Belcashel is a simple
village nestled between
forest and mountain
where the able-bodied
toil in the mines or
work the forges and of-
ferings of ale and iron
are made to the shrines
of the small gods scat-
tered throughout town.
Life is hard, but good
for those willing to
put in the work. But reliable trade, they
it is not without dan- will not survive the
ger… winter. The Judge has
sent a raven to the
There’s a nearby Warden’s Hall begging
hill overlooking the for aid, and a band of
village, and within Rangers has been dis-
that hill is a cavern patched.
where a small family of
trolls has taken ref- You are the Rang-
uge. Led by a fierce ers… what happens
matriarch, the trolls next?
have been harassing the
people of Belcashel,
killing livestock and
sinking barges laden
with iron ingots. The
villagers grow worried
and fear that without
Rangers of the Midden ite, rolling fields of
Vale is about, what shoulder-high amber
else,the bands of brave grass, or bottomless
men and women that have bogs and fens. To the
sworn the Ranger’s west lie the ashen bad-
Oath. They travel from lands - cursed wastes
town to town,village to that seem to encroach
village, doing their deeper into the Vale
best to keep the evils with each passing win-
of the Vale at bay so ter…
that the folks that call
it home can rest easi-
er at night. They fight
monsters, driveoff
brigands, and may even
serve the settlement
as arbiters of justice
should the threats ex-
ist within rather than
The people of the What is it Like to
Vale are hardy and Play?
hard-working - the pro-
verbial salt of the Rangers of the Midden
earth. The fiefdoms and Vale was designed with
duchies of their an- the intention for the
cestors are no more, game to be fairly ep-
forcing each town and isodic: the Rangers
village to rely on only travel through the wil-
itself. There are trade derness, something hap-
caravans and there is pens along the way, and
commerce between set- they arrive in their
tlements, but the wag- destination. More of-
ons are few and far ten than not this puts
between, moving along them in a town or vil-
roads plagued by high- lage of the Vale and
waymen. News trav- the players will spend
els slowly, and often 1 or 2 sessions trying
doesn’t arrive at its to resolve the settle-
intended destination. ment’s problems. Each
session will last some-
Enter the Rangers, where in the 2-4 hour
the last vestige of a range, unless you’ve
long-gone age of pros- got a weekend day off
perity. It is by their and everyone is down to
blades and blood that play longer.
the Midden Vale is kept
safe. Or rather, as The game works
safe as can be… best when everyone con-
tributes and adds some-
thing to the session.
While the Game Master
(GM) might have the fi-
nal say, there’s only players know what’s
one of them and even going on in the world
the best GMs run out of around them!
gas from time to time.
Unlike in many
Make suggestions, add
role-playing games,
to the lore and history
it’s not the GM’s “job”
of the world, come up
to plan what’s going to
with interesting char-
happen next. As the GM,
acters that the Rangers
you’re going to create
may encounter down the
(or generate, if you
line. It’s meant to be
prefer rolling dice and
collaborative - no one
checking out tables!) a
person has all the an-
settlement in need of
help - and don’t worry,
As the GM, feel the rules will explain
free to cut away to how all of that works
scenes and actions your - and from that point
players’ characters onward, only respond
might not know. “High to the actions of the
up in the hills the Rangers. They are the
trolls dig at the back true movers and shakers
of their cave, expand- of each little sliver
ing their lair. Some- of the Midden Vale.
thing glitters in the
For folks already
darkness, catching the
familiar with OSR-style
matriarch’s eye. Her
gaming, Rangers of the
massive fingers wrap
Midden Vale plays pret-
around the object and
ty similarly to Ben Mil-
she pulls loose the
ton’s Knave. In fact,
magickal hammer from
it started out as a
the earth.” Let the
hack of Knave with some
inspiration from other tings (or don’t, it’s
games, including some your game!).
of the rules a friend
of mine incorporated
Never Roleplayed
in a Knave campaign he
ran (check out the Ac-
knowledgements section Generally speaking,
for more information on you and your friends
that). If you’ve played will sit around a
Knave, you’ve played table or use an on-
Rangers. If you’d pre- line chat service
fer to play with the like Discord and
Knave ruleset, the only talk. You’re all
mechanical change you’d working together to
need is to utilize the tell a story about
runes system, as magick these characters
isn’t as prominent in of yours, these
the Vale as it is in Rangers. Their ad-
many other fantasy set- ventures, their
trials, their vic-
tories, and their
defeats. Each per-
son creates their
own Ranger and then
acts as their charac-
ter, making choices and
following through with
actions and generally
speaking for that char-
acter. Anyone else in-
volved in the game can
make suggestions, but
at the end of the day vaguely defined at
each player has the fi- best, and that’s large-
nal say on what their ly on purpose. Through-
character does and out this book you’ll
doesn’t do. learn bits and pieces
about this wild land
If you’re the GM,
- its geography, some
however, you’re not re-
history, lore about
sponsible for just one
the Order of Rangers,
character. Every man,
and other items to help
woman, child, Woldling,
flesh out the setting.
troll, and Ranger (ex-
But at the end of the
cept, of course, those
day those are all parts
belonging to the play-
of my Midden Vale and
ers) is yours. You are
you’re not required to
the supporting cast and
play your game there.
you have the last word
Hell, that map on page
on the set pieces where
3? I just like draw-
the action unfolds.
ing maps, use it if
You guide the charac- you want, ditch it if
ters, getting them in- you’ve got your own
volved in conflicts and ideas - you’re probably
describing the conse- a better cartographer
quences of their deci- than I am anyway!
sions - for better or
As your Rangers
journey from town to
town, you’ll fill in
A Little About the
the blanks as a group.
Traditions, culture,
The actual setting of norms, taboos, and oth-
the Midden Vale is er details about the
people that call the wretched Darrig Fahr to
Midden Vale their home. stave off a mugging or
What do they care about? robbery. Make the Vale
What do they fear? What your own!
are rituals they con-
Now there are some
duct? Which small gods
basic tenants that I
matter to them? Do they
recommend adhering to
pay their respects to
when fleshing out your
Kilneuair, the small
own Midden Vale:
god of yew trees and
bowers? Perhaps they
Magick slumbers.
make offerings to the
While legends tell
Civilization of wise and powerful
doesn’t exist anymore, sorcerers, magick
not really. There’s left the Midden Vale
no centralized govern- with the Woldlings.
ment, no lords or la- Don’t expect a wizard
dies controlling vast to appear and summon
fiefs. While there are a bolt of lightning
scattered trade routes, or a priest to raise
each town and village the dead. Those are
is ultimately on its children’s stories of
own. There was once a time long-forgotten.
a powerful kingdom or Only remnants of magick
perhaps a coalition of remain in the form of
loosely aligned states, enchanted weapons and
but they’re long gone armor and ancient runes
now, leaving only ruins - fragments of once
and scattered pockets great magickal power.
of life.
The Rangers are an
ancient order, they ex-
isted when there still
were kingdoms in the
Vale, and they sur-
vived the collapse.
And while they may pro-
tect the people of the
Vale, Rangers are kept
at arms’ length. After
all, they’re a danger-
ous sort, not just any-
one can survive out in
the wilderness! Rangers
know this, but despite
not being fully accept-
ed, they fulfill their
a sense for how things
are going to come to-
gether. In a perfect
Before You Play
world, each player will
Each group will need a read the rules as well,
Game Master, or GM, and but I’d settle on them
a handful of players - I reading the “Character
recommend 2-4 of them. Creation” and “Play-
Ranger bands are small ing the Game” sec-
- they travel quick and tions - they should at
they travel light. If least be aware of what
the Order could field they are going to do
an army, they probably and how to do it. Ev-
would. eryone should buy into
the concept - you’re
The GM will need
Rangers going out and
to read the rules in
fighting against the
their entirety and get
evils of the Vale. Not and while I’d say the
for treasure, not for GM should handle most
glory, but because you of the work, feel free
swore an Oath and it’s to let players roll
the right thing to do. dice to determine as-
If that’s not the game pects of the settlement
people are looking for, and chime in with lit-
that’s okay - there’s tle details - the more
something out there for they contribute, the
everyone (and there’s a more they’ll care, and
good chance it helped the more they care the
influence how I wanted harder they’ll work to
this game to work!). keep that town safe.
er, you put the num- keep it casual and so
ber of dice before the everyone is excited for
“d” (ex. Rolling two the upcoming sessions.
twelve-sided dice would
During the first
read as “2d12”). If you
session, you’ll need to:
see any rules refer to
a “natural 20” or “nat- • Briefly go over the
ural 1,” that means the setting of the game
result of the d20 roll so that everyone’s
is either a 1 or 20 be- on the same page.
fore any modifiers are Rangers are vet-
applied. erans, so they’re
going to be aware
The First Session of things that the
players might not
It’d be best if every- immediately know
one showed up with an - this is a chance
understanding of the to establish some
rules that matter most of that knowledge:
to them, but that’s talk about some
rarely the case in my of the small gods,
experience (unless maybe highlight a
you’ve played the game settlement or two,
a few times before, and name a major histor-
even then there’s al- ical event or two.
ways that player…).
In most cases, the first • Define the Tenets of
session will feel less the Ranger’s Oath.
like a game and more Starting with the
like laying some ground- Game Master, each
work. That’s to be ex- person at the ta-
pected, so feel free to ble should create a
rule or law followed makes their charac-
by the Rangers. Bear ters together - if
in mind that these you’ve got a player
Tenets should be who prepared their
fairly broad - think Ranger ahead of time
“Ten Commandments” that’s fine as long
more so than “Or- as they’re willing
ganization Bylaws.” to adjust some of
After each person their ideas based
has declared one on how the rest of
Tenet, feel free to the band turns out.
go around the table
• Choose a type of re-
an additional time
gion and roll up an
if everyone’s up for
event and encoun-
it. As you play the
ter (but not a lo-
game, the Tenets of
cation - the first
your Order of Rang-
one should be a set-
ers will provide
tlement). This will
opportunities for
get everyone famil-
difficult decisions
iar with the mechan-
and dramatic moments
ics of Rangers of
as the Rangers have
the Midden Vale. If
to balance honoring
you’ve got a batch
their Oath and han-
of veteran players,
dling the situation
feel free to skip
before them.
this step - I trust
• Create characters. you.
