MComPart I Syllabus Rev

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Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Pag

Revised Draft Syllabus For

M.Com. Part-I
(As per U.G.C. model curriculum)
Introduced from June 2003 and Onwards (Subject to the modifications will be made from time to time)

Note : For related ordinances, rules & regulations please download from the Online Syllabus website viz.

srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 2

INDEX M. Com - I
(Introduced from June, 2003) Sr.

Name of the Subject


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Compulsory Papers : 1 2 Management Concepts & Organisational Behaviour Managerial Economics

Special Groups :
3 4 5 6 Gr. a : Paper-I Advanced Accountancy Paper-II Advanced Accountancy

Gr. b : Paper-I Advanced Costing Paper-II Advanced Costing Gr. c : Paper-I Taxation Paper-II Taxation Gr. d : Paper-I Paper-II Advanced Banking & Financial System Advanced Banking & Financial System Bank Management Co-Operation & Rural Development Principles of Co-Operation Co-Operation & Rural Development Rural Economy of India Business Administration - Introduction to Business Administration Business Administration - Functional Areas of Management Secretarial Practice Secretarial Practice- Business Correspondance

Gr. e : Paper-I Paper-II

Gr. f : Paper-I Paper-II

Gr. g : Paper-I Paper-II Gr. h : Paper-I


Small Business & Entrepreneurship Management-Entrepreneurship Management Paper-II Small Business & Entrepreneurship Management-Management of small scale Industry

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No. No. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 Gr. i : Paper-I Paper-II 12 Gr. j : Paper-I Paper-II Gr.k : Paper-I Paper-II Organised Markets & TransportationOrganised Markets Organised Markets & TransportationTransport Insurance-Fundamentals of Insurance Insurance-Principles & Practice of Life & Health Insurance Advanced Statistics-Statistical Models For Business Dicisions Advanced Statistics-Design of Experiments And Sampling Techniques


M.Com Part I and II - Equivalence

Pre-Revised I). Compulsory Papers:1. Management Information System 2. Applied Economics & Development 3. Management Accountancy 4. Business Finance II) Optional Papers: I, II, III & IV 1. Advanced Accountancy 2. Advanced Cost Accountancy 3. Taxation 4. Human Resource Management 5. Marketing Management 6. Entrepreneurship Development 7. Production & Financial Management 8. International Business 9. Co-operation and Rural Development 10. Industrial Structure and Policy 11. Banking and Finance 12. Labour Economics & Policy 13. Applied Statistics 14. Secretarial Practice & Law 15. Portfolio Management and Environmental 16. Co-operative Structure & Management, Finance & Audit 17. Management of Business Services 18. Tourism &Hotel Management


I). Compulsory Papers:1. Management concepts & organisational Behaviour 2. Managerial Economics 3. Management Accounting 4. Business Finance To II) Optional Papers: I, II, III & IV 1. Advanced Accountancy 2. Advanced Costing 3. Taxation 4. Business Administration 5. Organised Markets & Transportation 6. Small Business& Enterpreneurship Management 7. Business Administration 8. Advanced Banking & Financial System 9. Co-operation and Rural Development 10. Advanced Banking &Financial System 11. Advanced Banking &Financial System 12. Advanced Banking &Financial System 13. Applied Statistics 14. Secretarial Practice 15. Business Administration 16. Co-operation & Rural Development 17. Business Administration 18. Business Administration

(N.B.: - Equivalence be considered in respective paper only.)


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Shivaji University, Kolhapur M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003

Compulsory Paper

1. School of Management Thoughts : Introduction to Scientific process,

human behaviour and social system school; Decision theory school, Quantitative and system school; Contingency theory of management.
2. Managerial Functions : Planning , Concept, significance and types;

Organising- concept, principles, Basis of Organisation structure- Division of work, Hierarchy, co-ordination, Staffing; Directing; and Control- nature, process and techniques.
3. Organisational Behaviour- Organisational behaviour- concept and

significance, contributing disciplines to OB, Relationship between management and organisational behaviour; Emergence and ethical perspective
4. Foundation of Individual Behaviour- Ability, Personality, Learning,

Perception, Values , Attitudes, Job satisfaction

5. Foundation of Group Behaviour : Group- definition and importance, types

of group, group formation, group development, group composition, group performance factors; Principle-centred approach to team development
6. Motivation : Process of motivation; Theories of motivation- need hierarchy

theory, theory X , theory Y and theory Z, two factor theory, Alderfers ERG theroy, McClelands learned need theory, Victor Vrooms expectancy theory

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7. Leadership: Concept; Leadership styles; Theories-trait theory, behavioural

theory, Fielders contingency theory, Harsey and Blanchards theory; Managerial grid; Likerts four system of leadership. 8. Organisational Conflict: Dynamics and management; Sources, patterns, levels, and types of conflict; Traditional and modern approaches to conflict; Functional and dysfunctional organisational conflicts; Resolution of conflict.
9. Interpersonal and Organisational Communication: Concept of two-way

communication; Communication process; Barriers to effective communication; Types of organisatinal communication; Improving Communication; Transactional analysis in communication.
10. Organisational Development : Concept; Need for change, resistance to

change; Theories of planned change; Organisational diagnosis; OD intervention, OD Techniques.

References :
1. Hersey, Paul, Kenneth H. Blanchard and Dewey E. Johnson: Management of Organisational Behaviour- Utilising Human Resources, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 2. Koontz, Harold, Cyril ODonnell, and Heinz Weihrich : Essentials of Management, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi 3. Luthans, Fred- Organizational Behaviour, McGraw-Hill. 4. Newstrom, John W. and Keith Davis: Organizational Behaviour- Human Behaviour at Work, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. 5. Robbins, Stephen P. and Mary Coulter: Management, Prentice Hall, New Delhi 6. Robbins, Stephen P. Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.


