SzlendakGryniewicz-FEMmodel Diaphragmactioneffectsv 0 95
SzlendakGryniewicz-FEMmodel Diaphragmactioneffectsv 0 95
SzlendakGryniewicz-FEMmodel Diaphragmactioneffectsv 0 95
FEM model of the steel building roof includes stressed skin diaphragm action
7 189
2 authors:
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Structural modelling of the steel buildings covered by the metal sheeting View project
Pitched roofs covered by metal sheeting - analysis includes stressed skin diaphragm action effects View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Jerzy Kazimierz Szlendak on 23 January 2021.
ABSTRACT: The paper presents new numerical model for pitched roof of steel building covered by metal
sheeting. Stressed skin diaphragm action effect is considered as a main subject of the discussion. Structural
components of such buildings should be adequately taken into account in analytical models. Various bracings
locations or different main frames structure solutions lead to their different global stiffness caused by horizon-
tal forces. Examples of calculations are shown. Presented procedure consists of diaphragms assembly calcula-
tions made by using European Recommendations (ECCS) and other data from literature. Representing struc-
tural key components are under consideration. Fasteners are replaced by equivalent finite frame elements.
Trapezoidal sheeting is substituted by the equivalent orthotropic plate model. Interaction between the frame
and sheeting is also considered. Numerical results presented in the paper are verified by full scale tests made
by one of the authors and others.
make greater use of the orthotropic plate conception
to describe behavior of trapezoidal sheets. The
stress-strain relationship for orthotropic plate in
plane stress continuum mechanics problem, can be
written as:
E ap
yx Exx 0
x xx x
1 xy E yy E yy 0 y (1) Figure 1. Calculation model for diaphragm shear flexibility.
1 xy yx
xy 0
0 1- xy yx Gxy xy
Diaphragm displacement u can be determined
Local coordinate system axis y is perpendicular to with values described in paragraph 2.1 for sheeting
cross section plane of folded plate and x is parallel to plate flexibility component:
it. Equivalent elastic modulus expressions are not u V (c1.1 c1.2 ) (6)
the same, determined by geometry of corrugations
and their physical behavior. It can be estimated, as Applying formulas (4), (5) and (6), shear modulus
described by Atrek & Nilson (1976), using two ex- for corrugated panel is obtained:
pressions below: ap
Gxy (7)
I x0 b p t c1.1 c1.2
E xx Es (2)
As a last unknown variable used in orthotropic
plate stiffness matrix showed in formula (1), Pois-
E yy Es (3) son’s ratio xy is equal to 0,3 according to EC3. At
ap yx direction this value must be multiplied by the
where Es = elasticity modulus of base steel material; quotient of Exx and Eyy.
Ix0 = equivalent plate moment of inertia about its
own plane; Ix = corrugated plate section moment of a) b)
inertia about its own plane; lp = the developed width
of the corrugation; ap = width of the shear panel in ky j F
the direction perpendicular to the corrugations (their
pitch in this case).
39 R3 266
Figure 5. Corrugated plate geometry.
[-] [-] [kN/m]
Gable (unbraced) 1 kf.1 116
Middle (main) 2-4 kf.2-4 150
1 2 3 4 5 Gable (braced) 5 kf.5 937
Purlin fastener ______________________________________________
Seam fastener
Main test force
Connectors type: For comparison purposes, main frame behavior is
self drilled screws GT5 5,5x25
right to choose since is located in a middle area
where only purlins and wall girts are mounted with
theoretical pinned joints (relatively minimal influ-
ence). Stiffness obtained by test in complete struc-
ture was 186 kN/m and by only-frame calculations
150 kN/m. The higher value from test can be caused
by interaction of purlins (continuous beams) which
involved other frames to act together. Additional di-
al gauges were applied to every column to check this
relationship. Finally, building 3D structure calcula-
tion model confirmed this conclusion.
Value 12.5 mm of maximum deflection has been
obtained after 10 kN force applying for building
with roof sheeting. Deflection of this point in struc-
Shear panels
ed by European Recommendation (1995). Its
flexibility is taken into account in this analysis.
1 k f.1 Shear panels acting as a separate sheets is also
Sliding support to allow recognized in the diaphragm deformation form. Ad-
in-plane movements jacent sheets are connected only with flexible con-
nectors which is the reason of this effect.
Figure 9. Geometry of diaphragm assembly - calculation model
Value of roof real deformation is known. Thus
bending moments in columns can be calculated us-
Figure 9 shows geometry of diaphragm assem-
ing multiplication factors (different for each frame
bly. Every member and connecting methods are de-
under consideration), which is obtained from ex-
scribed in Chapter 4.1. In natural scale tests, force is
applied to frame in axis “3”. Range of testing force
is from 1 kN to 15 kN. (with 1 kN step). Calculation s
are made in linear-elastic range. ub
The behavior of the pitched roof frame can be an-
alyzed as sway and spread structure (Figure 10). where uc = clad frame deflection obtained by numer-
Spread is not under consideration in this study. If it ical analysis; ub = bare frame deflection.
Finally, bending moment in column in clad frame
can be calculated as follows:
M c M ns s M s (15)
where Mns = no-sway bending moment in bare
frame; Ms = sway bending moment in bare frame.
Conception of this approach comes from ER
principles, where deflection and bending moment of
specific frame with sheeting can be computed with
using the reduction factors η obtained by reading it
from tables. It is mainly determined by two varia-
bles: relative flexibility (between diaphragm assem-
bly and frame stiffness) and frame position in the
system. In presented method it is no necessary to de-
fine it in that way.