MSC Physics1

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Master of Science in Physics

(Effective for session 2013-2015)

Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities

Invertis Village
Bareilly-Lucknow NH-24, Bareilly-243123, India

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 1

M.Sc. Previous (PHYSICS)
Scheme of Instruction

Semester - I
Teaching Scheme Marks Distribution
Paper Code Subjects
Paper 1 MPY -101 Mathematical Physics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 2 MPY -102 Classical Mechanics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 3 MPY -103 Advanced Quantum Mechanics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 4 MPY -104 Electromagnetic Theory 4 1 - 30 70 100
Lab 1 MPY -151 Physics Lab I - - 9 50 100 150
Total 16 4 9 170 380 550

Semester - II
Teaching Scheme Marks Distribution
Paper Code Subjects
Paper 1 MPY -201 Condensed Matter Physics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 2 MPY -202 Atomic and Molecular Physics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 3 MPY -203 Nuclear and Particle Physics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Thermodynamics and Statistical
Paper 4 MPY -204 4 1 - 30 70 100
Lab 2 MPY -251 Physics Lab II - - 9 50 100 150
Total 16 4 9 170 380 550

L – Lecture
T – Tutorial
P – Practical
MSM – Maximum Sessional Marks
ESM – End Semester Marks

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M.Sc. Final (PHYSICS)
Scheme of Instruction
Semester - III
Teaching Scheme Marks Distribution
Paper Code Subjects
Paper 1 MPY -301 Laser Physics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 2 MPY -302 Computational Physics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 3 MPY -303 Electronic Devices 4 1 - 30 70 100
Lab 3 MPY -351 Electronics Lab - - 9 50 100 150
Lab 4 MPY -352 Computational Technique Lab - - 6 25 75 100
Total 12 3 15 165 385 550

Semester - IV
Teaching Scheme Marks Distribution
Paper Code Subjects
Paper 1 MPY -401 Digital Electronics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Advanced Communication
Paper 2 MPY -402 4 1 - 30 70 100
Lab 5 MPY -451 Advanced Electronics Lab - - 9 50 100 150
Lab 6 MPY -452 Project work - - 12 100 100 200
Total 8 2 21 210 340 550


Semester - III
Teaching Scheme Marks Distribution
Paper Code Subjects
Paper 1 MPY -301 Laser Physics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 2 MPY -302 Computational Physics 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 3 MPY -304 Structure of Materials 4 1 - 30 70 100
Lab 3 MPY -353 Material Science Lab - - 9 50 100 150
Lab 4 MPY -352 Computational Technique Lab - - 6 25 75 100
Total 12 3 15 165 385 550

Semester - IV
Teaching Scheme Marks Distribution
Paper Code Subjects
Paper 1 MPY -403 Properties of Materials 4 1 - 30 70 100
Paper 2 MPY -404 Nano Materials 4 1 - 30 70 100
Lab 5 MPY -453 Advanced Material Science Lab - - 9 50 100 150
Lab 6 MPY -454 Project work - - 12 100 100 200
Total 8 2 21 210 340 550

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Detailed Courses of M. Sc. (Previous) Physics

Mathematical Physics (MPY -101)

Special Functions (Lectures 10)

Legendre equation: Generating function, recurrence relations and special properties, Orthogonally,
Legendre polynomials. Bessel function of first and second kind, Generating function, recurrence
relations for Bessel’s functions of first kind, Orthogonality. Hermite functions. Lagurerre function.

Differential Equations (Lectures 10)

Linear differential equation of first and second order and its applications (L-R, C-R & LCR
Circuits, SHM, Simple pendulum and oscillations of spring- free, forced and damped), Partial
differential equations and its applications (Laplace, wave and heat equations).

Complex Analysis (Lectures 10)

Function of complex variables, Cauchy-Riemann differential equations, Cauchy’s integral theorem,

Cauchy’s integral formula, Taylor’s Series, Laurent series, Cauchy residue theorem, Singular points
of an analytical function, Evaluation of residues & definite integrals.

Fourier and Laplace Transforms (Lectures 10)

Fourier integrals and transform, F T of Delta functions, Convolution theorem, Parseral’s identity,
Applications to the solution of differential equations, Laplace Transform and its properties,
Applications to the solution of differential equations.

Text Books:
1. Artken & Weber, Mathematical methods for Physicist, Academic Press- N.Y.
2. E. Kreyszig, 7th Edition, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, New Age International.

Reference Books:
1. J. W. Brown, R.V .Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, Mc-Graw Hill.
2. A. W. Joshi, Matrices and Tensors in Physics, New Age International.

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Classical Mechanics (MPY -102)

Preliminaries of classical mechanics (Lectures 08)

Newtonian mechanics- single and many particle systems, Conservation principles (laws)-linear
momentum, Angular momentum & energy, Constrained motion, constraints, Degree of freedom,
Generalised coordinates and notations.

Variational principle and Lagrangian formulation (Lectures 08)

Introduction and techniques of calculation of variations, Hamilton’s variational principle, D’
Alembert principle, Lagrange’s equation, Application of Lagrange equations of motion-linear
harmonic oscillator, Simple pendulum, Compound pendulum, Particle moving under central force,
Superiority of Lagrangian approach over Newtonian approach.

Hamiltonian formulation of mechanics (Lectures 08)

Phase space and the motion of the system, Hamiltonian with physical significance, Hamiltonian
canonical equations of motion, Hamiltonian canonical equations of motion in different coordinate
systems, Applications of Hamiltons equation of motion- simple pendulum, compound pendulum,
Linear harmonic oscillator, Principle of least action, Canonical transformations, Poisson bracket,
Poisson’s theorem, Poisson brackets in quantum mechanics.

Motion under central forces: two body problem (Lectures 08)

Equivalent one body problem, General features of central force motion, Motion under inverse
square law - kepler problem, Virial theorem, Unbound motion Rutherford scattering, Centre of mass
and laboratory coordinates.

Special relativity in classical mechanics (Lectures 08)

Inertial and non-inertial frames, Basic postulates of special theory of relativity, Galilean and
Lorentz transformation, Relativistic generalisation of Newton’s law, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
formulation of relativistic mechanics.

Text Books:
1. N. C. Rana & P. S. Joag, Classical Mechanics, TMH.
2. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics, Narosa Publishing Home.

Reference Books:
1. P.V. Panat, Classical Mechanics, Narosa Publishing Home.
2. R. G. Takawale and P.S.Puranik, Introduction to Classical Mechanics, TMH
3. J. C. Upadhyaya, Classical Mechanics, Himalaya Publishing House.

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Advanced Quantum Mechanics (MPY -103)

Schrödinger Equation (Lectures 08)

Empirical basis, de-Broglie hypothesis of matter waves, Heisenberg’s uncertainty relation,

Schrödinger’s wave equation, Physical interpretation and conditions of wave function, Eigen values
and Eigen-functions, Particle in a square-well potential, Tunnelling through a barrier.

Angular Momenta and their Properties (Lectures 08)

Angular momentum operator in position representation, The rotation operator and angular
momentum, Spin angular momentum, Total angular momentum operators, Commutation relations
of total angular momentum with components, Addition of angular momenta: Clabsch-Gordan

Stationary perturbation theory (Lectures 06)

Stationary perturbation theory (non-degenerate case), Physical applications of non-degenerate

perturbation theory: Normal He-atom, Perturbed Harmonic oscillator.

Variation method (Lectures 06)

The variation (Rayleigh-Ritz) method, Physical applications of variation method: Ground state of
helium, Zero point energy of one dimensional harmonic oscillator.

