Formative Ass 1 Sept 30

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Student Alessia Rossi 260991967 Co-operating Lynn Sommer

Teacher Teacher(s)
Date September Start/End 12:25-1:25 P.M. Room E42
30, 2022 Time

Title of lesson Truth and Reconciliation Grade Cycle 2, Grade 4

Subject English Language Arts Topic Orange T-Shirt Day
Relevance The lesson is being taught on the day of Truth and Reconciliation/Orange T-Shirt
Day. The students should want to learn about this, as Indigenous education is
important. The children can understand the hardships these school aged children
Materials/Resources 1) Reading comprehension on Orange T-Shirt Day
Required 2) Worksheet: what Orange T-shirt Day means
3) Worksheet: blank t-shirt
4) Power point following the lesson
5) YouTube video: (0:25-3:58)
QEP Subject Area Competency 1- To read and listen to literary, popular, and information-based
Competencies texts
The students will read the reading comprehension on Orange T-Shirt day. They will
understand what this day means in Canada and why it is significant for us to talk

Competency 2- To write self-expressive, narrative and information-based texts

The students will write what Every Child Matters means after listening and reading
the comprehension. They are using the new information they will receive to help
them formulate their answers.

Competency 3- To represent his/her literacy in different media

The students are going over an age-appropriate text to understand what Orange T-
Shirt day means in Canada. They are then representing their understanding by
drawing and colouring in an orange shirt to represent how every child matters.

Learning Objectives The students will begin to understand what Truth and Reconciliation and Orange T-
shirt Day means. They will gain a better understanding of Indigenous people in
Canada. They will write and draw out what Every Child Matters means after the
reading comprehension is read as a class. They will showcase empathy when talking
about Orange T-shirt Day and the negative affects residential schools had on these
Essential What is Orange T-shirt Day?
Question(s) What is truth?

Based on a simplified version of Understanding by Design (UBD) and the IB Middle Year Program Planner
What is reconciliation?
What are residential schools?

Lesson Introduction (hook): Student will know:

Timing What is Orange T-shirt Day? -Students will know what Indigenous
10 What does truth mean?
minutes -Students will know what Truth and
(approx. What does reconciliation mean? Reconciliation means
) to
explain (5-minute discussion with a timer being displayed/ -Students will know what Orange T-
this write out anchor chart on board) Shirt Day is

Show YouTube video (approximately 4 minutes): -Students will know what “Every Child Matters” means

-Students will know who Phyllis Jack

Webstad is
Development (Learning activities – step by step Students will understand:
sequential procedure): -Students will understand why it is
important to think and talk about
Indigenous people, Truth and
Reconciliation, and Orange T-Shirt day

Step 1 (10 minutes): Pass out the reading Students will do:
comprehension. I will read to the students. The students will be able to have
conversations about Orange T-Shirt day
Step 2 (10-15 minutes): I will pass out the worksheets
and read through the instructions. The students must -The students will foster better
write 5 sentences explaining what they just learnt. relationships with the land they are on
Once we go over this worksheet, I will explain the
second worksheet with the blank t-shirt. The students -The students will want to ask questions
will have to write “Every Child Matters” in the middle, and understand Indigenous people
colour it orange and design their own.
-The students will have conversations
Step 4 (25 minutes): The students will begin working on why every child matters
on their worksheets. I will tell them to write first, show
me their work then can move onto the Orange T-shirt Cross Curricular Competencies:
drawing. Competency 1: Uses information
The students will gather information about
Indigenous people, Truth and
Reconciliation and Orange T-shirt Day.
They will use this information to
understand the lesson.

Competency 3: Exercises critical judgment

The students will express their opinion on
what Orange T-Shirt Day means, forming
an opinion on the hardships indigenous
people experienced and writing out their
position with the writing exercise.

Competency 5: Adopts effective work

The students will consider all aspects of
what they were asked to do. They will
complete the writing activity and analyze
their work.

Competency 8: Cooperates with others

Competency 9: Communicates
The students will manage their
communication process, as they raise their
hand and wait their turn to speak.
Broad Areas of Learning:
Citizenship and community life:
The students understand the different
cultures and social upbringings that can
exist at school. They are aware that they are
a part of a larger school community and
could expand their knowledge to others in
the school. To add, they are peaceful in
their undertaking of everyday tasks and
within the classroom.

Health and well-being:

The students will recognize the
consequences of health and well-being and
their personal choices. They will
understand why it is important to be
accepting of people who are not like them
and why it is important to be kind to their

Universal Design for Learning/

The students will be following the lesson
through a power point, there will be an
example of Ms. Alessia’s “Every Child
Matters” Orange T-shirt and a word bank
for the students to refer to when they write
out their understandings for Orange T-Shirt
I will ensure to include all students and
different types of people within the lesson

(e.g., mom, dad, grandparents, friends,
cousins, strangers etc.). The students will
understand that they do not know
everyone’s backgrounds. Therefore, no one
is left out and is not deserving of respect.
Closure (transition): 5 minutes FORMATIVE - Assessment FOR
I will ask the students if they enjoyed the lesson and -The students will listen to the video and
what they understood by it. Also, if any of the students reading comprehension
are done, I will ask them to share their work. -They will be assigned a writing activity
FORMATIVE - Assessment AS
-The students will monitor their writing and
correct any spelling and/or punctuation
before they are finished (I will remind them
of their capital letters and punctuation).
SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF
-I will collect and ensure that the students
met the writing assignment objectives.

Further considerations:
N/A -lesson not done yet

N/A -lesson not done yet
Professional Competencies:
Professional competency 2: Master the language of instruction
I will speak with proper language and communication during the duration of the lesson.

Professional competency 3: Plan teaching and learning situations

I will facilitate and plan the lesson. I will ensure that it is age appropriate and meet the objectives of the English
Language Arts competencies for Cycle 2.

Professional competency 4: Implement teaching and learning situations

I will implement the lesson in an appropriate manner. I will use various classroom management techniques to ensure
that the students stay on task and/or if they get too loud. I will walk around the room as they are writing what Orange
T-Shirt Day means and provide help along the way.

Professional competency 5: Evaluate learning

I will develop a learning situation where the students take the knowledge I provided to them and produce a piece of

Professional competency 6: Manage how the class operates

I will control the classroom and have the students listen to instruction during pertinent times.

Professional competency 7: Take into account student diversity

I will differentiate my lesson for students who are visual learners (i.e., the power point) and provided a word bank for
students who need additional support when writing.
Professional competency 8: Support students’ love of learning
I chose a topic that is important for students to understand. I made the lesson fun, engaging and personal to every
student’s idea of what Orange T-Shirt Day means. This allows for the students to love what they will do, learn, and
wrote out for the writing component.

Professional competency 9: Be actively involved as a member of the school team

I actively worked with my CT to ensure that the lesson was appropriate for the grade level and something that they
would enjoy doing.

Professional competency 11: Commit to own professional development and to the profession
After the lesson, I will take the time to reflect on my professional development and lesson plan.

Professional competency 12: Mobilize digital technologies

I will use a power point for my lesson. I will display an example for the students to follow and a word bank of words
for the students to refer to if they need inspiration and/or help writing.

Professional competency 13: Act in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession
I will act and behave in a respectful manner. If the students talk too loudly, I will use various classroom management
skills to bring them back to focus.

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