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Introduction: Concepts in Strategic Management, Strategic Management as a process Developing a
strategic vision, Mission, Objectives, Policies Factors that shape a companys strategy Drafting a
strategy - Industry and Competitive Analysis

Environmental Scanning and leadership: Methods. SWOT Analysis Strategies and competitive advantages
in diversified companies and its evaluation. Strategic Analysis and Choice: Tools and techniques- Strategic
Leadership: Leadership and Style Key Strategic Leadership Actions - Developing Human Capital and
Social Capital Balanced Scorecard.

Strategy Formulation : Strategy Framework For Analyzing Competition, Porters Value Chain Analysis,
Competitive Advantage of a Firm, Exit and Entry Barriers - Formulation of strategy at corporate, business
and functional levels. Types of Strategies Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry restructuring and
diversification strategies different methods Turnaround strategy and diversification strategies.

Strategy Implementation : Strategy and Structure, Leadership, culture connection Strategies for competing
in Globalizing markets and internet economy Organizational Values and Their Impact on Strategy
Resource Allocation Planning systems for implementation.

Strategy Evaluation and control Establishing strategic controls - Measuring performance appropriate
measures- Role of the strategist using qualitative and quantitative benchmarking to evaluate performance -
strategic information systems problems in measuring performance Strategic surveillance -strategic audit

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. Vijaya Kumar P,. Hitt A : Strategic Management, Cengage learning, New Delhi,2010
2. John A PearceII, Amita Mital: Strategic Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Sanjay Mohapatra: Cases Studies in Strategic Management, Pearson, New Delhi,2012
4. Adrian Haberberg&Alison: Strategic Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,
5. P.Subba Rao: Business Policy and Strategic Management Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2011
6. .Appa Rao, Parvatheshwar Rao, Shiva Rama Krishna: Strategic Management and Business Policy,
Excel Books, New Delhi, 2012

Importance of Commercial Law: The Indian Contracts Act, 1872 Nature of the Act and Classification of
Contracts Essentials of a Valid Contract Offer and Acceptance Capacity Consideration Free
Consent Legality of Object Performance of a Contract Discharge of a Contract Breach of a Contract
and Remedies.

Sales of Goods Act: Distinction between Sales and Agreement to Sell Conditions and Warranties
Performance of Contract of Sale Transfer of Ownership Rights of an Unpaid Seller. Consumer Protection
Act, 1986: Consumer Right Machinery for Redressal of Consumer Grievances.- Information Technology
Act 2000.

Contract of Agency: Kinds of Agents Creation of Agency- Duties and Rights of Principal and Agents-
Principals Liability for the Acts of the Agent-Liability of Agent Termination of Agency. Negotiable
Instruments Act, 1881- Kinds of a Negotiable Instruments and endorsement-Presentation and discharge of
Negotiable Instrument.

Indian Partnership Act, 1932: Meaning and Essentials of Partnership- Registration Tests of Partnership-
Duties and Rights of Partners Dissolution of Partnership.

Company Act 1956: Nature and Types of Companies Formation Memorandum of Association-Articles
of Association Kinds of Shares Duties of Directors-Winding up.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. Ravindra Kumar: Legal Aspects of Business, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2011

2. Kuchhal M C, Deepa Prakash: Business Legislation for Management, Vikas Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2012
3. Pathak: Legal Aspects of Business, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010
4. S.N.Maheshwari, S.K.Maheshwari: A Manual of Business Laws, Himalaya Publishing House,
5 P.K.Padhi: Legal Aspects of Business, PHI Learnings, New Delhi, 2013

Importance of Business Ethics: Values and Ethics- Business Ethics and Law Ethics in Work Place
Ethical Decision Making- Theories of Business Ethics Management and Ethics- Indian Ethical Traditions

Impact of Globalization on Indian Business Ethics: Reasons for Unethical Practices among Indian
companies Development of Indian Capital Markets Various studies on Ethical Attitudes of Managers
Major Indian Scams

Ethics in Marketing, HRM and Finance: Product safety and Pricing-Ethical responsibility in Product-
Advertising and Target Marketing Ethics of sales, advertising and product placement and Consumer
Autonomy.Ethics in HRM & Finance HR related ethical issues - Institutional Culture Frauds in Banks -
Measures against Bank Frauds Frauds in Insurance sector

Corporate Governance: An overview Theory and Practice of Governance- Indian model of Governance -
Good Corporate Governance Land marks in emergence of Governance OECB Principles Sarbanes-
Oxley Act 2002- SEBI Initiatives

Corporate Governance Indian Scenario: Role of Government in Ensuring Corporate Governance
Governance issues relating to Board of Directors Duties and responsibilities of Auditors Governance
under limited competition Role of Media Corporate Governance in Developing and Transiting

