The Siege of Kol-Dun

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The Siege of Kol-Dun

ot all stories are those of heroes and great Expectations - The Setting
deeds. Most stories are never told, and if
they were, none would care to listen. These This adventure will pit a party's investigative skills and moral
stories of the common, the unsung, the decision-making to the test. The ending of this scenario will
forgotten... Endless volumes of mundane largely be determined by their ability to unravel a mystery or
trajedy, little noticed victory, and easily- their own moral decisions. Their successes, as well as their
dismissed betrayal in the name of survival. decisions, will determine the one-of-many outcomes.
Several suggested endings will be included in this
An unusual Origin Story adventure, but the Game Master should feel freedom in the
ability to use the setting and create their own endings.
Some commonly used tropes in adventure storytelling should
raise questions, though it's seldom given a thought. Take for
example tournaments and gladiating events. Kol-Dun Keep
The arena is a staple in many adventures and fantasy Kol-Dun Keep is a destitute frontier outpost. Where
settings. It's an effective tool which adds challenging combat it resides is less important than what it is. It can be
with the reward of a purse, all from the safety of a city or wherever the GM needs it to be, provided some
settlement. assumptions are accounted for.
There's winners, their winnings in the form of coin and
renown. There's losers, some who were predestined to lose. It borders territory with goblinoid population
Fodder for the meat grinder, one would say. But... what was centers, namely Bugbear dens
their origin story? It is remotely located, but receives trade from
bordering nations as a trade hub
The Victims and the victors
In feudal times it was not uncommon to force criminals
against their will to entertain the masses in blood sport. Astral Exclusive Adventure
Beasts would also be forced to take part either directly, or as This adventure was designed for use on Astral. This
"environmental hazards". Each of those participants came advenuture PDF is supplied with the Astral Module, which
from somewhere and there was great prosperity to be had for comes complete with pregenerated player characters, Astral
those who could supply such tools for entertainment. Maps, NPCs and more. Rather than provide stat-blocks,
This adventure explores the consequences of such maps, and other game-specific supplementary materials
dealings. within this PDF, the PDF is instead a supplementary addition
to the Astral campaign.
There is a mystery at Kol-Dun Keep. Lately, the outlying
villages have been under attack. Villagers have gone missing
after leaving to tend fields or fish streams. Rumor has it that
at least one of the smaller hamlets has disappeared
completely. From the stories, nothing remained but broken
huts, shacks, and barns. Doors were ripped from their hinges
and livestock and fields left unattended.
The whispers among the common folk and village peasants
were unanimous. The Bugbears. There was no doubt. Before
now, the distant dens in the hills had been nothing more than
stories to tell children. A place to avoid.
Something has changed. The villages are no longer safe,
and villagers flock to the Keep, abandoning everything they
own. Farmers are taking up swords, training as a militia in
the Keep's bailey. It seems that a fight on the frontier is
Expectations - The Party
This scenario will run for 2-3 sessions depending on the
party's decision and their ability to piece together the mystery.
The 2-4 encounters are suited for a party of 4 characters at
5th level but can be scaled up as necessary by adding
optional adversaries.

The Truth and the Mystery...

he Party will have many paths they can take in The Deal (and plot) of a Lifetime
this highly narrative adventure. As they make
their choices, some paths will be easier or Word of prosperous schemes and business propositions run
harder to follow. As the GM, you should wild on the frontier. Laws are lax, aspirations high, watchful
present what the party discovers in a way that eyes few and far between. The Keep Guard, now working in
will still allow the party flexibility in making the shadows and away from Lady Guethern's gaze, learned of
their decisions, as well as not revealing the bounties paid for Arena contestants and beasts. Their
true nature of the mystery until the party succeeds in piecing goblinoid neighbors now seemed to them like a blessing in
together their findings. disguise.
The conspirators knew that Lady Guethern would never
allow forces under her banner to take aggressive action of
The Bugbear Menace any kind upon otherwise peaceful neighbors and risk
The rumors are true. Bugbears have been behind the recent threatening the relative peace they had enjoyed so far. The
disappearances. Frontier presents extreme danger and challeneges in itself,
Historically, Kol-Dun has endured a generation of peaceful and no actions that could bring further danger would be
rule with no conflict with the neighboring dens where the tolerated. They scrounged what they could for trade in secret,
Bugbears reside. There seems to be no reason or provocation and through travelling merchants purchased trapping
that would explain why relations escalated to violence. equipment and practiced, while at night building cages for
Kol-Dun Keep's recent prosperity Within a month they had their first catch. Pre-arranged
meetings took place, and money exchanged hands. The keep
Until recently, Kol-Dun and the surrounding villages and was none the wiser. The guards, careful with their bounty lest
hamlets barely made ends meet. After the death of the they draw attention to themselves, offered incentives for
previous Lord Gabbin Guethern, his daughter, Lady Isabella traders to leave weary livestock and pack-animals. Merchants
Guethern, took his place. were provided gifts and lavish accomodations for providing
Shortly after, Lady Guethern reformed the local economy. discount prices to locals. The locals began prospering, and
Merchants were encouraged to set up shop in the Inner Lady Guethern's actions were the reasonable explanation.
Bailey, frequent caravaners were given incentives for making No questions were ever asked in these exchanges, and no
a long and hazardous journey, trade taxes replaced with complaints reached Lady Guethern's ears. The Keep Guard
mercantile permits, and a swath of other changes enacted to was a strictly kept fraternity, and they felt invincible in the
encourage trade and use of local establishments. The bailey flawlessness of their schemes. In their eyes, there were no
and the surrounding villages seemed to come to life, and the victims but beasts.
Keep began to prosper. Over a few short years it went from a
defensive outpost to an inter-regional trading hub. An alien culture
The citizens, both within the keep and from the
surrounding villages and hamlets, viewed Lady Guethern as Bugbear culture is, for this advenuture, assumed to be just as
the savior who brought wealth to the land. From an outward versatile as the cultures of common non-goblinoids, such as
perspective it wouldn't be hard to come to that conclusion. Human or Elven cultures.
Dealings in the shadows Possible Party Knowledge
Before this, the Keep Guard had stood their post for decades, Despite this adventure's assertion of versatile and
watching the town and surrounding village do just well diverse culture, some constants of Bugbear or
enough to continue and nothing more. Behind closed doors, goblinoid culture can safely be assumed by the
they criticized the previous lord for his inaction. They became party, such as with a relevant History or Lore check.
bitter while they watched their families and neighbors wither
away into insiginficancy. Tribes are usually ruled by a single Chief
They began to deliberate. Something had to be done. In most cases, Chieftainship is achieved
There were no valuable resources in the area, nothing they through a mixture of trial-by-combat and tribe
support. The strongest might not be able to
could sell, trade, or otherwise use to bring profit. The soil was lead if the others won't follow them into battle.
poor but usable, while forests and rivers contained enough As chaotic as they may appear, there are varying
game and fish to keep the local population going. sets of strict codes and morals between tribes.
They began to talk to travellers, routinely asking for trade
rumors and news from the inner realm. Matters were being
taken into their self-described capable hands.

History of Peace Lady Guethern
In this aggressive goblinoid culture, some norms take Lady Guethern is dedicated to making the region prosper.
different meaning. The idea of negotiation takes a different She saw her father fail his people, and is overly and
form. It's presented through actions or inaction rather than obsessively committed to achieving prosperity for her people.
words and treaties. The act of purposely not attacking a She has a strong moral compass, and would never put her
people in danger, or stoop so low as to sanction kidnappings
neighboring region is, in itself, a pact of peace. of a peaceful neighboring society and risk inciting violence.
In the Tribe's eyes, the fact that there was peace was an She has no idea of the dealings the Guard have been
assurance of mutual respect. Healthy respect to each other's committing behind her back, and is far too wrapped up in the
borders was a reinforcement of trust. The lack of violence affairs of the region to notice.
and trespass meant that there was an agreement of non- As for Lady Guethern's changes, the changes have indeed
violence. had a positive impact, regardless of the dealings of the Keep
The Tribe's numbers had declined over the past few Guard. The Keep has become an attractive site of trade and
generations. In-fighting, excommunications and tribe commerce, and travellers have become frequent visitors. The
migration had not been kind to their numbers. While they local population has thus benefitted from luxuries and
had no reason for violence, this was a further incentive to commodities they may otherwise have never had within
maintain peace. reach.
Due to the realistic benefit her changes have provided, as
The Start of Violence well as the surge in prosperity the Keep Guards have
Over years, Bugbears were kidnapped by an unknown introduced (unknown to Lady Guethern), she believes herself
adversary. The current Bugbear Chief - Grokk'Nor, had tried to be the savior her people think she is.
to temper the tribe against quick action at his Hobgoblin
Advisor's request. In time, Zsrab the Advisor formulated a The Bugbears
plan. He urged the Worgs to stalk hunting parties, who Grokk'Nor is the current War Chief, and leads the Tribe in co-
eventually witnessed the Men in the process of a kidnapping. operation with Zsrab the Advisor and Grus'Dogal the Magus,
After this revelation, there was no further chance of peace. Seer to Grokk'Nor. He rules with a calm temper and
Grokk'Nor took up the title of War Chief. Raids on villages restrained power, at least by Bugbear standards.
took place, and all villagers kidnapped or killed, corpses and Grus'Dogal the Magus is an elder Bugbear. His attunement
captives hauled away to the dens. to magic and usefulness to the tribe has ensured his safety,
allowing him to grow much older than typical Bugbears. His
Suggested Plot Angles loyalty to Grokk'Nor is well established, as he often recounted
visions of Grokk'Nor's leadership restoring the Tribe's
The Kol-Dun Keep Guard strength among the Bugbear tribes.
Gaurdsman Barnaby is the Marshal of the Guard, the most Zsrab the Advisor is a Hobgoblin of notable reputation in
prominent character in the fraternity. the tribe. His quick wit, conniving plots and prowess for
The members of the Guard generally perceive the ambush tactics has earned himself a spot beside the Chief.
bugbears to be the equivalent of a natural predator, such as a He considers himself solely responsible for keeping the tribe
lynx or wolf. Dangerous, and to be contained or controlled. intact against overwhelming odds over recent years.
Selling live Bugbears and non-goblinoids (presumed to be The Tribe as a whole sees the kidnappings as a betrayal.
criminals) to inner-realm regions for use in arenas is not They had existed in peace, and there was no escalation. To
necessarily frowned upon, and no questions are asked. The them, these kidnappings are done by dishonorable cowards
Frontier is a dangerous place, and criminals as well as and they have no choice but to fight.
threats to the outpost are often able to be handled in ways the
overseer of the region deems fit. Crest of the Kol-Dun Keep Guard
The Guard have kept their dealings a secret from all,
especially Lady Guethern. They see her as a useless
extension of her father, though her changes have provided
them a layer of cover as they worked to jump-start the local
economy through risky and questionable means. They see
themselves as the only thing standing between their families
and destitution, and would go so far as to take leadership by
force to keep themselves in a position to watch over Kol-Dun.

