PL BT en
PL BT en
PL BT en
Foreword 4
Overview 5
Georg Fischer 6
GF Piping Systems 7
Training 13
Nothing is more important in piping systems installation
than the reliability of the individual components and their
professional installation. Our products contribute to the
safety of your equipment and processes. We have the
best solution for nearly every application. This manual
aims to help you in the planning, selection and applica-
tion of products from GF Piping Systems.
GF Piping Systems has over 50 years of experience in
developing and installing plastic piping systems. We
would like to share this know-how, which is state of the
art, here with you. Our technical experts have carefully
put together this documentation in order to provide you
with the best possible support. The correct use of our
products will assure the safety and reliability of your sys-
tems. But nothing is so good that it can't be improved
on, so we always welcome your thoughts and sugges-
Wishing you informative reading
Georg Fischer JRG AG
This technical manual will provide you with all the impor-
tant data for the planning, product selection, processing,
installation and commissioning of pressure pipelines in
building technology.
The data is based on the relevant international ISO and
EN standards, diverse national standards and the DVS
guidelines (German Federation for Welding) as well
as data provided by the manufacturers of raw materials.
Furthermore, we have also incorporated the results from
extensive in-house research and testing.
This manual serves as a tool for planners and installers,
enabling them to design and install complex piping sys-
tems correctly and professionally.
Product information for industrial piping systems is con-
tained in a separate technical manual.
For information on metal piping for malleable iron fit-
tings, PRIMOFIT and WAGA (connections for plain met-
al and plastic pipes), please see the GF catalogue.
Your local sales representative will be glad to supply
you with additional information.
This publication makes no warranty, but serves only to
impart technical information. We refer to our General
Conditions of Sale.
Georg Fischer
Georg Fischer
Georg Fischer
Adding Quality to People’s Lives
People all over the world expect Georg Fischer to
make a significant contribution to meeting their
needs now and in the future.
The reliable supply of clean water is one of the biggest
challenges of this century. GF Piping Systems facili-
tates this worldwide demand for drinking water and en-
ables the safe transport of liquids and gases for indus-
As people become increasingly mobile, they also de-
mand more comfort and safety from the vehicle they
use. With highly durable cast parts made of light metal
and iron from GF Automotive, it is possible to build
lightweight and safe passenger cars and commercial ve-
The manufacture of consumer goods and high-quality
precision components requires sophisticated produc-
tion technologies. GF Agie Charmilles offers machines
and system solutions with which the necessary moulds,
tools and parts are made.
GF Piping Systems
GF Piping Systems
Building Technology Systems of GF Piping Systems (GFPS)
that the material can absorb the expansion in itself. • With INSTAFLEX from GF Piping Systems, your
drinking water is guaranteed lime-free. The smooth
This, in turn, saves on expansion legs or joints and surface of polybutene prevents deposits from forming
makes it possible to use standard fasteners, so clean in the system. Free passageways ensure a high level
and aesthetically pleasing installations can be built, of comfort.
even where space is limited.
• space-saving installation
• no maintenance
• easy to install
• the flexibility of polybutene enables making smaller
changes in direction without the use of fittings.This
saves on parts and valuable on-site time.
• polybutene retains its flexibility and easy handling
even at low temperatures
• pre-fabricated riser pipes can be transported in coils
and installed in shafts on site easily and quickly
• very durable due to its high resistance to chemicals
Plastic pipes - the modern alternative to steel and
Noise reduction
Of all the piping systems, polybutene has the lowest
Polybutene has an excellent life cycle assessment. For acoustic velocity, e.g. ten times lower than for steel.
example, it can be reused to build noise barriers. This Thanks to this excellent sound insulation, a good night's
ultimately conserves our natural resources. sleep is practically guaranteed, even if the bedroom ad-
Compared to steel and copper, the manufacture of plas- joins the bathroom.
tic requires four times less energy. Another example of
how polybutene protects our environment. INSTAFLEX - the piping system
Free of deposits INSTAFLEX is available in a wide range of dimensions
(d16 mm to d225 mm) for universal use from single-fam-
• INSTAFLEX is a completely corrosion-free drinking ily homes to airports or luxury cruise liners.
water installation. Even after lengthy periods of non-
use, the water quality remains consistent. The d16 to d25 mm pipes can also be supplied as a
pipe-in-sleeve system. The system consists of a medi-
um-conveying pipe in a protective outer pipe. Should the
inner pipe become damaged, e.g. from drilling, it can be
effortlessly replaced, without breaking open the wall.
Building Technology Systems of GF Piping Systems (GFPS)
Fitting is fused
jointing on site
Fusion process
Electrofusion is a controlled fusion process. Thanks to
the visible fusion indicators, it is always clear to see
whether a fitting has been fused or not.
The energy equivalence value comprises all the pro-
Fitting is not fused
cess energies that are required from the raw material to
the manufacture of the pipes, fittings and the thermal in-
sulation. Also included is the amount of energy for pro-
ducing the auxiliary jointing materials.
Water is our most precious resource and the most strict-
ly regulated food. In contrast to metals, which can give
off copper ions, nickel or corrosion deposits to the wa-
ter, polybutene does not release any taste or harmful
Building Technology Systems of GF Piping Systems (GFPS)
Quality, environmental and social policies
Quality, environmental and social policies
Invest in the training of your staff
Qualified employees are among the key success fac-
tors of a company. That is why we recommend periodic
training for staff so they are always up to date with the
latest technology.
GF Piping Systems offers customised training and
courses at our in-house training centre. Not only is theo-
retical knowledge imparted, but we also make a point of
providing opportunities for hands-on practice.
