PLN expects to benefit from Indonesia's growing electricity demand driven by economic transformation and population growth. Electricity demand is projected to grow 8.29% annually on average through 2022. However, Indonesia's electrification ratio of 80.4% and per capita electricity consumption are among the lowest in Asia, indicating substantial room for growth. As the dominant player in Indonesia's electricity market and sole provider of transmission and distribution, PLN is well-positioned to meet rising demand.
PLN expects to benefit from Indonesia's growing electricity demand driven by economic transformation and population growth. Electricity demand is projected to grow 8.29% annually on average through 2022. However, Indonesia's electrification ratio of 80.4% and per capita electricity consumption are among the lowest in Asia, indicating substantial room for growth. As the dominant player in Indonesia's electricity market and sole provider of transmission and distribution, PLN is well-positioned to meet rising demand.
PLN expects to benefit from Indonesia's growing electricity demand driven by economic transformation and population growth. Electricity demand is projected to grow 8.29% annually on average through 2022. However, Indonesia's electrification ratio of 80.4% and per capita electricity consumption are among the lowest in Asia, indicating substantial room for growth. As the dominant player in Indonesia's electricity market and sole provider of transmission and distribution, PLN is well-positioned to meet rising demand.
PLN expects to benefit from Indonesia's growing electricity demand driven by economic transformation and population growth. Electricity demand is projected to grow 8.29% annually on average through 2022. However, Indonesia's electrification ratio of 80.4% and per capita electricity consumption are among the lowest in Asia, indicating substantial room for growth. As the dominant player in Indonesia's electricity market and sole provider of transmission and distribution, PLN is well-positioned to meet rising demand.
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero)
in Enhancing Growth and Competitiveness on Energy Sector
Syofvi F Roekman Head of Strategic Planning Division Head of Strategic Planning Division Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta May 20 th , 2014 Electricity Industry Overview Still Favorable Macroeconomic Outlook The ongoing transformation of Indonesia from an agricultural to a service-oriented economy is expected to drive GDP growth and underpin further demand for electricity consumption. (in TWh) g p y p 271 306 329 355 384 340 390, 280,0 Growing Electricity Demand GDP Growth 1 142 155 168 181 194 207 221 236 252 103 113 188 206 225 245 328 284 306 140, 190, 240, 290, 340, 140,0 210,0 2% 4% 6% 46 51 57 64 70 77 85 94 103 -10,0 40,0 90,0 0,0 70,0 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E J ava-Bali OutsideJ ava-Bali 0% 2% 2011 2012 2013 2014E 2015E 2016E 2017E 2018E Indonesia Global PLN expects to benefit from the growth in electricity demand given its dominant presence in the Indonesian electricity market Projected electricity demand growth of 8.29% per annum on average J ava Bali Outside J ava Bali Indonesia is the largest economy in Southeast Asia 5.9% average real GDP growth over the period of 2008 2012 Indonesia is projected to be the 7 th largest economy in the world by between 2013 and 2022E J ava-Bali represents ~75 80% of energy demand requirements in Indonesia and more than 70% of total generating capacity Expansion of the commercial sector has significantly contributed to the th f l t i it d d p j g y y 2030 (McKinsey) Large consumer base with fast growing spending power Consumer expenditure has grown at a CAGR of 13.8% from 2000 2012 66 6%of the population is of working age (15 64 years old) and growth of electricity demand 66.6% of the population is of working age (15 64 years old) and 68.5% were 39 years and younger as of 2012 Source: Economist Intelligence Unit, IMF, McKinsey, PLN. 1. Percent change, constant prices. Electrification Ratio Demonstrates Room for Growth Ample room for growth in electricity sector based on current Electrification Ratio in Indonesia. Low electrification ratio of 80.4% compared to other Asian Developing Countries underscores undersupply PLN is mandated to implement Fast Track Programs for capacity expansion to meet Indonesias growing demand Aimto achieve >90%electrificationrate by 2019 Electrification Ratio for Asian Developing Countries 1 Aim