Follow the steps and
• Introducethe first
do it outloud at the
settlement and move
table. The game is
right into prop-
best when everyone
er play. The Rang-
ers have arrived, freed from their barrow.
now it’s time to do No matter the threat,
their jobs. the Rangers are there
and they can choose to
Each Session honor their Oaths, or,
Thereafter... depending on what lies
before them, they can
As the GM, you’re just
leave the settlement to
going to follow the
their own devices and
Rangers’ stories and
travel elsewhere. The
see where it leads. In
choice is theirs.
every settlement there
is a threat or is- The rules exist to
sue plaguing the peo- help the GM arbitrate
ple and the Rangers are these conflicts. They
the only ones capable help determine what oc-
of resolving it. Some curs on the road from
settlements have a mi- town to town and vil-
nor issue - a dispute lage to village. They
between two families, help generate each set-
for example - but it tlement and provide
could grow into some- ideas as to the types of
thing more deadly if citizens. And finally,
not handled early and they help add weight to
properly. Other settle- the consequences of the
ments may already face Rangers’ actions and
a grave danger - a Fo- inaction.
morian raiding party, a
Terror from deep with- As the game goes
in the forest, bandits on, the players will
ambushing travelers on reveal more about their
the road, or the Dead Rangers. The characters
recently disturbed and might strengthen their
resolve and take on Safety Tools
greater threats or they
Rangers of the Midden
might forsake their
Vale is ultimately a
oaths and become little
world where the players
better than the mon-
are expected to go out
sters and brigands they
and face down monsters
swore to fight. Some
- be they fellow hu-
Rangers will be noble,
mans, Formorians, the
others may be well-in-
ranks of the Dead, or
tentioned but weak of
the eldritch Terrors.
heart. They will have
While it’s not intend-
their strengths, but
ed to be a horror game,
they will also have
violence and death are
their flaws. Some will
common and difficult
rise to each challenge,
situations may come up
while others will fall
in the game. In order
and even die. They’ll
to facilitate a com-
each draw a line in the
fortable and safe space
dirt and determine how
for all of the players,
far they’ll willing to
it’s recommended that
go in the name of their
everyone at the table
uses X Cards, Lines,
Are you ready? and Veils, as described
ble can be would rather have “fade
given/make to black” within a game
their own and not become the cen-
card with an tral focus at the ta-
X). If mate- ble.
rial comes
The Midden Vale
and ready your weap- to the table.
ons - blades and bows.
My inspiration for
The villager may have
this game comes from a
prayed to the small
few different places,
gods, but you shall be
and I hope that by shar-
the ones to deliver the
ing them you’ll have a
greater understanding
of what it is I’m try-
ing to create here. One
As mentioned before, of the first things I’d
the Midden Vale is not a recommend is giving the
rigidly or solidly de- album “Chants From An-
fined setting. I have a other Place” by Jona-
few details in mind for than Hulten a listen if
the wild northlands, you can. I devised the
but that’s how I envi- core tenants of this
sion the Vale. Every- game while listening
thing in this section to it. There’s some-
is a suggestion - take thing about the world
what you like and throw he paints in each of
out the rest! As your the songs that got my
group plays Rangers of gears spinning.
the Midden Vale you’ll
I digress. There
figure out what your
was once civilization
world is like and cre-
in the Midden Vale, and
ate details to fill in
all the good and bad
the blanks. As either
that came with it, but
the GM or as players,
before that there were
you’ll create your own
an ancient race of peo-
world by building on
ple - the Woldlings.
what each person brings
Think of them like elves
or dwarves or faeries, one who was willing to
or even all three. They listen to other people
are the children of complain.
the small gods in tune
Thousands of miles
with nature and magick.
of forest cover the
Beautiful, dangerous,
Midden Vale, ranging
and otherworldly.
from the frigid seas to
They’re gone. Re- the north to the great
treated into the far- mountains to the south
thest reaches of the and east. Smaller rang-
wilderness, far from es riddled with canyons
the sight and minds of and deep valleys crop
the Vale’s human inhab- up amidst these oceans
itants. of green, breaking the
Vale into scattered re-
What’s left are
gions. Rolling plains
scattered villages and
of tall grass break up
towns, no larger than
the forests and serve
a 1,000 people - and
as home to the massive
those are rare. People
herds of aurochs, a
work hard to eke out a
great bovine creature
life for themselves and
not unlike the American
their families. There
bison. Scattered across
are a few craftsmen
the Vale are marshes
and scholars, but most
and swamps where fool-
folk are laborers work-
ish travelers can dis-
ing in fields or mines
appear in an instant.
or fishing on lakes
And then there are the
and rivers. Leaders of
badlands to the west, a
these settlements are
blasted ruin that grows
more often than not the
larger every year.
oldest folks or some-
Summers are hot and and ladies fell or fled
wet. Winters are long and the small gods re-
and brutal, killing the turned to the land that
weak and infirm. Thick was rightfully theirs.
banks of fog descend on
The small gods do
the lands each night
not govern or rule,
and lift just before
they attend. There are
midday. Nights are dark
countless small gods -
as pitch and far too
as many gods as there
dangerous to travel for
are stars in the sky,
all but the Rangers. To
leaves in the forest,
leave town after dark
or grains of sand upon
is surely suicide. If
the beach. Some small
the beasts don’t tear
gods, like Dia Danaan,
you limb from limb, the
who represents birth,
Terrors might find you
might be known across
and do so much worse…
multiple settlements
and even have a prop-
er temple, rather than
a shrine. Others, like
Sruth, a small god of
rivers and streams, may
The Small Gods
only receive offerings
There might have been a in one small village.
proper religion once, And others still, the
perhaps when the king- majority of them, have
doms still ruled the no known names at all.
Midden Vale. Towering They are spirits more
steeples and stained than “traditional” gods
glass and ceremonies and the “faith” of the
and tithes. But those Midden Vale is closer
gods died when the lords
to animism or spiritu- eat mutton, chicken,
alism than an organized pork, fish, and ven-
religion. There are ison with their pota-
rarely services or holy toes, bread, wild rice,
days, rather offerings and mushrooms. They
to the small gods are drink beer and, in some
made to them in times settlements, wine. The
of need and in moments wealthiest citizens
of gratitude. will occasionally drink
tea, brewed from local
As the GM, feel
free to make up names
of small gods from time Clothing is simple
to time. As a player, and pragmatic: wool and
share one or two prom- cotton, mostly. Shirts
inent small gods from are left white, brown,
your Ranger’s home vil- or black although some
lage. folks can scrounge up
enough to pay for dyes.
The People People dress practi-
cally: many layers in
The men and women of the winter and short
the Midden Vale are a sleeves in the summer.
simple folk. They work Hides are turned into
in the fields to grow leather, which in turn
wheat and corn or to becomes protective
raise sheep and pigs. gloves for blacksmiths
They toil in the mines and miners or sturdy
and quarries for iron hats for fieldhands.
and stone. They cut On rare occasions silk
down trees or build might make its way from
houses or craft tools the south and items
or weave clothes. They
made from it become im- When it comes to the
mediate heirlooms. written word, most peo-
ple resort to a papy-
rus-like material made
comes in the form of
from pressed grasses
song and dance. Liter-
and reeds, with true
acy is not guaranteed
paper belonging only to
since paper is expen-
the wealthiest of fami-
sive and rare, so the
people of the Vale
amuse themselves with Most folks live
the retelling of leg- within a settlement or
ends and myths through just outside it on a
stories, shanties, and farm or ranch. There are
plays. Oral history is some people who live a
important, with most nomadic life, travel-
children knowing hun- ing throughout the Vale
dreds of stories and in what could be con-
lessons before they sidered nomadic tribes
see their tenth winter. or clans. Most of these
nomads follow a par- and a handful of dep-
ticular type of game, uties who carry prop-
be they the aurochs of er steel. The newest
the plains or the great marvel of war is the
elk of the forest. At crossbow.
times a nomadic tribe’s
Most armor con-
path will bring it to a
sists of padded gambe-
village where commerce
sons, chainmail, and
occurs far more often
leather jerkins re-
than bloodshed.
inforced with steel
plates. Proper plate-
Weapons and Armor mail does exist, but
due to its cost is very
Rangers of the Midden
rare, with most suits
Vale falls into a vague-
being relics from an
ly medieval technologi-
age lost to history.
cal era. Most folks have
Rangers tend to favor
a well-crafted knife
lighter leather ar-
for self-defense and a
mor so they can move
simple bow for hunting.
through the wilderness
The local militia car-
quickly and without
ries spears, with in-
tiring, although veter-
dividual members equip-
an patrols might field
ping a club or axe if
a more heavily armored
they have one on hand.
Ranger mounted upon a
Swords and maces are
warhorse. Most wearers
rare, but not unheard
of such armor, however,
of. Larger towns might
are self-proclaimed
have a standing corps
lords or knights.
of guards properly out-
fitted, but most set-
tlements have a sheriff
many chambers. Entire
lineages would be laid
to rest there, often
accompanied by favored
servants, attendants,
and soldiers. Whether
through some sorcery
of their own or perhaps
a curse from the Wold-
lings, the Dead housed
within these barrows
were given a twisted
of tangled hair. Ettins form of life: undeath.
are towering behemoths Most remained trapped
with two heads, chalky within their crypts,
white skin, red eyes, but every few months a
and strange mottled pat- barrow is discovered by
terns all across their a fool seeking treasure
bodies. All three are and the Dead within are
capable of using weap- unleashed upon the liv-
ons, although trolls ing.
are just as likely to Finally you have
use their tusks and the Terrors. None know
claw-like nails. of their origins or
Then there are the where they even re-
Dead, commonly called side within the Midden
ghouls, ghasts, and Vale. They arrive in
wights. The ancient the night, wreak hav-
lords and ladies would oc upon a settlement
inter their dead in spa- or group of travelers,
cious tombs comprised of and disappear. They
share no biology, with entire lives, and die
each Terror being a mix all within twenty miles
of assorted limbs and of their home.
parts. A Terror might
But not the Rang-
have the head of an
ers. An ancient order
elk, the torso of a hu-
established alongside
man, and the lower body
the first fiefdoms and
of a spider. It might
states, the Rangers have
look like a collection
long toiled to keep the
of bones wrapped in
people of the Midden
tattered leather. Some
Vale as safe as possi-
may appear to be nor-
ble. They spend months
mal humans, but carry
on end roaming through
about them an unset-
the wilderness, living
tling aura. Discover-
off the land, offer-
ing the source of these
ings left at shrines,
abominations is one of
and the goodwill of the
the primary goals of
people they protect.
the Warden, though the
Rangers hold no lands
Order of Rangers has
and rarely start fam-
had little success.
ilies. It’s not that
such things are forbid-
The Rangers den, it’s just incredi-
It takes a rare breed bly difficult to raise
to make a Ranger. Few children while jump-
people look beyond the ing into the fray with
walls of the town and wights and ettins.
think “I want to see
Rangers come from
what’s out there.” The
all walks of life.
vast majority of people
Most start out as sim-
are born, live their
ple townsfolk who join
up after being res-
cued, feeling they
owe a debt. Rarely,
a person is stricken
with wanderlust and
arrives at the War-
den’s Hall. Or maybe
they were driven from
town for a crime they
did or did not com-
mit and sought ref-
uge with the Rangers.
