Morning Meeting
Morning Meeting
Morning Meeting
● Resource:
How does this sharing help set a positive
tone for learning?
This sharing helps set a positive tone for learning because it allows the
students to share their favorite part of school, therefore starting the day
off with a positive tone and possibly making the kids think differently
about parts of school they thought they didn’t like.
Group Activity
We are going to play get to
know me 4 corners! I will
pick one person to be it and
while they close their eyes, I
will ask a question and each
corner will be a different
answer. Everyone else will
go to a different corner of
the room. The person who is
“it” will then say a corner
answer out loud and
whoever is in that corner is
Questions What social skills are the
children practicing?
What are the community
building elements of this A social skill the students are
practicing is being quiet when
they are supposed to be, because
A community building element of they don’t want the “it” person to
this activity is that the student who know that there are people in
is “it” will have to think about what their corner.
they think their fellow students
answered to the questions that What does the teacher do during
were asked, allowing them to get the activity to manage behavior?
to know their classmates better. The teacher will manage
behavior during this activity
by making the students who
are causing chaos sit out of
the game.
Morning Message
Dear Scientists,