MBA-4302: International Business (IB)

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MBA-4302: International Business (IB)

Unit-I: Introduction to International Business: Introduction to International

Business, Elements of International Business, Globalisation.

Unit-II: International Trade theories and their application: Introduction, Why do

nations trade, Theories of International trade- mercantilism, Absolute
advantage, Comparative advantage, Heckscher- Ohlin, Product life cycle
theory and Porter’s diamond model.

Unit-III: International Business Environment: Introduction, Economic

Environment, Political Environment, Demographic environment, Legal

Unit-IV: Culture and International Business: Introduction, Meaning of Culture,

Country Culture, and Culture in an International Business Organization.

Unit-V: Foreign Investments- Types and Motives: Foreign investments, types of

foreign investments, motives.

Unit-VI: Regional integration: Introduction, Overview of Regional Integration,

Types of Integration, Regional Trading Arrangements, India and Trade
Suggested Readings:
1. Charls W L Hill,International Business: Competing in Global Market
Place,International Edition,2012
2. Ghemawat, Redifining Global Stategy: Crossing Borders in a World where
Difference Still Matter
3. Mike W Ping,Global Business, 4 th Edition,Cengage
4. Richard D Lewin, Where Cultures Collide, 3 rd Edition.
5. Kamal Fatehi & Jeongho Choi, International Business Management
6. Hans Jansson, International Business Strategy in Emerging Country Markets,EE
MBAE-1311: Corporate Governance (CG)

Unit-I: Understanding a Corporation and its facets– Corporation as a Complex Adaptive

System– Governance types– Governance and Management–Governance
theories–Separation of Ownership and Control–Instances of good and bad
governance practices.

Unit-II: Directors vis-à-vis monitoring a corporation– Directors in historical

perspective– Types of Directors–Board Duties: The Legal Framework–Board:
Structure, Size–Director Effectiveness–Board Committee Types.

Unit-III: Management—Performance Relationship–Issues relating to Executive

compensation–Stock Options– Recent Shareholder Concerns–Best Governance
practices–Corporate Fraud: significant cases.
Unit-IV: Important Corporate Governance codes and Principles in India–International
Corporate Governance: Corporate governance practices in USA, UK and other

Unit-V: HR perspective of Corporate Governance: Personal and Interpersonal

governance–Integration of Employees, Owners and directors–Employees:
Compensation and Ownership–Future directions of Corporate Governance.

Suggested Readings:
1. R. Monks and N. Minow, Corporate Governance, Blackwell Publishing.
2. E. Yocam and A. Choi, Corporate Governance, A Board Director's Pocket Guide:
Leadership, diligence and Wisdom, iUniverse.
3. A. C. Fernando, Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices, Pearson
Education India.
4. Lynn McGregor, The Human Face of Corporate Governance, Palgrave Macmillan
5. B Tricker, R I Tricker, Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices,
Oxford University Press.
MBAE-2308: Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (CSRS)

Unit-I: Corporate social responsibility(CSR): Fundamentals, Evolution, Why and when

to apply CSR, strategic rationale—Corporate Social Responsibility Theories,
Carroll’s Model of CSR –CSR and Corporate citizenship, drivers of corporate
citizenship, business’s interest in corporate citizenship, Relevance of CSR in 21 st
century— Social Accounts Matrix—Important Social Indicators vis-à-vis CSR.

Unit-II: Strategic CSR—Competing Strategy Perspectives, The Resource perspective,

The Industry perspective, The Stakeholder perspective—The strategic context
of CSR—The integration of CSR into strategy and culture—The CSR Filter—
Obligations under Law, Environmental Protection, Fair Trade Practices, Health
and Well-being of underprivileged People, Social Welfare and Community
Development Activities, CSR Threshold— Designing CSR programmes:
Obligations, Innovativeness and Effectiveness.

Unit-III: CSR and Corporate Sustainability: Conceptual Dimensions - Sustainability as

Business Imperative—Corporate Sustainability Reporting: Frameworks, Trend
and Imperatives–CSR, Corporate Reputation and Vulnerability.

Unit-IV: UN global compact—global corporate citizenship, national and international

guidelines— Global Practices of CSR, Emerging issues and challenges in
CSR— Legislations and CSR in India— CSR and the relevant provisions in
Companies Act, 2013.

Unit-V: Implementation of Effective CSR and Sustainability orpgrammes: Imperatives

and Actions—Sentising the CSR Department and Networking—CSR, Business
strategy and corporate culture: Integrative perspective— Implementing CSR in
MNCs, MSMEs, Family Businesses and non-profit organization—CSR Best
Practices in India— CSR in the emerging perspective of ‘New Normal’.

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