General Information
Plastic fundamentals 17
General Information
Working with plastic pipes and fittings
General Information
Working with plastic pipes and
Transport and storage of plastic pipes
aging until ready for use. Do not store
PVC-C 0 °C
PP-R - 10 °C
PB - 10 °C
General Information
Plastic fundamentals
Amorphous thermoplastics
The polymer chains of amorphous (Greek «without
form») thermoplastics have a random, entangled molec-
ular arrangement.
Typical examples of amorphous thermoplastics are PVC
General Information
Planning fundamentals for plastic piping systems
Specified operating pressure, safety factor Specified pipe cross-section, pressure loss
Possible applications for the Jointing technology Processing technology and in-
product stallation technology
General Information
Basic properties of plastics
Fire behaviour
Plastics are flammable. They are classified ac-
Low density = low weight cording to the customary flammability tests for
Plastics, e.g. PB = 0.94 g/cm 3
building materials.
(copper 8.9 g/cm³)
Solar radiation
Plastics are sensitive to UV rays and must not
be exposed to them.
Condensation formation
Thanks to the low thermal conductivity of plas-
tic, less condensation forms on plastic pipes
than on metal.
Wear resistant
Plastic pipes have an abrasion resistance
which is up to four times greater than that
of steel pipes.
Leak-tight joints
Plastics can be fused, cemented and com-
pressed. Fusion joints are made absolutely
leak-tight without additional materials.
Sound transmission
Polybutene has a low elasticity coefficient (E-
modulus). This warrants low noise transmis-
Smooth surface
The smooth surface means less pressure loss
and less incrustation.
Plastics react to changes in temperature more
strongly than metals. The linear expansion of
plastics is approx. 10 times greater than that
of steel.
The material Polybutene (PB)
Mechanical properties
The crystallinity of polybutene (PB) at approx. 50 % is
low compared to other polyolefins, rendering it both flex-
ible and robust. These properties are very advanta-
geous for prefabricating riser pipes. The material has
very good creep rupture strength at high temperatures
and under permanent loads, thus permitting high pres-
Socket fusion
sures with relatively small wall thicknesses.
The creep strength is certified to MRS 14 (minimum re- The long-term behaviour under internal pressure is illus-
quired strength) and according to EN ISO 9080 in long- trated in the long-term diagram based on the
term testing. standard EN ISO 15494. The threshold values for pipes
and fittings, which are given in the pressure-tempera-
The polybutene used by GF Piping Systems for building ture diagram for PB, are deduced from this. See dia-
technology applications features the following qualities: gram on page 4 of this chapter.
• High long-term creep strength
Resistance to chemicals, weather and UV
• Good resistance to corrosion radiation
• High flexibility Polybutene (PB) is non-polar and therefore easily with-
• High resistance to heat ageing stands chemical attack.
• High resistance to stress cracking For more information, please see the chapter on Chemi-
cal Resistance or contact one of our sales companies.
• High noise insulation When stored or used outdoors, PB, like most natural
and plastic materials, will become damaged, especially
by the ultraviolet wavelengths of solar radiation in com-
bination with atmospheric oxygen (photooxidation).
The material Polybutene (PB)
Plastic pipes and plastic fittings must be protected from Physiological properties
direct ultraviolet radiation. The pipes and fittings are
best left in their packaging until ready to use. Do not The material used by GF Piping Systems meets the for-
store outdoors. Please see the chapter General Infor- mulation specifications of the relevant food law require-
mation. ments.
Thermal properties
Impact resistance and rigidity
Generally speaking, polybutene (PB) may be used at
temperatures between -10 °C and 95 °C. Below 0 °C
the material's impact resistance diminishes somewhat,
although the rigidity will increase at low temperatures.
Just as for every other piping material, the medium
should be protected from freezing because this could
damage the pipe system. Please refer to our pressure
temperature diagram, specially for the maximum work-
ing temperature.
Linear expansion
Thermoplastics, including PB, have a much lower coeffi-
cient of linear expansion than metals, namely 0.13
mm/mK. The resulting forces are, however, very much
lower for PB than for metals. Please see the «System
Technology and Application Technology» chapter.
Thermal conductivity
The thermal conductivity is 0.19 W/m K (ASTM
C177). As a result, the insulation of a PB piping system
is much more energy efficient compared to metals, such
as copper.
Fire behaviour
Polybutene (PB) belongs to the flammable plastics. The
oxygen index is 19%. Below 21% a plastic is consid-
ered flammable.
When the flame is removed, PB will continue to form
droplets and burn without sooting. When burned, PB
produces primarily carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide
and water.
Persuant to UL94 (Test for Flammability of Plastic Mate-
rials), PB is rated as a slow burning plastic in the hori-
zontal burn test.
According to DIN 4102-1, PB is classified B2 (normal
combustibility) and is classified E-d2 according to EN
In the French classification of building materials, poly-
butene falls in category M3 (small flame). According
to ASTM D 1929, PB self ignites at 360 °C. In case of
fire, this plastic is extinguished with spray water, foam or
carbon dioxide.
Electrical properties
Due to the fact that polybutene (PB) is non-polar, PB is
an excellent isolator. External impurities, oxidation or
weather conditions considerably reduce the isolating ac-
tion. Otherwise, the electrical conductivity is practically
not dependent on temperature and frequency. The spe-
cific contact resistance is >10x10 Ωxcm, the dielectric
strength 75 kV/mm.
The material Polybutene (PB)
The densityof a body is the mass m per unit volume V.
The hardness refers to the material's resilience against
penetration of a body. It is generally measured using the
depth of penetration left by a load with a specific geom-
etry in the material.