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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003

Compulsory Paper
Paper - II

Unit.1. Introduction to Managerial Economics: A. Meaning & Definition Nature & Scope Economic Theory & managerial theory Role and responsibility of Managerial Economists Managerial Economics & DecisionMaking Objectives of Business Firm. B. Fundamental Economic Concepts Incremental Principle opportunity cost principle Discounting principle - equi marginal principle. (16) Unit.2. Demand Analysis: Demand function-Law of demand Elasticity of Demand,Types of elasticity of Demand-Measurement of price Elasticity of Demand-Using elasticity in managerial decisions. (16) Unit.3.Theory of consumer choice. Defects in cardinal utility approach-indifference curve Approach - Revealed preference &theory of consumer choice Under risk-Demand forecasting-Methods of demand Forecasting-Demand estimation for consumer durable and Non durable products. (16) Unit.4.Production Theory. Production function-Production with one and two variable Inputs - The law of Diminishing Returns and business Decisions-Economies of scale-cost concepts-their nature, Shape and interrelationship. (20) Unit5. Price Determination under Different Market Conditions.Characteristics of different market structure-price determination and firms equilibrium in short-run and long-run under Perfect competitionmonopolistic competition oligopolyAnd monopoly. (14) Unit 6: Pricing Practices: Cost plus pricing - multiple pricing - price discrimination International price discrimination and dumping- Transfer pricing. (16) Unit 7:Business cycles: Nature and phases of business cycle Theories of Business Cycle Hawtery,s schumpeters- cobweb- samuelson and Hicks theories. Periods (12)

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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 7 Unit 8: Inflation: Definition characteristics and types - Inflation in terms of Demand pull and cost push factor -effects of inflationMeasures to Control inflation. (10)

1. Baumol, William J: Economic Theory and operations Analysis, prentice Hall, London. 2. Baya,Michael R: Managerial Economics and Business strategy,McGraw Hill Inc. New York. 3. Chopra, O.P: Managerial Economics, Tata McGraw Hill Delhi. 4. Dean Joel: Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall Delhi. 5. Dholakia, R.H. and A.L. Oza: MicroEconomics for management students, Oxford university press, New Delhi. 6 Eaton, B. Curtis and Diane facton: Micro Economics, Prentice Hall New Jersey. 7. Gough, J. and S. Hills: Fundamentals of Managerial Economics, MacMillan London. 8. Haynes, W.W.V.L. Mote and S. Paul: Managerial Economics Analysis and Cases, Prentice Hall India, Delhi. 9. Petersen, H. Craig and W. Cris Lewis: Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall Delhi. 10. Salvatore, Dominick: Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, McGraw Hill, NewYork. 11. Varian, H.R. International Microeconomics: A modem Approach, East West Press, New Delhi. 12. Varshney RL and Maheshwari KL: Managerial Economics; Sultan Chand and Sons. New Delhi. 13. Dwivedi D. N: Managerial Economics, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi. 14. Adhikary M. Business Economics Excel Book New Delhi. 15. Ahuja H.L. Advanced economic Theory. 16. Jhingan M.L.- Economic Theory. 17. Sheth M.L. Principles of Economics. 18. Metha P.L. Managerial Economics, S chand and company. New Delhi. 19.GopalKrishna D: A study of Managerial Economics, Himalaya Publishing House Bombay. 20. Wali B.M. and Managerial Economics a basic approach R. chand and company, New Delhi. 21. Hague D.C. Managerial Economics Analysis for Business Decisions, Longman Group Ltd. ELBS London.

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Paper - II

Nature of Question Paper Instructions:1. Section I is compulsory 2. Attempt any five questions form section II Section I 1. Problems on cost of production. Elasticity of demand demands forecasting. OR Problems on cost of production, elasticity of demand, Demand forecasting. Section -II 2. Broad question 3. Broad question 4. Broad question 5. Broad question 6. Broad question 7. Broad question 8. Broad question 9. Short Notes (on any two out of Four) 20

20 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16


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Shivaji University, Kolhapur M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Special Groups (a to k) 3. Group a : Paper I
The objective of this course is to expose students to advanced accounting issues and practices. Course Inputs 1. Accounting concepts, conventions, Indian and International accounting standards. 2. Holding company Accounts with one and more than one subsidiaries. 3. Accounting for amalgamation, absorption and reconstruction (internal and external) of limited companies- advanced level. 4. Accounts of Insurance companies. 5. Royalty Accounts. 6. Double Accounting system. 7. Accounts of co-operative Societies. 8. Accounts of professionals. 9. Inflation Accounting. 10.Government System of Accounting. DISTRIBUTION OF MARKS Theory Practical Problems 1. Advanced Accountancy 2. Advanced Accountancy 3. Steps in Advanced Accounting 4. Advanced Accountancy 5. Advanced Accountancy 6. Advanced Accountancy 20 Marks 80 Marks Reference Books Shukla and Grewal. R.R. Gupta. Maheshwari Jain and Narang H. Chakraborty S.P. Iyangar.

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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 10 Part I Gr.a - Advanced Accountancy Paper - I

Distribution of Marks Theory : 20 Marks Practical Problems : 80 Marks Nature of Question Paper Instructions : 1. Question No. 1 is Compulsory 2. Attempt any Four Question from Q. No.2 to 7. Q.No.1 A) B) C) Choose correct alternative given below. 10 Fill in the blanks 5 True or False 5 Marks 20

Q.No.2 Q.No.3 Q.No.4 Q.No.5 Q.No.6 Q.No.7

Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem ZZZZZ B+

20 20 20 20 20 20

M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Group a - Paper-II

To gain working knowledge of generally accepted auditing procedures, techniques and skills.

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Course Inputs
1. Meaning, nature, scope; Objectives of auditing, basic principles governing an audit, Types of audit internal audit and external audit, Auditing and Investigation. 2. Vouching- Meaning, need & importance, vouching of cash transactions and credit transactions. Test checking and Routine checking. 3. Verification and Valuation of Assets and Liabilities. 4. Internal Control- Measures and techniques of internal control, evaluation of internal controls system. 5. Auditors responsibility with regard to statutory requirements under Companies Act, Statutory Auditors responsibilities with reference t audit of branches, relationship between statutory audit and branch audit. 6. Dividends and divisible profits- Financial, legal and policy considerations. 7. Special problems in Audit of banks and Insurance Companies. 8. Audit reports, qualifications, notes on accounts, distinction between notes and qualifications, distinction between reports and certificates. 9. Significance of events occurring after the balance sheet date but before the certification of accounts by the auditor. 10. Appointments of an auditor of limited company- qualifications disqualifications, rights, duties and liabilities, liability to Third Party. 11. Audit of limited companies- statutory requirements under the Companies Act 1956, Audit of branches, joint audits. 12. Different types of audit- Management audit, Cost audit Tax audit, Social audit, Efficiency audit. N.B. This paper will be set on theory only. Reference books 1. Practical Auditing 2. Practical Auditing 3. Principles of auditing 4. Principles and Practice of Auditing 5. Principles of auditing -Ghatalia, Spicer and Paggler. -B.N. Tandon. -De Paula -Saxena. -Margs.

