Target for
** Rida Mulyana, Director General of New and Renewable
Energy and Energy Conservation
22.45 MW*
Indonesia’s Installed Generation Capacity (2015)
A comprehensive study of the different grid systems within Indonesia and identify the different geographical regions
or PLN business units that can benefit from solar PV project implementations. Include different business models
that will provide a win-win solution between developer and PLN
Regional Study
From the previous study of
Indonesia’s national electricity
grid, several regions can be
selected for further in depth
The results from this study will include insights and information about the region so that particular
areas of interest may emerge based on the risks and opportunities found from the analysis
Project Area Review
This study will identify very specific
areas within the regions that have
Potential Solar PV good potentials. Local experts will be
project area
deployed on site to survey the regions
previously identify to narrow down the
areas that have a high probability of
success for solar PV projects.
Potential Solar PV
Electrical utility substations will be
project area located and analyzed as possible
interconnection points, the suitability
surrounding land conditions will be
surveyed, and a study of the grid
Less desirable Potential Solar PV project condition such as load flow analysis,
Solar PV project area substation specifications and system
area single line diagram will be obtained.
Local PLN offices and local government offices will be visited to gather further information such as daytime
peak loads, future power plants, load flow data analysis, economic growth possibilities, and other risks and
opportunities specific to the area
Site Assessment
Our stakeholder engagement Once the project area has
experts and experienced been identified, our team
logistics as well as project can assist the client in
planners will also be more acquiring the land and the
heavily involved. They will permits necessary for the
determine the suitability of project. Our connections
the site based on their own with PLN and the local
area of expertise. government allows us to
navigate through this
Solutions to challenges such process smoothly.
as logistics will be analyzed at
a high level and a The possible sites to be
comprehensive site acquired will be assessed for
assessment report will be project suitability including
produced for site to be shading, soil samples,
considered for project environmental conditions,
implementation. social and political risks, and
many other criteria.
Feasibility and Grid Interconnection Study
Once the location has been determined, a grid interconnection study and a
feasibility study need to be performed for PLN’s approval. Because PLN is
also the grid operator, they have the final say on the size of the solar PV
power plant that can be installed.
In the region, there are about 400MW of power plants installed in three interconnected grids. The largest system is Lombok with
about 300MW of installed power plants.
By 2016, it is expected that a 50MW Mobile Power Plant running on dual-fuel (High Speed Diesel and CNG) will be operational.
Additional power plants are planned totaling over 950MW by 2024. These are expected to be coal, geothermal and hydro.
West Nusa Tenggara in Numbers (2014 data)
Peak Load vs Available Generation Energy Sold by PLN
Generation Rest of
Capacity Indonesia
4% 26.35%
West Nusa
0.65% Java-Bali
Peak Load