Microprosessors نظري 2022

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‫وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي‬

‫جاهعت البصرة‪/‬كليت علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا الوعلوهاث‬

‫قسن علوم الحاسوب‬

‫املعاجلات املايكروية‬

‫د‪ .‬محيد عبد الكريم يونس‬ ‫م‪.‬م‪ .‬عبد الكريم حسني عبد الكريم‬
‫كلية علوم احلاسوب وتكهولوجيا املعلومات‪/‬جامعة البصرة‬
‫قسم علوم احلاسوب‬

‫تشريو االول ‪0000‬‬


1. History of Microprocessor.
2. Input/Output.
3. Central Processing Unit (CPU).
4. Buses
- Address Bus.
- Data Bus.
- Control Bus.
5. Hardware, Software and Firmware.
6. Intel 8086 (40 pins).
7. Architecture of the 8086 Processor Model.
8. Queue.
9. Read (Word, Byte, Address).
10. Register Organization of 8086.
11. The Fetch and Execute Cycle.
12. Memory Types.
- RAM (SRAM (Cache), DRAM).
- ROM.
13. Generating a Memory Address.
14. The Stack (Push, Pop algorithm).
15. Addressing Modes of The 8088/8086.
- Register Addressing Mode.
- Immediate Addressing Mode.
- Direct Addressing Mode.

- Register Indirect Addressing Mode.
- Based Addressing Mode.
- Index Addressing Mode.
- Based Index Addressing Mode.

1. Peter Abel, "IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming", 4th Edition,
Principle Hall, USA, 1998.
2. M. Rafiquzzaman & R. Chandra, "Modern Computer Architecture",
West Publishing Company, USA, 1988.

Microprocessors Introduction

A microprocessor is an electronic device which computes on the given input
similar to CPU of a computer. It is made by fabricating millions (or billions)
of transistors on a single chip.

History of Microprocessor
Microprocessor journey started with a 4-bit processor called 4004; it was
made by Intel Corporation in 1971. It was 1st single chip processor. Then the
idea was extended to 8-bit processors like 8008, 8080 and then 8085 (all are
Intel products). 8085 was a very successful one among the 8-bit processors;
however its application is very limited because of its slower computing speed
and other quality factors. Some years later Intel came up with its 1st 16-bit
processors 8086. Using this the first portable calculator is designed. The
following Table 1 shows the list of Intel microprocessors.

Table 1
Year Name Bit Size (bit)
1971 4004 4
1972 8008 8
1974 8080 8
1977 8085 8
1978 8086 16
1979 8089 16
1982 80286 32
1985 80386 32
1989 80486 32
1993 80586(Pentium) 32
1995 Pentium Pro 32

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

1997 Pentium II 32
1999 Celeron and Pentium III 32
2000 Pentium IV 32
2001 Titanium 64
2003 Pentium M processor 64
2005 Pentium IV and Xeon 64
2006 Pentium D 900 64

The different manufacturing companies are introduced different bit size

microprocessors in the past decade is shown in the Table 2.

Table 2
Company Name Processor Name
AMD Athlon
Cypress CY7C601
Fujitsu MBL8086
Harris CS80C286
LSI Logic LR 30000
National Semiconductor NS321016N
SGS-Thomson ST6X86
SUN-Micro SRP1030
Texas Instruments TMS390
Toshiba TC85R4000
Zilog Z80
Motorola 68000

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

A microcomputer system just as any other computer system, include two

principal components Hardware and Software. The hardware is a course the
circuitry, cabinetry … etc and the software is the collection of programs
which direct the computer while it performs its tasks.
The memory is used to store both data and instructions that are currently
being used. It is normally broken into several modules, each module
containing several thousand locations. Each location may contain part or all of
a datum or instruction and is associated with an identifier called a memory
address. The CPU does its work by successfully inputting, or fetching
instructions from memory and carrying out the tasks detected them.

Figure 1: General architecture of a microcomputer system.

