High-Speed Switching Operation For A Sic Cmos and Power Module

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IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.18, No.

14, 1–5

High-speed switching operation for a SiC CMOS and power module
Atsushi Yao1, a) , Mitsuo Okamoto1 , Fumiki Kato1 , Hiroshi Hozoji1 , Shinji Sato1 , Shinsuke Harada1 , and Hiroshi Sato1

Abstract This paper deals with the high-speed switching operation of imental turn-on and turn-off switching speeds of about 24
a main circuit when using a silicon carbide (SiC) complementary metal- V/ns and −30 V/ns, respectively, at room temperature and a
oxide semiconductor (CMOS) and power module for the high-speed drive. DC bus voltage of 300 V using a SiC CMOS gate driver [17].
When using the developed power module and SiC CMOS gate buffer, we
experimentally achieved the turn-on and turn-off switching speeds of about Our study explores the further faster switching of main cir-
−100 and 80 V/ns at a DC bus voltage of 600 V and a load current of 20 cuits by using a power module for high-speed drive and SiC
A. Based on the I -V characteristics of the developed SiC CMOS and the CMOS gate buffer with large output current characteristics
gate charge of the SiC power MOSFET, the approximate switching time of several amperes during the Miller plateau.
was calculated. Modules for the high-speed switching of the SiC power
Keywords: module, SiC CMOS, high-speed switching, wide-bandgap
power semiconductors, gate driver, SiC MOSFET MOSFET in the main circuit has been studied recently [14,
Classification: Power devices and circuits 15, 16]. In previous studies [15, 16], a Si gate driver was
placed outside the module and then the inductance of the
1. Introduction main circuit in the module was reduced to realize the high-
speed switching. Based on these studies [15, 16], in addition
Wide-bandgap (WBG) power semiconductors such as sil- to reducing the inductance of the gate wire, a way of reducing
icon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) have been the inductance of the main circuit in the module using the
widely researched owing to their advantages of high with- developed SiC CMOS was explored.
stand voltage, fast switching and high-frequency operation, This study focuses on a high-speed switching operation
high-temperature tolerance, and low on-resistance [1, 2, 3, of the SiC power MOSFET in the main circuit when using
4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. For instance, miniaturization and high output a low-inductance module for the high-speed drive and the
power density of power converters can be achieved by the SiC CMOS gate buffer. To quickly charge and discharge
high-frequency operation [1, 9, 10, 11]. For high-frequency the gate capacitor, the current required for SiC CMOS gate
operation, it is important to reduce the switching time of buffer was estimated, and then the parallelized SiC CMOS
main circuits. To realize high-speed switching of the main was developed to achieve a large output current of the SiC
circuit, the gate capacitor of power devices should be quickly CMOS. In addition, we developed a module that can in-
charged and discharged [12]; in other words, a high-output- corporates both this SiC CMOS gate buffer and the power
current gate buffer is required and then the inductance be- MOSFET. In this module, the inductance of the main cir-
tween the gate buffer and power metal-oxide semiconductor cuit in the module was reduced by connecting two substrates
field-effect-transistor (MOSFET) should be low [13], and together and by incorporating a snubber circuit within the
the inductance of the main circuit should be reduced to sup- module [15, 16]. We experimentally examined the switch-
press current and voltage surges [14, 15, 16]. In this study, ing speed of the main circuit in a double-pulse-test when
the main circuit inductance was reduced and a SiC comple- using the developed module and SiC CMOS gate buffer. In
mentary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS), which can be addition, the switching time was estimated by calculations
operated at high-temperatures [17], and power SiC MOS- based on the gate (Qg ) charge of the SiC power MOSFET
FET were installed in the same module to shorten the gate and the I-V characteristics of the developed SiC CMOS.
wire. Such a design cannot be achieved using a Si gate driver
owing to the effects of heat. 2. Design, fabrication, and method
The recent SiC devices function as not only switching
elements of main circuits, but also various gate drive cir- Figure 1(a) shows a schematic circuit of the system to mea-
cuits [17, 18, 19]. In addition, several researchers focused sure the switching phenomenon. This circuit primarily con-
on SiC integrated circuits with CMOS designs [17, 20, 21, sists of the SiC power MOSFET of the main circuit and
22, 23, 24, 25]. Recently, M. Barlow et al. realized exper- the SiC CMOS-based final output transistor (gate buffer)
of the gate driver. To measure the current and the volt-
1 National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technol- age in the double-pulse-test, a voltage probe (TPP0850,
ogy (AIST), 16-1 Onogawa, Tsukuba 305-8569, Japan Tektronix, Inc.), a Rogowski coil current probe (SS-284A,
a) a.yao@aist.go.jp Iwatsu Electric Co., Ltd.), and a digital phosphor oscillo-
scope (DPO5104, Tektronix, Inc.) were used. The induc-
DOI: 10.1587/elex.18.20210234 tance L was 5 mH.
Received May 24, 2021
Accepted June 4, 2021
Figure 1(b) shows a photograph of the developed module.
Publicized June 14, 2021 This module consists of a SiC MOSFET (UMOS [26] of
Copyedited July 25, 2021