Melt Flow Index (MFI)
The Melt Flow Index (MFI) indicates how easily
the melted polymer flows. It depends on the length of
the molecular chains and the number of branches. The
mass pressed through a standard die with a 5 kg weight
in 10 minutes at 190 °C is measured.
Strength is resistance of an elastic body to deformation.
Thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity means the energy transported
within a substance in relation to temperature and sur-
Coefficient of thermal expansion
The coefficient of thermal expansion specifies the
change of length of a rod, 1 meter in length, after in-
creasing the temperature by 1 °C; it is measured in mil-
Impact strength
The impact strength refers to a material's breaking re-
sistance upon impact stress. It is defined as the amount
of energy that the material can absorb at its smallest
cross-section before it breaks. It is determined in the
Charpy notched bar impact test.
Flexural modulus of elasticity
The flexural modulus of elasticity is an expression of a
material's rigidity. It is defined as the slope of its stress-
strain curve in the linear range.
Tensile strength
Tensile strength is the highest tensile stress which a
material can withstand before it breaks. The elongation
before it breaks is referred to as elongation at break or
ultimate elongation.
The material Polybutene (PB)
Hygiene standards
Polybutene (PB) complies with the KTW recommendations of the German Health Authority for plastics in drinking
water. This is confirmed in the test certificate of the Hygiene Institute of the Ruhr.
The material Polybutene (PB)
Example for INSTAFLEX d16 to d110 (PN 16) All the pipe dimensions expressed in the standards are
Operating temperature: 70°C based on this calculation formula. According to DIN, EN
Pressure rating: PN 16 and ISO standards, the nominal pressure PN (Pres-
The operating pressure taken from the diagram: 10 bar sure Nominal) indicates the permissible operating pres-
sure in bar at 20 °C. In accordance with the European
Determining the pipe wall thickness and the standardization of systems, the new terms will be addi-
tionally used in future.
pressure class
To calculate the wall thickness of polybutene (PB) pipes
bearing internal pressure the Kessel formula is applied: Nominal pressure PN 16 means that a pipe in this pres-
sure class can be subjected to a pressure of 16 bar
at 20 °C.
In sanitary installations, the nominal pressure is not de-
cisive for the pipe and fitting technology, but rather the
building codes and test specifications in the respec-
tive country. These ensure safety in the distribution of
hot and cold drinking water.
The material Polybutene (PB)
Nominal diame- Pipe outer diam- Pipe wall thick- Pipe inner diam- Weight Water volume
ter DN eter ness eter
d s di
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [l/m]
12 16 2.2 11.6 0.088 0.10
15 20 2.8 14.4 0.141 0.16
20 25 2.3 20.4 0.152 0.33
25 32 2.9 26.2 0.254 0.53
32 40 3.7 32.6 0.392 0.83
40 50 4.6 40.8 0.610 1.31
50 63 5.8 51.4 0.969 2.07
65 75 6.8 61.4 1.354 2.96
80 90 8.2 73.6 1.960 4.25
100 110 10.0 90.0 2.920 6.36
125 125 11.4 102.2 3.950 8.20
160 160 14.6 130.8 6.460 13.40
225 225 20.5 184.0 12.700 26.60
The material Polybutene (PB)
The material Polybutene (PB)
PN 16 means
Permissible operating pressure of 16 bar at 20°C and a
lifetime of 50 years assuming a safety factor of 1.5 for
all materials.
Compressed air
INSTAFLEX has been designed for a temperature range
of 0 to 80 °C for compressed air applications. The maxi-
mum permissible operating pressure at 20 °C is 16 bar
with a calculated safety factor of 1.5.
Polybutene (PB) 0.94 The density of a body is the ratio of its mass m to its vol-
ume V:
Polyetyhlene, cross-linked (PE-X) 0.94
Polypropylene, random (PP-R) 0.90 ρ = m/V
Polyvinyl chloride, postchlorinated (PVC- 1.55
Water 1.00
Steel 7.85
Copper 8.89
The material Polybutene (PB)
PP-R 0.24
PVC-C 0.14
Composite 0.43
Determining the length of a flexible section
The material Polybutene (PB)
Jointing systems
Just as important as the pipe and the pipe material are
the jointing technology and the metal materials of the fit-
The interplay of various factors, such as too high or too
low pH values, chlorides, free carbonic acid,
corrosive nitrate and sulphate ion concentrations, lead
to increasingly aggressive waters. This heightens the
risk of corrosion for metal materials.
Traditional installation systems made of metals, such as
steel, galvanised steel, copper and with stainless steel
coatings, cannot be used in every situation due to incon-
sistent water qualities and are no longer approved for
use in certain areas.
INSTAFLEX takes account of these trends. All the fit-
tings are made of high-quality CR hot-pressed brass.
CR brass is resistant to corrosion according to ISO
6509, the highest international standard. CR brass is
even superior to red brass in regard its mechanical
In a homogenous jointing system, like the INSTAFLEX
electrofusion and socket fusion system, of analogous
polybutene (PB) for pipes and fittings, corrosion prob-
lems can also be excluded.
The material Polybutene (PB)
The material Polybutene (PB)
With consideration to all the properties,
correct system design and layout, and optimal selection
of the material alloys, brass components, especially
those made of dezincification-resistant CR brass, are
superior to red brass in conventional sanitary installa-
INSTAFLEX components are manufactured of dezincifi-
cation-resistant CR hot-pressed brass.
