Activity Plan For Creative Development
Activity Plan For Creative Development
Activity Plan For Creative Development
Students’ Profile
Class Kindergarten Class
Heterogeneous Grouping
Age Group 5-year-old learners with and without disabilities
Domain Aesthetic/Creative Development (Sining)
Content Standards:
• relevance and beauty of the environment
Performance Standards:
• the ability to observe and value the beauty of the environment
(K to 12 Kindergarten Curriculum Guide, May 2016)
Creative Expression
Content Standards:
• free expression of ideas and creative imagination
Performance Standards:
• the ability to creatively express ideas, emotions, feelings, and imagination
through drawing or painting
(K to 12 Kindergarten Curriculum Guide, May 2016)
What to Expect
Aesthetic/Creative Development (Sining)
Children are expected to develop their aesthetic sense and creative expression through
drawing, painting, and manipulative activities. Aesthetic development involves the love
and pursuit of beauty in art, music, and movement, and creates opportunities for the
creative expression of emotions, thoughts, feelings, and ideas. (K-12 Curriculum Guide,
May 2016)
Support Needed if • Provide extra time for learners with physical disability or those with difficulty in
Necessary doing fine-motor tasks.
• Assist parents on how to help the learner.
• The following can be prepared before the activity.
Elevated folder
• If the strokes of the pencil or crayon are too light to view, attach a sandpaper at
the back of the bond paper. Put a paper clip or a clothespin to prevent it from
moving. It will help the strokes become darker and more visible.
Mary Rose G. Genova
Sample Pictures
Creative Expression:
• Draws, paints, colors different things in the environment
Time Length 10-minute activity
Delivery Modality Synchronous
Objective/s 1. to use the feet to represent new object, scenes, or events
Materials/ • Pencil, bond paper, glue, scissors
Resources • Paint, crayons, color papers, thick paper, or spare parts of a box
Procedure Before the activity:
1. Relate the activity to the lesson.
2. Instruct the learners to prepare the needed materials.
3. Tell learners that the activity will be 10-minute long.
During the activity:
4. Explain what the expected output is.
5. Show a sample of the expected output.
Probable script of the teacher: What can you see in this picture?
Learner’s possible response: I can see a butterfly.
Teacher’s probable script: Yes. In this picture, you can see a pair of feet turned
into a butterfly.
Photo source:
Support Needed if • What if the learner finds it hard to trace his own feet?
Necessary Have learner trace the feet of any adult present.
• What if the learner does not know what to do?
Ask learner what he wants to make. You can give cues or choices based on the
familiar objects around the learner.
For example: Do you want to make a foot bag? Leafy foot? Foot necklace?
Assessment Ask the following questions after the activity:
• How did you feel after finishing the activity?
• What were you able to make out of your foot cut-outs or footprints?
• What have you learned from this activity?
Mary Rose G. Genova
Sample Pictures
Creation Station (2015). Self-Portraits, Kindergarten. Retrieved from
Department of Education (2016) K-12 Kindergarten Curriculum Guide. Retrieved from
Department of Education (2017) Kindergarten Teachers Guide K-12 Curriculum. Retrieved from
Mary Rose G. Genova