In some settlements
it’s tradition to
send orphans along
with a passing Rang-
er band, or a family
might offer up their
youngest child if there matters is that these
are too many mouths to men and women swear and
feed. There are some fulfill their Oaths.
who simply desire the They follow the tenets
power that Rangers have of the Order, putting
and seek out a band in the people of the Vale
order to learn such se- before themselves and
crets. seeking and destroying
those who would seek
Their origins and
to harm the innocent.
reasons for joining
After joining up with
matter little to the
the Order of Rangers,
Warden, the most veter-
an individual will un-
an of Rangers and lead-
dergo their training.
er of the Order. What
This can take a little proper Ranger out of an
as a few months or as initiate. They humili-
long as several years, ate and hurt squires.
it all depends on the Overwhelm them and push
individual’s skill and them to their absolute
aptitude. limits. It’s not out
of a sense of malice
All Rangers begin
or hate, but rather to
as squires, and their
ensure that those who
initial training in-
can’t handle the stress
volves woodcraft, read-
aren’t sent out into the
ing and writing, combat
wilderness. The Midden
training, herblore and
Vale will do its best
first aid, navigation
to kill the Rangers,
and survival, and, of
and the mentors want to
course, the laws of the
make that as difficult
Order. They are trained
as possible.
by veteran Rangers, the
ones who have managed Only six in ev-
to live long enough to ery ten squires make it
be too old to range, men through training. Once
or women who have been they’ve proven them-
injured and need some- selves, the squires
thing to do while they are often assigned to a
recover, or individu- more established Rang-
als who for some reason er and are taken on
or another are no lon- short ranges in lands
ger capable of ranging that have long been
through the wilderness. considered “tamed.”
They may encounter the
The mentors’ job
occasional Fomorian or
is to cull the unfit as
living Dead, but most
much as it is to make a
of the threats to these last breath is drawn.
parts of the Vale are
At last the squire
bandits and mountain
is named a proper Rang-
bears - still danger-
er and is given their
ous, but generally more
Cloak. While its pri-
manageable. Once their
mary purpose is to
initial range is com-
function as a tool of
plete, a task that only
survival - protecting
half of all squires ac-
from rain or cold, for
complish, it’s time to
example - the Cloak
swear their Oath.
also serves as a sign
Each squire’s Oath that they are indeed
is deeply personal. All a member of the Order
of them contain many of of Rangers. A Cloak is
the same ideals - pro- typically crafted by
tect the people of Mid- members of the Rangers’
den Vale and drive away village or family. If
the evils and dangers no such person exists
of the wilderness - but or can be reached, of-
the specifics are up to tentimes a mentor or
the squires themselves. the Ranger’s fellow
Some swear an Oath to squires might craft the
a small god, perhaps Cloak for them. Rarely,
Ghille, who may have a Ranger might create
protected them as a their own Cloak.
child. Others may men-
For those un-
tion their ancestors.
able to complete their
Still others might sim-
training, there are two
ply state that they will
options: return to your
do their utmost to ful-
settlement and resume
fill their Oath until
your previous life, or
remain in the Warden’s
Hall as an attendant.
Those who choose to stay
become servants - cook-
ing, cleaning, main-
taining the hall, and
taking up a trade such
as fletching or black-
smithing. It may not be
the life they had hoped
for, but it’s an honest
and oftentime fulfill-
ing living.
Character Creation
You are a Ranger, a Formorians, the Dead,
capable and danger- wild animals, Terrors,
ous individual who has and, unfortunately, hu-
sworn an Oath to pro- mans that have decided
tect those unable to to prey upon their own
protect themselves. kind…
Your life is no lon-
Step One - Determin-
ger yours. Instead, it
belongs to the people. ing Abilities
Your duty is to oversee Rangers have six
your range, a stretch abilities: Strength,
of land in the Midden Dexterity, Constitu-
Vale that you will keep tion, Intelligence,
secure against monsters Wisdom, and Charisma.
and beasts. You are the Each ability has two
bulwark. During your related values: a de-
time you will face down
fense and a bonus.
Each of the six
abilities is used
in different cir-
Strength: Used for
melee attacks and
checks and saves
requiring phys-
ical power, like
lifting gates,
bending bars, climb- ing with machinery,
ing, swimming, etc. picking locks and
pockets, etc.
Dexterity: Used for
checks and saves Wisdom: Used for
requiring poise, ranged attacks and
speed, and reflexes, check and saves re-
like dodging, sneak- quiring perception
ing, balancing, us- and intuition, such
ing rope, etc. as tracking, navi-
gating, searching
Constitution: Used
for secret doors and
for checks and saves
traps, hunting and
to resist poison,
foraging, etc.
sickness, cold, test-
ing your endurance, Charisma: Used for
etc. The Constitu- checks and saves to
tion bonus is added persuade, deceive,
to healing rolls. A intimidate, charm,
Ranger’s number of provoke, save face,
item slots is based maintain morale,
on their Constitu- etc.
tion bonus as well.
When creating a
Intelligence: Used Ranger, roll 3d6 for
for checks and saves each of their abili-
requiring concentra- ties, in order. The
tion and precision, lowest of the three
such as resisting su- dice on each roll is
pernatural effects, that ability’s bonus.
using runes, re- Add 10 to find its de-
calling lore, craft- fense.
ing objects, tinker-
After you’ve fin-
ished rolling, you may - but more important-
optionally swap the ly a tangible symbol of
scores of two abili- their Oath. These items
ties. should be played with a
Ud8 Usage Die.
Step Two - Starting See the “Gear and
Equipment and Profi- Equipment Section” for
ciencies more information.
or saving throw that or locations that al-
they are attempting or low a Ranger to gain an
is being made against additional use of this
them. After a d20 is feature.
rolled, the Ranger can
invoke their bravery Step Four - Starting
and roll the d6, adding Speciality
or subtracting the re-
Rangers are highly
sult from the d20 roll
skilled individuals -
as desired.
one has to be in order
With the excep- to survive in the wil-
tion of the Vanguard derness of the Midden
(see the “Traveling the Vale. These skills are
Range” section for more represented by a Rang-
information), Rangers er’s speciality. Having
regain one use of their a speciality means that
bravery at the start of a Ranger is particular-
each tenday. A Ranger ly capable in a certain
can keep an amount of set of actions, often
bravery equal to their allowing them to roll
Level + 1, so for ex- with advantage or forgo
ample a 3rd-level Rang- the use of a particular
er can have up to four tool or piece of gear.
uses of bravery. As the Some Rangers received
GM, feel free to re- formal training before
fresh a Ranger’s brav- swearing their Oath or
ery if they pull off a after joining their
particularly impres- band. Others simply
sive action or bit of have a natural aptitude
roleplaying. There may or talent. Specialities
also be events, items, mention specific types
of actions, but are
overall meant to
be flexible, so
as a Ranger don’t
be afraid to ask
if a special-
ty applies to a
particular ac-
tion, and as a GM
don’t be afraid
to broaden the
scope of a spe-
cialty’s appli-
cation. You may
also notice that some tralize potions or
specialties overlap poisons without ex-
with one another - this pending or using a
is intentional. piece of gear, or
create an extra dose
Roll 2d20 and
when expending a
consult the list be-
piece of gear.
low,and select one of
the rolled results to 2. Athletics: You roll
determine your Ranger’s with advantage on
Specialty: any checks made to
climb, swim, tra-
1. Alchemy: You roll
verse difficult ter-
with advantage on any
rain, or outrun an-
checks made to iden-
other creature, or
tify, craft, or neu-
can roll normally
tralize potions or
and not expend or
poison, or can roll
use a piece of gear
normally and create
to traverse diffi-
and identify or neu-
cult terrain. es on a roll of 1
(this effect doesn’t
3. Awareness: You roll
apply to rations).
with advantage on
any checks made to 6. Defensive Combat:
notice hidden crea- You ignore disadvan-
tures or objects, or tage whenever you’re
can roll normally and being attacked and
not expend or use a whenever you roll
piece of gear to un- your armor’s Usage
cover that which is Die it only decreas-
hidden. es on a roll of 1.
forage. treat injuries or
recover from dis-
9. Herblore: You roll
ease or poison, or
with advantage on
can roll normally
any checks made to
and not expend or
identify and use
use a piece of gear
plants for medi-
to treat injuries,
cine, rations, or
disease, and poi-
bait, or can roll
normally and not ex-
pend or use a piece 12. Melee Combat: You
of gear to identi- ignore disadvantage
fy plantlife or use when outnumbered in
plants to create melee combat, and
medicine, rations, whenever you roll
or bait. your melee weapon’s
Usage Die it only
10. Lore: You roll with
decreases on a roll
advantage on any
of 1.
checks made to re-
call ancient myths, 13. Navigation: You
legends, and history roll with advantage
as well as to trans- on any checks made
late runes and old to locate and fol-
tomes, or can roll low trails, blaze
normally and not ex- paths in the wilder-
pend or use a piece ness, and navigate
of gear to uncover by natural signs,
secrets of the past. or can roll normal-
ly and not expend or
11. Medicine: You roll
use a piece of gear
with advantage on
to navigate through
any checks made to
the wilderness.
