DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q2 - W4
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q2 - W4
DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q2 - W4
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Power point presentation Power point presentation Power point presentation Power point presentation
A. Reviewing previous Drill on changing percent to Activity 1 – “Naming the Activity 1 – Search for Gold Do what is asked for:
lesson or presenting ratio, decimal to percent, Baby” Materials: 10 flash cards 1) What is 25% of 30? _______
the new lesson fraction to percent, and vice Materials: flash cards with percents 2) Forty is what percent of 200?_______
versa with percent 4 sets of answer sheets with 3) 18 is 30% of what number? _______
a. Strategy 1 – Relay Mechanics: columns for percent and
Materials: 15 flash cards a)Ask each pair of pupils to decimal Ask: What are the steps in solving a problem?
(each card has a ratio, “Name the Baby” (the Mechanics: In what steps will the following questions fall?
decimal, percent, or question on the card). 1) Form 4 teams with What is asked? What are the given facts?
fraction) Sample flash cards: equal number of members. What is the process to be used?
5 sets of answer 2:8 in percent is _____. 2) Give each leader of the What is the number sentence?
sheets posted on the board 0.35 in percent is _____. team sets of ten (10) flash Show the solution and complete answer.
Mechanics: cards having the same
1) Have four (4) lines 1 question.
of pupils with the same
2 in decimal is _____. Sample: 75% in
number of members, if b)The answer is written on decimal is _____
possible. their “Show-Me-Board”. 375% in decimal is _____
2) Each pupil in front of Activity 2 – Find My 3) The members of the
the line renames the ratio to Partner team work together to
percent, decimal to percent, Materials: flash cards answer the sets of flash cards
fraction to percent, or vice with decimals, ratio, and presented their answer
versa by writing the number fractions, and percent sheets as soon as they are
on the board as the teacher Mechanics: through.
flashes the card. a) Each pupil should be 4) The teacher checks
3) The teacher fastens given a flash card with the presented answer
the card on the board in the question on it. together with the class.
column it belongs. Sample: 5) The team with a
4) As soon as the pupil 0.25 25% perfect score gets a gold star
writing his answer on their shape art paper.
sheet finishes, he has to 10:100 10% Review:
touch the second pupil in Cooperative Work
the line and goes at the end 1 0.2 Materials: 4 sets of 2
of the line flash cards with division of
5) The teacher flashes whole numbers by decimals
the next card and repeat b)Each pupil looks for 4 sets of manila paper
numbers 2 to 4. his/her partner within the 4 pentel pens
6) The teacher checks time limit. Mechanics:
the answers and adds the c)The pair flashes their 1)Ask each leader of the team
scores after the last card is cards. to get 2 flash cards with
flashed. d)The flashed cards are division of a whole number by
checked. a decimal.
2)The members solve for the
quotient and write the
solution on a manila paper to
be posted on the board.
B. Establishing a purpose Ask the pupils about their Ask the pairs of pupils on How much is your daily How much money do you spend in school every day? Do
for the lesson target/aim in answering a how they use their school allowance? you save some of it for future use? Why did you do it?
20-item test. “What’s your supplies. Sample: “Do you Share your experience. Let the pupils realize the
target score in a 20-item use the front and back pages importance of being thrifty.
test? What passing grade is of your notebook? Why?”
it?” (75%, 80%, 90%, or
100%). The pupils have the
freedom to choose.
C. Presenting Activity 1 – Use of Sixto, a grade six pupil, has Manuel, a son of a school Present this problem.
Examples/Instances of Compatible Number 24 sheets of art paper for his janitor, does not ask for more. Reyes family has a monthly income of P 15 850. They
new lesson through Manipulatives project in Math. If 6 sheets He has a daily allowance of allotted 40% of for food, 25% for education, 15% for
(Counters) of art paper were used by 10 a day which is 20% of his water and electricity fare, 8% for transportation, 7% for
Pablo listens very well to the Sixto, what percent of the classmates daily allowance. miscellaneous expenses and 5% for savings. How much
teacher during the sheets of art paper did he How much is his classmate’s money is allotted for their savings?
discussion of the lesson. use? daily allowance? Ask:
When they were given a 5- 1)Ask the pupils the What is asked in the problem?
item test his grade was 80%. following questions: What are the given facts?
How many correct answers a)Who uses art paper for What is the operation to be used?
did Pablo get? Math project?
b)How many sheets of art
paper does he have?
c)How many sheets of art
paper did he use?
d)If you were Sixto, will you
be using all the sheets of art
paper and ask some more?
e)Will you do what Sixto has
done if you were Sixto?