Figure 1 shows block diagram of a simple microcomputer. The major parts

are the central processing unit or CPU, memory and the input and output.
Connecting these parts are three sets of parallel line is called buses and
control bus. In a microcomputer the CPU is a microprocessor and is often
referred to as the microprocessor unit (MPU). Its purpose is to decode the
instruction and use them to control the activity with in the system. It performs
all arithmetic and logical computations.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

Memory: Memory section usually consists of a mixture of RAM and ROM. It

may also magnetic floppy disks, magnetic hard disks or optical disks, to store
the data.
Where (program and data) are stored. The memory chip, or simple memory
contains a large number of semiconductor storage cells, each capable of
storing 1 bit of information (either full or empty) it is called a bit. Which is
short for binary digit (1 or 0). A group of eight bits is a byte. These cells are
rarely read or written as individual cells, since 1 bit represents only a very
small amount of information. The usual approach is to deal them in group of
fixed size. For this purpose, the memory is organized so that a group of n bits
can be stored or retrieve a single basic operation. Each group of n bits is
referred to as a word of information, and n is called the word length (word
size). To access the memory to store or retrieve a single word of information,
It necessary to have unique address (A number identify the location). This
type of addressing is known as random access memory addressing. The
word random access memory describes the way memory cells are addressed.
They are accessed randomly, rather than in a strictly serial manner as
magnetic tape storage. This means that any memory location, regardless of its
position, can be access in the same amount of time as any location. A more
convenient unit of measure for memory uses Kilobit and Kilobyte (KB)
means 1024 (210) bits or byte of memory. A larger unites a Megabyte (MB) is
1024 (210) KB. 220 bytes, while Gigabyte is 1024 (210) MB, more important
than a computers word size is the amount of memory (storage capacity or
size). A computer with less than 16 KB of memory is limited to trivial
application because it can execute only tiny programs, such machine might be
able to play video game. The computers word size can be expressed in bytes
as well as in bits. For example, a word size of 8 bits is also a word size of one
byte, a word size of 16 bit is also a word size of two bytes. The word size also

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

indicates the size of the data bus which carried data between the CPU and
memory and between the CPU and I/O device.

Word 0

Word 1

Word I

Word m-1
N bits

The numbers from 0 to m-1 is used as the addresses of successive location

in memory consisting of m words

* Important Note
- Each digit in a binary number is called a BIT, 4 bits form a NIBBLE, 8
bits form a BYTE, two bytes form a WORD, two words form a DOUBLE
WORD (rarely used):

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

- Byte = 8 bits.

- Nibble= 4 bits.

- Word = 2 byte = 4 Nibbles = 16 bits.

- Double word = 2 Word = 4 byte = 8 Nibble = 32 bits.

- Kilo Byte (KB)=1024= 2 ^ 10 Bytes.

10 10 20
- Mega Byte (MB) = 1024 KB = 2 ^ .2 ^ Bytes = 2 ^ bytes
=1,048,576 bytes.

10 20 30
- Gega Byte (GB) = 1024 MB = 2 ^ .2 ^ bytes = 2 ^ byte
=1,073,741,824 bytes.
- Tera Byte (TB) = 1024 GB = 2040 bytes.
- Memory Word Length or (memory location length) : it term use to refer to
the number of bits in one memory location .

Table 3

Processor Addressable In English!
Bus Size
8088 20 1,048,576 One Megabyte
8086 20 1,048,576 One Megabyte
80188 20 1,048,576 One Megabyte
80186 20 1,048,576 One Megabyte

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

80286 24 16,777,216
80386sx 24 16,777,216
80386dx 32 4,294,976,296 Four Gigabytes
80486 32 4,294,976,296 Four Gigabytes
80586 /
Pentium 32 4,294,976,296 Four Gigabytes

Input/output: The input/output section allows the computer to take in data

from the outside world or send data to the outside world. Peripherals such as
keyboards, video display terminals. Printers and modem are connected to the
input/output section. These allow the user and computer to communicate with
each other. The actual physical devices used to interface the computer buses
to external systems are often called ports. An input/output port allows data
from keyboard, an analog to digital converter (ADC) or some other source to
be read into the computer under the control of the CPU. An output port is
used to send data from the computer to some peripheral, such as, a video
display terminal, a printer or a digital to analog converter (DAC).

Central processing Unit (CPU): CPU controls the operation of the

computer. In a microcomputer the CPU is a microprocessor. The CPU fetches
the binary coded instructions from memory, decodes the instructions into a
series of simple action and carries out these actions in sequence of steps. CPU
contains an a address counter or instruction pointer register which holds the
address of the next instruction or data item to be fetched from memory,

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

general purpose register, which are used for temporary storage or binary data
and circuitry, which generates the control bus signals.