W. K. B. Method (Lectures 06)

The W.K.B. method, Connection formulae for penetration of a barrier, Application of W.K.B.
method: Probability of penetration of a barrier, Theory of 𝛼- decay, Geiger-Nuttel law.

Scattering Theory (Lectures 06)

Introduction, Scattering cross-section; Differential and total cross sections, Stationary scattering
wave: Scattering amplitude, Born Approximation, Partial wave analysis.

Text Books:
1. P. M. Mathews and K. Venkatesan, A Text-book of Quantum Mechanics, Tata mcgraw- Hill.
2. A. Ghatak and S. Lokanathan, Quantum mechanics: Theory and Applications, Kluwer
Academic Press.
Reference Books:
1. L. I. Schiff, Introductory Quantum Mechanics, Pearson Education Ltd.
2. R. P. Feynman, Feynman Lectures on Physics (Volume 3), Narosa.
3. J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley.

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Electromagnetic Theory (MPY -104)
Electrostatics (Lectures 08)

Differential equation for electric field, Gauss’s law, Poisson and Laplace equations, Solutions of
Laplace equation in cylindrical and spherical coordinates by orthogonal functions, Dielectrics,
polarization of a medium, electrostatic energy; Boundary value problems.

Magneto-statics (Lectures 08)

Magnetic Induction, Biot - Savart law, Ampere’s law and applications, Magnetic flux,
Magnetization, Magnetic intensity, energy density, Linear and nonlinear media.

Maxwell’s Equations (Lectures 08)

Displacement current, Maxwell’s equations, Boundary conditions on the fields at interfaces,

Electromagnetic energy and momentum, Conservation laws, Inhomogeneous wave equation and
Green’s function solution, Poynting Theorem, Poynting vector.

Electromagnetic Waves (Lectures 08)

Electromagnetic wave equation in free space and its solution, Propagation of electromagnetic waves
in non-conducting media, Polarization and energy density, Reflection and transmission at oblique
incidence, Wave in conducting media and its solution, skin depth, Wave guides, TE, TM and TEM
waves in rectangular wave guide.

Radiation (Lectures 08)

Vector and scalar potentials, Field and radiation in dipole, Radiation by moving charges, Lienard-
Wiechert potentials, Total power radiated by an accelerated charge, Lorentz formula.

Text Books:
1. J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley & Sons.
2. D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, Prentice Hall of India.

Reference Books:
1. F.J. Milford and R.W. Christy, Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory, Narosa publishing
2. E.C. Jordon and K.G. Balmain, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, Prentice-
Hall of India.

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Physics Lab I (MPY -151)
List of Experiments

Note: Minimum 8 experiments should be performed.

(Experiments may be added /deleted subject to availability of time and facilities)

1. Study of e/m by Magnetron valve method or Bush method.

2. Study of B.H. Curve.
3. To trace V~I characteristic curves of diodes and transistors on a CRO and learn their uses in
electronic circuits.
4. Verification of Fresnel’s formula for reflection.
5. Study of Half wave and Full wave rectifier.
6. To determine Planck’s constant using photocell.
7. To determine the velocity of ultrasonic waves in given liquid using interferometer.
8. Study of uncertainty principle using Laser.
9. Study of the regulated power supply.
10. Study of IC 555 Timer.
11. Study of G.M. Counter.
12. Michelson’s Interferometer.
13. Study of Adders and Substractors.
14. To determine wavelength of given light source using bi-prism.
15. Study of the existence of atomic energy levels using Franck – Hertz Experiment.

Reference Books:
1. Experimental Physics: Modern Methods, R.A. Dunlap, Oxford University Press.
2. B.K. Jones, Electronics for Experimentation and Research, Prentice-Hall.
3. Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual, P.B. Zbar and A.P. Malvino, Tata Mc-Graw Hill,
New Delhi.

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Semester – II
Condensed Matter Physics (MPY -201)
Crystal Structure (Lectures 10)

Introduction, Lattice point and space lattice, Unit cell, Primitive cell, Bravais lattices, Reciprocal
lattice, Metallic crystal structure(sc, bcc, fcc, hcp, Diamond, zinc blende), Atomic packing
fractions, Directions plane and miller indices, Separation between lattice plane in a cubic crystal,
Crystal defects: Schottky and Frenkel defects

Crystal Diffraction and Lattice Vibrations (Lectures 8)

X-ray diffraction, Bragg's law, Bragg’s spectrometer, Powder crystal method, Lattice dynamics:
mono-atomic and diatomic lattices, Quantization of lattice vibrations, Phonon momentum, Inelastic
scattering by phonons,

Thermal properties of solids (Lectures 6)

Specific heat, Einstein’s and Debye’s theory of specific heat, Thermal expansion, Thermal

Theory of Conductors (Lectures


Free electron theory of metals, Electron heat capacity, Bloch functions, Formation of energy
Bands, Kroning -Penny Model, Brillouin zone, Effective mass, Concept of Holes, Fermi surface,

Superconductivity (Lectures 8)

Concept of superconductivity, Meissner effect, Type-I and type-II superconductors, London

equations, Penetration depth, Coherence length, BCS theory, Electron tunnelling, D C & A C
Josephson Effect, SQUID, Introduction to high temperature superconductors, Applications of

Text Books:
1. Charles Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley Eastern.
2. A.J. Dekker, Solid State Physics, Prentice Hall of India.
Reference Books:
1. Ali Omar, Elementary Solid State Physics, Narosa Publishing House.
2. J.S. Blakemore, Solid State Physics, Cambridge University Press.
3. S.O. Pillai, Problems and Solutions in Solid State Physics, New Age International.
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Atomic and Molecular Physics (MPY -202)
Atomic Spectra (Lectures 20)

Bohr’s atomic model, Sommerfield’s quantization rules, Sommerfield’s extension of Bohr’s model,
Relativistic corrections for energy levels of hydrogen atom,

Magnetic dipole moments: Orbital magnetic dipole moment, Bohr magneton, Larmor Precession,
Space quantization, Electron spin, Vector model of the atom: coupling of angular momenta,
Spectroscopic terms and their notations, Stern-Gerlach experiment.

L-S couplings, Lande interval rule, Selection rules for L-S coupling, j-j coupling, Selection rules
for j-j coupling

Molecular spectra (Lectures 20)

Normal and Anomalous Zeeman Effect and Paschen Back Effect,

Stark effect: Weak field effect and Strong field effect in hydrogen atom,

Electronic spectra, Intensity distribution (vibrational) in band system: Frank-Condon principle

Rotational spectra of diatomic molecules, Rigid rotator - effect of isotropic substitution, Non rigid
rotator, Isotope effect

Vibrational-rotational spectra: molecule as a harmonic oscillator

Text Books:
1. G M Barrow, Introduction to molecular spectroscopy, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Arthur Beiser, Concepts of Modern Physics, McGraw Hill.

Reference Books:
1. Manas Chanda, Atomic Structure and Chemical Bond, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. G .Aruldhas, Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.

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Nuclear and Particle Physics (MPY -203)

Structure and properties of Nucleus (Lectures 08)

Introduction; Nuclear size and its determination, Binding energy, Semi-empirical mass formula,
Spin and parity, Magnetic dipole moments, Electric quadrupole moments,

Nuclear Forces (Lectures 08)

Nature of the nuclear force, Deuteron, Neutron- proton scattering at low energy, Effective range
theory of neutron-proton scattering, Proton- proton scattering at low energy, Effective range theory
of proton-proton scattering, Neutron-neutron scattering

Nuclear Models (Lectures 08)

Evidence of shell structure, Liquid drop model, Single-particle shell model, its validity and
limitations, Magic number.

