Clanbook Ghiberti
Clanbook Ghiberti
Clanbook Ghiberti
Matthew Dawkins
Vampire created by Mark Rein•Hagen
Written By: Matthew Dawkins.
Layout and design: Marcos M. Peral Villaverde.
Cover Art by: Christopher Shy.
C L A N B O O K :
The Ghiberti 5
Story Hooks 9
The Cenotaph Path 10
Chapter One:
Oh boy, no dey give me that kind fabu. You see dis eye I got? It see everything,
all kinda gbege. I rip your soul out if it see you cross me. I rip it out and eat it up.
—Izukanne, Seventh Generation Ghiberti, Terror of Warri and Lagos,
Most Wanted Vampire in Nigeria
The Ghiberti
slavers from Florence, but most Ghiberti in these nights Ghiberti are said to only Embrace with permission from
adopt the name despite their origins, hailing from North- the Giovanni family, but this edict is rarely followed. Venice
West Africa. The Ghiberti started out as the masters and has no presence in countries such as Nigeria and the DRC.
commanders of slave ships, before Embracing the rousers Character Creation: Social attributes are the primary
among African villages and communities who they could focus for the majority of Ghiberti, who dedicate much of
turn to their way of thinking (with gold or promises of their time to grooming the kine in their herds, influences
mercy for their families), and ultimately took to Embrac- mortals into service, and intimidating their enemies.
ing the individuals who act in illegal paramilitary units. Mental or Physical may be the secondary attribute, as
Though there are outliers, the Ghiberti follow their family some Ghiberti favor studying and mastering Necromancy,
line and see themselves as adapting with the times, always while others concentrate on creating bodies. Skills and
Embracing the truest survivors of the era. Knowledges share dominance, with Ghiberti often receiv-
The Laibon: Look at de yanga ohu ezi. Dey so caught The Laibon: I remember when they wanted to be
up in surviving dey ain’t changing or growing. Time is up for considered Laibon. Fat chance. They still hold a grudge
dem. Soon dey be Camarilla, Sabbat, and Ashirra like de rest. because we declined their status as a Legacy.
—Izukanne, Seventh Generation Ghiberti, Master —Roberta Okadigbo, Eighth Generation Guruhi,
of the Cenotaph Path Magaji of Abuja
The Ashirra: I consider them friends and amenable The Ashirra: It is fundamentally sinful to handle
to all fair offers, though their religious devotion is a bodies in the way they do. Ghiberti are a pestilence.
distraction. —Abu Nijad, Eighth Generation Bay’t Mushakis,
—Patience Ike, Ninth Generation Ghiberti, Dip- Warrior of Jerusaleum
lomatic Mediator, Court of Tunis The Camarilla: Is this some kind of Giovanni? Then
The Camarilla: Ana min Sudan, and even I know this why do they have a different name?
sect to be a jabal khara… Mountain of shit, in English. —Alexander Silverson, Seventh Generation
Free is the way to live and die, my brothers and sisters. Malkavian, Ex-Prince of Birmingham, Alabama
—Anusha Ghiberti, Tenth Generation Ghiberti, The Guruhi: They were first Embraced from outcast
Necromancer of Khartoum stock. Those who would prey on their own, the type who
The Guruhi: You know, I have not spoken to one woul sell their families to the Dutch. Why do you think
spectre who remembers a time when the Guruhi weren’t the Mla Watu are now told about every Ghiberti haven
in control. For that reason, I give the Legacy my respect, of which we know? We can also hold a grudge.
while planning its downfall. —Roberta Okadigbo, Eighth Generation Guruhi,
—Anusha Ghiberti, Tenth Generation Ghiberti, Sworn Enemy of the Ghiberti
“The Excavator” The Xi Dundu: They fear the change we bring, just
The Xi Dundu: Aproko on de street tell of planning like the others. We will extend the olive branch, however.
an uprising, and real soon. I hate the Guruhi, but Xi They will thank us, and we will say “wamukelekile” as
Dundu? Fool, you dey craze. Dese fuckers will make it a “you’re welcome” to our new allies.
worse for us. —Tfwala, Twelfth Generation Xi Dundu, Infor-
—Izukanne, Seventh Generation Ghiberti, Family mation Broker of Mbabane
Representative to Venice The Giovanni: We have few minor families with
The Giovanni: Baaba and neene, father and mother. such resourcefulness and access to mass graves in these
We capture souls for dem and dey give us a continent in modern nights. We mistreat them, for they are not us,
which to do it. Sweet deal. but Ignazio thinks highly of them.
