2018 Aflatoxin B1 RATS Experiments
2018 Aflatoxin B1 RATS Experiments
2018 Aflatoxin B1 RATS Experiments
doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfy102
Advance Access Publication Date: April 20, 2018
Research Article
In this study, male F344 rats were orally exposed to aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) at 0, 5, 25, and 75 lg/kg for 4 weeks. Rat feces were
collected from 2 to 4 weeks following exposure and were assessed for gut-microbiota-dependent metabolites. Gut-
microbiota-related organic acids were quantitated in the feces using 2-nitrophenylhydrazine derivatization coupled HPLC-
profiling method which was validated and showed good reliability, accuracy and sensitivity. After 2-week exposure, AFB1
significantly reduced the levels of fecal short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) with an over 70% reduction in the high-dose group
(75 lg/kg). Mixed-effects model revealed an inverse correlation between AFB1 dose and fecal levels of SCFAs, but no
significant time effect was found. When compared with the control, oral exposure to middle-dose AFB1 (25 lg/kg) resulted
in remarkable elevations of fecal cholic acid (2.18-fold), linoleic acid (cis-9, cis-12–18:2) (11.3-fold), pentadecanoic acid (15: 0)
(3.68-fold), pyruvic acid (4.56-fold), and 3-phenyllactic acid (3.74-fold), but deoxycholic acid level was reduced by 41% in the
low-dose group (5 lg/kg). These results demonstrated the disruptions of several important gut-microbiota metabolic
pathways, including the synthesis of SCFAs, pyruvic acid related pathways, metabolisms of amino acids, bile acids and
long-chain fatty acids, which may further affect host digestive efficiency, energy supply, intestinal immunity, production of
neurotransmitters, and enterohepatic cross-talk. Our study suggests that the impairment of gut-microbiota-dependent
metabolism may contribute to pathological mechanisms of AFB1-induced adverse health effects.
Key words: Aflatoxin B1; gut-microbiota; long-chain fatty acids; microbial metabolism; short-chain fatty acids.
Aflatoxins (AFs) are a class of food-borne mycotoxins mainly assessment of AFB1 contamination in human food and animal
produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus (Kumar feed has been a global concern for food safety and public health
et al., 2016). These toxigenic fungi commonly contaminate soil, (Henry et al., 1999; Torres et al., 2015). On the other hand, re-
and colonize on the surface of cereals, especially for maize, and markable efforts have been made to develop novel prevention/
groundnuts, once humidity (>17.5%) and temperature (>24 C) intervention strategies against AFB1-induced adverse health
meet their growth needs (Trenk and Hartman, 1970). Such envi- effects, including liver cancer risks and growth/developmental
ronmental conditions have made the tropical area more suscep- disorders in high-risk and vulnerable populations (Mitchell
tible for the food contamination and human exposure to AFs, et al., 2014; Xue et al., 2016).
especially in the low- and middle-income developing nations Human gastrointestinal tract harbors a complex microbiota
(Qian et al., 2013a). Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is widely recognized as that contains more than 100 trillion microbes with over 400 spe-
the most harmful AF, due to its potent toxicity, genotoxicity, cies and carries 150 times more genes than the human genome
and carcinogenicity as well as acute aflatoxicosis in animals (Qin et al., 2010). The gut-microbiota constantly provides host
and human populations (Kew, 2013; Qian et al., 2013b; Wang with hundreds of micronutrients and functional metabolites,
and Groopman, 1999). Accordingly, the detection and which actively participate into the host enterohepatic
C The Author(s) 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Toxicology.
All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]
cross-talk, as well as the physiological regulations of many and 75 lg AFB1/kg body weight (b.w.) per day, respectively.
organs and systems (Ursell et al., 2014). In recent years, next- DMSO was used as vehicle solvent. The details of animal proto-
generation sequencing technologies have uncovered all kinds of col were reported in earlier publications, together with body in-
intricate connections among gut-microbiota, dietary composi- dexes, histopathological assessment and AFB1-Lys
tion and host health (Chakraborty et al., 2010; Holmes et al., pharmacokinetic data (Mohammadagheri et al., 2016; Qian et al.,
2012). In this 3-way relationship, oral exposure to xenobiotics or 2013b, 2014, 2016). Briefly, animals were daily administered
dietary composition could lead to the alteration of gut- with AFB1 by gavage for 4 weeks. From the second week to the
microbiota, and the changes of gut-microbiota may further in- fourth week, rat feces were daily collected, and weekly pooled
fluence host health in a significant way (Brown and Hazen, for each group. All fecal samples were stored in 80 C freezer.