Nuclear Reactions (Lectures 08)

Types of nuclear reactions, Conservation laws, Nuclear cross section, Classical analysis of cross
section, Partial wave analysis of reaction cross section, Compound nucleus, Compound nucleus
reaction, Disintegration of compound nucleus

Elementary Particle Physics (Lectures 08)

Introduction; Classification of elementary particles and their anti-particles, Fundamental interaction

(Gravitational, Electromagnetic, Strong and Weak), Conservation laws, Invariance; charge and
parity, Elementary particle symmetry, Quarks model, iso-spin of quarks

Text Book:
1. R.R. Roy and B.P. Nigam, Nuclear Physics, New Age International.

Reference Books:
1. Kaplan, Nuclear Physics, Narosa.
2. B.L. Cohen, Concepts of Nuclear Physics, Tata McGraw Hill.

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Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (MPY -204)
Thermodynamics (Lectures 12)
Concept of entropy, Change in entropy, Principle of increase of entropy, Thermodynamic variables,
Thermodynamic potentials U, H, F and G: their definitions, properties and applications, Derivations
of Maxwell’s relations, Applications of Maxwell’s relations: (i) Clausius- Clapeyron equation, (ii)
values of Cp-Cv, (iii) TdS equations, (iv) Joule-Thomson coefficient for ideal and Real gases (v)
Change of temperature during an adiabatic process

Formalism of Equilibrium: Statistical Mechanics (Lectures 10)

Concept of phase space, Liouville’s theorem, Basic postulates of statistical mechanics, Ensembles:
micro-canonical, Canonical, Grand canonical and isobaric, Connection to thermodynamics,
Fluctuations, Applications of various ensembles, Equation of state for a non-ideal gas, Vander
Waal’s equation of state, Meyer cluster expansion, Virial coefficients.

Fermi-Dirac Statistics (Lectures 08)

Fermi-Dirac, Ideal Fermi gas, properties of simple metals, Pauli paramagnetism, Electronic specific
heat and white dwarf stars.

Bose-Einstein Statistics (Lectures 10)

Bose-Einstein statistics, Applications of the formalism to: Ideal Bose gas, Debye theory of specific
heat, properties of black-body radiation, Bose- Einstein condensation, Experiments on atomic BEC,
BEC in a harmonic potential.

Text Book:
1. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, Tata McGraw-Hill.

Reference Books:
1. B.B.Laud, Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics, New Age International Publication.
2. Lokanathan and Gambhir, Statistical and Thermal Physics, Prentice Hall of India Ltd.

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Physics Lab II (MPY -251)
List of Experiments

Note: Minimum 8 experiments should be performed.

(Experiments may be added /deleted subject to availability of time and facilities)

1. Study of Zeeman Effect.

2. Study of Hall Effect.
3. Study of elastic constant of cubic crystal.
4. Study of Modulation and Demodulation.
5. To determine the conductivity of semiconductor at various temperatures by four-Probe
6. To determine crystal structure of different material using X-ray diffraction.
7. To determine the Curie temperature of a given ferroelectric material.
8. Study of Susceptibility of paramagnetic material by Gouy method.
9. Study of Characteristics, inverse square law, absorption coefficient by using GM Counter.
10. To determine the wavelength, separation of wavelengths of sodium light and to determine
the thickness of thin mica sheet using Michelson interferometer.
11. Study of Electron Spin Resonance (ESR).
12. To demonstrate the wave nature of the electron by Electron Diffraction.
13. Study of Thermionic Emission.
14. Study of transistor biasing.
15. Determination of “e” by Millikan oil drop method.
16. To determine the molecular field in a dielectric and verify Clausius – Mossotti equation.
17. Study of absorption spectra of Iodine molecule and to determine its dissociation energy
using spectrometer.

Reference Books:
1. G.Aruldas, Molecular structure and Spectroscopy, Prentice-hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. S.P. Pillai (3rd Edition), Solid State Physics, New age International Publisher.
3. D.R. Behekar, Dr. S. T. Seman, V.M. Gokhale, P.G .Kale, Practical Physics, (Kitab Mahal

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 13

Semester - III
Laser Physics (MPY -301)
Properties of Lasers (Lectures 08)

Laser Fundamentals: spontaneous and stimulated emission; Einstein coefficients; Population

inversion, pumping, gain, optical cavities, Properties: Temporal and Spatial Coherence,
directionality, Main components of Laser, Principle of Laser action, Introduction to general lasers
and their types, Three & four level Lasers, CW & Pulsed Lasers.

Types of Lasers (Lectures 08)

Atomic, Ionic, Molecular, Excimer, Liquid, Solid State, Semiconductor and fibre laser.

Holography and Fibre Optics (Lectures 08)

Holography – Basic principle of holography, construction and reconstruction of hologram,

Applications of holography, HNDT (Holographic Non-Destructive Testing), Holographic storage,
Optical fibre principle, Types of fibres, Fiber optical communication, Fibre amplifiers, Fiberoptic,

Lasers in Science (Lectures 08)

Saturation spectroscopy, Excited state spectroscopy, Nonlinear spectroscopy, Time domain

spectroscopy and its applications, Stimulated Raman Emission, Laser fusion, Medical applications
of lasers, Photo-chemical applications.

Lasers in industry (Lectures 08)

Materials processing; Drilling; Cutting; Welding; Alloying; Thermal Deposition, Laser Chemical
Vapour Deposition (LCVD), Laser Hardening, Annealing, LIDAR.
Text Books:
1. K. Thyagarajan and A.K. Ghatak, Lasers: Theory and Applications.
2. K. Koebner (ed.), Industrial Applications of Lasers, Wiley.

Reference Books:
1. J.T. Cuxon and D.E. Parker, Industrial Lasers and their Applications, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
2. F.C. Appard, Fiber Optics Handbook, McGraw-Hill.

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Computational Physics (MPY -302)

C programming (Lectures 08)

C programming basics; Arithmetic operators; Library functions, Data input and output; Relational
operators; Control statements; Looping arrays functions; Simple programs; User defined functions;
Passing arguments; Pointer declarations; Passing pointers to functions; Structures; Array of
structures; Unions; File operations.

Introduction to MATLAB (Lectures 08)

MATLAB environment; Working with data sets; Data input/output; Logical variables and
operators; Array and X-Y Plotting; Simple graphics; Data types matrix; String; Cell and structure;
Manipulating of data of different types; File input/output; Mat lab files; Simple programs.

MATLAB Tools (Lectures 08)

Signal processing; toolbox; Digital and analog filter design; Spectral analysis; Filtering and discrete
FFTs; Z-transform; DFT and FFT; MATLAB tools for wavelet transform; Instrument control
toolbox; Partial differential equation toolbox; Finite element method.

Particle-in-cell codes I (Lectures 08)

Introduction; Use of PIC code in Plasma Physics: Compute Charge Density, Compute Electric
Potential: performed by solving the Poisson equation.

Particle-in-cell codes II (Lectures 08)

Compute Electric Field: from the gradient of potential, Move Particles: update velocity and position
from Newton’s second law, Generate Particles: sample sources to add new particles.

Text Book:

1. Ross L. Spencer and Michael Ware, Introduction to Mat lab, Brigham Young University.

Reference Books:

1. Suresh Chandra, Applications of Numerical Techniques with C, Narosa.

2. Vinay K. Lngle and John G. Proakis, Digital Signal Processing Using Mat Lab, PWS
Publishing Company.

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Electronic Devices (MPY -303)

Semiconductor Materials (Lectures 08)

Energy Bands, Intrinsic carrier concentration, Donors and Acceptors, Direct and Indirect band
semiconductors, Elemental (Si) and Compound semiconductors (GaAs), Alloy semiconductor and
their important properties, Doping of Si (Group III (n) and Group V (p) compounds and
GaAs (group II (p), IV (n-p) and VI (n compounds).

