737 Eyebrow Windows
737 Eyebrow Windows
737 Eyebrow Windows
When a plane turns when close to the ground, seeing what’s outside becomes an issue if you are
flying in the opposite direction versus what side on the aircraft you are seeing. Say you are flying
from the right-hand seat, and you are doing a left-hand turn. If you look outside the Captain’s side
window, all you would be able to see is the ground right below you. To see more towards the
horizon, the pilot on the right would have to lean forward and duck their head downwards a bit to
see more of the horizon (and vice versa of course. And of course, if you were sitting on the left, you
could see a better view on that side.) However, that becomes a little bit uncomfortable and a bit
impractical. So, this was the solution. They were useful, especially here in Australia if you were flying
about 20+ years ago.
(Picture: 737 with eyebrow windows during a visual approach. Can you see the airport? I could when
I was flying this.)
(Picture: 737 without eyebrow windows.)