DLL - Mathematics 6 - Q2 - W3

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: RONEL P. PADEL Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 20 - 24, 2023 (WEEK 3) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard The learner demonstrate understanding of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponent, and integers
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply knowledge of order of operations, ratio and proportion, percent, exponent, and integers in mathematical problems and real-life situations
C. Learning Competencies / Solves problems involving direct proportion, partitive proportion, and inverse proportion in different contexts such as distance, rate, and time using appropriate strategies
Objectives and tools. M6NS-IIc-134

II. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Lesson 1: The Concept of Ratio and Proportion
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children's interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages CG for Mathematics pp. 190-191 CG for Mathematics pp. 190-191 CG for Mathematics pp. 190-191
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Resources Lesson Guide in Mathematics 6 Lesson Guide in Mathematics 6 Lesson Guide in Mathematics 6
(Ateneo) pp. 284 - 287 (Ateneo) pp. 287 - 289 (Ateneo) pp. 289 - 292
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the
students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their
learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experience and previous knowledge. Indicate the time
allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson Conduct a drill on finding the Drill: Drill:
or presenting the new missing term in a proportion. Find the hidden message. What’s Have a drill on finding the
lesson Use flash cards and have pupils hello in the Hawaiian language? missing term in a proportion.
answer orally. Give the missing Let the pupils answer these
3:x = 6:10 element to form a proportion. orally: ( Use flashcards)
3:4 = 27:x Write in the blanks the letters
x:9 = 12:18 that correspond to the answer. Recall the steps in solving
(See Lesson Guide in problems involving direct
Mathematics 6 pp. 287) proportion. Find out if the pupils
have mastered the skill in setting
What is a direct proportion? up a direct proportion through a
How would you set up the game.
proportion? 1) Group pupils into 3.
2) Flash these sample problems
in a card for them to answer.
3) The first group to give the
correct answer is given a point.
4) The group with the most
number of correct answers wins.
Sample Problems:
a) 10 pieces of polvoron sell for 3
40 pieces of polvoron sell for
b) During recess, the ratio of
pupils to teachers eating in the
canteen is 7:3. If 84 pupils eat
in the canteen, how many
teachers eat in the canteen?
c) Four out of 5 pupils buy buko
juice every day. How many of
the 350 pupils buy buko
B. Establishing a purpose for What do you do during Identify the missing information Have you visited some of the
the lesson weekends? in the following problems. places that care for the
a) Joel bought a sandwich in the physically handicapped, aged,
canteen. Chris also bought 3 orphans, etc. Why are these
sandwiches. How much did places important?
Chris pay? Original File Submitted and
b) One hundred sixty-five boys Formatted by DepEd Club
and two hundred eighty-four Member - visit depedclub.com
girls attended the parade. (Let for more
the pupils explain their answers.)

C. Presenting Present this problem: Present the problem: Present the problem:
Examples/Instances of new
lesson Roy and Al sell newspapers on Joy and Dale are twins. They I have enough money for a
weekends to earn extra money. always share their things equally. vacation of 12 days if I spend 500
For every 3 newspapers that Roy Even their mother a day. For how many days will
sells, Al sells 5. If Roy sold 15 gave them the same amount of my money last if I decide to
newspapers, how many did Al anything, whether money, toys, spend only 400 a day.
sell? candies, and others. But
one day, their father gave them
Analyze the problem. 5 chocolates, 2 chocolates for Each group solves the problem
a) What is being asked? Joy and 3 chocolates for and presents the solution to the
b) What are given? Dale. whole class.
c) Illustrate the problem. Analyze the problem:
Dale. a) What is asked?
1) What do you think each of the b) What are given?
girls felt? c) How can we solve the
2) Why did their mother give problem? Elicit possible
them things equally? solutions.
3) If you were one of the girls,
what will you do? Since the pupils are not yet
4) Is it alright to have the same familiar with this type of
amount of things as your other proportion, explain what an
siblings? Why? inverse proportion is. Show how
an inverse proportion is set up.
Lead the pupils to
see how an inverse proportion
. differs from a direct proportion.

Present the solution in the class.

D. Discussing new concepts Illustrate the problem using Joy and Dale found out that An orphanage has enough bread
and practicing new skills #1 blocks. there are things that can not be to feed 30 orphans for 12 days. If
shared equally. So one 10 more
Explain the illustration. day, their mother gave them 150 orphans are added, how many
so that the ratio is 2:3, 2 parts days will the same amount of
for Dale and 3 parts for bread last?
Set up a proportion. Joy. How much did each girl
ROY 3 15 1) What is asked in the problem? Guide the pupils in setting up the
2) What are the given facts? inverse proportion after
Al 5 N 3) How can we find the answer? analyzing the problem.
Roy : Al = Roy : Al
3:5 = 15:N Visualize the problem in solving
Explain that the proportion is
called a direct proportion. The
quantities change in the same
direction. As the number of
newspapers that Roy sells
increases, the number of
newspapers that Al sells also

E. Discussing new concepts Work in groups. Work in groups: Work in groups.

and practicing new skills #2
Solve: The Glee Club and the Dance Analyze and solve the problems:
Club are auditioning members 1) If 4 farmers can plow a
The sign on the store window for the forthcoming stage 3-hectare land in 6
says “Magazine for sale, buy 3, presentation. All interested days, how long will 8
take 2.” How many magazines pupils must see Miss Ruby farmers do it?
must I buy if I want to take 10 Hilario for the audition on
magazines for free? Monday 1:00 P.M. at Rm 25. 2) Twelve painters can paint a
Have pupils show their solution After one week, 72 pupils building in 10 days. How many
on the board. Check if they were were accepted. The Glee Club painters are needed to paint
able to and the Dance Club agreed that it in 6 days?
write the proportion correctly. the ratio of participants is 4;5
respectively. Hpw many pupils
were chosen for each club?
Illustrate the relationchip.

