This document discusses physical education and the importance of physical activity and fitness. It defines physical education as aiming to contribute to total student development through selected physical activities. The goals of physical education include physical, mental, and social development. It also outlines the legal basis and objectives of teaching physical education according to the Philippine constitution. Overall, the key message is that physical education is important for developing a healthy lifestyle and avoiding illnesses by achieving total fitness.
This document discusses physical education and the importance of physical activity and fitness. It defines physical education as aiming to contribute to total student development through selected physical activities. The goals of physical education include physical, mental, and social development. It also outlines the legal basis and objectives of teaching physical education according to the Philippine constitution. Overall, the key message is that physical education is important for developing a healthy lifestyle and avoiding illnesses by achieving total fitness.
This document discusses physical education and the importance of physical activity and fitness. It defines physical education as aiming to contribute to total student development through selected physical activities. The goals of physical education include physical, mental, and social development. It also outlines the legal basis and objectives of teaching physical education according to the Philippine constitution. Overall, the key message is that physical education is important for developing a healthy lifestyle and avoiding illnesses by achieving total fitness.
This document discusses physical education and the importance of physical activity and fitness. It defines physical education as aiming to contribute to total student development through selected physical activities. The goals of physical education include physical, mental, and social development. It also outlines the legal basis and objectives of teaching physical education according to the Philippine constitution. Overall, the key message is that physical education is important for developing a healthy lifestyle and avoiding illnesses by achieving total fitness.
P.E. Instructor Introduction • Physical Education today has the potential of contributing to the enhancement of positive lifestyle changes which ultimately lead to a better quality of life. This means that through physical education, the individual can acquire sufficient knowledge and understanding, activity skills, and desirable attitudes that will eventually contribute to his/her well-being. In the process, he/she can achieve total fitness which will enable him/her to avoid common illnesses, use leisure wisely, practice safety from harm, and overcome life’s stresses. Introduction • Now that you are in your c ollege education, you already have learned some things about physical education and physical fitness. You might think being physically fit is too difficult for you to achieve, but there are people and resources that c an help you to achieve this goal. • Ac hieving fitness is a lifelong proc ess. It should be a part of your lifestyle. It is not something that is practiced only while in school, but it should be done for the rest of your life. Ultimately, physical education c an c ontribute towards a relatively long and happy life. WHAT IS PHYSICAL EDUCATION? • Physical Education is an integral part of the educational program design to promote the optimum development of an individual physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. Through total body movements in the performance of properly selected physic al a ctivities. • The term also refers to an important segment of general education whic h aims to c ontribute to the total development of the students through participation in properly selected physical activities. It provides opportunities to acquire lifelong skills that are essential to the physical, mental, social and emotional development of the students. • PHYSICAL EDUCATION program is needed to increase physical competence, health-related fitness, motivation and enjoyment of physical activity for all students so that they can be physically active for a lifetime. LEGAL BASIS FOR TEACHING PHYSICAL EDUCATION • 1901 – Physical Exercise was one of the subjects in the public schools. • 1920 – P.E. was made a required subject in the curriculum of all public schools. • 1937 – P.E. was made curricular subject in the secondary school curriculum. • 1969 – The school of P.E. and sports development act of 1969 was enacted. • 1982 – MAPE was introduced LEGAL BASIS FOR PHYSICAL EDUCATION • According to the Article 14 Section 19 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution. • Section 19. (1) The State shall promote physical education and encourage sports programs, league competitions, and amateur sports, including training for international competitions, to foster self- discipline, teamwork, and excellence for the development of a healthy and alert citizenry. • (2) All educational institutions shall undertake regular sports activities throughout the country in cooperation with athletic clubs and other sectors. FUNCTIONS OF P.E.
• Physical Development – Physical fitness, which is the
capacity of the body to engage in work and play without undue fatigue, is the foremost aim of physical education. • Mental Development – Focus is on the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, ability to analyze body movements and skills, evaluate game situations and make important decisions. • Social Development – A learner seldom gets into vigorous physical activity by himself/herself. He/she plays, dances, or exercises with people. • Emotional Development – Participating in varied physical activities enables one to acquire pleasant attitudes, desirable habits, appreciations and values. BENEFITS OF ACTIVE LIFESTYLE • You may be able to do daily activities more easily. • You can help to control your weight. • Being active can increase your health. • Your bones and muscles will get stronger. • Being active can help to improve your mood. The health benefits of regular exercise have been confirmed by hundreds of researches in the past 20 years.
WHO – World Health Organization
DOH – Department of Health What is a SEDENTARY life? SEDENTARY LIFE • Inactive lifestyle. • A lifestyle with a lot of sitting and lying down, with very little to no exercise. • Considered by the WHO as a significant risk factor in the development of many diseases.