to achieve >90% electrification rate by 2019 The role of IPPs in providing domestic power will also become increasingly important as the domestic electricity consumption increases Growing of Indonesias Electrification Ratio 100.0% 99.7% 99.4% 97.6% 87.7% 83.3% 80.4% 75.0% 67.4% 2019 target: >90% 62.4% 63.8% 66.5% 74.3% 76.2% 80.4% (2) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Electrification Ratio Source: PLN, IEA World Energy Outlook 2012 1. Percentage of population with electricity access 2. Indonesias figure as of December 31, 2013 Growing Indonesia Electricity Market Benefits PLN Backed by strong macroeconomic indicators, energy demand in Indonesia is expected to grow significantly in the next fewyears. 10,2 Growing of Peak Load Relatively Low Per Capita Electricity Consumption 1 (in MW) (in MWh per Capita) y 55 2 59,5 64,3 8,4 7,8 5,9 4,2 3,3 2,3 31,9 35,0 38,1 41,3 44,5 47,9 51,3 55,2 1,1 0,7 0,7 0,6 0,4 u t h
K o r e a S i n g a p o r e J a p a n H o n g k o n g M a l a y s i a C h i n a T h a i l a n d V i e t n a m n d o n e s i a I n d i a h i l i p p i n e s P a k i s t a n 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Peak Load (MW) 2 S o u SH I P h With higher income levels, increasing urbanization and improving standard of living, electricity demand is expected to continue to increase Ongoing transformation from an agricultural to a manufacturing-oriented h l l d ti l l i t t l i th th f Indonesias per capita consumption of electricity, electrification levels and the installed capacity levels are among the lowest in Asia Need for substantial increase in generatingcapacity is evident by Source: 1. World Bank. 2. Indonesias figure as 2013 Source: PLN, MEMR economy has also played a particularly important role in the growth of demand for electricity Need for substantial increase in generating capacity is evident by increasing number of power outages in recent years As the major provider of electricity in Indonesia, As the major provider of electricity in Indonesia, PLN expects to benefit from Indonesias growth in demand for electricity. Company Overview Company Overview Corporate Structure Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (MSOE) Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) G I ill ti t h ld Resources (MEMR) Ministry of Finance (MoF) Ministry of the Environment National Development Planning A th it (BAPPENAS) GoI will continue to hold 100% of PLN PT PLN (Persero) Oversight Authority (BAPPENAS) PT PLN Tarakan PT PLN Batam PT Indonesia Power g PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Regional Fully Integrated Electric Utility Regional Fully Integrated Electric Utility Electricity Generation Electricity Generation PT Indonesia Comnets Plus Telecommunications for the Electricity Sector PT PLN Batubara Coal Supplier for PLN PT Prima Layanan Nasional Enjiniring Engineering and Construction Services Majapahit Holding B.V. Financial Institution PT PLN Geothermal Geothermal Energy Generation PT Pelayaran Bahtera Adhiguna Shipping Activities PT Haleyora Power Electricity Supplier Note: Excludes J oint Ventures. PLN Presence in the Indonesian Electricity Market PLN is the only integrated electric utility company in Indonesia, controls the majority of generation capacity and is the sole transmission and distribution provider. p 38 502MWof installed capacityout which 39 581kmc of transmission lines 809 980kmc of distribution lines Transmission Distribution Generation 38,502 MW of installed capacity out which represents 83% of capacity in Indonesia 39,581 kmc of transmission lines 81,343 MVA of transmission transformer capacity 809,980 kmc of distribution lines 42,079 MVA of transformer capacity IPP 17% PLN remains the countrys largest electricity producer and the only business entity in charge of transmittingand distributing electric power in Indonesia PLN 100% PLN 100% PLN 83% PLN remains the countrys largest electricity producer and the only business entity in charge of transmitting and distributing electric power in Indonesia Under the New Electricity Law (No. 30/2009), PLN has the first priority to supply electricity in a specific area before such right can be awarded to anyone else If PLN declines to undertake a public electricity supply business for a certain area, the Government or regional governments may offer this right to regional-owned companies, private enterprises or cooperatives f G If there are no regional-owned companies, private enterprises or cooperatives that elect to supply electricity in