Technical regulations and standards
General 40
Technical regulations and standards
• SN EN 806 Part 1: SIA 385301 INSTAFLEX pipes and fittings are tested and monitored
• SN EN 806 Part 2: SIA 385302 for quality by the accredited «SKZ» Test Centre in
Würzburg and other institutes. The frame of reference
Great Britain BS for confirmation of suitability is 50 years, based on
the operating conditions in the respective country.
• BS 5955-8
Specifications for the installation of thermoplastic Under ISO and DIN norms and existing test guidelines,
pipes and fittings in building services: drinking water, the manufacturer is obligated to statistically evaluate the
hot water, heating installations. product by means of the prescribed testing during the
production process. This is set down in a catalogue of
quality control measures, as well as periodic external
Technical regulations and standards
monitoring conducted by test institutes. This continu- Switzerland - SVGW (Guideline W3)
ous and stringent in-house testing is the basis of quali-
Hygiene standards
W/TPW 129
Polybutene pipes have been proved to be hygienically
W/TPW 143 suitable for hot and cold drinking water pipelines. The
Austria ÖVGW Guideline W38 test results of the DVGW research centre at the Engler-
Bunte Institute of the University of Karlsruhe
ONEN 15876 have shown that polybutene pipes satisfy the KTW rec-
Netherlands KIWA BRL-K 536/01 ommendations of the Federal Health Authority (BGA).
Belgium UBAtc ATG 92/1871 The suitability in terms of the material composition quali-
BUtg b fies the INSTAFLEX system as a «commodity» under
General Food Law.
France SO- C.S.T.B. Nr.: 09.24
COTEC The KTW guideline analyses the hygienic quality of or-
ganic materials that come into contact with drinking wa-
Great Britain WRc Approval per British ter. The following federal health periodicals have been
Standard BS 6920 published in this regard:
Technical regulations and standards
Fire behaviour and fire protection F Supporting and space enclosing structures/
false ceiling/panelling/ flameproof coatings
Fire protection T Movable closures
INSTAFLEX pipes of polybutene (PB) fall under fire cat- R Smoke and fire-resistant closures
egory 4.2 (normal inflammability) for building materials
according to VKF* regulations and are therefore ap- K Fire dampers
proved in Switzerland. S Sealing, bulkheads
BZ no.: Z 16 819 A Elevator shaft doors
Fire mains
When using PB pipes for fire mains, the local fire regula-
tions must be observed.
According to SVGW guidelines W3 fire mains must be
made of non-flammable material or installed in a fire-re-
tardant manner as per EI 30 (nbb) :
• buried or in-wall
• in a shaft with fire bulkheads
• in an open installation, the insulation must be at least
category EI 30 (nbb).
Category EI 30 (nbb)
The fire-insulated, water-filled PB pipe must be protect-
ed so that in a so-called "standard fire" the temperature
on the cold side of the insulation (inner side) cannot
reach 140 °C in 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the
pipeline must still be operational.
Example of insulation according to the VKF fire pro-
tection index
For an EI 30 (nbb) category, pipe half-shells of mineral
wool and in the appropriate diameter are mounted stag-
gered and adjacently, the gaps are filled with
adhesive and tied with binding wire.
Technical regulations and standards
Potential equalisation
According to DIN VDE 0100-540, potential
equalisation is required between all types of
protective earthing conductors and any «conductive»
pipes. INSTAFLEX is not a conductive piping system
and hence cannot be used for potential equalisation
(1) Impairment:
Changes in the drinking water which do not pose a
health risk to the consumer
(2) Health risk:
Changes in the drinking water which are haz-
ardous to health
(3) e.g. rainwater systems
(4) e.g. conducted through shafts or trenches
(5) For periods of stagnation of 4 weeks or more, rins-
ing the pipeline is recommended for hygienic rea-
Technical regulations and standards
Sound insulation
Applicable standards
Most important in sound insulation is a suitable floor
plan. If planning is done correctly, it is still the most ef-
fective means of sound insulation and incurs no extra
costs. Rooms can be arranged advantageously from a
noise prevention point of view and plumbing fixtures and
pipelines placed accordingly.
Moreover, there is the requirement that walls of rooms
needing sound insulation to which pipes (water and
sewage lines), valves or plumbing fixtures are
fastened must have an area-related mass (mass per
unit area) of 220 kg/m² (no particular verification re-
quired). See the sound reduction index for conventional
building materials.
In terms of active sound insulation in water installations,
the use of low-noise valves is a key factor. These
valves belong to valve group I, with a valve noise level
according to DIN 52218 of L AG ≤ 20 dB(A).
In structure-borne sound transmission, the sound veloci-
ty in the material is a major criterion. This value is de-
termined in relation to the density and modulus of elas-
ticity of a material. Plastics have low sound velocities
which is why INSTAFLEX is ideal for sound insulation of
water installations.