Address bus: The address bus consists of 16, 20, 24 or 32 parallel lines. On
these lines the CPU sends out the address of the memory locations that are to
be written to or read from.

Data bus: It consists of 8, 16, 32 parallel signal lines. The data bus lines are
bidirectional. This means that the CPU can read, data from memory or from a
port on these lines, or it can send data out to memory or to port on these lines.

Control bus: The control bus consists of 4 to 10 parallel signals lines. The
CPU sends out signals on the control bus enable the outputs of addressed
memory devices or port devices. Typical control bus signal are memory read,
memory write, I/O read and I/O write.

Hardware, software and Firmware: hardware is the given to the physical

devices and circuitry of the computer. The job of software in a microcomputer
system is to tells a computer what to do ? where to get data ? how to process
the data ? and where to put the results when done ?
program is the sequence of instructions that are used to tell a computer
what to do. Software refers to collection of programs written for the
computer. Firmware is the term given programs stored in ROM’s or in other
devices which permanently keep their stored information.

Intel 8086
The 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor chip designed by Intel corporation in
between early 1976 and mid-1978. The release of Intel's 8086 microprocessor
in 1978 was a watershed moment for personal computing.
Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

Elements of the 8086 Microprocessor Architecture

The 8086 has:
• 16-bit internal data bus.
• 20-bit address bus: 220 = 1,048,576 = 1 megabytes.
• Control bus.
• Execution Unit.
• Bus Interface Unit.

Among the on-chip peripherals are:

• 2 direct memory access controllers (DMA) .
• Three 16-bit programmable timers.
• Clock generator.
• Chip select unit.
• Programmable Control Registers.

The 8086 Processor Model

The simplified block diagram of the 80x86 processor model is organized as
two separate processors:
1) Bus Interface Unit (BIU).
2) Execution Unit (EU).

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

The internal architecture 8086 microprocessor is as shown in the Figure 2.
The 8086CPU is divided into two independent functional parts, the Bus
Interface Unit (BIU) and Execution Unit (EU).The Bus Interface Unit
contains Bus Interface Logic, Segment registers, Memory addressing logic
and a Six byte instruction object code queue. The execution unit contains the
Data and Address registers, the Arithmetic and Logic Unit, the Control Unit
and flags.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

Figure 2: Internal architecture of 8086 Microprocessor.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

The BIU sends out address, fetches the instructions from memory, read data
from ports and memory, and writes the data to ports and memory. In other
words the BIU handles all transfers of data and addresses on the buses for the
execution unit.
The execution unit (EU) of the 8086 tells the BIU where to fetch
instructions or data from, decodes instructions and executes instruction. The
EU contains control circuitry which directs internal operations. A decoder in
the EU translates instructions fetched from memory into a series of actions
which the EU carries out. The EU is has a 16-bit ALU which can add,
subtract, AND, OR, XOR, increment, decrement, complement or shift binary
numbers. The EU is decoding an instruction or executing an instruction which
does not require use of the buses.

The Queue: The BIU fetches up to 6 instruction bytes for the following
instructions. The BIU stores these pre-fetched bytes in first-in-first-out
register set called a queue. When the EU is ready for its next instruction it
simply reads the instruction byte(s) for the instruction from the queue in the
BIU. This is much faster than sending out an address to the system memory
and waiting for memory to send back the next instruction byte or bytes.
Except in the case of JMP and CALL instructions, where the queue must be
dumped and then reloaded starting from a new address, this prefetch-and-
queue scheme greatly speeds up processing. Fetching the next instruction
while the current instruction executes is called pipelining.

Word Read
Each of 1 MB memory address of 8086 represents a byte wide location.16-
bit words will be stored in two consecutive memory locations.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

Register Organization of 8086

8086 has a powerful set of registers containing general purpose and special
purpose registers. All the registers of 8086 are 16-bit registers. The general
purpose registers, can be used either 8-bit registers or 16-bit registers. The
general purpose registers are either used for holding the data, variables and
intermediate result temporarily or for other purpose like counter or for storing
offset address for some particular addressing modes etc. The special purpose
registers are used as segment registers, pointers, index registers or as offset
storage registers for particular addressing modes. Figure 3 shows register
organization of 8086. We will categorize the register set into four groups as

Figure 3: Register Organization of 8086.