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. S.K.Mandal: Ethics in Business and Corporate Governance, TMH, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Marianne M Jennings: Cases in Business Ethics, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2012.
3. S.Prabhakaran: Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2011.
4. N.Balasubramanyam: A Case Book on Corporate Governance and Stewardship, TMH., New
Delhi, 2011.
5. A.C.Fernando: Business Ethics and Corporate Governance, Pearson Publishers, New Delhi,
Electives - HR

Unit 1:
Organizational Leadership: Situational Leadership Behaviour: Meaning, Fiedler Contingency Model, Path
Goal and Normative Models - Emerging Leadership Behaviour: Transformational, Transactional and
Visionary Leadership - Leadership for the new Millennium Organisations - Leadership in Indian
Organisations. Leadership Effectiveness: Meaning, Reddins 3-D Model, Hersey and Blanchard Situational
Model, Driving Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership for Organisational Building.
Unit 2:
Leadership Motivation, Culture: Motivation Theories for Leadership: Maslows, Herzberg, X, Y and Z
theories of Motivation - Similarities and Distinctions of Need Hierarchy and Two Factors theories. ERG
McClelland - Expectancy - Porter and Lawler Theories. - Emerging Challenges in Motivating Employees.
Organisational Culture: Meaning, Definitions, Significance, Dimensions, Managing Organisational Culture,
Changing organisational Cultural. Organisational Building: Approaches, Quality of Work Life. Cross
Cultural Values, Developing Value Orientation in Behaviour for change.
Unit 3:
Leadership Development: Leadership development: Significance Continuous Learning: Principles of
learning to develop effective leadership Vision and Goals for organisation: significance of goals for
leaders Charting vision and goals of Indian leaders and abroad - Tools for developing dreams for effective
leadership dreams Leaders vision in organisation building
Leadership Attitude: significance Developing and Maintaining positive attitude for effective leading.
Unit 4:
Strategic Leadership: Leader Self management: significance - Developing self esteem and balancing
emotions Interpersonal Leadership Skills: Praise Criticise Communicate Leadership Assertiveness:
Circle of influence and circle of concern Leadership with Edification: Tools of edification
Leadership and creativity: Developing creative thinking Leadership and Team Building: Principles of
team building Leadership and Integrity: Developing character and values.
Unit 5:
Global Leadership: Leadership across Globe: Characteristics - Significance Functions GLOBE research
program of Wharton School challenges of leadership in varying culture and values Global perspectives
of leadership Leadership in USA Leadership in Japan European leadership Leadership in Arab
countries Implications of global leadership Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility across globe.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.
Reference Books:
1. Sarma V S Veluri (2009), Organisational Behaviour - An Interactive Learning Approach
(Text and Cases), Mumbai, Jaico Publishing House.
2. Hellriegel Don, Jackson and Slocum W John (2008), Management A Competency Based
Approach, New Delhi, Cengage Learning India Private Limited.
3. Peter G. Northouse, Leadership, 2010, Sage.
4. Peter Lornge, Thought leadership Meets Business, 1st edition, 2009, Cambridge.
5. John ADAIR, Inspiring Leadership, 2008, Viva Books.

Compensation: concept and definition objectives and dimensions of compensation program factors
influencing compensation aligning compensation strategy with business strategy concept of reward -
non-financial compensation system - Managing Compensation: Designing a compensation system internal
and external equity pay determinants - frame work of compensation policy - influence of pay on employee
attitude and behavior - the new trends in compensation management at national and international level.

Wage concepts and theories : minimum wages, fair wages, living wages money and real wages wage
theories wage incentives - classification of incentives, incentive systems, wage incentives in India,
recommendations of the National Commission on Labor fringe benefits - wage differentials linking
wage with productivity. Executive compensation trends welfare measures statutory and non-statutory.

Wage and Salary administration: Nature and importance job analysis methods - job evaluation - wage
determination process methods of wage fixation wage structure - multi-dimensional approach wage
problems wage surveys wage administration economic objectives of wage policy legal frame work
The payment of Wages Act 1936, The Minimum Wages Act 1948 and other similar act and amendments
institutional mechanism for wage determination

Reward Based Performance : Importance - methods- process- Definition, concepts and scope Goal
Setting- Linkages to Strategic Planning- Competency mapping- Competency based Performance
Management Systems- Reward based Performance Management Systems-Electronic Performance
Management Systems- Periodic reviews- Problem solving- Role efficiency- Coaching- Counseling and
Monitoring- Performance Audit.