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M.Com. Part I Gr.a - Advanced Accountancy Paper - II

Distribution of Marks Theory : 100 Marks Nature of Question Paper Instructions : 1. All Question are Compulsory Marks Q.No.1 A) B) C) Choose correct alternative given below. 10 Fill in the blanks 5 True or False 5 20


Broad Question OR Broad Question Broad Question OR Broad Question A) B) A) B) Short Answer Question Short Answer Question OR Short Answer Question Short Answer Question 8 8 8 8






Distinguish between the following (Any Two out of Four) Short Notes (Any Four out of Six )





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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003

4. Group - b : Paper - I
To gain the understanding of costing concepts and procedure in cost ascertainment system.

Course Inputs
1. Meaning, nature need scope and objectives of cost accounting. Difference between Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting. 2. Elements of cost Classification of cost, cost unit, cost center, Preparation of Cost Sheet. 3. Cost Accounting of Materials Procurement procedure, store Procedure, Stores accounting and control, Receipts and issues of materials, Different method of pricing and issues of materials, fixation of various stock levels and economic ordering quantity. 4. Cost Accounting of Labour Recording and analysis of Labour cost, overtime, Idle time, Holiday work, Holidays with pay, Casual workers, Labour turnover, Time & motion study, Methods of remunerating labours nad Incentive systems. 5. Cost Accounting of overheads Classification, Allocation and Apportionment, Departmentalisation and Absorption of overheads, Under and over absorption of overheads, Treatment of depreciation,Interest on capital and Research and Development cost. 6. Methods of Costing Job costing, Process Costing Equivalent production, Contract costing, Operating Costing. Costing of joint products and by products. 7. Reconciliation of cost and Financial accounts. 8. Integral systems of Accounting. Distribution of Marks Theory : Practical Problems :

40 Marks 60 Marks

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M.Com Part I Gr.b -Advanced Costing - Paper - I

Distribution of Marks Theory : 40 Marks Practical Problems : 60 Marks Nature of Question Paper Instructions : 1. Question No. 1 & Q.No.2 are Compulsory 2. Attempt any Three Questions from Q. No.3 to 7. Q.No.1 A) B) C) A) B) Choose correct alternative given below. Fill in the blanks True or False 10 5 5 Marks 20


Broad Question Broad Question OR Short Notes (Any Four out of Six)

10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20

Q.No.3 Q.No.4 Q.No.5 Q.No.6 Q.No.7

Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem


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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Group - b :Paper - II

To gain expert knowledge of use of costing data for decision making and control. Course Inputs 1. Cost concepts in decision making Relevant cost, Differential cost, Incremental cost and opportunity cost. 2. Use of cost in pricing decisions, Cost control and cost Reduction. 3. Marginal Costing Meaning and objectives, Break even Analysis, Cost Volume Profit Analysis, Various decision making problems. 4. Budgetary Control Organisation for Budgetary control system. Types of Budgets Preparation of different types of budgets. 5. Standard Costing Concepts, Types of standards, Setting of Standards for material, labour and overheads, Variance Analysis. 6. Uniform Costing Meaning, nature, scope and objectives of Uniform costing, Fields covered by Uniform costing, Inter firm comparison. 7. Reporting to Management Different levels of Management and reporting, Forms of presentation of information classification of Reports, Forms of Reporting. 8. Productivity Concepts and measurement thereof overall factorial productivity, Improvement of productivity. Distribution of Marks Theory : Practical Problems :

40 Marks 60 Marks

Reference Books for Paper I and II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cost Accounting Methods and Practice B. K. Bhar Cost Accounting Jain and Narang Cost Accounting Jawahar Lal Cost Accounting Maheshwari Cost Accounting Problems and Solutions Khanna, Pandey Ahuza.

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M.Com. Part I

Gr.b -Advanced Costing - Paper - II

Distribution of Marks Theory : 40 Marks Practical Problems : 60 Marks Nature of Question Paper Instructions : 1. Question No. 1 & Q.No.2 are Compulsory 2. Attempt any Three Questions from Q. No.3 to 7. Q.No.1 A) D) E) A) B) Choose correct alternative given below. Fill in the blanks True or False Marks 10 20 5 5 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20


Broad Question Broad Question OR Short Notes (Any Four out of Six)

Q.No.3 Q.No.4 Q.No.5 Q.No.6 Q.No.7

Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem


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M.Com. Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003

5. Group : c - Paper-I TAXATION

1 2

Level of Knowledge: Working knowledge. Objective: To obtain knowledge of various provisions of The Income Tax Act and their application in Computation of income of individuals under Varians heads of income. 1. 2. 3. 4. Definitions under the Income Tax Act 1961. Residence and tax liability. Income deemed to be received / deemed to accrue or arise in India. Incomes which do not form part of total income and income forming part of total income but no income tax is payable (Including provisions relating to charitable and Religious Trusts and Institutions). 5. Heads of income and the provisions relating to computation of income under different heads in respect of Individuals. 6. Provisions relating to clubbing of income. 7. Set-off and carry forward of various types of losses. 8. Deductions from gross Total income (chapter VI-A). 9. Scheme of presumptive taxation under the Income Tax Act. 10.Problems on computation of total income and tax payable and rebates and reliefs, in respect of Individuals only.

3 COURSE INPUTS Part I Gr.c - Taxation - Paper - I

A) Distribution of Marks Theory : 40 Marks Practical Problems : 60 Marks Nature of Question Paper Instructions : 1. Question No.1 & Q.No.2 are Compulsory 2. Attempt any Three Questions from Q. No.3 to 7. Q.No.1 A) B) C) Choose correct alternative given below. 10 Fill in the blanks 5 True or False 5 Marks 20

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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 18 Q.No.2 A) B) Short Answer Question Short Answer Question OR Short Notes (Any Four out of Six) 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20

Q.No.3 Q.No.4 Q.No.5 Q.No.6 Q.No.7

Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem


M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Group c: Paper-II

1.Level of knowledge: Working knowledge.
2.Objectives: To obtain knowledge of provisions of Income Tax Act relating to various procedural and administrative matters and of (computation of income under various heads relating to all types of assesses other than individual.

3.Course Inputs 1.special provisions relating to the computations of income of companies, firms, A.O.P.s and H.U.F. 2. Income Tax Authorities and their powers. 3.Assessment procedures and provisions relating to payment of Advance- Tax 4.Appeals, revisions and rectifications. 5 Provisions relating to tax deduction at source, tax collection at source, an other statutary.obligations under the income Tax Act. 6.Collection, recovery, and Refund of Taxes. 7. Interest payable & receivable under the Income Tax Act.