that area, the Government is obligated to instruct SOEs (which includes PLN) to supply electricity to the area Extensive Generation Network PLN controls 83% of Indonesias total installed generation portfolio of 46,245 MW Total Hydro 3,519 MW Geothermal 568 MW Steam-turbine 15,710 MW Maluku Diesel 295 MW Others 1 MW Total 296 MW Kalimantan Hydro 32 MW Steam-turbine 266 MW Combined Cycle 60 MW Sumatera Hydro 864 MW Geothermal 110 MW Steam-turbine 1,332 MW Sulawesi Hydro 223 MW Geothermal 80 MW Steam-turbine 112 MW Combined Cycle 8,814 MW Gas-turbine 3,690 MW Diesel 6,193 MW Others 8 MW IPP 7,743MW Total 46 245MW Gas-turbine 179 MW Diesel 1,382 MW Others 0 MW IPP 56 MW Total 1,975 MW Combined Cycle 858 MW Gas-turbine 1,294 MW Diesel 2,284 MW Others 0 MW IPP 1,202 MW Total 7,944 MW Gas-turbine 183 MW Diesel 948 MW Others 3 MW IPP 695 MW Total 2,244 MW Total 46,245MW Sumatera Kalimantan S l i Maluku Papua Java-Bali Hydro 2,392 MW Geothermal 375 MW Sulawesi NTT NTB Java-Bali Papua Diesel 266 MW Hydro 6 MW Total 272 MW NTT Diesel 237 MW Geothermal 3 MW NTB Steam-turbine 30 MW Geothermal 375 MW Steam-turbine 13,970 MW Combined Cycle 7,896 MW Gas turbine 2,034 MW Diesel 457 MW Others 1 MW IPP 5 791 MW Hydro 1 MW Others 2 MW Total 243 MW Diesel 324 MW Hydro 1 MW Others 1 MW Total 356 MW IPP 5,791 MW Total 32,916MW As of December 31, 2013 Companys Performance PLN is the only state-owned power utility company and the only fully-integrated power utility company in Indonesia. PLN is Indonesias state-owned electric utility company, wholly-owned by the Republic of Indonesia and is represented by the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises PLN is the major provider of all public electricity and electricity infrastructure in Indonesia, including power generation, transmission, distribution, construction of power plans and retail sales of electricity Charges for electricity are based on electricity tariff rates that are set by the Government Law No. 19/2003 on State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs): the Government is obligated to provide subsidy to PLN for the difference between the price charged for electricity and the cost to produce electricity Key Business Segments 1 Generation Controls 83% of installed generating capacity approximately 38,502 MW including rentals by an increase 5.2% (vs 36,612MW as at 2012) Owns and operates 5,593 generation Transmission Sole provider of power transmission in Indonesia Approximately 39,581 kmc of transmission lines by an increase 3.9% (vs. 38,096 kmc as at 2012) 81,343 MVA of transmission transformer capacity Distribution Sole distributor of electricity to end customers in Indonesia Approximately 809,980 kmc of distribution lines and 42,079 MVA of distribution transformer capacity by an increase 9 2%and 3 5% Main purchaser of electricity from Independent Power Producers (IPPs) by an increase 5.6% (vs. 77,037 MVA as at 2012) capacity by an increase 9.2% and 3.5% (vs 741,957 kmc and 40,654 MVA as at 2012) Serving approximately 54 million customers Electricity Sales Customer Base (in TWh) (in millions) 1580 174,0 187,5 540 129,0 134,6 147,3 158,0 , 38,6 40,1 42,4 45,9 49,8 54,0 Note: PLN is also the provider of electricity of last resort, in that if PLN is not supplying a particular area and there are no regional-owned companies, private enterprises or cooperatives that elect to supply electricity in that area, the Government is obligated to instruct SOEs (which includes PLN) to supply electricity to the area. 1. As of December 31, 2013 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Business Snapshot as of December 31, 2013 PLN distributes and sells electricity to several customer types. The electricity sold is either generated by PLN or purchased from IPPs. p Generation Composition PLNs Generating Capacity Hydro Diesel Others 0,02% Transmission Network Detail Distribution Network Detail 500 kV interconnected transmission system with 5,052 kmc 275kV t i i t ith Medium-voltage line distribution network of 339,137 kmc L lt li di t ib ti 31% 2% 28% 12% 27% 22% 2% 12% 76% 24% Own Production 76% Purchased 24% Hydro 9% Steam- Turbine 41% Gas- Turbine Combined Cycle 23% Geothermal 1% Diesel 16% 275 kV transmission system with 1,028 kmc 150 kV transmission system with 29,228 kmc 4,272 kmc of transmissions Low-voltage line distribution network of 470,843 kmc 371,662 units of distribution transformers with total capacity of approximately 42,079 MVA 12% 26% 76% Total: 216,189 GWh Turbine 10% Total: 38,502 MW systems up