TECHNICAL MANUAL Polybutylene Piping and Conections - 2022
TECHNICAL MANUAL Polybutylene Piping and Conections - 2022
TECHNICAL MANUAL Polybutylene Piping and Conections - 2022
The purpose of this technical manual is to provide an objective and scientific justification of the technical characteristics of the SDP Terrain
Polybutene piping systems for hot and cold water supply, as well as their use in these installations. The wide range of the content and the
depth we could go into could lead us to publish an encyclopaedia on the subject.
But this is not our aim; what we are hoping to do is offer a clear explanation of our piping systems and show the reader their differences
and advantages compared to other systems and materials. The different qualities and advantages of plastic compared to metal systems
are widely known and accepted. However, this is not the case between the newer products within this market. It is common to find a wide
range of piping systems on the market that fall under the same umbrella term or definition of plastic piping, but, as we will see below, their
characteristics and features are completely different.
The main goal, therefore, is to fully and concisely describe both the material and the system, although frequently these two concepts
are not compatible. The aim of this manual is not to go into depth in the theory of the mechanical and hydraulic aspects, as this can be
found in the technical literature and some cases it is not specifically related to piping materials. In addition, the results of this technical
investigation have also been summarised and transposed into the applicable legislation and standards as recommendations or installation
requirements. The regulatory scope will also be quoted, although only in general and depending on the corresponding application.
Polybutene, as we will verify below, is the thermoplastic with the best physical and mechanical characteristics of those used for water
piping in the home. These characteristics, in conjunction with the variety and reliability of the joint techniques of our system, make it the
optimal choice for all installations and situations. To complement this manual, Nueva Terrain has additional information in the form of
Technical Product Sheets or Technical Notes that go into further detail in various topics regarding installations, legislation and instructions
for assembly.
Finally we would like to remind you that beyond the written description of the system, which reflects the product knowledge and catalogue
at the time of writing, our Technical and sales Departments are available to respond to any of your doubts regarding the installations and
materials whenever you need them. Please do not hesitate to contact us so that together we can create the safest and most useful instal-
lations at all times.
The experience of the company, a presence in the market since the 1960s, the availability of our own workshop for the construction and
maintenance of the manufacturing tools, the practical knowledge of our technical office in the design and monitoring of installations from
their launch and their own commercial network that covers the whole country all make Nueva Terrain a market leader in terms of material
quality and technical support for customers.
The contact with the market at the start of our research and development projects, with a specific department within the company, as well
as in the continuous improvement of our processes. Your opinion and suggestions are the driving force that leads us to update and improve
our product catalogue. Without your collaboration neither the complete current range of our company nor its evolution since its beginnings
in the 1960s would have been possible.
7 1.1. Where do plastics come from?
7 1.2. What are plastics like "inside"?
7 1.3. Classification of plastic materials
8 1.4. Thermoplastics
9 1.5. Thermoset plastics
9 1.6. Elastomers
10 1.7. Terrain polybutene (PB)
10 1.8. Essential characteristics of plastic materials
14 2.1. The raw material: Polybutene-1 (PB)
15 2.2. PB-1 in the indoor distribution of drinking water
16 2.3. The Terrain PB-1 system in the indoor distribution of drinking water
18 3.1. Polybutene characteristics
18 3.2. Comparison of physical characteristics between materials
20 3.3. Noise transmission
20 3.4. Water hammer
21 3.5. Oxygen permeability
22 3.6. Legionella
23 3.7. Fire
23 3.8. Pipe bending
24 3.9. Oxidising agents
25 3.10. Cryogenic behaviour
3.11 Embedded pipes
27 4.1. Calculation procedure for the working pressure of a pipe
27 4.2. Calculation for the design pressure of a pipe
28 4.3. Regression curve
29 4.4. Safety factor
29 4.5. Calculation example
30 4.6. Pipe series
32 4.7. Standard pressures obtained from this process
32 4.8. Dimensional equivalences
34 5.1. International standards for PB systems: UNE-EN ISO 15876
34 5.2. Field of application of PB systems
34 5.3. Classification of working conditions for PB systems
35 5.4. Calculation method for pipe dimensioning
40 5.5. Pipe marking
43 6.1. Comparative environmental impact study
45 6.2. Standardisation and legislation. Future trends
48 7.1. Push-fit joint
51 7.2. Socket fusion joint
54 7.3. Electrofusion joint
57 7.4. Butt fusion joint
61 7.5. Flanged joint
63 7.6. Transition joints
65 7.7. Leak testing in the installations
65 7.7.1 Installations up to diameter 90 mm.
69 7.7.2 Large diameter installations
72 8.1. Installation dimensioning
73 8.2. Head loss in pipes
73 8.3. Localised head loss
74 8.4. Temperature correction factor
75 8.5. Head loss for handling other fluids
75 8.6. Calculation example
77 9.1. Expansion and compensation
77 9.1.1. Expansion and stress in different materials
79 9.2. Installation techniques
79 9.2.1. Installation of variable length pipes
79 Placement of the anchor points
81 Compensation of the variation in length using an expansion offset
83 Compensation of the variation of the length with a loop
85 Examples of expansion absorption using expansion offsets and loops
87 Installation of clamps for installations that allow variations in piping length.
88 Compensation of the length variation with continuous horizontal supports
89 Installation of assembly columns with “natural loops”
91 9.2.2. Installation of non-variable length pipes
91 Recommendations for fixed-assembly installations
91 Distances between clamps for fixed assembly
91 Selection of the threaded rod for securing clamps
93 Examples of fixed-assembly installations
94 9.3. Selection of the installation procedure
96 10.1. Line or traditional installations
96 10.2. Installation of distribution using manifolds (spider type)
97 10.3. Accessible installations (pipe-in-pipe)
99 10.4. Installations in plasterboard drywalls
100 10.5. Large diameters
104 12. Chilled water application
104 12.1. Chilled water
109 13.1. AENOR Certification for PB pipes
110 13.2. AENOR Certification for PB fittings
111 13.3. AENOR Certification for the complete PB system
113 13.4. Kiwa certification
113 13.5. Nueva Terrain laboratory and workshop
114 13.6. List of applicable standards and legislation
116 Annex 1: Polybutene regression curve
117 Annex 2: Regression curves of various materials at 80ºC
118 Annex 3: Miner's rule
118 Annex 4: Calculation of stress design for class 2 in PB pipes
120 Annex 5: Head loss in PB pipes according to international standard ISO/TR 10501
124 Annex 6: Graph for the calculation of expansion in PB pipes
125 Annex 7: Graph for determining the expansion force in PB pipes
126 Annex 8: Table of PB resistance to chemical agents
131 Annex 9: Sum-Up of TENDER specification according TERRAIN SDP
133 Annex 10: Hot water expulsion time
1.1. Where do plastics come from?
1.2. What are plastics like "inside"?
1.4. Thermoplastics
1.5. Thermoset plastics
1.6. Elastomers
1.7. Terrain polybutene (PB)
1.8. Essential characteristics of plastic materials
Plastic materials have been a true revolution for the industry in the 20th century with the widest range of applications. The following
is a basic explanation of their origin and properties, focusing on the application and the product we provide.
1.1. Where do plastics come from?
Plastic materials are obtained as the result of a chemical transformation of natural products or by synthesis from organic com-
pounds, whose main constituents are carbon (C) and hydrogen (H).
The basic materials for the production of plastics are natural products such as cellulose, coal, petroleum and natural gas, where the
latter two are the most important.
In a refinery, distillation is used to separate petroleum into several fractions. As the different components of crude oil have different
boiling points, heating in the fractioning tower provides gas, naphtha, fuel oil, etc. successively. The waste product from this process
is asphalt.
All the fractions are constituted by hydrocarbons, which are differentiated by the size and the configuration of their molecules. The
most important fraction for the manufacture of plastics is naphtha.
Naphtha is transformed by a process called cracking, in a mixture of ethylene, propylene, butylene and other light hydrocarbons.
Simply speaking we can say that plastics are formed through the binding of many constituent elements, identical or similar, assem-
bled one by one, by chemical bonds. The unique element that when repeated forms plastics is the monomer: ethylene, propylene,
butylene, ...
The repeated bonding of this element forms giant molecules called macromolecules. Despite their diversity, all plastics have the
same structure: they are made up of macromolecules. The multiple physical and chemical properties of plastics depend on four fac-
tors: chemical structure, shape, size and layout of the macromolecules.
Depending on whether the macromolecules form linear or branched chains, form more or less closed meshes, or are erratic or partial-
ly aligned, the properties of the resulting product vary radically.
1.4. Thermoplastics
They are composed of long filiform molecule with only two ends capable of reaction. Depending on the distribution of these molecules,
filiforms may be:
• Amorphous: erratic, random structure. They are vitreous, transparent and generally fragile. Example: styrenes,
polycarbonates, polyvinyl chlorides
• Partially crystalline: more or less ordered structure. They are translucent or opaque, but more resistant to heat
than amorphous molecules. Example: polyolefins such as PB, PP, PE.
Amorphous crystalline
They can melt repeatedly and therefore they can be heat-converted numerous times, they can be welded, the proportion of crystallin-
ity determines the density and the mechanical properties, under a high mechanical load they tend to flow and deform permanently,
with increased temperatures their properties of resistance drop.
Partially crystalline thermoplastics, for example polyolefins, have a lower tensile strength, hardness, melting point and elastic modu-
lus compared to amorphous plastics. In contrast, their resistance, elongation upon breakage and thermal expansion are higher. They
are recyclable.
They present cross-linked chains of the polymer that bond with the others forming dense, narrow meshes, with a closely cross-linked
structure in all directions, making it very rigid and brittle. With the aim of improving their mechanical properties, they are reinforced
with fibreglass, textiles and other loads.
They do not melt, they cannot be welded and they deform under load, but they regain their original shape afterwards. They cannot be
heat transformed more than once, they do not present an elastic behaviour except in a relatively narrow range of temperatures, the
number of cross-linked bonds determines their mechanical properties.
Thermoelastics are a particular case within thermoset plastics. Their base is a thermoset plastic whose structure is transformed in
a spatially cross-linked molecule by bonds or bridges between the filiform molecules. Thus thermoelastics have properties similar to
thermoset plastics but maintain practically the same hardness as the thermoset plastic from which it comes. The most well-known
case is PEX. They are not recyclable.
Thermoset plastics
1.6. Elastomers
These are elastic plastics also called synthetic rubber. Their polymer chains are cross-linked by the action of vulcanising agents. Un-
like thermoset plastics, their cross-linked mesh or grid is very broad, with few transverse links, which gives them their high elasticity.
They are elastic even at low temperatures, very deformable under the action of a load, the number of cross-linked unions determines
their hardness, they are not weldable and do not melt. They are not recyclable.
1.7. Terrain polybutene (PB)
When 1-butylene (1-butene) is used as a constituent element and multiples are bound together forming filiform chains in a more or less
ordered structure, butene-1 (PB-1) is obtained. Their classification within plastics corresponds to a partially crystalline thermoset plastics.
REMARK: Polybutene-1 is often referred to as PB, PB-H, PB-1 or Polybutene. The name Polybutyelene was commonly used in the United
States. Important is to know that all nomenclature are meaning the same.
Compared to the conventional materials used in pipe manufacturing, such as copper, plastic materials have the following general
m [kg/m3]
High chemical resistance and absence of corrosion: the metals combine with the oxygen in the water causing
their oxidation.
• Resistance to hot water and pressure: plastic materials such as PB fully meet the requirements of the standards
concerning hot and cold drinking water pipes and heating.
Frost resistance: Polybutene pipes expand adapting to the increased volume of the water
when it freezes.
• Low thermal conductivity and, consequently, lower heat loss: Thermal conductivity is understood as the energy
flow through a material in relation to its thickness and the difference between the temperatures inside and outside of
the pipe.
Thermal conductivity of different materials:
PB 0.19 W/mk
PEX 0.35 W/mk
PP-R 0.22 W/mk
PVC-C 0.16 W/mk
WATER 0.58 W/mk
STEEL 45 W/mk
COPPER 407 W/mk
• Lower formation of water due to condensation on the exterior surfaces: due to the lower
thermal conductivity of this type of piping, the formation of water due to condensation requires
more extreme environmental conditions and therefore a lower wall thickness of the insulation material can be used when
this is necessary.
• High elasticity: The elastic modulus (E) is the relationship between the stress and the elongation of a material.
The smaller the elastic modulus, the more flexible the material, and in contrast, the greater the elastic modulus the more rigid the
material will be upon bending.
The greater flexibility of the material means that less stress is generated in the installation in the processes of thermal expansion,
water hammer, impacts, freezes, etc., as well as the reduction of noise transmission in the system, resulting in more reliable and
comfortable installations.
• Abrasion resistance: the abrasion resistance of plastic materials is approximately four times greater than that of metal
• Lower incidence of noise in the pipe-work: due to its low elastic modulus, the transmission of noise
caused in the water piping is lower in plastics than in metal piping.
• Smooth surfaces: the smooth interior surfaces cause a lower pressure drop.
• Thermal expansion: The linear thermal expansion coefficient a, indicates the elongation in mm of an initial length of 1 m
due to a temperature increase of 1ºK.
Thermal expansion of different materials:
The changes in dimension caused by the temperature changes are greater in plastic materials than in metal, nevertheless, the low
elastic modulus of PB-1 means that the forces generated by expansion are lower than they are in other plastic or metal materials,
which brings many advantages to the installation (see Chapter 9).
• Food Grade: given its high chemical resistance, many plastic materials are suitable for use in the food sector. PB-1 is
highly recommended for the transport of drinking water by organisations such as NFS, KIWA and KTW.
• Fire safety: plastic materials are flammable and their fire resistance classification is determined by standardised tests
(see point 3.7).
• Resistance to sunlight: in general, plastic materials are sensitive to ultraviolet rays and therefore must be properly
protected (See section 3.9).
2. The History of Polybutene-1 (PB-1)
Polybutene is a product that is practically exclusively for use in plumbing. Unlike other thermoplastics for the application, PP, PE,
C-PVC, that have multiple and various target markets in construction, containers, automotion, etc., PB is an engineering plastic de-
signed specifically for use in water pipework (which the producers define as Fluid Engineering).
2. The History of Polybutene-1 (PB-1)
Polybutene-1 was discovered in 1954 by the research team of professor Giulio Natta, awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1963.
The first industrial production, as well as its introduction in the European piping systems market dates back to the mid-1960s. The
development of new applications and markets occurred in the 1970s and 80s. It was then that Terrain selected this raw material as
the best one for our hot and cold water supply system, and began manufacture.
The initial producer of Polybutene-1 was Shell, with a plant production in Taft, Louisiana, USA. The successive mergers of different
plastics manufacturers have led the product to feature in the portfolios of Montell first, then Basell, and currently LyondellBasell. In
the year 2002, in the face of significant growth in the consumption of PB, especially in the European market, a manufacturing plant
for this raw material was opened in Moerdij, Holland.
The ongoing research and development of the manufacturer of the raw material, as well as the experience of the transformers, has
achieved a product with unbeatable characteristics for piping systems. PB is a plastic technical material in engineering, and is differ-
entiated due to its characteristics and volume of manufacture from large-scale polyolefins, known as “commodities”.
PB-1 is manufactured through the polymerisation of butene-1 (C4 H8). The monomer is therefore a molecule of 4 carbon atoms with
a double bond between the first and second carbon atoms. There is another isomer of Polybutene, whose base molecule has the
double bond between the second and third carbon atoms, called Polyisobutylene, with different final characteristics and applications.
In light of the chemical structure, Polybutene-1 differs from Polyethylene and Polypropylenes only in the number of carbon atoms:
Polybutene-1 has similar generic characteristics to Polypropylene: it is injectable, and therefore the fittings are manufactured in the
same material as the pipe, and can be fusion welded, characteristics that are not shared by PEX, as it is a modified thermoset plastic.
Unlike other thermoplastics for the same application, due to its excellent intrinsic properties Polybutene-1 does not need additional
processes such as copolymerisation, cross-linking or special additives to fulfil the characteristics necessary for the application. The
raw material is unique and homogeneous, it does not need mixtures or subsequent processes that affect its final properties, as is
the case of the cross-linking of PE to obtain PEX, the copolymerisation of PP-H to obtain PP-R and PP-RT and the overchlorination of
PVC-U to obtain PVC-C.
Like PP and PE, PB is a non-polar plastic: its surface is not subject to penetration or dissolution. This behaviour means that PB pipes
and fittings cannot be joined using adhesive. Nevertheless mechanical joints and welding (socket fusion) can be used.
Its high flexibility, even at low temperatures, and its stability at high temperatures make PB-1 a product of the future, and not only in
distribution networks in homes but also in industrial applications.
The objective of Nueva Terrain is to satisfy the highest quality requirements with its Terrain SDP system, and this has justified the
use of especially harsh selection criteria for the final selection of PB-1. The decision was based on the latest advances in its research
and development, in-depth knowledge of the field of plastics as well as supplementary options so that the system evolves with future
perspectives in installation and joint techniques.
As a consequence of in-depth studies and tests both in our own laboratories and in independent organisations, the conclusion was
reached that the optimum raw material for our Terrain SDP system was PB-1, a partially crystalline polyolefin thermoplastic with a
high long-term performance and a high resistance to flow at high temperatures, properties that are essential for the interior hot and
cold water installations as well as for heating.
Polybutene, the universal plastic material that allows joints by fusion welding and by mechanical fittings, combining numerous fa-
vourable characteristics such as:
• Dimensional stability and high long-term performance
• High resistance to plastic flow, significant for the watertightness of compression joints.
• Resistance to hot water.
• Stabilisation against alterations due to ultraviolet rays during handling and installation.
• Pigmentation against the formation of algae.
• High flexibility, even at low temperatures.
• Low embrittlement temperature.
• High resistance to impact and water hammer.
• High resistance to abrasion.
• As a consequence of its high resistance to high temperatures compared to other plastics, it permits
lower wall thicknesses for identical usage profiles which, in addition, is converted into larger internal transport diameters
for the same external diameter, lower velocities for the same flow, lower head losses and a lower pipe weight per metre.
• Excellent energy audit compared to other materials makes it the product with the lowest environmental impact among
those of the same application.
2.3. The Terrain PB-1 system in the indoor distribution of drinking water
The Terrain SDP system of pipes and fittings manufactured in PB for the distribution of hot and cold water and heating offers the
following advantages:
• Absence of corrosion
• Absence of scaling
• High stability upon ageing even at high temperatures
• Quick, easy and safe joints
• Wide range of fittings
• Possibility of complete projects in the same material and system, with diameters from D15 mm to 160 mm
• Safe and hygienic
• High pipe flexibility, leading to quick and easy assembly and installations
• Rational and economical installation techniques
• Technological knowledge of Terrain in the manufacture of piping and fittings and in the installation of plastic materials
• Advice and technical support on hand for the customer, aimed at each specific case.