Technical regulations and standards
Stone type Wall thick- Stone Mass per Weighted Mass per Weighted Mass per Weighted
ness gross unit area sound re- unit area sound re- unit area sound re-
density with mor- duction with plas- duction with plas- duction
tar with- index ter index ter index
out plas- 1x1.5 cm 2x1.5 cm
[cm] [kg/m³] [kg/m²] [dB] [kg/m²] 1)
[dB] [kg/m²] 2)
Pumice-sol- 9.5 1100 104.5 37 119.5 38 134.5 40
id brick and 11.5 126.5 39 141.5 40 156.5 41
expanded 17.5 192.5 44 207.5 44 222.5 45
clay, e.g. Li- 24.0 264.0 47 279.0 48 294.0 49
apor 30.0 330.0 50 345.0 50 360.0 51
Pumice-hol- 17.5 1100 192.5 44 207.5 44 222.5 45
low brick 24.0 264.0 47 279.0 48 294.0 49
and expand- 30.0 330.0 50 345.0 50 360.0 51
ed clay, e.g. 36.5 401.5 52 416.5 53 431.5 53
Honey- 11.5 1400 161.0 42 176.0 43 191.0 44
comb brick 17.5 245.0 46 260.0 47 275.0 48
(small 24.0 336.0 50 351.0 51 366.0 51
format) 30.0 420.0 53 435.0 53 450.0 54
Light brick 11.5 1200 138.5 40 153.0 41 168.0 42
(large for- 17.5 210.0 45 225.0 45 240.0 46
mat) 24.0 288.0 48 303.0 49 318.0 50
30.0 360.0 51 375.0 51 390.0 52
Porous 11.5 1000 115.0 38 130.0 39 145.0 40
brick, e.g. 17.5 175.0 43 190.0 44 205.0 44
Poroton, 24.0 240.0 46 255.0 47 270.0 48
Unipor, 30.0 300.0 49 315.0 49 330.0 60
Porous con- 10.0 800 80.0 33 95.0 36 110.0 37
crete, e.g. 12.5 10.0 36 115.0 38 130.0 39
Ytong, 15.0 120.0 38 135.0 40 150.0 41
Hebel 20.0 160.0 42 175.0 43 190.0 44
25.0 200.0 44 215.0 45 230.0 46
30.0 240.0 46 225.0 47 270.0 48
360 292.0 48 307.0 49 322.0 50
Sand-lime 11.5 1750 201.0 44 216.0 45 231.0 46
brick, solid 17.5 306.0 49 321.0 50 336.0 50
brick 24.0 420.0 53 435.0 53 450.0 54
30.0 525.0 55 540.0 56 555.0 56
Perforated 11.5 1500 172.5 42 187.5 43 202.5 44
brick 17.5 262.5 47 277.5 48 292.5 48
24.0 360.0 51 375.0 51 390.0 52
30.0 450.0 54 465.0 54 480.0 54
36.0 547.5 56 562.5 56 577.5 56
Clay full 11.5 1800 207.0 44 222.0 45 237.0 46
Concrete 10.0 2350 235.0 46
Technical regulations and standards
Noise behaviour of INSTAFLEX polybutene • pipeline installed openly in unheated rooms (base-
(PB) valves
Noise emission from INSTAFLEX polybutene valves is • pipeline on concrete ceiling
less than 20 dB (A). This complies with the DIN 52218 • pipeline in duct, without hot water pipe
requirements for low-noise valves in valve group I.
• pipeline in wall slit, riser pipes
Dimension Valve noise emission
Steel 7.95 210000 6000
Copper 8.9 120000 3900
PB (Polybutene) 0.94 450 620
PVC-C(Polyvinyl 1.56 3500 2350
chloride, post-
PE-X(Polyethy- 0.95 600 800
Technical regulations and standards
Circulation lines
Hot water and circulation pipes are to be insulated in
compliance with cantonal energy law.
Technical regulations and standards
Technical regulations and standards
h = enthalpy
x = moisture content in air
H = 540 m above sea level
Technical regulations and standards
H - x diagram
Technical regulations and standards
Polybutene pipe: 40 x 3.7
Water temperature: 16 °C
Air temperature: 24 °C
Air humidity: 60 %
Minimum pipe surface temperature from h-x diagram
15.5 °C
Technical regulations and standards
Pb Steel Copper
Uninsulated PB pipe d40 x 3.7
αi= 6000 W/m²K
αa= 10 W/m²K
λ = 0,19 W/mK
Ta = 20°C
Ti = 60°C
Temperature difference ΔT = 40K
Technical regulations and standards
ΔT (t1-t2) 20 30 40 50 60 70 k R
Pipe- 16 11.6 8.98 13.47 17.97 22.46 26.95 31.44 0.449
20 14.4 10.91 16.37 21.83 27.28 32.74 38.20 0.546
25 20.4 14.06 21.09 28.11 35.14 42.17 49.20 0.703
dia- 32 26.2 17.52 26.29 35.05 43.81 52.57 61.34 0.876
40 32.6 21.16 31.74 42.32 52.90 63.48 74.06 1.058
50 40.8 25.48 38.22 50.96 63.71 76.45 89.19 1.274
meter 60 51.4 30.61 45.92 61.22 76.53 91.84 107.14 1.531
75 61.4 35.10 52.64 70.19 87.74 105.29 122.84 1.755
90 73.6 40.02 60.03 80.04 100.05 120.06 140.07 2.001
110 90 45.98 68.97 91.96 144.95 137.94 160.93 2.299
da [mm] di [mm] Q [W/m] [W/mK]
Technical regulations and standards
For more information on flushing drinking water sys-
tems please see the ZVSHK data sheet based on TR-
WI DIN 1988.
Technical regulations and standards
1 Chlorine 1.2 0.3 free 0.01 Trihaloge
Sodium chlorine methane
Chloride of lime
2 Chlorine diox- 0.4 0.2 ClO2 0.2 Chlorite
3 Ozone 10 0.05 O3 0.01 Trihalogen
Jointing technology
Demountable joints
-- Threaded connection joints 115
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
• cost-effectiveness
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
This means:
• creep behaviour has been accounted for by strictly
separating the holding and sealing functions
• notching behaviour has been taken into considera-
tion in the waved holding profile
• a durable, leakproof joint without O-rings
• transitions from plastic to metal with compression fit-
• easy, fast and safe assembly without special tools
KV: d16/d20
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Assembly of INSTAFLEX compression joints Working with the protective pipe cutter
d16 to d20 To safely cut the protective pipe surrounding a conduit
pipe, it is essential to use the pipe cutter specially de-
With signed for protective pipes. Use only this protective pipe
INSTAFLEX system tools, cutter to cut the protective pipe so as not to damage the
inner conduit pipe. The following pipe dimensions can
assembly is plastics-oriented and safe. Optimal han- be cut with the protective pipe cutter:
dling contributes to a rational assembly.
