Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching

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Sociolinguistics and Language Learning


Levandra Balti, S.S., M.Hum

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The writer extends special thanks to the God for the blessing and grace for the writers, so
we can finished this paper on time. Thanks to Mr. Levandra Balti, S.S., M.Hum, as the English
lecturer who always help us students and give a lot of useful knowledge. It is one of the
assignments in Sociolinguistics subject. In this paper there is an explanation what is
Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching. This is not a perfect paper so the writer expects the
critic and suggestion in order to make it better. Hopefully this paper can be used as a reference to
learn and know about Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching.

Saturday, May 11th 2024

CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1

A. Background .......................................................................................................................... 1

B. Research Questions: ............................................................................................................. 1

C. Objective of the Research .................................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER II : DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................ 3

A. Definitions of Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching ..................................................... 3

1. Sociolinguistics ................................................................................................................ 3

2. Language Teaching .......................................................................................................... 4

B. Relationship between Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching ......................................... 5

1. The Important ................................................................................................................... 5

2. Benefits of Sociolinguistics in Language Teaching ......................................................... 6

C. Language Teaching Details.................................................................................................. 7

1. Language Learning Theory: ................................................................................................ 7

2. Individual Differences in Language Learning: .................................................................... 7

3. Social and Cultural Contexts in Language Learning: .......................................................... 8

4. Principles of Language Learning: ........................................................................................ 8

5. Teaching Language Skills: .................................................................................................. 8

6. Assessment in Language Learning: ..................................................................................... 9

7. The Role of Technology in Language Learning:................................................................. 9

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 10


A. Background
Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies that relationship between
language and society. Sociolinguistics focus on how language usage is influenced by
social, cultural, and contextual factors. Some are currently spending in sociolinguistics
1. Sociolinguistics study how languages vary based on social factors such as age,
gender, social class, ethnicity, and geographical background.
2. Language Identity: language can be marker of social and cultural identification
of a person or a camp.
3. Language and Power: The use of language as a particular can reflect and
strengthen power relationships and in society.
4. Languages of Attitude: Sociolinguistics examines how people perceive
language and speech.

In the context of language teaching, understanding sociolinguistics issues is

important because:
1. Helps understanding the background and needs of deserve students.
2. It allows teachers to design material and preaching methods that are responsive
to social and cultural context.
3. Encourage students to appreciate linguistic variations and promote
communicative competencies that match context.
4. Help identify and address sociolinguistic issues that may arise in language
By understanding sociolinguistic background, the language teaching of luxurious
customs is more effective and relevant for students in developing comprehensive

B. Research Questions:

Based on the background above the writer wont to take the research questions as
1. What are the definitions of Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching?
2. How much type of Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching?

C. Objective of the Research

The objectives of this research based on research problem above are:
1. To know the definition of Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching.
2. To know the types of Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching.


A. Definitions of Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching

People must understand structure of language and can use it as well as possible;
language is needed by people so far they need to interaction with each other. Therefore,
we must understand it. People not only understand but also how the way uses a good
language to commutate each other. As we see today, communication is very need by all
people because first tool of interaction is language. Wedrana Mihalicek et al (2011: 7)
said "when you use language, you use it to communicate an idea from your mind to the
mind of some else".
As we know in our interaction, language as tool of communication to express our
need like thoughts and feeling and this fact like A.S Hornby (1995: 662) say "language is
system of sounds and word used by human to express their thoughts and feeling".
Therefore, we must learn language to understand people's thoughts and feeling and to
understand and use language we must understand the pattern because language has some
of pattern to construct it sentence, phrase and word, like how to mike like become dislike.
English is one of popular language in this era and English has some of pattern to
construct it word, phrase and sentences.
There are many definitions made by experts on language, depending on the
emphasis. But from many it can be formulated that language is an arbitrary system of
speech symbols used to communicate by the communities of its users.

1. Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the relationship between
language and society. The following are some of the views of sociolinguistics expert:
a. William Labov: sociolinguistics is the study of language variations and
language changes in social contexts. Focus on how social factors such as
class, age, gender, and ethnicity effect language use;

b. Dell Hymes: sociolinguistics is study of language in social and cultural
contexts. Emphasizing communicative competence, which is the ability to use
language effectively in various social situations;
c. Joshua Fishman: Sociolinguistics is the study of the characteristics of
language, language functions, and language use in society. Focus on how
language is used in different social and cultural contexts;
d. Florian Coulmas: sociolinguistics is the study of the mutual relationship
between language and society. Study how the structure and function of
language are influenced by social factors;
e. Ralph Fasold: Sociolinguistics is the study of language variation and the use
of language in social contexts. Emphasizing how social and cultural
differences affect language use.
In general, sociolinguistics studies how language is used in social and cultural
contexts, as well as how social factors influence language use and variation.

2. Language Teaching
Language teaching is a systematic and planned process to help people learn or
master a language. The following are some of the views of expert on language
a. Stephen Krashen (Input Theory): Learning a language occurs through
comprehensive input understanding. Effective language learning occurs when
students get inputs slightly above their current abilities (i+1). Effective
language learning takes place in meaningful and communicative contexts, not
just through grammar practice;
b. Noam Chomsky (Generative Grammar Theory): Humans have an innate
ability to learn languages (Language Acquisition Device). Language learning
occurs through the process of internalizing complex grammatical rules.
Language teaching should facilities this natural language acquisition process;
c. Michael Long (Interaction Hypothesis): interaction and negotiation of
meaning in communication are key of effective language learning. Feedback
and error correction in interaction help students develop language

competencies. Language teaching should emphasize interactive and
meaningful communication;
d. Merrill Swain (Output Hypothesis): Language production (output) is
important for effective language learning. Production language encourages
students to process language more deeply and develop language
competencies. Language teaching should provide students with many
opportunities to actively produce language;
e. Claire Kramsch (Cultural Approach to Language Learning): Language
learning must take into account the cultural context in which language is
spoken. Cultural understanding is important to effective communication in the
target language. Language teaching should include cultural aspects and help
students understand different cultural perspectives.
In general, expert emphasize the importance of meaningful input, interaction,
language production, and cultural understanding in effective language learning.

B. Relationship between Sociolinguistics and Language Teaching

The relationship between sociolinguistics and language teaching are very close.
1. The Important
Here are some important points about the relationship:
a. Sociolinguistics studies how language is used in social and cultural contexts.
This understanding is essential in language teaching, so that students not only
master linguistic aspects, but also can use language appropriately in various
social situations.
b. Language variation: Sociolinguistics study a variety of languages, such as
dialects, registers, and language styles. Knowledge of these variations helps
teachers understand the differences in student backgrounds and facilitates
more effective learning.
c. Communicative competence: Sociolinguistics emphasizes the important of the
communicative competence, which is the ability to use language appropriately
in a social context. This is in line with the main purpose of language teaching,
namely developing students’ communication skills.

d. Teaching material and methods: Sociolinguistics understanding can help
teachers choose teaching materials and methods that suit students’ needs and
backgrounds. For example, the use of teaching materials that reflect variations
in language and relevant social contexts.
e. Language policy: Sociolinguistics is also related to language policy, such as
the choice of introductory language in education. Sociolinguistic
understanding can help policy makers make the right decisions.
f. Thus, sociolinguistics provide an important theoretical and practical
foundation for language teaching, thus increasing the effectiveness of learning
and equipping students with communication skills that fit social and cultural

2. Benefits of Sociolinguistics in Language Teaching

a. Understanding Student Background
Sociolinguistics help teachers understand the diversity of student
backgrounds, such as age, gender, social class, ethnicity, and regional
origin. This understanding allow teachers to design teaching materials
and methods that suit the needs and characteristics of deserves learners.
b. Developing Communicative Competencies
Sociolinguistics emphasize the importance of communicative
competence, namely the ability to use language that fits the social and
cultural context. Teachers can help learners develop communicative
competencies by introducing language variation, language usage norms,
and appropriate communication strategies.
c. Appreciating Language Diversity
Sociolinguistics encourages teachers to appreciate and respect the
diversity of language variation use by students. Teachers can use this
diversity as a source of learning and enrich students’ understanding of
language phenomena.
d. Coping with Sociolinguistics Problems

Sociolinguistics understanding help teachers identify and address
sociolinguistic problems that may arise in language learning, such as
negative language attitudes, misunderstandings, or conflicts.
e. Improving The Effectiveness of Learning
By considering sociolinguistic aspects, teachers can design language
learning that is more effective and relevant to students. Language
learning that is responsive to social and cultural contexts can increase
students’ motivation involvement, and success.