3. Polybutene characteristics and PB piping system
3.6. Legionella
3.7. Fire
3.1. Polybutene characteristics
Toxicity Non toxic – According to stringent organoleptic and migration tests by various independent institutes
Bacteriological analysis KIWA (Holland) and the German water and gas It does not present growth of microorganisms after 6
association (DVGW). Technical guide W270 months of immersion. The material meets the requirements.
(1) Resistance in accordance with standard at the defined temperature (20 or 70ºC) and 50 years for an S5 pipe (e.g. 25x2.3 mm) of different materials.
(2) Stress generated between two fixed points due to a temperature increase of 50ºC in the material (e.g. pipe d25 mm). The dimensions of the
piping in each material used for the calculation were: PB 25x2.3, PEx 25x2.8, PP-R 25x3.5, PVC-C 25x2.8, Copper 22x1.2, Steel 26.9x2.65.
(3) Elongation in % at a uniaxial creep stress of 8 MPa/23ºC 10000 h.
(4) Overpressure due to instantaneous shut-off in a commercial pipe of Ø25 mm with a water velocity of 1.5 m/s.
(5) Energy consumed for the manufacture of each piping system according to a VENOB study by the University of Berlin.
Resistance to temperature and pressure **** ** *** **
Flexibility **** ** *** *
Creep resistance **** *** **
Impact resistance **** ** *** *
Thermal stress in installations **** ** *** *
Sustainability of the system **** *** *** ***
Speed of the joint small Øs **** * *** **
Availability of joint with large Øs **** **** ** ***
**** Excellent
*** Good
** Average
* Poor
Explanation of the main qualities of PB as a material for plumbing and heating systems:
Density Lower weight: facilitates handling, decreases the cost and Plastic systems in general benefit from its lightness
reduces the environmental impact of its manufacturing process. compared to metal.
Thermal conductivity It reduces heat loss and the possibility of condensation on Again it is a typical characteristic of plastic systems,
the cold side. where PB has the lowest value.
Thermal expansion The expansion of plastic materials due to temperature Although PB has a lower expansion than other plastic
changes is greater than that of metal: It must be taken into materials, these expansions must always be taken into
account for their compensation. account.
Elastic modulus The much lower rigidity of the piping (lower elastic It is the most elastic material of all those used for this
modulus) facilitates its usability in construction, and application, and therefore it is the most manageable and
reduces the generation of stress linked the functioning generates the lowest stress.
of the installations: water hammer, fixed points and
expansion, etc.
Resistance to pressure The main characteristic that defines a piping system is its Polybutene is the material with the best pressure
and temperature resistance to temperature and pressure. This information is resistance according to the temperature. This leads to
characterised in the regression curves of the material, the lower thicknesses for the same required resistance, or a
DNA of the pipe. better resistance for the same thickness.
Creep resistance The creep represents the deformity of the material over PB has minimum creep, preserving its dimensions under
the course of time under constant load. It is fundamental constant load.
in compression joints to ensure the dimensional stability
of the pipe.
Speed of sound As the material is very elastic, the transmission of sound It is the material that best insulates against noise
and therefore noise through the physical medium made transmission.
up of the piping network is far lower than that of other
Expansion stress The low elastic modulus of the material means that the PB does not cause problems in installations due to
stress generated by the expansion between fixed points of expansion stresses.
the installation is much smaller.
Water hammer The pressure peaks caused by instantaneous shut-offs of PB is excellent at absorbing the stress associated with
fluid flow are sources of problems in rigid piping systems. water hammer in installations.
Sustainability Sustainable construction requires systems manufactured Polybutene is the system that consumes less resources in
with a lower consumption of resources. its manufacture and causes less harm to the environment.
3.3. Noise transmission
The characteristics of thermoplastics, and fundamentally those of Polybutene, make it an excellent acoustic insulator for the
installation, especially compared to metal materials. Thus the noise associated with plumbing and heating installations, due to
channelling the fluid through the piping and fittings and water hammer, as well as the thermal movements caused within them are
The material transmission of sound through the piping system depends directly on the speed of sound in each material. The speed of
sound depends on the material through which it is transmitted and is related to the elastic modulus and the density of the product,
according to the formula:
A column of water in movement within a pipe contains stored kinetic energy, according to its mass and velocity. Due to the fact
that water is an approximately incompressible fluid, this energy cannot be absorbed when a valve is closed suddenly. The result
is a high instantaneous overpressure, generally known as water hammer. Problems associated with water hammer are one of the
most frequent causes of failures in metal pipes, due to their rigidity. In plastic piping, its low elastic modulus, especially in the case
of PB, means that the pressures generated are very low and, therefore, we can say that they generally do not cause problems in
There are different mathematical models that make a theoretical calculation of the water hammer effect. The most commonly used
are those based on the Allievi equation, and can be summarised as follows for a quick valve closure time and water as the fluid
9900 C V
C ΔP g
48.3 + k D
E e
The low elastic modulus of Polybutene-1, combined with a low wall thickness, gives rise to an overpressure due to water hammer far
below that of other materials, and perfectly manageable due to the resistance of the piping system. For example, the resulting values
for a pipe with an external diameter of 25 mm for different materials and a flow velocity of 1.5 m/s are provided below (evidently the
thicker plastic pipes in this example would provide a lower flow).
The overpressure produced by water hammer must be added to the working pressure of the installation.
It is accepted that the metal components of piping installations for water supply and heating can rust due to the oxygen content
dissolved in the water carried. In open water supply circuits, there are various ways for oxygen to enter, and is understood that is not
necessary to waterproof the plastic piping. Nevertheless, in closed circuits such as those of heating, oxygen should be minimised by
the low permeability of plastic piping. For this application, composite piping with a layer of oxygen-impervious material (generally
EVOH or aluminium) is used for this application.
Nueva Terrain has a composite pipe that is impervious to oxygen with 5 layers: PB/Adhesive/EVOH/Adhesive/PB. Piping made in
this way is absolutely equivalent to single-layer pipes in terms of use and application. Unlike other composite piping that alter the
function of the pipe, the composite piping by Nueva Terrain can be connected using the same push-fit fittings from the catalogue. As
the EVOH layer is at the centre of the pipe, it is not altered by external factors, preserving its waterproof nature for its whole useful
life, unlike those with the external layer.
As a comparison and as an indicator of the real values of oxygen permeability of each pipe, a specific test was performed at the
Dutch institute KIWA, where they obtained the results set out below, for water at 40ºC:
Adhesive Adhesive
3.6. Legionella
Legionella is a bacteria occasionally naturally present in water distribution networks, and presents a potential danger to the health of
the users of these installations. The factors to combat to prevent the reproduction of this bacteria in piping systems in buildings are
its reproduction temperature and the formation of a biofilm as a substrate for the feeding and colonisation of the bacteria.
The reproduction temperature of Legionella is between 20 and 50ºC, so water temperatures within this range must be avoided. On
the other hand, the formation of a biofilm is aided by the accumulation of stagnant water, the temperature within the aforementioned
range, the roughness of the piping and the possible corrosion of its metal.
The annihilation temperature of Legionella is established at 70ºC, and this is why thermal disinfection treatments require fluid to be
heated to this temperature. The international standards for production consider this working temperature for this application, where
class 2 is defined as applicable (see chapter 5). Therefore, Nueva Terrain recommends specifying the design of the installations to
withstand this temperature of 70ºC.
The best choice of material (PB is optimum in this sense), as well as a good design and proper maintenance of the installation, will
keep problems at bay.
PB piping, due to its low roughness, the lack of metal corrosion, and its optimum resistance at 70ºC (annihilation temperature of the
bacteria) are ideal for preventing Legionella problems. They are, in addition, suitable for annual chemical disinfection treatments (30
ppm of Cl at 30ºC, 6 bar and for 2 hours), according to tests performed by the manufacturer of the raw material, Basell, in independent
3.7. Fire
Polybutene, like the other organic polymers used for this application, burns. It is difficult to cause it to ignite, but it is classified as
fuel, although not highly inflammable. Its behaviour is equivalent to that of other polyolefins.
When Polybutene-1 is heated, fusion begins at around 130ºC, and decomposition at approximately 300ºC, releasing low-molecu-
lar-weight volatile hydrocarbons. Flames or heat sources can cause the latter to ignite. Once ignition has occurred, the heat generated
is sufficient to continue the fire, provided there is enough oxygen.
These observations are general and theoretical, as the actual conditions are not ideal and are not generally predictable. It depends
on many factors, such as the location, the availability of oxygen and the presence of other inflammable materials. In total combus-
tion, if there is enough oxygen, the main products of combustion are carbon dioxide and water, as well as small residual products of
decomposition and oxidation, usually irritants, in very low concentrations.
As it is a polyolefin, as mentioned above, the characteristics of inflammability and fire resistance of PB-1 are similar to those of
Polyethylene and Polypropylene.
In tests performed at Springborn Laboratories in Enfield, Connecticut, Polybutene-1 met the re-
quirements of the Underwriters Laboratories test, regarding its fire resistance, and was classified
as material UL94HB.
PB-1 is classified in accordance with Class IV.2 (normal inflammability) in the recommendations by
VKF (Association of Canton Fire Insurances).
In accordance with the German standard DIN 4102-1, Polybutene-1 belongs to fire protection
Class B2.
The limiting oxygen index for combustion for PB-1, in accordance with the standard ASTM D2863-11, is 17.5.
PB piping, due to its low elastic modulus and the lower thickness needed for the same resistance, is the most flexible system on the
market, and therefore it is easier to handle and bend without heating.
Like other thermoplastics, the piping must never be bent excessively to avoid extreme stretching of the external generatrix of the curve.
In this regard, we do not recommend bends with a curve radius less than 8 times the diameter of the pipe when rolled, 30 times the diam-
eter if the bend is in the opposite direction to that of the roll and 10 times in straight stretches of piping.
Maximum curvature of straight pipes Maximum curvature of pipes in rolls
Polybutene, like other polyolefins, is highly resistant to solvents and chemical products, with a few exceptions. PB-1 can be attacked
by non-polar organic solvents, such as benzene, toluene, carbon chloride, etc. In any event, consult the table of resistances to the
chemical agents found in Annex 8 of this manual for specific applications.
Note: the table of resistances to chemical agents only refers to PB-1 but not to other possible components of the installation, such
as EPDM (flexible gaskets), brass, etc. Please contact us to verify the possibility of using our system for chemical agents.
Chlorine is a harsh oxidising agent for both Polybutene and other polyolefins. The percentages that are found in the drinking water
networks (< 1ppm) are not harmful, nor are the annual treatments performed to prevent the apparition of Legionella bacteria.
The ultraviolet rays in sunlight can cause or accelerate the deterioration of the material. The
product must be shielded from direct sunlight, in storage as well as in its final use. In the case of
outdoor use, it should be sheathed or painted to protect it.
If it is painted, it is preferable to use emulsion paints (water-based) to paint Polybutene. In any
event, oil-based lacquer paints can be used with a primer. Do not use cellulose-based paints,
paint strippers or solvents.
Before painting, ensure the surfaces are clean, dry and free of grease.
Refer to the composition of the paint or consult a specialist in case of doubt.
3.10. Cryogenic behaviour
The frozen pipe dilates without breaking, avoiding water leakage in installations exposed to low temperatures.
Polybutene is a very suitable material for cooling and air conditioning. It maintains its flexibility better than other materials at tem-
peratures below zero and resists the families of glycols used as antifreeze. The tests performed in our laboratories indicate optimum
behaviour and resistance in these conditions.
The glass transition temperature is -16ºC, with pressure tests performed at temperatures of up to -40ºC. Its flexibility means it can
withstand the freezing of the water carried without rupture, unlike more rigid materials that break in the event of freezes.
Although it is not recommended, “bare” PB-1 piping could be embedded provided care is taken that there are no sharp edges or
abrasive areas that could damage it. It is also necessary to ensure that pipes are embedded deep enough that the expansion forces
cannot break the surface of the wall or floor.
The best way to protect PB-1 piping when it is in an embedded installation is to use a conduit.
4. Resistance to the temperature and pressure
of the piping system
Beyond the advantages that the above characteristics of Polybutene entail compared to other materials, the main property that
separates PB from other materials is its high resistance to temperature and pressure in comparison with other plastics used for this
4. Pressure and temperature resistance of the piping system
The mechanical characteristics of the material, that are objectively reproduced in the production standard, explains the better resist-
ance of the pipe with the same thicknesses, or the need for lower thicknesses for the same design pressure chosen for the installa-
tion. A summary of the calculation process of the design pressure for a pipe of any material, at a given temperature and for a certain
useful life can be found below.
Remember that plastic piping is always characterised by these three variables: pressure, temperature and useful life.
Unfortunately, a definition of the piping with only two of these characteristics can be found on the market, or worse, with all three but
not consistently: “the pipe withstands 95ºC and 10 bar”, but omitting the fact that this is not at that temperature.
The data that it is needed and the equations and graphs used for the calculation of the working pressure are the following:
• Calculation parameters: pipe (diameter, thickness and material), working temperature and useful life
• Equation for the pipe's resistance to pressure → Lamé's equation
• Equation for the stress of the pipe material according to the temperature and useful life → Regression curves
• Application of the safety coefficients
The equation with which the hydraulic pressure that a pipe can resist is calculated according to the hydrostatic stress of the material
of which it is manufactured is very straightforward:
2 e
P D-e
4.3. Regression curve
As mentioned in the previous chapter, the regression curve of a plastic material is the graph that gives us the evolution of the resistance
of this material according to the temperature and useful life. This curve is obtained by means of functional internal pressure tests at
independent institutes that are then included in the standards of each piping system for the calculation of the nominal pressures of
each pipe. It is, therefore, the “identity card” that identifies each material and, therefore, each pipe.
There is a calculation standard for these curves, ISO 9080, which is applied to all of the products.
The value obtained from the graph, given a temperature and a useful life, is the working stress of the material, σ, generally
expressed in Megapascals (Mpa) [1 Mpa = 10 bar]. With this data applied to the formula above, we obtain the expected rupture
pressure for the pipe at those conditions of temperature and useful life.
The following graph shows the regression curve for PB included in its applicable international standard, EN ISO 15876, and a point can
be obtained on it according to the example in the final section.
7,61 Mpa
50 years
Time in hours
Reference curve for the expected resistance of Polybutene according to the standard UNE-EN ISO 15876:2004.
4.4. Safety factor
As materials engineering does not allow or consider the design of installations at the ultimate tensile stress, a safety coefficient
must be applied to the hydrostatic stress obtained, to finally calculate the design pressure of the pipe. It is a simple correction factor
that is applied directly and proportionally, and is included in the standards of the aforementioned materials. It is a function of the
confidence limit obtained in the statistical approximation of the regression curve, according to the empirical data for breakage of the
internal pressure tests performed.
The coefficients that are applied to each material according to the calculation temperature and standard are:
Step 1:
The hydrostatic stress of the material at the conditions defined entering the regression curve of PB: point of intersection of the curve
of 70ºC and the vertical of 50 years on the x-axis. The value obtained is: 7.61 MPa, corresponding to the stress without the safety
coefficient in those conditions.
Step 2:
Apply the safety factor specified in the standard for the working temperature, 1.5. You have the stress design, which shall be:
σd 1.5
5.07 MPa
Step 3:
Apply the equation that relates the pipe geometry and the material stress to the working pressure, obtaining
Therefore we have a working pressure of 10.3 bar at 70ºC and 50 years for the PB pipe of 25x2.3 mm.
The product standards of the different plastic materials include the equations that govern the re-
gression curves. If you want to obtain a precise result, it is possible to solve the logarithmic equa-
tions proposed.
These piping “series” are those that have the same diameter and thickness ratio, and therefore the same resistance for the whole
range of diameters. Due to this the set of pipes is usually defined by its S or SDR value, corresponding to the same resistance.
The SDR value represents a dimensional relationship and the S value a relationship between the stress of the material and the work-
ing pressure. Both are also directly related, according to the following equations:
Where: e is the thickness
D is the external diameter
2. S+1
S is the pipe series
SDR is the standard dimensions ratio
D-e SDR - 1
S 2.e 2
For the same pipe diameter, the greater the thickness, the lower the values of S and SDR. Piping
of the same material and S (and SDR) value but with different diameters has the same internal
pressure resistance.
S3 S5
Comparison of piping of the same diameter and different S (and SDR) values. The greater the S value, the lower the thickness.
Cold water piping used to relate this resistance to its NP or nominal pressure value, which was evidently related to each piping series.
For the application of domestic hot water this value loses its relevance, as the resistance of each temperature for hot water (60 or
70º C) is unrelated to this value of NP.
* NP= nominal pressure at 20ºC and 50 years, including the safety factor.
In the following chapter we will explain the resistance of each pipe for these applications, which is provided in the standard for each
material with a calculation equivalent to that explained.
Frequently, the piping is identified by its S or SDR value, and diameter, without needing to specify the thickness that given in the
standardised tables of dimensions.
Thus, the Terrain SDP Polybutene piping catalogue corresponds to the piping in the series S 5 or SDR 11 (except the lower diameters
15, 16 and 20 mm). See the tables below.
Characteristics of the piping for socket fusion and butt fusion joints of the Nueva Terrain system
Class 2 Class 2
Pipe classification according to UNE EN 15876 (70ºC, 10 bar, 50 years, C 1,5) (70ºC, 8 bar, 50 years, C 1,5)
(old NP in bar) 21,8 19
Piping series 5 5
11 11
The reduction in resistance in the 160 mm diameter is due to the enormous tensile stresses generated in installations of this diameter.
It is a precautionary measure that does not affect its prescription on site, since the resistance it offers is more than enough to be used
in any plumbing or heating installation.
As mentioned above, all the piping of the same series has the same resistance, as the Lamé equation can also be formulated in the following way:
As S is a dimensionless value, the units used for the stress σ are those obtained for the
pressure (P)
4.7. Standard pressures obtained from this process
The standards for each product establish the working pressures for each piping series and application (domestic hot water or heating)
according to the previous calculations. The table below summarises the working pressures for each class of application and material,
according to the aforementioned standards, for the piping series S5:
Working pressures
Domestic hot water at 60º Class 1 10 6 6 6 6 8
Domestic hot water at 70º Class 2 10 6 4 6 6 8
Heating at low temperature Class 4 10 8 6 6 6 -
Heating at high temperature Class 5 8 6 - 4 4 -
* Pressures in bar.
* Categories 4 and 5 are not applicable for PVC-C.
The equivalence shall be made according to the internal diameter, which is what provides the flow and defines the nominal diameter
(ND) in Central European countries, as opposed to the Spanish criterion of defining the ND by the external diameter, as indicated in
the product standards. Remember that, beyond the following equivalence, the final selection is determined by the designer, but that
in any event plastic piping, and especially PB, permits higher fluid velocities, so the interior diameters of the pipes are always smaller.