Appraising for Recognition & Reward: Purpose of Appraising Methods of appraisal appraisal system
design Implementing the appraisal system Organizational effectiveness - Performance management skills
Building and leading High performing teams Performance Monitoring and Counseling: Introduction-
Supervision- Objectives and Principles of Monitoring-Monitoring Process-
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.
1. T.V.Rao: Performance Management Appraisal Systems, Sage Publications, 2008
2. A.M.Sarma, N.Sambasiva Rao: Compensation and Performance management, Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai
3. Dewakar Goel:Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management, PHI Learning, New Delhi,
4. . B.D.Singh: Performance Management Systems Excel Books, New Delhi,2010
5 A.S. Kholi: Performance Management, Oxford University Press, New Delhi,2012

Introduction: Definition, concepts and scope Foundations of Performance Management Performance
appraisal Vs performance management performance management Vs Human resource management -
processes for managing performance critical appraisal-Performance Audit

Performance Management Planning: Importance-Methods- process- Goal Setting-Linkages to Strategic
Planning- Competency mappy- Career Development- Monitoring Performance Planning- Barriers to
Performance Planning

Performance Management System: objectives Functions- Performance Management Cycle-
Competency based Performance Management Systems- Reward based Performance Management
Systems- Electronic Performance Management Systems- HR Challenges Performance Management
Tools -Importance- Traditions and Modern Techniques- Balanced Score Card- 360 Degree Performance
Apprising- Merit Rating- MBO- BARS

Performance Monitoring and Counseling: Supervision- Objectives and Principles of Monitoring-
Monitoring Process- Periodic reviews- Problem solving- engendering trust-Role efficiency- Coaching-
Counseling and Monitoring- Concepts and Skills

Performance management skills Operational change through performance management. High
Performing Teams: Building and leading High performing teams team oriented organizations
developing and leading high performing teams- Role of Leadership

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. Prem Chadha: Performance Management, Macmillan India, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Michael Armstrong & Angela Baron, Performance Management: The New Realities, Jaico
Publishing House, New Delhi, 2010.
3. T.V.Rao, Appraising amd Developing Managerial Performance, TV Rao Learning Systems Pvt
Limited, Excel Books, 2003.
4. David Wade and Ronad Recardo, Corporate Performance Management, Butter Heinemann, New
Delhi, 2002.
5. Dewakar Goel: Performance Appraisal and Compensation Management, PHI Leaarning, New Delhi,

Human Resource Strategy: Importance of Human Resources to Strategy- Human Resources
contribution to strategy - Strategy driven role behaviors and practices Organizational Learning
Human Resource Manager and Strategic planning.

Strategy Implementation: Work - force utilization and Employment practices - Efficient utilization of
Human resources - Dealing with employee surpluses and shortages - Selection of employees.

Strategy Implementation: Reward and Development Systems Strategically oriented performance
measurement systems - Oriented performance measurement systems - Strategically oriented
compensation system.

Strategic Human Resource Development: Its linkages with strategic Business Planning (SBP) -
Organizing and structuring of Human Resource Development in an organization Building core
competencies through Human Resource Development - Competency mapping approaches.

Human Resource Evaluation: Overview of evaluation - Approaches to evaluation, Evaluation
Strategic contributions of Traditional Areas - Evaluating Strategic Contribution of Emerging Areas.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. Charles R. Greer: Strategic Human Resource Management - A General Manager Approach -
Pearson Education, Asia
2. Qudrisyed Mazhek: Management of HRD, IPE, 1996
3. Fombrum Charles & Tichy: Strategic Human Resource management - John Wiley Sons,
4. Rao. T. V.: The Human Resource Development Missionary Oxford & IBH Publications Co.,

Concept of Investment Education: Investment Vs Speculation, Investment alternatives - Investment
Process - Sources of Investment Information Trading System in Stock Exchanges Market Indices.
Calculation of SENSEX and NIFTY - Return and Risk Meaning and Measurement of Security
Returns. Meaning and Types of Security Risks: Systematic Vs Non-systematic Risk - Measurement of
Risk. (Problems)

Equity and Bond Valuation Models Preference Shares and Equity Shares Earning valuation-Cash flow
valuation-Asset Valuation-Dividend-discount model ; Valuation of Bonds Bond Returns and Risks -
Bond Pricing Theorems convexity, duration, bond immunization. (Problems)

Investment Analysis: Fundamental Analysis Economy, Industry and Company Analysis, Technical
Analysis Dow Theory Elliot Wave Theory Trends and Trend Reversals - Efficient Market Theory
Hypothesis- Forms of Market Efficiency.

Portfolio Analysis and Selection: Elements of Portfolio Management, Portfolio Models Markowitz
Model, Efficient Frontier and Selection of Optimal Portfolio. Sharpe Single Index Model and Capital
Asset Pricing Model, Arbitrage Pricing Theory. (Problems)

Portfolio Evaluation and Revision: Performance Evaluation of Portfolios; Sharpe Model Jensens
Model for PF Evaluation, Evaluation of Mutual Fund Portfolio Revision. (Problems)

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. S.Kevin: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, PHI Learning, New Delhi, 2009
2. Punithavathy Pandian: Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing House, New
3. Sudhendra Bhat: Security Analysis Portfolio Management, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2009.
4. Shashi K Gupta: Security Analysis Portfolio Management, Kalyani Publishers, New
5. Prasanna Chandra, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 3/e Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi, 2003.
6. Ranganatham : Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Pearson Education.