14. Ranged Combat: You not roll usage af-
ignore disadvantage ter you activate a
whenever you attack rune. Whenever you
another creature roll your rune’s
that’s obscured, Usage Die it only
behind cover, or decreases on a roll
engaged in melee of 1.
combat and whenev-
17. Smithing: You roll
er you roll your
with advantage on
ranged weapon’s Us-
any checks made to
age Die it only de-
create, modify, or
creases on a roll
repair a weapon or
of 1.
piece of armor and
15. Riding: You roll whenever you roll
with advantage on your weapon or ar-
any checks made to mor’s Usage Die it
break horses, ride only decreases on a
across difficult roll of 1.
terrain or into bat-
18. Stealth: You roll
tle, or race others,
with advantage on
or can roll normal-
any checks made to
ly and not expend or
hide, set up an am-
use a piece of gear
bush, trail a person,
to break a horse or
or pick a pocket,
care for a mount.
or can roll normal-
16. Runecraft: You roll ly and not expend or
with advantage on use a piece of gear
any checks made to to remain unseen or
translate or acti- pick a pocket.
vate a rune, or can
19. Tracking: You roll
roll normally and
with advantage on
any checks made to
locate monsters or
individuals and any
signs of their pass-
ing, or can roll
normally and not ex-
pend or use a piece
of gear to track
other people, mon-
sters, or animals.
Step Five - Assigning
Finally, choose
a name for your Rang-
er, either from one of
our lists or by coming
up with a name on your
own. Your Ranger is
complete, but don’t get
Why Did You Swear the Oath?
7: It is Tradition in
my Settlement or Family
for the Second Born to
join the Rangers.
Male Names
Female Names
Unisex Names
Step Six - Home Settlement
Playing the Game
Ability Checks and rolls a d20 and adds
Saving Throws the relevant ability
bonus, as determined by
Like in many games, dice the fiction. If the to-
are used to resolve the tal is greater than the
conflicts the Rangers difficulty number (13,
become embroiled in 15, or 17), the charac-
during their travels. ter succeeds and play
Whenever possible, a resumes as normal. If
Ranger’s actions should not, the Ranger fails
be resolved by its and the GM describes
player simply describ- how things go wrong or
ing what the character go from bad to worse.
does followed by the GM
revealing what happens If one character
next. This keeps the takes an action against
game moving at a nice, another, the GM may de-
fluid pace. However, if cide to call for an op-
the action is risky, posed check. In this
the GM may call for a case, instead of aiming
check. Whenever a check to exceed the diffi-
is required, the GM de- culty number, the side
termines the difficul- doing the rolling must
ty: Challenging (13), get a total greater
Hard (15), or Very Hard than the opposing char-
(17), which determines acter’s relevant de-
the number the Ranger fense score in order to
needs to surpass in or- succeed. If they fail,
der to succeed on their the opposing side suc-
check. The player con- ceeds. Opposed checks
trolling the Ranger can involve the Ranger
involved in the check and an NPC or two Rang-
ers. 2d20 and use the worse
of the two dice.
Sometimes the GM
might call for a sav- If several advan-
ing throw in order for tages or disadvantages
a character to avoid apply, there is no need
harm or other undesired to roll. The action au-
consequences. The play- tomatically succeeds
er rolls a d20 and com- or fails, respective-
pares it to the ability ly. If a creature would
defense relevant to the have both advantage and
narrative. For example, disadvantage, they roll
nimbly dodging out of normally as the benefit
the way of a trap might and penalty cancel one
call for an agility another out.
saving throw. If the
result is less than the Combat
ability defense, the
Combat in Rangers of
character successful-
the Midden Vale is
ly saves. If not, the
meant to be fast and
GM introduces harm or a
dangerous. It rewards
clever thinking and
If there are sit- strategy versus blindly
uational factors that charging in and hoping
make a test easier or that brute force will
harder, the GM may grant win the day. A combat
the roll advantage or scenario is broken down
disadvantage. If a roll into rounds, during
has advantage, roll which each Ranger and
2d20 and use the better NPC has a turn where
of the two dice. If it they are able to act
has disadvantage, roll and react. Each round
takes approximately 5
seconds of “real time,”
should anyone need to
track it.
ter rolls higher has a they fire at a target
chance to deal damage, engaged in melee combat
provided their attack with another creature,
roll is also greater they roll with disad-
than their opponent’s vantage.
armor defense. If not,
On a hit, the at-
the attack misses. On
tacker or defender
a tie, both combatants
rolls their weapon’s
have a chance to hit.
damage die to determine
Ranged combat al- how many Hit Points
lows for an attack and (HP) the defender los-
counter attack - the es. If the attacker
attacker goes first, rolls a natural 20 or
rolling a d20 and add- the defender rolls a
ing Wisdom. If the to- natural 1, the attack
tal is greater than the is a critical hit and
defender’s armor de- the target takes an ad-
fense, the attack hits. ditional die of dam-
If not, the attack miss- age. Additionally, if
es. The defender can a character is wield-
then attempt a count- ing two weapons in bat-
er-attack, provided tle, they may roll both
they’re still alive, weapon’s damage dice
have a weapon with the and take the higher re-
appropriate range, and sult whenever they suc-
it makes sense within cessfully score a hit.
the fiction of the com-
There are three
bat scene. A character
types of weapon damage:
cannot engage in ranged
bludgeoning, piercing,
combat with a target ad-
and slashing, which
jacent to them, and if
help the players and
GM shape the fiction of cess ammunition is ex-
battle, and sometimes pended. Melee weapons
result in the addition only roll their usage
of a bonus damage die dice when sundered or
of the weapon’s type if the wielder suffers
may be added to the roll a Critical Miss on an
if the ideal weapon was attack.
used against an enemy
When a character
type. Now, if a crea-
reaches 0 HP, they are
ture suffering damage
unconscious. When they
in battle happens to
reach -1 HP or less,
be carrying a shield,
they are critical-
they can choose to have
ly wounded. The Ranger
their shield absorb the
must succeed on a Con-
blow, destroying the
stitution saving throw
shield and instead tak-
after being reduced
ing no damage (if the
to less than 0 HP. On
shield is magical and
a failure, the Rang-
provides a bonus to the
er dies and the play-
user’s armor defense,
er should roll up a new
instead that number is
level 1 Ranger, rejoin-
permanently reduced by
ing the band as soon as
1, only being destroyed
possible - as the GM,
if there is no longer a
it’s recommended that
this happens when the
After combat, each Rangers reach their
character rolls usage next location or stop
dice for any ranged at an outpost to rest.
weapon they used during
On a success, they
the battle. Any results
stabilize and will re-
of a 1 or 2 means ex-
gain consciousness a
number of days equal fect - namely the ex-
to the amount of nega- ecution of maneuvers
tive HP they have minus in battle. A maneuver
1 (ex. a Ranger at -3 is a combat trick such
HP takes four days to as stunning, pushing,
recover). If the Ranger disarming, tripping,
receives medical treat- sundering armor, and so
ment or is given a po- on. To execute a maneu-
tion, they reduce the ver, the Ranger rolls
number of days to re- an attack as normal,
cover by one, waking up but instead of inflict-
when their HP reaches ing damage, applies the
1 again. An unconscious effect of the maneuver.
Ranger can only benefit
Each weapon has
from medical attention
one or more types of
once per day.
maneuvers that it is
capable of performing.
The GM is the final ar-
biter as to what maneu-
vers can be attempted
in a given situation.
Weapon Proficiency &
Maneuvers include:
• Bleed: The target
As previously men-
suffers 1d4 dam-
tioned, any creature
age at the start
can pick up a weapon
of each of their
and use it in battle to
turns until the
some effect. Proficien-
wound is treated.
cy represents a char-
acter’s ability to use • Cleave: Com-
the weapon to full ef- pare your attack
against the de- • Sunder: The target
fense of your tar- must immediately
get and all ad- reduce the Usage
jacent creatures Die for their ar-
(including al- mor or one item in
lies). You deal their hands - the
1d6 damage to all maneuver perform-
creatures your at- er’s choice. If
tack hits. the targeted item
had a Ud2 Usage
• Disarm: The target
Die, it breaks.
drops one weapon,
shield, or item in • Trip: The target
their hand - the falls down, forc-
maneuver perform- ing them to spend
er’s choice. an action to find
their feet. While
• Push: The target
prone, the target
is pushed back 10
makes all attacks
feet. If pushed
at disadvantage
into a dangerous
and all attacks
area (such as into
against them are
a fire or off a
made with advan-
cliff), the target
might suffer addi-
tional damage.
Advantage & Disadvan-
• Stun: The target tage in Combat
is dazed and per-
Characters can gain ad-
forms one fewer
vantage in combat by
action on their
attacking a target that
next turn (minimum
is unaware, on lower
of one action).
ground, off balance,
disarmed, distracted, damage and apply
or tactically disadvan- the effects of a
taged in any signifi- maneuver.
cant way. Likewise, if
C. Attack without ad-
a character is caught
vantage, but pre-
unawares themselves,
vent the target
outnumbered, or other-
from counter-at-
wise found in a tac-
tically disadvantaged
situation, they gain
Critical Hits & Quality
disadvantage. The GM,
as usual, has the fi- As mentioned, if during
nal say on when someone an attack roll, the at-
benefits from advantage tacker rolls a natu-
or suffers from disad- ral 20 or the defend-
vantage. er rolls a natural 1,
the defender takes an
When a character
additional die of dam-
has advantage against
age (of the weapon’s
an opponent on their
type) and the defender
combat turn, they may
rolls their armor’s us-
age die. If the attack-
A. Apply advantage to er rolls a natural 1 or
their attack roll the defender rolls a
or maneuver, let- natural 20, the attack-
ting them choose er rolls their weapon’s
the higher of two usage die. On a roll of
dice rolls. a 1 or 2, the usage die
of the item (or items)
B. M a k e a n a t t a c k
drops by one size (ex.
without advan-
d8 to d6).
tage, but deal
During a test, if gether and pool
the character rolls a their Hit Points.
natural 20, they may For example, 5
complete their task spear-wield-
with an additional ben- ing militia with
efit: they do it fast- 1d10 HD become a
er, the quality of five-person squad
their work is higher, with 5d10 HD.
etc., provided it fits
• Determine an Ar-
the scene. If the char-
mor Defense based
acter rolls a natural
on the most common
1, something worse than
armor worn by mem-
just failing may hap-
bers of the group.
