1 MVGFCI Criminology - Tracer Study 2015-2018

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The MVGFCI Criminology Alumni: A Tracer Study (2015-2018)

Illuminada B. Santos, MM1, Iron Joseph B. Capulong, R. Crim1, Raymond S. Tabajonda, Ph.D.2,
Abegail Dela Cruz3
Faculty, Institute of Criminal Justice Education, Manuel V. Gallego Foudation Colleges Inc.
Dean, Institute of Criminal Justice Education, Manuel V. Gallego Foudation Colleges Inc.
Research Staff, Manuel V. Gallego Foudation Colleges Inc.

A descriptive research design was used in this tracer study to determine the employability
of 61 Criminology graduates of MVGFCI representing alumni from batches’ 2015-2018. It also
assessed why they pursue the Criminology program, how they landed their job, whether they
found their earned degree relevant to their employment, skills, and competencies acquired in
college instruction are useful for their job and their suggestions to further improve the curricular
offerings of the school.
Results indicated that BS Criminology degree is male-dominated. Majority of the
graduates are employed in job related to their course. They took BS Criminology because of the
influence of their parents, relatives, and peers, and their strong passion for the profession. In
addition, passing the Criminologist Board Examination is a guarantee among the graduates of the
Criminology program to get employed on a related job in the Philippine National Police (PNP),
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), and Bureau of Jail and
Management Penology (BJMP) and receiving a high salary. It was also seen that
communication and human relations skills were very useful before and during their employment.
To further improve the Criminology program of MVGFCI, the alumni respondents
suggested that the teaching of communication skills, human relations, and criminal investigation
should be enhanced. Graduating students should be provided with more relevant activities that
will further develop their capability to take pre-employment examinations and interviews.
Keywords: Criminology, tracer study, employability, skills, competencies

The Bachelor of Science in The BS Criminology program has a

Criminology is a 4-year college degree total of 177 units, broken down into 56 units
program intended for students who wanted of CHED mandated general education
to pursue a career in the fields of crime subjects, 121 units of professional courses,
prevention, crime detection and and a two-semester, 540-hours Practicum 1
investigation, law enforcement, public and 2/Community Immersion with 6 credit
safety, custody and rehabilitation of units. The unique feature of the program is
offenders, and criminological research, the students’ contribution to “police
among others. The mission of the program is visibility”.
to provide the community with Manuel V. Gallego Foundation
professionally competent and morally Colleges, Inc. (MVGFCI), is a private
upright graduates who can deliver efficient higher educational institution (HEI)
and effective services in the fields incorporated under the law, and recognized
mentioned above. It aims to foster the values by the Commission on Higher Education
of leadership, integrity, accountability, and (CHED) in 1962. It was later on converted
responsibility while serving their fellowmen, into a foundation on June 18, 1974. It
community, and country (CHED envisions to be among the leading
Memorandum Order No. 5, s. 2018). educational institution in Central Luzon that
is known for its accredited academic

programs, high ratings in nationally It is in this context that this tracer
recognized examinations, and high study was conducted. It aimed to determine
employment rate of graduates. the employability status of the Criminology
The Bachelor of Science in graduates and how they landed on their job,
Criminology program was first offered in and whether they found their earned degree,
1994 with ten (10) pioneering students. relevant to the job, or otherwise.
From then on, enrollment increased and Tracer Studies on Employment of
currently has 356 Criminology students. Graduates
Presently, the Institute of Criminal Justice “Today's challenging economic
Education (ICJE) has a Level II re- situation means that it is no longer sufficient
accredited status from the accrediting for a new graduate to have knowledge of an
agency, PACUCOA, and still pursuing a academic subject. Increasingly, it is
higher level of accreditation. necessary for students to gain skills that will
One of the objectives of MVGFC enhance their prospects of employment.
tracer study is to determine the career status Hence, higher education institutions must be
of its graduates, locally and abroad. A tracer responsive to these changes. Historically,
study is an assessment tool that provides academic institutions have tended to serve as
quantitative structural data on employment institutions for moral and intellectual
and career, the character of work and related development as well as centers of
competencies, and information on the civilization. With rapid economic
professional orientation, and experiences of development, they are now more utilitarian
their graduates (Millington, 2001, as cited with an emphasis on professional training.
by Pacatang, 2016). The collected data Their prime task is to ensure that education
contained important indicators of the and training are market-driven and
capability of higher educational institutions. responsive to the changing needs of the
CHED requires all HEI’s to conduct tracer various sectors of an economy." (Quoted
studies on their respective alumni. The from the speech delivered by Y.B. Datos Eri
results of the study will become important Mohamed Khaled Nordin, Minister of
tools in upgrading the educational system in Higher Education of Malaysia, in a seminar
the country (Gicana, Sapul, and Penetrante, entitled “Enhancing Graduate
2006, as cited by Pacatang, 2016). Employability: Issues, Concerns and the
Conduct a tracer study and is equally Way Forward”).
reflected as one of the required documents In a study conducted by Lalican
by any higher education accrediting body (2007), she emphasized that the acquisition
such as PACUCOA and AACCUP. The of knowledge in the undergraduate
accrediting agency provides areas of specialization, skills and competencies will
consideration to be looked upon during also promote productivity, efficiency and
accreditation such as curriculum, faculty, expertise in the graduates’ present job.
student services, organization, and research In Jarito Verona's (2017) research
and extension. According to Garcia (2003), entitled "A Tracer Study of the Employment
it was pointed out that tracer study is an Status of PUPQC AY 2004-2005", the study
important source of information to know determined the general profile and the
what happened to graduates of academic present employment status of the
programs in Higher Education Institutions respondents which were the graduates of
(HEIs). Polytechnic University of the Philippines
(PUP) for the academic year 2004-2005.