General Purpose Registers

There are four 16-bit general purpose registers:


Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

Each of these 16-bit registers are further subdivided into two 8-bit registers.

AX Register: Accumulator register consists of two 8-bit registers AL and

AH, which can be combined together and used as a 16- bit register AX. AL in
this case contains the low-order byte of the word, and AH contains the high-
order byte. Accumulator can be used for I/O operations, rotate and string

BX Register: This register is mainly used as a base register. It holds the

starting base
location of a memory region within a data segment. It is used as offset storage
for forming physical address in case of certain addressing mode.

CX Register: It is used as default counter or count register in case of string

and loop
Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

DX Register: Data register can be used as a port number in I/O operations

and implicit operand or destination in case of few instructions. In integer 32-
bit multiply and divide instruction the DX register contains high-order word
of the initial or resulting number.

Segment Registers
To complete 1Mbyte memory is divided into 16 logical segments. The
complete 1Mbyte memory segmentation is as shown in fig 5. Each segment
contains 64Kbyte of memory. There are four segment registers.

Code Segment (CS) is a 16-bit register containing address of 64 KB segment

with processor instructions. The processor uses CS segment for all accesses to
instructions referenced by instruction pointer (IP) register. CS register cannot
be changed directly. The CS register is automatically updated during far
jump, far call and far return instructions. It is used for addressing a memory
location in the code segment of the memory, where the executable program is

Stack Segment (SS) is a 16-bit register containing address of 64KB segment

with program stack. By default, the processor assumes that all data referenced
by the stack pointer (SP) and base pointer (BP) registers is located in the stack
segment. SS register can be changed directly using POP instruction. It is used
for addressing stack segment of memory. The stack segment is that segment
of memory, which is used to store stack data.

Data Segment (DS) is a 16-bit register containing address of 64KB segment

with program data. By default, the processor assumes that all data referenced
by general registers (AX, BX, CX, DX) and index register (SI, DI) is located

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

in the data segment. DS register can be changed directly using POP and LDS
instructions. It points to the data segment memory where the data is resided.

Extra Segment (ES) is a 16-bit register containing address of 64KB segment,

usually with program data. By default, the processor assumes that the DI
register references the ES segment in string manipulation instructions. ES
register can be changed directly using POP and LES instructions. It also refers
to segment which essentially is another data segment of the memory. It also
contains data.

Figure 4: Memory Segmentation.

Pointers and Index Registers
The pointers contain within the particular segments. The pointers IP, BP, SP
usually contain offsets within the code, data and stack segments respectively

Stack Pointer (SP) is a 16-bit register pointing to program stack in stack


Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

Base Pointer (BP) is a 16-bit register pointing to data in stack segment. BP

register is usually used for based, based indexed or register indirect
Source Index (SI) is a 16-bit register. SI is used for indexed, based indexed
and register indirect addressing, as well as a source data addresses in string
manipulation instructions.
Destination Index (DI) is a 16-bit register. DI is used for indexed, based
indexed and
register indirect addressing, as well as a destination data address in string
manipulation instructions.
Instruction Pointer (IP) IPR address the next instruction in a section of
memory defined as instruction pointer of code segment.
Flag Register
Note: - 1  SET , 0  RESET

Figure 5: Flag Register of 8086.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

Flags Register determines the current state of the processor. They are
modified automatically by CPU after mathematical operations, this allows to
determine the type of the result, and to determine conditions to transfer
control to other parts of the program.
The 8086 flag register as shown in the Figure 5. 8086 has 9 active flags and
they are
divided into two categories:
1. Conditional Flags
2. Control Flags
Conditional Flags
Conditional flags are as follows:
Carry Flag (CF): This flag indicates an overflow condition for unsigned
integer arithmetic. It is also used in multiple-precision arithmetic.
Auxiliary Flag (AF): If an operation performed in ALU generates a
carry/barrow from lower nibble (i.e., D0 – D3) to upper nibble (i.e., D4 – D7),
the AC flag is set i.e., carry given by D3 bit to D4 is AF flag. This is not a
general-purpose flag, it is used internally by the Processor to perform Binary
to BCD conversion.
Parity Flag (PF): This flag is used to indicate the parity of result. If lower
order 8-bits of the result contains even number of 1’s, the Parity Flag is set
and for odd number of 1’s, the Parity flag is reset.
Zero Flag (ZF): It is set; if the result of arithmetic or logical operation is zero
else it is reset.
Sign Flag (SF): In sign magnitude format the sign of number is indicated by
MSB bit. If the result of operation is negative, sign flag is set.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