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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 19 8. Provisions relating to survey & search under the Income Tax Act 1961. 9.Provisions under Income Tax Act 1961 for curbing Tax evasion,& tax avoidance. 10 Penalties and procecutions under Income Tax Act 1961. 11. Important Legal decisions. 12. Problems on computation of Total Income of various types of assesses soothers than individuals under different heads of income including determination of tax liability. Note and Reference Book for Paper I and II Notes: 1.The students are expected to keep abreast of latest relevant Decisions. 2.The Finance Act that is in force at the time of commencement of academic year shall be applicable. 3. Provisions of the assessment year prevailing at the commencement of the academic year shall be applicable.(for Example- may 2004 Examination, provisions of assessment year 2003-2004 shall be applicable.) 4. Distribution of Marks a) Theory -40 marks b) Practical Problems - 60 marks. Reference Books Singhania v. k. : Students Guide to Income Tax, Taxman, Delhi. Prasad, Bhagwati : Income Tax Law & Practice , Wiley Publication New Delhi. Mehrotra H.C. : Income Tax Law & Accounts, Sahitya Bhavan Agra Dinker Pagare: Income Tax Law & practice , Sultan chand & Sons New Delhi. Gerish Ahuja and Ravi Gupta: Systematic Approach to Income Tax, sahitya Bhavan , New Delhi Chandra Mahesh and shukla D.C. : Income Tax Law and Practice, pragati Publication, New Delhi

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

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B) Distribution of Marks Theory : 40 Marks Practical Problems : 60 Marks Nature of Question Paper Instructions : 3. Question No.1 & Q.No.2 are Compulsory 4. Attempt any Three Questions from Q. No.3 to 7. Q.No.1 A) D) E) A) B) Choose correct alternative given below. 10 Fill in the blanks 5 True or False 5 Marks 20


Short Answer Question Short Answer Question OR Short Notes (Any Four out of Six)

10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20

Q.No.3 Q.No.4 Q.No.5 Q.No.6 Q.No.7

Problem Problem Problem Problem Problem


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M.Com. Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 6. Group d :Paper - I

ADVANCED BANKING AND FINANCIAL SYSTEM. (Law and Practice of Banking in India)
1. Banking Regulation Act, 1949(with upto- date amendments) as related with Licensing of Bank, capital structure. Management, Liquidity SLR and CRR, submission of Returns Balance sheet and profit and Loss Account winding updeposit Insurance Corporation. 2. The companies Act, 1956- relevant provisions applicable to Banking company and Bank Loans Negotiable Instruments Act. 3. Financing to priority sectors- New Concepts and Criteria in Bank Lending The priority sectors small loans Guarantee scheme, 1971, small loans (small scale Industry), Guarantee scheme, 1981. 4. Guidelines for financing priority sectorFinancing small scale industries, General considerations-Transport operators, Retails Traders, small Business, professional and self employed persons, Educational loan, state sponsored bodies for SC and ST, Housing Loan, prime ministers Rozger Yojana. 5. Financing for Agriculture- Direct Finance to farmers for Agricultural purpose, crop Loan, Development Loans, Lending producture, Guidelines for Recovery of Agricultural Advances-crop insurance scheme- latest Trends indirect Finance-SFDa, Lead Bank scheme, service Area Approach, Farmers services societies. 6. Credit policy of R.B.I. credit Authorisation scheme / Credit Monetary Arrangement RBI Guidelines for following up of Bank Credit. 7. Export finance- present position-pre shipment and post - shipment credit- Role of Exim Bank. Periods 15








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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Group d : Paper II


(Bank Management.)
1. Banking and economic development survey of structure and process of Banking in India. 2. Organisaction of Branch Banks in public sector and 15 private sector internal Organisation Liquidity Management Liquidity Measurement Determining liquidity Needs Theories of Bank Liquidity Management Commercial Loan Theory, shiftability Theory, The anticipated income Theory Asset Liability Match. Investmentinvestment practices such as maturity, yield, safety and diversification. 3. Bank Lending- Classification of Bank Lending on the basis 20 of Maturity Method of repayment, securities- Regulation of Bank Credit/ Lending factors influencing Banks loan policy. 4. Analysis of Financial Statements- Bankers Approach 20 to Analysis Analysis of Balance sheet, Ratio Analysis, operating ratios, Liquidity Ratios, Leverage Ratio, Analysis of profit and Loss Account. 5. Performance of Nationalised Banks Financial sector 25 Reforms Major Aspects of Banking Reforms adopted after 1992-Narsinham Reform Varma Panel. 6. Financial Markets: The Money Markets working if money 20 market in India- Recent Trends- Organisation and Trading practices of Indian stock Exchanges- Resent Development in Capital Market- BSE-NSE-OTCEI-Govt. securities market - mutual Funds. 7. Financial Institutions- Their Role in Economic Development, 20 UTI, IDBI, IFCI, ICICI and SFCs. Reference Books: 1. S. Singh, performance Budgeting for commercial Bank, MacMillan Company India. 2. K.K. Panikar, Banking Theory and system, S. Chand and Co. New Delhi. 3. Howard D. Crosse, Management policies for commercial Banks, prentice Hall. Periods 15

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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 23 4. Vasant Desai, Indian Baking, Nature and problems, Himalaya Publishing House. 5. S.K.Davar, Law and Practice of Banking. 6. R.B.I. Reports.

Group d : Paper II

(Bank Management.)

Nature of Question Paper

Q.1. A)Tick mark ,the correct alternative given below:10 Sentences 10 Marks B)Fill in the blanks with proper words. 5 sentences 5 Marks. C) State whether the following statements are true or false: 5 statements 5 marks. Instructions:1. Answer all questions. 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2. Give short answer to the following questions A) B) OR A) B) 3. Write short Note any four out of Six. 4.Broad Question OR Broad Questions 5. Broad Question OR Broad Question 6. Broad Question OR Broad Question Marks 16 08 08 08 08 16 16 16 16 16 16 16

ZZZZZ B+ Shivaji University, Kolhapur

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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 7. Group: e : Paper I


(Principles of Co-operation)
1. Meaning, Definition and Principle of Co-operation Role of Co-operation in Economic Development. 2. Co-operative movement in India origin, progress and Development of Co-operation in India. 3. Co-operative Legislation: Review of Co-operative Legislation in India- Main Provisions of Maharashtra Co-operative Act. 1960. 4. Financial Needs of Co-operatives: Sources of Finance Allocation of Funds Credit planning and performance Budgeting. 5. Co-operative Credit structure in India: Need, objectives, structure progress and problems of Co-operatives Credit. 6. Agricultural Non-Credit Co-operatives. (a) Co-operative Farming. (b) Dairy Co-operatives. (c) Irrigation Co-operatives. Their progress and problems. 7. Community Development and Co-operation: Scope of Co-operation in community Development programmes. 8. Institutional support to Co-operatives NCDC, NABARD,SBI. Periods 10 15 15 20 20 20

20 15


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Group: e : Paper II

(Rural Economy Of India.)