2015). Emerging evidences have demonstrated the causative Animal husbandry and care, AFB1 dosing protocol, and sample
links between gut-microbial microbiome/metabolome and a se- collection were approved and in strict accordance with the
ries of health problems in host, eg, obesity, metabolic syn- requirements and regulations of the Institutional Animal Care
drome, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), colon cancer, and Use Committee at the University of Georgia.
inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and cardiovascular disease
keeping at 10% A in 43–58 min; finally, from 10% A to 90% A in analyte amount measured in the extract of nonspiked feces)
58–61 min for re-balance. The detection channel is 400 nm by 100/(amount of spiked analyte) (Han et al., 2013b).
DAD, with reference wavelength at 510 6 60 nm. The represen-
tative chromatogram is shown in Figure 1. Lower limit of detec- 16S rRNA analysis. Briefly, total fecal genomic DNA which con-
tion (LLOD), regression standard curves, as well as the other tains 16S rRNA was extracted using QIAamp DNA stool mini kits
necessary quantitative parameters used for HPLC-profiling (QIAGEN, Valencia, California). A 2-step Quadruple-index PCR
analysis are listed in Table 1. Short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) method was used to prepare the 16S rRNA gene libraries accord-
were recovered using the recovery rates averaged from the feces ing to Klindworth et al. (2013). Sequencing of these 16S rRNA frag-
spiked with SCFA standards of approximately 50%, 100%, and ment libraries was performed in the Georgia Genomic Facility
200% of their levels in control group (Supplementray Table 1). (University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia) using the Illumina MiSeq
The concentrations of other interested analytes were deter- with v2 500 cycle chemistry, resulting in paired-end 250 base
mined using the recovery rates of structurally close standards reads to obtain approximately 30 000 reads per sample.
which have similar or close structure to the analytes. The 16S rRNA fragment amplified in this study is from site
358 to 784 under Escherichia coli system of nomenclature
Specifically, the recovery rate of hippuric acid was used to re-
(Klindworth et al., 2013). The raw paired-end, demultiplexed se-
cover phenyl acids (PAs); heptadecanoic acid was used to re-
quence read was merged using FLASH 1.2.9 in Geneious 8.1 soft-
cover long-chain fatty acids (LCFAs), and bisphenol A was used
ware (Biomatters Inc, San Francisco, California). All internal
to recover bile acids. Further, 2-ethylbutyric acid was used to
tags, base spacers, and locus-specific primers of merged
eliminate the technical variabilities, since it has similar struc-
sequences were trimmed and sequences outranged 400–450
ture with SCFAs. Bisphenol A was used as standard to calculate
base-pairs were discarded. Outputs from Geneious 8.1 were
recoveries for bile acid and derivatives because it is considered
quality filtered using QIIME pipeline (Quantitative Insights Into
to have close structure with estradiol, which was used as inter-
Microbial Ecology) (Caporaso et al., 2010). Representative
nal standard for quantitative analysis of bile acid (Junichi et al.,
sequences for each operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were
1978; Rubin, 2011). And no other commercially available com-
compared with the Greengene 16S rRNA gene database 13-8 re-
pound can be chromatographically separated with bile constitu-
lease (DeSantis et al., 2006) using uclust algorithm with the simi-
ents for the calibration of recovery using current method. larity threshold of 90%. The top 3 database hits that matched
the above representative sequences for each OTU were selected.
