1. A volumetric tank 1.2 m in diameter and 1.5m high of the weir is 2.00 m. What length of the weir should
was filled with oil in 16 minutes and 32.4 seconds. be installed if Cw = 1.88?
What is the average discharge? 15. Determine the head on a 45 degree-V-notch weir for a
2. Calculate the discharge in liters per second through a discharge of 200 L/s. Use c=0.57.
100-mm diameter orifice under a head of 5.5 m of 16. Find the width, in meters of the channel at the back of
water. Assume Cc= 0.61 and Cv=0.98. a suppressed weir using the following data:
3. An orifice has a coefficient of discharge of 0.62 and a a. Head, H = 28.5 cm
coefficient of contraction of 0.63. Determine the b. Depth of water, d = 2.485 m
coefficient of velocity for the orifice. c. Q = 0.84 m3/s
4. The discharge through a 75-mm diameter orifice of a d. Consider velocity approach and use Francis
large tank was measured to be 1734 liters in a minute. Formula.
If the head over the orifice remain constant at 5.5 m, 17. A suppressed weir is located at the end of a square
compute the coefficient of discharge. tank (s = 3.05 m) and height h =10m. If the initial head
5. Calculate the discharge through a 90-mm diameter on the weir is 0.610 m, how long will it take 3.54 m3
sharp-edged orifice. The closed tank has an air of water to run out of the tank? Cw=1.85.
pressure of 24 kPa over a 3-m high oil. Assume C = 18. A rectangular sharp crested weir with end contractions
0.65. is 1.4mlong. How high should it be placed in a channel
6. A 75-mm-diameter orifice discharges 23.41 liters per to maintain an upstream of 2.35 m for a flow of 400
second of liquid under a head of 2.85 m. The diameter liters/ second?
of the jet at the vena contracta is found by callipering 19. A suppressed weir 7.5 m long is to discharge 10.125
to be 66.25 mm. Calculate the three orifice cubic meters per second of water onto an open
coefficients. channel. The weir factor Cw= 1.88. To what height P
7. A 1.5-m-diameter vertical cylindrical tank 3 m high may the weir be built if the water behind the weir must
contains 2.5 m of water. A 100-mm-diamter circular not exceed 1.8 m deep?
sharp-edged orifice is located at its bottom. Assume 20. A trapezoidal weir having side slope of 1H to 2V
C= 0.60. discharges 50cubic meters per second under a constant
a. How long will it take to lower the water level head of 2m. Find the length of the weir assuming
to 1 m deep after opening the orifice? C=0.60m
b. How long will it take to empty the tank? 21. Water flows through a rectangular channel 1m wide
8. A 100-mm-diamter orifice on the side of a tank 1.83m and 0.5m deep and then over a sharp trapezoidal weir
in diameter, draws the surface down from 2.44 m to of crest length of 0.6m. If the water level in the
1.22 m above the orifice in 83.7 seconds. Calculate the channel is 0.225m above the weir crest, calculate the
discharge coefficient. discharge over the weir. Take C= 0.6.
9. A cylindrical tank 2.5 m in diameter and 3 m tall is
two-thirds full of water. Compute the time, in minutes,
to empty the tank after opening the 50-mm-diameter
orifice located at the tank bottom. Cc=Cv=1.0.
10. Water flows through an orifice at the vertical side of a
large tank under a constant head. The jet strikes 12 m
vertically and 20 m horizontally. Assume Cv=0.98.
a. Velocity at the vena contracta
b. Constant head of the orifice
c. Time of water to strike at the ground
11. A horizontal 150-mm-diameter pipe gradually
reduces its section to 50-mm-diameter, subsequently
enlarging into 150 mm section. The pressure in the
150 mm pipe at a point just before entering the
reducing section is 140 kPa and the 50 mm section at
the end of the reducer, the pressure is 70 kPa. If 600
mm of head lost between the points where the
pressures are known, compute the rate flow of water
through the pipe.
12. A 12" pipe contains a short section in which the
diameter is gradually reduced to 6" and then enlarged
again to 12". The 6" section is 2 ft below section A in
the 12" section, where the pressure is 75 psi. If a
differential gage containing mercury is attached to the
12" and 6" sections, what is the deflection of the gage
when the flow of water is 4.25 cfs downward? Assume
no lost head.
13. Determine the flow over a suppressed weir 3.00 m
long and 1.20 m high under a head 0.914 m. The value
of Cw is 1.91. Give your value for the discharge actual
is a) neglecting velocity approach, and b) considering
velocity approach.
14. A doubly-contracted weir, 1.25 m high, is to be
installed in a channel 2.5 m wide. The maximum flow
over the weir is 1.70 m3/s when the total depth back