D. Discussing new 1.Ask the following Let the pupils analyze the 1)Require them to answer the Ask the pupils to work in groups in solving the
concepts and questions. problem. following questions. problem.
practicing new skills a.Who listens very well to a)What does the problem a)Who is the son of a school Ask: Why does Reyes family allotted a certain
#1 the teacher? want you to solve for? janitor? amount as savings?
b.How many items was their b)What are the given data? b)How much is his daily Is it a good thing to save money?
test? c)What are the needed data? allowance?
c.What was his grade in the Ask them to determine the c)Does he ask for more
test? base and percentage in the allowance like his other
d.If you were Pablo, will you Techan’s Triangle. classmates? Why?
also be listening intently to d)What will you do to find d)Do you think Manuel
the teacher? Why? the answer? spends his money wisely?
e.Do you think you can get a e)What equation best How do you know?
higher grade than Pablo? translates the problem? e)If you were in his shoes,
Why do you think that you f)Guide the pupils write the what will you do? Why?
can get a higher grade than equation to solve the 2)Guide the pupils to analyze
Pablo? problem. the problem.
g)What proportion best a)What does the problem
suits the problem? require you to look for?
Lead them to write the b)What facts are given?
proportion. c)What are the needed data?
Have them point the
percentage and rate in the
Techan’s Triangle.
d)What will you do to solve
the answer.
e)What equation best
transforms the problem?
Lead them to write the
equation to solve the
E. Discussing new Let each pair of pupils get Group the pupils into 5. Group Activity: Group Activity:
concepts and their manipulatives of five 1)Have the pupils answer 75% of N is 15. 1.A pair of leather shoes was on sale and was given a
practicing new skills (5) identical small squares the following questions by 15 is 75% of what number? discount of P 600 at 30%. What was the original price of
#2 (2 centimetres x 2 group. 15 is 75% of N. the shoes?
centimetres). Ask them to a)What facts are given? 75% of N = 15. 2. There are 24 carabaos in the farm and 6 of them are
answer the following Let them identify the base 75% of what number is 15? male. What percent of the 24 carabaos are male? Think:
questions. and percentage using the 1) Have the pupils What percent of 24 is 6?
a.What are the given data? Techan’s Triangle. answer the following 3. Joselito got 80% of 60 items correct in a mathematics
Lead the pairs of pupils b)What will you do to arrive questions. test. How many correct items did he get?
point which among the at the answer? What data are given?
given data can be the rate, c)What equation is suited to Ask them to determine the
base, and percentage the problem? percentage and rate in the
through the use of Techan’s d)What proportion best fits Techan’s Triangle.
Triangle. Let them get 80% in the problem? What process will you use to
of 5 counters through the e. Let them choose a arrive at the answer?
teacher’s guidance starting reporter to discuss their What equation suits in the
from having a 5-item test as answer in front. problem?
100%. What proportion is best for
b.Lead the pairs of pupils to the problem?
decide what to do to arrive
at the answer.
c.What is the equation for
the problem?
Ask the pupils to write the
equation to solve the
problem. Let them use the
manipulatives (of 80% of 5)
in relating to the equation as
well as the solution.
80% of 5
80% x 5 = N
0.8 x 5 = N
What proportion best suits
in the problem?
Have the pairs of pupils
write the proportion to
arrive at the answer. Let
them use the manipulatives
in relating to the formulated
proportion and the solution.
F. Developing mastery Group Activity: Brother and sister A. Solve for the base. Solve.
(Leads to Formative Solve for the percentage. technique: 1) 50% of ____ is 3. 1.Elena has 12 hours working at home daily as a full time
Assessment) a.36% of 95 is N. Let the fast learners teach 2) 20% of what number wife and mother. She spends 12.5% of the time washing
b.48% of 290 is what their partners how to get is 14. clothes. How many hours does she wash the clothes?
number? the answer to the ff. 3) 14 is 35% of N. 2.Among the 50 pupils in a Grade 6 class, 6% are left-
c.N is 20% of 8? questions 4)10.5 is 30% of what handed. How many are left-handed?
d.What is 20% of 8? 1.What percent of 105 is 35? number? 3.Maria’s allowance is 50 daily. She saves 8% of it.
e.60% of 80 is _____. 2.72 is what percent of 144? 5)65% of N = 58.5. How much does she save?
3.N% of 56 is 7 B.Read, analyze and solve
4.24 is N% of 120 1.In a math class, 8 pupils
5.2.5 is what percent of 75? receive a grade of 90. If 16%
b.Read, analyze and solve. of the class got 90, how many
1.In a class of 50 pupils, 24 pupils are there in a class?
are boys. What percent of 2.In a Grade 6 outing, 240
the class are boys? What pupils participated if 80%
percent are girls? joined the outing, how many
2.A vendor had 200 balloons grade 6 pupil are there in the
for sale. If he sold 125 of school?
them, what percent remains
G. Finding practical Pair-share: Solve the ff. problem. Solve the ff.problems. Solve the ff.problems.
applications of a. There are 40 pupils a) Ricardo got 90% of a 1. A grade six class went 1.Rosa got 20% of an 80 item test incorrectly. How many
concepts and skills in in a class. Seventy-five 20-item test in Math. How on a field trip. Only 98% or 49 items did she get correctly.
daily living percent of them are present. many items did he answer pupils joined the activity. 2.Lilia has an error of 20% in a 60-item test. How many
How many are present? correctly? What was the class mistakes does Lilia have in the test?