Method validation and optimization. Methanol blanks were spiked
with SCFA standards to generate test solutions with concentra- Statistics and software. Data normality examination, homogene-
tions of approximately 50%, 100%, and 200% of the actual SCFA ity test, 1-way ANOVA, and Welch’s t test, were all performed
amounts measured in the sample extracts. The test solutions using SPSS 22. Levene statistic was used to test homogeneity of
were derivatized using 2-NPH and EDC and were immediately variances and Welch-Brown-Forsythe statistic was used to test
used for HPLC-profiling analysis. The analytical precision of the the equality of means. Tukey’s test was used for post hoc analy-
method was validated based on: (1) interday coefficient of varia- sis in ANOVA. When data failed to follow normality of distribu-
tion (CV) of the peak intensities of SCFAs at 3 spike levels in 3 tion, Kruskal-Wallis H test was applied to replace 1-way
consecutive days, with one bunch performed per day; (2) inter- ANOVA. Mixed-effects model regression was performed using
assay CV of the peak intensities of SCFAs at 3 spike levels in 7 STATA 14.1. Pearson’s correlation analysis, and construction of
consecutive assays; (3) intra-assay CV of the peak intensities of heat map and hierarchical tree were performed using R. Mann-
SCFAs at 3 spike levels, with 4 repeats conducted at each level. Whitney U test was used to compare the differences of fecal or-
Analytical accuracy was examined using recoveries with CV, ganic acids (except for SCFAs) when dose effect was the only
and the formula to calculate recovery rate is: recovery % ¼ (ana- factor being analyzed, with p value < .05 considered to be statis-
lyte amount measured in the extract of standard-spiked feces – tically significant.
Table 1. Analytical Parameters of HPLC-Profiling Analysis Used for the Measurement of Interested Fecal Metabolites
Component Category RT* Detection Channel Regression (X, AUC; Y, ng/ll) R2 Linear Range ng/ll LLOD ng/ll
Acetic acid SCFA 14.9 400 nm y ¼ 0.0063x 0.3726 0.9993 0.016–64.8 0.008
Propionic acid SCFA 19.6 400 nm y ¼ 0.021x 0.9273 0.999 0.07–143 0.03
Butyric acid SCFA 25.1 400 nm y ¼ 0.0256x 0.4994 0.9991 0.078–79.5 0.04
Valeric acid SCFA 31.5 400 nm y ¼ 0.0208x 0.4974 0.999 0.054–56.1 0.03
Hexanoic acid SCFA 37.6 400 nm y ¼ 0.0309x 0.356 0.9994 0.074–75.6 0.04
Lactic acid SCFA 13.8 400 nm y ¼ 0.0244x 0.2351 0.9991 0.11–14.33 0.05
Pyruvic acid Alpha-keto acid 41.3 400 nm y ¼ 0.0166x þ 0.7136 0.9997 6.2–500 0.19
2-Ethylbutyric acid IS for SCFA 34.2 400 nm y ¼ 0.1662x - 0.4527 0.9991 0.56–1138 0.28
Niacin PA 22.1 210 nm y ¼ 0.0313x 6.1768 0.9954 1–430 0.25
3-Phenyllactic acid PA 31.2 400 nm y ¼ 0.1003x 0.7134 0.9994 4.7–300 0.58
Hippuric acid IS for PA 26.3 400 nm y ¼ 0.6161x þ 2.8275 0.9996 4.45–570 2.25
Cholic acid SA 45.1 400 nm y ¼ 0.1219x 6.6046 0.9930 3.9–250 0.49
The minimum data point in the linear regression range (R2 > 0.999) was noted as LOQ.
Abbreviations: IS, internal standard for quality control; R2, regression coefficient; LLOD, lower limit of detection; LCFA, long-chain fatty acid; PA, phenyl acid; RT, reten-
tion time (min) in chromatogram; SA, steroid acid; SCFA, short-chain fatty acid. The analyte level which generated a signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio of 3 was noted as the
LLOD for that analyte. Niacin and cholesterol were not detected in most sample extracts.
Figure 2. Fecal SCFA levels of rats treated with 0, 5, 25, and 75 lg AFB1/kg b.w. X-axis indicates duration of treatment. Significance of one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis
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H Test is indicated by string labels: same string indicating p > .05; string with partly overlapped character(s) indicating p < .05; totally different string indicating p < .01.