Introduction to Banking: Introduction to Indian Financial System - Meaning of a Bank and Customer- Bank
and customer Relationship - Role of commercial banks in Economic Development - Evolution of Banking
in India origin, nationalization, reforms and Financial Inclusion in India - Financial statements of banks
with special focus on Indian banks - Financial statement analysis of banks: CAMEL Approach, Key
Performance indicators-Sources of Bank Funds.
Uses of Bank Funds: Features of Bank Credit - types of lending - assessment of credit worthiness of a
prospective borrower - management of credit process - different types of loans and their features - Loan
Pricing: The basic model, pricing fixed & floating rate loans, cost -benefit loan pricing, Customer
Profitability Analysis - Non Performing Assets: - gross and net concept of NPAs, causes, implications &
recovery of NPAs.
Regulation and Innovations in Banking System: Regulation of Bank Capital: The need to regulate Bank
Capital - Concept of Economic Model - Concept of Regulatory Capital, Basel Accords I,II and III. -
Banking Innovations - Core Banking Solution - Retail Banking - Products & Services: Nature, Scope,
Future and Strategies - Plastic Money - National Electronic Funds Transfer - ATM - Mobile Phone Banking
- Net Banking- Banc- assurance. Changing role of Banks as Financial Intermediaries. Customer service
quality in Indian banking industry.
Introduction to Insurance: Insurance as a Risk Management Tool- Principles of Insurance - Characteristics
of Insurance contract - Functions of Insurers: Production, Underwriting, Rate Making, Managing Claims
and Losses, Investment & Financing, Accounting & Record Keeping and other miscellaneous functions -
Types of Insurers- Concept of Reinsurance, uses and advantages - Marketing channels: Agents & brokers
professionalism, remuneration, responsibilities, classification, criteria for appointment and capital adequacy
norms for broker - an overview of IRDA.
Life Insurance and General Insurance: The concept of Life Insurance - types of Life Insurance contracts -
Tax treatment of Life Insurance- Life Insurance Products-Classification of Life Insurance - The Actuarial
Science- Provisions of Life Insurance contracts - Special Life Insurance forms - Health and General
insuranceOverview, Types, Third Party Administrators- Micro Insurance in India. (Relevant cases have to
be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.)
1. Peter.S.Rose & Sylvia. C. Hudgins: Bank Management & Financial Services, Tata McGraw Hill New
Delhi, 2010,
2. James S. Trieschmann, Robert E. Hoyt & David. W. Sommer B:Risk Management & Insurance, Cengage
Learning, New Delhi
3. Reddy K S and Rao R N: Banking & Insurance, Paramount Publishing House 2013.
4. Vasant Desai: Banks & Institutional Management, Himalaya Publishing House 2010.
5. Harold. D. Skipper & W. Jean Kwon: Risk Management & Insurance, Perspectives in a Global Economy,
Blackwell Publishing New Delhi.
6. NIA: Life Insurance Principles and Practices, Cengage Learning, New Delhi,2013.
7. Neelam C.Gulati: Banking and Insurance: Principles and Practice, Excel Books, New Delhi 2011.

Unit 1:
Introduction: Employment of Management Accounting Human Resource Accounting Need for Harmonization of International Accounting Standards Role
of Management Accountant for controller functions Financial Accounting Control (FACO)-Management information System.

Unit - 2:
Financial Analysis: Comparative analysis Common Size Analysis - Funds Flow Analysis Cash Flow Analysis.-Ratio Analysis Trend analysis Deprecation

Unit- 3:
Budget Budgetary Control: Types of Budgets Financial Vs Operation Budgets Short Term Vs Long Term Budgets Preparation of Sales Budgets
Purchase Budgets- Expenditure Budgets for Material, Labour and Overheads Construction of Cash Budget- Flexible Budget Master Budget Management
Control and Budgeting Performance Budgeting and Zero Based Budgeting.

Marginal Costing: Cost Concepts for Decision making Decision Making Process Decision Situations -Sales Volume Decisions Pricing and Special Order
Pricing Make / Buy Decisions
Product Decisions- Addition, Deletion and Alteration of Mix Plant Shutdown Decision - Profit Planning- introduction of new product planning of level of
activity Key factor Foreign market offer.

Unit 5:
Standard Costing: Standard Costing and historical costing Establishment of cost standards steps involved in standard costing Variance analysis: Material
Variance Labour Variance Overhead Variance - Sales Variance

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. Introduction to Management Accounting Charles T. Horn Gaxy L. Sundem.
2. Management Accounting, S.P. Gupta.
3. Management Accounting, Manmohan and Goyal.
4. Management Accounting, V. Krishna Kumar.
5. Practical Problem in Management Accounting, Dr. Kulsreshtha and Gupta.
6. Advanced Cost and Management Accounting, S.P . Jain and K.L. Narang.