• Determine the
Large Scale Combat group’s modifi-
er to attacks,
While rare, on occasion
checks, and sav-
a Ranger band may be
ing throws. A weak
called upon to lead oth-
group has a +0
ers in battle - trolls
modifier, a capa-
attack a well-defended
ble group has a
caravan, the Dead as-
modifier equal to
sault a small village,
½ their HD (round-
or Terrors descend upon
ed down), and a
a well-defended town
strong or dan-
and the Rangers lead
gerous group adds
the defenders. In order
their full HD to
to keep combat moving
their d20 rolls.
quickly, the GM should
See “Chapter 7”
do the following:
for additional de-
• Group NPCs to- tails on creating
NPCs. damage on a hit and
half damage on a miss
• Determine the
- the number of targets
group’s damage
makes it difficult to
dice, with the
miss completely.
being a number of As a squad of NPCs
dice equal to the takes damage, it’s rec-
modifier (minimum ommended that the GM re-
1 die). For exam- duce the group’s damage
ple, the 5 capable dice and d20 modifier.
militia armed with For example, if a group
spears have a +2 of 10 capable (+½ HD to
bonus and roll 2d8 d20 rolls) militia with
damage. spears (1d8 damage)
have 56 Hit Points,
Attacking and
for every 5 or 6 dam-
dealing damage works a
age (roughly 10% of the
little differently for
total HP) the GM should
a squad of NPCs. Due to
reduce the damage dice
their numbers, a squad
of their attack by 1d8
will always deal some
and their d20 modifier
damage. Roll their at-
by 1. This represents
tacks as normal, and
members of the grouping
on a hit the attack
being killed or other-
deals full damage. On
wise incapacitated in
a miss, the attack in-
battle and no longer
stead deals half damage
being able to contrib-
as the target(s) man-
ute. As the GM, feel
ages to avoid some of
free to break groups
the blows. Likewise,
down into individuals
when a creature attacks
whenever their num-
a squad they deal full
bers become manageable lowing happens, in or-
- these rules are meant der:
to help keep things
1. Each Ranger can
moving, but they don’t
take up to one ac-
have to be used in ev-
tion (search an
ery big fight!
area, pick a lock,
traverse diffi-
cult terrain,
Whenever the Rang- translate runes,
ers find themselves in etc.). All ac-
a location - be it a tions are assumed
strange clearing, an to take roughly
opened barrow, an aban- the same amount of
doned fortress from time.
long ago, or anything
2. The GM rolls a d6
else that could hide a
Encounter die. On
threat or danger to the
a roll of 1 or 2,
citizens of the Vale -
a wandering mon-
they may want to plumb
ster appears or
the depths and uncover
a natural hazard
its secrets. The Rang-
may occur. If the
ers should appoint a
Rangers are mak-
“leader” (this can be
ing too much noise
the Vanguard, see the
or spend more than
“Traveling the Range”
one turn in an
section for more infor-
area, a wander-
mation) who coordinates
ing monster ap-
everyone’s actions.
pears on a roll
Each exploration of 1 through 4 in-
turn takes 10 minutes, stead. A wandering
during which the fol- monster appearing
of the location
(enter a new room
within a keep or
barrow, enter
another tunnel
within a cavern
or mine, etc.) or
remain in their
current spot to
investigate fur-
ther, patch up
injuries, or take
other actions.
determine an ability in a proper settlement
(based on the narrative or ranger outpost re-
or by rolling a d6 - 1: stores all lost HP and
Strength, 2: Constitu- removes all injuries.
tion, 3: Dexterity, 4:
A Ranger can also
Intelligence, 5: Wis-
receive medical aid
dom, 6: Charisma) and
once per day, typi-
the Ranger marks that
cally through the ap-
they have an injury on
plication of poultices
that ability. While in-
and a test. If a con-
jured, the Ranger rolls
scious Ranger receives
all attacks, tests, and
medical aid from an
saves with that abili-
ally, they immediate-
ty at a disadvantage.
ly restore 1d10 + their
Injuries can happen
Constitution bonus in
in combat, during the
Hit Points or recover
Events stage of travel,
from an injury of their
and during free play.
choice. Lastly, a Rang-
Healing comes in er can drink a potion,
three forms: rest, med- restoring an amount of
ical aid, and potions. Hit Points based on the
At the end of each ten- quality of the potion
day, a Ranger heals HP they drink (typically
equal to 1d10 + their 2d4 HP).
Constitution bonus and Advancement
may recover from one
injury of their choice, Leveling up requires
provided they are able Experience Points, or
to regularly make camp XP. In order to level
each night. Resting up, a Ranger must spend
for two or three days an amount of XP equal
to their Level x 1,000
(ex. they must earn do any two of the fol-
1,000 XP to hit second lowing:
Level and 9,000 XP to
Gain Health: The Ranger
hit tenth Level). As a
gains a number of Hit
guideline, Rangers re-
Points equal to their
ceive 50 XP for low-risk
Constitution defense.
accomplishments, 100 XP
for moderate-risk ac- Improve Abilities: The
complishments, and 200 Ranger rolls a d20 once
XP for high-risk accom- for each ability - if
plishments. the d20 result is high-
er than their ability
An accomplishment
defense, they increase
can range from defeat-
that ability by 1. If
ing an enemy, uncov-
the Ranger doesn’t in-
ering a valuable re-
crease any abilities
source, or completing a
this way, they may in-
task given to the Rang-
crease one ability of
er by another person.
their choice by 1 in-
The GM should freely
stead. Abilities may
notify the Rangers of
never be raised higher
how much XP different
than 20/+10.
objectives are worth
when asked. Lastly, all Learn a New Speciality:
Rangers in a band au- The Ranger rolls 2d20,
tomatically earn 500 consults the special-
XP whenever they com- ity list, and selects
plete a range and re- one of the rolled spe-
port their findings to cialities. If the Rang-
the Warden’s Council. er rolls specialities
they already have, they
When a Ranger
reroll until they learn
gains a level, they can
a new specialty. As the
GM, feel free to allow
Rangers to reroll if Your band of Rangers
they pick up a special- lies prone on the edge
ity another Ranger in of a cliff, overlooking
the band already has - a ravine carved out of
after all, Rangers are the mountains. A mas-
often banded together sive, six-legged beast
to take advantage of a with three heads - one
breadth of knowledge. of a serpent, one of a
wolf, and one of a human
- roams below you. This
must be the Terror that
the people of Belcashel
told you about. What do
you do?
“It’s clearly
stronger than we are,”
Anthos’ player says.
“We should try to re-
strict its movement.
I search my pack for
a large, weighted net.
That should be enough
to buy us some time if
we play it smart.”
A Ranger always
has at least 11 slots
Tools & Items the end-all list:
• Perfume (50c) • Tar (pot) (10c)
• Sack (1c)
• Saw (10c)
• Soap (1c)
• Spyglass (1,000c)
damage; 1 wgt; 1 hand;
bleed, disarm) (5c)
or trade for a horse Runes
or mule to serve as a
Magick isn’t quite
beast of burden or a
dead, but it’s cer-
falcon or dog to assist
tainly not alive ei-
in hunting and foraging
ther. Scholars - were
for supplies. Common
there any of repute
animals used in ranges
left in the Midden Vale
- might say that magick
● Dog, hunting is slumbering. Humans,
(can carry 4 wgt) and therefore Rangers,
(50c) are incapable of con-
trolling or even fully
● Dog, war
harnessing magick. The
(can carry 5 wgt)
best they can hope to
do is uncover a rune
● Donkey/Mule that still possesses
(can carry 15 wgt) some amount of power.
(300c) A rune is essential-
ly a type of item - it
● Hawk/Falcon has a weight of 1 and
(1,000c) possesses a Usage Die
ranging from Ud8 to
● Horse, riding
Ud2. Some are carved
(1,000c) (can carry 20
on pieces of bone or
wood while others are
● Horse, war made from stone or met-
(10,000c) (can carry al. Some take the form
25 wgt) of rings or pendants,
while others are charms
to be tied to a weap-
on’s hilt or strapped
to a shield. usage die - regardless
of success or failure.
Whenever a Rang-
On a roll of 1 or 2,
er wants to use a rune,
reduce the usage die
they must succeed on an
down one size (ex. Ud8
Intelligence check. On
to Ud6). If a rune has
a success, the rune’s
a usage die of Ud2, it
magick flares and the
can be used a final
Ranger can utilize its
time before the magick
effect. On a failure,
is lost and the rune
the rune discharges
is no longer usable. A
the magick without ef-
rune cannot be repaired
fect. The effect of a
or recharged.
rune tends to be fair-
ly subtle - magick is The list below
not meant to be used provides some examples
as an outright weapon, of common Runes, but
but rather as a tool. as the GM feel free to
That being said, some create additional ef-
runes lend themselves fects and options. If
to battle better than you want to randomly
others. A rune’s effect determine the quality
will usually last a of a Rune discovered by
number of seconds, min- your Rangers, roll a d4
utes, hours, or some- (first number) and a d8
times even days based (last number) and con-
on the Ranger’s level - sult the list below:
denoted as “L” in each
(1, 1) - Awareness:
rune’s description.
Your eyesight focuses,
After using the your hearing sharpens,
rune, the Ranger must and your sense of smell
then roll the rune’s becomes like that of a
wolf or hound for the
next L hours. You gain
advantage on all rolls
made to track other
creatures and cannot be
and confidant, fulfill- by and against the crea-
ing any request that ture have advantage and
does not place them in it attacks the closest
harm’s way. creature with no regard
for its own safety.
(1, 7) - Command: You
utter a short command of (2, 2) - Growth: An ob-
no more than six words ject or person you can
at a creature that can see doubles in size for
hear you. The creature L minutes.
obeys the command to
(2, 3) - Guide: Name an
the best of its ability
object, person, or lo-
for the next L minutes,
cation - for the next
assuming the orders do
L hours you are aware
not cause direct harm
of its direction in re-
to it.
lation to yourself as
(1, 8) - Deflect: You well as the distance
conjure forth a barri- separating you.
er around your person
(2, 4) - Levitate: You
or the body of another
can touch a creature
that lasts for L sec-
or object and have it
onds or until struck.
float straight up or
The next attack against
down, to a maximum of
the shielded person is
30 feet, for the next L
rolled with disadvan-
(2, 5) - Light: You
(2, 1) - Frenzy: A crea-
summon forth a flick-
ture you can see flies
ering ghost flame that
into a frothing, ber-
hovers over your open
serker rage for L min-
palm, shedding light as
utes. All attacks made
a torch. It lasts for
L hours before extin- locate you do so at
guishing. If used in disadvantage.
battle, the flames deal
(3, 2) - Panacea: You
1d4 damage.
invoke the soothing,
(2, 6) - Madness: For healing natures of
the next L minutes a earth and water. Your
creature acts irratio- target heals 2d6 Hit
nally, taking actions Points.
at random and with no
(3, 3) - Peace: A crea-
regard for any plan or
ture becomes adverse to
violence and will not
(2, 7) - Mask: You cre- raise arms except in
ate a magickal disguise self-defense for the
around a creature, mak- next L minutes.
ing them appear to all
(3, 4) - Purify: Any
others as someone else
food or drink you touch
for L hours.
within the next L min-
(2, 8) - Message: You utes is rid of all poi-
can send a short mes- sons, rot, spoilage,
sage to a person you and anything else that
know who is within L could cause a body harm
miles of your location. upon consumption, mak-
They hear your words as ing it safe and edible.
whispers in their mind.
