A Simple Method For The Calibration of An Open Surface Water Bath
A Simple Method For The Calibration of An Open Surface Water Bath
A Simple Method For The Calibration of An Open Surface Water Bath
Abstract. Calibration and testing of open surface water bath is a new technique and may be used
for other liquid bath testing. Due to some critical circumstances the bath is not covered by the
manufacturing company so is prone to the effects of surrounding environmental conditions. Due
to this effect, bath temperature is not stable and calibration and testing cannot be performed
under these conditions. For this type of calibration the reference instruments should measure
temperature with very high levels of accuracy. A Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT), with
super thermometer (indicator), is used for high accuracy calibration. Oil-filled flasks are used as
a secondary medium to calibrate the bath and to reduce the evaporation, and instability in the
temperature measurements. Therefore, on the basis of stable temperature with good precision and
minimum uncertainty, the proposed method is found to be suitable for the calibration of open
surface water baths.
1. Introduction
Open surface water baths are commonly used in a number of applications in all fields of science and
technology especially in medical and textile laboratories. Temperature, humidity, atmospheric
pressure, and dust particles are the main factors which adversely affect the accuracy of water bath’s
temperature. Therefore, water bath needs calibration prior to use. Unfortunately, a little data is
available in which calibration of such type of equipment is considered.
Calibration is a process in which, the performance of an instrument is compared against standards of
known uncertainty and error to detect or correct / adjust any variation from the required performance
specifications. In other words, it is a process of verifying the operational integrity of an instrument.
In this study three different types of oil were used as a secondary medium to calibrate the bath to
reduce the evaporation, and instability in the temperature measurements of water. Traceability in the
measurements is achieved using a standard reference thermometer, whose value is traceable to the
NIST USA. Generally, the fitness of the proposed or newly developed methods is assessed through
method validation studies. As there is a lack of a simplified standard method for the calibration of
such type of bath; the compliance of the proposed method was assessed by uncertainty measurement.
The data was produced on overall performance of water bath. The individual factors which influenced
the uncertainty associated with the results of the proposed method were identified and corrected.
The aim of the present work is to propose a novel, simple and accurate method for the calibration of
open surface water baths, which is special type of water bath use in chemical, Medical and textile
industries where Thousands of important tests are performed with the help of water bath. So the
proposed method is a technique to check and verify the performance of open surface water bath which
is the basic requirement of ISO (International organization for standardization) clauses.
Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICSICCST 2013 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 51 (2013) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/51/1/012015
2. Experimental Work
2.1. Materials
PRT (Platinum Resistance Thermometer) with super thermometer (indicator) cropico made was used
as a secondary standard reference device. PRT has secondary Standard sensor according to ITS-90.
And supper thermometer indicator is highly precise device having three decimals readability, which is
more accurate as compare to bath. Three types of oil (transformer oil, cooking oil, Hello carbon 0.8
grades) were selected as a reference medium for temperature measurements. All samples of oil were
of commercial grade and purchased from local markets.
Selection of oil is very important because flashing point is considered. Flash point of transformer oil
is around 200°C, cooking oil is around 300°C, and hello carbon 0.8 can be used till 100°C. Above
these temperatures, flash point could be occurring. So oil should be used below the flash point.
2.2. Method
Water bath has been filled with water as per method described by the manufacturer. A 250 ml
cylinder was filled with oil (transformer oil/ cooking oil/ Hello Carbon 0.8) up to a certain level and a
PRT has been clipped into the cylinder in such a position that the insertion level of PRT (defined by
the manufacture) immersed in the oil. PRT is the secondary standard device in the hierarchy of
international temperature standard (ITS-90). The PRT was fixed in the cylinder so that it was held
away from the sides and base of the cylinder. Two more cylinders with the same setup have been
inserted in the water bath at equal distances (Fig. 1). Water bath has been set at 43.05C.A stirrer is
used to ensure the uniformity in the temperature. The temperature of the oil has been observed after
allowing a sufficient time (at least 30 minutes) or after stability of temperature depends upon the
condition. The bath indicates that it has reached the set-point (read out temperature) and stabilized.
When the temperatures stabilize on bath and the reference indicator, value has been observed. Repeat
this observation at least 3 to 5 times for observed the variation. Most occurring value may be observed
if variation. Correction factor has been applied on all the measurements using conversion the error of
each sensor.
Figure 1: Schematic representation of the proposed method for the calibration of open surface
water bath
ICSICCST 2013 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 51 (2013) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/51/1/012015
3. Results & Discussion
The set temperature, readout temperature, and observed temperature of transformer oil, cooking oil,
and Hello Carbon 0.8 grade, are shown in Table 1-4 respectively. Mean value and standard deviation
in the results were estimated using well-known statistical formula. Generally, two types of error are
estimated in the measurements. First is random error, which is always present due to operator’s
handling, or changes in the environmental conditions. To minimize this type of error replicate
measurements were taken and their average value was calculated. Second type of error is systematic
error. It is typically present due to instrumental, physical, and human limitations. This error was
calculated by the formula and estimating overall (expanded) uncertainty in the measurements during
calibration of water bath. All the Uncertainty measurements were performed using equation (1) to (3)
as described in EURACHEM / CITAC guide.
In estimating the overall uncertainty, it is necessary to consider each source of uncertainty and treat it
separately to obtain the contribution from the source. When expressed as a standard deviation, an
uncertainty component is known as standard uncertainty. Equation (1) and (2) comprises of the
calculation of type A standard uncertainty, and type B standard uncertainty respectively. Type A
uncertainty was estimated from repeated readings and comes from statistical data (Observation). Type
B uncertainty was estimated from calibration certificate of PRT and indicator, environment,
readability, drift, and etc.
Standard uncertainty for Type A = μA = (1)
Standard uncertainty for Type B = μB = (2)
Where s is the standard deviation, n is the number of observation, and a is the uncertainty of the
thermometer (observed value) measurement.
The total uncertainty, termed combined standard uncertainty, is an estimated standard deviation equal
to the positive square root of the total variance obtained by combining all the uncertainty components
(equation (3)).
Expanded uncertainty provides an interval with in which a value of the measure and is believed to lie
within a higher level of confidence. It is obtained by multiplying the combined standard uncertainty to
a coverage factor (k) (equation (4)).
ICSICCST 2013 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 51 (2013) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/51/1/012015
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Table 1: Temperature stability and uncertainty measurements in the results of Transformer oil
S. Set Read Observed Temp. after Appling Average Error / Standard UA /
/ C / C X1 X2 X3 C C C
Table 2: Temperature stability and uncertainty measurements in the results of cooking oil
S. Set Read Observed Temp. After Appling Average Error / Standard UA /
/ C / C X1 X2 X3 C C C
ICSICCST 2013 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 51 (2013) 012015 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/51/1/012015
Table 3: Temperature stability and uncertainty measurements in the results of Hello carbon 0.8
S. Set Read Observed Temp. After Appling Average Error / Standard UA /
/ C / C X1 X2 X3 C C C