Galvanised steel CLASS 2 / 10 bar CLASS 2 / 8 bar PP-R CLASS 2 / 6 bar CU (DIN1786)
DIN2440/2448 PB PP-R Series 2.5 (SDR 6) Series 3.2 (SDR 7.4) STEEL
ND Inches De Di De Di SDR De Di De Di De Di
10 3/8” 17.2 12.5 15* 11.6 9 --- --- --- --- 15 13.0
10 3/8” 17.2 12.5 16* 12.4 9 --- --- 16 11.6 15 13.0
15 ½” 21.3 16.0 20 15.4 9 25 16.6 20 14.4 18 16.0
20 ¾” 26.9 21.6 22 18 11 --- --- 25 18.0 22 19.6
20 ¾” 26.9 21.6 25 20.4 11 32 21.2 --- --- --- ---
25 1” 33.7 27.2 28** 23.0 11 --- --- --- --- 28 25.6
25 1” 33.7 27.2 32 26.2 11 40 26.6 32 23.2 28 25.6
32 1 ¼” 42.4 35.9 40 32.6 11 50 33.4 40 29.0 35 32.0
40 1 ½” 48.3 41.8 50 40.8 11 63 42.0 50 36.2 42 39.0
50 2 60.3 53.0 63 51.4 11 75 50.0 63 45.8 54 51.0
65 2 ½” 76.1 68.8 75 61.4 11 90 60.0 75 54.4 76.1 72.0
80 3” 88.9 80.8 90 73.6 11 110 73.4 90 65.4 88.9 85.0
100 4” 114.3 105.3 110 ** 90.0 11 125 83.4 110 79.8 108.0 103.0
(125) (102.2) 11
125 5” 139.7 131.7 125 ** 102.2 11 160 106.8 133.0 127.0
(160) (130.8) 11
150 6” 168.3 159.3 160 130.8 11 159.0 153.0
Note: Due to its low roughness, PB piping can transport fluid at higher velocities, therefore small-
er diameters can be used to transport the same flow.
5. International standards for piping systems
The famous Maastricht Treaty of 1992 and the reinvention of the European Union, at the same time as the disappearance of borders
and national currencies, meant the elimination of local product standards through the creation of joint regulations that are applicable
to all member states. Thus, when the peseta, the mark, the franc and other national currencies disappeared, the particular standards
of each country ceased to exist. In the case of PB systems, UNE 53415 for Spain, BS 7291 for Great Britain, DIN 16969 for Germany
and many other standards were repealed in favour of the new EN ISO 15876. The creation of this standard, in which Nueva Terrain
participated as a speaker through Quality Director, Juan Carlos Casas, changed the way thermoplastic piping systems for hot and
cold water supply and heating are identified and monitored, as we shall explain below. Even today people mistakenly refer to the old
standards when planning PB systems. In this chapter, we will help you to recognise the main changes and definitions that the new
standards entail.
5.1. International standards for PB systems: UNE-EN ISO 15876
A generic set of applicable standards has been drawn up for channelling systems in plastics for hot and cold water. A standard has
been developed for each material (PB, PEX, PPR, PVC-C and PE-RT). Each standard is constituted by five parts:
- Part 1: general, where the working conditions are fundamentally defined for these systems, which are the same
for all the materials.
- Part 2: pipes, where the calculation method (the same in all cases), the resulting dimensions and the physical character-
istics of the pipes of each material are defined.
- Part 3: fittings, where the resulting dimensions and the physical characteristics of the fittings of each material are defined.
- Part 5: system, where the functional tests of the full system (pipes plus fittings) of each
material are defined, including their connections.
- Part 7: certificate, methods and requirements for obtaining certification in each material.
The standard is applied to PB systems used in hot and cold water installations inside buildings (domestic systems) to transport water
whether for human consumption or not, and under pressures and temperatures in accordance with the application class.
The standard defines four different kinds of service where each of them is a combination of temperatures and lifetimes (profiles of
use) and not in the case of the previous Spanish standard that defined working pressures at each specific temperature.
Each class refers to a design lifetime of 50 years. This classification is unique and identical for all materials.
• Working pressure (PD): working pressure for which the system has been designed.
• Working temperature (TOp ): temperature or combination of temperatures for the use of the water for which the system
has been designed.
• Maximum working temperature (Tmax ): highest temperature that can be reached during operation but only
during short periods of time.
• Malfunction temperature (Tmal): highest temperature that can be reached if the control limits are exceeded. (The time
during which this situation may arise is limited to 100 hours during a period of 50 years.)
• Cold water temperature (Tcold): circulation temperature of cold water of approximately 20ºC.
Classification of working conditions
1 60º 49 80º 1 95º 100 Hot water at 60º
2 70º 49 80º 1 95º 100 Hot water at 70º
20º 2.5 Underfloor heating
4 40º 20 70º 2.5 100º 100 and radiators at low
60º 25 temperatures
20º 14 Radiators
5 60º 25 90º 1 100º 100 at high
80º 10 temperatures
1) Each country can choose class 1 or class 2 according to their national regulations.
• Each class can be combined with working pressures of 4, 6, 8 or 10 bar. Therefore and unlike the old
Spanish standard the working pressures are already preset for all materials. It is understood that given an
installation, for example sanitary hot water, the working conditions of its design are independent of the material of the
pipes and these pipes have to fulfil these conditions.
• All systems that satisfy one these categories should also be useful for the cold water supply for
50 years with a working pressure of 10 bar.
• Class 4 consists of 2.5 years at 20ºC, plus 20 years at 40ºC, plus 25 years at 60ºC.
• Class 5 consists of 14 years at 20ºC, plus 25 years at 60ºC, plus 10 years at 80ºC.
The regression curves for each material have their own mathematical equations that are those that are really used in the calculation,
instead of those in the graphs.
Using these equations, taking into account the specifications of each class, applying Miner's rule (see Annex 3) and using the working
coefficients (called safety factors in the old Spanish standard) of each material, we obtain the stress design for each class σd (called
the calculation stress in the Spanish standard).
Working coefficients
TOP 1.50
Tmax 1.30
Tmal 1.00
Tcold 1.25
The stress designs obtained from for PB pipes are
(see Annex 4 for an example of the specific application of the calculation for class 2):
Stress design
1 5.73 ( D )
2 5.04 ( D )
4 5.46 ( D )
5 4.31 ( D )
20ºC - 50 years 10.92 ( D )
For a given class with a given working pressure it is necessary to determine the maximum value of Smax that the series S to which
the pipe belongs can have, with the purpose of determining the thicknesses of each diameter.
Because the pipe must withstand the conditions of lifetime and temperature of its class, and must also be valid for work at 10 bar for 50 years at 20ºC,
the Smax value will be the smallest of the following two:
D Dcold
PD 10
With these constraints the following Smax values are obtained for PB pipes:
Thicknesses of the PB pipe wall for different series
Nominal ø medium ø S 10 S8 S 6.3 S5 S4 S 3.2
Ext. min. ø Ext. min. ø Wall thickness
Applying the same method to the equations of other materials, with their specific working coefficients, their own Smax values (max-
imum pipe series) are obtained:
4 10.9 7.6 6.9 10.0 6.7 4 10.9 7.6 5.3 10.0 6.7
6 9.5 6.4 5.2 7.3 5.5 6 8.4 6.4 3.6 6.9 4.5
8 7.1 4.8 3.9 5.5 4.1 8 6.3 4.8 2.7 5.2 3.4
10 5.7 3.8 3.1 4.4 3.3 10 5.0 3.8 2.1 4.2 2.7
4 10.9 7.6 6.9 6.7 4 10.9 7.6 4.8 6.0
6 9.1 6.6 5.5 5.4 6 7.2 5.4 3.2 4.0
8 6.8 5.5 4.1 4.1 8 5.4 4.0 2.4 3.0
10 5.4 4.0 3.3 3.3 10 4.3 3.2 1.9 2.4
* For PVC-C, classes 4 and 5 are not applicable and this material cannot be used for these services.
Using the previous values and the standardised S values in each of the documents for each material, the following tables indicate,
for example, the necessary thickness values for a pipe with an external diameter of 25.
Thickness necessary according to the standards for a Ø25 mm, depending on the
material used and the pressure at which we wish to work:
4 1.3 1.9 2.3 1.9 2.3 4 1.3 1.9 2.3 1.9 2.3
6 1.5 1.9 2.3 1.9 2.3 6 1.5 2.3 3.5 1.9 2.8
8 1.9 2.8 3.5 2.3 2.8 8 1.9 2.8 4.2 2.3 3.5
10 2.3 3.5 4.2 2.8 3.5 10 2.3 3.5 5.1 2.8 4.2
4 1.3 1.9 2.3 2.3 4 1.3 1.9 3.5 2.3
6 1.5 1.9 2.3 2.3 6 1.5 2.3 3.5 2.8
8 1.9 2.3 3.5 2.8 8 2.3 2.8 5.1 3.5
10 2.3 2.8 3.5 3.5 10 2.8 3.5
* For PVC-C, classes 4 and 5 are not applicable and this material cannot be used for these services.
The empty cells indicate that in the standard corresponding to the material there is no standardised series that satisfies the require-
ment of being lower than the maximum series permitted. Therefore there is no pipe with an outer diameter of 25 mm that fulfils this
As can be verified, for the same external diameter and for the same application, the thickness
required by the European standard for a PB pipe is lower than that required of a pipe in any other
material. This is due to the excellent characteristics of PB in terms of pressure resistance.
For example, we can consider a hot water installation at 70ºC, in other words a class 2 application, that will work at 10 bar. If the
material selected is PB, a thickness of 2.3 mm would be necessary, if the material were PP R the thickness would be 5.1 mm, if it were
PERT or PEX it must be 3.5 mm and finally if it were PVC-C the thickness must be 2.8 mm.
These differences mean that the internal diameter through which the flow passes is 27% lower in PPR than in PB; 12% lower in
PERT/PEX than in PB, 18% lower in PERT than in PB and 5% lower in PVC-C.
These differences mean that if the pipe selected is PB, its weight will be lower than that of the other options, for the same supply
flow necessary the velocity of the water will be lower as a result, the head loss will be lower. For example:
With regard to the above, as an example for comparison, Annex 2 provides the regression curves of PB, PEX, PP-R and PERT, for a
temperature of 80ºC.
In the old Spanish standard the concept of nominal pressure (NP) was used as the working pressure at 20ºC and values, for example,
of 16 bar and 20 bar were used. Nevertheless in the current standard this concept is no longer used and the working pressures used
for all of the materials are 4, 6, 8 and 10 bar, as they refer to hot water.
Does this mean that since the standard changed, PB pipes no longer withstand pressures greater than 10 bar at 20ºC?
Evidently the answer is no. For a lifetime of 50 years at a temperature of 20ºC, the pipes still have a maximum working pressure
greater than 10 bar. What does change is not the resistance of material but rather the philosophy and the concepts of the standard
and therefore any other interpretation is erroneous.
The maximum operating pressure at a given temperature and lifetime is calculated by directly applying the formula:
Pmax SxC
If these calculations are performed for the temperature 20ºC the following results are obtained:
Maximum working pressure (bar)
t S-10 S-8 S-6.3 S-5 S-4 S-3.15
T C (years) (MPa) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar) (bar)
20ºC 1.25 1 14.51 11.6 14.5 18.4 23.2 29.0 36.9
20ºC 1.25 5 14.34 11.5 14.3 18.2 22.9 28.7 36.4
20ºC 1.25 10 14.24 11.4 14.2 18.1 22.8 28.5 36.2
20ºC 1.25 25 13.91 11.1 13.9 17.7 22.2 27.5 35.3
20ºC 1.25 50 13.66 10.9 13.7 17.3 21.9 27.3 34.7
Therefore a pipe of for example Ø25x2.3, that belongs to series 5, has a maximum working pressure at 20ºC and 50 years of 21.9 bar;
a pipe of for example Ø16x1.8, that belongs to series 4, has a maximum working pressure at 20ºC and 50 years of 27.3 bar.
Evidently, these same calculations can be made for other temperatures and lifetimes.
All the piping on the market is marked with text that is not generally given the importance it really should: this marking defines all
of the characteristics of the pipe. The regulations require minimum information as well as some general requirements regarding the
quality of the marking. The standard UNE EN ISO 15876 is no exception and the PB piping by Nueva Terrain more than meets the
• The marking is printed directly on the pipe at least once per metre, in such a way that after the storage, handling and
installation it remains legible.
• The colour of the ink used clearly differs from the colour of the pipe, thus guaranteeing its readability.
• The marking is made with no mechanism making physical contact with the pipe and therefore there is no damage to the
surface so the beginnings of fissures or any other type of defect are not caused.
TERRAIN SDP PB-H 22X2.0 – DIMENSION B1 – CLASS 2 / P10 BAR Opaque UNE-EN ISO 15876-2
AENOR – N – 001/168 Day, Time and Line 20ºC – 21.9 bar KIWA 10 bar CERTIF MADE IN SPAIN
1.- TERRAIN SDP: this is our brand name and identifies us as the manufacturer.
2.- PB-H: material from which the pipe is manufactured, in this case Homopolymer Polybutene (PB or PB-1)
3.- 22 x 2.0: nominal dimensions. External diameter 22 mm and thickness 2.0 mm
4.- Dimension B1: The standard establishes different classes or types of dimensions: A for the metrics and B1 and B2 for the
dimensions based on copper piping. In this example the diameter 22 belongs to the dimension class B1.
5.- 2 / 10 bar. Maximum class for application and working pressure for which the pipe has been designed. Only the highest class
is printed as it is understood that the remaining categories are included. In this case it is suitable for Class 2 and a pressure of
10 bar, in addition to Class 1, 10 bar; Class 4 / 10 bar; 5 / 8 bar.
6.- Opaque. The pipe is defined as opaque because it does not transmit more than 0.20% of the visible light when tested according
to the standard UNE-EN ISO 7686. This characteristic implies that microorganisms and algae that need light to proliferate will
not grow inside the pipe, thus guaranteeing its safety with regard to health.
7.- UNE-EN ISO 15876-2 Standard according to which the pipe has been manufactured and therefore all the characteristics re-
quired by it have been completely fulfilled.
8.- AENOR – N – 001/168. Full compliance with the standard is guaranteed by AENOR and this means we can print the N as a quality
marking. The number is none other than the contract signed between AENOR and Nueva Terrain and that regulates the certification.
9.- With the purpose of guaranteeing full traceability the PB pipes by Nueva Terrain have the date, the hour and the
minute at which they were manufactured printed on them, as well as the manufacture shift and the extrusion line on which
they were produced.
10.- 20ºC – 21.9 bar. The maximum working pressure for 50 years and 20ºC, in this case, 21.9 bar is also included.
11.- Keys for other international certifications, if applicable this is the case for the Dutch KIWA and the Portuguese CERTIF.
12.- MADE in SPAIN. The place of manufacture is specified.
13.- Uses and applications of the product determined by the standard, in this case Hot and Cold water supply
6. PB-1 systems and sustainable construction
The need for the market to move toward sustainable construction will become a reality regardless of the political motivations and
short-term economic prospects. The future shortage of resources, the legitimate access to new population commodities that up to
now are underdeveloped, and the progressive awareness of the different parties involved in the market (via legislation, via the econo-
my or via the market) will make it obligatory to select the most appropriate materials for the construction. In this scenario, it is evident
that the materials that are optimum for the application, consume fewer resources for their manufacture and have the possibility of
recycling will be the most recommendable products.
Thus, at the TU Berlin they have developed their own independent procedure for evaluating the environmental impact of drinking
water supply installations. They created an analytical method, defined as VENOB, which is an objective and equivalent study of the
energy consumption of each installation, from the process of obtaining the raw material to the installation of the final product. The
results, that are set out below, demonstrated that PB is the material that in terms of energy efficiency and waste generation, is the
least harmful to the environment among all competing products.
6.1. Comparative environmental impact study
To be able to make an objective comparison of the environmental impact of the piping systems, it is necessary to use an evaluation
method that compares products of a different nature but that are intended for the same application.
The plastics technology department of the TU Berlin directed an environmental analysis study of drinking water installations by de-
veloping their own comparison method, called VENOB.
With this method they performed an analysis, based on scientific facts, that compared the total consumption of energy and the possi-
ble emissions into the air, water and ground, taking into account all stages from the production of the raw material to the installation
of the piping final systems, including the manufacture of the pipes and fittings.
For the study they took a building of 16 dwellings with a central hot water system and a supply pressure of 4 bar. Six different situ-
ations were considered, where in each of them the drinking water installation of that building was made in the following materials:
copper, galvanised steel, PE-X, PP-R, PB and PVC-C.
Firstly they analysed the energy necessary for the production of 1,000 kg of piping and fittings in the six materials. The results ob-
tained can be compared in the following graph:
energy (MJ)
It is clear that the previous graph does not provide enough information to be able to compare the different materials;
plastics weigh much less than metals so with 1000 kg of piping or fittings many more metres of the installation can be
Moreover the weight of the full system of pipes and fittings used was compared for each of the six materials indicated, necessary for
the installation of the aforementioned building.
It is important to note that, as in section 3.7, due to their high mechanical performance, the same installation in PB needs smaller
dimensions than pipes made with other materials.
Comparison of the weight of the plumbing installation
Using the previous data they obtained the equivalent energy of the complete piping system for each material. This data is shown
comparatively in the following graph.
(MF) Metal fittings
As can be verified, the same installation has a lower energy consumption when made with PB polybutene system.
As we have already indicated, in the study by the TU Berlin they also compared emissions possible into the air, water and ground for
each of the six materials.
The data obtained appears in the following graphs:
Comparison of the impact on the environment due to emissions into the ground
Comparison of the impact on the environment due to emissions into water Comparison of the impact on the environment due to emissions into the air
The subject of sustainable construction is one of various contemporary debates in forums in the standardisation sector. The efforts of
the different international (ISO/TC 59/SC14), European (CEN/TC 350) and national (AEN/CTN 198) work groups in the preparation of
standards that qualify construction in both civil works and buildings really is of the moment. The objective is to create a framework of
standards that objectively and independently assess the sustainability of both buildings and the construction products that constitute
Our interest as manufacturers of piping systems principally lies in the standards that identify the latter. Concepts such as the carbon
footprint of the product, its LCA (life cycle assessment of the product) or EPD (environmental product declaration) are what identifies
the “aggression” against the environment of each product. The task is to create standardised methods that obtain results and objec-
tives in such a way that comparisons can be made between products.
7. Joint systems
7.1. Push-fit joint
7.2. Socket fusion joint
7.3. Electrofusion joint
7.4. Butt fusion joint
7.5. Flanged joint
7.6. Transition joints
7.7. Leak testing in the installations
7. Joint systems
The advantages set out up to now of PB as a material have mainly concentrated on the excellent characteristics of the piping and
fittings of the installation. It is clear that the joints between the components of the system have an essential significance. This is
why, beyond the explanations and subsequent recommendations, Nueva Terrain requires their own pipes and fittings to be used in
order to guarantee the installations. Combining components, not only in our system, can cause the installation to fail regardless of
the individual quality of each of them. PB as a material has optimum characteristics for connection using the most versatile and varied
systems: mechanical joints and fusion or thermal welding. Thus, Nueva Terrain offers four different joint systems depending on the
needs of the installation and the skill and/or requirements of the installer.
+ Push-fit joint: A unique system of mechanical joints that is quick, easy and reliable.
