Detailed Lesson Plan

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March 13, 2017

Grade 7

Chinn O. Rabanes-Legaspi
Teacher I Applicant


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Identify the method of transfer taking place
2. Appreciate the connection of these heat transfer methods to real-life occurrences


A. TOPIC: Heat Transfer

B. REFERENCE: Dynamic Science Textbook, Science- Grade 7,
Lilia M. Rabago, Ph. D. - Miguel C. Cano
Pages 161- 163
a. Book of Dynamic Science
b. Pictures
c. Activity Sheets
d. For Experiment:
 Plastic rulers (4 pieces)
 Electric resistive heater
 Liquid food coloring (orange and blue)
 Water (hot and cold)
 Plastic Card
 Identical, small, and clear drinking glasses (4 pieces)
 Tray
 Rope
 Post (small)
 Long bond paper (2 pieces)
 Pencil
 Marker
 Crayon (brown)


Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between two systems that are at different
temperatures. The energy is always transferred from the warm object to the cooler one. The
system will transfer heat until both objects are at the same temperature. There are three methods
of heat transfer, conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is when heat moves
through direct contact. Convection is the transfer of heat in air or through a fluid current.
Radiation is the transfer of energy as electromagnetic waves.

E. VALUES INTEGRATION: Appreciation, Patience and Following Instructions

F. STRATEGIES: Singing a song, Cooperative Learning, Use of rubric


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


“Good Morning Class!”

“Good Morning Ma’am!”
 Prayer

“Let us pray first…” (One student will lead the Prayer)

 Attendance

“Who is absent today?”

“Very Good!” “None Ma’am!”

 Classroom Management

“Please pick up the pieces of

paper under your chair” (Students pick up the pieces of paper)


“So, before we go on to our lesson,

let us sing a 3-minute song. I
have here the lyrics posted on
the board. All we have to do is
listen the tune and sing guided
by these lyrics.”

“Are you ready to sing class?” “Yes, we are ready ma’am!”

“Okay, Play!”


When the days are cold (Students are listening the tune and singing)
This is what we’re told
The transfer of heat
From hot to the cold

When the heat will sail

Through the air it’s said
Its radiation
Using infrared

The Sun provides the truth

The rays come down on you
Fireplace on inside
You feel the waves of fire


No matter how the heat

Different temperatures meet
No matter where heat’s from
Hot to cold how it’s done

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
Radiation heat
It goes through the skies
(Students are singing)
Convection fluids rise
It’s where the heat’s applied
Don’t get too close
You touch the fire
Conduction heat goes by
Three ways heat is supplied

If you’ve walked at all
On the sand that’s warm
When the light is out
All your toes get burned

So the heat in place

Will be passed away
To the molecules
Of the nearby space

All this is conduction

Works well in solids
Through this heat will come through
Through liquids bad it’s true

(Back to Refrain)
(Back to Chorus)

They say when heat will make
The fluids near it change
The liquids and gases
Makes convection currents

The air it changes right

From source of heat or light
It’s moving to and from
Bringing heat with it now

(Back to Chorus)

“Based on the song that we have just

sung, what do you think is our lesson
for today?”
“Any guess?” “Radiation, Conduction, Convection

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Exactly!” or “Simply, the Heat Transfer”

At the end of this lesson, you will be (Students are listening…)
able to:
1. identify the method of transfer taking

2. appreciate the connection of these heat

transfer methods to real-life occurrences

“As we go along with our lesson today, you

will meet these unfamiliar terms: (Students are listening…)


used to transmit long/short/FM wavelength
radio waves, and TV/telephone/wireless
signals or energies. They are also
responsible for transmitting energy in the
form of microwaves,
infrared radiation (IR), visible light (VIS),
ultraviolet light (UV), X-rays, and gamma
2. X RAYS- an electromagnetic wave of
high energy and very short wavelength,
which is able to pass through many
materials opaque to light.
3. GAMMA RAYS- have the smallest
wavelengths and the most energy of any
other wave in the electromagnetic spectrum.
4. TEMPERATURE- s an objective
comparative measurement of hot or cold. It
is measured by a thermometer.
5. TRANSIT- the carrying of materials
from one place to another.