Error bar indicates standard deviation (n ¼ 5). Specific data are available in Supplementary Table 2.
fecal levels of SCFAs following AFB1-exposure, while and pentadecanoic acid). Specifically, the level of linoleic acid
Lactobacillales Streptococcus and Clostridiales Roseburia, 2 SCFA- was 95.51 6 24.18 ng/mg in the control group, and increased to
producing strains, were depleted in the feces. All 6 SCFAs are 1274.82 6 363.02 ng/mg in the low-dose group and 1079.18 6
correlated in the same cluster of Pearson’s r distance. 760.29 ng/mg in the middle-dose group; the level of pentadeca-
noic acid in the control group was 20.26 6 21.99 ng/mg, and in-
AFB1 Exposure Affects Metabolism of Other Gut-Microbiota creased to 64.76 6 36.57 ng/mg in the low-dose group and 74.60
Dependent Organic Acids 6 53.35 ng/mg in the middle-dose group; the most significantly
We next examined the impacts of AFB1 treatment on a set of altered organic acid was linoleic acid, with over 10-fold increase
key organic acids after 4 weeks of AFB1 exposure, including cho- found in low- and middle-dose groups (Figure 4).
lic acid, deoxycholic acid, 3-phenyllactic acid, pyruvic acid, pen- Oral AFB1 exposure also significantly elevated fecal levels of
tadecanoic acid (15:0), and linoleic acid (cis-9, cis-12-18:2). Oral cholic acid, pyruvic acid, and 3-phenyllactic acid. The level of
AFB1 exposure significantly elevated fecal LCFAs (linoleic acid cholic acid in the control group was 56.15 6 27.15 ng/mg, and
Table 2. Mixed-Effects Model Analysis Between AFB1-Treatment (Dose, Time and Interaction) and Fecal Levels of SCFAs
Acetic acid 0.1103 0.025 <.001 0.1613 0.133 0.227 10.361 2.149 <.001 31.288 6.021
Propionic acid 0.0617 0.015 <.001 0.054 0.082 0.509 6.718 1.301 <.001 11.798 2.270
Butyric acid 0.1442 0.015 <.001 0.0202 0.086 0.921 13.226 1.663 <.001 18.316 3.525
Valeric acid 0.0028 0.001 <.001 0.0007 0.004 0.863 7.900 0.977 <.001 0.026 0.005
Hexanoic acid 0.0179 0.004 <.001 0.0074 0.022 0.740 2.113 0.365 <.001 0.881 0.170
Lactic acid 0.0207 0.003 <.001 0.0228 0.018 0.210 1.280 0.298 <.001 0.586 0.112
Estimate of interaction effect resulted by both dose and treatment time on fecal SCFA levels.
Lactic Acid
Acetic Acid
Propionic Acid
Butyric Acid
Valeric Acid
Hexanoic Acid
Figure 3. Hierarchical cluster tree and heat map to show cross correlations for SCFAs and top 18 significantly altered gut-microbial strains discovered by previous 16s rRNA
data. Data were transferred to fold change of exposure group versus control. Hierarchical clusters are constructed based on Pearson’s r distance. Red-blue color bar indicates
Pearson’s correlation coefficient between 2 correlated components. SCFAs are negatively correlated with the Clostridial Ruminococcaceae strains that are frequently seen
in the stools from patients with Crohn’s disease and obesity. The suppressed strains belong to Lactobacillales and Clostridial Roseburia. Phylogenetic taxa information
can be accessed in reference (Wang et al., 2016). (For interpretation of the reference to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
increased to 128.46 6 15.35 ng/mg in the low-dose group and low-dose group from 10.18 6 8.69 ng/mg in the control group,
122.60 6 7.32 ng/mg in the middle-dose group; the level of and completely dropped to undetectable level in the middle-
pyruvic acid in the control group was 38.46 6 26.92 ng/mg, and dose group.