1 Nature and status of Rural Sector: (a) Nature of Rural Economic Sector. (b) Problems of Rural Sector. (1) Rural Population. (2) Agricultural Labour. (3) Poverty in Rural India: (c) Changing Rural Science. 2 Rural Resources: Land Resources- Water Resources- Manpower Resources and Forest Resources. 3 Rural Infrastructure : Rural Banking. Rural Marketing. Farm Mechanization Farm Pricing Farm Management. 4 Rural Indebtedness: Problem of Indebtedness Composition and Implications of Indebtedness Removal of Indebtedness. 5. Rural Development. Role of Rural Development in Economic Development of India. 6. Multi-dimensional Approaches to Rural Development. (a) Land Reforms (b) Community Development (c) Panchayat Raj System (d) Co-operative Movement (e) Voluntary Organsations. 7. Co-operatives in Maharashtra. (1) Sugar Co-operatives. (2) Consumers Co-operatives (3) Urban Co-operative Banks. 8. Rural Development Programms A) IRDP B) JRY C) EGS Periods 10




20 20



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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 26 References Books

1. Principles, Problems and practice of Co-operation, T.N. Hajela, Shiva Lal, Agarwala and company Agra. 2. Theory, History and practice of Co-operation, R.D. Bedi, Loyal Book Depot, Meerut. 3. Co-operation in India, H.R. Mukhi, New Heights Publishers, New Delhi. 4. Agricultural Co-operation in India, John Matthai, Reliance publishing House, New Delhi. 5. Co-operation in India, Dr. B.S.Mathur, Sahitya Bhawan, Agra. 6. A study of Rural Economics, Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay. 7. Rural Economic of India, D.P. Sharma, V.V.Desai, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 5, Ansari Raod, New Delhi. 8. Rural Indisutialisation in India, Bepin Behari. 9. Rural Development, Principles, policies and Management, Katar singh, Sage publication, New Delhi. 10. Rural Development,. Vol. I to VI, Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.

Group: e : Paper II

(Rural Economy Of India.)

Nature of Question Paper Q.1. A) Tick mark ,the correct alternative given below:10 Sentences 10 Marks B) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 5 sentences 5 Marks. C) State whether the following statements are true or false: 5 statements 5 marks. Instructions:1. Answer all questions. 2. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 2. Give short answer to the following questions B) C) OR A) B) 3. Write short Notes (on any four out of six) 4. Broad Question OR Broad Question Marks 16 08 08 08 08 16 16 16

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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 8. Group :f : Paper - I


( Introduction to Business Administration ) 1. Business- Concept, Characteristics and Scope. Challenges before business
to day, e- Business - Strategic business units. 2. Business Environment- Concept, macro and micro environment environmental analysis - Industry analysis - situation analysis - SWOT analysis 3. Government and business - changing role of government in business public, private and joint sectors - disinvestment policy - privatisation of business. 4. Business Ethics - Concept, importance and scope - social audit. 5. Corporate governance - Concept, importance and role of board of directors, auditors and shareholders in corporate governance - corporate governance in India measures to improve corporate governance. 6. Restructures' of Business - Concept and importance mergers, amalgamation and takeovers - turnaround management. 7. Strategic management - Concept, importance and scope, strategic management process - competitive advantage. 8. Comparative Management - Concept and importance - comparision between American, Japanese and Indian Management.

References :
1. Knootz Weiandrich, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill International. 2. Kazmi, Business Policy, Tata McGraw Hill, Mumbai. 3. Tripathi Reddey, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill, Mumbai.

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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 28 4. Francis Cherunilam, Business Environment, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. 5. Balsubramanian, Corporate Governance. 6.Aswathappa, K., Legal Environment of Business, Himalaya Publ. House, Delhi. 7. Trivedi M. L., Government and Business , Bombay Multitech. 8. Amarchand D., Government and Business, Tata McGraw Hill, Mumbai. 9. Glueek William, F., Strategic Management and Business Policy, New York, McGraw Hill.

8. Group f : Paper - I
Nature of Question Paper - I Q.1 Objective Type question A) Multiple choice B) Fill in the blanks C) True or False Q.2 Short Answer (2, out of 3) Q.3 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.4 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.5 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.6 Short Notes (4, out of 6) Total Marks 20 --- 10 Marks --- 5 Marks --- 5 Marks 16 16



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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Group f : Paper II


(Functional Areas of Management.)

1. Human resources management - concept, scope and importance, Human Resource development, performance appraisal quality of work life 2. Recent trends in HRM - Effects of globalisation on HRM, Management of international human resources - global recruitment and selection and training - changing industrialial relations - voluntary retirement schemes employee for lease - dual career group - flexitime and flexiwork - future of HRM. 3. Operations management - concept, scope and importance - plant location plant layout - materials - factory building - production planning and control - Total quality management handling. 4. Recent trends in operations management - Automation - Advantages and disadvantages of automation - issues in automation - level of technologies, building manufacturing flexibility management - justifying automation projects - deciding among automation alternatives - managing technological change factories of the future - logistics - maintenance management 5. Marketing Management - Concept, scope and importance 4 P's of marketing - marketing environment - market segmentation - market mix - marketing resource 6. Issues and development in marketing - social ethical and legal aspects of marketing - marketing of services cyber marketing, relationship marketing logistics and supply chain management 7. Financial Management - concept, scope and importance of finance function - financial planning working expital management, capital budgeting dividend policies. 8. Issues and developments in financial management financial services - credit rating, - project finance, factoring, forfaitives marketing of financial services.

References :
1. Bhatia and Batra Management of Financial Services, Deep and Deep Publication, Delhi. 2. Vanhorne, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Prentice Hall, India Delhi. 3. I. M. Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publications House, New Delhi. 4. P. Subba Rao, Human Resource Management, Himalaya Publishing Company, Mumbai. 5. Beach Dale S., Personel Management.

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6. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, Prentice Hall, India, New Delhi. 7. William Stanton, Fundamentals of Marketing. 8. K. Aswathappa, Production and Operations Management, Himalaya Pub. House, Mumbai. 9. Chandra Prasanna, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.