Unit 1:
Introduction: Employment of Management Accounting Human Resource Accounting Need for Harmonization of International Accounting Standards Role
of Management Accountant for controller functions Financial Accounting Control (FACO)-Management information System.

Unit - 2:
Financial Analysis: Comparative analysis Common Size Analysis - Funds Flow Analysis Cash Flow Analysis.-Ratio Analysis Trend analysis Deprecation

Unit- 3:
Budget Budgetary Control: Types of Budgets Financial Vs Operation Budgets Short Term Vs Long Term Budgets Preparation of Sales Budgets
Purchase Budgets- Expenditure Budgets for Material, Labour and Overheads Construction of Cash Budget- Flexible Budget Master Budget Management
Control and Budgeting Performance Budgeting and Zero Based Budgeting.

Marginal Costing: Cost Concepts for Decision making Decision Making Process Decision Situations -Sales Volume Decisions Pricing and Special Order
Pricing Make / Buy Decisions
Product Decisions- Addition, Deletion and Alteration of Mix Plant Shutdown Decision - Profit Planning- introduction of new product planning of level of
activity Key factor Foreign market offer.

Unit 5:
Standard Costing: Standard Costing and historical costing Establishment of cost standards steps involved in standard costing Variance analysis: Material
Variance Labour Variance Overhead Variance - Sales Variance

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. Introduction to Management Accounting Charles T. Horn Gaxy L. Sundem.
2. Management Accounting, S.P. Gupta.
3. Management Accounting, Manmohan and Goyal.
4. Management Accounting, V. Krishna Kumar.
5. Practical Problem in Management Accounting, Dr. Kulsreshtha and Gupta.
6. Advanced Cost and Management Accounting, S.P . Jain and K.L. Narang.

Corporate Policy: Strategic Financial Planning - Changing Complexion Of Regulatory Framework -
Shareholder Value Creation (SCV): Market Value Added (MVA) Market-to-Book Value (M/BV)
Economic Value Added (EVA) Managerial Implications of Shareholder Value Creation- Corporate
Risk Management Understanding the firms Strategic Exposure.

Corporate Financial Strategies: Capital Structure Planning- EBIT,EPS,ROE analysis-Shareholders Risk
Financial Options and Value of the Firm Dividend Policy and Value of the Firm Growth and
External Financing Requirement. (Problems)

Corporate Investment Strategy: Techniques of Investment Appraisal Under Risk and Uncertainty Risk
Adjusted Net Present Value Risk Adjusted Internal Rate of Return Capital Rationing Decision
Tree Approach for Investment Decisions Evaluation of Lease Vs Borrowing Decision- Long term
investment plans analysis with risk and return. (Problems)

Corporate Financial Engineering: Merger Strategy Theories of Mergers Horizontal and
Conglomerate Mergers Merger Procedure Valuation of Firm Financial Impact of Merger Merge
and Dilution Effect on Earnings Per Share Merger and Dilution Effect on Business Control.

Corporate Restructuring: Takeover Strategy Types of Takeovers Negotiated and Hostile Bids
Takeover Procedure Takeover Defenses Takeover Regulations of SEBI Distress Restructuring
Strategy Sell offs Spin Offs Leveraged Buyouts- Buy back shares Alignment of Interest
Corporate Governance . (Problems)

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.


1. Coper and Weston: Financial Theory and Corporate Policy.

2. Braley and Myers: The Principles of Corporate Finance. Mc.Graw Hill, N.Y.1993.
3. Prasanna Chandra : Financial Management, Theory and Practice.
4. I.M. Pandey Financial Management, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi.


Corporate Policy: Strategic Financial Planning - Changing Complexion Of Regulatory Framework - Shareholder Value Creation (SCV): Market Value
Added (MVA) Market-to-Book Value (M/BV) Economic Value Added (EVA) Managerial Implications of Shareholder Value Creation- Corporate
Risk Management Understanding the firms Strategic Exposure.
Corporate Financial Strategies: Capital Structure Planning- EBIT,EPS,ROE analysis-Shareholders Risk Financial Options and Value of the Firm
Dividend Policy and Value of the Firm Growth and External Financing Requirement. (Problems)

Corporate Investment Strategy: Techniques of Investment Appraisal Under Risk and Uncertainty Risk Adjusted Net Present Value Risk Adjusted
Internal Rate of Return Capital Rationing Decision Tree Approach for Investment Decisions Evaluation of Lease Vs Borrowing Decision- Long term
investment plans analysis with risk and return. (Problems)

Corporate Financial Engineering: Merger Strategy Theories of Mergers Horizontal and Conglomerate Mergers Merger Procedure Valuation of Firm
Financial Impact of Merger Merge and Dilution Effect on Earnings Per Share Merger and Dilution Effect on Business Control. (Problems)

Corporate Restructuring: Takeover Strategy Types of Takeovers Negotiated and Hostile Bids Takeover Procedure Takeover Defenses Takeover
Regulations of SEBI Distress Restructuring Strategy Sell offs Spin Offs Leveraged Buyouts- Buy back shares Alignment of Interest Corporate
Governance . (Problems)

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.