increased to 75.57 6 22.18 ng/mg in the low-dose group
and 175.23 6 74.98 ng/mg in the middle-dose group, and the
level of 3-phenyllactic acid in the control group was 28.82 6
9.04 ng/mg, and increased to 83.89 6 18.10 ng/mg in the low-
dose group and 107.84 6 74.9 ng/mg in the middle-dose group, Results of this study clearly demonstrated that up to 2-week
respectively. oral AFB1 exposure disrupted metabolism of gut microbiota-
On the other hand, the level of deoxycholic acid was signifi- dependent organic acids, as evidenced by significant reduction
cantly reduced, to about the half level (5.13 6 5.09 ng/mg) in the in fecal level of SCFAs and deoxycholic acid, and significant
ZHOU ET AL. | 459
Fold = 4.56
Fold = 2.29 Fold = 2.18
p < 0.001 Fold = 11.3
p < 0.001 p < 0.001
p < 0.01
Fold = 13.35
p < 0.001
Fold = 1.96
p < 0.05
increases in LCFAs and other organic acids such as pyruvic acid, Galisteo et al., 2008; Morrison and Preston, 2016; Wong et al.,
3-phenyllactic acid, and cholic acid. All these microbial metabo- 2006; Zhao et al., 2006). Acetic acid, butyric acid and propionic
lites play key roles in the metabolism of gut-microbiota and the acid can be produced by gut-microbiota via fermentation of in-
maintenance of host nutrition and health. soluble fibers (Corre ^a-Oliveira et al., 2016; Morrison and Preston,
The detection of trace amounts of SCFAs in complex media, 2016; Torii et al., 2010). SCFAs were mainly produced from the
eg, bio-fluids and fecal extracts, has been reported by several fermentation process of certain strains such as Lactobacillales
studies using HPLC-profiling combined with precolumn deriva- Streptococcus. The aflatoxin-caused reduction in these microbial
tization with 2-NPH (Han et al., 2013a; Miwa et al., 1985; Peters strains (Wang et al., 2015) could eventually affect the fermenta-
et al., 2004), but the application of this method has not yet tion process and cause reduction of SCFAs. Mixed-effects model
reported in AFB1-exposed rat models. The chemical derivatiza- analysis showed that—3 major SCFAs, ie, acetic acid, butyric
tion is usually performed in mild aqueous or alcohol environ- acid and propionic acid were the most significantly affected by
ment, in which carbonyl compounds (carboxylic acid, aldehyde, AFB1-dose and dose time interaction, but not time of treat-
and ketone) bonded to 2-NPH and form hydrazides. The reaction ment (Table 2). It was demonstrated in our earlier 16S rRNA
is activated by water-soluble EDC which serves as carbodiimide analysis, that the adaption of gut-microbiota community struc-
crosslinker. Before in-lab analysis, method validation was con- ture was featured by the elevation of relative abundances of
ducted to confirm whether the analytical procedure is suitable Clostridiales spp., but decrease of Lactobacillales Streptococcus and
and reliable for a specific analytical task (VanHook, 2016). The Clostridiales Roseburia (Wang et al., 2016). Given that dose-
accuracy and reliability of analytical method were further care- response was also found for specific gut-microbial strains,
fully validated (Supplementary Table 1). The measured values Pearson’s correlation analysis between fecal SCFA levels and
and interclass ratio of SCFAs in our study are comparable with gut-microbial strains was performed to show their correlation.