• d16/d20 mm
• d25 mm
Shorten the protective pipe with the appropriate protec-
tive pipe cutter corresponding to the valve connection:
• 35 mm for single valve connections
• 80 mm for double valve connections
The cutoff lengths are marked on the protective pipe
Cut the pipe and protective pipe with the pipe cutter.
Press the cutter jaws lightly together and move the pro-
tective pipe cutter back and forth. Twist off the cut pipe
section with the cutter or by hand.
Use only the protective pipe cutter to shorten the pro-
tective pipe to keep from damaging the conduit pipe.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
1 Conduit pipe
2 Protective pipe
3 Guide
4 Blade
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Slide the flange, the compression ferrule, Result: You have connected the compres-
the support ring and the O-ring onto the sion fitting.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
1 Prisma clamps for pipes and fittings d16 - d63
The hand-held fusion device is heated electrically (230 2 Round clamping device for fittings up to d63
3 Pick-up for hand-held heating element
V/50 Hz), with a wattage of 800 W. The welding blade is 4 Limit stop button for basic setting
also available in a 110 V/60 Hz version for United King- 5 Adjusting knob for stop positioning
dom. The electronic temperature control ensures a con- 6 Handwheel to move the slide
1 red
2 green
Fusion machine
The use of a bench-mounted fusion machine has
proved highly advantageous when prefabricating with
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Temperature check
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Fusion parameters
Pipe outer diame- Minimum Insertion depth Heat soak time Holding time Cooling time
ter wall thickness and joining depth
(fusion length)
d s t t1 t2
[mm] [mm] [mm] [s] [s] [min]
16 2.0 15 5 15 2
20 2.0 15 6 15 2
25 2.3 18 6 15 2
32 2.9 20 10 20 4
40 3.7 22 14 20 4
50 4.6 25 18 30 4
63 5.8 28 22 30 6
75 6.8 31 26 60 6
90 8.2 36 30 75 6
110 10 42 35 90 6
1 fusion bead
Pressure test
All the fusion joints must be completely cooled before
beginning with the pressure test. Wait at least one hour
after the last fusion has been made.
Welder requirements
All welders must be trained to perform fusion. In order to
qualify, certification for plastic fusion may be obtained
from a specialised institute, e.g. SKZ Würzburg, as de-
scribed in DVS 2212. Please contact your local GF
sales office.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
25 18
32 20
40 22
50 25
63 28
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Pipe dimension d Heat soak time t Joining the pipe and fitting
Join the fitting and the pipe immediately after heat soak-
[mm] [s] ing and without axial rotation.
The holding and cooling times must be observed.
16 5
Do not twist the parts during and after joining.
20 6
The marking must always be visible!
25 6
32 10
40 14
50 18
63 22
Holding time:
During this time the joined parts (fitting and pipe) must
be held securely without twisting or turning.
Cooling time:
The fused parts (fitting and pipe) may only be subjected
to further installation loads when the cooling time has
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Slide the pipe flush up to the fitting end and secure it in the pris-
Secure the fitting in the pick-up. ma clamp.
Move the slides with pipe and fitting apart and swivel in the heat-
ing element.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
After the heat soak, remove the pipe and fitting slowly from the
heating tools, swivel out the heating element and immediately join
the pipe and fitting together. The holding and cooling times must
be observed.
Heat soak the pipe end and the socket fitting. This is done by slid- Holding time:
ing the pipe end and socket fitting slowly onto the heating socket During this time, the joined parts (fitting and pipe) must
or heating spigot. (Material melts slowly). remain clamped in the machine.
Move the two slides together up to the stop.
Pipe dimension Holding time Cooling time
d Minimum
[mm] [s] [min]
16 15 2
20 15 2
25 15 2
32 20 4
40 20 4
50 30 4
63 30 6
Changing dimensions
The heat soak time begins when the pipe and the fitting are com-
pletely in the heating socket or on the heating spigot.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Fusion protocol
Fusion protocols are to be issued upon request. Please
see example on the following page.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Fusion protocol
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Drill through pipe wall with the drill (code no. 761 068
033). Use a speed-controlled drill with 300-350 rpm.
Select the drill dimension: Important:
The hole must be drilled at a right angle.
• One drill for outlets: 20, 25, 32
Clean the pipe and the drill hole with Tangit KS
cleaner (code: 799 298 023). Wipe off all the cleaning
Mark the drilling point fluid with the cleaning paper.
Mount a pipe bracket about 15 to 20 cm next to the Clean the weld-in saddle with Tangit KS cleaner (code:
drilling point to prevent the pipe from bending out dur- 799 298 023). Check that the saddle dimension corre-
ing assembly. sponds to the pipe dimension.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
The heating bushes must be cleaned after each fusion
Mount heating bush on the welding blade. joint. There must be no polybutene material left on the
heating bushes.
Slide both the weld-in saddle and the pipe onto the
heating bushes at the same time. Result: the saddle is welded in the pipe.
Heat soak time, see Table 1
1 Melt bead
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Weld-in saddles d125 to d225 Drill a hole through the pipe wall. Use a speed-con-
trolled drill with 300-350 rpm.
Assembly instructions for weld-in saddles in dimen- Important:
sions d125 to d225 The hole must be drilled at a right angle.
