Acid PH Butirato Microbiota 2021
Acid PH Butirato Microbiota 2021
Acid PH Butirato Microbiota 2021
doi: 10.1093/femsle/fnab042
Advance Access Publication Date: 17 April 2021
Research Letter
R E S E A R C H L E T T E R – Food Microbiology
Environmental pH and gut transit rate are the key factors determining the dynamics of colonic microbiota. In this study, the
effect of changing pH on the composition and metabolism of pooled faecal microbiota was elucidated at physiologically
relevant dilution rates Dhigh = 0.2 and Dlow = 0.05 1/h. The results showed the best adaptability of Bacteroides ovatus within
the pH range 6.0–8.0 at both dilution rates. The butyrate producing Faecalibacterium and Coprococcus comes were extremely
sensitive to pH > 7.5, while the abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila increased significantly at pH >7 at Dhigh , causing a
pH-dependant shift in the dynamics of mucin degrading species. Increased gas formation was observed at
pH < 6.5. Substantially more CO2 was produced at Dlow than at Dhigh (18-29 vs 12–23 mmol per L medium, respectively).
Methane was produced only at Dlow and pH > 7, consistent with the simultaneous increased abundance of
Methanobrevibacter smithii. Our study confirmed the importance of pH in the development of faecal microbiota in
pectin-supplemented medium. Fermentation of other dietary fibres can be studied using the same approach. The
significance of pH should be more emphasized in gut research and diagnostics.
Keywords: continuous culture; changestat; faecal microbiota; pH; growth rate; apple pectin
2 FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2021, Vol. 368, No. 7
et al. (2009). Moreover, the gastrointestinal acidity depends on Defined base medium and substrates
an individual’s dietary habits. Certain polysaccharides bind sub-
stantial amounts of water and increase the volume and moving The defined growth medium (pH 7.2 ± 0.1) was prepared in
rate of the chyme (Cummings 1984; Elia and Cummings 2007; de 0.05 M potassium phosphate buffer made from 1 M stock solu-
Vries, Miller and Verbeke 2015). Degradation of polysaccharides, tions (ml/L): K2 HPO4 (28.9) and KH2 PO4 (21.1). The medium
release of organic acids, absorption of bile salts and water create contained mineral salts (mg/L): MgSO4 ∗ 7H2 O (36), FeSO4 ∗ 7H2 O
a pH gradient inside the large intestine (Cummings and Macfar- (0.1), CaCl2 (9), MnSO4 ∗ H2 O (3), ZnSO4 ∗ 7H2 O (1), CoSO4 ∗ 7H2 O
lane 1991). (1), CuSO4 ∗ 5H2 O (1), (NH4 )6 Mo7 O24 ∗ 4H2 O (1), NaCl (527); hemin
Mucins, the main components of intestinal mucus, pro- (5 mg/L); vitamin K1 (0.5 mg/L); l-amino acids (g/L): Ala (0.044),
vide substrate for mucin-degrading bacteria such as Akkerman- Arg (0.023), Asn (0.038), Asp (0.038), Glu (0.036), Gln (0.018),
sia muciniphila and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron (Van Bueren et al. Gly (0.032), His (0.027), Ile (0.060), Leu (0.120), Lys-HCl (0.080),
2017; Van Herreweghen et al. 2017). Pectins are a group of car- Met (0.023), Phe (0.050), Pro (0.041), Ser (0.095), Thr (0.041),
bohydrates found in the cell walls and middle lamellae of Trp (0.009), Val (0.060), Tyr (0.015); vitamins (mg/L): biotin
fruits and vegetables and are common in human diet. Pectins (0.25), Ca-pantothenate (0.25), folic acid (0.25), nicotinamide
Aguirre et al. 2016). pH of the in vitro culture was controlled by The DNA sequence data was analysed using BION-meta (ww
the addition of 1M NaOH. The D-stat algorithm was started dur- The sequences were first cleaned at both ends
ing the exponential growth phase of the bacteria, 15–17 h after using a 99.5% minimum quality threshold for at least 18 of
inoculation. Culture stability was evaluated by a stabilization of 20 bases for 5 -end and 28 of 30 bases for 3 -end, then joined,
the titration (indicating the acid production rate) and gas pro- followed by the removal of contigs shorter than 250 bp. The
duction rates. Average fluctuations of these parameters below sequences were then cleaned of chimeras and clustered by 95%
5% within the last three residential times were considered as oligonucleotide similarity (k-mer length of 8 bp, step size 2 bp).