The Fetch and Execute Cycles


Fetch next instruction Fetch cycle

Execute the instrection Execute cycle


Figure 6: fetch and execute cycle.

The instruction cycle include the following steps:

1- Fetch instruction
The CPU read instruction from memory.
2- Interpret instruction
The instruction decoded to determine what action is required.
3- Fetch data
The execution of an instruction requires reading data from memory or
an I/O module.
4- Process data
The execution of an instruction requires performing some arithmetic or
logical operation on data.
5- Write data
The results of an instruction require writing data to memory or an I/O

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

The following diagram state the instruction cycle:

Figure 7: Instruction cycle.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Introduction

Figure 8 : Pin configuration of 8086 processor.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Memory

Random Access Memory (RAM)
The short-term memory. Data and programs are stored temporarily, while
the CPU processes the data according to program's instructions, once the
program has completes its task, the newly processed data can be stored in the
computer's long-term-memory such as a hard disk. The RAM can be used for
another processing task. RAM is what we have allows the computer to store
information quickly for latter reference, so that RAM holds
RAM is a volatile even a short interruption in the computers power supply
erase RAM. When a program instruction read the data its gets a copy of the
data? This is called a nondestructive read because the content of the memory
address are not changed. Sending data to a RAM memory address is called a
destructive write because the new data erases whatever was there before
RAM can be divided as:
• Static RAM (SRAM)
Semiconductor memory devices in which the stored data will remain
permanently stored as long as power is supplied, without the need for
periodically rewriting the data into memory. Example of SRAM cache
• Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
Semiconductor memory devices in which the stored data will NOT remain
permanently stored, even with power applied, unless the data are periodically
rewriting the data into memory. The later operation is called a refresh
operation. Example of DRAM.
Read-Only Memory (ROM)
As the name suggests can only be read, it cannot be written to under
normal circumstance. The contents of ROM remain intact even after the

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Memory

power is turned off; it is therefore known as non-volatile or permanent

memory. ROM contains basic program which are:
 Basic I/O system (BIOS).
 The start up portion of the operating system (OS), because BIOS is the
most important part in ROM, so ROM is called BIOS ROM.
Types of ROMs:-
1- Programmable–Read Only Memory (PROM): it’s a ROM that can be
electrically programmable by the user with special circuitry; it can not be
erased and programmed.
2- Erasable-Programmable-Read-Only-Memory (EPROM): A ROM that
can be electrically programmable by the user with special circuitry; it can
be erased with Ultra violet light and programmed as often as required.
EPROM is considered non volatile but can lose their content with age.
3- EEPROM (Electrically-Erasable-Programmable-Read-Only-
Memory): A ROM that can be electrically programmed; it can be erased
with electric charges and programmed as often as required.
Cache Memory
Is a special high-memory area that the CPU can access quickly? Cache can
be located on the microprocessor chip or else where on the mother board. The
cache memory is the only block of memory that communicates directly with
the CPU at the high speed. The most frequently used instruction are kept in
cache so the CPU can look there first; this allow the CPU to run faster
because it doesn't have to take time to swap instruction in and out of memory.

memory CPU

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Memory


Physical Address Formation (Calculation)
The 8086 addresses a segmented memory. The complete physical address
which is 20-bits long is generated using segment and offset registers each of
the size 16-bit. The content of a segment register also called as segment
address, and content of an offset register also called as offset address. To get
total physical address, put the lower nibble 0H to segment address and add
offset address. The Figure 9 shows formation of 20-bit physical address.
P.A. = segment register contents shifted to left with 4 zeros + offset
P.A. = segment register × 10h + offset
 Instruction fetch P.A. = CS×10h + IP
 Writing data in memory P.A. = DS×10h + DI
 Read data from memory P.A. = DS×10h + SI
IP register contains (xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx)
CS register contains (yyyy yyyy yyyy yyyy)
The physical address =
0000 xxxx xxxx xxxx
yyyy yyyy yyyy 0000
yyyy ssss ssss xxxx

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Memory

Figure 9: Physical address formation (calculation).