Copyright © 2021 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.18, No.14, 1–5

Fig. 2 Typical gate charge waveform for the UMOS at 600 V and 20 A.

containing two connected substrates and the snubber circuit

without a SiC CMOS gate buffer. In addition, when the
capacitor and the snubber resistor for high-temperature op-
eration are used [15, 16], this module can operate at 250◦ C.
Hereinafter, the module developed to reduce the inductance
of both the main circuit and gate wire is called “the two
low-inductance module”.
In our study, the switching time tsw of Vds was estimated
based on the gate (Qg ) charge of the UMOS and I-V char-
acteristics of the SiC CMOS gate buffer. Based on the Qg
results, the switching time tsw of Vds is estimated as fol-
lows [12, 27, 28]:
tsw ≃ 0.8 × , (1)
where Qgd denotes the gate-drain charge [12] and Ig is the
gate current calculated based on the I-V characteristics of
the SiC CMOS gate buffer. Here 0.8 means 10%-90% of the
total switching time. In this study, Ig under the turn-on and
Fig. 1 (a) Schematic of the setup for the switching test, (b) photograph turn-off condition is given by
of the fabricated module for the high-speed drive; this module can reduce Vdd − Vg
the inductances of the main circuit and gate wire, (c) photograph of the Ig = (for turn-on), (2)
fabricated SiC CMOS gate buffer. Vdspmos /Idspmos + Rgin
Ig = (for turn-off), (3)
TPEC (Tsukuba Power Electronics Constellation), the block- Vdsnmos /Idsnmos + Rgin
ing voltage is 1,200 V, the typical on-resistance is about 50 where Idsnmos (Idspmos ) denotes the drain-source current and
mΩ, the typical internal gate resistance Rgin is about 4 Ω, Vdsnmos (Vdspmos ) are the drain-source voltage of the NMOS
and the die size is 3 × 3 mm2 ), a diode (TPEC, the block- (PMOS) in the SiC CMOS. Figure 2 shows the gate charge
ing voltage is 1,200 V and the die size is 3 × 3 mm2 ), the waveforms of the UMOS at 600 V and 20 A. The Qg
developed SiC CMOS, a decoupling capacitor Cd (100 nF, results were derived from the measurement and extrapolation
C0805C104J5RACTU, KEMET Co.), and an internal snub- results obtained using the Power Device Analyzer/Curve
ber circuit that has one resistor (1 Ω, WK73S2HTTE1R00F, Tracer (B1505A, Keysight Technologies, Inc.). In Fig. 2, the
KOA Speer Electronics, Inc.) and one capacitor (10 nF, region indicated by the blue arrow shows Qgd corresponding
CKG32KC0G3A103J335AJ, TDK Co.). In this module, to about 15.6 nC. Thus, for example, to realize a switching
since the SiC CMOS gate buffer is installed inside the mod- time of about 6 ns, the output current of SiC CMOS gate
ule, the gate wire is shorter compared to the wire in the case buffer during the Miller plateau of UMOS should be more
that the gate buffer is placed outside the module. In addition, than about 2 A derived from Eq. (1).
the inductance of the main circuit is reduced to realize the Figure 1 (c) shows a photograph (top view) of the devel-
high-speed switching of the SiC power MOSFET. This re- oped SiC CMOS gate buffer. In this study, only the final out-
duction is achieved by connecting two silicon-nitride active put transistor (gate buffer) was fabricated using SiC CMOS
metal-brazed (SiN-AMC) copper substrates together and by technology because its transistor is the most important part
incorporating a snubber circuit inside the module. In other of the gate driver. To achieve large current output charac-
words, the inductance between P and N terminals shown in teristics (e.g. more than about 2 A) of the SiC CMOS, the
Fig. 1 is reduced. See Refs. [15, 16] for details of the module fabricated SiC CMOS was parallelized. Here, the number

IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.18, No.14, 1–5

of parallels is 1,200 and one unit is 100 µm. The approx- obtained an output current on the order of several amperes.
imate dimensions of SiC CMOS gate buffer are 1.2 × 2.8 Figure 4(a) shows the experimental turn-off and turn-on
mm (active area) without pads. The thickness of the gate waveforms of Vds and Ids under a switching condition of a DC
oxide film is 90 nm. In our SiC CMOS gate buffer, the ratio bus voltage of 600 V and a load current of 20 A with Vdd of
of the areas PMOS and NMOS is 1:1. For further details, 20 V in the double-pulse-test. Figures 4(b) and (c) indicate
see the fabrication process of the SiC CMOS component the experimental turn-off and turn-on waveforms of Vds at
in Ref [25], wherein the process employed was almost the
same as that in this study. The internal resistance of the SiC
CMOS gate buffer acted as the gate resistor, and no external
gate resistor was used [17]. Note that this internal resistance
is a nonliear resistor that depends on the applied voltage.

3. Results and discussion

Figures 3(a) and (b) show the I-V characteristics of the

NMOS and PMOS, respectively, in the SiC CMOS as mea-
sured by the curve tracer (CS-3200, Iwatsu Electric Co.,
Ltd.). To obtain the I-V characteristics, the drain-source cur-
rent Idsnmos (Idspmos ) and the drain-source voltage of Vdsnmos
(Vdspmos ) are measured at the gate-source Vgsnmos = 20, 25,
and 30 V (Vgspmos = −20, −25, and −30 V) of the NMOS
(PMOS) in the SiC CMOS. The output characteristics of the
NMOS and PMOS are almost identical. Note that the value
of V/I in these figures is the internal resistance of the SiC
CMOS gate buffer that corresponds to the gate resistance
for UMOS. The absolute values of drain-source current
increase with an increase in the absolute values of Vgsnmos
and Vgspmos . In the developed SiC CMOS gate buffer, we

Fig. 4 Experimental turn-off and turn-on waveforms of the main circuit

at 600 V and 20 A when using the developed module and SiC CMOS. (a)
Current and voltage waveforms at Vdd = 20 V, (b) Vds waveforms of the
turn-off operation at Vdd = 20, 25, and 30 V, (c) Vds waveforms of the turn-
on operation at Vdd = 20, 25, and 30 V, and (d) Vds waveforms of turn-on
operation at Vdd = 30 V with the SiC CMOS gate buffer placed outside
(switching time: 7.2 ns) and inside (switching time: 4.8 ns) the module,
Fig. 3 Typical I -V characteristics of SiC CMOS. (a) NMOS and (b)
for comparison purpose.

