18hartz Application 2Dand3D Graphic Statics in Design
18hartz Application 2Dand3D Graphic Statics in Design
18hartz Application 2Dand3D Graphic Statics in Design
Article in Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures · December 2018
DOI: 10.20898/j.iass.2018.198.032
2 263
6 authors, including:
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C. HARTZ1a,3, A. MAZUREK1b, M. MIKI1b, T. ZEGARD1b,2, T. MITCHELL1b and W. F. BAKER1c
1aDr.-Ing., 1bPhD, 1cDr.-Ing.E.h., Skidmore, Owings and Merrill LLP, 224 S Michigan Ave suite 1000,
Chicago, IL 60604, USA, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]
2Assistant Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile, [email protected]
3Prof. Dr.-Ing., Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany, [email protected]
Editor’s Note: This paper is the winner of the 2017 Tsuboi Award for the outstanding paper published in the proceedings of
the annual IASS Symposium. It is re-published here with permission of the editors of the proceedings of the IASS 2017
Symposium: “Interfaces –Architecture. Engineering. Science”, held in September 2017 in Hamburg, Germany.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20898/j.iass.2018.198.032
This paper focuses on the use of graphic statics in both the two and three-dimensional layout of structures, and in
the purely geometric panelization of architectural surfaces.
The paper will present an in-house computer program for graphic statics including an untangling algorithm, a
topology optimizer based on the Newton method with constraints and discrete step as well as an optimization
procedure based on virtual work.
In the second section, we show how graphic statics can be generalized to 3D to enable form-finding of 3D funicular
structures. In contrast to other form-finding techniques like the force density method, this method is
straightforward to use in the design of structures that have both compression and tension forces. We demonstrate
the utility of this approach via examples of form-finding of a bridge with a tensioned curved deck supported by a
spatially curved compression arch.
Finally, we will show how graphic statics can be used in a purely geometric context to lay out flat panels on
architectural surfaces of arbitrary topological complexity. Since graphic statics relates the equilibrium of forces
in a 2D truss structure to the orthogonal projection of a 3D plane-faced polyhedron (the discrete Airy function),
it is possible to use 2D equilibrium to define and control 3D plane-faced architectural surfaces. This approach
provides an intuitive method for engineers, normally more familiar with equilibrium than pure geometry, to
understand and rationalize architectural surfaces. Using this approach, we show how graphic statics can be used
to derive, explore, and reason about architectural planar panelizations. Unlike variational approaches to surface
planarization, it is straightforward to handle a surface of any topology; pentagons, octagons etc. are treated just
as easily as quads and triangles. We also believe this approach allows clearer reasoning about the limitations and
design degrees-of-freedom of different panelization strategies.
Keywords: dual structures, graphic statics, optimization, planarization, architectural geometry, form finding,
reciprocal diagrams, topology optimization
1. GRAPHIC STATICS OPTIMIZER planar graph. In graphic statics, the first task an
engineer needs to do is to annotate all nodes of the
1.1. Implementation
truss and polygons between the members of the truss.
It has been assumed in this chapter that the reader It shall be noted here that the graphic statics method
knows graphic statics (Zalewski and Allen [1], in its classic form is valid only for planar graphs
Baker et. al. [2], Beghini et. al. [3], Mazurek et. where each edge is adjacent to 2 different polygons
al. [4]) and graph theory (Bondy and Murty [5] and where no 2 edges have the same 2 polygons
especially chapter 10 on Planar Graphs). adjacent to them. That is, the diagram must be a
single sheet; multiple sheets cannot be joined.
Members of a truss structure (form diagram) are Another important restriction, that needs to be noted,
understood here to compose a single connected is that only nodes interconnected with members
(edges) that are adjacent to one polygon can receive loaded polygons to be equal to the force applied at
a load or reaction. This single polygon is called the node – 2 equations per loaded node are:
external or loaded polygon.
(𝑥𝑥′2 − 𝑥𝑥′1 ) = 𝐹𝐹𝑥𝑥 (2)
To set up dual form and force diagrams, it is first (𝑦𝑦′2 − 𝑦𝑦′1 ) = 𝐹𝐹𝑦𝑦 (3)
necessary to check that the form diagram is a planar
graph. Finding planarity of a graph in general is not Where Fx, Fy are components of a vector
an easy task. Coding the process in the computer is representing nodal load.
even more difficult. An algorithm on how to find
Example shown in Figure 1 has 8 edges and 1 loaded
efficiently planarity of a graph has been described in
node = 10 equations. Number of unknown
Hopcroft and Tarjan [6].
coordinates of nodes reciprocal to the polygons is 2
Notation is a very important element in keeping x 6 = 12. However, one of the reciprocal nodes (2
graphic statics diagrams simple and consistent. unknowns) can be located freely in a 2D space.