The Difficult Path
Suggested Plot Paths Supporting the Bugbear Tribe is by far the most difficult path
While this adventure is designed to be as open ended as that the party can attempt to take. The party most likely will
possible, you'll be provided with some example plot paths need to recognize the motive behind the Bugbear attacks on
that can be followed depending on the party's decisions and the region through their investigations, as well as attempt to
investigation. parley with the Bugbear leaders, convince them of the party's
intentions, and reason with them in a way that Bugbears can
Supporting Lady Guethern respect. Failure to do so will likely end in death on both sides.
If the Party discovers the cause of the Bugbear attacks and Parley with the Bugbear Leader
unusual prosperity, they may opt to support Lady Guethern If no one in the party speaks goblinoid, the party will have to
and inform her of the plot hatched by the fraternity Keep find a way of being understood by, and communicating with,
Guard, and prevent further kidnappings. This will be a path Bugbears in a way that both cultures can accept and respect.
directly against the Guard, and can potentially support the If neither party can understand each other, a language
Bubgears. puzzle can be presented. If the party succeeds in reasoning
The motive may be moral, to stop the kidnappings and with the Bugbears and expressing their cooperation, they can
sales to slavery. It may be noble, to stop what appears to be a try to support the bugbears in a variety of ways, but will also
coup in the making. The motive may simply be based on need to find a way to either work around (or appease) their
greed. Lady Guethern would undoubtedly pay a reward for a lust for retribution and revenge.
return to order. This could present itself as gathering
evidence and witnesses from the townsfolk, uncovering the Satisfying an obligation to retribution
holding areas where Bugbears await the flesh traders, or War Chief Grokk'Nor has an unspoken duty to his tribe. Tribe
otherwise rooting out the Guard's ringleaders. mates that look to him for protection and guidance have
disappeared by the hands of men of the Keep. Their dens are
Supporting the Keep Guard no longer safe, and while their numbers are not strong
If the party discovers the cause of the Bugbear attacks and enough to take the keep by force, there is no option to retreat
unusual prosperity, they may opt to support the Keep Guard. further into goblinoid territory.
This will be a path directly against the Bugbears. As Lady While Grokk'Nor would never agree to retreat, the
Guethern is unaware of the plot, it would not necessarily be Bugbear culture is a further incentive. To abandon their kin
going against her. The suffering of the commoners in this without a proportionate response is unacceptable, and
region is plain to see and the region would be indebted to the dissent among the tribe would be immediate. His leadership
party for resolving the conflict. would be immediately challenged, leading to infighting and
The motive for this path may be moral, for the suffering of likely his own death. He is duty bound to both free his kin and
the people at the hands of bugbear attacks is evident across ensure it never happens again through a show of strength,
this region. Many people have been displaced and now take and he is proud to carry out this duty.
refuge in the Keep, and the townsfolk live in a constant state
of fear. It may be greed based. Perhaps the party wants in on
the cut, or will opt to blackmail the Guard by threatening to
uncover their plot. It might just be the party's most
straightforward and direct end to the conflict.
This could present itself as an attack on the bugbears to
kill their leader, or to force the bugbears out of the region.
The party could attempt a rescue on the humanoid prisoners
being held captive, weakening the Bugbears leverage.
Supporting the Bugbear Tribe
If the party discovers the cause of the Bugbear attacks and
the Keep's unusual prosperity, they may opt to support the
Bugbear Tribe. This will be a path directly against the Guard,
and possibly for or against Lady Guethern depending on
choices made.
The motive for this path may be moral, to stop the
injustices and crimes committed against the tribe. It may be
chaotic in nature, perhaps the party would just like to see the
area destabilized and push back against the encroachment of

The Adventure Begins: Chapter 1

he party starts on the outskirts of Kol'Dun
Keep's territory. They run across a burning, The following information can be found with a
abandoned village, followed by refugees relevant skill check, or by fulfilling a condition:
further down the road where they will receive
the quest to investigate the happenings at Kol- While most of the tracks are from farm animals,
Dun Keep and the surrounding territory. some are not. Some are monstrous.
Perception/Animal Handling/Survival/Nature
The Burning Hamlet of Knowledge of Bugbears (e.g. Favored
Enemy) or critical success reveals that it
Hamlet is Bugbear tracks
There are no valuables, but that seems more to
Discovering the Hamlet be due to the village's impoverished conditions
As the party is travelling on the main road towards Kol-Dun rather than any looting. Belongings don't appear
Keep, they come across a cliff face. Above them they see to have been looted through.
Perception/Investigation (DC:14) OR Rogue Class
smoke and embers burning. As they travel further down the
road they'll arrive at an intersection. A road leads up the If the party successfully investigates the tracks,
slope, towards the smoke. A dim red glow is visible amidst they are able to find tracks both leading in, and
the smoke. There is a makeshift way-making sign at the travelling out of the village towards the rocky
intersection of the road, pointing towards the sloped path. It terrain, which descends into a rocky, forested area
reads "Hamlet". with terrain and brambles too difficult to traverse.
Optionally, you can choose to reveal some
Living conditions information automatically if a party member has a
high initial skill level.
This hamlet is a small village in a fringe territory. There's no
wealth of any kind to be had. The road leading up to the
village is compacted dirt, the fences made of broken tree
trunks and branches creating a snake rail stacked fence. Optional hook towards encounter
Buildings, while sturdy, have boards for doors and windows. If the party is spending too long trying to investigate the
The hamlet seems to mostly export crops to the Keep. hamlet or thinking of pursuing the Bugbears into the difficult
There's some tilled land and fields, but is built to produce terrain, consider launching the attack on the refugees just up
more food than the small population housed here could eat. the road, within earshot of the party, then continue to Page 6.
The meager amount of livestock and poultry seems to be for You may want to change some details, such as removing the
the hamlet's personal stock rather than export. tents and campfire from the scene.
A recent attack
The hamlet has recent damage which is plain to see.
Sections of fence have been smashed through, doors ripped
from their hinges, and fires set to the buildings.

Upon Investigating the Hamlet of

The following information is plain to see. Consider
revealing as they investigate certain buildings or
There are no bodies. It also doesn't appear that
there's any blood anywhere.
Several buildings are on fire.
The barn/sheds may be still full of food or
There are tracks everywhere from the work
animals. There are some pigs, goats, a couple
mules, a gangly cow and a horse that have
escaped their enclosure.

The Adventure Begins: Chapter 1

If the party approaches and expresses that they won't do
Encounter - Skirmish by harm, the villagers are relieved, but respond with a desperate
plea. They are the refugees of the burned hamlet up the road,
the Refugees and fear they won't make it to Kol-Dun Keep.
Finding the refugees
The hamlet is still a full day's travel from the Keep. The road Speaking with the Refugees
leads the party to a downward slope. Further up the road a The refugees are willing to provide any information
small campfire can be spotted as light at the tops of the tree that they know, and upon an appropriate inquiry
canopy at dusk. Some refugees have set up a small camp for will provide the following information that they are
the night and seem to have been travelling for most of the day. aware of:
The refugees are few in number. A child and a handful of
adults have pitched up tents, lit a fire and are resting by the They know the region, including the
road. They have a small wagon packed with some provisions, neighboring villages and Kol-Dun Keep.
There were a dozen other villagers from the
such as a sack of grain and a crate of vegetables. hamlet that they are worried have come to
Preparing for a siege They are aware of the Keep and it's leadership,
Feudal tactics for preparing a keep to repel assaults relied Lady Guethern, and can provide information
heavily on commoners who reside outside the keep's bailey. about the normal day-to-day happenings in the
Villagers and commoners were often expected to bring region.
provisions from their locality with them when they sought If they are asked about Lady Guethern,
shelter inside a fortification. they can provide testimony to her
Such provisions in the stockpile dictate how long a keep benevolent leadership and generosity to
can withstand a siege. Refugees would likely feel pressured her people.
to contribute both by responsibility as well as fear of If asked about the Keep, they are aware
authority. that the keep has sent word by
The grain and vegetables in the wagon is the villagers' messenger to have villages prepare to
offering to the Keep's stockpile, and might be their only ticket take shelter in the Keep's bailey.
into the bailey if the Keep's stockpile isn't sufficiently stocked
to support it's current refugee population. Furthermore, if the
Keep runs low on provisions, the villagers from surrounding Upon any questions as to what happened, the child starts
settlements are likely to be forced out of the bailey, so the crying, and the mother and father try to comfort the child.
investment of provisions ensures the villagers lasting safety The two watchmen identify themselves as Bragan and
in this regard. Dolphur, and are eager to describe what happened.
Bragan and Dolphur are insistent on the attackers being
Meeting the Refugees the Bugbears that lurk deeper within the frontier. This attack
If the party does not aid the refugees caught the entire village off guard. They had been notified by
The fire has drawn the attention of more than just the party. courier to make preparations to take shelter in the Keep's
A small hunting group of the Bugbears is stalking the bailey earlier that morning.
refugees from the wooded hills. The courier gave no explanation as to why the preparations
Without intervention from the party, the refugees will be were happening, only to send provisions for the keep's larder,
attacked and killed, or kidnapped. How this presents itself to prepare the villagers to take refuge in the keep, and await
the party depends on their decisions. If the party chooses not word.
to investigate the fire up the road at dusk, or if the party Hours later, in the midst of the preparations, the attack
investigates the refugees and decides to abandon them and began. The small number of refugees before the party were
continue through the night, they may only hear brief screams the lucky few who managed to escape. The family fled while
from the direction of the camp, followed by the campfire Bragan and Dolphur grabbed the lightest cart of provisions
being extinguished. they could carry to follow them onto the road.

If the party aids the refugees

The refugees are not in fighting shape, and are desperate to First-hand account of the attack
get to the Keep. A young boy huddles near the fire, his father "The attack was brutal and fast, m'lords. I don' know
how else to describe it. And in broad daylight! Men,
and mother not far from him. The other two men stand women and children, ripped straight outta their
guard, one with a hammer, the other a pitchfork. homes... Anyone who fought back was clubbed until
Upon approach, the two villagers on lookout call out "Who they stopped movin' or were dead.
goes there?", brandishing their makeshift weapons as the It happened fast as lighting. I ain't never seen such
family rushes to their child. They are tired and frightened, anger... I ain't never been so scared... We was just
their clothes are tattered and damp. They are clearly unable makin' our way onto the road with the provisions
to protect themselves. when it started."