Connection using grab rings, not compression. Tools are not necessary and it is the
quickest on the market. Of particular interest for installations with small diameters
and a large number of joints.
+ Socket fusion joint: It is a fusion joining method, heating the pipe and fitting in
furnaces. Reliable installations that are more economical in terms of materials and
with a lower volume, but that take longer to install. Recommended in installations of
medium diameters with few connections, and in workshop-based joints or in optimum
conditions of installation.
+ Electrofusion joint: It is a fusion joining method, heating the pipe and fitting us-
ing an electrical resistance at the female-socket of the fitting. Cold assembly of pipe
and fitting, which enables simple installation even in the most difficult conditions and
positions. Recommended for larger diameters and installations on construction sites.
+ Butt fusion joint: It is a fusion joining method. Reliable installations that are more
economical with a lower volume, but are more complex to carry out on construction
sites. Recommended for larger diameters and installations in the workshop.
The joint systems aforementioned, as well as the range of diameters and variety of fittings, result in a complete catalogue that pro-
vides solutions to the most varied of installations with the best materials and systems available.
The range and systems of joints provided by Nueva Terrain are set out below:
Socket fusion
Butt fusion
Also defined internally as the Classic joint system, as it was with this original system that the company launched its catalogue of the
company in the 1980s. It can make quick connections up to diameters of 50 mm, a milestone in grab ring joint systems.
This system, characteristic of Terrain, adds the following to the advantages of PB as a raw material:
- Ease and speed of fitting, with the economic savings that this entails.
- The joint is not rigid and the joints can be rotated, even under load, which means it is not necessary to calculate or
contemplate the different directions and angles in the direction changes.
- Special tools are not needed to make the joints, apart from the pipe cutter.
- Unlike other mechanical joints, the pipe is not compressed from either the interior or exterior.
- The pipe does not need any type of tool or fitting to adopt shapes or measurements different from its original form,
therefore the creep resistance typical of plastic materials, in other words, the elongation of the material in function
of time under constant load, does not influence the grab ring joints.
- The Terrain push-fit system, unlike other press-fitting, sliding sleeve or push-fit systems that are sealed on the
internal diameter, the internal diameter of the fittings is not reduced. This implies exceptional or localised losses
in the fitting that are far lower, which results in a lower pressure drop in the installation and optimum flow at the
point of consumption.
The reliability of the joint is confirmed by numerous tests performed on the joint system, performed in laboratories of both Terrain and
other independent organisations, as well as various certifications. The system has been on the market since 1982, with more than
250 million joints installed in construction works.
The Push-Fit system is characterised by the fact that specific installation tools are not needed, it is sufficient to fit the pipe into the
fitting by hand. Nevertheless we recommend using pipe cutters to cut the piping, silicone to lubricate it and a marker pen to mark the
penetration length.
In reality, no special qualifications are needed to make the joints themselves, although it is important for the person performing any
plumbing or heating installation to have some basic knowledge to ensure the system functions well.
Steps to follow for assembly:
1 Cortar
Cut theelpipe
tubo 2 Introducir el casquillosleeve
Insert the supporting
se r
Y S u utte e.
WA e c ip
AL e pip the p
th cut to
to ut a e on g
W A YS pg sleevinsertin
AL portin efore .
sup pipe b fitting
the to the
it in
3 Lubricar
Lubricate. Insert the pipe.
4 Introducir el tubo
o ene
th f the trat
e fi p io
tti ipe n l
ng in en
. to gth
o he .
t ing
r i cate e fitt
b h
Lu e pipnto t
th de i
Nota: You
Note: Deberemos asegurarnos
must ensure that the de que
pipe hasel been
tubo inserted
se ha introducido en la up
into the fitting pieza hasta
to the la marca
mark del rotulador
made with o en
the marker pensuor,
failing hasta
uplatosiguiente marcaondel
the next mark thetubo.
5 Wrong
Erróneo Right
6 Correcto
Joint parameters:
Penetration length of the pipe in the Push-Fit system
External D of pipe (mm) Pipe penetration length (mm)
15 25
16 25
20 27
22 27
25 27
28 30
32 32
40 43
50 43
- Do not use pipes with an external surface that has been damaged with scratches, deep marks, chips, etc…
- The fittings are supplied assembled and may not be manipulated; they must be used exactly as they are supplied. This avoids
possible errors in adjustments and tightening. It is harmful to force the fitting by trying to unscrew the nut.
- Respect the lengths of penetration, either by using a marker pen to mark the pipe or using the marks made in the factory.
- Once the pipe has been inserted into the fitting, never manipulate the grab rings, in other words, do not modify their original
placement, remove them from the pipe or reuse them.
- Never reuse a grab ring. If a joint is dismantled, the grab ring must be replaced with a new one, even though it may not look
VERY IMPORTANT: it is essential that the pipe is inserted up to the mark on the pipe, or
up to the mark made with the marker pen, to ensure proper installation.
Use of piping with the surface in poor condition (scratches, marks, The joint might not be capable of absorbing the superficial defects and
chips, etc.) leaks will occur.
A reused grab ring will not grip the pipe properly and can cause the pipe
Reuse of the grab ring.
to come out of the fitting.
An extremely oblique cut can cause the grab ring to fail to grip the pipe
Pipe cut not perpendicular
uniformly, causing the pipe to come out.
The burrs from the cut can get in between the gasket and the pipe cause
Cuts with burrs
Handling fittings (threaded nut) A fitting with a poor thread can cause leakage or the pipe to come out.
Dirt in the fitting or pipe The dirt can get in between the gasket and the pipe cause leakage.
7.2. Socket fusion joint
Socket fusion between the exterior surface of the pipe and the interior of the fitting.
The proper functioning of the joint depends on the good condition of the tools used, the cleanliness of all of the elements, the expe-
rience of the installer in welding polybutene and the correct monitoring of the joint parameters defined.
The joints must be made by staff trained in socket fusion techniques for plastic materials, with sufficient experience with PB joints.
1 The pipe and the fitting to be welded must of be of same diameter and material.
2 Cut the pipe perpendicular to its length, ensuring that the cut is as uniform as possible.
3 To ensure the pipe penetrates the mouth of the fitting easily the exterior edge of the pipe can be bevelled.
- Pipes with diameters of 16 and 20 mm do not need bevelling.
- For pipes with diameters of 25, 32 and 40 mm bevelling is recommended.
- Pipes with diameters of 50 and 63 mm must be bevelled.
4 Clean the surfaces to weld, both pipe and fitting, using absorbent, lint-free paper, dampened with an ethyl alcohol based
detergent that is free from oils and greases.
5 Clean the polyfusor furnaces using the same technique as for the pipe and fitting. Cleaning is easier if they have been heated
slightly beforehand.
6 Mark the penetration length necessary according to the diameter on the pipe. This is a very simple way to ensure you have
inserted the pipe far enough into the fitting once you have made the joint
(see table of joint parameters).
7 The temperature of the furnaces must be set to 260ºC; check this before starting to make the joint.
8 Insert the pipe and the fitting simultaneously into the furnaces and leave them there during the heating time (see table of joint
parameters). Exert a light pressure against the furnaces during the process.
9 At the end of the heating time, remove the pipe and fitting from the furnaces and insert the pipe into the female-socket of the
fitting to form the joint. Apply a light axial pressure during the maintenance time (see table of joint parameters) to prevent the
pipe moving.
10 Once the joint is finished, wait for the cooling time (see table of parameters) before handling the joint to continue with the installation.
11 After 1 hour after the last weld, the installation will be ready for commissioning at its working pressure.
12 Wait at least 24 hours before performing the pressure test explained in section 7.7.
Joint parameters
TABLE 1 Parameters for socket fusion PB.
The contact surface between the pipe and the fitting is smaller, and can
Insufficient penetration length
cause the pipe to come out.
Low furnace temperature. The PB does not melt correctly and the joint is not correct.
< 260ºC The pipe may drip or even come out.
High furnace temperature. The PB is degraded due to the excessive temperature and the joint is
> 260ºC not correct. The pipe may drip or even come out.
Remains of grease and dirt do not allow the surfaces of the pipe and
Dirt in the furnaces, pipes or fittings. fitting to fuse correctly. Joint not correct. The pipe may drip or even
come out.
Cut not perpendicular Asymmetrical fusion of pipe and fitting. Possible leakage
The PB does not melt correctly and the joint is not correct.
Insufficient welding time
The pipe may drip or even come out.
The PB is degraded due to the excessive heat and the joint is not correct.
Fusion time too long
The pipe may drip or even come out.
The pipe may move out of its position inside the fitting.
Insufficient maintenance time
The pipe may come out.
7.3. Electrofusion joint
The only universal joint welded at 40 V on the market for PB pipes and fittings. A safe and easy connection, even in the most complex
cases, as the joint is made cold. Ensure the fittings and the length of pipe that will penetrate the fitting are clean, and the joint will
be done by the machine.
1 Cut the pipe perpendicular to its axis leaving the section as uniform as possible.
2 Ream and clean the pipe and the area inside the socket using lint-free absorbent paper soaked in alcohol
for cleaning. Once the surfaces are clean, take care not to leave them on soiled surfaces or handle them with dirty hands.
Important: use always a new paper for each union.
3 Use the marks on the socket to mark penetration length on the pipe.
4 Insert the pipe up to the mark made. 5 Connect the electrical terminals of the electro-
welding machine to the socket.
6 Using the reader pen, read the barcode on the 7 Accept the parameters read and begin the
socket. welding process.
8 During the fusion process, keep at least a metre away from the fusion area and do not handle the installation.
9 Once the fusion is finished, wait for the cooling time indicated in the table of parameters, before continuing to manipulate the
10 The welding indicator allows you to quickly verify that the installation is ready.
11 Wait at least 1 hour before commissioning the installation with the working pressure.
12 Twenty-four hours after the last joint, you can perform the hydraulic testing of the installation
explained in section 7.7.
Joint parameters:
* Parameters valid for the NT electrofusion sleeves, consult the values for other types of fittings such as reduction adaptors or T connectors.
- It is very important to ensure that all the joint surfaces are clean. The presence of drops of water, grease or any other element
in the joint area can cause the joint to fail.
- Always check the penetration length of the pipe in the fitting; to do this, mark the pipe beforehand.
- It is recommended to verify that the gap between the pipe and the sleeve is acceptable. Very large gaps leave openings in the
joint that do not help the joining process. This gap can be monitored during the reaming process and when aligning the pipe
and the sleeve.
- We recommend properly aligning the pipe or fitting with respect to the sleeve. Angular misalignment can cause a joint to fail.
According to the DVS standards at 300 mm from the joint the offset of the pipe must be a maximum of 1 mm. The gap between
the pipe and the sleeve must be uniform throughout the circumference.
- Once the joint is finished, is very important to wait for the recommended cooling time. Manipulation of the installation before
the joint is sufficiently cooled can damage the internal welding performed.
- Use a reliable electrofusion machine and capable to deliver the appropriate voltage and current to make the joint.
We recommend using machines that fulfil the characteristics listed in the standard DVS 2208.
Welding area not covered with possible short circuit and over-welding of
Insufficient penetration depth
the element. Joint not correct.
The material is excessively melted and there is the possibility that the
Inadequate welding parameters. Excessive welding time.
joint will lose melted material. Joint not correct, with possible leakage.
7.4. Butt fusion joint
Joint between pipe and fitting face to face at their thickness. Safe and reliable joint, saving space and material. Depending on wheth-
er the installer has good training, knowledge of the machinery and sufficient space and the appropriate position.
The joints must be made by staff trained in butt fusion techniques and with practical knowledge in the use of the welding ma-
chine used.
1 Place the pipes or fittings to be joined in the brackets of the welding machine.
3 Clean off any dirt from the faces and the surrounding area.
Place the milling tool between the faces and start the machining process.
4 Remove the milling tool and clean up any shavings.
5 Verify that the two faces are joined with the tensing device there are no excessive gaps in the joint.
The maximum must not exceed 0.5 mm.
8 Bring the faces towards the heating element and apply a pressure of 0.1 N/mm².
• In mechanical machines, apply the force called F1 in the attached table.
• In hydraulic machines, it will be necessary to calculate the pressure to apply to the cylinder.
9 Maintain this pressure until the bead formed has sufficient height.
• The recommended bead dimensions are in the attached table.
Maintain this pressure for the
time established as T1 in the table
10 Separate the faces from the heating element and remove it.
• It is advisable to perform this step as quickly as possible, the recommended time corresponds to T2 in the table attached.
• Before removing the heating element, verify it is not stuck to the faces of the fittings to avoid damaging the weld bead.
13 Maintain this pressure for the time established as T4 in the table attached.
15 Although the joint is already finished it is recommended to wait approximately one hour until the joint has cooled completely
before handling the fittings welded.
16 Wait at least 1 hour before commissioning the installation with the working pressure.
17 Twenty-four hours after the last joint, you can perform the hydraulic testing of the installation
explained in section 7.7.
Joint parameters
Parameters and diagram for joints with manual tightening machine (mechanical requirements and tests).
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
0.1 N/mm2 0.01 N/mm2 0.1 N/mm2
Pipe TO Bead T1 T2 T3 T4 Temp
F1 sec mm F2 sec sec F3 sec sec ºC
- After welding, the joint area must look like a double weld bead with a regular shape throughout the circumference, where
the intermediate area (trough) is always higher than the exterior face of the fittings (see figure).
- If the welding is done outdoors, it is recommended to protect the joint from adverse weather conditions (rain, snow, wind,
etc.) that can cause unacceptable variations in the melting point that is reached.
> 0 mm
Misaligned faces between the pipe and fitting Irregular weld surface with possibility of breakage. Joint not correct
The material can be degraded and may not join correctly. Excessively melted
Excessive heating time
material may spill in the interior of the pipe fitting. Joint not correct
Excessive joint force Weld bead irregular with non-rounded edges. Joint not correct
Weld bead with possible interior gaps. They may not be visible to the naked eye.
Insufficient joint force
Joint not correct
Heating plate dirty Contamination of the surfaces to be joined causing the joint to fail.
Incorrect temperature of the heating plate (high or low) Insufficient welding between the surfaces to be joined. Joint not correct
7.5. Flanged joint
The outlets of the PB piping system to commercial elements in large diameters can be made by standard flanged joints.
Flanged joints are very sensitive to tangential stresses and overtightening of the flange adaptor. It is important, therefore, to ensure
the flanged joint is installed properly, and that it is secured in such a way that it does not receive other stresses from the installation
aside from the inherent hydraulic stresses.
Be sure to follow the instructions set out below.
The joints must be made by staff trained in plumbing and with enough experience in the joint of flanged joints with plastic
1 Verify that you have all of the parts necessary to carry out the joint.
2 Enter the flange in the fitting smooth of this towards the external circuits of the joint (otherwise the heads of the bolts will not
be correctly seated).
3 Place the gasket against the face of the flange adaptor. We recommend you use the gasket supplied by Nueva Terrain
4 Place the assembly with the gasket touching the joint you are going to make. Place the bolts with their corresponding
washer and uniform tightness.
Do not insert the sleeve before the flange as it will not fit afterwards and will be rendered useless.
5 If you are continuing the installation with electrofusion joints, insert the coupler into the flange adaptor.
The coupler must be positioned at the end of the process because it does not let the flange adaptor pass.
Joint parameters:
Table of parameters for the flanged joint:
Diameter Tightening torque No of bolts Bolts dimension
of the joint (Nm)
63 30 4 M16 x 80
75 35 4 M16 x 90
90 40 8 M16 x 100
110 45 8 M16 x 100
125 50 8 M16 x 100
160 60 8 M20 x 140
Gasket data:
Diameter External D Internal D Thickness D of bolt
of the joint (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 107 63 4 5
75 127 75 4 5
90 142 90 4 5
110 162 110 5 6
125 162 123 5 6
160 218 177 6 8
Flange data:
Diameter External D Internal D Thickness Centre No of bolts
of the joint (mm) (mm) (mm) holes D
63 171 78 20 125 4
75 191 92 21 145 4
90 206 110 21 160 8
110 226 133 22 180 8
125 226 133 22 180 8
160 296 188 27 240 8
Dimensions of the flange and gasket according to standard DIN 2501 PN10
- The coupler must be positioned at the end of the process because it does not let the flange pass.
- We recommend using the components supplied by Nueva Terrain to carry out the joint; this
ensures full compatibility of all the elements.
- Do not install flanged joints in pipe sections with bends or in areas designed for thermal expansion.
- Before starting to tighten the bolts, the faces of the flange adaptors must be in contact and well seated.
Forcing the joint of the two sections by tightening the nuts can lead to stresses that can hinder correct
system operation.
- Tighten the bolts crosswise as uniformly as possible until the gasket is secured between the flange adaptors.
Then tighten with dynamometric wrench to the torque recommended.
- Check the torque 24 hours after making the joint and after the pressure test.
- We recommend lubricating the threads to facilitate the removal of the joint.
- Do not apply grease or lubricant to the gasket.
- Use washers on the nuts and bolt heads and ensure they do not protrude more than 3 or 4 turns of the
thread out of the nuts.
- It is recommended to follow the instructions for working with flanged joints in the standard DVS 2210-1.
Plumbing and heating installations require the inclusion of components external to the piping system, such as taps, impeller pumps,
meters, etc. Generally these external components are connected with threaded or flanged joints, in which the piping system and
fittings must offer the possibility of coupling this type of joints.
Threaded fittings:
Nueva Terrain has a wide range of metal and plastic fittings with standardised BSP threaded output, that are at the same time suit-
able for connection to PB pipes.
These fittings are available in diameters from 15 mm to 50 mm for different applications.
Instructions for assembly
1 The fittings with a metal thread will be fitted with Teflon or hemp on the thread and screwed into the joint, tightened firmly but
without forcing the components.
2 Use Teflon or hemp on the male thread when joint plastic fittings (never apply oakum).
3 Only use Teflon on the female thread of plastic fittings, as they already have a gasket that makes the seal. Ensure that the male
thread is long enough to go all the way in and make the seal with the gasket.
1’’ BSP 6
Installation example
The nut means this joint is removable and facilitates the installation and maintenance of the system.
In this case, the joint is made after having performed the electrofusion of the PB system and duly secured the valve 2’’ ball valve.
Some of our diameters are compatible with those of copper piping (15, 22 and 28 mm). Direct connections to this piping may only be
performed if the pipes are properly bevelled, the dimensions are compatible and the copper quality is sufficiently ductile for our grab
ring to grip.
Nevertheless Nueva Terrain recommends the use of transition threaded fittings for the joints between different materials.
The output threads are compatible with the BSP threads. The quality of the brass for stamping is
according to alloy CW617N according to standard EN 12165
In addition to (or ion the absence of) testing by the competent organisation of each country or region require for the validation of the
installations, Nueva Terrain recommends performing the following protocol.
1 Fill the circuit with water.
2 Bleed it well in the high areas of the circuit so that there are no air bubbles that could create an overpressure.
ATTENTION: It is very important to remove all of the air from the circuit.