Carrier Transport in Semiconductors (Lectures 08)

Drift velocity, Carrier Diffusion, Carrier Injection, Generation, Recombination Processes, Direct
and Indirect band gap Semiconductors, Minority Carrier Life Time, drift and diffusion,
Determination of conductivity (a) four-probe and (b) Vander Paw techniques, Hall coefficient,
minority carrier lifetime.

Junction Devices (Lectures 08)

Junction Devices: (i) p-n junction – energy Band diagrams for homo and hetero junctions, Current
flow mechanism in p-n junction, (ii) Metal semiconductor (Schottky Junction): Energy band
diagram, current flow mechanisms in forward and reverse bias, (iii) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor
(MOS) diodes, Energy band diagram, depletion and inversion layer, High and low frequency
Capacitance Voltage (C-V) characteristics.

Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) (Lectures 08)

Charge transport and current in a BJT, Current transfer ratio, Terminal currents, Generalized
biasing, Charge control analysis, BJT switching, Turn-on and Turnoff transients, Base narrowing,
Frequency limitations of a transistor, FET, MOSFET: Principle of Operation and I-V
Characteristics of FET, MOSFET, MOS Capacitor, Threshold voltage in MOSFET.

Polysilicon Preparation of Crystal (Lectures 08)

Single crystal growth, Defects in epitaxial, Lithography, Etching and Micro-machining of Silicon,
Fabrication of Integrated Circuits, Film Deposition Methods: Chemical vapour deposition (CVD),

Text Books:
1. Sze S.M., Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology, Wiley.
2. Tyagi S.M.; Introduction to Semiconductor Devices, John Wiley & Sons.

Reference Books:
1. Sayer M. And Mansingh A., Measurement, Instrumentation and Experimental Design in
Physics and Engineering, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
2. Streetman Ben G., Solid State electronics, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.

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Electronics Lab (MPY -351)

List of Experiments
Note: Minimum 8 experiments should be performed.
(Experiments may be added /deleted subject to availability of time and facilities)

1. Study of characteristics of FET.

2. Study of characteristics of MOSFET.
3. Study of the characteristics of given a stable multivibrator.
4. Study of the distributed capacity of given inductance coil.
5. Study of the characteristics of Colpitts oscillator.
6. Study of the characteristics of Hartley oscillator.
7. Study of the characteristics of phototransistor.
8. Study of the characteristics of given voltage doubler and tripler.
9. Study of Fiber optic communication.
10. Design and analyze the Combinational Logic Circuit.
11. Design different Clipper and Clamper circuits: positive, negative & bias (using through
12. Design of Wein bridge oscillator using IC 741 (using through breadboard).
13. Study of use of operational amplifier for different mathematical operation.
14. Study of RC circuit as integrator and differentiator.
15. To determine the intensity response of a photo-resistor.
16. Study of Voltage to Frequency / Frequency to voltage converter using OP-AMP.
17. To verify Thevenin’s Theorem and find out Thevenin’s Equivalent circuit using DC
18. Study of uni-junction Transistor and its application.
19. Study of Fourier methods regarding the spatial filtering of an image by means of a computer

Reference Books:

1. B.K. Jones, Electronics for Experimentation and Research, Prentice-Hall.

2. P.B. Zbar and A.P. Malvino, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
3. B.K. Jones, Electronics for Experimentation and Research, Prentice-Hall.
4. P.B. Zbar and A.P. Malvino, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

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Computational Technique Lab (MPY -352)

List of Experiments
Note: Minimum 10 experiments should be performed.
(Experiments may be added /deleted subject to availability of time and facilities)

1. To implement programs in C language

2. Time delay subroutine and a clock program.
3. Newton’s and Lagrange’s interpolation with algorithm, flow chart C Program and output.
4. Numerical integration by Trapezoidal/Simpson’s rule with algorithm, flowchart C Program
& output.
5. Solution of a polynomial equation and determination of roots by Newton Raphson method
with algorithm, flowchart C Program and output.
6. Numerical solution of ordinary first order differential equation –Euler’s method with
algorithm, flowchart C Program and output.
7. Curve fitting - Least square fitting with algorithm, flowchart C program and output.
8. Matrix manipulation - Multiplication Transpose and Inverse with algorithm, Flow chart C
program and output.
9. Iteration method, flowchart C program and output.
10. Gauss Interpolation, flowchart C program and output.
11. MATLAB – Matrix operations.
12. MATLAB: Digital Signal Processing
13. MATLAB: Solving Ordinary Differential Equation.
14. Determination of polynomial using method of least square curve fitting.
15. Determination of time response of an R-L-C circuit.

Reference Books:

1. R.A. Dunlap, Experimental Physics: Modern Methods, Oxford University Press.

2. B.K. Jones, Electronics for Experimentation and Research, Prentice-Hall.
3. P.B. Zbar and A.P. Malvino, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
4. L.A. Leventhal, Micro Computer Experimentation with the Intel SDK-85.

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Semester – IV

Digital Electronics (MPY -401)

Network Analysis (Lectures 08)

Kirchoff’s laws; Thevenin & Norton theorems; Superposition; Reciprocity; Compensation

theorems; Source transformation; Delta and Star transformations; Laplace Transformation;
Convolution integral.

Semiconductor Devices (Lectures 08)

Basic principles of transistor operation; Biasing; Characteristics of BJT and JFET; MOSFET:
Enhancement and depletion modes of operation.

Amplifiers and Oscillators (Lectures 08)

Low frequency and high frequency and Power amplifiers using transistors; Sine wave generators;
Wien Bridge and phase shift oscillators; Multivibrator circuits; Triangle and square wave
generation; ne555timer and applications.

Operational Amplifiers (Lectures 08)

Ideal operational amplifier: Characteristics; Feedback types; Applications: Basic scaling circuits,
current to voltage and voltage to current conversion; Sum and difference amplifiers; Integrating and
differentiating circuits; A.C. Amplifiers; Filters.

Digital Circuits (Lectures 08)

Logic gates; Half adder; Full adder; Comparators; Decoders; Multiplexers; Demultiplexers; Design
of combinational circuits; Sequential circuits; Flip Flops; Counters; Registers; A/D and D/A
conversion characteristics.

Text Book:

1. Milman J. And Halkias C.C., Electronic Devices and Circuits, Tata mcgraw Hill.

Reference Books:

1. Electronics with Digital and Analogue Integrated Circuits, Tata mcgraw Hill.
2. Malvino A.P., Electronics: Principles and Applications, Tata mcgraw Hill.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 19

Advanced Communication Electronics (MPY -402)

Signal Analysis (Lectures 08)

Sinusoidal signals (Frequency and time Domain), Fourier series expansion of periodic sequence of
impulses, Sampling function; Normalized power, Power Spectral density (of Digital data, sequence
of random pulses), Effect of Transfer function on power spectral density, Fourier transform
(example: v(t) = cos wt); Convolution, Power and Energy Transfer through a network.

Amplitude Modulation (Lectures 08)

Amplitude Modulation, Spectrum of the modulated signal, Square law Modulator, Balanced
Modulator, DSBSC, SSB and vestigial sideband modulation, Limitations of Amplitude Modulation.