—Izukanne, Seventh Generation Ghiberti, Advo- —Isabel Giovanni “Nitocris”, Ninth Generation
cate of the Path of Death and the Soul Giovanni, Giovanni-Setite Ambassador
The Mla Watu: For centuries we tried to exorcise The Mla Watu: All natural things pass into death
these ghasts but they only seemed to get stronger. I’m told and rebirth. They are not natural. The Ghiberti should
there’s a stronghold of them in Kismaayo. not be. I curse their aberrant existences.
—Moses Smith, Eighth Generation Ghiberti, —The Carnifex, Sixth Generation Mla Watu,
Fetters Hunters, Disappeared in Somalia Wearer of the Horned Mask, Last Seen in Kismaayo,
A View from Without Somalia
Legacybook Ghiberti
ing the Embrace to fill some gap in the family’s arsenal.
Many specialize in the occult, focusing on the rites and
rituals of the kine in their region, while others focus on
lethal abilities such as Melee and Firearms.
Ghiberti commonly receive Background dots in Allies,
Contacts, Herd, and Retainers. The family recognize the
importance of mortals, especially if loyalty can be guaran-
teed. The strength of the Blood is far less important than
the strength of the family. Resources are rarely held by
the Ghiberti directly, but they can quickly summon them
if they possess Allies and Contacts in Venice.
No recorded Ghiberti existed prior to 1690 C.E.,
though the Giovanni and Ghiberti do not advertise their
family trees outside of clan gatherings. Ghiberti Natures
and Demeanors tend toward the schizoid, with Tradi-
tionalist Demeanors in Guruhi domains, while Rebel and
Rogue Natures come out to play in the shadows. Deviants
and Creep Shows are common among this family. It is
common for the Ghiberti to Embrace ethically challenged
individuals to make the plunge into Necromancy easier.
Though uncommon, an increasing number of Ghi-
berti have undertaken tutelage in the Sabbat Path of
Enlightenment known as The Path of Death and the
Soul. Izukanne of Lagos acts as mentor to any Ghiberti
who decide to walk on this journey.
Disciplines: Dominate, Necromancy, Potence
Ghiberti commonly learn the Cenotaph Path before
any other Necromancy Path.
Weakness: When the Ghiberti feed or simply bite a
victim, the wound causes immense pain in the recipient.
If mortal, the victim must make a Stamina roll (difficulty
4) to prevent going into shock. When a Ghiberti feeds on
a mortal, she does twice the damage of another vampire
without this weakness. This extra damage does not convey
additional blood points. When the Ghiberti feeds from
another vampire, that vampire must roll to resist frenzy
for every two blood points drained.
Organization: The Ghiberti call themselves a family,
but unlikely the Giovanni, rarely afford respect to mortal
members of their line. Only the Italian Ghiberti back
home cleave to that tradition. The African Ghiberti family
is a family in the sense that all members have endured
and survived death in some form. They are family in the
same way members of the same platoon may consider
themselves brothers. The Ghiberti defer to no hierarchy
in Africa (though they do take orders from Venice and
the Ghiberti in Florence), instead giving respect to the
most accomplished Necromancer in their region, who
they dub as “Necromancer” while the other members of
the family are simply known by name or deed.
Legacy Prestige: The simplest way Ghiberti earn pres-
tige among their own is through the creation and mastery
of new necromantic rituals. The family has a motto: “The
Exploration of Death is Eternal.” This is taken to mean
there is no end to rituals, paths, and understanding of
The Ghiberti
death’s many facets. Ghiberti enjoy showing off how many The Ghiberti Masquerade is something a little different,
wraiths and fetters they possess as bound souls and artifacts. part in reverence to their traditionally Nigerian culture,
Though they rarely demonstrate such showmanship outside and part in mockery of the Camarilla. The Edo Masquerade
the family’s eyes, within a Ghiberti compound, it becomes they emulate is a Nigerian custom whereby the people wear
a metaphorical dick-measuring contest as Necromancers masks designed to resemble spirits. Accompanied by music
display tortured spirits on ectoplasmic leashes. and dance, the participants imitate their chosen spirits,
whether of ancestors or of elements and emotions, their
Story Hooks bodies becoming one with their masks of wood, mud, stone,
and leather. When the Ghiberti join in, they imitate their
bound wraiths, mocking the dead, dancing alongside the
The Ghiberti are a particularly unpleasant minor
branch of the Giovanni clan. They consider themselves living, and feeding in a chaotic spree across their domains.