several other publications (Cummings et al., 1987; Torii et al., We found that strains from Firmicutes Clostridiales, an order asso-
2010; Zhao et al., 2006). ciated with diarrhea in human and other mammals
In this study we found significant inhibitory effects of AFB1- (Suchodolski et al., 2015), were highly clustered, and exhibited
exposure on synthesis of SCFAs, which has not previously inverse correlation with SCFAs. By contrast, the relative abun-
reported. The decrease in SCFAs was consistent with the deple- dances of Lactobacillales Streptococcus and Clostridiales Roseburia
tion of SCFA-producing strains such as Lactobacillales were positively correlated with fecal SCFAs. Both of these
Streptococcus and Clostridiales Roseburia (Duncan et al., 2002; microbes are SCFA-producing strains (Duncan et al., 2002;
Kleessen et al., 1997). SCFAs are a group of beneficial aliphatic Kleessen et al., 1997). The depletion of SCFAs in feces reflected
acids that are mainly produced by the anaerobic bacterial fer- the suppression of microbial fermentation on resistant starches
mentation of resistant starches and insoluble fibers in the gas- and insoluble fibers. This may further result in a wide range of
trointestinal tract of human and other mammals (Brockman, adverse consequences, because the receptors of SCFAs such as
2005). They are structurally constructed by 1–6 carbon atom(s), GPR43, GPR41, OLFR78, and GPR109A, are extensively distributed
including formic acid (C1), acetic acid (C2), propionic acid (C3), in different organs and systems, and are involved in a myriad of
butyric acid (C4), valeric acid (C5), hexanoic acid (C6), and a vari- regulatory axis and pathways, such as mobility of gut epithe-
ety of branched-chain isomers of these acids. A variety of nutri- lium, liver lipogenesis, global immunity, cell cycle, oncogenesis,
tional and physiological associations of SCFAs with liver apoptosis and proliferation (Brown et al., 2003; Natarajan and
diseases, general immunity, IBD, cardiovascular disease, and di- Pluznick, 2014; Smith et al., 2013). Moreover, dietary supply of
abetes were found in many epidemiological studies and in vari- SCFAs has recently been found to be able to protect against
ous in vivo and in vitro models (Corre ^a-Oliveira et al., 2016; type-I diabetes in mice model (Wen and Wong, 2017).
In addition to SCFAs, there are a great number of organic size (Rowland, 2012). In correspondence with the increase of
acids present in gut and feces that play important physiological cholic acid, we found severe liver damages and pathogenesis in
roles. They are either food-derived nutrients or the metabolic the AFB1-treated rats (Qian et al., 2013b, 2016). The abnormal re-
products generated in gut-microbiota and host metabolisms. duction of deoxycholic acid can be attributed to the relative
Interested organic acids in our study included fecal linoleic acid abundances of the deoxycholic acid-producing microbes, such
(cis-9, cis-12–18:2), pentadecanoic acid (15:0), pyruvic acid, 3- as Lachospiraceae, Clostridiaceae, and Ruminococcaceae, were all de-
phenyllactic acid, cholic acid, and deoxycholic acid, which were creased by AFB1 exposure (Wang et al., 2016). In both human
remarkably altered in the feces following AFB1 exposure studies and rodent models these strains can metabolize pri-
(Figure 4). Linoleic acid is an omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty mary bile acids into secondary bile acids (Labbe et al., 2014).
acid known as an essential dietary nutrient that cannot be de There are also interactions among primary bile acids, secondary
novo synthesized by human body. The unsaturated fatty acids bile acids, and SCFAs in regulating host health, and the eleva-
are known to carry with various health-promoting functions, tion of intestinal primary bile acids with decreased secondary
such as antioxidant defense, suppression of blood levels of tri- bile acid was associated with the incidences of dysbiosis and
glycerides and cholesterol, maintenance of glucose tolerance, IBD in humans (Lefebvre et al., 2009). The increase of fecal cholic
F344 male rats treated with repeated-dose 5–75 μg AFB1 /kg B.W.
metabolites to host cells and tissues, including gut cells, which Program at the University of Georgia Graduate School pro-
may play an important role in the metabolism of gut- vided stipend supports.
microbiota (Atroshi et al., 1998). However, the more specific
mechanism related to how AFB1 induces changes of gut-
microbiota community structure and the dependent metabo-
lites still need to be clarified in future study. This work was supported partially by the research contract
Taken together, as summarized in Figure 5 based on our pre- (ECG-A-00-07-00001-00), from the United States Agency for
vious studies (Qian et al., 2013a,b, 2014; Wang et al., 2016), oral ex- International Development via Peanut CRSP and the Center
posure to AFB1 in rat results in significant toxic effects, for Mycotoxin Research at the College of Public Health,
biochemical alterations, and induction of preneoplastic GST-P
University of Georgia.
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