3 If there is a considerable difference in temperature (>10ºC) between the water mains and the room temperature,
it is advisable to wait at least 30 minutes for the heat balance to be reached and thus avoid changes in pressure in the circuit
due to expansion.
4 Raise the pressure to 7 bar for half a minute for the grab ring to catch on the PB pipe.
5 Continue increasing the pressure until it reaches 20 bar and leave it at this pressure for 10 minutes to detect any possible
leaky joints.
6 Lower the pressure to 1 bar for 5 minutes and raise it again to 20 bar for another 10 minutes, to test the joint at dynamic load
for cyclical pressure. Repeat this process once more and leave the pressure at 20 bar for 60 minutes.
Lower the pressure to 3 bar to check the seal of the joints. The pressure test is considered
7 successful if the pressure after 90 minutes remains at ≥3 bar. In contrast, if during this time the pressure
drops, this is indicative of leakage.
The pressure test is a guarantee that the installation is properly fitted. Nevertheless, marking the
joints correctly and ensuring the pipe penetrates the fitting properly are essential for the safety of
a good installation. A fitting that is poorly fitted and “gripped” at the end of the pipe may pass the
pressure test and come loose later with the dynamic load of the installation.
After 90 minutes the pressure
remains equal or higher than 3
10 bar (due to contraction effect).
10 5 10 5 60 90
Time (min)
Another way to test the hydrostatic pressure, unlike the previous system, and according to the standard UNE ENV 12108
Method A is set out below:
2 During the filling of the installation, bleed it to remove all air from the circuit.
3 Once the filling of the installation is complete and all the air has been removed, close the water intake.
4 Apply the test pressure to the installation, which will have a value of one and a half times the working pressure (but never more
than 24 bar). Due to the elasticity of the material the pressure may drop, therefore every 10 minutes the initial value of the test
pressure must be restored. This procedure must be repeated three times. During the full 30 minutes,
make a visual inspection to check for leakage in the installation.
5 After these 30 minutes, reduce the value of the pressure to half the working pressure by opening the drainage valve.
6 During the following 90 minutes check for possible leakage in the installation. If during this time the pressure drops, this is
indicative of leakage.
ATTENTION: In the event of testing at very high pressure, ensure all components
that do not resist this pressure (accumulators, appliances, flanged joints, etc.) are
disconnected during the pressure test.
Description of the installation
7.7.2 Large diameter installations
This test procedure avoids damaging the elements of the installation and at the same time ensures the watertightness
of pipes, accessories and joints.
2 Bleed well in the upper areas of the circuit so that there are no air bubbles and create an overpressure.
ATTENTION: It is very important to remove all the air from the circuit
3 If there is a considerable temperature difference (> 10ºC) between the mains water and the ambient temperature,
it is recommended to wait at least 30 minutes for a thermal equilibrium to be reached and thus avoid pressure
changes in the circuit due to expansion. During the next 90 minutes we check for possible leaks in the
installation. If the pressure drops during this time it would be indicative of the existence of a leak.
4 Raise the pressure to 7 bar for half a minute to allow the pipe network and anchors to settle. (in the case of
push-fit joints in the net, this also helps the retaining rings to stick into the PB tube)
5 Continue increasing the pressure until reaching 15 bar leaving this pressure for 10 minutes to detect possible
wrong connections
6 Lower the pressure to 1 bar for 5 minutes and raise the pressure again to 15 bar for another 10 minutes, to test the joint
under dynamic cyclic pressure stress. Repeat this operation once more and leave the pressure at 15 bar for 60 minutes
7 Lower the pressure to 3 bar to check the tightness of the joints. The pressure test would be successful if the pressure after
90 minutes is maintained at ≥3 bar. On the contrary, if the pressure decreased during this time, it would be indicative of
the existence of a leak.
Carrying out the pressure test is a guarantee of a well-assembled installation. However, the co-
rrect marking of the joints and ensuring the correct penetration of the tube into the part is the
essential complement for the safety of a compliant installation. A piece that is badly assembled
and “caught” at the end of the tube can withstand the pressure test and then emerge under the
dynamic stresses of the installation.
90 min
3 5 5
min min
Weather (min)
8. Flow rate and head loss
The ultimate objective of the piping network is for sufficient flow of water to reach the points of supply. The test of our installation
occurs when the user turns on the tap. The evaluation is ongoing, because our customers repeat this test throughout the whole life
of the installation. The installation project is usually universal regardless of the type of material. Nevertheless, the final response of
the system does depend on some typical factors of each material and system.
8.1. Installation dimensioning
The pressure and flow reaching the supply point will depend on the correct design of the piping installation, the geodetic height, as
well as the incoming pressure from the supply network. The dimensioning of a piping system is a complex problem that must take
into account a variety of calculation grounds and parameters, as well as complex hydraulic equations which simulate the flow of the
installation. The necessary parameters and calculations for the design of an installation can be summarised as:
• The flow required per section, based on the demand of each appliance and on the application of the simultaneity coefficient
in the use of the installation.
• The speed of circulation of the fluid, which must be established by the designer, anticipating possible problems
due to a high velocity, such as water hammer or noise generation. In this respect, PB pipe are
the most elastic on the market, and PB is the material that best tolerates an increase in circulation velocity.
• The water pressure of the supply network at the intake of the installation.
• The required minimum pressure that reaches each appliance or consumption point.
• The calculation of the head loss of the installation, once the diameters that provide the defined
flows and velocities of the fluid have been determined, and compliance with pressure specifications in the points of
supply have been verified.
As stated above, the mathematical calculation is complex, since it has to use empirical formulas to simulate the hydraulic behaviour
of the piping system. It is not the purpose of this manual to stress what is available in the technical literature for more interested
readers. So we will set aside fluid mechanics, laminar and turbulent systems, the friction coefficient and kinematic viscosities, etc. as
well as their mentors Bernoulli, Colebrook, Reynolds, Darcy, etc. and we will focus on the simplified solutions that make dimensioning
possible, simply and properly.
Thus, there are a number of standards that define the process of dimensioning and the calculation of the head losses that are simpli-
fied and objective, using hydrodynamic principles, as well as experience with installations.
UNE EN 806-3: Specifications for installations of water intended for human consumption inside buildings. Dimensioning of the
piping. Simplified method.
UNE 149201: Dimensioning for installations of water intended for human consumption inside buildings
ISO/TR 10501 – UNE 53959: Thermoplastic pipes for the transport of pressurised liquids. Calculation of head loss
The problem of dimensioning, described in the cited standards, is resolved sufficiently, even with software programmes that auto-
mate the calculation. If you have further questions or questions, our technical office can advise you and even draw up the project in
more specific or exceptional cases.
In any event, and beyond the theoretical calculations set out in the projects, remember the advantages of Terrain SDP PB system, in
terms of the correct and reliable supply in the conditions of the project:
==> An extremely elastic material, which results in very good functional performance in the event of high circulation speeds: noise
is not generated, extreme pressure peaks due to water hammer are not reached, etc.
==> The material has smooth walls that maintain the same roughness throughout its useful life, and therefore it ensures the
continuity of supply in the conditions of the project, compared to the piping and fittings that suffer corrosions and/or limescale
deposits, increasing the losses and reducing the flow.
==> Fittings and joint system that does not restrict the passage of fluid, and therefore does not increase localised losses.
Annex 5 shows the table of head losses, according to the flow transported or the flow velocity, for all PB piping in the Terrain SDP
catalogue and in the working range of the plumbing installations.
The units in which the head loss data is expressed are mbar per metre of pipe, for a water temperature of 20ºC.
If you need calculate the head losses in a different working range to that set out, consult our Technical Department or apply the
general formula set out in the calculation standard ISO/TR 10501:
If the Reynolds number is set to: 4 x103 ≤ Re ≤ 1.5 x105 → J0 = 5.37 x 10-2 x (d-1.24 v1.76 )
If the Reynolds number is set to: 1.5 x105 ≤ Re ≤ 1x106 → J0 = 5.79 x 10-2 x (d-1.20 v1.80 )
Where: J0 is the head loss of the pipe in mbar per metre of pipe at 20ºC
d is the internal pipe diameter (m)
v is the circulation velocity of the fluid in the pipe in m/s
Head loss due to the fittings that comprise the piping system is calculated by applying a universal multiplication coefficient defined
for each figure or shape according to the following formula, which evidently takes into account the average velocity of the water
transported. The calculation formula used is that proposed in the standard ISO/TR 10501:
∆P = 100 ξ V2
Where: Δ P is the localised pressure drop (mbar)
ξ ξ is the pressure drop coefficient, determined per type of fitting (dimensionless)
v is the speed of the fluid (m/s)
g is the acceleration due to gravity: 9.8 m/s2
The values of ξ for each fitting, based on the explained calculation are given below.
Fitting No. Type of fitting Coefficient Graphic symbol
1 T divergent 1.3 v
2 T concurrent 0.9 v
3 Manifold outlet 0.5
4 Manifold inlet 1.0
6 Reduction 0.4
Ø15 10.0
Screw Ø16 10.0
down valve Ø20 8.5
Ø22 8.0
Ø15 1.0
Ø22 0.5
9 Ø25 0.5
Ø28 0.5
Ø32 0.3
10 Ø15 4.0
The calculations and values expressed above for the head loss in pipes are only for water at 20ºC as the fluid piped. The pressure
drops are, nevertheless, dependent on the temperature of the fluid piped, as at higher temperatures the kinematic viscosity the fluid
is lower and therefore the friction and head losses are also reduced. Although the value of the correction coefficients depends to a
lesser extent on the hydraulic system where it is flowing, according to the Reynolds number that characterises it, the values can be
accepted as fixed according to the following table:
T (ºC) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
kt 1.123 1.087 1.055 1.027 1.000 0.977 0.956 0.937
T (ºC) 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 100
kt 0.918 0.903 0.886 0.858 0.834 0.813 0.793 0.776
The losses at a temperature t, ΔPT, therefore, are calculated with reference to the losses at 20ºC (J0), multiplied by the correction
factor from the table above, with the following formula:
ΔPT = kt J0
If you want to calculate the head loss for piping a liquid other than water, you need to know its kinematic viscosity, at the temperature
of the project, applying the following formula that links the losses of the fluid to calculate with those of water at 20ºC.
The exponent b in function of the type of hydraulic system of the fluid, depending on the value of the Reynolds number that characterises it:
Suppose you have 10 m of Ø32 x 2.9 pipe installed along with four 90º elbows and water circulates in this installation with a flow of 0.8 l/sec.
1.- According to the tables in Annex 5, the head loss in the pipe is 9.6 mbar/m with a fluid circulation velocity
of 1.48 m/sec. Therefore, the head loss in the 10 metres of pipe is 96 mbar.
2.- According to the table in point 8.3, for the elbow, the coefficient ξ has a value of 0.7. Applying the formula for a velocity of 1.48
m/s, you will obtain an individual head loss of 7.82 mbar. As you have 4 fittings, the head loss in all of them will be 31.3 mbar.
3.- Therefore the total head loss in our installation is 127.3 mbar.
9. Expansion, compensation and clamps
Compensating expansion, to avoid problems linked to it in hot water and heating installations, is one of the basic questions in the
installation project. There are diverse solutions and they depend on each installation. This chapter sets out the constructive solutions
that, thanks to our experience, we can provide.
The thermal motion that occurs in the piping installations, its own weight and the hydraulic pressure, as well as the action on control
elements such as valves and similar, are a source of stress on the installations that must be taken into account in the design phase,
with the aim of preventing any damage to them.
A summary can be found below of the installation techniques, as well as methods for compensation expansion, the selection of fixed
points and supports, as well as general recommendations that will help in the construction of safer installations. Even recognising
the concurrence that is not always simple between the installation in the drawing (design) and the real installation, following certain
basic construction instructions will result in the correct absorption of the stresses generated, without affecting the components of
the installation itself: pipes, fittings and joints. First we will provide an overview of the behaviour of expansion in materials, and the
generation of stress due to poor compensation of this expansion.
A general characteristic of all solids is that they expand, to a greater or lesser extent, when their temperature is increased and contract
when it is decreased. Thus a bar of any material with an initial length L0 experiences an elongation ΔL when its temperature is raised
by ΔTºC. The constant characteristic of each material that relates these amounts is the coefficient of linear thermal expansion, α, so:
ΔL = α x L0 x Δ T
The coefficient of thermal expansion for PB is 0.13 mm/mºK, so when the formula is applied we obtain the elongation of the PB pipe
for a given temperature increase (alternatively, Annex 6 provides a graph that enables a simpler calculation of length variation for
PB pipes.)
These variations, whether elongation or contraction, in addition to eventually causing a negative aesthetic effect (a buckled pipe),
there may also be mechanical stress in the pipes themselves and at the anchor points.
While it is true that the coefficient of expansion of plastics is significantly higher than that of metals, the mechanical stress that
occurs due to the expansion is much lower in plastics, due to their elasticity. The following chapter analyses the mechanical stress
caused by expansion.
As mentioned in the preceding section, the stress generated in installations due to expansion of the piping are dependent on the
coefficient of linear expansion and the elastic modulus of the piping material. The elastic or Young's modulus is the factor that links
the stress to the elongation, according to the following equation:
Thus, in the case of the expansion of a pipe between two points, the stress that occurs at the anchors is defined by the equation
itself, as the pipe tries to expand longitudinally, but cannot do so due to the fixed points and cannot bend laterally. By developing the
preceding equations we obtain the formula that relates the force transmitted to the anchors in a pipe due to a temperature increase T:
σ=E·ΔL → F=E·ΔL·S=E·α·ΔT·S
*) IMPORTANT NOTE: You need to calculate with 0,00013 becasue the unit must be mm/mm·K
If we take a typical case of a temperature increase of the pipe of 50ºC for a commercial pipe with an external diameter of 25 mm in
different materials, we will have:
There are different types or methods of installation to correct both the stress and the aesthetic effect of the expansion caused in an
installation. The selection of one type or another will depend on the situation and constructive possibilities, as well as the diameter
of each section and the foreseen stresses.
Basically, there are two different methods of installation, that in turn can be divided according to how they are applied, and that are
explained in detail in the standard ENV 12108 on recommended practices:
Those that allow “longitudinal” expansion of the pipe (expansion offset or loop). This method does not have a
negative aesthetic effect but it is necessary to be very careful when choosing and executing the fixed point (only one in the
case of the offset) and/or sliding clamps to guide the expansion. In addition it is necessary to have the space needed to
house the expansion offsets or loops.
Those that do not allow linear expansion of the pipe: the expansion can be seen as a curvature or “buckling” of the
pipe, or be corrected with half pipes or continuous support shells that absorbs the expansion in the diameter of the pipe and
its compression (the support shells do not allow the pipes to extend or bend around).
This enables the longitudinal expansion of the pipe by making a single fixed point in the section studied and using an expansion offset
or loop at the other end to allow it to expand freely.
The selection and placement of the anchor points is used to direct and limit the proportion of the thermal expansion. The fixed or
anchor points can be placed in such a way that the variations in length due to the effect of the temperature can be distributed in
different directions.
The following figures show examples of the choice of anchor points on risers. Similarly, they can be applied to the horizontal
Direction of expansion
Anchor point
The anchor points or fixed point must be made with suitable clamps that are able to prevent the
movement of the pipe while not damaging it. We recommend the use of well-tightened clamps
with rubber seals.
80 Compensation of the variation in length using an expansion offset
This method consists of anticipating space joint a expansion offset that allows the pipe to expand. The guide clamps must therefore
permit the movement due to the expansion of the pipe so that the expansion offset is at its planned location.
The next section explains how to calculate the expansion offsets.
The following figures show two different cases where the expansion offset has been used to allow the installation to expand.
In both cases the aim is for the expansion to be absorbed by the bending of the pipe, avoiding mechanical stress on the fittings.
In the valuation of these stresses, in addition to the length variation itself, the elastic modulus of the material of the pipe is also
relevant, for example, to determine the length of an expansion offset the following formula is used:
BF = C ΔL ø
Example calculation of the expansion offset:
• Length of the pipe (L0) = 10 m
• Temperature increase (ΔT)= 50 K (=in ºC)
• Pipe diameter (Ø)= 40 mm
• Thermal expansion coefficient of PB: 0.13 mm/mºK
ΔL = α x L0 x Δ T = 0.13 x 10 x 50 = 65 mm
Applying the formula for the expansion offset you will obtain:
BF = C ΔL ø = 10 (65 x 40) = 509.9 510mm
In the previous case of a 10 m pipe with a diameter of 40 mm and a thermal variation of 50 K the expansion offsets required for
different materials are:
As you can clearly see, PB pipes can absorb the variations in length for the same thermal change using perpendicular expansion
offsets that are shorter than for other materials. This difference can be permitted even in some cases where the expansion loop is
not necessary in PB but is in other materials.
82 Compensation of the variation of the length with a loop
The expansion loops are placed alternately in the installation when it is not possible to use expansion offsets. This technique consists
of interrupting the straight stretches of pipe that expand by alternately placing an artificial expansion offset:
Sliding Clamp
Fixed Point
Sliding Clamp L
L pipe
For the expansion loop to function correctly it is imperative that the sliding clamps allow the pipe to slide along them from the fixed
point toward the expansion loop.
The calculation of the expansion loop is similar to that of the expansion offset:
BFL = C ΔL ø
Therefore, the total length of the expansion loop will be:
If the expansion loop is not placed at the mid-point of the stretch of pipe, the longest stretch will be used to calculate the
increase in length due to expansion.
Calculation example of a expansion loop:
Suppose we take a straight stretch of pipe of D40 mm, 15 m long, located between 2 fixed points:
First calculate the increase in length of each section due to expansion (ΔL) assuming that the expansion loop will be placed
at the mid-point of the stretch of pipe.
If the expansion loop is not at the centre of the stretch of pipe, the calculations shall be made with the longest stretch.
84 Examples of expansion absorption using expansion offsets and loops
Example 1:
Take a stretch of pipe D90, 30 m long, with a T outlet at 10 m from one end of D40.
Below you can see a possible solution for absorbing the expansion using expansion offsets and loops.
L total 30M
L1 20m L2 10m
L3 10m
Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Fixed Point
Fixed Point Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp
Sliding Clamp
To calculate the values of BFL3 and BFLL1 take an increase in temperature of 50ºC.
ΔL (BFL3) = α x L0 x Δ T= 0.13 x 10 x 50 = 65 mm
ΔL (BFLL1) = α x L0 x Δ T= 0.13 x 20 x 50 = 130 mm *
* For the calculation of the off-centre expansion loop, we use the longest stretch to calculate the increase in length.
Example 2:
Suppose the same case as in the previous example but knowing that the D40 mm outlet is too short to use the expansion offset, in
this case the solution could be the following:
L total 30M
Fixed Point
Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp Sliding Clamp
Sliding Clamp
Sliding Clamp
Sliding Clamp
ΔL (BFL3) = α x L0 x Δ T= 0.13 x 10 x 50 = 65 mm
ΔL (BFLL1) = α x L0 x Δ T= 0.13 x 10 x 50 = 65 mm
86 Installation of clamps for installations that allow variations in piping length
The distances recommended for placing the sliding clamps and preventing curvature of the pipe due to expansion, allowing the in-
crease in length to be transmitted to the expansion offsets and loops.