The tracer study was used as a method that a) reason(s) for taking the degree
is primarily intended to locate graduates of program;
academic institutions, past recipients of b) professional examinations passed;
scholarship grants, former participants and and
among other situations, to collect data and c) relevance and extensiveness of
update information about this type of seminars/training/advanced studies
individuals. This kind of study is also a tool pursued?
to generate or influence the decision-making 3. How may the employment background of
and planning of a certain institution about the graduates from batches 2015-2018 be
the development of the curriculum. described using the following indicators, as:
A tracer study was conducted by Dr. a) graduates employed in related
Maita LP. Guadamor (2017) concluded that field
passing the BS Criminology licensure - job search methods,
examination is a guarantee for immediate - job search length or waiting
employment and permanency in the job and time,
that most of the graduates are employed in - number and percentage
their field of specialization on permanent employed,
status. The study likewise disclosed that - length of stay in the job, and
graduates of the BS Criminology degree are - monthly salary;
trained to be equipped with several skills as b) graduates employed in an
their weapon to compete in the global unrelated field (underemployed) –
market of employment. As revealed by the - job search methods,
respondents, their human relations skills, - job search length or waiting
communication, problem-solving and time,
investigative skills are relevant in their - number and percentage
present job. It further claimed that they can employed,
easily adjust themselves in their respective - length of stay in the job, and
jobs because of the skills they possessed. - monthly salary.
c) graduates who are self-employed
Statement of the Problem –
This study aimed to determine the - number and percentage who
employability status of Criminology are self-employed, and
graduates from 2015-2018 of Manuel V. - kind of business.
Gallego Foundation Colleges, and the 4. What skills and competencies acquired in
relevance of the curriculum to job college are considered very useful to the
placement. job?
Specifically, the study sought 5. What do graduates suggest to improve the
answers to the following questions: curricular offerings of MVGFC?
1. What is the demographic profile of the
respondents in terms of: Significance of the Study
a) Age; This study provided information
b) Gender; about the employability status of
c) Civil Status; and Criminology graduates from 2015-2018 of
d) Highest Educational Attainment? Manuel V. Gallego Foundation Colleges,
2. What is the educational background of the Inc. and the relevance of the course to job
respondents as to:

placement. This is significant to the graduates who landed successfully in their
following: chosen field.
CHED. Being the key leader in Future Researchers. The results of
transforming college students towards study will serve as their reference for future
producing highly competent and productive studies. This tracer study will provide
professionals, this study provided relevant adequate information about the BS
information in improving the criminology Criminology graduates.
curriculum of HEIs.
Faculty. This will guide the Scope and Delimitation
teachers, educators and mentors in This study is limited to the
upgrading the standards of teaching by Criminology graduates of MVGFC batches’
continuously inculcating in the minds of the 2015-2018. It focused on determining the
student’s competitiveness and excellence in general profile of the respondents, their
their area of specialization, and by present employment status, and the
cultivating and advancing academically relevance of its curriculum to job placement.
skilled students. There are 61 respondents of this study.
Government, specifically the
Department of Labor and Employment Definition of Terms
(DOLE). This will give them baseline For a better understanding of the
information in promoting gainful research, the following terms are
employment opportunities to develop human operationally defined as used in this study:
resources, protect the worker, promote their Demographic profile. This study, it
welfare, and maintain industrial peace. This refers to the personal profile of graduates in
will guide them in pursuing their mission of terms of their age, gender, civil status, and
attaining full, decent and productive highest educational attainment.
employment for every Filipino worker. Employed. One who is currently
MVGFC. This study will be a working, including the part-time workers
significant basis in initiating and and self-employed.
implementing development plans in its Employment profile. It considers
academic curriculum since this study will important personal qualities such as
provide information about the graduates' academic background, professional skills,
chosen careers. This will serve as their and employment experiences.
reference point in improving current Employment status. It refers to the
programs and in designing new programs state of respondents’ employment, whether
that will address the real training needs of they are employed, or unemployed.
the students. Unemployed. It refers to those who
Parents. This will serve as their are not currently working, or the graduates
guide in encouraging and motivating their who failed to look for a job, or those who
children to be serious in their studies, and decided not to work.
look up at their children’s long-term
educational career with great affirmation Conceptual Framework
that they will end up having a good job after The conceptual framework that
the 4-year course. guided this study is shown in Figure 1. The
Students. This will serve as their inputs consisted of the demographic profile
motivation to study harder - that there are of the respondents in terms of age, civil
status, sex, occupation, year graduated, and

educational and employment background of process of picking out people in the most
the graduates. The process consists of convenient way to immediately get their
administration of questionnaire, data reaction to a certain hot and controversial
gathering, statistical treatment of data and issue (Pacatang, 2016). The respondents
analysis and discussion; while the output is were selected through a non-probability
the result of the study – their employment convenience sampling method wherein
information, employment rate, and problems readily available respondents and most
encountered while seeking employment, and accessible to the researcher were chosen.
acquired skills that contributed to their Data Gathering Instrument
employability. The main instrument used in data
gathering was the survey questionnaire
developed by CHED and modified by the
Tracer Study team of MVGFC upon the
approval of the institutional experts based on
related studies and literature to suit the
present undertaking.
Data Gathering Procedure
After validation of the questionnaire,
it was distributed and administered
personally or through e-mail by the
researchers to the BS Criminology
graduates’ batches 2015-2018. Respondents
were given ample time to respond. The
Figure 1. The Research Paradigm respondents were assured of the
confidentiality of their responses.
Methods Statistical Treatment of Data
Research Design The data gathered were treated using
This study used the descriptive the frequency counts, percentage and
method of research where data are collected ranking.
to test the various hypotheses. Calderon Results
(2006) stated that descriptive research is a Profile of the Respondents
purposive process of gathering, analyzing, The profile of the respondents
classifying and tabulating data about includes age, gender, civil status, and
prevailing conditions, processes, trends and highest educational attainment.
cause and effect relationship, while making Table 1 below shows that majority of
an adequate and accurate interpretation of the respondents are males, with age level 34-
such data with or without the aid of 36 years old. This indicates that majority of
statistical method. students taking up BS Criminology are
The respondents of the study were Table 1. Age and Gender of Respondents
sixty-one (61) BS Criminology graduates of Age Frequency Percentage
MVGFC from 2015-2018. The researchers Range M F Tota M F Total
made use of the non-probability sampling (years) l
method. In this sampling design, the 30-33 10 1 11 18.5 14.3 18.03
respondents were selected based on 34-36 35 5 40 64.8 71.4 65.67
convenience. Convenience sampling is a 37-39 9 1 10 16.7 14.3 16.39