F. Developing mastery Work in pairs: Work in pairs: Work in pairs:

(Leads to Formative
Assessment) At the school canteen: Analyze and solve each problem. 1)If 8 men can build a house in
a) 3 pieces of pad paper cost 45 1) Two numbers are in the ratio 90 days, in how many days can
cents. 5:3. If the sum is 88, find the 2 20 men working under the
21 pieces of pad paper cost numbers. same conditions as the 8 men
_____. 2) The ratio of chairs to tables is build the house?
b) 4 colored pencils cost 25. 2:7. There are 180 chairs and
12 colored pencils cost _____. tables in a party. How
c) 2 boiled bananas cost 3.50. many are there of each kind?
10 boiled bananas cost _____. 3) The sum of two numbers is
215. If the ratio is 2:3, find the
larger number.

G. Finding practical Solve the problems. Solve the given problems. Solve the problem:
applications of concepts a) A motorist travels 275 km in 5 1) The salary of two workers is in
and skills in daily living hours. How far can he travel in 9 the ratio 3:4. They received 1)A carpenter working 8 hours a
hours at the same speed? 12,250.00. How much did day could finish a piece of work
Proportion: __________ each worker receive? in 6 days. How many days
Answer: __________ 2) The ratio of men to women at could he finish a similar piece of
b) Two buses can transport 130 a college is 7 to 5. How many work by working 10 hours a day?
people. How many buses are women students are there if
needed to transport 780 there are 350 men?
pupils? 3) The ratio of Math books to
Proportion: __________ other books in a class is 8 to 5.
Answer: __________ How many Math books are there
if there are 247 books in all?
4) Three boys sold garlands in
the ratio of 2:3:4. Together they
sold 225 garlands. How many
garlands did each boy sell?
H. Making generalizations and What are the steps in solving How do you solve word What is an inverse proportion?
abstractions about the problems involving direct problems involving partitive How does it differ from a direct
lesson proportion. proportion? proportion?
What must you remember when What are the processes How do we set up an inverse
setting a direct proportion? involved? proportion?

I. Evaluating Learning Solve the problem: Read and analyze, then solve the Set the following proportions
problems. and solve.
1. At the rate of 3 items per 1) The ratio of cats to dogs is 6:5. 1) A stock of food is enough to
100, how much will 12 There are 495 dogs and cats in a feed 50 persons for 14 days.
items cost? certain barangay. How many days will the food last
Proportion: ______________ a) How many cats are there? if 20
Answer: ______________ b) How many dogs are there? more persons will be added?
2) A car travels 72 km on 8 litres 2) Three numbers are in the ratio 2) Four equal pumps can fill a
of gasoline. At the same rate, 2:5:7. If their sum is 504, what tank in 42 minutes. How long will
about how far can it travel on 11 are the three numbers? 6 pumps of the same kind fill the
litres of gasoline? a) first number tank?
Proportion: ______________ b) second number 3) If 3 farmers can plow a field in
Answer: ______________ c) third number 4 days, how long will 6 farmers
3) The ratio of duck eggs to do it?
chicken eggs in an egg store is 4) Five sewers can finish 200
2:7. If there are 312 duck eggs in children’s dresses in 8 days. How
the store, how many chicken many days will it take 10 sewers
eggs are there? to
Proportion: ______________ finish the same number of
Answer: ______________ children’s dresses?
4) The ratio of men to women
working for a construction
company is 10:3. If there are 21
women in the construction
company, how many men are
Proportion: ______________
Answer: ______________
5.) The ratio of the areas of 2
squares is 1:4. The area of the
smaller square is 36 cm2. How
long is each side of the bigger
Proportion: ______________
Answer: ______________

J. Additional activities for Write a proportion for each Analyze and solve the problems Solve these problems.
application and problem, then find the missing carefully. 1) Four teachers can finish
remediation term. 1) The ratio of doors to windows interviewing 100 applicants for
a) The ratio of 2 numbers is 3:5. is 1:5. There are 186 doors and the school entrance examination
The larger number is 30. What is windows in a building. How in 5
the smaller number? many days. If the interview period is to
b) There are 3 teachers to 125 doors are there? windows? be finished in 2 days only, how
pupils during the school 2) The ratio of the angles of a many teachers should there be?
program. How many teachers triangle is 3:4:5. Find the 2) Sixty boxes are needed to
were measure of each angle. pack 720 brownies in batches of
there if there were 2 500 pupils? 3) Three numbers are in the ratio 12. How many boxes are needed
c) The ratio of male teachers to 1:4:7. Find the second number if if
female teachers in our school is their sum is 276. the brownies are packed in
2:9. If there are 108 female 4) The difference between two batches of 18?
teachers, how many teachers are numbers is 40. They are in the 3) Mr. Datu has enough money
male? ratio 9:7. What are the to pay 8 workers for 15 days. If
numbers? he adds 4 more workers, for how
long can he pay them at the
same rate?
VI. REFLECTIONS Reflect on your teaching and asses yourself as a teacher. Think about your students' progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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