College of Engineering, Computer Studies and Architecture: Problem Sets in Hydraulics (HYDL01E)

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1st SEMESTER, A.Y. 2018-2019

1. Steel pipe having the diameter of 36 in carries water under the head of 750 ft.
a. Compute the internal pressure on the pipe.
b. Compute the wall thickness of steel pipe needed to resist static pressure if the
allowable working stress for steel pipe is 16000 psi.
c. Compute the tangential force on the steel pipe.

2. A vertical cylindrical tank is 6 ft in diameter and 10 ft high. Its side is held in position by
means of two steel hoops, one at the top and one at the bottom. The tank is filled with
water up to 9 ft.
a. Compute the hydrostatic force at the side of the tank.
b. Determine the tensile stress at the top.
c. Determine the tensile stress at the bottom.

1. A liquid of specific gravity 1.75 flows in a 6 cm horizontal pipe. The total energy at a
certain point in the flow is 80 J/N (joules per Newton). The elevation of the pipe above a
fixed datum is 2.6 m. If the pressure at the specified point is 75 kPa:
a. Determine the velocity of flow
b. Determine the discharge.
c. Determine the power available at the specified point in watts.

2. A fluid flowing in a pipe 200mm in diameter with a mean velocity of 3m/sec. The
pressure at the centre of the pipe is 34.5 kPa, and the elevation of the pipe above the
assumed datum is 4.5m. Compute the total head in meters if the fluid is (a) H 2O (b) oil
( 0.80) (c) molasses (d) gas (w= 0.005 mN3 ).
3. With 30 liters/sec of water flowing in the figure, what pressure must be contained at 1 if
the pressure at 2 is to be 75 kPa and the loss of head between 1 and 2 is 5% of the
difference in pressure heads at 1 and 2?

300 mm 1 2 100 mm
4. The diameter of a pipe carrying water changes gradually from 150mm at A to 450mm at
B. A is 5m lower than B. If the pressure at A is 70 kPa and at B is 50 kPa when 150
liters/sec is flowing, determine: (a) the direction of flow; (b) the frictional loss between the
two points.



5. Installed is a Venturi meter on a pipe 250mm in diameter in which the maximum flow is
125 liters/sec. where the pressure head is 6 m. of water. To ensure that the pressure head
at the throat does not become negative. Compute the velocity of flow at the throat.

6. Water flows through a 12 in. by 6 in. Venturi meter at the rate of 1.49 cfs and the differential
gage is deflected 3.50 ft. as shown. The sp. gr. Of the gage liquid is 1.25. Determine the
change in pressure head from A to B.


1. A nozzle having a diameter of 200mm is to supply a head of 400m for a turbine. Values
of Cv =0.97 and Cv =0.62 for the nozzle. Compute the discharge flowing out of the
2. A 115mm diameter orifice discharges 60 liters/sec of water under a head of 2.7m. A flat
plate held normal to the downstream from the vena contracta requires a force of 423N to
resist impact of the jet. Compute the coefficient of velocity.
3. A Borda mouthpiece 60mm in diameter has a discharge coefficient of 0.52.
a. Compute the coefficient of velocity.
b. Compute the velocity of water At the mouthpiece if the height of water above the
center of the mouthpiece is 4m.
c. Compute the diameter of the issuing jet.


1. A cylindrical tank having a horizontal cross-section 2 m2 permits a liquid surface drawdown
at the rate of 140mm/sec. for a 3.5 m. head on the orifice having a coefficient of discharge
of 0.65 and a coeff. of contraction of 0.62. Compute the rate of flow in liters/sec.

2. Two closed compartments A and B are connected by an orifice having a diam. of 140 mm
ø at its sides. At compartment A, it contains water at a depth of 3 m. above the orifice and
a pressure on top of it equal to 50 kPa. On the other compartment, it contains water at a
depth of 2 m. above the orifice and a pressure of 15 kPa on top of the water surface. If
C=0.86 and Cv=0.92, compute the discharge thru the orifice.


1. The flow rate in a 300mm diameter pipe is 0.226 m 3/s. The flow is known to be turbulent
and the centerline velocity is 3.66m/s. The density of liquid flowing is 900 kg/m 3.
Determine the friction factor.
2. Carbon tetrachloride having a sp. gr. Of 0.92 flows through a 200mm diameter pipe at a
velocity of 2m/s. Compute the weight flow rate in kN/s.
3. A wrought iron pipe is required to convey oil ( with an absolute viscosity of
0.00384 Pa∙s from one tank to another at a rate of 0.0283 m 3/s if the pipe is 915 meters
long and the difference in elevation of the free liquid surface is 12m. Friction factor=0.038.
Determine the diameter of the pipe.
4. Water is flowing through the pipe shown, Kinematic viscosity υ=0.114 x 10-5 m2/s.
f=0.016. Compute the velocity of flow of water.

5. An oil with ρ=900 kg/m3 and a

kinematic viscosity υ=0.0002 m2/s flows upward through an inclined pipe as shown.
Assuming a steady laminar flow. Compute the head loss from 1 to 2.