The Adventure Begins: Chapter 1

The attack on the refugees The Battle
Assuming the party doesn't leave the refugees to fend for
themselves, when a decision has been made to either depart
immediately and head to the Keep or to wait until dawn to
travel, the Bugbears have gotten close enough and are trying A word about NPC Tactics
to position themselves for an ambush! Throughout this adventure, each of the combat
scenarios will involve combatants on both sides
The attack begins after the party has spoken with the who are capable of complex reasoning and
refugees. The Bugbears are attempting to sneak close communication.
enough for a surprise attack. They are using the thick trees Instead of mindless NPCs attacking the closest
and shrubs as cover. possible enemy target, this experience is best
played out in a mindset of strategy and NPC
Detecting the ambush in advance Consider contextual clues, such as Bugbears
These Bugbears are trying to move quietly to set up barking orders at each other, or shouting threats in
an ambush. The party must roll a Perception Check Goblinoid at the party. Even if the party doesn't
(DC:16) (Darkvision grants advantage) to determine speak Goblinoid, such clues help indicate heirarchy
if they are aware of the attack before it happens. and cooperation of the opposing force.
Success allows the member of the party who
succeeded to be aware of a presence in the forest off
the road moving closer.
If the party succeeds, they have enough time to Bugbear Priorities
come up with a plan, be that prepare to defend or The current priorities of the Bugbears involve capturing living
prepare the refugees to flee through the night to humanoids, and killing any who resist. Anyone taking part in
the Keep. combat will be met with lethal force, while those who do not
If the party fails to detect the raiding party, they are fight will be met with non-lethal force.
caught off guard and are unable to evade the threat.
Defeating the Bugbear Leader
In order to flee with the refugees These Bugbears are not expecting worthy opponents. The
The refugees are hesitant to leave their wagon full raids so far have been met with little effective resistance.
of provisions. They are fearful that without it they The Bugbear raiding party is being led by a Raid Leader.
will be denied entry into the keep. This Raid Leader is visibly much larger than the others, but
The refugees can be persuaded or intimidated otherwise has no indication of rank visible, and other than
into leaving the provisions, otherwise they will
move too slowly to escape the bugbears and will
the description of the Raid Leader's size, the players will not
be caught in the ambush.
know of any difference. If the players can determine the Raid
Leader's importance and prioritize it, or otherwise defeat
Either through Persuasion or Intimidation checks this Bugbear first, the others will flee into the forest. If the
(DC:12) the party can attempt convince the Raid Leader is the last able-bodied Bugbear in combat, he
villagers as a group, but the villagers can only be will flee into the forest.
approached once for each type of diplomacy.
Once any player character attempts one, the
villagers will not listen to further attempts of After victory
the same type of diplomacy. The Bugbear(s) look upon his(their) fallen
comerade(s), then back to the adventurers. After a
moment of hesitation, he(they) releases a pair of
short roars, then take off into the tree line to
The Bugbear Raiding Party disappear into the night. Even the thickest brush at
The raiding party consists of 3 standard Bugbears, equipped the edge of your vision doesn't slow him(them)
with Javelins and Cudgels. They are accompanied by 1 down, almost as if the Bugbear(s) are absorbed into
Bugbear designated as a Raid Leader, equipped with the the surrounding forest.
same weapons. The Raid Leader is a larger Bugbear, and is a
more formidable opponent. (Refer to this character's Astral
Character Sheet for details.)
If the party decides to stand their ground at the campsite,
or if they are otherwise unable to avoid the ambush further
down the road but are unwilling to leave the refugees to fend
for themselves, the raiding party will catch up to the refugees
and battle will commence.

The Adventure Begins: Chapter 1

If the party retreats or is defeated At this time, three possibilities are likely:
If the Bugbears overwhelm the party, or if the party retreats The Party came with the rescued refugees
from combat, the Bugbears will capture any surviving The party came with the boy as the sole survivor
refugees and retreat into the forest, with the exception of the The Party came by themselves
child who can be found hiding not far from the combat area If accompanied by Refugees
by the party. Guardsman Anton is the current guard-in-charge at the
Mustering Grounds. The refugees are eager to tell
Rescuing the child Guardsman Anton of the events that transpired. Either
The child survives the attack, and will approach the party if Bragan or Dolphur recant the story of the attack on Hamlet,
they are still in the area. He's frightened and barely able to and their close call on the road to Kol-Dun Keep. The Guard
speak. His name is Leyam, and he begs to be taken to the are also told how the adventurers were responsible for their
keep. If the party is merciful, they may opt to take Leyam safe arrival.
with them to the keep. After this testimony, the Guard will send a courier to the
Keep to warn the Lord Marshal of the Guard that attacks
Kol'Dun Keep are confirmed to be underway against the villages.
The party is granted writs of passage required to gain
Arriving at Kol-Dun access to the keep and are asked to report to Lord Marshal
Outside the gates of Kol-Dun, an outlying large settlement Barnabus as soon as they are able to provide first-hand
extends from the gates up to the Crossroads. accounts of the party's findings. This will affect the parties
The village is bustling with activity. It seems carts and reputation in Kol-Dun positively.
beast-drawn wagons are being brought from several
directions via the crossroads in front of Kol-Dun Keep. On If accompanied by the Child
some, the look of fear is unmistakeable. The Keep is strictly The child is the sole survivor, but is panicked and
controlling who may enter and who may leave by a system of traumatized by the attack. The boy is unable to speak well
permits controlled by the Guard. The main gatehouse is the enough to provide a testimony, and the party will have to
only point of ingress. convince the Guard of the authenticity of the attack on the
village and the attack on the refugees.

Outside Kol-Dun Keep If the party arrives alone

The village has a small market just before the keep, If the party arrives alone, they are outsiders with only rumors
but no merchants sell their wares today. The market of an attack. Since they have no proof, their claims are easily
has been turned into a mustering ground where dismissed.
guards from the keep are directing newcomers, being
assisted by volunteers made up of tradesmen and
guild members. Example Guardsman Anton
Couriers remain on standby as word comes in from Dialogue
nearby villages, ready to alert the keep of news, or "How do we know you aren't spinning us a tale to get
send word to neighboring regions by horseback. into the Keep? In fact, we sent a courier just
yesterday, and she returned last night to let us know
Hamlet was making preparations."
He calls over a courier from the reserve
The common folk don't seem to be aware of what's occurring, messengers post. The courier wears a green and
only that the authorities have decreed that the people of the orange sash alongside her courier satchel.
region prepare to take shelter at the keep. It's fairly clear that "You there! You sent word to Hamlet, yeah? Did
the Guard seems to be directing the effort and are in charge. you notice anything amiss?
The courier denies noticing anything out of
order. Guardsman Anton turns back to the courier
Speaking with the Guard and instructs her to make a run to Hamlet and
Foreigners who have no business in the Keep are investigate the parties claims, then returns his
likely to be turned away. The region is alerted to attention to the party.
the threat of attack, though the origin of that threat "I can't prove your claims, and I just don't see any
still remains unclear. reason to provide you with a writ of passage. Writs are
If the adventurers (and any refugees) approach only being provided for refugees and volunteers to
the Keep gatehouse before approaching the the militia. We'll send someone to investigate Hamlet,
mustering grounds in the village, they are turned but the last thing we need is a panic. Stay silent on
away, instructed to report to Guardsman Anton in this matter, or we'll have you arrested."
the market. No one can enter without a writ of
passage from the Mustering Grounds.

The Adventure Begins: Chapter 1

Encounter - Scouting Upon Investigating the Abandoned
Mission Wagons:
The following information is plain to see:
Optional Encounter There are no bodies.
The party will need to prove to the fraternity of the Keep There is some blood on the ground and against
Guard that they are of some use to the Keep and have a one of the wagons.
reason to enter to gain a writ of passage. If the party is able to The wagons' supplies haven't been looted. It
gain access to the keep by other means, such as the refugees looks more like the wagons were thrown, and
vouching for them, this encounter can be repurposed as a giant claw marks can be seen on one side of
mercenery-for-hire or militia side quest to be found inside one wagon.
the keep. Some phrasing may need changed to keep it There are tracks everywhere. Many humanoid
relevant to the party in this case. The mission as provided footprints, and many other types of footprints.
assumes that the party has received this task from There is a green and orange sash much like the
ones the party saw the other couriers wearing
Guardsman Anton. near one of the carts. It is torn, with only a
couple drops of blood visible.
Finding the missing courier
The following information can be found with a
Guardsman Anton is concerned about a courier that hasn't relevant skill check, or by fulfilling a condition:
returned. The courier was due back late last night, but never
arrived. His requests for guardsmen to investigate have gone There was at least 10 sets of tracks from non-
unanswered amidst the chaos of siege preparations. monstrous origin, the rest are monstrous. The
If the party offers to assist Guardsman Anton, assist in tracks belonging to the courier abruptly stop at
siege preparations, or presses for a way to prove their where the party found the sash and are replaced
good intentions, Guardsman Anton will ask for help. by monstrous tracks leading back into the
forest on the edge of the road. Perception,
Animal Handling, Survival, Nature
Example Guardsman Anton Knowledge of Bugbears / Wargs / Hobgoblins
(e.g. Favored Enemy) or critical success reveals
Dialogue that other tracks are from goblinoid and warg
"I'll be honest, we need all the help we can get, and origin. Perception, Survival, Nature, Favored
there's not enough recruits and able-bodied Enemy: Bugbears
volunteers. If that isn't bad enough, one of the Skill check success of a high threshold can
couriers have gone missing. They were travelling reveal that the humanoid tracks scatter off the
through the western pass to a village about two days road. There was a panic, and that the goblinoid
travel from here." and warg tracks give chase to the others. Each
He gestures over to the cliffs overlooking the trail ends the same. Humanoid tracks end abruptly
keep to the west. with signs of struggle, and only goblinoid tracks
"I know the courier. He was due back last night but continue, heading back into the forest.
never arrived. He's young, but reliable, and I've never
known him to be late to anything. He could have run
into trouble. I need someone who can handle
themselves to investigate." Returning to Guardsman Anton
Guardsman Anton begins to look uneasy. Guardsman Anton drops what he's doing upon seeing the
"If you help me find him, I'll vouch for your group returning party, breaking off mid-conversation with the
and you'll get your writ of passage. We need the help,
and there's surely work to be had in the Keep for able-
refugees he was interviewing. He's struck with grief upon
bodied mercenaries. Especially in times like this. Just
hearing the news, crying "My gods, this is my
bring him back here, or if you find anything, you bring
it straight to me." He tells the party that they must report to Lord Marshal
Barnabus with their first-hand account of the party's
Later, this task may prove useful in convincing Lady
A succesful Sense Motive check will reveal that Guardsman Guethern of the party's good intentions.
Anton is very concerned for this courier and seems to have a
personal relationship with him. If pressed on the topic with a Optional Mission Reward
successful Persuasion check, Guardsman Anton reveals that If this mission was not issued by Guardsman Anton but as an
the courier is his eldest son. optional side-quest found in the keep, Lord Marshal
Barnabus can provide a reward for this investigation of 25gp
The Roadside Encounter for each player, as well as a discount at the local vendors.
Just hours up the road, the party encounters a pair of wagons
upended on the side of the road. Some produce and supplies
have been tossed, but there's no one to be seen.