indicator of a stable culture to start the changestat algorithm. In Lastly, consensus reads were aligned to the SILVA reference 16S
average, 6–7 residential volumes were needed to achieve stable rDNA database (v123) using a word length of 8 and similarity
cultures. When stabilized at pH 7, the pH was either gradually cut-off of 90%.
changed from 7.0 to 6.0 or from 7.0 to 8.0 with acceleration rates
a = 0.005 and 0.02 U/h, corresponding to Dlow and Dhigh , respec-
Statistical analysis
tively (Fig. S1, Supporting Information). This strategy allowed to
start all experiments from a comparable steady state. Differences in bacterial abundances and metabolite productions
Samples from the fermenter outflow were collected on ice, cen- The study was approved by the Tallinn Medical Research Ethics
trifuged (14 000 g, 5 min, +4◦ C) and stored separately as super- Committee, Estonia (protocol No. 554).
natants and cell pellets at −20◦ C until analysis. The super-
natants were filtered using AmiconR Ultra-10K Centrifugal Filter RESULTS
Devices, cut-off 3 kDa (Millipore, USA). Concentrations of succi-
nate, lactate, formate, acetate, propionate, isobutyrate, butyrate, The effect of pH on the metabolism of apple pectin by
isovalerate and valerate were determined by HPLC (Alliance 2795 faecal microbiota at low dilution rate (Dlow = 0.05 1/h)
system; Waters, USA) equipped with BioRad HPX 87H column
The most abundant taxa at Dlow within the whole pH range
(Hercules, USA) with isocratic elution of 0.005 M H2 SO4 , flow
tested were Bacteroides ovatus (that combines B. ovatus, B. thetaio-
rate 0.5 mL/min, 35◦ C. The RI (model 2414; Waters, USA) and
taomicron and B. xylanisolvens which could not be differenti-
UV (210 nm; model 2487; Waters, USA) detectors were used
ated by SILVA 16S rDNA reference database v123), Ruminococ-
for quantification. Amino acid concentrations were determined
caceae UCG-013 and Akkermansia muciniphila (Fig. 1). B. ovatus is
with UPLC (Acquity; Waters, USA). The chromatographic data
a common species in the human colon and its active growth
were processed in Empower software (Waters, USA).
has been shown at pH 6.0–6.9 (Chung et al. 2016). As opposed
Gas volume was recorded using MilliGascounter (Ritter, Ger-
to Ruminococcaceae UCG-013 and A. muciniphila, B. ovatus was
many). Composition of the gas outflow was analysed with gas
highly abundant also at Dhigh . The other taxa with distinctly
analyser (Agilent 490 MicroGC Biogas Analyzer; Agilent 269
higher abundance at Dlow were Bacteroides dorei/vulgatus, Alistipes
Technologies Ltd., USA). Soluble gas concentration (c) in the cul-
sp. and Ruminococcaceae UCG-002 (Fig. 1).
ture liquid was calculated using Henry law: c = Hcp∗∗ p, where p
The growth of B. cellulosilyticus, Clostridium subterminale,
is the partial pressure of the given gas in the gas phase and Hcp∗
Clostridium tertium and Sutterella wadsworthensis was significantly
(M/atm) is the effective Henry constant of the given gas depen-
favored at pH >7 (Fig. 2). In contrast, growth of Dorea longicatena,
dent on pH (Sander 2015).
Faecalibacterium sp. and Escherichia coli, were supported by pH < 7.