L1 L1
If continuous support shell (half pipes) is used to secure the esthetic of the installation, the following is recommended:
Continuous shells with guide clamps that allow variations in length due to the effects of temperature
Maximum distance recommended between clamps and ties for installations with support shells
The pipes can be placed on continuous horizontal supports (for example, cable trays) where the increase in length is compensated
by the buckling of the pipe. Its layout must be designed to leave enough space for this increase in length. The pipe must be fixed to
prevent it moving vertically.
Thus, “natural loops” will occur that will absorb the expansion. This installation technique is possible due to the high flexibility of PB
piping, which allows the pipe to “buckle” without exerting stress on the material.
88 Installation of columns with “natural loops” (up to d63mm)
The problem of expansion is more acute in installations using upright columns in medium and tall buildings. Generally the space
through which the piping runs is small and it is complicated to install expansion loops and offsets.
PB, due to its flexibility and resistance, enables the installation of pipes without expansion offsets or loops, simply letting the pipe
expand and buckle.
Isophonic clamps shall be installed and fully tightened (fixed points) in the outlets (Ts) to prevent the transmission of stress to the
rest of the installation.
Fixed point
Sliding clamp
Fixed point
If push-fit fittings are used in the installation, it is possible to dampen the bending of the pipes as these fittings allow the pipe to
In this case it is not necessary to anticipate expansion offsets in the outlets of the upright.
It is sometimes not possible to install a mechanism for absorbing the expansion of an installation (due to insufficient space, aesthetic
considerations, etc.); in these cases PB is a huge advantage over other materials, as it is possible to install it with “by rigidly fixing
A “rigidly fixing” installation consists of installing the pipe and preventing its expansion by means of fixed points and using metallic
half pipe support shells to prevent bending.
This type of installation is not suitable for all materials, as the expansion forces may be too high/low and damage the pipe and even
pull out the anchors. Nevertheless PB due to its high flexibility generates a minimum mechanical stress that is absorbed without
damaging the installation, as is shown in the comparative table in section 9.1.1.
90 Recommendations for the rigidly fixing method
• Always place tightened isophonic brackets and metallic half pipe support shells accompanying the pipe.
• The half pipes must overlap at least 25 cm for a rigid transition.
• Fit plastic cable ties between the clamps to prevent the pipe lifting out of the half pipes.
• When the stretch of pipe has a decrease in diameter, this point shall always be a fixed point.
L2 L2
It is important to ensure the half pipes do not have sharp edges.
As “rigidly fixing” installations transmit part of the expansion forces to the anchor points, it will be necessary to dimension them cor-
rectly to avoid bending and even breakage. The clamps must be correctly anchored to the walls or ceilings using appropriate supports.
Depending on the pipe diameter, the working temperature range and the distance to the fixing surface, it will be necessary to use a
more or less rigid support to hold the clamps properly.
By following the instructions in section 9.1.1. we can calculate the stress transmitted by the pipe to the fixed points due to the ex-
pansion. The following table shows the results obtained when the temperature increase is 50K:
The supports shall be dimensioned according to the values of stress calculated, taking into account that a fixed point must not move
or bend.
The following table shows the diameter of a steel bar recommended for securing the clamps for each pipe diameter in the event of
installations with fixed points:
Distance to wall or ceiling (mm) Diameter needed for the steel bar (mm)
100 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 14 14 16 16 16
150 8 8 10 10 10 12 14 14 16 18 18 20 22
200 10 10 12 12 12 14 16 18 20 22 22 24 28
250 12 12 14 14 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32
300 14 14 14 16 16 18 20 24 26 28 30 32 36
350 16 16 16 18 18 20 24 26 28 30 34 36 42
400 18 18 18 20 20 22 26 28 30 34 38 40 46
You can also use other types of support or profiles instead of cylindrical bars, above all when securing piping with a large diameter
at a considerable distance from the anchor wall.
92 Examples of fixed-assembly installations
15 m
Fixed point
Fixed point
L1 L1
Sliding clamp with half pipes
15 m
Fixed point Fixed point
L1 L1
Sliding clamp with half pipes
9.3. Selection Matrix of the installation procedure
The indications necessary to choose the recommended type of installation in each situation can be found below:
Expansion offsets Expansion offsets Without expansion offsets, Fixed assembly On continuous supports
and loops and loops without loops and without (always with half pipe) (for example, cable trays)
Type of (without metallic half pipe) (with metallic half pipe) half pipes 9.2.2
installation (“natural” loops)
See See See See 9.2.2 See
Through false ceiling Not recommended Not recommended
Uprights (<63 mm) with brackets Not necessary**) Not recommended *)
Uprights (visible) *)
= Ideal Application
*) The fixed points have to be well secured to the panels, walls or ceiling. The latter have to bear the forces of expansion/contraction. This system is ideal in cases
where there is little space (without loops) and results in an aesthetic installation.
**) Due to the high flexibility of PB, the loops are “natural” for diameters up to 63 mm, as the pipe is allowed to bend between clamps between floors.
10. Types of installations and Terrain solutions
10.1. Line or traditional installations
10.2. Installation of distribution using manifolds (spider type)
10.3. Accessible installations (pipe-in-pipe)
10.4. Installations in plasterboard drywalls
10.5. Large diameters
The advantages associated with the Terrain SDP piping system in polybutene, in addition to being the optimum system in plumbing
installations, allow the most diverse and modern distribution systems. Its high flexibility, the different joint methods and the complete
catalogue by Nueva Terrain result in an extensive variety of possibilities and solutions.
This is the traditional installation method, associated with and inherited from rigid piping systems. The distribution to the appliances
of the wet room is done using individual Tees that derive to each one from the main pipe. It is a system with more joints and fittings,
usually some are embedded, greater localised head loss and a poorer hydraulic balancing of the appliances. In general fewer metres
of piping are used.
In this case the distribution to each appliance of the wet room is performed with a main manifold that is derived to a pipe at each of
the appliances, taking advantage of the flexibility of PB piping.
It uses fewer joints and therefore it is quicker and has a lower head loss. The balancing of the flow to each appliance is optimum. It
uses more metres of piping per installation, compensated by fewer fittings and joints.
10.3. Accessible installations (pipe-in-pipe)
It is a variation of the previous system, with the advantage of having no hidden joints throughout the installation, so it is fully acces-
sible. It consists of distribution using an accessible manifold, that derives sheathed PB pipes inside corrugated tubing to the threaded
pipe joint of each appliance. This pipe joint has a specific design so the whole the pipe can be removed from the manifold to the
appliance in the event of a fault or the need to replace it, any bricklaying work being necessary. It results in a system that is similar
or equivalent to the electrical installation in the home.
The pipe can be removed without the need for construction work.
Recommendations for pipe-in-pipe installations
• Use the correct diameter of corrugated piping to ensure that the PB piping slides inside it.
Nueva Terrain recommends these diameters:
• Avoid small radii of curvature. Always try to make open curves to aid the insertion of the PB pipe
into the corrugated tubing.
The minimum recommended radii are 8xDN of the PB pipe
10.4. Installations in plasterboard drywalls
The increasingly popular solution of drywalls for housing partitions has led to a demand for fixing systems from the point of entry to
the property to the appliances and stopcocks for which there was no solution available on the market. Usually the anchoring solutions
given were improvised and often failed, which wasted time and gave the sensation of moving taps. Nueva Terrain has designed an
original and specific type of fixings that ensure the elements are anchored, reducing time and work, as well as resulting in optimum
installations for use.
The specific fittings for plumbing installations in plasterboard panels are the following:
Supports for metal terminal elbows and for tap fixings.
Installation instructions
Support for metal elbow terminals and support for ball valves
1 2 3
Drill the plasterboard wall. Insert the fitting to support the elbows. Screw the tabs on.
There are two versions of the fitting for securing metal elbows:
1. FC.085 Fitting that enables installation from the front
2. FC.084 Fitting that must be bolted from the back
One of the two options will be chosen depending on the access to the working area.
1 2 3
Drill a hole of ø6 mm in the plasterboard and position Insert the clamp you are going to use. Fasten the pipe to the clamp.
the wall plug anchor.
With this fitting, Nueva Terrain offers a solution for securing pipes in installations in plasterboard, making them cleaner, quicker and
easier to install. It enables you to secure pipes up to ø32 mm. It is recommended to secure the pipe every 0.5 metres.
The Terrain SDP polybutene system for large diameters is a unique solution in the range of piping systems available. It combines the
excellent mechanical properties of the material with the most reliable connection system of the market, electrofusion at 40 V. This
system ensures the supply of high-flow installations for which there is little available on the market due to the low working pressure
of the other systems at high temperatures, or a lack of simple or specific joint systems for plastics in top-quality materials.
11. Thermal insulation for pipes
The objective of plumbing and heating installations is to supply water to a point in the home under defined conditions. Supply points
must fulfil certain pressure, flow, purity and temperature parameters, therefore, the insulation of the piping system is essential to
achieve a good supply.
Any fluid that circulates through a pipe exchanges heat with it, and this, in turn, exchanges heat with the environment. The amount
of heat exchanged is generally expressed in Watts per metre of pipe (W/m), and depends on several factors:
In most cases, it is necessary to thermally insulate the pipes to secure a good supply with minimum energy loss. For every installation,
the thickness of the insulation that is necessary to meet the energy efficiency and supply quality requirements must be calculated.
In general, the calculations for heat transmission are complex, although there are an infinite number of computer applications that
solve this kind of problem easily.
The construction standard sets out the guidelines regarding piping insulation. Thus, the the Spanish RITE (Regulations for thermal
installations in buildings) state the following in section IT – General aspects:
• All pipes and fittings, as well as equipment, appliances and tanks in thermal installations shall have thermal insulation
when containing fluids that have:
- A lower temperature than the ambient temperature of the premises in which they are installed.
- A temperature over 40ºC, when installed in premises that are not heated, including corridors, galleries, ventilation courtyards,
parking areas, equipment rooms, false ceilings and technical floors, excluding pipes in cooling towers and discharge pipes
of refrigerating compressors, except when they are within the reach of people.
• Throughout the thermal installation through which fluid circulates that is not subject to a change of state, in general the
heat-carrying fluid is water, the global thermal losses in the piping system as a whole does not exceed 4% of the maximum
enegry that it transports.
As a guide, the powers that different Nueva Terrain PB pipes are able to transport are shown below:
Radiator Heating:
External D Thickness Internal D Power Power
(mm) (mm) (mm) (Kcal/h) (KW)
15 1.7 11.6 7609 9
16 1.8 12.4 8695 10
20 2.3 15.4 13411 16
22 2.0 18.0 18321 21
25 2.3 20.4 23533 27
28 2.5 23.0 29913 35
32 2.9 26.2 38816 45
40 3.7 32.6 60096 70
50 4.6 40.8 94130 109
63 5.8 51.4 149395 173
75 6.8 61.4 213180 247
90 8.2 73.6 306313 354
110 10.0 90.0 458031 530
125 11.4 102.2 590624 683
160 14.6 130.8 967442 1119
In close circuits like radiator heating, the ideal flow velocity is between 0,5 and 0,8 m/s. This reduces the friction (head) loss and
pump energy costs.
• Freezing:
- Due to the flexibility of PB, the pipes are able to elastically absorb the volume increase of the ice compared to that of the
liquid water without breakage; in addition, the insulating nature of PB causes the water inside to lose less heat than it
would in a metal pipe and, therefore, it is less likely to freeze.
- In this case, it is not possible to provide general recommendations, since everything depends on the climate of the area
and the degree of exposure of the pipes. In each case the designer must decide whether to insulate the piping system or
not, taking into account that, although the material may resist freezing without breakage, this disrupts the water supply,
which in most cases is not acceptable. Therefore it is recommended to be conservative.
12. Chilled water application
The advantages of an installation with PB versus traditionally used metal pipes are listed below:
- Absolutely corrosion free (inside and outside of the pipe)
- No additional treatment required ( eg- anti corrosion treatment of the pipe)
- Much less condensation on the pipe surface (PB is a thermal insulator material)
- Low thermal conductivity (0,22 w/mK) and therefore less energy loss
- Big temperature range of use, from - 15ºC up to 95ºC (for cooling and heating)
- Zero maintenance cost and long lifetime
- High chemical resistance (generally antifreezing or anticorrosion agents do not affect PB, brass or rubber joints)
- Very high pipe flexibility, which allows easy and comfortable installation especially when installed inside false ceilings and
- Low noise transmission due to of PB low E-modulus (450N/m2)
- Easy and safe jointing technologies available – PushFit and electrofusion –
- Less pressure drop due to the smooth pipe surface, and therefore less pump energy cost.
- Big range of fittings available, including adaptors or connectors to other piping systems, e.g. flange connections, screwed
male/female connections from ½’ up to 6’’ etc..
- Easy management of thermal expansion and contraction in the installation using “rigid fixing” method (only possible with PB
- High service pressure rate for cold water, which is PN 22 bar.
Formation of condensation:
Chilled water pipe installations carry a fluid (usually water with additives) which its temperature is always lower than the room tem-
perature where they are installed. Typical temperature range for the supply pipe of chilled water piping is between 2 – 7ºC (Fan coil
units) or also 16-18ºC for “radiant cooling” systems used on ceiling panels.
Depending on relative air humidity, this could produce water condensation on the external surface of the pipe, and cause damage.
Radiant cooling systems have not been widely applied because of the potential for condensate formation on the cold radiant surface
of the pipes. Condensation caused by humidity is a limiting factor for the cooling capacity, the pipe surface temperature should not
be equal or below the dew point temperature.
Plastic pipes have an advantage over the metallic ones, they have a low thermal conductivity, and therefore the surface temperature
will be warmer than the metallic pipes so the condensation will be reduced or disappear (depending on the ambient conditions).
For example, cooper has a thermal conductivity of about 407 w/m K while PB only has 0.22 w/m K.
Anyhow, Nueva Terrain always recommends to insulate the chilled water pipes which are supplying the cold fluid to the Fan Coil Units
or to the ceiling panels. The reasons are:
+ Avoiding condensation
+ Reducing energy losses.
To obtain a precise value of the dew point temperature, you must use a H-S Mollier diagram, but there are empirical
equations to calculate it approximately:
To estimate the dew point temperature, this empirical equation can be used:
Dp = dew point temperature ( ºC)
RH = relative humidity (%)
T = air temperature (ºC)
There is a reduced equation very easy to handle that works only when the relative humidity is above 50%:
DP = T – 100 – RH
2 π l (t – t )
Q= * * * 1 2
+ l
λ ak * r2
Q* r
t2 = 1
2*π*l*λ 1
Q = heat energy transmitted through pipe (W/m)
l = length of pipe (m)
t1 = water temperature (ºC)
t2 = pipe outer surface temperature (ºC)
tl = ambient air temperature (ºC)
αk =heat transfer coefficient (w/m2 K)
λ = thermal coefficient of pipe material (w/m k)
r1 = inner pipe radius (m)
r2 = outer pipe radius (m)
Comparison between materials:
Example of calculation
Given project data:
- Pipe characteristics: PB pipe D25x2.3 mm
- Ambient air temperature: 25ºC
- Relative air humidity: 60%
- Fluid temperature: 15ºC
2 π l (t – t ) 2 * π * l * (15 – 25 ) W
Q= * * * 1 2 = = – 15,23
lnr2 ln0.0125 m
r1 0.0102 1
+ l +
λ ak * r2 0,22 25 * 0,0125
lnr2 ln0.0125
Q* r Q*
t2 = 1 0.0102
+ t1 = + 15 = 17,24 ºC
2*π*l*λ 2 * π * 1 * 0,22
Note that Q is a negative value, this indicates that “energy is flowing” into the pipe.
DP = RH 60
8 8
100 * (112 + 0,9 T ) + 0,1 T – 111.965 = * (112 + 0,9 25) + 0,1 25 – 111.965 = 16.7ºC
Due to the pipe surface temperature is higher than the dew point temperature, no condensation will occur.
See “comparison between material” table to check that under these same conditions a steel pipe or copper pipe will have problems
of condensation.
13. QUALITY control
Since we started out, the main aim of Terrain has always been to offer our customers a different product to those that can be found
on the market: versatile, with a flexible response to the problems of each particular installation, lasting, functional and satisfactory
for the installer and the end users of our products.
While the words “standard” and “quality” were strange concepts for the customers of the Spanish market, at Terrain we were
already using them as guidelines for achieving our goal.
To obtain quality products, it is not enough to simply declare this quality, there must also be a reference template. This reference
template, which establishes the requirements that the products must meet, is the standard. The compliance with these requirements
establishes the quality, but the maximum guarantee that a customer may have is that an independent body certifies this compliance.
Terrain, in its ongoing development of products, processes and controls, is continuously preparing
for the future.
From the start of the preparation of the European standards it participated in the international
standardisation forums.
This meant we knew from day one what the requirements that Europe was considering were and
could adapt all of our products to comply with the current Spanish standard.
PB pipes manufactured by Terrain meet the international standard UNE-EN ISO 15876. Such compliance is not only guaranteed by
Nueva Terrain, but also by AENOR, an independent certification and standardisation body. Some other certification bodies might
require the standard DIN16969/16968 or BS7291-1&2. However, our piping system meet all here mentioned standards.
To achieve and guarantee this quality standard, Terrain has developed a control plan, divided into three broad areas: a
control of the raw material or reception, a control during the manufacturing process and a final control of the finished
- All the raw materials are received identified by batch, with the corresponding quality certificate for each batch issued by the manufacturer.
Before proceeding to its mass consumption, each batch received is subjected to tests, such as melt flow index (MFI), transformation
and characteristics of the end product.
- During the manufacturing process, and, in addition to a control and recording of the manufacture parameters, an exhaustive
dimensional control of the pipe is also performed, which includes:
• Continuous control, using laser techniques, of the minimum, maximum and average diameters.
• Control and recording of these diameters every hour during manufacture.
• Control and recording of the minimum and maximum thicknesses every hour during manufacture.
• Control and recording of lengths, appearance and marking conformity every hour during manufacture.
- Subsequent to the manufacturing process, and when the crystallisation of the material has occurred, the same controlled
samples during manufacture are measured and recorded. This control is performed by different personnel from those who
performed it in the manufacturing process.
- The following tests are carried out daily: heat performance behaviour tests, internal pressure tests at 20ºC for one hour and at
95ºC for 22 hours.
After the strict completion of the steps mentioned above, if the results comply with the standard, the manufactured product can pro-
ceed to workshop. This control is performed and supervised by personnel with no links to the manufacturing department answering
exclusively to the company management.
With the purpose of properly guaranteeing the quality levels, we also carry out internal pressure tests at 95ºC for 170 hours and 1000
hours and for 8760 hours at 110ºC. These tests take place continually throughout the year.
The majority of the controls indicated are made with a frequency and strictness that is much higher than that indicated by the certi-
fication body itself, AENOR.
