Microsoft Word 2010 - Lesson 10
Microsoft Word 2010 - Lesson 10
Microsoft Word 2010 - Lesson 10
Microsoft Word ®
Lesson 10
Lesson 10: Mail Learning Goals//The goal of this lesson is for the students to
successfully create a mail merge project and review documents using
Merge and the Review Ribbon. The student will create and preview a merge
Reviewing document as well as review the document to approve changes.
Lesson Notes To effectively teach students how to use Microsoft Word 2010, show
examples of the following documents that incorporate the tasks dis-
cussed in the lesson.
Lesson Introduction Explain that mail merge provides the ability to send a single document
to a list of people without recreating the document for each recipient.
Give examples of documents that may be appropriate for a mail merge
project. Discuss how the use of document versions can preserve docu-
ment changes as they occur over time and using tracked changes can
enable a group of people to make revision suggestions on a single doc-
LESSON PLAN: MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010//Microsoft Word 2010
Discussion Question:
Discuss with students the ability to reuse main documents and data
source for future mail merge projects.
LESSON PLAN: MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010//Microsoft Word 2010
Discussion Question:
Discuss with students the necessity of being able to display the original
and the revised documents.
Remind students that they will no longer have the opportunity to re-
view changes if the option to accept all changes at once or reject all
changes at once is selected.
Multiple Choice
a. data
b. merge
c. address
d. contact
a. cells
b. fields
c. columns
d. data
a. Comments
b. Notes
c. Suggestion Boxes
d. Balloons
a. Home
b. Page Layout
c. View
d. Review
LESSON PLAN: MICROSOFT OFFICE 2010//Microsoft Word 2010
a. Compare
b. Join
c. Combine
d. Merge
1. True
2. False, text file, Excel Spreadsheet, Access Database, Outlook Ad-
dress Book.
3. False, main document and data source.
4. True
5. False, only two documents may be merged at once.
Multiple Choice
1. B (Merge)
2. B (fields)
3. A (Comments)
4. D (Review)
5. C (Combine)
Class Projects The class projects provide the student with the opportunity to practice
skills that were taught in the lesson. The projects may be utilized as
class, individual, or assessment activities. Completion of projects helps
provide lesson reinforcement and verification of skill mastery.
Data files to accompany the project are found in the student data files.
Each project may be verified for accuracy using the annotated project
answer keys found in the instructor’s resource files.
Hands-On Projects
Lesson 10—Exercise 1
Original: Lesson10ex1_a
Version 1: Lesson10ex1_b
Lesson 10—Project 1
You are a society column writer for the In-Times Magazine. You are
preparing documentation for this month’s feature article. The article
will be about various type of cheese. You have made some revisions to
the list and created a new version of the document. Since this is your
first food related article, you feel that you need some feedback regard-
ing the cheese that is selected. After finalizing the document you will
send it to several family members to get their opinions. In order to ex-
pedite this process you will include the document in a mail merge
letter to your family members.
Original: Lesson10project1_a
Version 1: Lesson10project1_b
Video and Training Microsoft Office Online provides online training, demonstrations, and
quizzes that include detailed explanations, preferred methods, and
Resource Links lesson tutorials for each Microsoft Office program. These resources are
suggested to engage students in hands-on experience, self-paced les-
son participation, and lesson reinforcement.
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using it.
Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real asso-
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