to 70 kV Electricity Transmitted and Distributed by Customer Type Number of Customers by Type (in millions) (in TWh) 651 72,1 77,2 129,0 134,6 147,3 158,0 174,0 187,5 38,6 40,1 42,4 45,9 49,8 54,0 7,9 8,6 9,3 9,8 10,7 11,5 22,9 24,8 27,2 28,3 31,0 34,5 48,0 46,2 51,0 54,7 60,2 64,4 50,2 54,9 59,8 65,1 , 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,7 1,9 1,9 2,0 2,2 2,4 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,06 35,8 37,1 39,3 42,6 46,2 50,1 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Public Business Industrial Residential 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Public Business Industrial Residential Efficient Operations with Continuing Improvements PLN has continued to successfully improve its operating efficiency. Improving and Controlling T&D and Overheads Costs 2 Improving Fuel Mix Reducing Oil Consumption 2012 from 15% (29.6TWh) to 12% (26.6TWh) in 2013 1 Implementation of Efficiency Program 21% 7% 9% 6% 5% 6% 25% 22% 20% 23% 15% 12% Fuel Mix (IPP +PLN Production) 3 Maintaining Collection Period 4 Implementing Centralized Online Payment System, Centralized Administration System & Cash Pooling, Centralized Non Cash Loan Facility, On Line Trade Finance 5 Expanding Prepaid System Intensively Increasing Customers in 2013 (13.15M) vs 2012 (7.83M) up to 68%and has been No.1 in the world for serving largest 28% 28% 27% 30% 33% 35% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 13% 18% 19% 18% 20% 21% 7% 7% 6% 5 vs 2012 (7.83M) up to 68% and has been No.1 in the world for serving largest prepaid customers 6 J oint Procurement for Maintenance and Material Distribution 7 Manufacturers are the only parties eligible to bid in generation, transmission and distribution tender processes, open book procurement 24% 23% 22% 22% 25% 24% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 IPP Coal Geothermal Natural Gas Hydro Fuel Oil 13 3 16,7 System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) (Hour/customer) 10,5% 9,9% 9,7% 9,4% 9,2% 9,4% 12,0% Transmission and Distribution Losses 13,3 7,0 4,7 3,9 5,8 2,2% 2,2% 2,3% 2,3% 2,4% 2,3% 8,5% 7,9% 7,6% 7,3% 7,0% 7,8% 0 0% 4,0% 8,0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 0,0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Transmission Losses Distribution Losses System Losses Opportunity for 2013 -2022 Demand Growth 2013-2022 26 TWh 66 TWh TWh TWh 188 385 Sumatera: 10,6% TWh Kalimantan: 10,7% Maluku: 10,9% 2013 2022 Indonesia: 8,4% 18 44 Sulawesi: 10,8% Papua: 10% 144 275 IT : 10,8% 18 TWh TWh 13 JB : 7,6% TWh TWh Nusa Tenggara: 11,1% Additional Capacity for Power Plants Total additional capacity until 2022 => 60 GW. MW > 60 GW. CFPP : 37,7 GW Geothermal : 6,2 GW CCPP : 4,8 GW Gas : 3,6 GW Diesel : 1,1 GW H d 6 9 GW Hydro : 6,9 GW Others : 0,2 GW Type of Power Plants Source : RUPTL 2013-2022 Investment Needed for Electricity Sector 2013 -2022 PLN P Pl t 38 billi US$ PLN Power Plants : 38 billion US$ PLN+IPP Power Plants : 90 billion US$ Transmission : 17 billion US$ Distribution : 15 billion US$ Billion US$ Total PLN : 68 billion US$ Total PLN+IPP : 122 billion US$ Source: RUPTL 2013-2022 What is Needed by PLN? 1 Strengthening the company's capital: 1. Strengthening the companys capital: PLN internal revenue generation, through rate increase and or subsidies, which can improve the ability of the investment. Government support in the provision of investment funds in the State Capital (PMN) to reduce the loan burden. PLN loan restructuring, among others, by swapping the Sub-Loan Agreement (SLA) to PMN, as well as the restructuring of the company's direct loan 2. Controlling power consumption: Energy Conservation Program, among others, through demand side management, pricing patterns by time of use the campaign uses energy saving appliances and others patterns by time of use, the campaign uses energy saving appliances and others. Load growth control among others by controlling the power connection. 3 NewBusiness Model Scheme: 3. New Business Model Scheme: Power Wheeling BOT Generation and Transmission others others Opportunities in Electricity Sector D d G th ll f f th i t t Demand Growth call for further investment Form of Partnership: Funding Funding IPP with PPA Power Wheeling Excess Power EPC Contractors BOT of Generation and Transmission BOT of Generation and Transmission Others New Paradigm: Can the market mechanism drive the investors to involve in Electricity Sector without Sovereign Guarantee and PPA? (which has not been applied in Indonesia yet) Thank You