“What do you see in this picture class?”

“Casserole of boiling water Ma’am!” …
“Yes, you are right!” “Gas range Ma’am!”...“Cooking Ma’am!”…
“Fire Ma’am!”…
“Now, what is the common response when
one happens to touch this casserole of “Ouch! It’s HOT!”
boiling water?”

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
“The energy received from this casserole is (Students are listening...)
called heat energy.”
“So, HEAT is energy in transit. When heat
is absorbed by an object, it is transformed
into thermal energy. Since heat is the
transfer of thermal energy between two
systems that are at different temperatures.
The energy is always transferred from the
warm object to the cooler one. The system
will transfer heat until both objects are at the
same temperature.”
“In other words, heat flows from a high
temperature to a low temperature.”
“Moving on, there is a lot of space between
the earth and the sun. Why do we still feel
the heat coming from the Sun? Can heat
travel through empty space?”

“What do you think?” Who said yes? (Students are raising their hands for YES)
Please raise your right hand. Who said no?”
“Well yes! Heat can travel even through (Students are raising their hands for NO)
empty space- by radiation. But this is only
one way heat is transferred. The other
methods of heat transfer are conduction and

“To solidify your learning about this topic,

you will perform an activity.”
“I will use this rubric to evaluate your work RUBRIC FOR GROUP WORK
as a team. Each group will be given a copy
of this rubric for your basis of earning great

“Now, here’s the Criteria:


“We have here BEGINNING,

EXEMPLARY. For contribution, to gain 4
points, all members must contribute equally
and some even contribute more than was
required. Next cooperation, 4 points if all (Students are listening…)
members work well together all of the time
and assist others when needed. 1 point in
this area if teacher intervention needed often
to help group cooperate. 4 points for on task
if the team is on task all the time and does
not need any teacher reminders. Lastly, 4
points for communication if each members
listens well to other members. Each member
speaks in friendly and encouraging tones. A
total of”
Teacher’s Activity

“The class is divided into 3 groups by (Students are counting off…)
counting off. Okay, let’s count off from 1-

““All number 1 will stay there, group 2 at (Students are in their group)
the center and group 3 that side. Please form
a circle.”
“May I have your attention now …the (Students are listening)
materials are ready as well as the activity
sheets, all you have to do is to follow the
instructions or procedures indicated in the
activity sheets.”
“As soon as the activity sheets are on hand,
the secretary of your group will write the
names of your groupmates at the very back
page. Each team will select a reporter to
present your output in class.”
“There’s no room for copying the other
group’s work this time since your activities
to be performed are different from each
“Are there any questions? You are only
given 5 minutes to do your work. Are you “Yes Ma’am!”
“Okay, timer, starts now!” (Students are performing the activity)


“Return to your proper seats now.” (Students are in their proper seats)
“Let’s find out now if you have come up the
right conclusion regarding with the activity
that you’ve just performed…”

First, heat transfer by radiation of group

1. The sun’s energy reaches the earth
through radiation. All types of radiant
energy are transferred by radiation. Radiant
energy travels at the speed of light in the
form of EM waves.
The waves generated on a rope that is tied to
a post are similar to EM waves. Shaking the
rope lightly causes low-energy waves. These
waves would correspond to infrared
radiation. Infrared radiation absorbed by the
skin can give the sensation of heat. Hence,
infrared radiation is also called heat
More vigorous shaking of the rope produces
high-energy waves. Example of these waves
are X rays and gamma rays. Unlike other
heat transfer mechanisms, heat transfer by Teacher’s Activity
radiation does not require a medium for heat
to travel through. Thus, the radiation from And collision of molecules in an object
the sun reaches us even if there is a lot of without any motion of the object as a whole.
empty space between the earth and the sun. If the rulers are in line and close enough to
The sun is a very important source of radiant each other, the vibration of the first ruler
energy. will set the other rulers vibrating.
Next, heat transfer by conduction of Conduction is when heat moves through
group 2. Conduction is due to the vibration direct contact. Molecules bump into each
other and give some of their energy to other
Student’s Activity molecules. Consider these examples: a
spoon placed in a pot of boiling water. The

flame never touches the spoon but the flame
touches the pan which heats up the water
molecules. Then the water molecules bump
into the molecules of the spoon and heat
them up causing the spoon to warm up.
Holding one end nail near a flame sets the
nearby molecules vibrating very rapidly.
These molecules collide with the other
molecules until the entire nail is hot.