1. Coper and Weston: Financial Theory and Corporate Policy.

2. Braley and Myers: The Principles of Corporate Finance. Mc.Graw Hill, N.Y.1993.
3. Prasanna Chandra : Financial Management, Theory and Practice.
4. I.M. Pandey Financial Management, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi.



Introduction to Consumer Behaviour: Understanding consumers and market segments. Evolution of
consumer behaviour, consumer analysis and business strategy. Models of Buyer Behavior, Howard Model,
Howard- Sheth Model, EKB Model, Webster and Wind Model and Sheth Industrial Buyer Behaviour

Psychological Foundations of Consumer Behavior: Consumer Motivation, Perception, Personality and
Behavior, Learning and Behavior Modification, Information Processing, Memory Organization and
Function, Attitude Formation and Attitude Change. Social and Cultural Environment Economic,
Demographic, Cross Cultural and SocioCultural Influences, Social Stratification, Reference Groups and
Family, Personal influence.

Communication and Consumer Behaviour: Components of communications process, designing persuasive
communication and Diffusion of Innovations. Consumer Decision Processes Highand Low Involvement,
Pre-purchase Processes, Post Purchase processes, Consumption and evaluation, Brand Loyalty and Repeat
Purchase Bahaviour.

Consumerism: The roots of consumerism, consumer safety, consumer information, environmental concerns,
consumer privacy, legislative responses to consumerism and marketer responses to consumer issues.

Consumer Protection: Consumer Protection Act 1986, Central consumer protection council, state consumer
protection councils, consumer disputes redressal agencies, consumer disputes redressal forum, National
Consumer Disputes redressal Commission.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. Ramneek Kapoor, Nnamdi O Madichie: Consumer Behaviour Text and Cases, TMH, New Delhi,
2. Ramanuj Majumdar: Consumer Behavior insight from Indian Market, PHI Learning, New Delhi,
3. M.S.Raju: Consumer Behavior Concepts, applications and Cases, Vikas Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2013.
4. David L Loudon and Albert J Della Bitta, Consumer Behaviour, 4/e, TMH, New Delhi, 2002.
5. Schiffman, L.G and Kanuk L.LConsumer Behaviour, 8/e, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2003.

Basic concept of retailing: Retail development types and functions of retailers multi channel retailing
organized retailing in India special characteristics of retailing services retailing- legislation for retailing in

Retail strategy: market strategy retail format and target market building sustainable competitive
advantage growth strategies strategic retail planning process.

Retail location Types, location opportunities selection of location and Site analysis - financial strategy
strategic profit model setting and measuring performance objectives.

Store layout and design: Store operations and inventory management- Merchandise planning and control -
Buying merchandise Developing Assortment plan.

Retail Pricing Strategy:, Category Management, Customer services Retail branding - International
retailing Promotional strategies advertising, sales promotion, Store atmosphere.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.

1. Sheikh and Kaneez Fatima, Retail Management, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2012
2. A.J. Lamba:The Art of Retailing, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.2011
3. Sivakumar, A, Retail Marketing, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2007
4. Swapna Pradhan, Retail management, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi, 2012
5. Berman Barry, Joel R. Evans and Mini Mathur, Retail Management-A Strategic Approach,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2011.
6. Chetan Bajaj RajnishTuli, Nidhivarma Srivastava:Retail Management, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi, 2012.

Introduction: Consumer Behavior Consumer and Marketing Strategy Determinants of Consumer
Behavior Profile of the Indian Consumer.

UNIT - 2
Perception: Nature Perception and Marketing Strategy, Motivation Motivation Theories and Marketing
Strategy Personality.

UNIT - 3
Attitude Measurement and Change: Self Concept and Life Style Marketing, Influence of Social and Cultural
factors on Consumer Behavior Family, Reference groups, Cross Cultural Variations in Consumer

UNIT - 4
Consumer Decision Process: Problem Recognition Information Search Evaluation of alternatives and
selection Post Purchase Behavior Organizational buyer Behavior Diffusion of Innovation.

UNIT - 5
Customer Relationship Management: Facets and Elements of CRM CRM Process Importance of CRM
Planning and Managing CRM Programme Concept of Customer Loyalty
Customer Value Assessment Customer Retention Strategies CRM in services.

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.


1. Hawkins, Best, Coney: Consumer Behaviour Building Marketing Strategy, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Lindquist & Sirgy, Consumer Behaviour, Cengage, New Delhi
3. N Gautam & K Jain, Consumer Behaviour, Wisdom, Delhi
4. Kazmi : Consumer Behaviour, Excel Publishers.
5. H.Peer Mohammed: Customer Relationship Management, Vikas, ND
6. Panwar, J.S. Beyond Consumer Marketing, Sage Response Books, New Delhi.

