Amikacin 2

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West Visayas State University

La Paz, Iloilo City

Name: SLP Attending Physician: Dr. D

Age: 69 Ward/Bed Number:MMSW- 2 Impression/Diagnosis: HAP, COPD acute exacerbation

Name of Drug Dosage, Route, Mechanism of Indication Adverse Reactions Special Precautions Nursing Responsibilities
Frequency, Timing Action
Generic: Dosage: Inhibits protein Serious infections Ototoxicity Use cautiously in Instruct patient to promptly
Amikacin 85mg synthesis in caused by sensitive Nephrotoxicity patients with report adverse reactions to
Route: susceptible strains of strains of Apnea hypertensive reaction prescriber.
Brand: IVTT gram - negative pseudomonas Neuromuscular to drug or other amino-
Zuelig Frequency: bacteria, and the aeruginosa, blockade glycosides. Encourage patient to
OD functional integrity escherichia coli, maintain adequate fluid
Timing: of bacterial cell proteus, klebsiella, or intake.
4 membrane appears staphylococcus. Side Effects
to be disrupted Treatment of serious Correct dehydration before
Functional: causing cell death. infections such as Nausea therapy because of
Antibiotic bacterial septicemia Vomiting increased risk of toxicity.
(including neonatal Itching
Chemical: sepsis); infections of rash Watch for signs of super
Aminoglycoside the respiratory tract; purpura infections.
recurrent and Azotemia
complicated Urinary Arthralgia
Tract Infections (UTI). Increase in urinary
excretion of casts.
Contraindicated with
patients with
hypertensive reaction
to drug or other

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