Frequency Modulation (Lectures 08)

Analysis and frequency Spectrum, Generation and Detection of FM, Comparison of AM and FM.
Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis, Reactance Modulator, Capture Effect, Varactor Modulator,
Amplitude Limiter, FM Receiver, Foster Seeley Discriminator, Ratio Detector.

Digital Communication (Lectures 08)

Digital Line Waveforms: Symbols, Bits and Bauds, Functional Notation for Pulses, Line Codes and
Waveforms, Pulse Modulation: Pulse Amplitude, Pulse Code, Pulse Frequency, Pulse Time, Pulse
Position and Pulse Width Modulation; Differential PCM; Delta Modulation, Digital
Communication Systems, Digital Carrier System, Frequency Shift Keying, Phase Shift Keying,
Differential Phase Shift Keying, Digital Multiplexing.

Fiber Optic Communication (Lectures 08)

Principle of light transmission in a fiber, effect of index profile on propagation, modes of
propagation, Number of modes in a fiber, Losses in fibers, Dispersion in fiber, Source and detectors
for fiber optic, Connectors and splices, Fiber optic communication systems.

Text Book:
1. G. Kennedy and B. Davis, Electronic Communication Systems, Tata mcgraw Hill.

Reference Book:
1. Analog & Digital by R.P. Sing and S.D. Sapre, Communication Systems, Tata mcgraw Hill.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 20

Advanced Electronics Lab (MPY -451)

List of Experiments
Note: Minimum 8 experiments should be performed.
(Experiments may be added /deleted subject to availability of time and facilities)

2. Study of OP-AMP as summing and inverting amplifier.

3. Study of OP-AMP as Emitter Follower.
4. Study of OP-AMP as Difference Amplifier.
5. Study of OP-AMP as differentiator and integrator.
6. Study of OP-AMP as Schmitt Trigger.
7. Study of frequency response of OP-AMP.
8. Study of SR and JK flip flop circuits using logic gates.
9. Study of JK Flip-Flop and up-down counter.
10. Study of IC 7400 as Half adder, Full adder.
11. Study of IC 7400 as Half subtractor, Full subtractor.
12. Study of IC 555 as a stable multivitorator and Voltage Controlled Oscillator.
13. Study of Addition and subtraction using 8086.
14. Study of Multiplication and division using 8086.
15. Study of Addition, Subtraction and Binary to BCD conversion
16. Study of Transmission Line.
17. Study of Negative Feedback.
18. Study of Multivibrator.
19. Study of Differential Amplifier.
20. Study of design of CE Amplifier.
21. Design of Regulated Power Supply.
22. Study of receiver characteristics.
23. Study of PAM, PWM and PPM Modulation and demodulation.
24. Study of PCM / delta modulation and demodulation.
25. Study of Arithmetic operations using microprocessors 8085 / 8086.
26. D/A converter interfacing and frequency / temperature measurement with microprocessor
8085 / 8086.
27. A/D converter interfacing and AC/DC voltage / current measurement using microprocessor

Reference Books:

5. B.K. Jones, Electronics for Experimentation and Research, Prentice-Hall.

6. P.B. Zbar and A.P. Malvino, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
7. B.K. Jones, Electronics for Experimentation and Research, Prentice-Hall.
8. P.B. Zbar and A.P. Malvino, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 21

Semester - III
Laser Physics (MPY -301)
Properties of Lasers (Lectures 08)

Laser Fundamentals: spontaneous and stimulated emission; Einstein coefficients; Population

inversion, pumping, gain, optical cavities, Properties: Temporal and Spatial Coherence,
directionality, Main components of Laser, Principle of Laser action, Introduction to general lasers
and their types, Three & four level Lasers, CW & Pulsed Lasers.

Types of Lasers (Lectures 08)

Atomic, Ionic, Molecular, Excimer, Liquid, Solid State, Semiconductor and fibre laser.

Holography and Fibre Optics (Lectures 08)

Holography – Basic principle of holography, construction and reconstruction of hologram,

Applications of holography, HNDT (Holographic Non-Destructive Testing), Holographic storage,
Optical fibre principle, Types of fibres, Fiber optical communication, Fibre amplifiers, Fiberoptic,

Lasers in Science (Lectures 08)

Saturation spectroscopy, Excited state spectroscopy, Nonlinear spectroscopy, Time domain

spectroscopy and its applications, Stimulated Raman Emission, Laser fusion, Medical applications
of lasers, Photo-chemical applications.

Lasers in industry (Lectures 08)

Materials processing; Drilling; Cutting; Welding; Alloying; Thermal Deposition, Laser Chemical
Vapour Deposition (LCVD), Laser Hardening, Annealing, LIDAR.

Text Books:
3. K. Thyagarajan and A.K. Ghatak, Lasers: Theory and Applications.
4. K. Koebner (ed.), Industrial Applications of Lasers, Wiley.
Reference Books:
3. J.T. Cuxon and D.E. Parker, Industrial Lasers and their Applications, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
4. F.C. Appard, Fiber Optics Handbook, mcgraw-Hill.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 22

Computational Physics (MPY -302)

C programming (Lectures 08)

C programming basics; Arithmetic operators; Library functions, Data input and output; Relational
operators; Control statements; Looping arrays functions; Simple programs; User defined functions;
Passing arguments; Pointer declarations; Passing pointers to functions; Structures; Array of
structures; Unions; File operations.

Introduction to MATLAB (Lectures 08)

MATLAB environment; Working with data sets; Data input/output; Logical variables and
operators; Array and X-Y Plotting; Simple graphics; Data types matrix; String; Cell and structure;
Manipulating of data of different types; File input/output; Matlab files; Simple programs.

MATLAB Tools (Lectures 08)

Signal processing; toolbox; Digital and analog filter design; Spectral analysis; Filtering and discrete
ffts; Z-transform; DFT and FFT; MATLAB tools for wavelet transform; Instrument control
toolbox; Partial differential equation toolbox; Finite element method.

Particle-in-cell codes I (Lectures 08)

Introduction; Use of PIC code in Plasma Physics: Compute Charge Density, Compute Electric
Potential: performed by solving the Poisson equation.

Particle-in-cell codes II (Lectures 08)

Compute Electric Field: from the gradient of potential, Move Particles: update velocity and position
from Newton’s second law, Generate Particles: sample sources to add new particles.

Text Book:

2. Ross L. Spencer and Michael Ware, Introduction to Matlab, Brigham Young University.

Reference Books:

3. Suresh Chandra, Applications of Numerical Techniques with C, Narosa.

4. Vinay K. Lngle and John G. Proakis, Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab, PWS
Publishing Company.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 23

Structure of Materials (MPY -304)
Crystal Physics (Lectures 09)
Crystalline and amorphous solids, The crystal lattice, Basis vectors, Unit cell, Symmetry
operations, Point groups and space groups. Plane lattices and their symmetries. Three dimensional
crystal systems, Miller indices, Directions and planes in crystals, Inter-planar spacings. Simple
crystal structures: FCC, BCC, Nacl, cscl, Diamond and zns structure, HCP structure.

Bonding in solids (Lectures 07)

Types of bonding, the vander-waals bond, cohesive energy of inert gas solids, Ionic bond, Cohesive
energy and bulk modulas of ionic crystals, Medelung constant, The covalent bond, Metallic bond

Crystal diffraction (Lectures 07)

X-ray diffraction by crystals, Laue theory, Interpretation of Laue equations, Bragg’s law,
Reciprocal lattice, Ewald construction, Atomic scattering factor, Experimental methods of x-ray
diffraction, Neutron and electron diffraction (brief discussion)

Reciprocal Lattice and Experimental X-ray diffraction Techniques (Lectures 08)

Reciprocal lattices and its applications to diffraction techniques, interaction of X-rays with matter,
absorption of X-rays, experimental diffraction techniques-Laue’s diffraction technique, powder X-
ray diffraction technique, indexing of powder photographs and lattice parameter determination,
applications of powder method, general concept of atomic scattering factor and structure factor.