Introduction : Role of Strategic Marketing - Key Definitions of Strategic Marketing - Role and Importance and
concepts- Systematic approach - sequencing and scheduling of activities and integration of activities - Resource
Requirements Time scaling - Processes: Strategic Marketing Planning Process - Strategic Marketing Analysis -
marketing strategy objective setting- perceptual mapping - factor analysis, Option Evaluation, Choice
Formulation and Implementation and Control Links to corporate strategy: Mission statement, organizational
structure and corporate responsibility and ethics - dynamic strategy
Strategic Marketing Strategy: Models - Organisation, Industry and market environment situation analysis;
Porters Five Forces model - Structure, Conduct and Performance; - Marketing Audit - portfolio analysis
techniques -strategic positioning, defining the future position - Marketing Tactics - Product tactics -Price tactics-
Promotion tactics - Place tactics-Direct response marketing strategies - Defensive strategies - Customer retention
strategies-Personalised marketing; Payne and Ballantynes Six markets model
Strategic Marketing Techniques : Setting marketing objectives and marketing strategy - Targeting markets -
Segmenting markets - Profiling markets- Positioning segmented markets, Direct or Indirect sales Strategy options
- core competences - Competitive advantage - Investment opportunity evaluation - market leadership - Innovation
strategies - Market pioneer - close followers, late followers; offensive, defensive and value-based marketing
strategies Strategic marketing objectives: marketing mix 7 Ps.
Strategic marketing environment : Changes in the external environment: shift from supply to demand
environment; fashionisation of markets; micro-markets; rising expectations; technological change; competition;
globalisation; importance of customer service; commoditisation; erosion of brands; new constraints Strengths and
weaknesses: focus of marketing objectives, links to corporate strategy.
UNIT - 5
New Product Developments: Ability to customize - Ability to handle information to gain competitive advantage -
e-marketing position - core focus - target markets, nature and potential of key market segments, partnerships with
customers and other stakeholders - Innovation strategies, timescales, resource requirements, budgets, monitoring,
review and control mechanisms Strategic marketing responses: emerging themes eg impact of globalisation, the
strength or weakness of competitors, importance of environmental factors, changes in the political environment,
the state of the economy, the exchange rate, health and safety factors
Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.
1. Devid A Aaker and Damien Mc Loughlior: Strategic Marketing Management- Global Perspective
Wiley Publications.
2. Jean Jacques Lambin : Strategic Marketing Management, McGraw Hill,
3. Nag A: Strategic Marketing. MacMillons
4. Srinivas R, Lohith C.P.: Strategic Marketing and Innovation for Indian MSMEs, Springer
5. Graeme Drummond, John Ensor, Ruth Ashfor: Strategic Marketing Planning and Control,
Elsevier Pblication.
6. Kotler P and Keller K L:A Framework for Marketing Management, Pearson Education, 2008


Introduction to E- Business: Transitioning to the Web E-Business and E-Commerce overview History of
Internet and World Wide Web Web development Internet and World Wide Web Resources. A Framework
for understanding E -Business.

E-Business Models: Storefront Models, Auction Model, Portal Model and Dynamic-Pricing Models. B2B
E-Commerce and EDI. Understanding Online Communication and Behavior. Creating the Marketing Mix
Organizational and Managerial Issues. Implementation and Control of the E-Business Plan.

Building an E-Business: Design and Development and Management E-Business Solutions - Online
Monetary Transactions. e-Wallets Digital Currency and Alternate Consumer Payment Options .Smart
Cards, e-Billing developing payment standards.

Internet Marketing: Branding, Promotions, E-Business Advertising E-Customer Relationship Management
Tracking and Analyzing data, Personalization Contact Centers Complete e-CRM Solutions

Legal and Ethical Issues: Privacy and confidentiality on the Internet Other Legal areas like Defamation IPR
and Patents, Trade mark Unsolicited Commercial e-Mail (Spam) Online Contracts and User Agreements.
Cyber Crime Internet Taxation Issues

Relevant cases have to be discussed in each unit and in examination case is compulsory from any unit.


1. Hanson: E-Commerce and Internet Marketing, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2013
2. Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, Kate Steinbuhler: e-Business and e-Commerce for Managers,
Pearson Publication.
3. David Whiteley: E -Commerce- Strategy technologies and Applications, Tata Mac-Graw Hill, New
Delhi, 2000.
4. C.S.V.Murthy: E-CommerceConcepts, Models & Strategies, Himalaya Publishing house,
Mumbai, 2003.
5 Kamalesh K Bajaj & Debjani Nag: E-Commerce, the Cutting Edge of Business- Tata McGraw-
Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
6. Bharat Bhaskar: Electronic Commerce,Tata Mc-Graw-Hill, New Delhi, 2003.

UNIT - 1
Database Systems: Evolution- File Oriented Systems- Database Models- database System Components-
Database Systems in the Organization- Data sharing - Strategic Database - Planning database and
Management Control- Risks and Costs in Databases- Database development.