The metabolite patterns followed the microbiota along with
the pH change. The molar ratio of acetate:propionate:butyrate
DNA extraction, sequencing and taxonomic profiling
was 1:0.47:0.34 at pH 6 and 1:0.31:0.16 at pH 8. Acetate, the main
DNA was extracted from the cell pellets using PureLink Micro- metabolite of many gut bacteria, was produced within the whole
biome DNA extraction kit (Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK). Univer- pH range and at both dilution rates (Fig. 3). Slightly less acetate
sal primers: F515 5’-GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA-3’ and R806 5’- was detected at low pH (19 vs 25 mM at pH 6.0 vs pH 8.0, respec-
GGACTACHVGGGTWTCTAAT-3’ were used for PCR amplification tively). Significant correlations between the consortial changes
of the V4 hypervariable regions of the 16S rRNA genes. Sequenc- and acetate production could not be elucidated from these data.
ing libraries were prepared with Nextera XT Index Kit (Illu- In accordance with the prevalence of B. ovatus, Ruminococ-
mina). Prepared libraries were quantified using QubitTM dsDNA caceae and A. muciniphila, production of propionate and butyrate
HS Assay Kit (quantitation range 0.2-100 ng; Thermo Fisher Sci- was seen throughout the whole tested pH range with slightly
entific) or QubitTM dsDNA BR Assay Kit (quantitation range 2– lower values at higher pH-s (Fig. 3). The family Ruminococ-
1000 ng; Thermo Fisher Scientific). All reagent kits were handled caceae includes several butyrate producing genera such as
in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions. Pooled libraries Faecalibacterium. In agreement with the decreasing abundance
were sequenced using Illumina iSeq 100 platform and i1 reagent of Faecalibacterium, significantly less butyrate was formed at
kit. The amplified region was 250–280 bp long and in average pH > 7.5, compared to that at pH < 6.5. However, similar trend
75 474 reads per sample were obtained. was not observed for other Ruminococcaceae.
4 FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2021, Vol. 368, No. 7
Figure 2. Dynamic changes of the abundances (log scale) of the species of significant difference (P-value < 0.05) between pH 6.0 and 8.0 at dilution rates Dlow = 0.05
1/h (dark blue dots) and Dhigh = 0.2 1/h (light blue dots). Dark and light pink dots indicate the steady state conditions at pH = 7.0, before increase or decrease of the pH
at Dlow and Dhigh , respectively. The species detected at least 0.5% in at least one sample are shown. Data on abundances of all bacteria and P-values can be found in
the Table S1, Supporting Information.
Raba et al. 5
lent at Dlow . This agrees with our previous findings about pectin-degrading taxa changed from butyrate-producing Faecal-
conversion of the reducing agent cysteine into H2 S by faecal ibacterium and Lachnospira to propionate-producing B. cellulosilyti-
microbiota at low dilution rate (Adamberg and Adamberg 2018; cus. This indicates the dynamics of microbiota and metabolite
Adamberg, Raba and Adamberg 2020). patterns in the colonic environment in regard to the acid for-
mation and pH. Pure cultures of B. caccae were shown to con-
vert apple pectin into acetate and propionate (Sirotek et al. 2004).
The effect of pH on the metabolism of apple pectin by Depending on the species, Bacteroides may produce either succi-
faecal microbiota at high dilution rate (Dhigh = 0.2 1/h) nate, propionate, or both in parallel with acetate. The production
of propionate via succinate requires CO2 which is used for regen-
The most abundant taxa at Dhigh throughout the tested pH range
eration of NAD+ . On the other hand, when propionate is pro-
were B. ovatus and Lachnospiraceae UCG-008 (Fig. 1). The growth
duced via catabolism of puryvate, CO2 is released. Our data sug-
of some other species, namely Bifidobacterium bifidum, Clostrid-
gest that Dlow favours the development of consortia that produce
ium subterminale, Dorea longicatena, Lachnoclostridium torques, Sut-
propionate through succinate and CO2 , while Dhigh supports the
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fast growing microbes that produce succinate without its further
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