(3, 5) - Repair: You
(3, 1) - Obscure: You restore an object back
enshroud yourself and to its original form,
your companions in mist changing its usage dice
and smoke. For the next back to a Ud8.
L hours any creatures
(3, 6) - Retrieve: You
attempting to track or
are able to call an ob- (4, 1) - Shadow: A crea-
ject you can see, weigh- ture you touch becomes
ing no more than 2 wgt, like shadow for L min-
to your hand, provid- utes, allowing them to
ed its path to you is pass through solid ob-
not blocked. If it can- jects and meld with the
not float to your hand, darkness. Any attacks
it will gently come to made by or against the
rest as close to you as shadowed creature are
it can. rolled with disadvan-
(3, 7) - Scry: Name an
object, person, or lo- (4, 2) - Silence: A
cation - for the next L creature loses the
minutes you can observe ability to speak or ut-
the named item as if you ter noise of any kind,
were standing mere feet whether spoken or gen-
away - letting you see, erated by an object,
hear, and smell. You for L minutes.
are blind and deaf to
(4, 3) - Slumber: L
your body’s surround-
creatures you can see
ings while scrying.
fall into a deep slum-
(3, 8) - Seal: You ber, as if they were
place a ward upon a exhausted from a day’s
door, gate, portal, or hard labor.
any other opening, such
(4, 4) - Smite: Your
as a lid to a chest,
weapon glows with
locking it for L hours.
magickal radiance for L
Should another creature
seconds. The next time
wish to pass or open the
you hit a creature with
sealed barrier, they
an attack, you may roll
must break it down.
double damage dice. radius. For the next L
days, any creature that
(4, 5) - Stifle: When-
enters the range with-
ever a creature within
out speaking the code
L feet invokes a rune,
you declare sets off an
you can negate its ef-
alarm that sounds in
fect. (If you are in
your mind.
combat or another sit-
uation that involves
turns, you may use this Crafting
Rune even if it is not
your turn.) Rangers are taught how
to be self-sufficient,
(4, 6) - Tether: A crea- and one of the ways to
ture or object within express this trait in
eyesight must succeed Rangers of the Midden
on a Strength saving Vale is through craft-
throw on each of its ing. A Ranger can at-
turns or it is rendered tempt to create an ob-
immobile. This effect ject or tool through
lasts for L minutes. crafting, which re-
quires spending a piece
(4, 7) - Turn: A crea-
of gear and attempting
ture you can see feels
the appropriate Abili-
compelled to avoid you
ty check (ex. rolling
for L minutes. While so
an Intelligence check
ensorceled they cannot
to craft a healing po-
approach, attack, or
tion). Crafting an item
otherwise interact with
should take some time
- typically an hour for
(4, 8) - Ward: You cre- a simple item, two or
ate a magical alarm three hours for more
that enshrouds a 20 ft. involved items, and
four or more for com-
plex designs.
On a success, the
Ranger creates two
items of their choice.
On a failure, the Ranger
only creates one, es-
sentially allowing them
to turn a piece of gear
into a defined item as
normal (with the cost
of some additional time
spent). If a Ranger
wants an item that most
merchants wouldn’t sell
or doesn’t make sense
as a reward or payment
from a grateful set-
tlement, crafting is
a good way for them to
obtain the desired ob-
ject. A Ranger cannot
craft a rune.
Traveling the beneath the surface -
it’s eyes fixed on your
Range camp. What do you do?
In a game of Rang-
ers of the Midden Vale,
the players begin with
their Rangers on their
way to the first stop
of their range, as men-
tioned in the “Intro-
duction” section at
the beginning of this
book. Feel free to let
the players pick their
Vanguard and roll for
an initial event and
encounter (details be- tlement to another,
low), or skip it and they must first appoint
start them off on the a Vanguard, who serves
outskirts of a town or as the band’s guide and
village - your call as leader for that partic-
the GM or as a group. ular leg of their jour-
ney (it’s recommended,
Traveling to a Loca- but not required, that
the Vanguard role ro-
tates, as the Vanguard
Traveling takes days, does not regain any
often tendays, and is uses of their bravery
usually a lonesome af- for that tenday). Then
fair, as few beyond the each member of the band
Rangers are willing to must reduce the usage
brave the wilds. When- dice of their rations
ever the Rangers wish by one size per tenday
to travel from one set-
traveled, spending gear dom check to navigate
to retrieve more ra- and forge a path from
tions if needed. If any one region to anoth-
members of the band run er - with the Rang-
out of rations or are ers choosing what re-
unable to convert gear, gion they wish to enter
difficulties occur. (feel free to roll a d6
to randomize - 1: Bad-
If, for any rea-
lands, 2,3: Forest, 4:
son, the Rangers’ jour-
Marshes, 5: Mountains,
ney takes longer than a
6: Steppes). If any of
single tenday (misfor-
the Rangers were miss-
tune strikes and adds
ing rations or other-
an additional amount
wise lacked the proper
of time, or perhaps the
supplies, the vanguard
band is skipping past
attempts this check at
a settlement and trav-
a disadvantage. The GM
eling to a distant lo-
takes the leader’s re-
cale), each Ranger must
sult and compares it to
reduce the usage dice
the Region’s Wilder-
of their rations by an
ness Event List that
additional size. As a
best matches the band’s
general rule, for every
current location.
tenday on the road, the
Rangers of the Midden
Rangers use up another
Vale uses five region
stage of rations (two
types: Badlands, For-
usage dice for 11-20
ests, Marshes, Moun-
days, three usage dice
tains, and Steppes. As
for 21-30 days, etc.).
the GM, feel free to
After rations have mix and match the ta-
been consumed, the van- bles if your Rangers
guard attempts a Wis- are traveling from one
type of region to an- Locations can vary
other. If the Rangers’ between settlements,
journey required more ancient barrows,
than 10 days, roll an strange ruins, or nat-
additional Event. ural formations. Upon
arrival, the Rangers
Generally speak-
can feel free to ex-
ing, the better the lead
plore or, if they wish
Ranger’s result, the
to continue, simply
less deadly or danger-
begin the next leg of
ous the journey is. Once
their journey.
an event has occurred,
the GM can roll on the
Region’s Encounter List
and the Region’s Lo-
cation List (or have
the vanguard roll, it
doesn’t matter as long
as someone rolls those
dice) to determine what
happens next and where
the Rangers ultimate-
ly end up. Encounters
can range from running
into violent Fomorians
to friendly travelers
to anything in between,
and if the Rangers take
longer than a tenday to
move from one location
to another, roll addi-
tional encounters.
Leaving a Location must be a tenday
away from their
When the Rangers have
current location
resolved, ignored, or
- anything further
abandoned a location
requires multiple
(be it a settlement or
Wisdom checks to
otherwise), it’s time
for the Rangers to move
on to the next desti- • One or More Rang-
nation in their range. ers retire or
As the GM, provide the break their Oath
following options, or - the Ranger(s) in
create your own: question leaves
the band and the
• The Rangers con-
player rolls up a
tinue on their
new Ranger.
range (roll for an
Event, Encounter, If the Rangers
and Location as want to return to a
normal). previous location more
than a tenday away,
• The Rangers re-
simply repeat the trav-
turn to a previous
el steps until they ar-
location, be it
rive at their intended
a town or other-
destination. As the GM,
wise (the Vanguard
use this as an oppor-
rolls 2d20 for the
tunity to show what’s
Event, taking the
changed at other loca-
preferred result,
tions along the way.
rolls the Encoun-
ter as normal, and The Rangers al-
the Location is ways have the option to
set. The Location return to the Warden’s
Completing a Range
campaign will fall in dynamics when they en-
the three to six month counter people in need.
spans, with a one-
year range often serv-
ing as a capstone to a
longer-running game.
While the first range
may be more “tradition-
al,” once your Rangers
have proven themselves,
consider incorporat-
ing special missions
for the second, third,
and ranges beyond - in-
vestigating a possible
location of an ancient
woldling city, seeking
out a Formorian warlord
building an army in the
badlands, delving into
a barrow in a location
riddled with the Dead,
or anything else that
the Warden may consid-
er an important mission
based on your group’s
version of the Midden
Vale! This can pro-
vide the Rangers with
a greater sense of pur-
pose, while also add-
ing new and challenging
Midden Vale Region Tables
Region: Badlands
contract Ash Lung. Any Ranger with this disease
has a constant cough for 1d8 days, inflicting
disadvantage on any rolls that require speech
until the sickness has passed or they receive
ways leave items behind for their comrades. Each
Ranger earns 25 XP.
indication of its location. It is known to ex-
plode from the ground, bite into its prey with
hundreds of razor sharp teeth, and drag them
screaming below ground to feast.
exoskeleton. As an action, the myrmid queen can
summon an additional 1d6 myrmids to join the
their dispositions toward the Rangers.
(9) - Grove of towering mushrooms. From a dis-
tance it looks to be a forest, but as the Rang-
ers close the distance they realize that there
are no trees, but instead a thicket of mushrooms
ranging from knee height to those that would
rival the greatest trees of the Vale’s forests.
The undersides of the mushrooms and countless
floating spores all glow with the dim light of
faraway stars. Signs of gnawing and biting along
the fleshy trunks seems to indicate that some-
thing finds the fungus edible. Climbing to the
caps would be a challenge, but not impossible.
(12) - An ancient stronghold of Formorian make.