Logical Addresses: In the 8088 / 8086 CPU, the address of any memory
location can be written in the form (segment : offset), so
the address divided into two parts :

 Segment address: which held in the segment registers and have 16- bit
 Offset: which represent the distance the location which we want to reach
from the beginning of the segment. The length of the offset 16 –
bit also. And the value of the offset store in one of the pointer
register, therefore, it will be clear that the length of one segment
not more than 64KB.

Segment ( CS , DS , SS , ES )
Offset ( IP , SI , DI , SP ,BP )

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Memory

Physical Address (P.A.): used to access memory are 20 bits in length is

generated by combining 16 bit offset and 16 bit base value that is to located
in one segment registers.

002BH=Segment Base 002B0H



Logical 13H= Offset


Physical address

Figure 10: The Logical and Physical address.

Ex.1: find the physical address if you have offset = 50h and segment

The Physical address = segment address × 10h + offset

= 3572h × 10h + 50h

= 35720h + 50h

= 35770h (20 bits)

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Memory

Another solution:

Offset 0000 0000 0000 0101 0000

CS 0011 0101 0111 0010 0000

PA 0011 0101 0111 0111 0000

(3 5 7 7 0)h

Ex.2: Find P.A. if segment address = 123416 and offset address = 002216?

P.A. = 1234×10h + 0022

= 1236216 (address in memory)

Ex.3: If CS =0200, IP = 1234, SP = 0022 find P.A .?

P.A. = 0200×10h + 1234 = 0323416

Ex.4: If DS = 3000, SI = 2001, find P.A.?

P.A. = 3000×10h + 2001 = 3200116

Ex.5: If SS = 2005, SP = 0201 find P.A.?

P.A. = 2005×10h + 0201 = 2025116

It is 64 KB of memory organized as word, used to store important
register's contents, that return address while call instruction address is
The principle of the Stack operation is Least-In-First-Out (LIFO)

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Memory

i.e., the last stored value is the first one returned from the stack. The stack
operated by limited number of instruction such as: PUSH, POP, CALL, and

Top of Stack (TOS) SS + FFFD

Push Pop


46KB . .
. .
. .

End of Stack (EOS) SS+0002

P.A. stack = SS + SP

PUSH Algorithm

1. Sp  Sp - 2
2. [Sp]  register (the content of source register is stored in the stack)

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Memory


CALL Algorithm

1. Sp  Sp – 2
2. [Sp]  IP
3. IP  the address of subroutine.

CALL fact ; ….. fact is subroutine

POP Algorithm

1. register [Sp] (the content of stack [word] is returned from the stack
into the destination register)
2. Sp SP + 2


RET Algorithm

1. IP [Sp]
2. Sp SP + 2


At initializing a microprocessor, offset (SP) = FFFF16

Bottom of stack (BOS) = SS + SP = SS + FFFF

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprocessors Memory

* Any number of stack may exist in an 8088 microcomputer. A new stack can
be brought changing the value in the SS register.
* Only one stack is active at a time.
* The 8088 pushes data and address to the stack one word at a time.

PUSH AX ; where AX=1234 , SS= 0105 , SP= 0006

AX 12 34

Befor After
e after
1056 XX YY SP 1056 XX Y
1054 1054 34 12 SP

POP AX ; where Ax=1234 , SS= 0105 , SP= 0004

AX 12 34

Before After
1056 XX YY 1056 XX YY SP
1054 34 12 SP 1054

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprosessors Addressing Modes

Addressing Modes
The manner in which a processor determines the addresses of the operands
involved in that instruction is called addressing mode.
 There are many modes for addressing the operands, these modes will
discuss briefly:-
1. Implied Mode: In this mode, the operands are specified implicitly in the
definition of the instruction.
 Zero-address instructions in a stack-organization are implied mode
instructions, since the operands are implied to be on top of the stack.
2. Immediate Mode: In this mode, an instruction contains the operand value.
 This mode has an operand field rather than an address field .

