ampere CT.
132/33 Kv Grid sub-station and was availing 10 MWatt 3. As the stud was of annealed Copper metal, so required
loads. Bi-metallic strip was also wrapped through the clamps.
2. The metering unit was provided on the base of the cable 4. But it was observed with heating on the clamp and
entry point to the GIS cabinet. resulted with red-hot on the termination point.
3. This metering unit was of solid cast insulation type and
was used for the commercial purpose to measure the
power availing from the Grid Station.
4. On the day of failure, it was observed with approximately
11 Kamp current at the Grid Sub-Station.
5. So the incomer also tripped along with all the transformers
on high set instantaneous element.
6. The cause of tripping was analyzed.

w w w. e l e c t r i c a l m i r r o r. n e t
1. The GIS installation floor was checked and found that
the GIS room was on the ground floor.
2. The cable vault was of Underground system with HT
cables had been run through cable trenches.
3. The level of the cable trenches has also been maintained
properly. Fig 2.2.1 Clamp used for the CT stud

4. But the Metering unit was provided in the limited space 5. So, the rectification action was taken. The clamp was
of the panel structure with minimum ventilation space. removed for checking and found with burning pits on
the bi-metallic strips.
5. In this case it was of the heat generation by the metering
unit and gradual crack of the insulation resin cast material. 6. No other deformity was observed.
6. After few days of run, the crack have also absorbed Technical Analysis:
moisture due to the ground level Cable trench. 1. The Clamp was of proper size, connected with even
bi-metallic strip in the system.
7. This became prominent after shutdown of this feeder
for few days for maintenance of the GIS station. 2. On checking it was found with burning of Bi-metallic
strip due to generation of heat.
8. When this feeder was charged and after few hours of
connection and loading on the system, the metering unit 3. Before opening of the clamp, the tightness of the nuts
burst. was also checked and found in order.
Solution: 4. Only one issue was there in the way of connection of
1. The Placement of metering unit was made external and the conductor jumper to the clamp.
at the OH gantry structure with Oil filled metering unit.
2. The commercial meters were also connected in the
metering box and used for the commercial metering
3. The problem was solved and failure of metering unit
got reduced.
2.2. Red hot on CT Clamp: At one of 132/33KV Grid Sub-Station,
it was observed with burning of CT clamp causing red-hot at
the 33 KV CT Stud (Refer Fig 2.2 and Fig 2.3).
1. This CT was connected with the Gantry mounted beam 5. The jumper was connected such the water droplet during
structure and fitted with pad clamp of proper size. drizzle rain was getting entry to the stud and getting

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Case Study

deposited at the end mouth of the clamp and stud. 10. This fault was of transient in nature, for which closure
6. In this case the jumper connection was the culprit and on the next attempt became successful.
deposition of the water droplet with gradual heating 11. After closing, the line was also allowed for availing load
was resulting the red-hot and burning of the bi-metallic on this line.
strip as like shown in the fig 2.2.2.A.
Action Taken:
7. The jumper connection was changed to such that gradual 1. The line was availed with shutdown for clearing of the
sippage/ingress of water droplet got blocked. (Fig 2.2.2.B)
C Ase Study of the month