Disorder in Solids (Lectures 09)

Point defects (Frenkel & Schottky), line defects (slip, plastic deformation, edge dislocation, screw
dislocation, Burger’s vector, concentration of line defects, estimation of dislocation density), Frank-
Reid mechanism of dislocation multiplication (dislocation reaction), surface (Planar) defects, grain
boundaries and stacking faults.
Vibrations of one-dimensional monatomic and diatomic lattices, Infrared absorption in ionic
crystals (one-dimensional model), Normal modes and phonons, Frequency distribution function.
Review of Debye’s theory of lattice specific heat, Anharmonic effects.

Text Books:
1. Solid State Physics by C. Kittle
2. Solid State Physics (Structure and Properties of Materials) – M.A. Wahab

Reference Books:
3. F.C.Phillips: An introduction to crystallography (wiley) (3rd edition)
4. Charles A Wert and Robb M Thonson: Physics of Solids
5. J. P. Srivastava: Elements of solid state physics (Prentice Hall India; 2nd edition).
6. Christmaan-solid state physics (academic press)
7. B.E.Warren – X-ray Diffraction
8. S.O. Pillai, 1997, Solid State Physics, New Age International, New Delhi.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 24

Material Science Lab (MPY -353)

List of Experiments
Note: Minimum 8 experiments should be performed.
(Experiments may be added /deleted subject to availability of time and facilities)

1. To study the temperature dependence of Hall coefficient of a given semiconductor.

2. Determination of Band gap of a given semiconductor material by four probe technique.
3. To study the effect of magneto-striction of a given material.
4. Measurements of Brewster angle of a substance and hence determine the refractive index.
5. Measurement of absorption coefficient of a material (supplied) using laser light.
6. Determination of numerical aperture of a fiber by measuring the diameter of laser beam.
7. To verify the Malus law.
8. Study of porosity and grain size of thin film and powder sample by SEM.
9. Two probe d.c. Conductivity and carrier density evalution of a pellet prepared through cold
10. Preparation of thin film deposition technique and determination of film thickness by fibre
optic spectrophotometer.
11. Determination of band gap of semiconductor sample using UV-VIS spectroscopy.

Reference Books:
1 B. L. Worsnop and H. T. Flint, Advanced Practical Physics, Asia Publishing House, New
2 Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, A Text Book of Practical Physics, Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.
3 D. P. Khandelwal, A Laboratory Manual of Physics for Undergraduate Classes,
Vani Publication House, New Delhi.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 25

Computational Technique Lab (MPY -352)

List of Experiments
Note: Minimum 8 experiments should be performed.
(Experiments may be added /deleted subject to availability of time and facilities)

1 To implement programs in C language

2 Time delay subroutine and a clock program.
3 Newton’s and Lagrange’s interpolation with algorithm, flow chart C Program and output.
4 Numerical integration by Trapezoidal/Simpson’s rule with algorithm, flowchart C Program
& output.
5 Solution of a polynomial equation and determination of roots by Newton Raphson method
with algorithm, flowchart C Program and output.
6 Numerical solution of ordinary first order differential equation –Euler’s method with
algorithm, flowchart C Program and output.
7 Curve fitting - Least square fitting with algorithm, flowchart C program and output.
8 Matrix manipulation - Multiplication Transpose and Inverse with algorithm, Flow chart C
program and output.
9 Iteration method, flowchart C program and output.
10 Gauss Interpolation, flowchart C program and output.
11 MATLAB – Matrix operations.
12 MATLAB: Digital Signal Processing
13 MATLAB: Solving Ordinary Differential Equation.
14 Determination of polynomial using method of least square curve fitting.
15 Determination of time response of an R-L-C circuit.

Reference Books:

5. R.A. Dunlap, Experimental Physics: Modern Methods, Oxford University Press.

6. B.K. Jones, Electronics for Experimentation and Research, Prentice-Hall.
7. P.B. Zbar and A.P. Malvino, Basic Electronics: A Text-Lab Manual, Tata Mc-Graw Hill.
8. L.A. Leventhal, Micro Computer Experimentation with the Intel SDK-85.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 26

Semester – IV
Properties of materials (MPY -403)
Lattice Dynamics and thermal properties of solids (Lectures 08)
Lattice waves, Vibrations of one –dimensional monatomic lattice, Linear diatomic lattice, Three
dimensional lattice, Lattice optical properties in ionic crystal, Quantization of Lattice vibrations-
concept of phonon, Inelastic scattering of neutrons and X-rays by phonon, Debye’s model of
specific heat, Thermal expansion, Thermal conductivity, Mean-free path of phonons.

Optical Properties (Lectures 08)

Color centers, Photo conductivity, electronic transitions in photo conductors, Trap, Capture,
recombination centers; General mechanism - Luminescence, Excitation and emission; Decay
mechanisms - Thallium activate, Alkali halides, Sulfide phosphorous; Kramers-Kronig relations
sum rule for oscillator strengths, Direct and indirect interband transitions, Optical absorption in
Semi-conductors and Mott-Wannier excitations

Dielectric Properties (Lectures 08)

The Dielectric constant and polarizability, Internal electric field in a dielectric: Clausius – Mossotti
relation and Lorentz - Lorentz equations, Dielectric dispersion and loss, Measurement of dielectric
constant, Dipolar polarization in solids, Ionic polarizability, electronic polarizability.
Ferroelectrics, Ferroelectricity and piezoelectricity General properties, Dipole theory, Ionic
displacements and the behaviours of batio3 - Spontaneous polarization of batio3, Thermodynamics
of Ferro electric transitions.

Electronic Properties of Solids (Lectures 08)

Electrons in periodic lattice: Bloch theorem, the Kroning Penny model, classification of solids on
the basis of band theory, effective mass, Fermi surface and Fermi gas, Hall Effect,
Superconductivity and its historical perspective, critical temperature, persistent current, effect of
magnetic fields, Meissner effect ,Josephson’s tunneling effect (a.c and d.c).

Magnetic Properties of Solids (Lectures 08)

Elementary ideas of dia, para and ferro magnetism - Langevin theory of diamagnetism , quantum
theory of paramagnetism, Rare earth ion, Hund’s rule, Quenching of orbital angular momentum,
Adiabatic demagnetization, Quantum theory of ferromagnetism, Curie point, Exchange integral,
Heisenberg’s interpretation of Weiss field - ferromagnetic domains - Bloch Wall, Curie
temperature and susceptibility of ferrimagnets, Theory of antiferromagnetism - Neel temperature.

Text Books:
1 S. O. Pillai, 1997, Solid State Physics, New Age International, New Delhi.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 27

2 Solid State Physics by C. Kittle
Reference Books:
1 Introduction to Solids by Azaroff
2 Crystallography for Solid State Physics by Verma and Srivastava
3 Solid State Physics (Structure and Properties of Materials) – M.A. Wahab
4 Elementary Solid State Physics (Principles and Application) – M.A. Omar
5 Crystal Structure Determination by G.H. Stout, L.H. Jensen
6 Principals of Condensed Matter Physics by Chaikin and Lubensky
7 D. Pines: Elementary excitations in solids

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 28

Nano-materials (MPY -404)
Introduction: (Lectures 04)

Definition of Nano-Science and Nano-Technology, Applications of Nano-Technology.