All PB fittings manufactured by Terrain meet the Spanish standard UNE-EN ISO 15876. As with the pipes, this compliance is not only
guaranteed by Nueva Terrain but also by AENOR. For this reason, we undergo auditing of the quality system and regular checks of
all fittings, carried out by AENOR technical services. All this allows Terrain to mark its fittings with the Spanish quality standard .
To achieve and guarantee this quality standard, Terrain has developed a control plan, divided into three broad areas:
a control of the raw material, a control during the manufacturing process and a final control of the finished product.
- All the raw materials are received identified by batch, with the corresponding quality certificate for each batch issued by the manufacturer.
Before proceeding to its mass consumption, each batch received is subjected to tests, such as melt flow index (MFI), processability
and characteristics of the end product.
- During the manufacturing process and, in addition to a control and record of the production parameters, a strict control of
weights is also performed.
- Selected samples of each cavity are taken every eight hours after the manufacturing process, which undertakes a daily dimen-
sional control of more than 100 units. This control is performed by different personnel than those who performed it during the
manufacturing process, with measuring techniques using coordinates.
- Internal pressure tests at 23ºC for one hour and at 95ºC for 22 hours are performed daily.
After the strict completion of the steps mentioned above, if the results comply with the standard, the manufactured product can
proceed to assembly.
This control is performed and supervised by personnel with no links to the manufacturing department answering exclusively to the
company management.
- With the purpose of properly guaranteeing the quality levels, we also carry out internal pressure tests at 95ºC for 170 hours
and 1000 hours. These tests take place continually throughout the year.
The controls indicated are made with a frequency and strictness that is much higher than that indicated by the certification body
itself, AENOR.
As we have already indicated in section 4, high performance pipes and fittings connected using unreliable joint systems result in
installations that have no future. The guarantee of the reliability of our joint systems is again endorsed by AENOR, since our system
meets the requirements of the standard UNE-EN ISO 15876.
the joints of our system are subjected to the following tests, both in-house and by independent laboratories selected by AENOR:
• Resistance to internal pressure at 20ºC for one hour, at 95ºC for 22 hours, 170 hours and 1000 hours, and at 110ºC for 8760 hours.
This control is performed and supervised by external personnel answering exclusively to the company management, and is conducted
not only with a greater frequency than those indicated by the certification body, AENOR, but with stricter requirements also.
The reliability of the joint is confirmed by numerous tests performed on the joint system, performed in laboratories of both Terrain and
other independent organisations, as well as various certifications,... ).
As well as the above, complementary testing is performed to reinforce the safety of the joint as the most important and critical part of the
system. Examples of this reliability include:
1. In all internal pressure tests that are performed on pipes joined to fittings, from 20ºC to 95ºC, the ruptures caused always occur in the
pipe or in the body of the fitting but never in the joint between them. Our joint is always more resistant than the elements joined, and the
rupture pressure of the joint can never be reached without first reaching that of the pipe or fitting. Therefore the final installation carried
out with our joint system maintains the performance that PB offers as a material.
2. To give you an idea of the resistance of the grab ring joints, one of the quality control tests is explained below: the pull-out test. This test,
included in the standard UNE-EN ISO 15876, consists of subjecting the joint between the pipe and fitting to a pulling force determined for
each diameter for 1 hour at a temperature of 23ºC without the joint coming apart. This force may simply consist of a weight hanging from
the joint being tested. This standard requires forces that the joints must be able to withstand, but Terrain, which has been performing this
test for a long time even before the preparation of the standard had even begun, subjects their joints to forces greater than those required.
For example:
As can be verified, Terrain tests its system with requirements approximately three times those considered in the standard UNE-EN
ISO 15876.
3. We have to bear in mind that in a real installation the pressure is not constant, and the pipes “suffer” movements caused by ex-
pansion and contraction and overpressures occur due to water hammer. An internal pressure test is always carried out at a constant
pressure and temperature, and, therefore, does not take into account the multiple situations that can occur in a real installation. With
the purpose of simulating all of these events Terrain has bee subjecting its joint system to controlled water hammer for more than
10 years.
At variable temperatures between 20ºC and 45ºC water is circulated at a pressure of 7 bar for 3 seconds, then at a pressure of 0 bar
for 2 seconds and the cycle is started again with 7 bar. The changes in pressure are instantaneous, enabling the free movement of
some joints and restricting it in others. For example, pipes, fittings and joints have been subjected to more than 10 million cycles
in the indicated conditions, which entails more than 13,000 hours of testing and more than 20 million instances of water hammer
without any impact on our joint system. (By way of anecdotal evidence we could indicate that during the trial 3 pressure gauges and
2 electrovalves broke due to the severity of the test).
Nueva Terrain has the KIWA-ATA certification for pipes, fittings and jointing system, which involves meeting the high demands of
its standards and pass extensive testing to ensure reliable operation of the system and its validity for transporting drinking water.
Nueva Terrain also has the KOMO certification for multilayer pipes intended for high temperature heating and underfloor heating.
Not only the product must meet the required demands, Kiwa also requires implementing a strict quality control at the company to
ensure that manufacturing processes are done correctly over time.
Hygienically perfect
The evaluation of the health related aspects of materials in contact with drinking water is, in general, part of a comprehensive evalu-
ation of that material with regard to technical and other aspects. This comprehensive evaluation is detailed in an evaluation guideline
(Kiwa BRL) that applies to the product.
The availability of this laboratory, equipped to a level comparable to the best specific laboratories in the sector, as well as the integra-
tion within the company of our own metal workshop for the construction and maintenance of the moulds and tools for manufacture,
ensures our products meet the maximum level of quality on the market, which without doubt benefits our end customers.
13.6. List of applicable standards and legislation
UNE-EN ISO 15876: Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations. Polybutene (PB).
UNE-EN 12165: Copper and copper alloys. Wrought and unwrought forging stock.
UNE-EN 805: Water supply. Requirements for systems and components outside buildings.
UNE-EN 806: Specifications for installations inside buildings conveying water for human consumption.
UNE-EN 1264: Floor heating. Systems and components.
UNE-CEN/TR 12108: Plastics piping systems. Guidance for the installation inside buildings of pressure piping systems for hot and
cold water intended for human consumption.
UNE 53389 IN: Plastics pipes and fittings. Combined chemical-resistance classification table.
UNE 53959 IN: Plastics. Thermoplastics pipes and fittings for the transport of liquids under pressure. Calculation of head losses.
UNE 149201: Water supply. Sizing of installations inside buildings conveying water.
UNE-EN ISO 15494: Plastics piping systems for industrial applications. Polybutene (PB), Polyethylene (PE) and Polypropylene (PP).
Specifications for components and the system.
The AENOR marking is a sign of conformity with the corresponding standard production. It certifies that the products that receive
it have passed the assessments and controls that are established in the certification systems, thus guaranteeing the user a quality
“AENOR is a constituent member of the CEN (European Committee for Standardisation) that groups the national standardisation
bodies of more than 30 European countries. It is therefore an internationally recognised, prestigious marking due to its demands and
presence on the market.”
International standards listed in the previous section are not mandatory. In each country there is legislation that must be met before
installing pipe and fittings for drinking water supply and heating.
Usually international standards are more restrictive than national legislations which is why manufacturers are certified according to
these standards and thus ensure the conformity of the product.
Annex 1: Polybutene regression curve
Annex 2: Regression curves of various materials at 80ºC
Annex 3: Miner's rule
Annex 4: Calculation of stress design for class 2 in PB pipes
Annex 5: Head loss in PB pipes according to international standard ISO/TR 10501
Annex 6: Graph for the calculation of expansion in PB pipes
Annex 7: Graph for determining the expansion force in PB pipes
Annex 8: Table of PB resistance to chemical agents
Annex 9: Sum-Up of TENDER specification according TERRAIN SDP
Annex 10: Hot water expulsion time
Annex 1: Polybutene regression curve
Stress in Mpa
Annex 2: Regression curves of various materials at 80ºC
Stress in Mpa
Stress in hours
Annex 3: Miner's rule
The method for calculating the maximum permissible stress on a pipe exposed to variations in pressure and temperature throughout
its lifetime is known as Miner's rule.
In accordance with the above, the total damage per year will be ∑ a it i, expressed as a percentage of the total damage permitted.
Once this figure has been obtained the maximum lifetime or us eful life is calculated as 100 / TDY, in years.
• 49 years (out of a total of 50) at 70ºC, in other words, 98 % of its total lifetime.
• 1 year (out of a total of 50) at 80ºC, in other words, 2% of its total lifetime.
• 100 hours (out of a total of 50 years) at 95ºC, in other words, 0.0228% of its total lifetime.
Proceed as follows:
- Start by taking an initial calculation stress, for example 5 Mpa.
- The working coefficients of the materials shall be applied to this stress:
Top = 70ºC 1.5 5 x 1.5 = 7.5
Tmax = 80ºC 1.3 5 x 1.3 = 6.5
Tmal = 95ºC 1.0 5 x 1.0 = 5.0
- The lifetime is calculated for each of these stresses, either on the regression curve graph or, better still, in order to carry out
repeated calculations, in the equations of these curves:
STRESS ai/ti
- Finally, the lifetime for a supposed stress value of 5.0 Mpa is calculated:
Thus, for example, if we do the calculation with a stress design value of 5.1 Mpa, the resulting lifetime is 40 years. By repeated
calculations, the value indicated in chapter 5.3 for a stress design of 5.04 Mpa is reached, for which the resulting lifetime is 50 years,
as was the objective.
Annex 5: Head loss in PB pipes according to international standard ISO/TR 10501
15 x 1,7
16 x 1,8
1000000 20x2,3
22 x 2,0
25 x 2,3
100000 28 x 2,5
32 x 2,9
40 x 3,7
10000 50 x 4,6
63 x 5,8
1000 75 x 6,8
90 x 8,2
110 x 10,0
100 125 x 11,4
Head loss in mbar/m
160 x 14,6
2,5 m/s
1 2,0 m/s
1,5 m/s
1,0 m/s
0,5 m/s
0,01 0,1 1 10
Flow in l/s
Head loss in PB pipes according to international standard ISO/TR 10501
Units: ∆P: mbar/m v: m/s
De (mm) 15 22 25 28 32
e (mm) 1.7 2 2.3 2.5 2.9
Di (mm) 11.6 18 20.4 23 26.2
V (l/m) 0.11 0.25 0.33 0.42 0.54
Q (l/s) ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v
0.05 3.61 0.47
0.06 4.98 0.57
0.07 6.53 0.66
0.08 8.26 0.76 1.02 0.31 0.56 0.24
0.09 10.17 0.85 1.26 0.35 0.69 0.28 0.39 0.22
0.1 12.24 0.95 1.51 0.39 0.83 0.31 0.47 0.24
0.15 24.99 1.42 3.09 0.59 1.70 0.46 0.96 0.36 0.52 0.28
0.2 41.46 1.89 5.12 0.79 2.82 0.61 1.59 0.48 0.86 0.37
0.25 61.40 2.37 7.58 0.98 4.18 0.76 2.36 0.60 1.27 0.46
0.3 84.63 2.84 10.45 1.18 5.76 0.92 3.25 0.72 1.75 0.56
0.35 111.01 3.31 13.71 1.38 7.56 1.07 4.27 0.84 2.30 0.65
0.4 140.42 3.78 17.34 1.57 9.56 1.22 5.40 0.96 2.90 0.74
0.45 172.76 4.26 21.34 1.77 11.76 1.38 6.64 1.08 3.57 0.83
0.5 207.96 4.73 25.69 1.96 14.16 1.53 8.00 1.20 4.30 0.93
0.6 286.64 5.68 35.41 2.36 19.51 1.84 11.02 1.44 5.93 1.11
0.7 375.98 6.62 46.44 2.75 25.59 2.14 14.46 1.68 7.78 1.30
0.8 58.74 3.14 32.38 2.45 18.29 1.93 9.84 1.48
0.9 72.27 3.54 39.83 2.75 22.50 2.17 12.11 1.67
1 87.00 3.93 47.95 3.06 27.09 2.41 14.57 1.85
1.1 102.89 4.32 56.71 3.37 32.04 2.65 17.23 2.04
1.2 119.92 4.72 66.09 3.67 37.34 2.89 20.08 2.23
1.3 138.06 5.11 76.09 3.98 42.99 3.13 23.12 2.41
1.4 157.29 5.50 86.69 4.28 48.98 3.37 26.34 2.60
1.5 177.60 5.89 97.88 4.59 55.30 3.61 29.75 2.78
1.6 198.96 6.29 109.65 4.90 61.95 3.85 33.32 2.97
1.7 221.37 6.68 122.00 5.20 68.93 4.09 37.08 3.15
1.8 134.91 5.51 76.22 4.33 41.00 3.34
1.9 148.38 5.81 83.83 4.57 45.09 3.52
2 162.40 6.12 91.75 4.81 49.35 3.71
2.2 192.06 6.73 108.51 5.30 58.37 4.08
2.4 126.46 5.78 68.03 4.45
2.6 145.59 6.26 78.32 4.82
2.8 165.88 6.74 89.23 5.19
3 187.29 7.22 100.75 5.56
3.2 209.82 7.70 112.87 5.94
3.4 235.44 8.18 125.58 6.31
3.6 260.96 8.66 138.87 6.68
Head loss in PB pipes according to international standard ISO/TR 10501
Units: ∆P: mbar/m v: m/s
De (mm) 16 20 20 25 32 40
e (mm) 1.8 2.3 1.9 2.3 2.9 3.7
Di (mm) 12.4 15.4 16.2 20.4 26.2 32.6
V (l/m) 0.12 0.19 0.21 0.33 0.54 0.83
Q (l/s) ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v
0.05 2.63 0.41
0.06 3.63 0.50 1.29 0.32
0.07 4.76 0.58 1.70 0.38 1,33 0,34
0.08 6.02 0.66 2.15 0.43 1,69 0,39 0.56 0.24
0.09 7.40 0.75 2.64 0.48 2,07 0,44 0.69 0.28
0.1 8.91 0.83 3.18 0.54 2,5 0,49 0.83 0.31
0.15 18.19 1.24 6.49 0.81 5,1 0,73 1.70 0.46 0.517 0.28 0.183 0.18
0.2 30.18 1.66 10.76 1.07 8,46 0,97 2.82 0.61 0.858 0.37 0.303 0.24
0.25 44.70 2.07 15.94 1.34 12,52 1,21 4.18 0.76 1.270 0.46 0.449 0.30
0.3 61.61 2.48 21.97 1.61 17,26 1,46 5.76 0.92 1.751 0.56 0.619 0.36
0.35 80.81 2.90 28.81 1.88 22,64 1,7 7.56 1.07 2.296 0.65 0.811 0.42
0.4 102.22 3.31 36.45 2.15 28,64 1,94 9.56 1.22 2.905 0.74 1.026 0.48
0.45 125.77 3.73 44.84 2.42 35,24 2,18 11.76 1.38 3.574 0.83 1.263 0.54
0.5 151.40 4.14 53.98 2.68 42,41 2,43 14.16 1.53 4.302 0.93 1.520 0.60
0.6 208.68 4.97 74.40 3.22 58,46 2,91 19.51 1.84 5.930 1.11 2.095 0.72
0.7 273.72 5.80 97.59 3.76 76,68 3,4 25.59 2.14 7.778 1.30 2.748 0.84
0.8 346.23 6.62 123.44 4.29 97 3,88 32.38 2.45 9.839 1.48 3.476 0.96
0.9 151.87 4.83 119,34 4,37 39.83 2.75 12.105 1.67 4.277 1.08
1 182.82 5.37 143,66 4,85 47.95 3.06 14.571 1.85 5.149 1.20
1.1 216.21 5.91 169,89 5,34 56.71 3.37 17.233 2.04 6.089 1.32
1.2 251.99 6.44 198,01 5,82 66.09 3.67 20.084 2.23 7.097 1.44
1.3 290.11 6.98 227,96 6,31 76.09 3.98 23.123 2.41 8.170 1.56
1.4 259,72 6,79 86.69 4.28 26.344 2.60 9.309 1.68
1.5 97.88 4.59 29.746 2.78 10.510 1.80
1.6 109.65 4.90 33.324 2.97 11.775 1.92
1.7 122.00 5.20 37.076 3.15 13.101 2.04
1.8 134.91 5.51 41.000 3.34 14.487 2.16
1.9 148.38 5.81 45.093 3.52 15.933 2.28
2 162.40 6.12 49.353 3.71 17.439 2.40
2.2 192.06 6.73 58.367 4.08 20.624 2.64
2.4 68.026 4.45 24.037 2.88
2.6 78.317 4.82 27.673 3.11
2.8 89.228 5.19 31.528 3.35
3 100.748 5.56 35.599 3.59
3.2 112.867 5.94 39.881 3.83
3.4 125.575 6.31 44.371 4.07
3.6 138.865 6.68 49.067 4.31
3.8 53.966 4.55
4 59.064 4.79
4.2 64.360 5.03
4.4 69.852 5.27
4.6 75.536 5.51
4.8 82.093 5.75
5 88.352 5.99
5.5 104.888 6.59
Head loss in PB pipes according to international standard ISO/TR 10501
Units: ∆P: mbar/m v: m/s
De (mm) 50 63 75 90 110 125 160
e (mm) 4.6 5.8 6.8 8.2 10 11.4 14.6
Di (mm) 40.8 51.4 61.4 73.6 90 102.2 130.8
V (l/m) 1.31 2.07 2.96 4.25 6.36 8.20 13.44
Q (l/s) ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v ΔP v
0.3 0.21 0.23
0.4 0.35 0.31 0.12 0.19
0.5 0.52 0.38 0.17 0.24
0.6 0.72 0.46 0.24 0.29 0.10 0.20
0.7 0.94 0.54 0.31 0.34 0.13 0.24
0.8 1.19 0.61 0.40 0.39 0.17 0.27 0.07 0.19
0.9 1.47 0.69 0.49 0.43 0.21 0.30 0.09 0.21
1 1.77 0.76 0.59 0.48 0.25 0.34 0.11 0.24
1.5 3.61 1.15 1.20 0.72 0.52 0.51 0.22 0.35 0.08 0.24
2 5.99 1.53 2.00 0.96 0.86 0.68 0.36 0.47 0.14 0.31
2.5 8.88 1.91 2.96 1.20 1.27 0.84 0.54 0.59 0.21 0.39 0.11 0.30 0.03 0.19
3 12.24 2.29 4.08 1.45 1.75 1.01 0.74 0.71 0.28 0.47 0.15 0.37 0.05 0.22
3.5 16.05 2.68 5.35 1.69 2.29 1.18 0.97 0.82 0.37 0.55 0.20 0.43 0.06 0.26
4 20.30 3.06 6.76 1.93 2.90 1.35 1.22 0.94 0.47 0.63 0.26 0.49 0.08 0.30
4.5 24.98 3.44 8.32 2.17 3.57 1.52 1.51 1.06 0.58 0.71 0.32 0.55 0.10 0.33
5 30.06 3.82 10.01 2.41 4.30 1.69 1.81 1.18 0.70 0.79 0.38 0.61 0.12 0.37
6 41.78 4.59 13.80 2.89 5.92 2.03 2.50 1.41 0.96 0.94 0.52 0.73 0.16 0.45
7 55.15 5.35 18.11 3.37 7.77 2.36 3.28 1.65 1.26 1.10 0.69 0.85 0.21 0.52
8 70.13 6.12 23.14 3.86 9.83 2.70 4.15 1.88 1.59 1.26 0.87 0.98 0.27 0.60
9 86.69 6.88 28.61 4.34 12.19 3.04 5.10 2.12 1.96 1.41 1.07 1.10 0.33 0.67
10 34.59 4.82 14.73 3.38 6.14 2.35 2.36 1.57 1.29 1.22 0.40 0.74
11 41.06 5.30 17.49 3.72 7.33 2.59 2.79 1.73 1.52 1.34 0.47 0.82
12 48.02 5.78 20.46 4.05 8.57 2.82 3.25 1.89 1.77 1.46 0.55 0.89
13 55.46 6.27 23.63 4.39 9.90 3.06 3.74 2.04 2.04 1.58 0.63 0.97
14 63.38 6.75 27.00 4.73 11.31 3.29 4.31 2.20 2.33 1.71 0.72 1.04
15 30.57 5.07 12.81 3.53 4.88 2.36 2.65 1.83 0.81 1.12
16 34.33 5.40 14.39 3.76 5.48 2.52 2.98 1.95 0.91 1.19
18 42.44 6.08 17.78 4.23 6.77 2.83 3.68 2.19 1.12 1.34
20 51.31 6.75 21.50 4.70 8.18 3.14 4.45 2.44 1.36 1.49
22 25.52 5.17 9.72 3.46 5.28 2.68 1.61 1.64
24 29.85 5.64 11.36 3.77 6.17 2.93 1.89 1.79
26 34.47 6.11 13.13 4.09 7.13 3.17 2.18 1.93
28 39.39 6.58 15.00 4.40 8.15 3.41 2.49 2.08
30 16.98 4.72 9.23 3.66 2.82 2.23
35 22.41 5.50 12.18 4.27 3.72 2.60
40 28.50 6.29 15.48 4.88 4.74 2.98
45 19.14 5.49 5.86 3.35
50 23.14 6.10 7.08 3.72
55 8.40 4.09
60 9.83 4.47
65 11.35 4.84
70 12.97 5.21
75 14.69 5.58
80 16.50 5.95
85 18.40 6.33
Annex 6: Graph for the calculation of expansion in PB pipes
Annex 7: Graph for determining the expansion force in PB pipes
Temperature variation ºC
Graph comparing copper and plastic materials
Fuerza ejercida
Force porby
exerted unatubo
of 32
32 xx 2,9
Force in Newtons
Temperature variation ºC
Graph comparing plastic materials
3000 50x4.6
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature variation ºC
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature variation ºC
Annex 8: Table of PB resistance to chemical agents
A classification of the chemical resistance of PB taken from the standard ISO/TR 10358:1993 can be found below.