How many are absent? b) In a school of 680 enrolment? 3.Ruby has 170 in her pocket. She gives 50% of the
b. Rhoda’s allowance Grade 6 pupils, 646 2. Chito has 20 in his money to her youngest brother. How much does Ruby
for the day is 250. She graduated. What percent of pocket which is only 5% of give to her brother?
spends 80% of it and saves the Grade 6 pupils the money of her sister. How 4.The money of Mr. Manipis is not enough to buy a wrist
the rest. How much does graduated? How many did much is the money of her watch at 3,000. His wife gives him 80% of the cost?
she spend? How much does not graduate? sister? How much money does he receive from his wife?
she save? c) One stormy day, 12 5.There were 50 pupils in Grade III. If 28% of the pupils
pupils of Mrs. Loyola were were absent, how many pupils were present?
absent. If there are 50
pupils in the class, what
percent of the class is
absent? present?
H. Making How do you find the How do you find the ratio or How do you find the base How do you solve problems involving percentage, rate
generalizations and percentage when the rate percent when the base and when the percentage and rate and base ?
abstractions about the and base are given? percentage are given? are given?
I. Evaluating Learning Answer the following: Answer the following: Solve for n. Answer the following:
1.What is 25% of 4? 1) ___% of 10 = 2. 1) 20% of n is 2. 1.Joy got 70% of the 50 words in the spelling contest.
2._____ is 10% of 2) N% of 28 is 14. 2) 7 is 35% of n. How many words did he spell correctly?
1,000,000. 3) What percent of 20 is 5? 3) 40% of n = 8. 2. A bag that costs P450 is marked 15% discount. How
3.N is 50% of 2. 4) 4 is what percent of 20? 4) 10 is 40% of what number? much would you pay for the shirt?
4.What number is 1% of 5) 18 is N% of 30. 5) 25% of what number is 2? 3. Of the 120 Grade 6 pupils, 30 prefer apples, 44 want
1,000. 6) ___% of 80 = 20. 6) 49.3 is 58% of n. oranges and the rest want bananas. What percent of the
5.200% of 3 is what 7) N% of 180 is 35 7) 76% of n = 49.4. Grade 6 pupils prefer bananas?
number? 8) what percent of 800 is 8) 24% of n is 10.8. 4. The newly elected President of SPG got 35 out of 70
5 400? 9) 8 is 20% of what number? votes from his classmates. What percent of the votes did
6. 8 % of 6,000 is ______. 9) 7.5 is what percent of 30? 10) 14% of what number is he get?
7.75% of 12 is _____. 10) 18 is N% of 24. 11.9? 5. Out of 50 pupils, only 48 joined the educational trip.
8.What is 8 of 1,000,000? 11) ___% of 1000 = 2. 11) 95 is 80% of n. What percent joined the trip?
9.60% of 30 is N. 12) N% of 800 is 300. 12) 125 is 20% of what 6.Cesar invited 250 kids to his birthday party. Only 25%
10.N is 0.125% of 20,000. 13) What percent of 940 is number? of the kids did not showed up. How many kids came to
11.30% of 600 is what 89? 13) 1/8% of n = 12.5. the party?
number? 14) 20 is what percent of 40. 14) 12.5 is 1/2% of what
1 15) 90 is N% of 3600.. number?
12. ____ is 2 % of 5,000. 15) 875 is 87.5% of n.
13.230% of 90 is N.
14. 5 % of 1,000 is ______.
15.150% of 400 is ______.
J. Additional activities Complete the table. Solve. Solve. Solve:
for application and 1)What percent of 8 is 64? 1) 6% of n = 4.5. 1.Of 40 pupils only 30 pupils passed their project on time.
remediation 2)7 is what percent of 35? 2) 6.72 is 7% of what What percent passed their project?
3)63 is N% of 252. number? 2. Rhod gets 95% of the Math test correctly which is 38.
4) ___% of 9 = 45. 3) 12% of n is 14.4. How many items does the test have?
5) N% of 875 is 210. 4) 117 is 65% of n. 3. In a Grade 6 class of 40 pupils, 36 pupils attended the
6) 657 is N% of 876. 5) 88% of what number is meeting of the Math Club. What percent of the class
7) ___% of 250 = 245. 660? attended the meeting?
6) 125% of n is 900.
7) 220 is 275% of n.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by:
Teacher II
Checked by:
Head Teacher III