Introduction to Physics of Solid State: (Lectures 06)

Structure: Size dependence of properties, crystal structures, face centered cubic nanoparticles,
tetrahedrally bounded semiconductor structures, lattice vibrations.
Energy Bands: Insulators, semiconductor and conductors, Reciprocal space, Energy bands and
gaps of semiconductors, effective masses, Fermi Surfaces.
Localized Particles: Acceptors and deep taps, mobility, Excitons.

Quantum Theory For Nano Science: (Lectures 06)

Time dependent and time independent Schrodinger wave equations.

Particle in a box, Potential step: Reflection and tunneling (Quantum leak), Penetration of Barrier,
Potential box (Trapped particle in 3D: Nanodot), Electron trapped in 2D plane (Nano sheet),
Quantum confinement effect in nano materials.
Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots:
Preparation of Quantum Nanostructure, Size and Dimensionality effect, Fermigas, Potential wells,
Partial confinement, Excitons, Single electron Tunneling, Infrared detectors, Quantum dot laser

Properties of Individual Nano particles: (Lectures 06)

Metal Nano clusters: Magic Numbers, Theoretical Modelling of Nanopraticles, geometric

structure, electronic structure, Reactivity, Fluctuations Magnetic Clusters, Bulle to Nano structure.
Semi conducting Nanoparticles: Optical Properties, Photo fragmentation, Columbic explosion.
Rare Gas & Molecular Clusters: Inert gas clusters, Superfluid clusters molecular clusters.

Growth Techniques of Nanomaterials: (Lectures 06)

Lithograpahic and Nonlithograpahic techniques, Sputtering and film deposition in glow discharge,
DC sputtering technique (p-cualo2 deposition). Thermal evaporation technique, E-beam
evaporation, Chemical Vapour deposition(CVD), Synthesis of carbon nano-fibres and multi-walled
carbon nanotubes, Pulsed Laser Deposition, Molecular beam Epitoxy, Sol-Gel Techniuqe (No
chemistry required), Synthesis of nanowires/rods, Electrodeposition, Chemical bath deposition, Ion
beam deposition system, Vapor-Liquid –Solid (VLS) method of nanowires.

Methods of Measuring Properties: (Lectures 06)

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 29

Structure: Crystallography, particle size determination, surface structure,
Microscopy: Scanning Prob Microscopy (SPM), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Field Ion
Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
Spectroscopy: Infra red and Raman Spectroscopy, X-ray Spectroscopy, Magnetic resonance,
Optical and Vibrational Spectroscopy, Luminescence.
Buckey Ball: Nano structures of carbon (fullerene)
Carbon nano-tubes: Fabrication, structure, electrical, mechanical, and vibrational properties and
applications, Nano diamond, Boron Nitride Nano-tubes, single electron transistors, Molecular
machine, Nano-Biometrics, Nano Robots.

Applications (Lectures 06)

Micromechanical systems - Robots, Ageless materials, Nanomechanics, Nano electronics,

Optoelectronic devices – LED, Applications, Colourants and pigments, Nano biotechnology - DNA
chips, DNA array devices, Drug delivery systems.

Text Books:

1. C. P. Poole Jr. F.J. Owens, “Introduction to Nanotechnology”. (5)

2. A. K. Bandyopadhyay, “Nano Materials” New Age International.

Reference Books:
1. “Introduction to Solid State Physics” - (7 edn.) Wiley 1996.
2. S. Sugano & H. Koizuoni, “Microcluster Physics” –Springer 1998
3. “Handboole of Nanostructured Materials & Nanotechnology” vol.-5. Academic Press 2000

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 30

Advanced Material Science Lab (MPY -453)

List of Experiments
Note: Minimum 8 experiments should be performed.
(Experiments may be added /deleted subject to availability of time and facilities)

1. To determine the coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper by Searle’s apparatus.

2. To verify Stefan’s law and to determine the value of Stefan’s constant.
3. To determine the wavelength and the angular spread of a He-Ne laser.
4. To determine the value of Planck’s constant by using leds of at least 4 different wavelengths.
5. To study the characteristics of a Photo-diode.
6. To verify inverse square law for light using a photocell as a photometer.
7. To determine the conductivity of the material by LCR method.
8. To determine the curie temperature of a given ferroelectric material.
9. Preparation of nano-crystalline powder specimen by chemical route: analysis of their x-ray
spectra and particle size estimation by sherrer formula.
10. Measurement of variation of micro-hardness of sintered specimens with sintering temperatures.
11. Determination of Miller indices and lattice parameter of an unknown powder material by x-ray
12. Phase identification of an unknown sample by an x-ray diffraction.
13. Synthesis by chemical route and sol-gel and characterization of thin film by x-ray diffraction.

Reference Books:
1 B. L. Worsnop and H. T. Flint, Advanced Practical Physics, Asia Publishing House, New
2 Indu Prakash and Ramakrishna, A Text Book of Practical Physics, Kitab Mahal, New Delhi.
3 D. P. Khandelwal, A Laboratory Manual of Physics for Undergraduate Classes,
Vani Publication House, New Delhi.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 31

Project Work (MPY -452/MPY -454)
(Seminar & Viva)
0 0 12
For students to enter into preliminary research field both in theory and experiment the
concept of Project has been introduced in the final Semester. In the Project the student will explore
new developments from the books and journals, collecting literature / data and write a Dissertation
based on his / her work and studies. The Project work can also be based on experimental work in
industries / research laboratories.
Selection of Topic:
1. Students will make project which should be preferably a working of the thoughts based on
their subject.
2. The student will be assigned a faculty guide who guides the supervisor of the students. The
faculty would be identified before the end of the III semester.
3. The assessment of performance of the students should be made at least twice in the
semester. The students shall present the final project live using overhead projector
powerpoint presentation on LCD to the internal committee and the external examiner in the
form of seminar.
4. The evaluation committee shall consists of faculty members constituted by the college
which would be comprised of at least three members comprising of the department
Coordinator’s Class Coordinator and a nominee of the Dirtier. The students guide would be
special in bitted to the presentation. The seminar session shall be an open house session. The
internal marks would be the average of the marks given by each members of the committee
separately to the director in a sealed envelope.
The Marking shall be as follows.
Internal: 100 marks
By the Supervisor – 50 marks
By Committee appointed by the Director – 50 marks
External: 100 marks
By External examiner –100

Selection of Topic:
1. All students pursuing M.Sc. Shall select and propose a topic of dissertation in the first week
of the semester. Care should be taken that the topic selected is not directly related to the
subjects of the course being pursued or thesis work, if any. The proposed topic should be
submitted to the course coordinator.
2. The course coordinator shall forward the list of the topics to the coordinator of concerned
department, who will consolidate the list including some more topics, in consultation with
the faculty of the department. The topics will then be allocated to the students along with the
name of the faculty guide and also forwarded to the director for approval.
3. On approval by the Director, the list shall be displayed on the notice board and the students
will also be accordingly informed by the course coordinator within three weeks of the
commencement of the semester.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 32

Preparation of Dissertation:
1. The student shall meet the supervisor for the necessary guidance for their preparation for the
2. During the next two to four weeks the student will read the primary literature related to the
topic under the guidance of supervisor.
3. After necessary collection of data and literature survey, the students must prepare a report.
The report shall be arranged in the sequence as per following format & lay out plan:-
A. Top Sheet of transparent plastic.
B. Top cover.
C. Preliminary pages.
(i) Title page
(ii) Certification page.
(iii) Acknowledgment.
(iv) Abstract.
(v) Table of Content.
(vi) List of Figures and Tables.
(vii) Nomenclature.
D. Chapters (Main Material).
E. Appendices, If any.
F. Bibliography/ References.
G. Evaluation Form.
H. Back Cover (Blank sheet).
I. Back Sheet of Plastic (May be opaque or transparent).