8. Group :f : Paper - II
Nature of Question Paper Q.1 Objective Type question A) Multiple choice B) Fill in the blanks C) True or False Q.2 Short Answer (2, out of 3) Q.3 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.4 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.5 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.6 Short Notes (4, out of 6) Total Marks 20 --- 10 Marks --- 5 Marks --- 5 Marks 16 16



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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 9. Group g : Paper - I

1. Definition of Secretary, qualities of a good secretary - Types of secretaries - personal secretary, company secretary, secretary of co-operative society and a local body. Company Secretary - Qualifications, appointment, dismissal, duties, rights and liabiliaties of company secretary, changing role of company secretary. Company Secretary in whole-time practice - provisions relating to certificate of practice. Qualifications for practice, areas of practice and future scope. Joint Stock Company - Definition and characteristics, kinds of companies, formation of company - conversion of a partnership firm into a company, secretarial work in connection with formation of a company. Memorandum of Association, Articles of Association, prospectus, issue and listing of securities. Dividend and Interest - Definition, Kinds of dividend - Legal provisions relating to dividends - unpaid or unclaimed dividend Secretarial procedure regarding payment of dividend - Interim dividend - Loss of dividend Warrant - Interest on debentures procedure of paying interest on debentures. Membership of company - Methods of acquiring membership, termination of membership, rights and liabilities of members.




5. 6.


Books Recommended
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Secretarial Practice, M.C., Kuchhal, Vikas Publishing House,Bombay. Company Secretarial Practice, S.A. Sherekar, Kitab Mahal, Delhi. Text-Book of Company Secretarial Practice, P. K. Ghosh, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi. Company Law and Secretarial Practice, Nafees Baig, Sterling Publishers, Delhi. Company Law, N. D. Kapoor, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. Manual of Secretarial Practice, B. N. Tandon, S. Chand & Company,New Delhi. Guide to Companies Act, A. Ramaia.

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9. Group: g Paper - I
Nature of Question Paper Q.1 Objective Type question A) Multiple choice B) Fill in the blanks C) True or False Q.2 Short Answer (2, out of 3) Q.3 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.4 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.5 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.6 Short Notes (4, out of 6) Total Marks 20 --- 10 Marks --- 5 Marks --- 5 Marks 16 16



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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Group: g : Paper - II


(Business Correspondence)
1. 2. Business Correspondence - Importance, characteristics of a good Business letter - Layout of a businers letter. Company Correspondence and Reports - Correspondence with shareholders, directors, general public, Registrar of Companies and Company Law Board.

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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 33 3. Secretarial Work in Connection with Company Meetings -Types of meetings, Notice, Agenda, Resolutions, Minutes of Meetings, Quorum, Proxy, Chairman, Methods of Voting. Statutory books to be maintained by companies. Correspondence relating to inquiries - Quotations and offers, orders and acknowledgements, execution of orders, cancellation of orders, trade reference and status enquiries. Correspondence relating to complaints and their adjustments. Agency correspondence - Application for agency, Franchise,Letters of offering agency.

4. 5.

6. 7.

Books Recommended
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pitmans Business Correspondence, Geoffery Whitehead, David H. Whitehead, Wheeler Publishing, Allahabad. Modern Business Correspondence, S. M. Nagamia & J. C.Bahl, Hind Kitabas Ltd., Bombay. Communication through Letters and Reports,H. Menning, Ilinois Richard D. Irwin. Business Communication, U.S. Rai & S.M. Rai, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. Business Communication, Homai Pradhan, D.S. Bhende and Vijaya Thakur, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai. Commercial Correspondence, P. K. Ghosh and Y.K. Bhushan. Company Law and Secretarial Practice, Nafees Baig, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi. Handbook of Business Letters, L.E. Frailey, Super Book House, Bombay. Corporate Law and Secretarial Practice, N.D. Kapoor, SultanChand and Sons, New Delhi.

9. Group g : Paper - I
Nature of Question Paper Q.1 Objective Type question A) Multiple choice --- 10 Marks B) Fill in the blanks --- 5 Marks C) True or False --- 5 Marks Q.2 Short Answer (2, out of 3) Marks 20


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Q.3 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.4 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.5 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.6 Short Notes (4, out of 6) Total




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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 10. Group: h : Paper -I


(Entrepreneurship Management)
1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship : Definition - Concept - Theories of entrepreneurship - Classification and types of entrepreneurs Entrepreneurial traits Entrepreneurial Motivation. Entrepreneurship Environment : Social - Cultural - Political - Natural - Geographic - Tchnological Economic - Environment and its impact on Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial Development : Role of EDP in promoting entrepreneurship in India - Objectives of the programme - Contents of entrepreneurship development programmes, Methods of training, Evaluation of Training. Institutions in aid of entrepreneurs : Entrepreneurship Training Institutions. Managemnt Development Institutes - National Institute of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India. Institutes of Entrepreneurship Development.

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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 35 5 Problems of Entrepreneurship : Problems of Entrepreneurship, Globalisation and challenges before the Indian Entrepreneurs, Steps to face global challenges. Environment and responsibility of Entrepreneurs. India's most renowned entrepreneurs : Walchand Hirachand, J.R.D. Tata., Laxmanrao Kirloskar, Dhirubhai Ambani, Aditya Birla. Childhood and family Background, Entry as a Entrepreneur, achivements as a entrepreneur, lessons for future entrepreneurs. Rural Entrepreneurship, Women Entrepreneurs in India.

Reference Books :
1 2 3 4 5 6 Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Managemnt - Vasant Desai Project Management and Entrepreneurship - Vasant Desai Entrepreneurial Development in India - Dr. C.B. Gupta & Dr. N.P. Srinivasan Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management - Dr. C.B.Gupta & Dr. Khanna Developing Entrepreneurship - Udai Pareek and T.V. Rao Entrepreneurship Development - Bhanushali


M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Group h : Paper - II


(Management Of Small Scale Industry)

1 Small scale Industry : Review of definitions since independence, importance of SSI. Industrial Policy of Government of India towards to SSI since independence. Role of small scale industry in the economic development of India. Small Scale Industry in Japan, China, Africa, South East Asia. Location and ownership of an Enterprise : Introduction - Need and importance of enterprise location - Steps in enterprise location - selection of region, selection of community - optimum selection of site, selection of ownership, Organisation structure for SSI.