separate to the Laibon (and the Laibon agree), but the Ghi- The mortals whisper about monsters infesting the
berti possess a desire to belong in their common domains. Northern Edo Masquerades, but the nature of the event
This drive rarely compels them to sentimental bonds with prevents participants from removing their disguises for fear
the other African Legacies, but does compel them to form of disrespecting the spirits. Each year, the Ghiberti mock it
temporary alliances, serve as mercenaries, or simply act as further with increased depravity. The Guruhi and Osebo
diplomats between warring Laibon. While they serve well are aware of this practice, clucking their tongues but taking
as an independent force of troublemakers and soldiers-for- little action to stop this desecration of an important ritual.
hire, consider some of these uses for this line: The Ghiberti pursue their version of the Masquerade
to new extremes in these nights, intending to turn the
Mass Graves entire festival into one that fuels a necromantic ritual of
Ask most Laibon and they will say “Vampires, for devastating power.
all their pretension, rarely instigate wars between mortal
nations. The risk of doing so and being caught is too great. New Slavery
Our powers are rarely sufficient to sway an entire people The first Ghiberti Embraced were not people of color,
into the constant action required for war.” but slavers of Mediterranean descent. Ghiberti is not an
Ask the Ghiberti, and they say “Of course we can African name, it is an Italian one. Though the Italian
start a conflict. Just give us time with a dozen warlords, involvement in slavery was reduced compared to the
and we will spark a brush war for you.” Dutch, British, and ultimately American, the Ghiberti
The Ghiberti refute the notion that vampires must stay family were among the wealthiest and most prolific of
out of kine activities. They are self-assured to the point of Florentine slavers. The Ghiberti Embraced many of the
danger, but always push further for the sake of spreading “finer pieces of stock” from their human cargo, allowing
death and harvesting souls. The Democratic Republic of them to pursue their slaver aims with greater ease.
Congo is the family’s favorite location for starting wars. Though slavery in its broadly understood form has
There are already so many mass graves, fanatical cult and faded from legality and the public consciousness, the
paramilitary leaders, and terrorized civilians, that it’s an family still pursue slavery as a fine way to torment a soul
easy task to push some buttons and reap some bodies. from a body, make powerful, desperately loyal slaves, and
A Ghiberti would benefit from building up their Allies, of course, turn a horribly immoral profit. These nights,
Contacts, or Retainers Background with members of these many Ghiberti use child slaves as free labor, kidnap small
violent human factions. A sure way to gain more souls is communities and sell them offshore to mortals and vam-
to point a warlord in the direction of a small, undefended pires with no qualms, and specialize in finding “exquisite
village and promise wealth in exchange for bodies. The vessels” for Kindred with specific tastes.
Ghiberti are not lacking in money either. A call to Venice The Ghiberti never stopped trafficking in human meat
with a good reason for payment often results in cash on and blood. Such an endeavor could lead to their crossing
the wire within hours. powerful vampires when they happen to kidnap a favored
Not all Ghiberti are immortal instigators of mortal ghoul or vessel, or deplete a herd by removing half its
conflict, several protesting loudly against such flagrant number in a cargo container. The Ghiberti have crossed
acts. Further still, the Ishtarri and Kinyonyi deplore this the Laibon in this way before, once intentionally to vex
activity, and seek to neutralize any Kindred attempting them, but more often in an inadvertent act of disrespect.
such grievous behavior. The Ghiberti cannot give up this foul practice, but
it may be that the other Laibon will stop them before
The Ghiberti Masquerade allowing it to continue further.
The Ghiberti view the Masquerade as a distinctly
European phenomenon. While the Laibon have their Tipping the Scales
equivalent in “The Secret Must be Kept,” the Ghiberti The Ghiberti claim to be independent of the Laibon
do not consider themselves Laibon, and therefore play struggles throughout Africa, and for the most part they’re
fast and loose with the Tenets the Guruhi set down. true to their word. The family have their interests, and
Legacybook Ghiberti
the Laibon have theirs. The Ghiberti have little stake sites such as these are plentiful throughout history across
in the cold war between Guruhi and Xi Dundu, beyond the continent. The Ghiberti strongholds in Nigeria are
obtaining a ready supply of souls for their projects, and located over mass burial sites, providing practitioners of
those of the Giovanni. this path ease of access to the spirits of the dead and their
Times change, however. The Ghiberti seek to morbid attachments.
