Research Paper
Research Paper
Research Paper
1. Introduction
There are many shapes in the natural world. They look so complex that we could not
express them by several simple functions. But after B. B. Mandelbrot devised the notion
of fractal (MANDELBROT, 1977), we are able to express many natural shapes by some
simple algorithms. From that time, hard- and soft-ware of computer systems have been
improved day by day. And various researches on how to construct fractal shapes or how to
imitate natural creatures have been developed (B ARNSLEY, 1988). Recently fractal notion
has been used for image compression, analysis on non-linear dynamics, and so on. But they
are not sufficient in order to study why we can see fractal shapes widely in the natural world
and to study how to apply fractal notion to our actual engineering structures, because they
usually apply fractal notion only as some measures of shapes.
Fractal is geometrically defined by its self-similarity or self-affinity, which means
that one partial shape can be mapped to the whole, or vice versa. The fractal systems
provide the following useful characters for the actual engineering structures.
1. Fractal systems can be expressed with some simple algorithms not with complex
2. Fractal systems consist of some unit elements, and form some stratified systems.
The former is effective especially for programming on computers, and the latter may be
useful to construct large structures. In this paper, behaviors of the structures with fractal
properties are analyzed based on these characters of fractal systems.
2. Definition of Fractal Systems
First of all, it is helpful to formulate fractal systems. It has a connection with how to
construct fractal systems. Here we adopt the method using generator. Let one unit consist
of n elements, P1, P2, , Pn. Using assembling rule A, a first generation G1 (equal to the first
unit, called a generator) is denoted by G1= A(P1, P2, , Pn). Next generation G2 consists
of n G1s assembled according to the rule A. Also a certain generation consists of n previous
generations according to the same rule A. This formulation can be expressed as follows:
G1 = A( P1 , P2 , L, Pn )
= A( A
( (
k 1
where GPn
is a (k1)-th generation Gk1 on an element Pn of a k-th generation Gk, and Apn
is assembling rule on an element Pn. It should be added that fractal systems are limited in
this paper.
1. Fractal systems have strict the self-similarity, which means that a part of some
generation takes the similar shape to the previous generation.
2. The number of mappings is finite.
3. Self-contact, self-intersection and self-overlap are allowed.
The first is useful to construct the structures made of same units. The second is inevitable
to the actual structures. The third is also inevitable to avoid unstable states.
3. 3-D Spatial Structures with Fractal Properties
3.1. Construction of structures with fractal properties
According to the definition stated above, one of famous fractals, which is well known
as a Koch curve, can be constructed using generators. In this case, elements of a generator
Basic Consideration of Structures with Fractal Properties and Their Mechanical Characteristics
are 1-d (1-dimensional) lines and a generator itself is a curve in 2-d plane. In general the
total length of all elements becomes longer according to the number of generation. But let
the total length of each generation be the same. It can be seen that one line is folded like
a string (Fig. 1 (a)). Other kinds of Koch curves, which correspond to some different shapes
of generators, are shown in Fig. 1 (b). Fractal dimension of each curve is appended in the
figure. In brief, it can represent how complex the fractal shape is. As the fractal dimension
of Koch curve becomes larger, it can be seen that one line is folded like a string in the
different way from in Fig. 1 (a).
3.2. 3-D Spatial structure with fractal properties
Considering the possibility of actual structures with fractal properties, we propose an
example of 3-d spatial structures constructed by 3-d generators with 2-d elements (Fig. 2).
In this case an element of a generator is 2-d regular triangle, and a generator consists of the
6 elements. Some generator is on each element of the next generation. Clearly many edges
overlap each other. 3-d spatial truss structures with fractal properties can be constructed
considering that all edges are some kind of truss members. Besides it forms a part of
octahedral trusses which are conventional truss structures (NATORI et al., 1985).
Young modulus; E
22 106 m2
0.1 m
7.86 103 kg/m3
Length of element; l
Density of element;
Basic Consideration of Structures with Fractal Properties and Their Mechanical Characteristics
Fig. 7. Differences of displacements between the models with no errors and those with random errors.
Fig. 8. Differences of internal forces between the models with no errors and those with random errors.
Basic Consideration of Structures with Fractal Properties and Their Mechanical Characteristics
Sierpinski-Gasket trusses the elements transmitting forces are limited (Fig. 6). This
characteristic seems to come from its self-similarity. And it may be suitable for decentralized
control for its shape, because the elements under control can be limited.
The degree of stability of complete planar trusses is far more than that of SierpinskiGasket trusses. Sierpinski-Gasket trusses are almost statically determinate. From these
results, it can be said that they easily absorb stress unbalance under a few changes of
deformations. This properties remarkably appears for the models with random errors and
with local defects (K ISHIMOTO, 1999).
5. Conclusion
The characteristics of planar truss structures with fractal properties are clarified.
They have some ability of averaging stress unbalances, and their internal force distributions
reflect the self-similarity nature. This might be a first attempt to analyze the mechanical
behavior of structures with fractal properties and a first step to apply useful characters of
the natural world to our artifacts.
B ARNSLEY, M. F. (1988) Fractals Everywhere, Achademic Press.
KISHIMOTO , N. (1999) A study on the construction and the mechanical characters of structures with fractal
properties, Master Thesis, The Univ. of Tokyo (Dept. Aeronautics and Astronautics).
M ANDELBROT, B. B. (1977) The Fractal Geometry of Nature, W. H. Freeman and Company.
NATORI , M. and M IURA, K (1985) Deployable structures for space applications, AIAA85-0727, AIAA/ASME/
ASCE/AHS 26th Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials Conf., Orlands.
P ARK, K. C. and F ELIPPA, C. A. (1998) A variational framework for solution method developments in structural
mechanics, Trans. of the ASME, Vol. 65.