As indicated in the standard, the tests performed to characterise the chemical resistance have been carried out without pressure, so
the classification is preliminary.
The results set out here are only valid for PB, components made of metal or other plastics are not taken into account.
To determine the behaviour of these materials against chemical agents, consult the technical department of Nueva
The concentrations of the chemical agents are described according to the legend:
- Dil. sol. = Dilute aqueous solution at a concentration equal to or less than 10%
- Sol. = Aqueous solution at a concentration higher than 10%, but not saturated
- Sat. sol. = Saturated aqueous solution,prepared at 20ºC
- tg = At least technical-grade purity
- tg-s = Technical grade, solid
- tg-l = Technical grade,liquid
- tg-g = Technical grade,gas
- Work. sol. = Working solution oft the concentration usually used in the industry concemed
- Susp. = Suspension of solid in a saturated solution at 20ºC
The concentrations, unless indicated otherwise, are expressed as a percentage by mass at 20ºC.
The code used to evaluate the chemical resistance is described below:
+ S: satisfactory resistance
+ L: limited resistance
+ NS: resistance not satisfactory
Annex 8: Table of PB resistance to chemical agents
+ S: satisfactory resistance
+ L: limited resistance
+ NS resistance not satisfactory
Annex 8: Table of PB resistance to chemical agents
+ S: satisfactory resistance
+ L: limited resistance
+ NS resistance not satisfactory
Note: Panel valid exclusively for Polybutene. For other plastic or metal materials included in the system or joint, consult the technical department.
Annex 8: Table of PB resistance to chemical agents
+ S: satisfactory resistance
+ L: limited resistance
+ NS resistance not satisfactory
Note: Panel valid exclusively for Polybutene. For other plastic or metal materials included in the system or joint, consult the technical department.
Annex 8: Table of PB resistance to chemical agents
+ S: satisfactory resistance
+ L: limited resistance
+ NS resistance not satisfactory
Note: Panel valid exclusively for Polybutene. For other plastic or metal materials included in the system or joint, consult the technical department.
Annex 9: Sum-Up of TENDER specification according TERRAIN SDP
1.1 The piping system must be made in Polybutene ( also called PB-1, polybutene) and must resist the service conditions
CLASS 2 / 10 bar according the EN ISO 15876-1, table 1 (70ºC/10 bar/50 years, DF 1.5)
1.2 The pressure rating for hot and cold water of the PB piping system, under continuous service conditions, must be in com-
pliance with EN ISO 15876. which is as following: (for SDR11/series 5 pipes)
Cold water (20ºC) → 21.9 bar during 50 years lifetime and design factor of 1.25
Hot water (70ºC) → 10,0 bar during 50 years lifetime and a design factor of 1.5
PN rate (SDR 11) → 21.9 bar during 50 years at 20ºC and a design factor of 1.25
1.3 Only fully trained installers should do the assembling of the PB pipe system and shall be trained and certified by our agent in the territory.
1.4 Jointing technology (pipe joints)
The pipes and fittings must be entirely compatible with each other and from the same manufacturer. The jointing should be
carried out in strict accordance with the manufacturer´s instructions. In case that the contractor has to use pipe or fittings from
another PB manufacturer, the consultant and NUEVA TERRAIN must be informed by written (letter) to give their approval.
1.5 The installation can be done with the following assembly technologies:
SDP PushFit type, available in the range from d16 up to d50mm
SDP Socket fusion type, available in the range from d16 up to 63mm
SDP Butt welding type, available in the range from d63 up to d160mm
Electrofusion type, available in the range from d63 up to d160mm
1.6 Standards/Certificates/Insurance warranty
1.6.1 The PB piping system must comply with the requirements specified in the new International regulation for PB systems
which is the EN ISO 15876 or according the DIN16969/16968 and BS7291 part 1 & 2.
1.6.2 Only system which can provide the SYSTEM-certificate according the EN ISO 15876-5: 2004 e.g. AENOR o KIWA can be
considered in this project. Note; the system-approval certifies the “jointing” itself and not only the pipe or the fittings.
1.6.3 The PB piping system must comply with the following NORMATIVE REFERENCES which are incorporate in the EN ISO
15876: eg EN 12108, ISO 4065, ISO 3136, EN ISO 9080, ISO 1133.
1.6.4 Only systems which can be approve a 10 years warranty shall be considered.
1.7 Pipes
The pipes must be marked with the manufacturer´s name, type of material, pipe size and standard with which it complies. See example below:
TERRAIN SDP PB 110x10.0 – DIMENSION A – CLASE 2* / P 10 BAR – OPACO UNE EN ISO 15876-2 AENOR – N – 001/XXX date, shift
// 20ºC 21.9 bar // <CERFIF> MADE IN SPAIN (EU)
*) CLASE 2 (class 2) defines the temperature which is 70ºC according with EN ISO 15876
The pipes can be delivered in coils or straight lengths, and the tubes shall be bundled by size in suitable bags clearly marked with the name of supplier.
Pipe characteristics for Push-Fit System Terrain SDP
Pipe characteristics for Push-Fit System Terrain SDP
Class 2
Pipe class conforming ISO EN 15786-2
(70ºC, 10 bar, 50 years, SF 1.5)
PN definition in bar 27,2 bar 21,9 bar
Pipe series 4 5
Pipe OD outer Diameter mm 15 16 20 22 25 28 32 40 50
Wall Thickness mm 1,7 1,8 2,3 2,0 2,3 2,5 2,9 3,7 4,6
Pipe inner diameter mm 11,6 12,4 15,4 18,0 20,4 23,0 26,2 32,6 40,8
3 3
3 3 3
5,8 5.8 3
Length in straight Coil m 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8
50 50 5,8
50 50 50
100 100
Pipe class conforming ISO EN 15786-2 Class 2 (70ºC, 10 bar, 50 years, SF 1.5)
Definition of PN: working pressure at 20ºC for 50 years lifetime with safety factor of 1,25
Definition of SDR: Standard Dimension Ratio ( SDR= OD/pipe wall thickness)
Annex 10: Hot water expulsion time
The following tables are to calculate the expulsation time which the hot water needs from the heater (boiler) till the tap respectively from the risers (hot water
supply & return).
Length of the pipe (d22mm) from the boiler or riser till the manifold --> 1m
Length of the pipe (d15mm) from the manifold till the tap --> 4m
Flow Rate of the Tap: hand washbasin --> 0,1 l/s (6 l/min)
How much time will it take till the hot water arrives to the tap at 40ºC?
Table: d22x2,0 --> check figure in the “intercept point” with --> 2m and 0,1 l/s flow rate = 10 sec
Table: d15x1,7 --> check figure in the “intercept point” with --> 5m and 0,1 l/s flow rate = 11 sec
Time to expulse the water in the pipe (phase1) and to reach temp. of 40ºC (phase2) 21 sec
As per the SWISS standard SIA385 the expulsion time is divided in two phases:
Phase 1 = is the effective expulsion time of the cold water in the pipe
Phase 2 = is till the water reach about 40ºC
(phase 2 is the same time as phase 1 = terefore; effective expulsion time phase1 x 2 = total waiting time till 40ºC)
Pipe PB d15x1,7mm
Volume per meter pipe 0,105 litre HOT WATER
Flow rate in litre per seconds (l/s)
0,03 0,065 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,4 0,5 of water
Length pipe in meters Seconds
1 7 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0,1
2 14 6 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 0,2
3 21 10 6 4 3 3 2 2 1 0,3
4 28 13 8 6 4 3 3 2 2 0,4
5 35 16 11 7 5 4 4 3 2 0,5
6 42 19 13 8 6 5 4 3 3 0,6
7 49 23 15 10 7 6 5 4 3 0,7
8 56 26 17 11 8 7 6 4 3 0,8
9 63 29 19 13 9 8 6 5 4 0,9
10 70 32 21 14 11 8 7 5 4 1,1
11 77 36 23 15 12 9 8 6 5 1,2
12 84 39 25 17 13 10 8 6 5 1,3
13 91 42 27 18 14 11 9 7 5 1,4
14 98 45 29 20 15 12 10 7 6 1,5
15 105 48 32 21 16 13 11 8 6 1,6
16 112 52 34 22 17 13 11 8 7 1,7
17 119 55 36 24 18 14 12 9 7 1,8
18 126 58 38 25 19 15 13 9 8 1,9
19 133 61 40 27 20 16 13 10 8 2
20 140 65 42 28 21 17 14 11 8 2,1
Not recommended as the time is longer than 15 sec. (at 40ºC) Not recom. as more than 1 bar pressure drop in the pipe
Pipe PB d22x2,0mm
Volume per meter pipe 0,254 litre HOT WATER
Flow rate in litre per seconds (l/s)
0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,7 of water
Length pipe in meters Seconds
1 5 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 0,3
2 10 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0,5
3 15 10 8 6 5 4 3 3 2 2 0,8
4 20 14 10 8 7 5 4 3 3 3 1
5 25 17 13 10 8 6 5 4 4 3 1,3
6 30 20 15 12 10 8 6 5 4 4 1,5
7 36 24 18 14 12 9 7 6 5 4 1,8
8 41 27 20 16 14 10 8 7 6 5 2
9 46 30 23 18 15 11 9 8 7 6 2,3
10 51 34 25 20 17 13 10 8 7 6 2,5
11 56 37 28 22 19 14 11 9 8 7 2,8
12 61 41 30 24 20 15 12 10 9 8 3
13 66 44 33 26 22 17 13 11 9 8 3,3
14 71 47 36 28 24 18 14 12 10 9 3,6
15 76 51 38 30 25 19 15 13 11 10 3,8
16 81 54 41 33 27 20 16 14 12 10 4,1
17 86 58 43 35 29 22 17 14 12 11 4,3
18 91 61 46 37 30 23 18 15 13 11 4,6
19 97 64 48 39 32 24 19 16 14 12 4,8
20 102 68 51 41 34 25 20 17 15 13 5,1
Not recommended as the time is longer than 15 sec. (at 40ºC) Not recom. as more than 1 bar pressure drop in the pipe
Pipe PB d16x1,8mm
Volume per meter pipe 0,121 litre HOT WATER
Flow rate in litre per seconds (l/s)
0,03 0,065 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,4 0,5 of water
Length pipe in meters Seconds
1 8 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 0,1
2 16 7 5 3 2 2 2 1 1 0,2
3 24 11 7 5 4 3 2 2 1 0,4
4 32 15 10 6 5 4 3 2 2 0,5
5 40 19 12 8 6 5 4 3 2 0,6
6 48 22 15 10 7 6 5 4 3 0,7
7 56 26 17 11 8 7 6 4 3 0,8
8 65 30 19 13 10 8 6 5 4 1
9 73 34 22 15 11 9 7 5 4 1,1
10 81 37 24 16 12 10 8 6 5 1,2
11 89 41 27 18 13 11 9 7 5 1,3
12 97 45 29 19 15 12 10 7 6 1,5
13 105 48 31 21 16 13 10 8 6 1,6
14 113 52 34 23 17 14 11 8 7 1,7
15 121 56 36 24 18 15 12 9 7 1,8
16 129 60 39 26 19 15 13 10 8 1,9
17 137 63 41 27 21 16 14 10 8 2,1
18 145 67 44 29 22 17 15 11 9 2,2
19 153 71 46 31 23 18 15 11 9 2,3
20 161 74 48 32 24 19 16 12 10 2,4
Not recommended as the time is longer than 15 sec. (at 40ºC) Not recom. as more than 1 bar pressure drop in the pipe
Pipe PB d20x1,9mm
Volume per meter pipe 0,206 litre HOT WATER
Flow rate in litre per seconds (l/s)
0,06 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,60 0,70 of water
Length pipe in meters Seconds
1 7 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,2
2 14 8 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 0,4
3 21 12 8 6 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 0,6
4 27 16 11 8 7 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 0,8
5 34 21 14 10 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 1,0
6 41 25 16 12 10 8 7 6 5 5 4 4 1,2
7 48 29 19 14 12 10 8 7 6 6 5 4 1,4
8 55 33 22 16 13 11 9 8 7 7 5 5 1,6
9 62 37 25 19 15 12 11 9 8 7 6 5 1,9
10 69 41 27 21 16 14 12 10 9 8 7 6 2,1
11 76 45 30 23 18 15 13 11 10 9 8 6 2,3
12 82 49 33 25 20 16 14 12 11 10 8 7 2,5
13 89 54 36 27 21 18 15 13 12 11 9 8 2,7
14 96 58 38 29 23 19 16 14 13 12 10 8 2,9
15 103 62 41 31 25 21 18 15 14 12 10 9 3,1
16 110 66 44 33 26 22 19 16 15 13 11 9 3,3
17 117 70 47 35 28 23 20 18 16 14 12 10 3,5
18 124 74 49 37 30 25 21 19 16 15 12 11 3,7
19 130 78 52 39 31 26 22 20 17 16 13 11 3,9
20 137 82 55 41 33 27 24 21 18 16 14 12 4,1
Not recommended as the time is longer than 15 sec. (at 40ºC) Not recom. as more than 1 bar pressure drop in the pipe
Pipe PB d25x2,3mm
Volume per meter pipe 0,33 litre HOT WATER
Flow rate in litre per seconds (l/s)
0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,33 litre of water
Length pipe in meters Seconds
1 7 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 0,3
2 13 9 7 5 4 3 3 2 2 2 0,7
3 20 13 10 8 7 5 4 3 3 2 1
4 26 17 13 10 9 7 5 4 4 3 1,3
5 33 22 16 13 11 8 7 5 5 4 1,6
6 39 26 20 16 13 10 8 7 6 5 2
7 46 31 23 18 15 11 9 8 7 6 2,3
8 52 35 26 21 17 13 10 9 7 7 2,6
9 59 39 29 24 20 15 12 10 8 7 2,9
10 65 44 33 26 22 16 13 11 9 8 3,3
11 72 48 36 29 24 18 14 12 10 9 3,6
12 78 52 39 31 26 20 16 13 11 10 3,9
13 85 57 43 34 28 21 17 14 12 11 4,3
14 92 61 46 37 31 23 18 15 13 11 4,6
15 98 65 49 39 33 25 20 16 14 12 4,9
16 105 70 52 42 35 26 21 17 15 13 5,2
17 111 74 56 44 37 28 22 19 16 14 5,6
18 118 78 59 47 39 29 24 20 17 15 5,9
19 124 83 62 50 41 31 25 21 18 16 6,2
20 131 87 65 52 44 33 26 22 19 16 6,5
Not recommended as the time is longer than 15 sec. (at 40ºC)
Pipe PB d28x2,5mm
Volume per meter pipe 0,415 litre HOT WATER
Flow rate in litre per seconds (l/s)
0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 of water
Length pipe in meters Seconds
1 8 6 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0,4
2 17 11 8 7 6 4 3 3 2 2 0,8
3 25 17 12 10 8 6 5 4 4 3 1,2
4 33 22 17 13 11 8 7 6 5 4 1,7
5 42 28 21 17 14 10 8 7 6 5 2,1
6 50 33 25 20 17 12 10 8 7 6 2,5
7 58 39 29 23 19 15 12 10 8 7 2,9
8 66 44 33 27 22 17 13 11 9 8 3,3
9 75 50 37 30 25 19 15 12 11 9 3,7
10 83 55 42 33 28 21 17 14 12 10 4,2
11 91 61 46 37 30 23 18 15 13 11 4,6
12 100 66 50 40 33 25 20 17 14 12 5
13 108 72 54 43 36 27 22 18 15 13 5,4
14 116 77 58 46 39 29 23 19 17 15 5,8
15 125 83 62 50 42 31 25 21 18 16 6,2
16 133 89 66 53 44 33 27 22 19 17 6,6
17 141 94 71 56 47 35 28 24 20 18 7,1
18 149 100 75 60 50 37 30 25 21 19 7,5
19 158 105 79 63 53 39 32 26 23 20 7,9
20 166 111 83 66 55 42 33 28 24 21 8,3
Not recommended as the time is longer than 15 sec. (at 40ºC)
26/500/FEB 2015/IRU