6. A new cast iron pipe must carry 1.2 m 3/s at a head loss of 5 m. per km. length of pipe.
Compute the diam. of the pipe using Mannings Formula with n=0.012.
7. A discharge of 600 liters/sec. flows through a pipe having a diameter of 400mm ø, length
of 40 m. long, compute the head loss of the pipeline using Hazen Williams Formula with
8. A 0.60 m. dia. Pipe 600 m. long has a head loss of 1.2 m. Find the discharge flowing in
the pipe using f = 0.012.
9. Two reservoirs A and B are 8 km. apart and are connected by a 750mm diameter steel
pipe (f=0.02). Reservoir A is 10 m. higher than reservoir B. If the pressure at B is 4 kg/cm 2
greater than that at A, determine the head loss from a to B.
10. : A 30 c. pipe 2500 m. long for which f=0.02 discharges freely into the air at an elevation
5.2 m. lower than the surface of the water at in take. It is necessary that the flow be doubled
by inserting a pump. Compute the discharge after the pump was installed.
11. Pipelines 1, 2 and 3 are connected with parallel to each other with pipeline 1 having diam.
of 450mm ø, 600 m. long, pipeline 2, 400 mm ø, 800 m. long and pipeline 3, 500mm ø,
700 m. long. The 3 pipes carries combined discharge of 0.86 m 3/s. Assuming f=0.02 for
all pipes. Compute the discharge of pipeline 1.
12. A 300 mm pipe 2500 m. long for which f=0.02 discharges freely into the air at an elevation
5.2 m. lower than the water surface of the reservoir. Compute the discharge of the pipeline.
13. A pipe network consists of pipeline 1 from A to B, then at B it is connected to pipelines 2
and 3, where it merges again at joint C to form a single pipeline 4 up to point D. Pipelines
1, 2 and 4 are in series connection whereas pipelines 2 and 3 are parallel to each other.
If the rate of flow from A to B is 10 liters/sec and assuming f=0.02 for all pipes, compute
the rate of flow of pipeline 3.
14. In the flow of water through the pipe system shown is 0.050 m 3/s under a total head loss
of 9 m. Assume a C coefficient of 120 for all pipes. Determine the head loss of pipe A.
15. Three concrete pipes are connected in series as shown. If the rate of flow in the pipe is
0.10 m3/s. Determine the length of a 200mm diameter equivalent pipe.

Three Reservoir Problems

1. Three reservoirs A, B and C are connected by pipelines 1, 2 and 3 respectively which
merges at a junction X. The elevation of reservoir A is 300 m. and that of B is 285 m. The
rate of flow from reservoir A is 1.4 m 3/s.

Pipes Diam. Length Friction

Factor “f”
1 800 mm 1500 m 0.0157
2 600 mm 450 m 0.0162
3 450 mm 1200 m 0.0177

2. In the figure shown, valve F is partly closed creating a lost head of 1.093 m. when the flow
through the valve is 0.0283 m 3/s. Use Hazen-Williams Formula. What is the headloss of
pipeline 3?
3. A 1.2 m. diameter concrete pipe 1800 m. long carries a discharge of 1.417 cu.m./sec. from
reservoir A having an elevation of 90 m., this pipe discharges into two concrete pipes each
1350 m. long and 750 mm in diameter. One of the pipes discharges into reservoir B at an
elevation of 84 m. The other pipe discharges into an open channel with a semi-circular
section having a slope of 0.001. Assuming n=0.011 for all pipes and channel and
neglecting minor losses. Compute the headloss at the pipe line towards reservoir B.

1. The elasticity and dimension of a pipe are such that celerity of pressure wave is 975 m/s.
The pipe diameter is 1.2m. And valve is located 600m downstream. The water flowing is
initially at 0.85 m3 s . Find the water hammer pressure for instantaneous valve closure.

1. A rectangular channel has a depth of 1.2 m. and a coefficient of roughness of 0.012. The
channel is carrying a flow rate of 600 liters per sec.
a. What is the width of the channel for a most efficient section?
b. What is the velocity of the water flowing in the channel?
c. Compute the shear stress at the bottom of the channel.
2. A rectangular channel cut in firm clay is 10 m. wide and the depth of water is 1.8 m. The
channel slope is 0.001. Allowable velocity to prevent erosion is expressed as
V =  gd .
a. Compute the maximum discharge of the channel to avoid erosion.
b. Compute the tractive force of the firm clay. (boundary shear stress)
c. Compute the specific energy in the channel in joules/Newton.
3. A rectangular flume of smooth wood (n = 0.012) slopes 1 m. per km. The width and depth
of the first flume is 4 m. and 2 m respectively, while that of the second flume the width and
depth are 2 m. and 4 m. respectively.
a. Computer the flow capacity of the first flume.
b. Compute the flow ration of the first flume to the second flume.
c. Compute the lumber ratio for the first and second flume.
4. An open channel is to be designed to carry 1.0 m 3/s at a slope of 0.0065. The channel
material has an “n” value of 0.011. For the most efficient section.
a. Compute the depth for a semi-circular section:
b. Compute the depth for a rectangular section.
c. Compute the depth for a trapezoidal section.
5. Water is to flow in a rectangular flume at a rate of 1.42 m 3/s at a slope of 0.0028. The
width is equal to twice the depth. Use n = 0.017.
a. Compute the normal depth of flow.
b. Compute the Froude Number.
c. Determine the type of flow.
6. For a constant specific energy of 2.1 m. In a channel width of 3 m.
a. Compute the critical depth.
b. Compute the critical velocity.
c. Compute the max. flow in the channel.
7. A Trapezoidal Channel has a bottom width of 6 m. and side slope of 2 horizontal to 1
vertical when the depth of flow is 1.2m, the flow is 20.40 m3/s.
a. Compute the specific energy.
b. Compute the slope of the channel if n = 0.014.
c. Compute the average shearing stress at the boundary.
8. Compute the discharge capacity of a trapezoidal canal with a depth of 2.5 m. with an
average velocity of 0.9 m/s.
a. For the most efficient section.
b. If the side slopes is 1 vertical to 2.5 horizontal and the width of the canal
is 1.2 times the depth.
c. For a channel to have a minimum seepage with sides having a slope of

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