Select the drill dimension: Chamfer 3 to 4 mm of the drill hole, which makes it easi-
er to insert the heating bush in the next step.
• One drill for outlets: 20, 25, 32
Mark the drilling hole Clean the weld-in saddle with Tangit KS cleaner (code:
799 298 023). Check that the saddle dimension corre-
sponds to the pipe dimension.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Slide both the weld-in saddle and the pipe onto the The heating bushes must be cleaned after each fusion
heating bushes at the same time. joint. There must be no polybutene material left on the
Heat soak time, see Table 2 heating bushes.
1 Melt bead
must have formed around the drill hole. Various connections can be mounted on the saddle.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Table 1
Weld-in saddle on pipe Pipe in weld-in saddle
Dim. Temp. Fusion time Fusion time
d - d1 °C Heat soak Holding Cooling time Heat soak Holding time Cooling
time time time time
sec. sec. min. sec. sec. min.
50 - 20 260 22 - 24 30 4 6 15 2
50 - 25 260 22 - 24 30 4 6 15 2
50 - 32 260 22 - 24 30 4 10 20 4
63 - 20 260 22 - 24 30 4 6 15 2
63 - 25 260 22 - 24 30 4 6 15 2
63 - 32 260 22 - 24 30 4 10 20 4
75 - 20 260 24 - 26 30 4 6 15 2
75 - 25 260 24 - 26 30 4 6 15 2
75 - 32 260 24 - 26 30 4 10 20 4
90 - 20 260 26 - 28 30 4 6 15 2
90 - 25 260 26 - 28 30 4 6 15 2
90 - 32 260 26 - 28 30 4 10 20 4
110 - 20 260 28 - 32 30 4 6 15 2
110 - 25 260 28 - 32 30 4 6 15 2
110 - 32 260 28 - 32 30 4 10 20 4
Table 2
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
The dimensions of INSTAFLEX pipes and electrofusion
fittings are adapted to one another. The electrofusion
socket is designed as a sleeve and the centre stop must
be broken out, but no machining of pipe ends is re-
Electrofusion sockets
may not be used to com-
pensate length. Both pipe
ends must be pushed up
to the stop in the socket.
Fitting markings
The degrees marked on the fitting (every 45°) make it
possible to position components exactly, for example for
prefabrication of piping combinations.
Electrofusion fittings
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Fusion parameters
Fusion preparation
Cleaning the pipe end
Cut the pipe squarely and deburr the inside of the pipe. Marking the insertion depth
Do not chamfer the pipe end! Use a plastic pipe cutter.
Mark the insertion and joining length accordingly on
both pipes. Make sure the marking stays visible during
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
posed to further installation forces when the cooling time These values are continuously checked by the fusion
has elapsed. device during the process. The fusion process is inter-
Fusion check rupted if there are deviations and the control lamp indi-
Check the fusion with the optical fusion indicator. A cates an error.
fused socket can be identified by means of the emerg-
ing material pin.
Pressure test
Before starting the pressure test, all the fusion welds
must be fully cooled. Observe the minimum waiting time
of one hour after finishing the last fusion.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Technical data
Fitting connection
5. Remove the fusion cable from the fitting. The
Mains indicator lights up: The coding in the plug part of each electrofusion fitting
transmits to the fusion device the data on the fitting con-
nected and its dimension.
All three fusion channels are free for the next fu-
If soiled, clean the device with a damp cloth. Only use
alcohol or spirit on the front panel and the typeplates,
no thinner or solvent.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Error messages
Problem Troubleshooting
1. Connecting the device to the mains
All the control lamps are blinking:
• Mains voltage is not in the required range (185–264 V) Select another power source.
• Ambient temperature too high or too low (-15– +40 °C) Protect device from heat or cold.
No indication:
• No mains voltage Check mains fuse.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Assembly instructions for INSTAFLEX electrofu-
sion joints d125 to d225
Assembly of INSTAFLEX BIG electrofusion sockets
Dimension Peeling length Total required length (with peel- Width of peeling tool
ing tool)
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Cleaning the socket Fasten the socket to the pipe with the
Clean the jointing surfaces of the socket strap retainer.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Butt fusion
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
The display shows: Fusion start Press. Press the green button I.
Check the settings. If the settings are correct, confirm with the
green Enter button.
GF250 Type name of fusion machine
CNC Control unit Suvi 400 Select the material used with the blue arrows. For INSTAFLEX
BIG select PB.
1531 Machine number
PP Polypropylene
HDPE PE high density
PE 80 Polyethylene 80
PE 100 Polyethylene 100
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
The display shows: Data o.k.? Confirm with the green Enter but-
The display shows: Clamp pipe(s). Confirm with the green Enter
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
The display flashes between: Planer unit please insert and Pipe The display shows: Planer unit Please remove. The planing pro-
ends planing.
cess is finished and the planer shuts off automatically. When the
planer unit is switched off, take it out of the fusion device and put
it back in its proper fixture.
Place the planer in the fusion machine and switch the power on.
The planer only starts when this work step has been confirmed on
the control unit.
The display shows: Pipe ends stop planing. Press the green >but-
ton until the red control lamp in this field lights up.
When a shaving has been taken from both pipe ends without stop-
ping, confirm with the green >button until the red control lamp in
this field lights up.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
The display shows: Alignment ok <YES>+open machine. Clean the jointing surfaces of the parts to be joined -
The offset between the pipes or the pipe and fitting is less than >1 fitting and pipe end. Use an absorbent, lint-free paper
mm. Press the green Enter button. and cleaning fluid Tangit KS cleaner, Art. no. 799
If the offset <1 mm between the pipe ends or the pipe and
fitting, you can move the pipe ends apart, turn the pipes so that 298 023. Wipe off all the cleaning fluid with the clean-
the offset is 1 mm.
ing paper.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
The display shows: Start fusion. Press the green >button until the
red lamp in this field lights up. The two pipes or the pipe and the
fitting move together.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
The display shows when the cooling time has ended. Press the
green Enter button.