UNIT - 2
Database Design: Principles of Conceptual Database- Design Conceptual Data Models-Aggregation-
Modeling conceptual Objects vs. Physical Objects- Relational Data Model-Fundamental Concepts-
Normalization-Transforming a conceptual model - Relational Model-Relational Database Implementation-
Relational Algebra and Calculus.

UNIT - 3
SQL-Schema and Table Definition: Data Manipulation- View Definition Graphical Query Language-
Client-Server Databases - Defining Database Tables and Server - Data Manipulation and Programming-
Developing Client Applications

UNIT - 4
Physical Database Systems: Storage Media- Disk Performance Factors File Organization-Implementing
Logical Relationships- Mapping logical Data Structures to Physical Structures-Secondary Keys Access
Database Administration and Control - DBA Functions- DBA Goals Database Integrity- Database Security-
Database Recovery

UNIT - 5
Distributed Database Systems: Design.- Query Processing- Data Integrity Recovery-Client/Server Systems-
DBMS Selection and Implementation- Information Needs- DBMS Functions and Capabilities-Classifying
DBMS feature requirement Evaluation Models-Implementation Issues- Case studies of RDBMS package
such as ORACLE/MS-SQL Server. (Lab Sessions to be conducted wherever it is required)


1. Modem Database Management: MeFadden

2. An Introduction to Database System: Bipin C.Desai
3. Database Management & Design: Gary Hansen & James. Hansesn.
4. Alexis Leon & C.K. Thomas DB2 (IBM Database 2), The Complete Book for Application
Programmers, Comdex Computer Publication a division of Pustak Mahal.
5. Prof. S. Nandagopalan, Database Management Systems, A Practical Approach, Sapna Book House,

Unit: 1
Web Fundamentals Introduction To The Web, History of the Web, Protocols Governing the Web,
Creating Websites for Individuals and the Corporate World, Web Applications, Writing Web
Projects, Identification of Objects, Target User, Web Team, Planning and Process Development,
Web Architecture, Major Issues in the Web Solutions Development, Web Servers (Apache Web
Server), Web Browsers, Internet Standards, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, IP Addresses, MIME, Cyber

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP): Introduction - Web Server and Clients, Resources, URL and
its Anatomy Examples, Message Format, Persistent and Non-Persistent Connections, Web
Caching, Proxy. Java Network Programming- Java and the Net, Java Networking Classes and
Interfaces, Looking up Internet Address, Client/Server Programs, Socket Programming, E -mail
Client.(lab sessions to be conducted)

Unit 3
HyperText Markup Language (HTML): Introduction, Structure, Text, Lists, Links, Images, Tables,
Forms, Frames, Images, and Meta Tags. (lab sessions to be conducted)

Unit 4
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Introduction, Advantages, Color, Text, Boxes, Lists, Tables and
Forms, Layout, Images, HTML5 Layout. (Lab Sessions to be conducted)

Unit 5
JavaScript Introduction, Variables, Literals, Operators, Control Structure, Conditional Statements,
Arrays, Functions, Objects, JavaScript and HTML DOM, Advanced JavaScript and HTML Forms
(Lab sessions to be conducted).
(Lab Sessions to be conducted wherever it is required)

1. Web Technologies Uttam K Roy Oxford University Press, 2010
2. HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites Jon Duckett- John Wiley & Sons, 2014.

Systems Analysis and Design: Meaning - System Analyst: Role and Responsibilities. Strategies of System
Design and Development - Principles of System Development - Tools of System Development -
Requirements Analysis: Strategies - Fact- finding Feasibility Analysis - Documenting: DFD, DD, DT,
Decision Trees,

System Design: Objectives - Physical Vs. Logical Design- Areas of System Design: Input Design: Date
Capture - GUI controls - prototype design - Process Design - Modelling Applications - Information
Technology Architecture - Output Design - Principles - Prototype Interface Display Forms Design.

Procedure Design: Code Design File Design Methods Storage Structures Software Design
Techniques Principles.

System Testing: Types Approaches Quality Assurance Assessing Reliability Documentation
Training the users and operating personnel.

System Implementation: Strategies and Techniques Conversion Methods System support and maintenance
system crash Recovery- System Evaluation Techniques.


1. Whitten.L. Jeffery: Bentley. D. Lonnie: System Analysis and Design Methods, Tata Mc. Graw Hill, New
2. Senn. A.James: Analysis and Design of Information System Mc. Graw Hill, New York.
3. Davis. B. Gordeon, Olson, H.Margrethe: Management Information Systems: Conceptual Foundations,
Structure and Development, Mc.Graw Hill, New York.
4. Garg.K.Vinod, Srinivasan, S: Work book on systems Analysis & Design, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi.
5. Rajaraman, V. Analysis and Design of Information System, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
6. Vigya Charya R. Bansal, Information System Analysis and Design: A Modern Approach to System
Development, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.

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