C. Language Teaching Details

1. Language Learning Theory:
a. Behaviorism: Emphasizing the role of stimulus-response and reinforcement in
language learning. Example: Audiolingual methods that emphasize repeating
sentence patterns.
b. Nativism: Emphasizing man’s innate ability to learn languages. Example:
Language Acquisition Device Hypothesis (Language Acquisition Device)
proposed by Noam Chomsky.
c. Cognitivism: Emphasizing mental processes in language learning, such as
information processing, problem solving, and decision making. Example: A
language learning strategy that involves understanding, reasoning, and
organizing information.
d. Constructivism: Emphasizing the active role of learners in building their own
language knowledge and understanding. Example: Project-based learning or
collaborative learning.

2. Individual Differences in Language Learning:

a. Age: Age differences can affect the ability and speed of language learning.
Example: Children tend to learn pronunciation and grammar more easily.
b. Talent: Individuals’ innate ability to learn languages. Example: Learners with
high linguistic talent can master a language faster.

c. Learning Style: Individual preferences in receiving and processing language
information. Example: Visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learners.

3. Social and Cultural Contexts in Language Learning:

a. The socio-cultural background of learners can influence their attitudes,
motivations, and language learning strategies. Example: Students from a
collective culture tend to be more comfortable with group learning.
b. Identity, attitude, and stereotypes can affect interaction and communication in
language learning. Example: Negative stereotypes of certain accents or dialects
can hinder learning.

4. Principles of Language Learning:

a. Note individual differences: Adjust the method and material to the needs and
characteristics of the learner.
b. Create a supportive learning environment: A safe, comfortable, and motivating
environment for learners.
c. Focus on meaning and communication: Language learning must be directed
towards functional and communicative use of language.
d. Integrate language skills: Language learning must include all four skills
(reading, writing, listening, and speaking).
e. Give constructive feedback: Feedback that builds and promotes the
development of learners.

5. Teaching Language Skills:

a. Reading: Reading comprehension strategies, such as making predictions,
identifying key ideas, and drawing inferences.
b. Writing: Writing teaching techniques, such as writing (pre-writing, writing,
revision), and types of writing.
c. Listening: Meaning – oriented listening activities, such as capturing main ideas
and detailed information.

d. Speaking: Teaching techniques of speech, such as communicative activity, role
playing, and presentation.

6. Assessment in Language Learning:

a. Formative Assessment: Assessment conducted during the learning process to
provide feedback and adjust learning. Example: Quiz, observation, and
b. Sumative Assessment: Assessment carried out at the end of the unit or learning
program to measure goal achievement. Example: End-of-unit test or end-of-
semester test.
c. Diagnostic Assessment: Assessment conducted to identify the strengths,
weaknesses, and needs of learners. Example: Placement test or diagnostic test
d. Assessment Techniques: Tests, portfolios, observations, interviews, and others
that can be used to measure learners’ language abilities.

7. The Role of Technology in Language Learning:

a. The use of technology, such as computers, the internet, and mobile devices, can
enrich and facilitate language learning.
b. Examples: Web-based language learning, language learning applications, and
the use of digital media in teaching.

Overall, it presents a comprehensive theoretical and practical foundation on

second/foreign language learning, making it an important reference for teachers,
researchers, and observers of language learning.


Edwards, J. (2013). Sociolinguistics: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.

Thomas, L., Wareing, S., Singh, I., Peccei, J. S., Thornborrow, J., & Jones, J. (2020). Language,
Society, and Power: An Introduction (4th ed.). Routledge.

Brown, H. D. (2022). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (7th ed.). Pearson.


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