Lastly, heat transfer by convection of

group 3. Convection is the transfer of heat
in air or through a fluid current. When water
is heated in a kettle, heat is applied only to
the bottom of the kettle. But pretty soon, all
of the water is hot. The transfer of heat in
this case is due mainly to convection. In
liquids and gases, the main mechanism of
heat transfer is convection. In this method,
the heated liquid or gas moves, carrying its
energy along, and transfers it to some other
place in the liquid or gas. This process is
called convection currents that stir the entire
liquid or gas until all of it is heated.
Convection only happens when you have
things moving. One example is as a fan
blows air on you, you feel cooler.
Convection happens when hot air rises. The
hot air goes up because it is less dense (the
amount of mass per unit volume an object
has) and the cold air comes down because it
is more dense. The cooler air then becomes
hot and rises and this creates a cycle of
transferring molecules. This is also what
happens in a hot air balloon or boiling water.
In the activity done by group 3, colder water
is denser and will weigh more for each cubic Radiation is the transfer of energy as
foot of space. The warm water rises and the electromagnetic waves. This does not
cold water falls as they mix together. This is require a medium like conduction and
an example of convection current. convection do.
Conduction is when heat moves through
D. GENERALIZATION: direct contact.
In summary, what is radiation? Conduction? Convection is the transfer of heat in air or
Convection? through a fluid current.
Who can give an example of radiation? The sun heats up the earth and we fell warm
Conduction? Convection? near a campfire for radiation Ma’am!
A teaspoon placed in a cup of hot coffee
“Very good!” Ma’am!
Boiling water Ma’am!

Student’s Activity Teacher Activity


“Now, what is the connection of these heat

transfer methods to real-life occurrences?”

The mantle is made of much denser, thicker

material, because of this the plates "float" on
it like oil floats on water. Many geologists
believe that the mantle "flows" because of
convection currents. Convection

currents are caused by the very hot material
at the deepest part of the mantle rising, then
cooling, sinking again and then heating,
rising and repeating the cycle over and over.
When the convection currents flow in the
mantle they also move the crust. The crust
gets a free ride with these currents. A
conveyor belt in a factory moves boxes like
the convection currents in the mantle moves
the plates of the Earth.

When you cook something using a pot or a

frying pan, you are using the pan to transfer
heat from the range or stove to your food.

Why it is usually colder on clear nights than

on nights with cloudy skies? Any object that
absorbs radiation must also emit radiation.
Otherwise, it will get hotter and hotter. This
is true for the Earth. It emits infrared
radiation. On a clear night, this emission of
radiation cools the earth and the air. But
with cloudy skies, some of this radiation is
reflected back to Earth, making the air
warmer than it should be.

“Yes Ma’am!”
“To assess your learning, let’s have a short
quiz. Write your answers in a ¼ sheet of (Students are checking the papers)
paper and answer directly. Refrain from (Students are raising their hands)
having of erasures. Erasure means
Deduction of points.”

“Are you done answering? Okay, let’s check

your answers. Exchange your paper to your
seatmate. Write corrected by.”
“Return the paper to its owner”
“Okay, how many got 5, raise your hand…
4? 3?”
“Very good! Most of the class are Teacher’s Activity
performing well!”


Copy and answer. Use ½ crosswise sheet of

paper. Write Conduction, Convection
, or Radiation in the blank spaces to show
the type of heat transfer.
Student’s Activity
1. Hot water rises and cold water sinks.

2. A spoon in a cup of hot soup becomes

warmer. __________

3. Grilling hamburgers over a charcoal

flame. ___________

4. Radiator warms your hands.

5. Heat from a light bulb._________

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