Notation used to develop the Graphic Statics
Optimizer (GSO) is named Bow’s notation
(Bow [7], Zalewski and Allen [1]). In this notation,
polygons in the form diagram are annotated with
numbers: 1, 2, 3, … and capital letters: A, B, C, …
(see Figure 1). All open polygons marked with letters
are parts of a single closed loaded polygon separated
with loaded nodes. Polygons in form diagram
correspond (are reciprocal to) nodes in force
diagram. These reciprocal nodes are annotated with
numbers and small letters that correspond to
polygons they are reciprocal to: 1, 2, 3, … , a, b, c,
trivial using any basic finite element (FE) software. Value of load path is proportional to minimum
Thus, graphics statics has been largely forgotten. structural quantities for structure with uniform
However, there are other benefits to the method absolute stress not exceeding a stress limit, i.e.,
besides obtaining structural forces. An obvious one plastic design. At the same time load path is
is that the magnitude of member forces is represented proportional to total stiffness / elastic energy of a
graphically and it is easy to notice when a force structure with fixed volume (Mazurek et al. [8]).
becomes large as the graphics will show a long line Minimizing the load path is therefore beneficial for
unlike color scale solutions of FE programs. both minimizing structural quantities and
deflections, since, for a single load case, one problem
Another benefit of this method is that an engineer can be transformed into the other.
may want to modify member forces in the force
diagram and obtain a structure required to result in The graphics statics makes the calculation of the load
such forces. This is called design in the force path much easier. The summation in (4) is the dot
domain. Figure 2 shows Robert Maillard truss product of the lengths of each line from the two
(1924). This roof truss has been designed to have diagrams.
constant force in the top chord of the truss (constant
1.3. Dual Structures
lengths of lines c-6, d-5, e-3, f-2, g-1 and a-4) and to
have zero force in the diagonal web members. Note Form and force diagrams are reciprocal to each
that diagonal members (dashed lines) have been other. This means that the geometric rules used to
removed from the model after the geometry has been obtain a force diagram from a form diagram can be
found making the system statically unstable. used on the force diagram to generate back the
Nevertheless, this method still provides statically original form diagram. It can be proven that any
correct solution. force diagram, viewed as lines of a structure, can be
loaded in such a way that lines of the original form
diagram are its force diagram. Such two structures
are called dual structures. Both dual structures have
the same load path. If one of these structures is
optimal (has minimum load path) the other is also
optimal for its set of forces. An example of 2 optimal
dual structures is shown in Figure 3. More optimal
dual structures are presented in Baker et. al. [2].
Vol. 59 (2018) No. 4 December n. 198
Deck Strut Arch Vertical load (d) Force diagram: since the magnitude of the reaction
force acting on point B is also unknown, it is also treated
Figure 7: Constructed form (a) and force (b) diagrams for as a variable parameter (K). Point 4 is determined and we
highlighted section in Figure 5 obtain line 3-4
Vol. 59 (2018) No. 4 December n. 198
Vertical load
and force diagrams. While form diagram represents it is recommended to use a software that supports
the horizontal projection of the polyhedron, the force parametric constraints such as GSO discussed above
diagram represents the x and y components of the or CATIA. Diagrams in Figure 12 were constructed
vectors normal to faces of the polyhedron. The using such software. The recovered polyhedron has
normal vectors are ‘normalized’ for their z horizontal planar polygons for bottom and top faces.
component equal 1.0. In other words, the force
diagram has a degree of freedom of parallel Figure 13 shows some renders of planar faced
translation, as well as the polyhedron and the polyhedra that were designed by graphic statics.
normalized vectors. These models have potential to be used as
architectural designs in the future.
A simple method to recover this polyhedron would
be using the Force Density method [13]. Figure 10
shows an arbitrary layout pretensioned by a set of
external forces. The plane faced polyhedron (b, c)
can be obtained by solving a linear system of
equations. (b) Front view of Airy’s stress
Vol. 59 (2018) No. 4 December n. 198