Growth Demand Jawa Madura Bali
Growth Demand Jawa Madura Bali
Growth Demand Jawa Madura Bali
DKI Jakarta
Jawa Barat
Jawa Tengah
DIY Yogyakarta
Jawa Timur
Strategic Power Plant Projects as follows:
Taking into the revaluation of assets carried out by PLN in 2015, power plants whose technical age is already old will be
15-20 years longer and are still considered as assets so that they are not retired until their accounting age expires. PLN
will conduct an assessment of the power plant that is technically old so that it can operate for another 10-20 years through
refurbishment, retrofit or life extension.
Power Generation Planning in Jawa-Bali
Other NRE
PLTGU 15,8%
GITET Bekasi, GITET Priok and PLTGU Priok : North Jakarta, Central
Jakarta, some areas of Bekasi
GITET Cawang and GITET Depok : East Jakarta, Jakarta Central, South
In the development of power plants in Jakarta, Muara Karang PLTGU will be built which has
daily start-stop facilities with a capacity of 500 MW (300 MW GT has been COD in 2020)
Kepulauan Seribu electricity system roadmap
Two distribution substations on the big Tidung island as an effort to
improve the end voltage
Medium-voltage marine cable channel (SKLTM) GH Tanjung Pasir -
Untung Jawa Island circuit II along 5.7 km
Development of electricity on the island Sebira by utilizing PLTS and
hybrid generators
in 2021-2029
Development of electricity for tourist islands or resorts
West Java Province consists of 7 subsystems