Total 54 7 61 100 100 100 models
5. Strong passion 18 29.53
As to the civil status of respondents for the
as shown in Table 2, majority (91.80%) of profession
them are still single, and those married 6. Prospect for 15 24.59
accounted only 8.20% of the respondents. immediate
Table 2. Civil Status of Respondents Total 61 100
Civil Frequency Percentage
Status M F Total M F Total Professional Examination Taken by the
Single 49 7 56 90.7 100 91.80 Respondents
4 Table 4 below shows that majority of
Married 5 0 5 9.26 0 8.20
the graduates passed the Criminologist
Total 54 7 61 100 100 100
Board Exam with the frequency of 48
(78.69%). Only 12 or 19.68% of the
Reasons for taking the BS Criminilogy
respondents did not pass the licensure
examination, and one respondent did not
Table 3 identified the reasons of the
take the exam.
respondents in taking the BS Criminology
program. It shows that the influence of
Table 4. Professional Examination is taken
parents, relatives and/or peers got the
by the Respondents.
highest frequency of 19 (31.15%), followed
Criminologist Frequency Percentage
by 18 (29.53%) graduates with a strong Board Exam
passion for the profession. Prospect for Takers
immediate employment ranked third among Passed 48 78.69
the reasons for taking the BS Criminology Failed 12 19.68
program. Good grades in high school and Did not take the 1 1.63
high grades in the course or subject areas exam
related to the course were the least reasons Total 61 100
for taking the program, with one (1) and two
(2) frequencies, respectively. Number of Employed Respondents
Among the 61 respondents, 23 were
Table 3. Reasons for taking the BS employed with a percentage of 37.70; 11 of
Criminology Program. them were employed in related fields, the
Reasons Frquen Percenta same number were employed in not related
cy ge field, and only one respondent is self-
1. High grades in 2 3.27 employed
the course or
subject areas Table 5. Number of Respondents Employed
related to the to Related and Not Related Job
coutrse Employed to Frequency Percentage
2. Good grades in 1 1.63 Related Job
high school PNP 6 26.09
AFP 2 8.70
3. Influence of 19 31.15
BFP 1 4.35
BJMP 2 8.70
Subtotal: 11 47.83
4. Inspired by role 6 9.83
Employed to Frequency Percentage Lack of 8 15.79
Not Related Experience
Job With 13 34.22
Self Employed 1 4.35 application at
Service and 8 34.78 PNP
Reviewing for 9 23.68
Construction 3 13.04
Subtotal: 12 52.17
board exam
Total of 23 100 Waiting for 3 7.89
Employed: result of Board
Percentage of Employed 37.70 Exam
Respondents (23 out of 61) Not looking 2 5.26
for a Job
Total 38 100
Table 6 shows that majority of the
respondents who are already employed are Salary Ranges
in their first job, representing 73.91% of the Table 8 indicates that 11 out of 23
samples, and only 26.09% replied that they employed graduates are receiving a salary of
have previous employment. more than ₱20,000.00, eight are receiving
less than ₱10,000.00 and only four are
Table 6. Frequency and Percentage receiving salaries ranging from ₱10,000.00
Distribution of Respondents according to to ₱20,000.00.
First Job after Graduation
First Job Frequency Percentage Table 8. Salary Ranges of Employed
After Respondents.
College Salary Range Frequency Percentage
First Job 17 73.91 Less than ₱10,000 8 34.78
Not their 6 26.09 ₱10,000 - ₱20,000 4 17.39
first Job More than ₱20,000 11 47.83
Total 23 100 Total 23 100

Table 7 below shows the reasons Skills and Competencies Acquired in

why respondents are not yet employed. It College
indicates that majority (34.22%) has a Based on the answers of the
pending application with PNP; followed by respondents as shown in Table 9,
those who were reviewing for the board communication skills acquired during their
exam (23.68%) next is lack of experience undergraduate days in the Criminology
and no job opportunity, with 15.78% and program are the most useful (60.87%) in
13.16%, respectively. The least reason for their jobs, followed by human relation skills
being not employed yet is "not looking for a (43.49%) and critical thinking skills
job". (21.74%). The least needed were problem
and entrepreneurial skills (13.04%) and
Table 7. Reasons why Respondents are Not skills in information technology (8.70%).
Yet Employed
Reasons Frequency Percentage Table 9. Skills and competencies acquired
No job 5 13.16 in college
opportunity Skills & Frequency Percentage