The Adventure Begins: Chapter 1

Trouble At Kol-Dun Keep: Chapter 2

pproaching the gatehouse with the writ of
passage in hand, the party now has access to Common knowledge:
the Keep with a task to approach Lord Marshal The Siege preparations began just a few days
Barnabus with information about the growing ago. The Fraternity of the Guard haven't
threat. explained what prompted this decision. The
Approaching the gates side by side with population believes the Bugbear Tribe to be the
refugees from surrounding villages, the tension cause of the siege preparations, but those
and suspense is tangible. suspicions have gone unanswered.
People looking for work can enlist with the
Within the Gates of Kol- militia. Interested parties should seek out the
Lord Marshal in the training grounds.
Dun Some travelling entertainers arrived the week
before the order to prepare for a siege. They
Kol-Dun Keep is surrounded by a large outer wall, with a can be found in the Marketplace.
singular gatehouse built into the north wall. The wall is Nearly all the merchants and tradespeople who
fashioned together with massive, unevenly cut blocks of are still selling wares are doing so with
stone. A crude yet effective implementation. While a fringe unreasonably high prices.
outpost, the size of the inner bailey seems to indicate that it Most everyone supports Lady Guethern. She
was intended to watch over many more settlements than has proven herself a capable and benevolent
exist in this region. leader.
Passing through the gates, the party is immediately met Kol-Dun Keep's History (Outlined in the section
with a crowd of people in the inner bailey. Some tents,
shanties and other temporary structures have been erected to The Following rumors are
deal with the influx of refugees. Carts of supplies being sent whispered on the street
up to the keep larder and other commotion is abound in the -
The permanent buildings of Kol-Dun show disparity from Lady Guethern was Cleric Fernhir's apprentice
construction quality and the wealthy decor. Likewise, the non- before she took her position as regional
refugee citizens of Kol-Dun and the surrounding settlement overseer. Cleric Fernhir knows her better than
seem dressed in attire of a higher quality and value than anyone. She still holds him in the highest esteem.
would be expected judging from the architecture and quality The Keep Guard have been seen exchanging
of the buildings. coin with travelling merchants, but no goods
seem to be traded in these exchanges.
Some members of the Keep Guard don't seem
Kol-Dun Keep History to approve of Lady Guethern.
From the information found in the Prologue (Page 2, Kol-Dun At night, and less often, during the day from
Keep's Recent Prosperity), the Keep's population is only shadows, the sounds of crying and sobbing
aware of the efforts Lady Guethern has put forward. could be heard. This crying has been present
months before the current situation.
The Founding of Kol-Dun Keep Guardsmen have died in the line of duty or
At the original time of founding, the Keep was meant to been injured much more often the past year.
oversee a period of growth as settlements developed in the
region. The region proved to be unfruitful, and expansion and
development of the region wasn't succesful. Since that initial
founding, the region had been met with hardship and poverty. Notable Establishments
In the early days, vigilant missionaries from the Church of
the Crying God came to aid the local population. They and Locations
provided all manner of aid, from medical treatment, to These are the notable locations in Kol-Dun Keep and their
compassion and guidance, to hard labor to ease the burden details. Notable Characters and their introductory dialogue
on the region. The population has remained ever-thankful for are categorized by their locations.
their support, and a church was erected in the center of the
bailey in their honor.

Trouble At Kol-Dun Keep: Chapter 2

The Smithy Inside the Church
Near the gate, a blacksmith shop is busy working to forge Within the church, Cleric Fernhir tends to some unwell
arms and armor. It seems many of the tradesmen of the refugees, exhausted by travel. While the Church has allowed
village are here. They will not sell weapons or armor, and will some refugees to take shelter inside the atrium, the nave has
tell the party that all their effort is being put towards arming been set up in preparations to treat potential casualties.
the militia. Speaking with Cleric Fernhir
Cleric Fernhir is welcoming and compassionate. He's willing
The Church of The Crying God to offer any aid requested of him provided it's within the law
Notable Characters: Cleric Fernhir, Brother Gabel and doesn't retract from his attention to the refugees. He can
provide healing and answer questions about the locals or the
The Church Keep.
The Church of The Crying God has stood since the earliest If the party is assisting the Keep with any dangerous
days of Kol-Dun Keep, and the Crying God's following has activities, he will offer each party member a healing potion.
remained strong throughout the keep's history.
Currently the Church has been converted to a makeshift
infirmary, where Cleric Fernhir is tending to some ill Cleric Fernhir is willing to share
villagers. the following information:
Outside the church, Brother Gabel, a devout sufferer, cries Cleric Fernhir is a devout sufferer, and is an
to passerby in earnest. expert in their fields of medicine and their
Something has happened at the Keep that has
Example Sufferer Cries earned the scorn of the Crying God. "He has
"Hear me weep, for the Crying God weeps as well! turned away from us" in Fernhir's words. An
He has turned his gaze from us, ashamed at what atrocity must have happened, but he doesn't
we've become. We have been taught to seek out know what. If asked, he will share the following:
injustices! We must remain vigilant and persevere! His prayers have gone unanswered for
Will you turn a blind eye? Help us ease the torment weeks.
suffering of all, not just ourselves!" The Cleric tells of an invisible watcher, as
"Please, brothers and sisters. We have been if describing a specter, crying from
through so much. Even in these frightful times, we within the keep. When the noises are
cannot let our pain change our ways, just as we investigated, no one is found.
cannot allow the comfort we've been waiting for to A vision struck the Cleric weeks ago,
dull our senses like a drug. We must endure, around the time his prayers started
gracefully." going unanswered, before the current
situation. He was overcome with a vision
of a thin middle aged man in torn
clothes and chains, bleeding and beaten.
Tension with the Keep Guards The many chains tied around his neck
A pair of guards are attempting to stop the crier from and anchored to the ground was too
delivering their message, accusing the Brother Gabel of short for him to stand, and his gauntness
inciting unrest during a crisis. They stop short of forcibly pointed towards malnourishment. The
removing him, but threaten to arrest him if he continues. Cleric was wrought in agony, feeling the
pain and hunger of the victim. A whip
cracks out, striking the man in chains in
Optional Minor Side Quest the back, who releases an inhuman roar
If the party seeks work from the Keep Guard, either the that no man could make. When the
guards confronting Brother Gabel, Guardsman Dolton or a Cleric regained himself and came to, he
guard in the tavern may request that the party convince found that he was bleeding from his
Brother Gabel to stop spreading the message. The character back. He shows the party his freshly
issuing the mission is very specific that no members of the healed wound.
Church should be harmed or threatened. Lady Guethern is close with Cleric Fernhir. He is
willing to testify to her benevolence and
Brother Gabel will stop spreading the message if he is integrity, or answer questions about her.
persuaded that he is doing more harm than good. If asked about her past, he will admit
Difficulty DC: 18 (One Attempt Permitted) that she was his student before her
Upon success, Brother Gabel begrudgingly agrees father died. When he passed, she took
to cease the public outcry. He asks the party to stay up his mantle and pledged to take her
vigilant against suffering. 15 GP per player learnings and use them to help her
Upon failure, Brother Gabel begs the party member people.
to consider his words, and why someone would Cleric Fernhir has noted that the Guard have
want to have those words silenced. sought his healing services more as of lately,
unusually so.

Trouble At Kol-Dun Keep: Chapter 2

The Marketplace The Festival
The Festival was originally planned for the upcomin solstice,
Notable Characters: Neville and Bigsby, the travelling but has been arranged by Lady Guethern during the crisis to
entertainers. ease morale. It will take place on the night directly after the
party approaches the Cliffs of War to deal with the Tribe.
The Shop Stalls
The Marketplace in the center of the Bailey still has some The Enchanter's Shop
market stalls and shops selling wares, but many of the stalls
have been converted to cookhouses to prepare to feed An enchanter resides within the bailey against the Northwest
refugees. Food, basic tools and supplies can be purchased. All corner. They perform services such as sending out Animal
prices are 25% higher than normal market value. Messengers, and other low-level spells at request for a fee
proportional to the task. They also have an array of magical
The Travelling Entertainers items and potions for sale. All prices are 25% higher than
Two halfling entertainers, Neville and Bigsby, have set up normal market value.
their tents near the Marketplace and are practicing feats of
magic mixed with acrobatics, entertaining some refugees. The Stables
Examples include Neville and Bigsby feigning poor A stables and horse trader reside against the Northeast
acrobatics moves together, ending with Bigsby leaping into corner. They are willing to purchase horses and working
the mouth of a carnivorous flower, appearing to be eaten. As animals, but are not willing to sell. Once the crisis is
Neville feigns concern, the flower erupts into fireworks as the resolved (as long as the party are not fugitives), this
onlookers are showered with petals. stables will be willing to sell horses.
Speaking with Neville and Bigsby
Neville and Bigsby go everywhere together, and are an The Tavern
inseparable pair. They frequently interrupt each other in Notable Characters: Guardsman Anton (When Off Duty),
conversation, and are generally lighthearted and meet Bragan and Dolphur (If they survived)
everything with humor. The Tavern is currently being used as a makeshift mess
hall. Drinks are still being poured, but the prices for alchohol
are extortional for all but the Keep Guard and those training
Neville and Bigsby are willing to for the militia, who drink for free. Ale and beer are being used
share the following: as an incentive to join the Militia to defend the keep.
Lady Guethern payed them generously to stay Bragan and Dolphur are present, speaking to each other
during the crisis, which they accepted. about joining the militia.
There will be a performance during the coming
festival, and most of the Keep's current The Guard House & Dungeon
occupants will be there.
The Guard House functions as the barracks for the Keep
Neville and Bigsby can be convinced Guard, as well as the entrance to the Keep Dungeon. The
to share the following: Guard House itself is a large wooden structure built on top of
Neville and Bigsby are not good at hiding a descending stairwell leading to the dungeon.
information and are natural gossips. Have the
investigating party member roll either Persuasion or Heavily guarded
Intimidation checks. The same check can be used Access to the guardhouse should be hard to obtain.
to receive any of the below information if it Naturally, the guard house and dungeon have a heavy Keep
succeeds: Guard presence. The Keep Guard allow visitors to the
dungeon if they have business speaking with a prisoner,
In past visits the Keep Guard have given them otherwise will refuse admittance. Victims may report crimes
coin outside of their agreement with the Keep, to the Guard at the guardhouse, but are not permitted to stay
persistently requesting that they return to
provide entertainment in the future. This has
unless they have business with the Guard.
made them uncomfortable, giving the
The Guard House can be a potential avenue of discovering
impression of a back-street deal. DC: 10
captive bugbears. It's likely the Guard House will have fewer
They are scared of the Keep Guard more than Guardsman occupants during the festival performances.
the risk of being wayleid in the road leaving the
region. After agreeing to stay and receiving pay,
they found that no one is allowed to leave the
Keep without permission from the Guard. They
feel trapped. DC: 12
In a whisper, they admit that they overheard the
Keep Guard discussing a deal in the Tavern, one
that excludes Lady Guethern. The Guardsmen
threatened them upon realizing they overheard,
but don't know specifics. DC: 15

