Inquiry Based Lesson Plan

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Education Department
Lesson Plan
The University of Scranton Heading
Mike Kranick
Field Experience II
16 May 2016
After completing the heading, please list the following content for the plan:
Subject Area(s)
Grade Level
Summary of the

Standards: (as
National Standards
PA Academic
PA Core Standards
Essential Questions

The Theater and its Stages (Inquiry Based Learning)

This is an inquiry based learning lesson that will facilitate
students in their discovery of different types of stages and
locations in theaters. This lesson will also teach students
the different locations of the stage (stage left, right, center,
upstage, downstage, etc.) Finally, the lesson will facilitate
student understanding of body position onstage (full front,
left/right, profile left/right, left/right, full back, etc.)
Standard - 9.1.12.C
Integrate and apply advanced vocabulary to the arts forms.
Retrieved from:

Explain what the following stages are and how they

look. Include a drawing of each stage labeling the
stage and the audience:
Black box
Arena/Theatre in the Round
Identify the following locations onstage in the chart

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Stage Left
Stage Right
Upstage Left Center
Upstage Right Center
Upstage Left
Upstage Right
Downstage Left Center
Downstage Right Center
Downstage Left
Downstage Right
Identify the following body positions onstage:
Full front
Profile left
Profile right
Full back
1. Students will be able to identify different types of
general stages (proscenium, arena, blackbox, & thrust) by
completing the worksheet and drawing the stages with
tape on the floor.
2. Students will be able to identify the different positions
of the stage (stage left, stage right, center stage, etc.) by
directing their classmates on where to move onstage by
completing the worksheet and demonstrating the different
sections of the stage through walking and standing in the
position as their peers direct them.
3. Students will be able to identify and distinguish
different body positions onstage (full front, left/right,
profile left/right, left/right, full back, etc.) by
completing the worksheet and demonstrating the body
positions through standing in the position as their peers
direct them.

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Stages in Theaters:
Proscenium Stage- A theater in which the stage is framed
by a proscenium arch.
Fourth Wall- The space separating the audience from the
action of a theatrical performance, traditionally conceived
of as an imaginary wall completing the enclosure of the
Thrust Stage- n theatre, a thrust stage (also known as a
platform stage or open stage) is one that extends into the
audience on three sides and is connected to the backstage
area by its upstage end.
Arena Theater- A theater without a proscenium, in which
the stage is at the center of the auditorium and is
surrounded by seats. Also called theater-in-the-round.
Blackbox Theater- A black box theater (or experimental
theater) consists of a simple, somewhat unadorned
performance space, usually a large square room with black
walls and a flat floor. It is a relatively recent innovation in

Estimated Time
Materials Required

Each professor may
choose to align this
section to his/her
content areas.

Stage Left, Right

Upstage, Downstage
30 Minutes
In a succinct way, describe the step by step format for
your lesson. It is not necessary to script the lesson.
Demonstrate your knowledge of differentiation and
scaffolding. You will use the Before/During/After
format. Discuss the following components:

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This section will

include anticipated
areas of

1. Anticipatory Set
2. Activating/Assessing Prior Knowledge
3. Prepare the learner by building prior knowledge
4. Statement of Learning
Gain attention
1. Good evening my children of the darkness.
Today we will be learning about the different
types of stages located within theaters and the
different areas of the stage.
Inform students of objectives (write the following on the
1. Students will be able to identify different types of
general stages (proscenium, arena, blackbox,
thrust) by completing the worksheet and drawing
the stages with tape on the floor.
2. Students will be able to identify the different
positions of the stage (stage left, stage right,
center stage, etc.) by directing their classmates on
where to move onstage by completing the
worksheet and demonstrating the different
sections of the stage through walking and
standing in the position as their peers direct them.
3. Students will be able to identify and distinguish
different body positions onstage (full front,
left/right, profile left/right, left/right, full back,
etc.) by completing the worksheet and
demonstrating the body positions through
standing in the position as their peers direct them.
Activate Prior Knowledge (arena theater)
-Movie Theatres, School Plays, Any type of stage, Singer at a
baseball game, Political Rally, Anyone giving a speech

1. Questioning
2. Modeling
3. Checking for Understanding

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4. Present the content

1. I will provide a worksheet with the directions
(that we will go over together before watching
the videos) on how to answer each question. I
will then play the two clips. I will be available to
answer any question.
5. Provide learning guidance
1. I will model how to answer the questions by
answering the first third of question one on the
6. Elicit performance (practice)
1. Students will complete the
attached worksheet.
2. Students will draw out the
different types of stages on the
ground with tape.

1. Closure
2. Extension Activities/Enrichment
3. Evaluation
4. Reflection
7. Provide feedback
1. Answer any questions the students may have and
assist them if they are struggling.
8. Assess performance
1. Each student in the group will get a chance to be
the director of their group and direct their peers
to different parts of the proscenium stage (stage
left, right, upstage, downstage, etc.) which I have
drawn on the floor with tape.
2. The directors will also guide their peers to
different locations onstage by assigning them
coordinates (i.e. stage right, stage left, center
stage, etc.) and body positions (full front, left,
9. Enhance retention and transfer to the job
1. Homework: Go see The University of Scranton

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Players production of The Importance of Being
Earnest and identify what type of stage the Royal
Theatre has.

Formative Assessment 1.
Group students. Once in groups students will watch
two videos and google theatre in the round (see student
resources) in order to complete the attached worksheet.
Once the groups have finished the worksheets, they will
see me for further instruction.
Each group will have to draw out the different type
of stage with tape on the floor and also label where the
audience is located for each theater.

Student Resources



Finally, the directors will also guide their peers to
different locations onstage by assigning them coordinates
(i.e. stage right, stage left, center stage, etc.) and body
positions (full front, left/right, profile left/right,
left/right, full back, etc.).
(types of stages)
(types of stages)
(body positions)
Google search: theatre in the round
-Images, web pages, etc.
I will follow the standards and stipulations drawn from the
If we are without access to a computer, I will use the
chalkboard. If we are without a chalkboard, I will draw
the different types of stages and different locations of
people onstage on a piece of paper.
Group students. Once in groups students will watch
two videos and google theatre in the round (see student
resources) in order to complete the attached worksheet.
Once the groups have finished the worksheets, they will
see me for further instruction.
Each group will have to draw out the different type
of stage with tape on the floor and also label where the

Kranick 7

audience is located for each theater.

Finally, each student in the group will get a chance
to be the director of their group and direct their peers to
different parts of the proscenium stage (stage left, right,
upstage, downstage, etc.) which I have drawn on the floor
with tape. The directors will also guide their peers to
different locations onstage by assigning them coordinates
(i.e. stage right, stage left, center stage, etc.) and body
positions (full front, left/right, profile left/right,
left/right, full back, etc.).

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Inquiry Based Learning Assignment Worksheet

Arrange yourself into pairs

Watch the following video clips and answer questions:
o (types of stages)
Google search: theatre in the round
o -Images, web pages, etc.
o (body positions)

1.) What were the three types of stages presented in the first video?
Please draw each stage referenced in the first video (including where the audience is sitting) next
to the following letters:


2.) What is another term for theatre in the round?


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3.) Assuming these boxes denote the stage of a proscenium theater, please label each part of the


4.) Please identify, based on where the rough sketch of the figure is looking (denoted by the
arrows), the different types of body positions presented in the second video clip.






Once you have completed the worksheet, please see Mr. Kranick.

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