An ugly, but no doubt effective stronghold. Its
architecture is nothing like that of any hu-
man settlements the Rangers have encountered,
and legends speak of the Woldlings as craftsmen
without peer. The wall is made from stone laid
without mortar, and a wrought-iron portcullis
bars entry. A squat tower of the same gray stone
and sporting a tattered banner peeks over the
Region: Forests
stumbles upon a bear trap. They must succeed on
a Dexterity saving throw or suffer 2d8 pierc-
ing damage and have their movement speed halved
until they receive proper medical treatment or
until 1d12 days have passed and the injury heals
on its own.
floods, gales, and heavy fog.
shadows of the forest’s expansive canopy.
through ancient branches. As an action, the Ter-
ror can unleash a 15-ft. cone of icy breath. All
creatures caught within must succeed on a Con-
stitution saving throw or take 3d6 cold damage
and become stunned. Creatures that succeed take
half damage, rounded down, and are not stunned.
The Terror can attempt a saving throw on the
start of each of its turns to regain a use of
this ability.
unsuspecting travelers. When stung, a creature
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
suffer 1d4 poison damage and have disadvantage
on all rolls for 24 hours as the injured flesh
burns and swells.
ignoring and rerolling any additional results of
20. The Rangers encounter both types of crea-
ture, which are already involved in a battle
with one another. Use the Encounter Generator
to determine how many creatures are involved and
their dispositions toward the Rangers.
sits at the end of a narrow game trail weaving
between the trees. Small saplings have begun to
grow within the temple’s walls and empty nests
reveal that woodland creatures have claimed it
as their home. Investigation may reveal some old
offerings to the small gods, and perhaps prayers
and requests the Rangers can act upon remain as
(6) - An ancient barrow, overgrown with moss.
Several trees have fallen over what initial-
ly appears to be a low hill, but upon closer
inspection is an archaic Woldling barrow cov-
ered in moss and grass. A successful Wisdom
check will reveal a sealed passageway carved
with Woldling runes that, if translated, read as
follows: “Within lies a Woldling king, protected
in death by his loyal knights.” The seals appear
to be intact, meaning that any treasures within
no doubt remain.
(9) - A gaping, seemingly bottomless pit. A
yawning pit opens up in the forest floor. Debris
and detritus can be seen stuck at the edge of
one’s vision, but a bottom cannot be discerned.
Dropping a torch results only in the light being
swallowed up after several minutes - no sound can
be heard. Roots from nearby trees punch through
the sides of the pit, casting shadows and ob-
scuring what might be tunnels branching off into
the distance - perhaps pathways to travel below
haps an unfortunate soul is trapped within. The
air smells of stale death.
Region: Marshes
Whenever they engage in melee combat, they do
so with reckless abandon, giving themselves and
their targets advantage on attack rolls.
translating them a Ranger may gain great insight
into the history of the region. If threatened,
the tortoise can retreat into its shell or de-
liver a surprisingly fast and devastating bite.
another Region or roll a d4 to determine where
the creature came from (1: Badlands, 2: Forests,
3: Mountains, 4: Steppes). Then roll a d20 and
consult that region’s Encounter table, ignoring
and rerolling any results of 19 or 20.
simple stone structure roughly three feet high,
two feet wide, and seven feet long. Cursory in-
spection reveals that the top is a lid of sorts.
If the Rangers succeed on a Strength check to
remove the top, a Wight (4d10) wielding a pair
of matching +1 swords and 1d4 runes will climb
out of the sarcophagus. It will demand that the
Rangers swear fealty, or attack unless otherwise
around the crater have begun to change, taking
on strange properties as streaks of the green-
black metal run through their roots, stems, and
segments. It is covered in runes and carvings
that don’t match any Woldling or Fomorian the
Rangers have ever seen. Depictions of bloodshed
and battle dominate the bottom six segments,
with the imagery shifting to farms and settle-
ments before final segments of clouds and stars.
The base of the totem is a massive stone disk
covered in grooves and trenches. If a sizeable
portion of blood is poured into the grooves, the
sections will spin and an opening will reveal a
magickal spear - It functions as a +2 spear with
an obsidian tip, a rune-carved bone haft, and it
deals an extra 1d6 to the Dead.
(13) - A collapsed stone colossus covered in
moss. An ancient stone statue of a mighty warrior
that has long since succumbed to the ravages of
time. Pieces can be seen scattered across a vast
stretch of swamp. A brass pedestal, now green
with the ages, states in an ancient language:
“Gaze upon my works, ye mighties, and despair!”
camp clearly belongs to a rugged band of indi-
viduals. Cursory investigation makes it clear
that this camp doesn’t belong to a Ranger band,
and the errant trash, empty bottles of booze,
and burlap sacks bursting at the seams with
goods would point in the direction of a local
band of highwaymen...
still wearing their armor and bearing weapon and
shield. Some foul magick has kept these corpses
in fair condition, although thankfully they have
yet to rise up.
Region: Mountains
Strength or Dexterity saving throw or fall sev-
eral feet until they hit a lower outcropping.
Each Ranger that falls suffers 1d6 damage and
loses 1d2 pieces of gear as the impact jostles
the items loose. Regardless of success or fail-
ure, the Rangers are forced to retrace their
steps and add 2d6 days to their journey.
nation tired but otherwise without issue. Their
boots have been worn thin by the rough and rocky
terrain, potentially causing future complica-
tions if not repaired or replaced before moving
on to the next leg of their range.
ditional use of their bravery. If foe, they may
use said runes to plague the Rangers.
it takes to the skies. It’s rock-like hide is
able to turn away most attacks and its claws and
tail make for deadly weapons of their own. As an
action, the Terror unleashes a spray of acid,
hitting all creatures within a 15-ft. cone. Each
creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
or suffer 2d4 acid damage and roll the usage
dice for all armor and weapons on their person.
Those who succeed take half damage, rounded up,
and do not have to roll usage dice. The Terror
can attempt a saving throw on the start of each
of its turns to regain a use of this ability.
Rangers catch glimpses of a humanoid figure with
pointed ears, crystal-like horns, and the legs
of a mountain goat. Blue runes painted in woad
die mark naked skin and their raptor-like eyes
shine in all levels of light. The Woldling fades
into the nearby stonework whenever someone gets
too close, only to appear scores of feet ahead,
still watching.
across ice and snow with ease. A creature that
touches the wyrm’s belly suffers 2d8 fire damage
as their flesh blisters and threatens to slough
Mountains Locations - Roll a d20
ore-rich veins and dangerous denizens...
peaks, but some springs are hot enough to boil
a person alive. The relative safety of a hot
spring often draws attention, meaning that few
remain unclaimed and uninhabited.
tain storms.
Chapter 6 - Traveling the Range
Region: Steppes
Region: Steppes
(2) - Aurochs stampede. catsA natural stalk the
hazard or local shoulder-high
predators cause a local herd of aurochs grasses
to panic and
in search
stampede, of Rangers
with the traveling prey. in theirAs with
path. The Rangers all regions
hear the thunder of the herdwithin
and feel the
but so too
(3-5) - Nonstop do rations
rains cause they hide
to spoil and rot.their
All Rangers own treasures...
reduce the usage dice of any rations on
their person by one size.
(6-8) - An infection or oozing sore. The muddy
roads resulted in the Rangers getting an infec-
tion or oozing sore on their legs. They move at
half speed during combat for the next 1d4 days
until it heals up.
causes a creature’s eyes to glow with a faint
green glow. Each Ranger earns 25 XP.
(3) - Nomad Caravan (2d10 HD). Descended from
wildlings or a devastated settlement, these har-
dy folk have taken to wandering through Midden
Vale’s steppes, going from town to town to ped-
dle wares and spread gossip and news. Several
members of the caravan have blackened mouths and
faintly glowing green eyes.
that can hear it must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw or become terrified, spending all of their
actions moving away from the Terror as quick-
ly as possible. Those who fail must attempt the
saving throw again at the start of each of their
turns until they succeed. Those who succeed ig-
nore the wailing sound. The Terror can attempt a
saving throw on the start of each of its turns
to regain a use of this ability.
reappears off in the distance, dancing at the
edges of their vision.
(4) - Aurochs resting grounds. A large swath of
the plains is covered in 3d8 beaten circles of
grass, many of which are covered in thick hair
and piles of dung swarming with flies. The odor
of aurochs sweat fills the air around you and
you can hear the lowing of the grazing beasts in
the near distance.
The interior consists of one room and contains
humble furnishings. A cellar has been dug into
the hill, providing a cool place to store provi-
sions and serve as a hideaway should the outpost
be attacked. A small shelf is packed with jour-
nals and scrolls - decades of reports by Ranger
bands passing through the area.
mans. Pillars of salt boasting a rainbow array
of colors tower over even the tallest Rangers
in the band. The porous stone has been shaped
into a myriad of unusual forms by the wind and
rain over the years, giving an alien air to the
entire site. Nothing grows in the salt-pregnant
earth near the pillars, rendering the locale si-
lent save the mournful howl of wind.
Encounter Generator - Roll 3d10
9 Foghar Cool, rainy Heavy rains Easy
days & cold, & thick fog
wet nights
10 Buain Cold, frosty Freez- Chal-
days & freez- ing rain & leng-
ing nights blustering ing &
gales wet
Creating Settlements
Building the Settlement
from before the kingdoms collapsed dominate the
settlement - a testament to their fine con-
struction. Simpler, more modern hovels dot the
settlements - no doubt the homes of the town’s
poorer residents. The ancient walls stand ten
feet tall in most places, but have crumbled in
(6) - Open and inviting. This settlement has no
walls and only a few of the houses have fences
ringing the properties. Lush, green grass inter-
spersed with flowering bushes and small trees
cover the grounds and a well-maintained gravel
road runs through the town. Wooden watchtowers
ring the perimeter, offering some amount of pro-
may lie beneath. The soil lies exposed, only
worsening the dessicated conditions.
(4) - Humble and happy. The settlement boasts
a simple, but ultimately fulfilled populace who
take pleasure in the lives they lead. When hard-
ship strikes, the people quite literally grin
and bear it, believing that by working together
they can overcome any challenge.
(6) - Large Town. The largest of the Midden
Vale’s settlements, a large town typically has
more than 500 individuals, but rarely more than
1,000. Some people living within their walls may
even consider themselves to be in cities.
spirits - all of which are in high demand.
What do the Rangers know about the settle-
ment? - Roll a d12
(7) - Warmongering. After generations of trad-
ed insults and harassment with the next nearest
town, the settlement seems to be preparing for
battle - forges are constantly stoked and the
sound of hammer on anvil can be heard from sunup
well past sundown each day.
settlement actually boasts a proper guard corps,
allowing them to quickly respond to threats. As
a result, many folks consider Rangers to be in-
terlopers more so than heroes or saviors.