Trouble At Kol-Dun Keep: Chapter 2

Within the Guard House Training Grounds
If the party does gain access to the Guard House and the Notable Characters: Lord Marshal Barnabus and
dungeon underneath, they can note the following: Guardsman Dolton
The Guard House has several guards within, at tables or There is a militia training outside the main entrance to the
resting on cots in back rooms. Keep. It's been converted to a training grounds, where
The entrance to the dungeon is a descending staircase weapons and shields have been stockpiled. Militia are
behind a cast iron gate. training with weapons here under the care of the Keep
Within the dungeon, there's an "L" shaped hallway where Guard.
the prisoners are kept. It doesn't seem that the prison cells When the party approaches Lord Mashal Barnabus and
past the bend are used. At the end of that hall past the Guardsman Dolton, the Guard Captain, are in the middle of a
bend, a tapestry hangs on the wall. A sharp eye (passive conversation with the local Enchanter, who brings them
Perception 14+) would notice a concealed hatch door relieving news.
behind the tapestry. This door leads to the hidden tunnels
where the Guard are keeping the cages.
Example Enchanter dialogue
The Hidden Tunnels "Yes, three familiars carrying the same message. The
The hatch door in the wall opens into a narrow torchlit seal is appropriate, and I'm certain of the authenticity.
descending staircase. Several furs, cloth sheets and carpets They have sent the requested reinforcements, which
line the staircase to muffle sound. It leads to an opening in a should arrive early next morning at the latest. Please
natural cave. This cave's mouth acts as an entrance far inform Lady Guethern that The Order fully supports
beyond the walls of the keep. Kol-Dun Keep in this time of need."
Within the tunnels, structural supports and some railings
have been made to help remove dirt and stone during
excavations. Everything seems fairly new, done within the last Lord Marshal Barnabus is overseeing the enlistment, training
few years. and tasks for the militia. He's accompanied by the Guard
Bugbear Captives can be found within the tunnel network. Captain, Guardsman Dolton, his right-hand man.
They are unarmed, unclothed and in cages. Each of them
have been shackled to the ground, and a collar with chains
anchors their necks to just a few feet above the ground. They Lord Marshal Barnabus
appear to be on the verge of collapse and could not put up a The Lord Marshal may be willing to divulge the
fight. following information if the party intends to offer
their services to the Keep, or if they rescued the
refugees at the roadside.
The tunnels as an optional stealth
mission The Militia is preparing to defend the Keep.
If the party recognizes the Guard are hiding The Keep Guard have petitioned the Order of
something and manage to gain access to the the Blue Orchid for assistance, a knightly order
tunnels in secret, they may be able to find the sympathetic to Kol-Dun. He brags that with
Bugbear Captives. This could be used to either those reinforcements, no force in the frontier
convince Lady Guethern of the Guard's dealings, or can challenge the Order and the Keep's
if siding with the Bugbears, provide an opportunity defenders.
to help the Tribe free the captives.
When searching the caves, the following can
apply depending on the time the party chooses to
If during the Festival celebrations, there will
only be one Guardsman in the tunnels.
If any other time, four Guardsman are present.
Using Stealth, the party may be able to gain
information about prisoners kept in the tunnels.

Trouble At Kol-Dun Keep: Chapter 2

The Lady Guethern in the Main Chamber
Keep Guard & Lord Marshal The Lady resides in the main chamber during the day. She
Barnabus Quick Reference: pours every ounce of effort on a massive table filled with
Lord Marshal Barnabus is a loud, arrogant man, but
papers, expense reports, and a map of the region. Several
effective as an authority figure. He's a leading markers on the map are present marking abductions and
member of the Keep Guard. attacks.
His vocal criticisms of the deceased Lord
Guethern had earned him much support within the
fraternity of the Keep Guard, and behind closed Lady Guethern Quick Reference
doors continues voicing his disapproval of the Lady The Lady Guethern and her family has ruled over
Guethern to those he trusts. the Kol-Dun region since it was founded several
generations ago.
the following information will
initially not be known to the party Involvement with the Church
He and Guardsman Dolton organize the She was heavily involved with the Church of the
kidnappings and flesh trade in Kol-Dun. The Crying God, and looks to Cleric Fernhir as a mentor
funds gained are used to artificially stimulate and father figure. He had guided her through the
the local economy. grief she felt over the neglectful nature of her
Grand Marshal Barnabus has considered father and convinced her to spend her life trying to
removing the Guethern family by force, and it improve
wouldn't take much to force his hand.
There is often casualties related to the Attitude and relationships
kidnappings and handling of bugbears, which She despised her father for his complacency
accounts for the increase in the past year of She holds Cleric Fernhir in high regard
injuries and deaths amongst guardsmen. She did not want to leave the Church, but felt it
Not all guardsmen are involved in the was her duty to take her place as the heir
conspiracy. Only veterans are in-the-know. The Keep Guard's attitude towards her hasn't
been realized, and she respects the Guard.
The Knights in her retinue are considered close
friends and allies. They hold her in the same
Within the Keep esteem and are devoted to her defense.
Gaining access to the Keep initially is difficult. The Lady
Guethern is preparing for a crisis of unknown origin, and
strangers or commoners are very unlikely to gain access
without good reason.
Behind the Training Grounds lies portcullis access to the
Keep main doors, the only way in or out.
If the party gains access, they may be able to observe the
happenings in the keep.
The Keep Interior
The keep interior's most notable room is the main chamber.
Lady Guethern conducts all her affairs from this chamber.
The main hall houses the seat of state, where during average
times the lady would greet guests and general
businesspeople. Now she spends her time at the tables
occupying the center of the room.
On top of the tables are several documents, tallies for
current counts of refugees and supplies, expense reports,
letters delivered by courier and the like. A map of the region
is displayed, with two red markers placed towards the
northwest of the Keep.
The Lady's Knights
The Keep interior is guarded by Lady Guethern's personal
retinue of 6 knights. Two guard the portcullis entrance, two
guard the Lady herself, and two reside within the keep at any
time. While the Lady often attends events and social calls,
her Knights are never fully out of sight.
While the Keep Guard are also responsible for her defense,
these Knights are not affiliated with the Keep Guard, and are
fiercely loyal to the Lady Guethern.

Trouble At Kol-Dun Keep: Chapter 2

Tavern Knife Throwing Competition - Members of the
Quests / Points of Interest Guard and members of the Militia have turned knife
throwing into a drinking game.
Available Work
The Keep Guard are looking for recruits for the militia. They
have some work available for interested parties. "Drunk Daggers"
If the party chooses to join the militia or do work for the Players bet coin to "buy in", up to 15gp which
Keep Guard, the following options may be available: also pays for the pints of beer. A party member
Joining the Militia pays 1gp per day. Being a part of the can only play once per rest, as they'll remain
Militia means the party must be ready to carry out tasks intoxicated.
related to Keep defense, and the party must defend in the The game starts by the competitors drinking
event of an attack. several pints. At this point they throw a dagger
at a training dummy that's been set up against
If the party member is both a member of the militia and is the Tavern wall. The competitors can either use
skilled in melee weapons, they can assist the Keep Guard their Strength Modifier or their Dexterity
in training the Militia by taking part in duels with the Modifier versus an opponent with a +2 Modifier.
trainees. This pays 1gp per duel, up to twice a day. Each round both competitors must throw the
Damage is Non-Lethal. Unknown to the party, doing so knife at the target. If a competitor hits the target
will improve the number of Militia members they can and their opponent misses, they win the match.
take with them later. If both miss, they must rethrow. If both hit, they
If the Scouting Mission was not a required mission, this must advance to the next round and drink even
mission may be repurposed as Available Work, with the more.
instructions to speak to Guardsman Anton to receive the Each time both competitors hit, the competitor
quest. (Details of this quest are found on Page 9) who rolls the highest struck their knife closest
The Guards want the Sufferer crying outside of the to the center of the target. The competitor who
Church of the Crying God to be silenced peacefully. They is farthest from the target must choose to
claim Brother Gabel is causing upset in an already forfeit or pay 1GP to advance to the next round,
delicate situation. (Details available on Page 11) which is added to the total winnings. In the
event of both competitors being "equal
Activities distance" from the bullseye, they both must
Neville and Bigsby's Games of Chance - Neville and choose to pay 1GP to continue, or forfeit to the
Bigsby operate some carnival-themed games outside of opponent.
their tents. One of the games of chance is called "Take My The AC rating of the target dummy increases each
Coin!", which Neville and Bigsby yell to draw attention to round as the participants become more
their games. intoxicated. To start, the target has AC: 10,
which increases by 2 each round.
The winnings for the match are both participants
initial buy in excluding 2gp, plus the gold payed
"Take My Coin!" between rounds from both participants. For
The patron chooses the amount of coin they'd example, a participant who bet 15gp initially,
like to risk (up to 5gp), which Neville and then earned 3gp by outperforming their
Bigsby will match. opponent, would win a purse of 31gp. (15+15-
When the coin is received, they will add their 2, +3)
contribution. Neville and Bigsby then put their
hands (and the two real contributions together)
under a cloth. When the cloth is removed, each
of their 4 hands carry coin identical to the Anyone with knowledge in healing and medicine is
patron's and the entertainer's contributions. The welcome to volunteer at the Church of the Crying God to
two real contributions are together in the same assist in treatment of refugees.
The duplicates are made of magic, and are
almost indistinguishable from the real coin. A
Prelude to The Siege
successful Dc:15 Perception Check rules out 2 When the party has had ample time to rest, investigate the
of the fakes from the 4 options when revealed. happenings at the Keep, and complete their optional
An extraordinarily perceptive individual (passive objectives, the attack will begin, outlined in Chapter 3.
Perception 18+) can identify the real coin.
To make the choice, the patron must take the
coin from the entertainers hands. If the patron
is cheating (e.g. using a method to detect
magic), Neville and Bigsby know upon touching
the patron and the game ends by forfeit, and
further attempts are denied.
Magic coins dissolve after a few minutes and
are worth nothing.