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3 4 Steps for starting a small industry : Basic Objectives - steps in starting small scale industry - planning stage - implementation stage - maintenance stage. Financial Assistance to SSI : Sources of fixed capital, State Financial Corporations, Banks. Refinance from Apex Body for financing fixed capital, Working capital management in SSI and various sources. Financial problems of SSI. Marketing and SSI : Markets for SSI, Distribution, Pricing, Promotion and products of SSI. Marketing Assistance from various agencies. Effect of globalization on marketing of SSI, Marketing problems of SSI. Production and SSI : Planning size of plant, production mix, production facilities and its utilisation, procurement of raw materials, quality control in SSI, Research and Development in SSI, Production Problems of SSI. Manpower and SSI : Sources of Manpower recruitment, Training of Manpower, Institutions involved in training of manpower of SSI, labour turnover and absenteeism in SSI, statutory and non-statutory welfare facilities in SSI, Manpower problems in SSI. DIC : Objectives, structure of DIC, functions of DIC, Critical evaluation of working of DIC. Government Support to small scale industry - Central and State Government schemes for promotion of Small Scale Industries. Small Scale industry exports : Small scale sector - and India's export thrust areas - export promotion measures - problem and prospects - export management. Sickness in SSI : Concept of Sickness, reasons of sickness, an overview of sickness in SSI in India, rehabilitation of sick units. Reference Books :
1 2 3 4 5 6 Management of Small Scale Industries - Vasant Desai Management of Small Scale Industries - R.R. Khan Sickness in Small Scale Industry - Reddy and Reddy Scientific Management of Small Scale Industries - N.Singh How to succeed in Small Scale Industry - Ram K. Vepa Government publications on SSI



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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 11. Group: I : Paper I


(Origanised Markets)
1. Marketing: Meaning Significance Scope evolution of Marketing Condition prior to Industrial Revolution. Modern Industrial And commercial developments .Changes in Marketing organization and Methods. 2. Market:-- Meaning Features classification of market classification of goods. 3. Marketing Mix:- Meaning Definition-Elements- Problems Marketing system- Meaning Marketing Process-Concentration Dispersion Equalisation. 4. Marketing and Competition: Entry of Electronic communication contribution of personal Computers onset of E-Marketing Internet usage Concern of abuse of internet browsing -online household by region Thinking of on line business of Japan China and India. 5. Functions of Marketing: Buying Selling Standardisation Grading Transportation Storage Trade Marks Risk bearing Market Information and Research. 6. Marketing Institutions: Wholesale and Retail Distribution Departmental Stores Multiple shops Mail order Business Co-Operative Stores Super Markets. 7. Marketing of agricultural goods:-- Defects of Agricultural Marketing Marketing of agricultural products with reference to WheatRiceJawarSugarcaneOil eedsCotton-Jute and Jaggery . 8. Produce exchanges:-- Regulated Markets Features of Regulated Markets Kinds and Techniques of transaction of organized Markets Spot TradeFuture Trade Options

Reference: Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Principal and Practice of Marketing in India- C.B.Mamoriaand Joshi Marketing in India C.B. Mamoria & Satish Mamoria Agricultural Marketing in India K.R.Kulkarni Marketing in India P.Kumar Srivastava (National Publication House ) Modern Marketing R.S.N.Pillai Principles and Practices Bagarathi (S.Chand & co) 6. Electronic Marketing in 21St Century - D.Gopalkrishna (Himalaya Publication House)

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Group: I : Paper I

(Origanised Markets)

Nature of Question Paper

Q1 . Objective Types -Other Four Question of 20 Marks each having internal options of descriptive Nature Total = Marks 20

80 -----100 ------

Allotment of periods Topic No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Periods Allotted 06 09 09 05 08 07 05 10


M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Group : I ; Paper - II



1.Introduction:Transport Meaning and classification advantages and features of each means of transport. Functions of transport Economics political and social significance of transport Other significance of transport-Competition between different means of transport and their Co-Ordination. (10 Periods)

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2. Railway Transport:Nature of railway undertaking railways and laws of returns Determination of Railway rates and fares ; Cost of service principle Cost of value principleprinciple of differential charges . History and present position and role fixing followed by railways classification of goods types of freight rates Regulation of rates and fare Present position and features Problems of Indian Railways Accidents Ticket less passengers Fuel problems Diselisation and Electrification. Amenities to passengers Staff welfare. (10 Period)

3. Road Transport:Nature- characteristics and significance of Road Transport Road finance Construction and maintenance of roads- Theories of rates and fares . Taxation of motor vehicles-Rail-road problems-Competition and co-ordination-Schemes of nationalisation of passenger transport Problem of nationalization of goods transport : Present position of road transport Future of road transport with special reference to Maharashtra Economics of organizing an efficient city transportation. (10 periods)

4.Water Transport:Inland water transport , Limitations and growth of navigation in India. Present position of inland navigation Recent development in inland water transport Element of shipping economics, Competition and shipping conferences Indian shipping since independence .

5. Air Transport:Development and element of Air transport Economics of Air transport, Nationalisation of Civil aviation and recent development (10 periods)

6. Developments in different means of transport in 21st Century: Use of electronics medias in transport. (10 periods)
Recommended Books
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Economics of Transport J.K.Jain Transport Development in India S.K.Shrivastava Transport in Modern India Bhatnagar Lectures on Transport S.K. Choudhari Economics of shipping Haji Economics of Road Transport Fehlan K.G. Indian Regulation Freight and Regulation Mehta. Transport Pavaskar Mathoo.

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Nature of Question Paper For Paper I & II

1. Question No. 1 : Objective Type : 2. Other Four Questions of 20 Marks each having internal options of descriptive nature Total: 80 Marks Total = 20 Marks

80 Marks -----------100


M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 12. Group : j : Paper I


(Fundamentals of Insurance)
1. Insurance Meaning, definition, nature, need and types Insurance as a social security tool, Insurance and economic development, significance of insurance, history of Insurance. 2. Principles of Insurance Insurable interest, principles of autmost good faith, principle of indemnity etc. meaning and application. Theory of probability. 3. Insurance contract meaning, features, factors affecting the contract, essentials of valid contract, types of insurance contract, defective contracts. Insurance and wager. 4. Fundamentals of agency laws definition of an agent, agents regulation, Insurance and intermediaries, agents compensation, procedure of becoming an agent. Agency licenses pre-requisites for obtaining license, license duration, cancellation, termination. Code of conduct, unfair practices. 5. Functions of an agent proposal form and other forms of grant of cover, nomination and assignment. Company profile organizational setup, promotion strategy, market share etc. 6. Insurance legislative framework - main features of Insurance Act 1938, L.I.C. Act 1956, Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act 1999. 7. Privatization of Insurance its progress and implications on Indian economy.

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srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 41 8. Insurance Marketing the concept, users of Insurance services, the behavior of users, insurance product, production planning and development, market segmentation in insurance services, Significance of segmentation in insurance services, formation of marketing mix for services, formulation of product mix, pricing decisions. Designing of promotional strategies, MIS in insurance, insurance marketing in Indian environment.