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 33

(a). Title Page:- The Title Page cover shall be as Under:

..................................... Title of Dissertation.....................................

Submitted in Partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of

Master of Science




Name of Student in capital Letters

(Roll No.)

Under the Supervision of

(Name of Supervisor with designation)

Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities

Invertis Village
Bareilly-Lucknow NH-24, Bareilly-243123, India


Invertis University, Bareilly Page 34

(b). Certification page: - This shall be as under

The dissertation Report and Title “Name of the Topic of Dissertation” submitted by Mr./Ms.
(Name of the student) (Roll No.) May be accepted for being evaluated-

Date: Signature

Place: (Name of Supervisor)

For Supervisor: If you choose not to sign the acceptance certificate above, please indicate
reasons for the same from amongst those given below:
I. The amount of time and effort put in by the student is not sufficient;
II. The amount of work put in by the student is not adequate;
III. The report does not represent the actual work that was done / expected to be done;
IV. Any other objection (Please elaborate)

(c)- Abstract: - A portion of dissertation grade will be based on the abstract. The abstract will be
graded according to the adherence to accepted principles of English grammar and according to the
adherence to the format described below. The dissertation abstract is an important record of the
coverage of your topic and provides a valuable source of leading references for students and faculty
alike. Accordingly, the abstract must serve as an introduction to your dissertation topic. It will
include the key hypotheses, the major scientific findings and a brief conclusion. The abstract will
be limited to 500 words, excluding figures, tables and references. The abstract will include
references to the research articles upon which the dissertation is based as well as research articles
that have served as key background material.

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 35

(d). Table of Content: - This shall be as under


Chapter No Title Page No.
Certificate ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgement iv
List of Figures v
List of Table vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 .................
1.2 .................
1.3 .................
2 …………………..
3 …………………..
4 References/Bibliography
5 Evaluation sheets ……..

(e). List of Figures and Tables: - This will be as under

List of Figures and Tables - sample entries are given below:

List of Figures
Figure No. Caption / Title
Page No.
2.1 Schematic representation of a double layered droplet . . . 21
3.2 Variation in rate versus concentration . . . 32

List of Tables - sample entries are given below:

List of Tables
Table No. Caption / Title Page No.
2.1 Thickness of a double layered droplet . . . 22
3.2 Variation in rate versus concentration . . . 34

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 36

(f). Main Pages- The Main report should be divided in chapters (1, 2, 3 ….. Etc.) And
structured into sections (1.1, 1.2 ……..etc) and subsections (1.2.1, 1.2.2, …..
Etc). Suitable title should be given for sections and subsections, where

Referencing style- wherever reference is given in the main pages it should have the
following format.

The values of thermal conductivities for a variety of substances have been reported by
Varma (1982). For polymers, however, the information is more limited and some recent reviews
have attempted to fill the gaps (Batchelor and Shah, 1985).

For two authors - (Batchelor and Kapur, 1985)

For more than two authors - (Batchelor et al., 1986)

By same author/combination of authors in the same year –

(Batchelor, 1978a; Batchelor, 1978b; Batchelor et al., 1978)

(g) Bibliography/References- In the bibliography/ references list standard formats must be

used. The typical formats are given blow-

Journal articles: -
David, A.B., Pandit, M.M. and Sinha, B.K., 1991, "Measurement of surface viscosity by
Tensiometric methods", Chem. Engng Sci.47, 931-945.

Books: -
Doraiswamy, L.K. and Sharma, M.M., 1984, "Heterogeneous Reactions-Vol 1", Wiley, New
York, pp 89-90.

Edited books/Compilations/Handbooks: -
Patel, A.B., 1989, "Liquid -liquid dispersions", in Dispersed Systems
Handbook, Hardy, L.C. and Jameson, P.B. (Eds.), mcgraw Hill, Tokyo, pp 165-178.
Lynch, A.B. (Ed.), 1972, "Technical Writing", Prentice Hall, London.

Theses/Dissertations: -
Pradhan, S.S., 1992, "Hydrodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of packed
Extraction columns", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Manchester, Manchester, U.K..

Citations from abstracts: -

Lee, S. And Demlow, B.X., 1985, US Patent 5,657,543, Cf C.A. 56, 845674.

Personal Communications: -
Reddy, A.R., 1993, personal communication at private meeting on 22 October 1992 at
Physics Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Electronic sources (web material and the like)-

For citing web pages and electronic documents, use the APA style given at:

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 37

(h) Evaluation Form:- Three sheets of evaluation form should be attached in the report as
a. Evaluation form for supervisor and other Internal Examiner.
b. Evaluation form for external examiners.
c. Summary Sheet.

(i). Evaluation form for Guide & Internal Examiners:-


(To be filled by Supervisor & Internal Examiners only)

Name of Candidate:
Roll No:

Class and Section:

Marks (10) Marks (10)

S. No. Details Supervisor Internal Examiner


(Coverage, Organization, Critical
(Clarity, Exhaustive)
(Readable, Adequate)
Submission, Interest shown,
Depth, Attitude)
Total (Out of 50)
Total (Out of 100)

Name & Signature: Name & Signature:

Date: Date:

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 38


(To be filled by the External Examiner only)

Name of Candidate:
Roll No:

I. For use by External Examiner ONLY

S.No. Details Marks (10)

WORK(Coverage, Organization, Critical review)
3. DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS (Clarity, Exhaustive)
5. SLIDES (Readable, Adequate)
Total (Out of 50)

Name & Signature:



(To be filled by External Examiner)

Name and Internal External Total (200) (Pass/Fail)

Roll No. Examiner (100) Examiner (100) Result

Note: - The summary sheet is to be completed for all students and the same shall also be compiled
for all students examined by External Examiner. The Format shall be provided by the course

Invertis University, Bareilly Page 39

(j). General Points for Dissertation
1. The report should be typed on A4 sheet. The Paper should be of 70-90 GSM.
2. Each page should have minimum margins as under-
a. Left 1.5 inches
b. Right 0.5 Inches
c. Top 1 Inch
d. Bottom 1 Inch (Excluding Footer, If any)
3. The printing should be only on one side of the paper
4. The font for normal text should Times New Roman, 14size for text and 16size for heading and
should be typed in double space. The references may be printed in Italics or in different fonts.
5. The Total Report should not exceed 50 pages including top cover and blank pages.
6. A CD of the report should be pasted/ attached on the bottom page of the report.
7. Similarly a hard copy of the presentation (Two slides per page) should be attached along with
the report and a soft copy should be included in the CD.
8. Three copies completed in all respect as given above are to be submitted to the Supervisor. One
copy will be kept in departmental/University Library, One will be return to the student and third
copy will be for the Supervisor.
9. The power point presentation should not exceed 30 minutes which include 10 minutes for

Viva- voce
Students will prepare the viva, which should be based on their subject.
The student will be assigned a faculty guide who good the supervisor of the students.
The faculty would be identified before the end of the III semester. The faculty will take
the full responsibility for preparing the viva to the students.
The evaluation committee shall consists of faculty members constituted by the college
which would be comprised of at least three members comprising of the department
Coordinator’s Class Coordinator and a nominee of the Director. The student’s supervisor
would be special invitee to the viva. The viva session shall be an open house session.
The internal marks would be the average of the marks given by each members of the
committee in a sealed envelope.

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