Trouble At Kol-Dun Keep: Chapter 2

The Siege Of Kol-Dun: Chapter 3

nebknownst to the party, the Bugbear tribe The Bugbear Strategy
has been hard at work positioning
commandeered siege engines on a ridge The tribe's numbers are not enough to take the walls by force.
across the nearby mountain, with the Through Zrab's careful planning, they have devised a plan to
assistance of their Hobgoblin tribe members. force the defenders out of the Keep. They plan to besiege the
Once the players have rested and tended to keep, then force the keep to sally out and meet them in the
their business about the keep, the next field.
morning on the day of the entertainer's performance, the
attack will begin. Siege Weapons & The Order
The Order of the Blue Orchid sent a detatchment to the
Keep, but they never made it to their destination. The
The Attack reinforcements were ambushed en-route and looted.
The Player's Perspective The Order was outfitted for battle and were hauling 3
ballistae with the knights to support Kol-Dun Keep's defense.
The party is within the Keep walls when the attack begins. Zrab saw value in these machines and devised a plan to
Without warning, buildings begin to tear open. In the sky, besiege the Keep. The Bugbears, using their innate strength,
ballista javelins are coming within view before crashing into carried the siege equipment and ammunition through dense
the walls or into buildings. They seem to be coming from a forest and rough terrain onto a difficult to reach cliff face and
cliff off the nearby Mount Kol-Dun. are firing over the walls.
Lord Barnabus's plan
Panic during the assault Soon after the attack begins, scouts and couriers begin
Refugees sheltered only by tents begin to panic running information to the Keep's defenders.
in the street and attempt to take cover within If the party has not chosen to meet with Lord Barnabus
stronger buildings. after the attack begins, a courier approaches them,
Cleric Fernhir and Brother Gabel attempting to informing the party that Lord Barnabus requests an
usher refugees into the Church. audience.
Keep Guardsmen are rushing to at-the-ready
positions, manning the walls and the
The Keep Guard and Militia need volunteers for an
gatehouses, assisting in directing refugees off
offensive to stop the siege weapons from firing over the walls.
the street.
The main roads are being watched by raiding parties while
Lord Marshal Barnabus and Guardsman Dolton
the bulk of the tribe's numbers appear to be laying siege from
are organizing the militia, distributing weapons the cliffs. Lord Barnabus believes that a strike party can sally
and basic armor, preparing them for a fight. out in force on foot and push through the raiding parties
which are spread thin in the blockade, and approach the cliffs
from the mountainside.
Mustering the Militia
Criers have been sent to every corner of the Keep's Bailey The Counter-Offensive
The party will be accompanied by Guard Captain
with the same message. Dolton and the Militiamen that excelled in
training, outfitted with longswords and shields.
There are 6 members of the Militia that
Crier Message Guardsman Dolton feels is ready for
"Militiamen, attend! Report to the Training Grounds such a mission.
with haste! Anyone who is able bodied and has not If a member of the party assisted in
yet joined the militia, now is the time to do so! training by dueling, an additional 2
Defend your land, your family, your neighbors!" Militiamen are ready in addition to the 6.
If Bragan and Dolphur survived the first
encounter, they are ready and are added
The Militia are gathering at the Training Grounds and are to the total militiamen, for a potential
total of 10 militiamen.
being outfitted. Bragan and Dolphur (assuming they Since the party is not from this region, the
survived) are present and have enlisted. Guard offer them an incentive to sally out with
the strike team. There is a reward for anyone
who returns victorious. 100gp to each one who
returns after the ballistae are taken out of

The Siege of Kol-Dun Keep: Chapter 3

The Counter-Attack The Cliffs of War
The Vantage Point
Setting off with the Militia The climb to the cliffs where the siege is being orchestrated
Leaving the keep from is difficult terrain, but the strike team will be able to
As the siege is ongoing, the path to leave the Keep is a tense, position themselves from a vantage point.
panic stricken environment. Refugees are clearing the From this point, they are able to view the besieging forces.
streets, and every few moments, a new ballistae javelin It's a small army of Bugbears, Worgs and Hobgoblins.
crashes into the bailey, damaging buildings, tearing down
stalls and tents, creating casualties that are being sent to the
Church of the Crying God for Cleric Fernhir and the rest of View from the Vantage Point
the Sufferers' care. The party can see the besieging forces from this
vantage point. The vantage point is level with the
cliffs, meaning the party can see almost everything
Descriptive narrative from this position.
As the strike party rushes towards the main A large swath of Bugbears are in front of an
gatehouse, a crack is heard from the apex of the ingress point between the cliffs, a slope where
Church as it's struck by a javelin. Stone bricks and the Bugbears are firing from the top. Hobgoblin
debris shower down upon the refugees rushing tribe members are assisting Bugbears in the use
into the atrium. of the siege equipment.
"Move forth, don't stop!" shouts Guardsman A pile of rubble and spears has been mashed
Dolton, refocusing the Militiamen. together into makeshift cheval-de-frise (or
spike wall) at the mouth of the slope. There's
still room to enter, but it's now an effective
The Blockade Outside the Gates At the crest of the slope, a massive bugbear
The bugbear tribe has spread their warriors across all the adorned in a green sash, metal rings, leather
main roads. While they could reinforce any position quickly, armor and steel pauldrons, stands with what
the strike team will be able to break through and push up appears to be a grey-haired bugbear and an
towards the cliff. armor-clad Hobgoblin. The Hobgoblin holds a
large white flag.
There appears to be cages with captives from
Pushing the Blockade raids behind the cliff.
The strike team, no matter the path they take, must It appears that the entirety of the tribe is taking
push past the blockade. This can either be done part in the siege, even the younglings. Every
through combat or narrative as the strike team is a member of the tribe is somehow contributing
larger force than the lookouts currently on the to this effort. Not all of them seem ready for
road. Guardsman Dolton will be persistent that the combat, some younglings and mortally injured
party must move quickly to avoid being caught by Bugbears and Worgs can be seen behind the
reinforcements. front line.
If the GM wishes to perform the push using
combat, participants include two bugbears, a
hobgoblin and a Worg. The party has their There is a potential "Large Scale" battle that can take
Militia allies and Guardsman Dolton, making place. Rules for managing this battle will be included in
this an easy encounter. As soon as combat the combat section on PAGE 21.
starts, the Hobgoblin and Worg will attempt to
escape to warn the Raiding Parties, while the Multiple Story Paths
Bugbears engage. There is an opportunity for parley with the tribe leaders
As the strike force easily overwhelms the that could spark diplomacy. This will be the first major
bugbears, if the GM would rather use narrative, decision the party has to make regarding who to support.
a description can be provided of the militiamen They may be unaware that the decision is being made, but
and the party striking down the bugbears, then their actions moving forward will help guide the GM to the
the Hobgoblin jumping on the Worg to ride off story path option that best fits their decision.
to alert the Raiding Parties.

The Siege Of Kol-Dun: Chapter 3

Guardsman Dolton's Plan The Ballistae
The Ballistae are exceptional quality, and were looted from
Stopping the Ballistae the Order of the Blue Orchid. They are custom made, and
Guardsman Dolton will suggest to the party that they force appear to be delicate but powerful. The ballistae are
their way past the bugbears onto the slope. He believes that enchanted and imbue force energy into the bolts as they are
killing the bugbear leaders or destroying the ballistae will fired.
halt the attack. His only objective is to stop the ballistae, not
break the siege. He also has no interest in rescuing the
captives as he feels they will likely die trying to escape, or get Enchanted Ballistae
the strike party killed attempting the rescue.
He expects the Order of the Blue Orchid to reinforce the Siege Equipment
keep soon, turning the tide on the conflict. Taking out the Armor Class 14
ballistae will give the Keep time to organize their forces to Hit Points 40
break the siege and stop further innocent deaths.
The push to the slope Actions
Using the shield bearers, Guardsman Dolton proposes the Mobile Siege Equipment - This equipment cannot
strike party force their way to the slope, where he and the act on it's own, but can be manned by up to two
player characters will move to destroy the ballistae. characters. Each character allows the ballistae to be
The Militia will form a shield wall at the palisades to buy moved either 15 feet, or rotated 90 degrees.
the party time to complete their objective.
A winning objective must be secured before the Bugbears Ballistae Bolts - Firing the ballista takes 2 full actions.
can break through the wall and overwhelm the party. First to load, second to aim and fire. If the
equipment is manned by two people, their actions
The Escape can be combined to fire on the same turn.
After an objective is completed, any remaining survivors will Firing can only be done in a 90 degree angle from
push further up the slope and take a difficult path around the the direction the ballista is facing. The operator(s)
mountain, pushing back to the Keep. They will likely be must first declare a target. This could be a character
chased, so every effort to move quickly must be made. or a region of empty space.
If the party suggests they take the escape route to ambush Accuracy of the shot is determined by a D20 roll.
the ballistae from behind, it can be noted that it would take The roll result will show either a direct hit, or
far too long, possibly hours. Guardsman Dolton will not let indicate which direction the shot traveled from the
the party take the militia on an errand that will result in more intended destination. At this range variance will be
deaths in the keep. minor.
17-20 - Direct hit on intended target
Ascending the slope 13-16 - Hit 10 feet (2 squares) North of
Rather than the party having to force their way up onto the intended target
slope, the tribe will allow passage towards the Tribe Leaders. 9-12 - Hit 10 feet (2 squares) East of intended
Upon approach to the slope, Zrab clearly and deliberately target
presents the white flag they carry. The ballistae cease firing. 5-8 - Hit 10 feet (2 squares) South of intended
The bugbear warriors at the entrance to the cliff face form a target
"funnel", allowing passage to the slope. 1-4 - Hit 10 feet (2 squares) West of intended
At the entrance to the slope, three Bugbears allow target
Guardsman Dolton and the Player Characters past, but
block the Militia. On Hit - The ballista bolt is imbued with force
energy as it is fired, and does 3d8+10 force
damage to anything within a 5 foot radius of the
impact. (Damage to siege equipment doubled)
The cheval-de-frise
When passing by the cheval-de-frise, the following
is noticable:
The base, while appearing to be made from
spears and rubble, on closer inspection is
revealed to be made out of humaniod corpses
and horses, some that have been torn limb from
A character with a passive Perception
16+ is able to see inscriptions of a blue
orchid on the clothes and armor of the
corpses, as well as the halberds and
spears. This inscription is also visible on
the ballistae.