12. Group : j : Paper I

Nature of Question Paper Q.1 Objective Type question A) Multiple choice B) Fill in the blanks C) True or False Q.2 Short Answer (2, out of 3) Q.3 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.4 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.5 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.6 Short Notes (4, out of 6) Total Marks 20 --- 10 Marks --- 5 Marks --- 5 Marks 16 16



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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 Group : j - Paper II


(Principles and Practice of Life and Health Insurance.)

1. Life Insurance Meaning, features, significance, elements of protection and investment. difference between life insurance and other forms of insurance 2. Principles of life insurance and its application - physical and moral hazards in life insurance, occupational risks, selection of risks. 3. Kinds of life insurance whole life, endowment and term insurance, life annuities, group insurance. 4. Life Insurance contract policy condition, procedure of taking life policy, settlement of life insurance claims, division of surplus, bonus, classification of bonus. 5. Pricing of life products theory of probability, mortality tables, types of mortality tables, premium computation methods 6. Reserves valuation, methods of calculation of reserves, investment of funds and principles involved in it. 7. Life Insurance Corporation of India Capital structure, organization, performance and progress. Its competitors and their progress. 8. Personal Accident And Sickness Insurance nature, principles, selection of risks, policy covers and its settlement.

Reference Books:
1. M. N. Mishra Insurance Principles and Practice S. Chand & Company, New Delhi. 2. Insurance Regulatory Development Act. 1999. 3. Life Insurance Corporation Act 1956. 4. Insurance Act. 1938. 5. Gupta O.S.: Life insurance - Frank Brothers - New Delhi. 6. Vinayakam N. Radhaswamy and Vasudevan S.V.: Insurance Principles and Practice - S. Chand & Com, New Delhi. 7. Mishra M. N. : Life Insurance Corporation of India. Vol. I, II, III. - Raj Books Jaipur.

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12. Group : j : Paper II

Nature of Question Paper Q.1 Objective Type question A) Multiple choice B) Fill in the blanks C) True or False Q.2 Short Answer (2, out of 3) Q.3 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.4 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.5 Essay Type question OR Essay Type question Q.6 Short Notes (4, out of 6) Marks 20 --- 10 Marks --- 5 Marks --- 5 Marks 16 16





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M.Com.Part-I Revised Syllabus-2003 13. Group : k : Paper I


(Statistical Models For Business Decisions)

Unit-1: Matrix Algebra :- Defination of a matrix, types of matrices, addition, (15) substraction, multiplication of matrices, inverse of matrix. Rank of Matrix, Determinant. Finding value of determinant. Solving the linear homogeneous and non- homogeneous system of equations by matrix method. Cramer's rule (for not more than three variables)

Shivaji University, Kolhapur

srb-M.Com. Part-I Page No. 44 Unit-2: Introduction to Operations Research (O.R.): Origin, development (15) definitions and applications of O.R. phases of O.R. Mathematical formulation of L.P.P., Solution by Graphical Method. Unit-3: Linear Programming Problems : Definitions of slack surplus variables. (20) L.P.P. in general form, canonical form and Standard form, definitions of solution, feasible solution, basic feasible solution, optimal solution, degenerate and non-degenerate solution. Simplex Algorithm and example of '<' type of constraints. Unit-4: Assignment Problem : Definition of A.P.,Mathematical formulation of (15) A.P., Reduction Theorem, Assignment algorithm, Unbalanced Assignment Problems, examples on it. Unit-5: Transportation Problem (T.P.) : Definition of T.P. mathematical (20) formulation, methods of finding IBFS, Testing IBFS for the Optimality, Unbalanced T.P. Relation between Assignment problem and Transportation problem. Unit-6: Project Scheduling by CPM/PERT. : C P M - Definitions of (i) Event (20) (ii) Activity (iii) Critical Path (iv) Critical Activity (v) Network. Construction of Network, Calculations of ES, LS, EF, LF and project duration. PERT : Definitions of (i) Pessimistic (ii) Most likely (iii) Optimistic time estimates. Calculations of expected time duration and s.d. of it. Unit-7: Replacement: Introduction of replacement problem, types of replacement problems, replacement policy for items whose maintenance cost increases with time when money value is fixed and money value changes with constant rate, worked examples, replacement of items that fail completely. (15) Reference Books : Shantinarayan : Text Book of Matrices 1
2 3 4 5 6 S.D. Sharma : Text Book of Linear Programming Problem S.D.Sharma : Operations Research R.K. Gupta : Text Book of Linear Programming Kantiswarup, Gupta Man-Mohan : Operations Research Goel And Mithal : Operations Research


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(Design of Experiments and sampling Techniques)

Unit-1: Introduction to the basic terms of designs of Experiments : (10) Experimental Units, Treatments, Randomisation, Replications, Local Control, choice of size and shape of plot for uniformity trials. (10) Unit-2: Analysis of variance :Analysis of variance for one - way classification : Mathematical model, assumptions basic hypothesis and ANOVA table. Analysis of variance for two way classification : mathematical model, assumptions basic hypothesis, ANOVA table. Unit-3: Completely Randomized Design (CRD) : Description, layout, (15) mathematical model and its analysis of variance test of equality of two treatment effects. Randomized Block Design (RBD) : Description, layout, (15) Unit-4: mathematical model and its analysis of variance test too equality of two treatment effects. Unit-5:Latin square Design (LSD) : Description, layout, Mathematical (15) model and its analysis of variance. (10) Unit-6 : Introduction to sampling : Concept of population, sample, sampling error,advantages of sampling and principal steps in sampling. Unit 7 : Simple Random Sampling (SRS):- S.R.S. with and without (15) replacement, properties of the estimates (estimation of population mean and population variance). Unit 8 :Stratified sampling : Description of stratified sampling method, (15) unbased estimator for population mean and population total, standard error of estimates, problem of allocation; Proportional allocation, optimum allocation. Unit 9 :Systematic Sampling : Situations where systematic sampling is (15) appropriate, Technique of drawing, Sample using systematic sampling, estimation of Population mean and population total, standard error of these estimates.

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Reference Books:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Gupta and Kapoor Goon, Gupta & Dasgupta Cochran & Cox Feherer Cochran W Des Raj Daroga & Singg Sukhatme & Sukhatme : : : : : : : : Applied Statistics Fundamentals of Statistics (Vol. I & II) Experimental designs Experimental Designs Sampling Techniques Sampling theory Sampling Techniques Theory of sampling.

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