8. The new clamps were also changed using bi-metallic

2. During clearing of the bird nest it was also found with
strips to avoid further heating of the clamps.
few aluminum wires on the nests.
2.3. Tripping of 132Kv line: One of the 132Kv line tripped
during a particular rainy day with drizzle rain. But during 3. The cause of availability of Aluminum wires were
next charge, the line stood OK and catered load. investigated.
Observation: 4. On inquiry it was confirmed that another nearby 132KV
1. This line was of 132KV SC (Single circuit Line), connected line had been attended with mid-span joint work on the
between two different Grid Sub-station. ACSR conductor due to the conductor snapping.
2. These two stations were the interconnection of power 5. The Aluminum wire residues were left scattered at the
supply sources. work place instead of gathering and brought back to
3. One of drizzle rain, this line tripped with R phase to safe storage.
Ground fault. 6. The area nearby was also cleaned and rest of the wire
4. Considering the fault being transient in nature, the line residues were collected and kept in the store.
was charged after few minutes and successfully charged 7. The line was again charged, stood OK and loaded as
without causing and further tripping.
per the requirement.
5. But the line in-charges were asked to patrol the line
Recommendation: During attending the field Transmission line
to know the cause of tripping. The line was thoroughly
checked and found with of no evidence. works, the conductor strands and its residues should not be left
over at the workplace. These should be collected and stored
6. But at the declared distance zone, obtained from the
in the Store to avoid the birds to carry and prepare the nest,
fault record of the distance protection relay at the grid
station, it was observed with few bird nests exactly on which may cause un-wanted tripping of the line.
the top of line insulator on the cross arm. 2.4. Failure of Line 220KV IVT: One of the 220KV IVT burst
7. The places of bird nest were investigated and found during early morning hour causing the blackout of the Grid
with one nest being scattered with sticks and other nest Sub-Station.
material on the insulator. Observation:
8. This might be the culprit, causing the reduction of creepage 1. The incident resulted at one of the 220/132/33 Kv Grid
and also the arcing distance. Sub-station of being radially fed from a power Station.
9. So during drizzle rain the nest material being hung 2. The pattern of failure is of scattering of the porcelain
from the nest resulted of the fault. (Refer Fig 2.3.1) insulator stacks above to the EMU (Electromagnetic Unit).
3. Because of this failure, the system caused the bus fault
and tripped of all the system connected to the concerned
BUS causing the total outage of the system and blackout
of the system.
4. This was on the BUS-2 and all the systems were transferred
to the healthy BUS-1 and system was revived with the
available incoming link.
5. All the system loads were loaded and planned for the
Fig 2.3.1 Nest on the Cross Arm of Transmission Line shut-down of the BUS-2 for replacement of the IVT.

36 ELECTRICAL MIR ROR || September 2021 || ||www.electricalmirror.net||

6. The fail IVT is shown in figure 2.4.1. was ignored for action. Even the oil level in the glass
window was not getting monitored regularly.
5. On the day of the failure it was also observed with
slight voltage rise during early morning.
6. So combined of the issues as mentioned above that
the failure might be due to the reduction of oil level.
7. The portion above to the EMU was not having oil
could be the reason. So the arching might have been
occurred with formation of gas that has attempted of
rushing out of the porcelain cabinet.
8. During the gas explosion, the weak portion has exploded
with bursting of the insulator stacks.
1. To avoid such sudden failure of EHT switchyard
equipment following procedures should be maintained.
a. Physical monitoring of Oil Level by naked eye or by
binocular vision
b. Thermovision SCANNING of BUSHING and EMU. On
Thermovision scanning, the thermal Barrier shall be
indicative or patch of Temp rise shall be known.
c. During Thermo-vision scanning if any portion is not
Fig 2.4.1 Failure of 220 KV IVT being available with oil, then Temperature Barrier
7. The IVT was replaced with good one, this BUS was shall be found in the vision.
again charged and loads were accordingly distributed 2. The other annual testing could be done availing
to this BUS.
Shut-down of the system.
8. The system was made normal by the correct way of
3. But the methods as described in the point no 1, does
load distribution on BUS-1 and BUS-2.
not need any outage of the system. This can be done
Technical Analysis: ON-LINE with system alive.
1. Any FAILURE of IVT/PT/CVT- the voltage activated
4. The IVT/PT/CVT failure never results suddenly. So,
EHT items are due to few of the following reasons.
proper monitoring could be helpful for saving the
a. Gradual Deterioration of Insulation due to ageing failure of this voltage activated items. Because in
effect. this equipment no current is involved during the work
b. Oil LEAKAGE and No/ Low oil availability in the function, as this gets connected across the voltage with
BUSHING/ EMU (Electromagnetic Unit) the bottom respect to ground.
TANK. 5. So, the abnormal voltage rise and gradual deterioration
c. Sudden Voltage rise and heating of insulation. of the insulation is the only cause of failure.
2. From the pattern of Porcelain insulator stack, just 6. For the specific case of CVT, the capacitor stacks and
above the EMU, indicates about the issues in the paper the individual capacitor unit usually gets shorted.
insulation used in the IVT. 7. This failure of individual capacitor at the top or bottom
3. But as far as failure of the oil impregnated paper stacks could be monitored by the secondary voltage
insulation indicates about the development of heat measurement technique by on-line method.
on this portion. 8. So proper monitoring and continuous could be helpful
4. This IVT was having minor oil leakage on the secondary for saving this voltage activated units. EM
box, but due to its leakage rate being very less, it

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