The Siege Of Kol-Dun: Chapter 3

Choosing to Parley with the Tribe
this section is intended
for use if the party Major Translation Milestones
The Bugbears have been attacked and held
atttempts to negotiate hostage by Guardsmen of Kol-Dun Keep.
Grus-Dogal could display a scene of
If the decision is reached by the party to parley with the Tribe, humanoid smoke figures catching a
immediately Guardsman Dolton rebukes them, demanding Bugbear-esque shape in a net, with the
they stick to the plan. He uses the phrase "They're bugbears!" scene being overtaken by the signet of
frequently in his insistence. the Fraternity of the Keep Guard, which
is currently on display on Guard Captain
The Language Barrier Dolton's armor.
(Optional minor milestone - The party
The Tribe only speaks Goblinoid. If no members of the party may state they are not subject to the
speak Goblinoid, the language barrier will be a hurdle that Keep Guards' authority, or somehow
needs overcome. separate themselves from the Guard in
If a member of the party speaks Goblinoid, all the Tribe's eyes and establish
translation milestones can be used as topics of interest themselves as neutral arbitrators.)
during the negotiations and do not need translation. The tribe demands a prisoner exchange.
The tribe's Seer, Grus-Dogal, will attempt to translate the Grus-Dogal may point to the cages with
words of Grokk-Nor through magical imagery, shaping smoke some captive villagers, then return to his
into figures to convey the message. smoke demonstration. Two rows of
The Party will need to find a way to do the same, be figures form in the smoke, single file and
that a magical solution, pantomiming using performance, chained. The large monstrous smoke
or another solution. If the party cannot find an absolutely figures are passed across the scene,
clear way to represent their intended message, Grus-Dogal where the humanoid figures are then
allowed to cross heading in the opposite
can attempt a Wisdom Check to understand. direction. When both rows of figures are
across, the chains fall from them.
(Optional minor milestone - The party
Language Puzzle may agree to negotiate the exchange)
The party must achieve every major translation The final demand: Grokk-Nor demands
milestone to engage in diplomacy. The Tribe's retribution. The Tribe wants the members of the
patience is thin, and they will only tolerate Keep responsible for the attacks. The party has
diplomacy as long as there is noticable progress. one day to do so.
Grus-Dogal may attempt to associate the
When Grus-Dogal issues a statement, the party
word "leader" with imagery by pointing
is expected to respond appropriately, and the
to Grokk-Nor, then return to his smoke
response needs to be understood by Grus-
demonstration. The smoke takes the
Dogal, who relays the information to Grokk-Nor form of Grokk-Nor, standing above many
Each time the party fails to translate something, smaller monstrous figures in subservient
provide a response, or a response is not poses. A similarly large humanoid figure
understood by Grus-Dogal, it is considered a bearing the Signet of the Fraternity of the
failure. The Tribe will end dimplomacy after two Keep Guard is shown, with smaller
such failures. humanoid figures also in subservient
postures. Grus-Dogal takes the large
The party may be able to meet optional minor humanoid figure bearing the signet, then
translation milestones, which will reset the offers it to Grokk-Nor. The smoke scene
current failures when achieved. shows a sun setting, the moon rising
then setting, and then a sun rising in the
Some major milestones and optional milestones
are provided with this adventure. Especially in the
case of optional milestones, the GM should
consider allowing equally appropriate responses as

The Siege Of Kol-Dun: Chapter 3

During Diplomacy Alternative diplomacy endings
Guard Captain Dolton's reactions to While this adventure can't account for all possible courses
diplomacy the adventurers can take, the flexibility of this encounter
Guard Captain Dolton will attempt to discourage diplomacy allows for many different resolutions.
any chance he can get. He will not attempt to communicate
with the Bugbears, and focuses on discouraging the party Gaining the tribe's favor
from further attempts, and encouraging attacking while they If the party has fully decided to support the Tribe, they may
have the element of surprise. try to gain Chieftain Grokk-Nor's favor. This could be
narrative, promising to support their cause and return any
Choosing to abandon diplomacy captive tribe members, but immediate action that appeals to
At any time, if the party takes hostile action during diplomacy, their code is the most sure-fire way to gain unwavering
diplomacy ends and Guard Captain Dolton signals the support from the Tribe.
militia to block the chokepoint, starting combat. Proceed to Turning over Guard Captain Dolton to face the tribe's
the combat section on Page 21 to continue retribution will immediately earn the tribe's support.
Chieftain Grokk-Nor will brutally kill Guard Captain
If diplomacy fails Dolton in one-on-one combat. This could be used to
If the party fails diplomacy either through failure to translate satisfy Grokk-Nor's obligation to retribution.
or refusal to listen to demands, diplomacy ends and Guard If the party speaks goblinoid or has developed a sure
Captain Dolton signals the militia to block the chokepoint, method of communication, they may be able to use the
starting combat. Proceed to the combat section on Page Bugbears in their plan to release the captives, such as a
21 to continue distraction outside the walls to occupy guards in the keep.
After successful diplomatic attempts The Militia as witnesses
After all the diplomacy topics are addressed, the Tribe will The militia are farmers and commoners, and don't
allow the party to leave and will not continue firing upon the necessarily share views with the Fraternity of the Keep
Keep. The assumption is that the party will return to the keep Guard.
with the demands. However, witnessing the party handing over the guard
captain would not be something they'd view favorably.
If Bragan and Dolphur survived and are present in the
Diplomacy Objectives Militia, the party can use them as character witnesses.
If the negotiations were successful, the following This, with the explanation of the reason of the attack and
demands need met: the revelation that the Keep Guard started the conflict,
will buy the Militiamen's silence.
The Bugbear Tribe requires retribution. Blood If the party cannot convince the militia that this was
must be shed by those responsible for the necessary to stop the violence, the militiamen will report the
kidnappings. events to the Keep Guard. The party can make it back to the
The Bugbears are convinced that their fellow keep before the Militia, but the Keep Guard will be made
tribe members are being held somewhere aware of the betrayal within an hour after they arrive. This
within the Keep walls. Captive tribe members may gain the party time to speak to Lady Guethern
must be released. regarding the party's findings and sway her to appease the
Both objectives must be completed within the bugbears or hold the Guard accountable.
agreed upon timeframe, or the Tribe will resume
besieging the Keep and firing into the bailey. Once
the Tribe runs out of ballistae bolts, they will attack
the walls.

The Tribe doesn't have the numbers to win this engagement,

but there will likely be heavy casualties on both sides. There
would be little hope of either side recovering from such an
engagement, even the Keep would likely crumble over time
after such a pyrrhic victory.

The Siege Of Kol-Dun: Chapter 3

Combat Encounter: Cliffs of War
This section is intended Combat Participants and roles
Warchief Grokk-Nor
for use if the party The Warchief is the unequivocal leader of the Tribe. The
chooses to fight, or if following applies when he is in combat:
negotiations fail Any tribe members in combat will attempt to protect
Grokk-Nor to the best of their ability.
Grokk-Nor has the feat Inspire Tribal Ferocity.
Large-Scale Battle Mechanics Inspire Tribal Ferocity
The Tribe overwhelmingly outnumbers the strike At the beginning of his turn, Grokk-Nor can designate a
party. Taking this force head-on isn't feasible. single ally to receive Advantage on their next attack roll,
Instead, NPC adversaries are separated into two and add an additional 1d6 to their damage if they hit. This
groups. This will make the combat manageable for
bonus is applied at the start of the target's turn, afterwards
the GM while giving the party the perception of a
large-scale battle. they suffer a -2 AC penalty until the start of the following
Combat Participants
Participants in this section include the party, More details about Grokk-Nor can be found in their
Grokk-Nor, Zrab, and Grus-Dogal, and the Bugbears character sheet.
and the Hobgoblin operating the ballistae.
Zrab the Advisor
"Battle Timer" Participants Zrab is the equivalent of a rogue, able to use the Backstab
Guard Captain Dolton and the militia members are ability and the Sneak Attack ability. Optionally, consider
holding back the forces of the Tribe at the narrow using the optional "Flanking" 5e rules to make Zrab a more
chokepoint at the cheval-de-frise. They will hold potent threat.
back the Tribe as long as they can so the party can
complete the battle objectives. Grus-Dogal
How long the militiamen can hold the point The Tribe Seer has limited magical abilities and is a combat
depends on the number of militiamen brought, as
well as a die roll. Each turn, roll a 1d6 w/ Advantage.
caster. He will directly attack the party with any means
If the the result is anything lower than a 6, one
possible, but should attempt to save a spell slot for Hold
militiaman falls.
Person to prevent the party from escaping after a victory
Guard Captain Dolton will be the last man standing. objective is achieved.
If he is the last one, he will shout to the party that the Refer to Grus-Dogal's character sheet for a full list of their
line has failed and to escape. abilities.
When all militiamen and Guardsman Dolton fall,
the tribe breaks through and the party must Ending Combat
disengage or face death, or worse.
The GM may elect to occasionally remove a
Prior to the encounter, Guard Captain Dolton shared with
Tribe member "Battle Timer" participant to give
the party an escape route leading around the mountain
the appearance of casualties on boths sides. If this behind the cliffs. Guard Captain Dolton and any surviving
is done, keep the ratio of participants overwhelmingly Militiasmen will retreat with the party. Rather than going
favoring the bugbears to provide an incentive to fight. through the main forces at the chokepoint, the party can use
this route to make it safely back to the Keep.

Combat Objectives
Regardless of how combat starts, the party will have the
objective to either destroy the ballistae or assassinate the
tribe leaders. Killing all adversaries is not required.