Type of Request
their problems obvious. The Rangers must do some
investigating of their own if they wish to aid
the people.
goats, chickens, and other valuable livestock.
The winter will be difficult already, but with-
out the animals people will starve.
there’s talk of forming a mob...
of self-proclaimed adventurers or maybe just a
handful of stupid adolescents) ventured out and
never came back. Now folks are claiming they see
the dead stalking the roads...
Enemies and
A dozen bandits and
highwaymen block the
road in front of you,
their leader wear-
ing a patchwork of
plates and carry-
ing an antique sword.
Her henchmen all have
crossbows aimed at you. You curse yourselves
for letting them sneak up on you, but it’s too
late to go back now.
Creating NPCs
A deadly creature adds double their HD to
their attacks, tests, or saving throws.
NPC must attempt a saving throw against a
trap, hazard, or other danger, they attempt a
test, trying to surpass 15. If the trap, haz-
ard, or danger was created or influenced by
a Ranger, they must beat the Ranger’s corre-
sponding ability defense instead.
swallowing a smaller creature whole. They
make a contested Strength test against the
target and on a success the creature is
consumed (but still alive).
Threats to the Vale
● Berserk. If the Armored Rhinoceros’s rider
is killed, it spends its turns moving to-
ward and attacking the nearest creature.
ger, wears chainmail ar-
mor, carries 2 potions
of healing, and 2 fire
bombs. He is a bad boss,
and will pull unsuspect-
ing minions in front of
him to “defend” him from
attacks when he gets
desperate. The Brigand
King can move 40 feet as
an action.
Dire Basilisk - Beast / 8d10 HD / Armor Defense
13 (Hide)
or suffer a septic infection, gaining a
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution inju-
ry and be rendered able to travel only half
the normal distance each day and unable to
benefit from rest until properly treated
by a trained healer. An injured creature
suffers 1d6 poison damage each day it goes
without healing.
A massive, cephalid
creature with doz-
ens of tentacles end-
ing in nasty, barbed
hooks. Its main body
is covered in a hard carapace and the rubbery
hide of its tentacles is resistant to both blade
and hammer. It lurks in the depths of Middn
Vale’s lakes, most often in great caverns. While
its tentacles and size make for deadly weapons,
the Dweller’s true threat are the minions it
Servants” (see below), who start swimming
up from the bottom of its lair. They arrive
ready to battle during the Dweller’s next
standards, it is one of the brighter Formorian
specimens and will direct its allies in battle,
bolstering their resolve with harsh chants and
making their attacks deadlier with the help of
pilfered runes. An ettin shaman is brave, and
their warriors will not back down from a fight
as long as the shaman lives. Wears hide armor,
carries a Smite rune, carries a Flame rune. The
Ettin Shaman can move 50 feet as an action.
Firebird Terror -
Terror / 7d10 HD
/ Armor Defense 16
A massive, four-
winged avian crea-
ture roughly the
size of one of Mid-
den Vale’s rukhs. Flame, cinder, and burning
flesh fall free from its wings with every flap
and its shrill cry erupting from its skele-
tal beak instills fear in all but the stout-
est of hearts. Unlike most Terrors, who tend
to appear and remain in one part of the Vale,
this monstrous firebird has been spotted flying
over various settlements and spotted by multiple
ranger bands - meaning it migrates or… there
are more than one.
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or
suffer 2d8 fire damage as chunks of burn-
ing flesh strike the ground. Creatures that
succeed take half damage, rounded down.
Quite possi-
bly the last of the
dragons, this beast
prefers to fly above
its prey and unleash
gouts of flame. When
forced to engage in
close combat it uses
its bite, claws, and
tails in equal mea-
sure. The Fire Drake
can move 50 feet as an
action on the ground
and 70 feet as an ac-
tion through the air.
Lake Rat - Beast / 2d10 HD / Armor Defense 11
A weasel-like crea-
ture nearly five and
a half feet in length.
Its fur is wet and
glossy like that of a
beaver and it boasts
the blunt but power-
ful claws of a badger.
Found most common-
ly along the rivers,
lakes, and swamps of
the Midden Vale, the lake rat is known as a pack
hunter and it’s said that where you find one
lake rate, a dozen more remain hidden.
● Musk Spray. As an action, the lake rat can
make an attack with its stinging musk. On
a hit, the target is temporarily blind-
ed, inflicting disadvantage on any attacks,
checks, or saves that rely on sight for 1
hour or until the musk has been washed off.
The smell of a lake rat’s musk tends to at-
tract attention...
of mating season and are a prized mount of the
Vale’s marshland nomads. The Mharu can move 50
feet as an action.
fore finally killing it. The Ravenous Hydra can
move 50 feet as an action.
River Shark - Beast / 3d10 HD / Armor Defense 13
lowed and consumed.
● Spear or Sword. 1d8 piercing or slashing
damage respectively. The bravo uses the
spear when mounted and switches to the sword
when on foot.
● Magickal Staff. 1d6 magickal bludgeoning
damage. As an action, the Southron Sorcerer
can use the magick within their staff to
create one of the effects listed below. The
Sorcerer must succeed on a saving throw as
an action before they can use another ef-
and his mighty horns form a natural crown upon
his head. In his hands is an obsidian greatsword
with ghostly blue-white runes along the spine.
Whenever they roll their rune’s Usage Die
it only decreases on a roll of 1.
carved into its flesh. Whenever they use
it, instead of rolling Usage they take 1d4
damage to themselves.
● Bite. 1d10 piercing damage. The target must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
suffer 1d6 poison damage and suffer an in-
jury to Strength, Dexterity, or Constitu-
tion as infection sets in.
they are satisfied that the attacker won’t be
returning to their territory anytime soon. The
Wildeboar can move 50 feet as an action.
one’s veins.
Priest and oracle, the druid is the ear into
which the small gods speak directly. The dru-
id wields strange, magickal powers unknown to
even the most cunning of human sorcerers - true
magick - that it uses to sway the beasts and
plants of the Vale to carry out its bidding.
The druid wears no clothes, instead choosing to
paint powerful runes on its skin and fur in woad
Building Terrors
One of the greatest
threats to the people
of the Midden Vale are
Terrors - strange chime-
ric creatures of unknown
purpose and origin.
There doesn’t appear to
be a rhyme or reason to
their appearances and
shapes: it’s as if someone mashed together all
manner of creature into one abomination. As
a result, Terrors can have some pretty unique
builds. Feel free to create your own, or use
the following tables to help create Terrors for
your Rangers to face:
(5) - Oozing, with head and limbs appearing and
disappearing from the main mass at random.
(7) - An ivory arm of bone and tendon.
(18) - Oozing, weeping, festering sores abound.
Torso - Roll 1d20
(13) - A chaotic mass of assorted legs.
(14) - Metal wheels tipped with spikes.
(6) - The Terror launches a barrage of quills;
piercing, barbed, and painful.
The Tomb of the Woldling King
The Woldlings would go to great lengths to honor
their dead - interning them within great bar-
rows filled with works of art and the remains of
favored servants. Entire clans or tribes would
be placed together, filling the crypts. Through
some fell magick - be it the Woldlings them-
selves or perhaps whatever dark power gave rise
to the Terrors - many of these barrows are now
homes to the Dead. The once still Woldlings have
been reanimated, waiting patiently for a foolish
adventurer to break the seals and unleash the
Dead within.
Dungeon Introduction
Dungeon Hooks
The Barrow
room, having come in through the caves only to
be trapped by the trolls. 1d2 bodies can be found
in the corner, the floors and walls smeared with
their blood. The bandits are led by a woman named
Irla, who is armed with a sharp dagger. They
were on the run after robbing a nearby market.
They are hoping to escape, but lack the proper
tools to climb out of the barrow and fear trying
to face down the Troll again.
Room 3 - The Lair of the Trolls
as a great sword) while the right arm glis-
tens with a silvery sheen. Much of its body
is covered in a tough, bark-like hide that
hosts patches of lichen (serves as chain-
mail). Its legs are muscular and bovine.
While blind, the Terror has resided in this
crypt for years and can navigate without
hindrance or issue. (The Terror is strong
and adds its full HD to any d20 rolls).
Acknowledgments & Special Thanks
out whom this project would have never been com-
Tedsternis, TheThingFromOuterSpace, Todd Agthe,
Trip Space-Parasite, Vassiliy Clottes, William
King, Xious Divinshield, Zach S., and many oth-
ers. Blessings of Soirbhea upon you!
Q., Rasheed Knox, Richard Hickman, Richard Rex
LaBrache, Rick Hull, Rick LaRue, Rocky and Sea-
bass Muller, Rowan Irelia, Ryan Sigler, Salva-
tore, Sarah & Andrew Gordon, Scott Mathis, Scott
Wymer, ShakeSharp, Shaun Duke, The Sherwood Fam-
ily, Sjef Haan, spleenrippa, Steven L Cowan,
Steve Sabram, Takumi Izumo, Taylor Rice, Ted
Bingham, Terry E Roberts, Thalji, Theedle, Théo
“Lubuwei” GIL, Thistle Copperlocks, Thos, Tim E,
Tony A. Thompson, Tony Fucina, Tony Reyes, V.
DZUNDZA, Vic Harris, W.F. Smith, William James
Dowie, Wrenza Ruiz, W. Will Dubbeld, Zach Rein-
sel, Zack Wolf, and many others. May Mis’Treun
keep your blade sharp!
Bower, Cameron, EliJah, FlacoAlto, Grant Moyer
AKA Sigtrygger, Jean-Baptiste Pierre Simone de
Monet - Chassuer de Heap, Joda, Joel Castro,
The Radgoski Family, and R.S. Kennedy. Gliocas
smiles upon you!
Rangers of the Midden Vale is a tabletop roleplaying game
set in the harsh and unyielding lands of the Midden Vale.
You play as a band of capable and intrepid Rangers, trav-
eling throughout the Vale to protect those that call it
home from trolls, the Dead, monstrous Terrors, and humans
who have turned their back on their kin. You have sworn
an Oath to protect the people of the Vale - now get out
there, Ranger.
Rangers of the Midden Vale’s features include:
Fast to learn, easy to play. If you’re new to tabletop
adventure games, Rangers allows you to make characters
and understand the rules in minutes.
Core mechanic. The game follows a universal
structure for nearly any kind of rules en-
gagement. The game centers on “rulings, not
Abilities are king. All d20 rolls use the
same standard abilities. No need to memo-
rize a list of skills or special modifiers.