consolidate their power in Western Africa, spreading it Izukanne of the Ghiberti devised the Cenotaph Path
farther if the Laibon permit. The best way to ensure this in the 1920s alongside several Giovanni cousins, though
permission is to take a side, formally kneeling before the to this night he takes sole credit. His necromantic peers
Guruhi, aligning with the Xi Dundu in their telegraphed never returned home to Venice, but to every Necroman-
backstab, or providing support to a dark horse in the cer’s surprise, the familia did not punish Izukanne for the
form of the Shango to take leadership of the Kindred of obvious purge of his rivals. It appeared the Giovanni valued
the Ebony Kingdom. The Ghiberti have no interest in access to the Path more than they did a few absent kin.
leading, but they do want to be on good terms with the The path focuses around the concept of the vampire
victorious side. as bridge between the worlds of the living and the dead.
Were the Ghiberti to tip the scales of power, the ripple By breaking taboos, cultural boundaries, and desecrating
effect to the home clan would be immense. The Giovanni the memory of the dead, Cenotaph Path practitioners find
are forbidden from participating in the Jyhad, and where it easier to manipulate the restless spirits of the deceased.
the Camarilla would sit in interference in African Kindred This Path allows the Ghiberti to sense where a ghost has
politics is up for debate. The Giovanni historically advised touched the mortal world, detect an object or location of
caution to the Ghiberti, but in recent years the Anziani importance to the ghost, and gain an indication of where
of the clan provided a command to Izukanne, via Isabel the Shroud between the living world and the Underworld
Giovanni, to break bread with the Laibon for reasons of is at its strongest or weakest.
ingratiating the clan internationally. At higher levels, the Cenotaph Necromancer can
As one of a handful of independent operators in the sense when a wraith forms within a half-mile of her lo-
Ebony Kingdom, the Ghiberti are well-placed to lend the cation and create new fetters for wraiths where old ones
weight of their deathly expertise behind a faction, making are inaccessible or destroyed. This latter power can be
a name for themselves as they do so. used to draw a spectre back to a semblance of calm, but
it is more likely the Ghiberti will use it to freshly bind a
The Cenotaph Path previously unbound spirit.
When a vampire uses powers from the Cenotaph
“We are, all of us, bad men. Only bad men could do Path, mortals are able to perceive a vacuum of light
what we do.” around the Necromancer’s body, as if life itself is being
sucked into a black hole where the vampire stands.
— Simon Agu, Eleventh Generation Ghiberti, Court
Individuals attuned to the supernatural describe seeing
Saboteur, Former Subject of the Lagos Magaji
the practitioner’s skeleton through his or her skin while
The Cenotaph Path is a little-known path of Necro- the ritual or power activates. Any attempt to intimidate
mancy concerned with binding wraiths and their fetters, another individual (who doesn’t practice Necromancy)
finding prominent use at the sites of mass graves, battle- while using the Cenotaph Path is at a -1 difficulty.
fields, and locations where civilians were slaughtered en Note: The power levels of the Cenotaph Path can be
masse. Unfortunately for the Kindred and kine of Africa, found in Clanbook: Giovanni Revised, pages 67 to 70.
OOOOO Charisma___________OOOOO Perception__________OOOOO
Dexterity___________OOOOO Manipulation________OOOOO Intelligence_________OOOOO
Stamina____________OOOOO Appearance_________OOOOO Wits_______________OOOOO
Alertness___________OOOOO Animal Ken_________OOOOO Academics__________OOOOO
Athletics___________ OOOOO Crafts______________OOOOO Computer__________ OOOOO
Brawl______________OOOOO Drive______________OOOOO Finance____________ OOOOO
Dodge_____________ OOOOO Etiquette___________ OOOOO Investigation________OOOOO
Empathy___________ OOOOO Firearms____________OOOOO Law_______________ OOOOO
Expression__________OOOOO Melee______________OOOOO Linguistics__________OOOOO
Intimidation________ OOOOO Performance_________OOOOO Medicine___________OOOOO
Leadership__________OOOOO Security____________OOOOO Occult_____________OOOOO
Streetwise__________ OOOOO Stealth_____________OOOOO Politics_____________OOOOO
Subterfuge__________OOOOO Survival____________OOOOO Science____________ OOOOO
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO Orun
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO O O O O O O O O O O
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO aye
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO O O O O O O O O O O
___________________OOOOO ___________________OOOOO
Strangers in
a Strange Land