Competencies age ranges from 34-36 years old. Majority of
Communication 14 60.87 the respondents are still single, with 91.8%,
Skills and those married are only 8.2%.
Human 10 43.49 Educational Background
Relation Skills The main reason for taking the
Critical 5 21.74 Criminology program is the influence of
Thinking Skills parents, relatives and peers, with 31.15%,
Information 2 8.70 followed closely by a strong passion for the
Technology profession, with 29.53% of the total
Skills respondents.
Problem- 3 13.04 Forty-eight percent of the respondents
Solving Skills passed the Criminologist Board
Enterpreneurial 3 13.04 examination; the rest did not pass the
Skill licensure examination, and only one did not
*multiple response take the same. Nobody among the graduates
has pursued graduate studies yet.
Suggestions Given to Improve Curricular Of the 61 respondents, only 23 or
Offerings 37.71% were employed. Eleven or 18.03%
Table 10 presents the suggestions of of them landed with a related job, as the
the respondents to further improve the Philippine National Police (PNP), Armed
curricular offerings of MVGFC. Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Bureau of
Enhancement of teaching communication Fire Protection (BFP) and Bureau of Jail and
skills got the highest frequency of 25 Management Penology (BJMP). The same
(40.98%), followed by human relations and number are employed in non-related jobs,
criminal investigation, with 20 and 18 such as service crew and construction, and
frequencies, respectively. Computer literacy only one is self-employed. The main reason
got the lowest frequency of 9. why majority of the respondents are not yet
employed is that they have pending
Table 10. Suggestions to improve the applications with the PNP. Others are
curricular offerings of MVGFC reviewing for the board exam, and some are
Suggested Frequenc Percentage unemployed yet due to lack of experience.
Course y Majority of those employed are on
Communication 25 40.98 their first job after graduation, with 73.91%,
Skills and are receiving a gross monthly salary of
Criminal 18 29.51 more than P20,000.00.
Investigation As to skills and competencies they
acquired in college which they believe to be
Computer 9 14.75
very useful to their job, communication
skills ranked first, followed by human
Human 20 32.79
relations skills.
Suggestions to further improve the
*multiple responses were given
curricular offerings of MVGFC.
To further improve the curricular
offerings of MVGFC, the respondents
Profile of the Respondents.
suggested to enhance the teachings of
The BS Criminology graduates’
batch 2015-2018 is male-dominated, with

communication skills, human relations, and 4. Tracer study should be conducted
criminal investigation. regularly to get more up-to-date information
on the employability status of the graduates.
Conclusion 5. There should be a Guidance
Based on the findings of the study, Placement Service to help graduates seek
the following conclusions were drawn: employment to minimize the
1. The BS Criminology degree is underemployment of their alumni.
2. Majority of the graduates have
passed the criminology licensure
examination. However, only more than one-
third are employed. References
3. They took the BS Criminology Calderon, (2006). Methods of Research of
because of the influence of parents, relatives Thesis Unity. National Book Store,
and peers, and their strong passion for the Manila.
profession. Gicana, Sapul and Penetrante, (2006).
4. Passing the Criminologist Board Tracer Study for the CPU College of
examination is a requirement to get Computer Studies Graduates
employed on job related to their course. from 2001 to 2005.
5. Respondents who are working in Gines, Adelaida C. (2014). Study of PNU
related job were employed in the Philippine Graduates. American International
National Police (PNP), Armed Forces of the Journal of Contemporary Research.
Philippines (AFP), Bureau of Fire Protection Vol. 4 No.3.
(BFP), and Bureau of Jail and Management Guadamor, Maita LP. and Jim E. Eusebio,
Penology (BJMP), receiving high salaries. (2017). A Tracer Study on the BS
6. Communication and human Criminology Graduates in CSU-
relations skills are very useful before and Piat Campus, Piat, Cagayan,
during their employment. Philippines.
Lalican, Nenita M. (2016). Tracer Study of
Recommendations Agriculture Students, University of the
Based on the summary of findings Philippines, Los Banos, Laguna.
and conclusions, the following Millington, C. (2001). The use of tracer
recommendations are offered: study to enhancing relevance and
1. To further improve the curricular marketability in online and distance
offerings of MVGFC, it is suggested to education. Cited by Pacatang, David
enhance teachings of communication skills, Harold (2016) in Tracer Study of BS
human relations and criminal investigation. Criminology Graduates of Jose Rizal
2. Graduates, whether employed or not, Memorial State University.
should be encouraged to pursue higher Pacatang, David Harold, (2016). Tracer
education to gain more knowledge and skills Study of BS Criminology Graduates
pertaining to the course taken and for of Jose Rizal Memorial State
promotion to those employed. University. Dipolog City. Philippines.
3. The Institute should create an online Verona, Jarito, (2017) “A Tracer Study of
group to trace the graduates and to serve as the Employment Status of PUPQCAY
the storage of data for future researches. 2004-2005”, Polytechnic

University of the Philippines, Quezon


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