IEICE Electronics Express, Vol.18, No.14, 1–5

inductance module and the internal SiC CMOS gate buffer

allowed faster switching than when using the Si gate driver.
In Fig. 5, the gray (♦) and yellow (•) points indicate the
switching time of Vds as a function of Vdd calculated from
Eqs. (1), (2), and (3) during the turn-on and turn-off opera-
tions. The values were calculated using a circuit simulator
(PSIM, Powersim). For this calculation, the Qg charge of the
UMOS is as shown in Fig. 2, and I-V characteristics of the
SiC CMOS gate buffer are as shown in Fig. 3. The calculated
switching time in Fig. 5 is consistent with the experimental
switching time. The gate current during the Miller plateau
increases with an increase in Vdd . Thus, when Vdd increases,
the turn-on and turn-off switching time decrease. These cal-
Fig. 5 Experimental and calculated switching time of Vds as a function culation results show that for the developed SiC CMOS gate
of Vdd when using the SiC CMOS gate buffer. The gray and yellow points
buffer with an output current of more than 2 A during the
are calculated from Eqs. (1), (2), and (3).
Miller plateau, the switching time less than about 6 ns can be
achieved for the main circuit at Vdd = 30 V. The average er-
Vdd = 20, 25, and 30 V. The green (■) and blue (▲) points rors between the calculated and experimental times are only
in Fig. 5 shows the experimental switching time during the about 14% within the parameter range of this study. It is
turn-on and turn-off operation of Vds as a function of Vdd . In considered that the slight differences between experimental
the switching test, the maximum Vin of the SiC CMOS gate and calculated results arise because factors such as the volt-
buffer was set to the same value as Vdd . The switching time age dependence of UMOS input capacitance, the influence
of Vds during the turn-off operation is defined as the rising of the parasitic component, and so on are neglected. In the
time of the voltage from 10% to 90% of the DC bus voltage. future, more accurate numerical calculations of high-speed
The switching time of Vds during the turn-on operation is switching of the main circuit when using SiC CMOS gate
defined as the falling time of the voltage to decrease from buffer and the module will be performed. In this study, the
90% to 10% of the DC bus voltage. Here, the experimental fast switching of main circuits when using the developed SiC
switching time in the turn-on operation was about 4.8 ns CMOS gate buffer and the two low-inductance module for
at Vdc = 600 V, Ids = 20 A, and Vdd = 30 V. In addition, a high-speed drive at room temperature was experimentally
we experimentally realized a switching time of about 6.0 ns demonstrated. In future studies, the high-speed switching
during the turn-off operation at Vdd = 30 V. A peak overshoot characteristics of this module at high temperatures will be
of about 690 V was observed at Vdc = 600 V and Ids = 20 A; examined. This study paves the way for further research to-
this value representing about 15% overshoot of the DC bus ward higher-speed switching operations, prevention of false
voltage. The surge voltage was suppressed to less than about turn-off/on, and the precise gate control. High-speed switch-
90 V. Here, the turn-on switching speed dV/dt is about −100 ing also helps reducing iron losses in the magnetic cores used
V/ns, whereas the turn-off switching speed is about 80 V/ns. in motors and inductors [29, 30].
Figure 4(d) shows the waveforms of the turn-on operation at
Vdd = 30 V with the SiC CMOS gate buffer placed outside 4. Conclusions
(switching time: 7.2 ns, switching speed: −67 V/ns) and
inside (switching time: 4.8 ns, switching speed: −100 V/ns) We focused on the high-speed switching operation of a SiC
the module for comparing the two situations. When the SiC power MOSFET in the main circuit when using a module for
CMOS gate buffer is located outside the module, the gate the high-speed drive and SiC CMOS gate buffer. To quickly
wiring is about 80 mm long; this length is almost the same as charge and discharge the gate capacitor (i.e. to realize high-
that in previous studies [15, 16]. These results show that the speed switching) of the SiC power MOSFET, we developed
switching time can be shortened by reducing the parasitic a SiC CMOS gate buffer with large current output charac-
inductance of the gate wire (by placing the SiC CMOS gate teristics (the CMOS output current is more than about 2 A)
buffer inside the module) and by increasing the gate current. during the Miller plateau of the UMOS. Then we developed
A pioneering study [17], in which a SiC CMOS gate driver a module that incorporates the SiC CMOS gate buffer and
was used, realized turn-on and turn-off switching speeds of SiC power MOSFET of the main circuit. This integrated
about −24 V/ns and 30 V/ns, respectively; in this study, we module was composed of two SiN-AMC substrates con-
achieved about 4.2 and 2.7 times the turn-on and turn-off nected together and of a snubber circuit. This module can
switching speeds, respectively, in the pioneering study. In reduce the inductance of both main circuit and gate wire.
other previous studies [15, 16] that employed almost the When using the developed module and SiC CMOS gate
same module as the one used in this study and an external buffer, we experimentally achieved the turn-on and turn-off
Si gate driver, the switching speed was about −40 V/ns switching speeds of about −100 and 80 V/ns, respectively, at
during the turn-on operation and about 50 V/ns during the 600 V and 20 A. The approximate switching time was cal-
turn-off operation for a waveform change defined from 10% culated based on the Qg charge of the power MOSFET and
to 90%. With regard to the Si gate driver, the switching I-V characteristics of the developed SiC CMOS gate buffer.
speed is regulated because the gate buffer cannot be placed These results will provide a reference for further work to-
within the module owing to the heating effects. The two low-

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