Example: ADD R1, 25;R1 R1 + 25

3. Register Mode: In this mode, the operand values are held in the CPU

Example: ADD R2, R1; R2 R1 + R2

4. Register Indirect Mode: In this mode, an instruction specifies the address of

a CPU register that holds the address of operand.

Example: MUL R2, [R1]; R2 R2*[R1]

 The selected register contains the address of the operand rather than the
operand itself.
 The advantage of this mode is that the address field of the instruction uses
fewer bits to select a registers than would have been required to specify a
memory address directly.
 The Effective Address (EA) or (FA): Is the memory address obtained
from the computation of the given addressing mode.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem 33 & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis

Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprosessors Addressing Modes

5. Direct Addressing Mode: In this mode, the effective address (PA) is equal to
the address part of the instruction. The operand resides in memory and its
address is given directly by the address field of the instruction.
Example: SUB R1, X
6. Indirect Addressing Mode: In this mode, the address field of the instruction
gives the address where the effective address (PA) is stored in memory.
Example: ADD R1, [X]
Figure (1) shows some of addressing modes.

Load 999 Load X Load W

999 X W X
X 999


A. Immediate B. Direct C. Indirect

Figure (11): Some of addressing modes.

EA (or PA) = R+D

Depending on the register (R) there are three relative addressing modes:-

7. Relative Addressing Mode: In this mode, the content of the program counter
(PC) is added to the address part of the instruction, in order to obtain the
effective address (PA). The position of the effective address in memory is
relative to the address of the next instruction.

Example: Let PC=825, and the address part of the instruction contains the
number 24. To calculate the effective address:
1- Increment the PC after reading the current instruction. PC =PC + 1 = 826
2- Effective address = PC + 24 = 826 + 24 = 850

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem 34 & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis

Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprosessors Addressing Modes

 Relative addressing is often used with branch–type instructions when the

branch address is in the area surrounding the instruction word itself.

8. Indexed Addressing Mode: In this mode, the content of an index register

(XR or IR) is added to the address part of the instruction to obtain the effective
address (PA). The index register contains the index value. The address field of
the instruction defines by the beginning address of a data array in memory.
Example: Let the indexed items X(0), X(1),… , X(K) are stored in consecutive
addresses in memory. The instruction-address field D contains the address of the
first item X(0). While the index register (XR) contains the index i, so the address
of item X(i) is D+XR, as shown in Figure (2).

D 100 X(0) 3 XR
101 X(1)
102 X(2)
103 X(3)
EA or PA=D+XR=103

Figure (12): Use of the indexed addressing mode in accessing arrays

9. Base Register Addressing Mode: In this mode, the content of a base register
(BR) is added to the address part of the instruction to obtain the effective address
(PA). A base register held the base address, and address field gives a
displacement relative to this base address.
 The base register addressing mode is used in computers to facilitate the
relocation of programs in memory. When programs and data are moved
from one segment of memory to another, the address values of the
displacement (D) values of instructions do not have to change. Only the
values of the base register requires updating to reflect the new memory

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem 35 & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis

Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprosessors Addressing Modes

Numerical Example
200 Load to Acc Mode
201 Address field=500
R1=400 202 Next Instruction

XR or IR=100
399 450
400 700

500 800

600 900

702 325

800 300

Figure (13): Numerical example.

In this example, we show the effective of the addressing (PA) mode on the
above instruction, where the two-word instruction at address 200 and 201 is
"Load to Acc" with on address field=500.
For each possible mode, we calculate the effective address (PA) and the
operand that must be loaded in to Acc.
1. Immediate Mode:
.Effective address =201.
2. Direct Address Mode:
.Effective address =500.
3. Indirect Address Mode:
.Effective address is stored in memory at address 500, So
Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem 36 & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis
Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.
Microprosessors Addressing Modes

.Effective address =800.

4. Relative Mode:
.Effective address =(PC+2)+500=702.
5. Index Mode:
.Effective address =XR+500=100+500=600.
6. Register Mode:
.Operand is in R1 and 400 is loaded to Acc.
7. Register Indirect:
.Effective address =400.

Abdulkareem Hussien Abdulkareem 37 & Dr. Hameed Abdulkareem Younis

Basrah Univ., Computer Science and Information Technology College, Computer Scie. Dept.

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