Assignment 2 - 2

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Harare Institute of Technology

Department of Chemical and Process Systems Engineering

Fluid Dynamics ECP 214
Assignment 2
Due Date: 25 October
Marks 100

1. In a vertical pipe carrying water, pressure gauges are inserted at points A and B
where the pipe diameters are 0.15m and 0.075m respectively. The point B is 2.5m
below A and when the flow rate down the pipe is 0.02 cumecs, the pressure at B
is 14715 N/m2 greater than that at A.

Assuming the losses in the pipe between A and B can be expressed as where
v is the velocity at A, find the value of k.
If the gauges at A and B are replaced by tubes filled with water and connected to
a U-tube containing mercury of relative density 13.6, give a sketch showing how
the levels in the two limbs of the U-tube differ and calculate the value of this
difference in metres.

2. A Venturimeter is used for measuring flow of water along a pipe. The diameter of
the Venturi throat is two fifths the diameter of the pipe. The inlet and throat are
connected by water filled tubes to a mercury U-tube manometer. The velocity of
flow along the pipe is found to be m/s, where H is the manometer reading
in metres of mercury. Determine the loss of head between inlet and throat of the
Venturi when H is 0.49m. (Relative density of mercury is 13.6).

3. A reservoir is circular in plan and the sides slope at an angle of tan-1(1/5) to the
horizontal. When the reservoir is full the diameter of the water surface is 50m.
Discharge from the reservoir takes place through a pipe of diameter 0.65m, the
outlet being 4m below top water level. Determine the time for the water level to
fall 2m assuming the discharge to be cumecs where a is the cross
sectional area of the pipe in m2 and H is the head of water above the outlet in m.

4. A vertical cylindrical tank 2m diameter has, at the bottom, a 0.05m diameter sharp
edged orifice for which the discharge coefficient is 0.6.
a) If water enters the tank at a constant rate of 0.0095 cumecs find the depth of
water above the orifice when the level in the tank becomes stable.
b) Find the time for the level to fall from 3m to 1m above the orifice when the
inflow is turned off.
c) If water now runs into the tank at 0.02 cumecs, the orifice remaining open, find
the rate of rise in water level when the level has reached a depth of 1.7m above
the orifice.
5. Deduce an expression for the discharge of water over a right-angled sharp edged
V-notch, given that the coefficient of discharge is 0.61.
A rectangular tank 16m by 6m has the same notch in one of its short vertical
sides. Determine the time taken for the head, measured from the bottom of the
notch, to fall from 15cm to 7.5cm.

6. A reservoir with vertical sides has a plan area of 56000m2. Discharge from the
reservoir takes place over a rectangular weir, the flow characteristic of which is
Q=1.77BH3/2 m3/s. At times of maximum rainfall, water flows into the reservoir at
the rate of 9m3/s. Find a) the length of weir required to discharge this quantity if
head must not exceed 0.6m; b) the time necessary for the head to drop from 60cm
to 30cm if the inflow suddenly stops.

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