The Siege Of Kol-Dun: Chapter 3

Returning to the Keep Example dialogue
The citizens of Kol-Dun greet the returning strike party, eager "I spoke with the Fraternity, and it was agreed that
to hear news. Lord Marshal Barnabus greets the party at your noble attempt at diffusing the situation was
the gate. made in good faith."
Lord Marshall Barnabus's expression becomes
If returning to the keep after "That doesn't make the gravity of this situation any
successful battle less dire. There are no captives, there will be no
After either killing the Tribe leaders or destroying the exchange, and they will not stop. I'll give you all one
Ballistae, the threat is over for now. last chance to make this right. Those beasts are
expecting a response, which means we still have one
Upon hearing of their success, Lord Marshal Barnabus last chance. Either you go back with the strike party
relays the news to the citizens, who cheer and celebrate the tonight and finish this, or you leave these walls. The
party's success. The party is invited to meet with Lady Bugbears watch the roads, so you can take your
Guethern to receive their reward. chances with them. Choose wisely."
Meeting the Lady in the Keep, each party member receives
the agreed reward as well as the Lady's personal thanks.
Furthermore, she instructs Lord Marshal Barnabus to
provide accomodations for the party, and they can receive If the party accepts the proposal, the party will join the same
discounts at any of the local merchants for the remainder of strike team and return to the encounter at the Cliffs of War
their stay. with the combat objectives listed on Page 21
If the party chooses to approach Lady Guethern about
the dealings of the Fraternity of the Keep Guard after the Convincing Lady Guethern of the
Bugbear Threat has been eliminated, proceed to Page 23 threat of the Keep Guard
If returning with the tribe's If the party has uncovered enough of the Keep Guard's plot,
they may elect to appeal to Lady Guethern.
Lord marshal Barnabus Gaining access to Lady Guethern
As soon as the gates are approached, Guard Captain Dolton If the party chooses to attempt to reach Lady Guethern
(or the Party, if Guard Captain Dolton did not survive) regarding the demands and the accusations against the
confers with Lord Marshal Barnabus. When informed of the Fraternity of the Keep Guard, they will need to gain access
demands by the Party, he does not react well. He rebukes the to her. The Fraternity of the Keep Guard will attempt to
party for not dealing with the threat, citing the wasted stop the party if they are made aware of the intention to
element of surprise. approach Lady Guethern.
The party is instructed to stay nearby and await word from
the Keep Guard. The festival is about to start, and Lord Avenues to approach Lady Guethern
Marshal Barnabus must meet with the leaders of the If the party has not yet discovered the bond between
Fraternity before coming to a decision. The Party are told not Cleric Fernhir, inquiries about reaching Lady Guethern
to approach Lady Guethern, or they'll be imprisoned. directed towards non-Guard members, such as merchants
and citizens can reveal their close connection. Cleric
If the party waits for Lord Barnabus's Fernhir is always welcome in Lady Guethern's presence
summons and can gain an audience at any time.
In the late evening after the festival performance, Lord Neville and Bigsby's festival performance is tonight. The
Marshal Barnabus will send for the party. The party is performers are aware that the Lady will be in attendance
brought into the Guardhouse, where Lord Marshal and can help the party get close to her. If the party can
Barnabus (and Guard Captain Dolton, if he survived) are approach Lady Guethern or her knights during the
waiting. Lord Marshal Barnabus greets them, waiving them performance, she (or they) will grant them a private
in. audience to hear their concerns in the Keep's main
Before or after the performance, if the Party can sneak
past the Guard, they can convince the Lady's Knights to
allow an audience at the entrance to the Keep's chamber
while Lady Guethern resides in the main hall.

The Siege Of Kol-Dun: Chapter 3

The Keep Guard Intervenes
Receiving an Audience Once the party has made their case, the Keep Guard will
with Lady Guethern burst through the main chamber's doors to arrest the party.
The Meeting
The Knights or Lady Guethern can be easily convinced to Lord Marshal Barnabus's Dialogue
allow a meeting, as the party has first-hand knowledge of the "I'm sorry my lady. These mercenaries have been
attack, and the Guard have been vague on details. spreading panic and discord. They are to be detained
This meeting will be done in private in the Keep's main at once. The Keep Guard have the situation under
chamber. Two of the Lady's Knights will remain at her side at control."
all times.
The Party's intentions If Lady Guethern was not swayed
Depending on why the party is meeting with Lady Guethern, If the party failed to meet any conditions to sway Lady
the party will likely need to convince her of their intentions. Guethern, and they were unable to persuade her, she does
This section assumes that since the party is breaking with not accept the word of strangers over the Keep Guard.
the Keep Guard's instructions, that they are either trying to
convince Lady Guethern of the Guard's plot and the damage
they've caused, or that the Lady needs to act to release the The Keep Guard arrests the party
Bugbears and stop the attack. "You are to come with us. You won't be harmed, but
you can't be allowed to interfere any further in this
Convincing Lady Guethern time of crisis. You'll be detained until this situation is
Lady Guethern is receptive to speaking with the party, but over, at which time you will leave the Kol-Dun
she will need to be convinced of the situation. She doesn't act region."
on a whim. The party will need to tell her their findings, then
convince her of the situation.
Shortly after, the Keep Guard will break into the halls to
arrest the party, led by Lord Marshal Barnabus, Guard From within the Keep's prison, Guardsman Anton meets
Captain Dolton (if he survived), and Guardsman Anton. them some time later and unlocks their cell to help them
They are accompanied by 3 senior guardsmen. escape. He instructs them to flee through the hidden tunnels
and never return, saying that the Keep Guard have failed to
stop the Bugbears and blame the Party, and he doesn't
Possible Approaches believe they will be merciful upon their arrival. The party will
If the party has been resourceful in their henceforth be fugitives in this land.
investigation, they may have brought with them The party will need to fight 4 guardsmen in the tunnels
evidence or witnesses to assist in swaying Lady to escape, and can optionally free the Bugbears on their
Guethern. way out.
If Cleric Fernhir is asked to accompany the party, If Lady Guethern has been convinced to
or otherwise helps the party gain access to Lady consider the Party's claims
Guethern, he will provide testimony to his Depending on what leverage the party presents to Lady
visions and the belief that something wrong has
taken place within the keep. He is Lady
Guethern, her response to the guard's interruption of the
Guethern's mentor, and she will take his word
meeting is built from those possibilities.
to heart.
If Cleric Fernhir is present and the party leverages him,
If the party has discovered the tunnels and the Lady Guethern will demand further information from Lord
Bugbear prisoners, they can reveal this Marshal Barnabus.
information to Lady Guethern. She will demand
to investigate such a tunnel, which will lead her
to the Bugbear prisoners. Cleric Fernhir as a witness
If the party assisted Guardsman Anton with the "Fernhir is an influential member of our community.
scouting mission, he will break ranks with the When he tells me something is amiss, I believe him.
Guard when Lady Guethern questions them and In fact, the severity of this situation and the obscurity
admit to the dealings, siding with the party. He I've received from the Keep Guard reinforce this
states that his son is dead or captive due to this belief with me. I think you should explain yourself,
recklessness and he will not play a part in it any Lord Marshal, and I won't allow the Guard to take any
further. further action until they do!
Finally, if none of the above conditions can be
satisfied, the party can attempt to persuade Lady
Guethern (DC: 14, one opportunity) of the reality of
the situation.

The Siege Of Kol-Dun: Chapter 3

If the party leverages information about the secret tunnels, Lady Guethern is pulled from the room by the two
Lady Guethern will demand to investigate. attending Knights through a hidden door in a side alcove.
The two knights outside the main chamber doors hear the
commotion and are trying to break down the main hall doors
Hearing of the tunnels from the other side, but are unable to participate.
"If there really are no tunnels, then there's an easy
way to solve this dispute. My knights and I will Victory conditions
accompany the Keep Guard and this band of Killing or incapacitating each Guard member participating in
mercenaries to the Guardhouse. If they're lying as you combat will achieve victory, as well as ensure Lady
Guardsmen claim, all the faster to lock them in a Guethern's safety. With the leading treasonous members of
cell." the Keep Guard removed from authority, the most vocal
opponents of Lady Guethern have been silenced and the
Lady's authority is assured.
At any point if Guardsman Anton's conditions are fulfilled as If the party manages to take out the guardsmen protecting
described in the "Possible Approaches" section, he will break Lord Marshal Barnabus, they can demand his surrender. He
ranks with the Keep Guard and tell the Lady of the Guard's will not fight to the death in certain defeat. This may allow
dealings. the party to satisfy Grok'Norr's obligation to retribution.
Either Lord Marshal Barnabus or Guardsman Dolton can
satisfy this requirement.
Guardsman Anton's confession After Lady Guethern is allowed control of the main
"Thank you, Guardsman Anton, for your honesty. This chamber, she will pledge to take over negotiations with the
can go no further. Lord Marshal Barnabus, I'm Tribe.
shocked at this betrayal. I relinquish you from your
position as Lord Marshal, and we must start an A Noble Reward
investigation into the Keep Guard. Guardsman Anton,
I will need your counsel here to know how far this
After revealing a coup-in-the-making, as well as the injustices
treason spreads." dealt to the Bugbear Tribe by the Keep Guard, Lady
Guethern is indebted to the party. She offers each member of
the party a purse of 100gp, as well as discounted prices at
every establishment in Kol-Dun (thus normalizing prices.)
The Keep Guard stage a coup In addition to this, she extends an invitation to lordship and
The treasonous members of the Keep Guard led by Lord ladyship for the Party.
Marshal Barnabus have been backed into a corner. Their
dismal opinion of Lady Guethern along with the severity of Lady Guethern's Invitation
the situation they've created has escalated their grievances, "You've shown yourselves to be poeple of decisive
and this interference from the Lady is the final straw. The action. It was only through deliberate care that anyone
Guardsmen bar the door, and Lord Marshal Barnabus could have found peace from this dire of a situation.
addresses the lady. After the treatment we dealt to our neigbors, and
somehow still managing to make right in so much
Lord Marshal Barnabus's Dialogue "The Kol-Dun region has endured much suffering,
"After everything we've done for this city, and you and we have all been made to become resilient,
dare to question us? We stand at the face of the crisis resourceful. I recognize the worth of those that stand
of our age! What did you, or your useless father ever before me. I could not in my right mind send you
do for us? No! We brought this region back from the away with coin without asking if you would be willing
clutches of destitution, not you! And there's no way to stay."
I'll allow you to send us back there. Arrest them all!"

The Estate
Fighting the Keep Guard The Lady offers an estate within the region of Kol-Dun. The
party would become lords and ladies of their estate, and
Participants and positions could use their land however they see fit, assuming it adheres
The Keep Guard present in this meeting are loyal to Lord to the laws of the Kol-Dun region.
Marshal Barnabus. The Guards, with the exception of She asks that the party manage this estate and see to it's
Guardsman Anton, if he has a change of heart, will attempt affairs, and it be allowed to operate as a way-station in
to take down the Party. As the party is between the Guards desperate times. The party would be able to recruit working
and the Lady, the Guards engage the party first. hands from able bodies in the region to operate while they
have business elsewhere.

The Siege Of Kol-Dun: Chapter 3

Thanks to:
Clinton Oberholster for their skilled VTT conversion work.
They just opened a patreon, check it out!
Mythic Portal Games (VTT assets and audio)
Direquest (Bugbear portraits and cover image)
Homebrewery for the PDF
"Darren Curtis", for the Camelot Monastery track
Thanks for helping me make this happen!


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