The fusion device releases the fusion.
Fusion protocol
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Fusion protocol
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Fusion errors
Evaluating fusion joints
The quality of fusion joints is evaluated on the building
site in the framework of pressure testing and visual in-
spection of the joints.
3. Narrow, raised bead Fusion pressure too high Check machine settings.
Check calculations and fusion pres-
4. Improperly formed fusion point Wrong heat soak time Check heat soak time.
Wrong heating element temperature Check temperature on heating ele-
Wrong fusion pressure
Check machine settings.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
8. Notches and furrows on pipe, Clamping tools on machine Check clamping tools.
running longitudinally or traversely
to fusion weld Incorrect transport Ensure correct transport.
9. Faulty bonding due to bead notches Fusion pressure too low Check machine settings.
Check heat soak time.
Heat soak time too short
Adhere to holding and cooling
Cooling time too short times.
Heating tools pulled off too fast Pull parts off heating tools more
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
3. Dirty fusion bead Heat soak too long Check heat soak time.
Soiled heating sleeve and mandrel Clean heating sleeve and heating
(burnt material) mandrel before every fusion.
Soiled heating sleeve and mandrel Clean heating sleeve and heating
(burnt material) mandrel before every fusion.
Changeover time too long Join pipe and fitting immediately af-
ter pulling from heating tools.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Pipe pushed in too far during heat- Mark insertion depth on pipe and
ing or joining adhere to it.
10. Pores due to foreign body inclu- Steam formation during fusion (wet Clean pipes prior to fusion.
sions pipes)
Clean heating sleeves and man-
Dirty fusion tools drels prior to fusion.
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
Errors in electrofusion
Oval pipes due to incorrect stor- Avoid pressure loads. Store pipes
age properly.
Radius of curvature of ring too lit- Use system tools (machines, de-
tle or unsuitable clamping device vices).
Jointing technology
Non demountable joints
6. Bonding fault due to insufficient pipe Pipes not pushed in far enough Mark insertion depth on pipe and
insertion adhere to it.
Unsquare pipe ends Cut off pipe ends square with pipe
Steam or gas formation during fu- Only fuse dry pipes and fittings.
sion For repairs: empty pipelines prior
to fusion and protect fusion zone
from dampness and dirt.
Jointing technology
Demountable joints
flange connections with O-rings or flange seals: Pipe out- [mm] 75 90 110 125 160 225
er diam-
Pipe out- [mm] 20 25 32 40 50 63 eter
er diam- Torque [Nm] 40 40 50 50 60 75
Pipe out- [mm] 75 90 11 125 160 225
er diam- 0
Torque [Nm] 40 40 50 50 60 75
Chemical resistance
-- Introduction 118
-- Chemical-physical resistance of polybutene (PB) 118
-- Pipe joints 118
-- Sealing materials (elastomers) 118
-- Corrosion behaviour of copper and copper alloys against various substances 118
-- Chemical resistance 120
Chemical resistance
Demountable joints
regarding the use of INSTAFLEX in non-drinking water Seal material General chemical- Max. operat-
applications on a case-by-case basis. physical resistance ing tempera-
Pipe joints
EPDM Resistant to aggres- 90 °C
INSTAFLEX socket fusion joints Ethylene- sive, oxidating media (short-term
INSTAFLEX socket fusion joints exhibit the same chem- propylene-di- Not resistant to hydro- 120 °C)
ical resistance as INSTAFLEX pipes. ene-rubber carbons, oils and
INSTAFLEX electrofusion joints
NBR Resistant to hydrocar- 90 °C
INSTAFLEX electrofusion joints can basically be used Nitrile rubber bons, oils and greases (short-term
with all polybutene-compatible media. See also the List Not resistant to oxidat- 120 °C)
of Chemical Resistance. Polybutene may not be used ing media
with the media listed below:
- Hydrogen bromide HBr
INSTAFLEX polybutene valves can be used in water
- Hydrogen fluoride HF pipelines for building services.
(hydrofluoric acid)
- Fluorosilic acid H2SiF6 Corrosion behaviour of copper and copper
(hydrofluorosilicic acid) alloys against various substances
- Hydrogen chloride HCI Besides their favourable physical and mechanical prop-
(Hydrochloric acid) erties, one of the main reasons for the widespread use
- Hypochloric acid HOCI ac- of copper alloys is their resistance to corrosion.
(Hypochlorous acid) queous The corrosion behaviour of metals depends on a variety
of factors. This makes it nearly impossible to give gener-
This list makes no claim to be complete. If you do not al information which would be valid under any operating
find the substance on this list, please contact your local conditions. In addition to the type and purity level of the
sales representative. corrosive substance, its concentration and temperature
Material for metal pipe joints play a major role in the corrosion process. Flow velocity
and flow conditions of the fluids must also be taken into
The following metal material in INSTAFLEX has contact account when assessing the suitability of a material.
with the media:
Oxygen or oxidizing agents (chemicals) have a special
Alloy Brass, dezincification-re- significance in the corrosion of copper and copper al-
sistant loys. They intensify the attack on metal, especially in
acids. The following data, which has been mainly taken
DIN EN 12134, EN 12165, EN from technical literature on the relative corrosion resis-
12168, EN 12420 tance of copper and its most important alloys against
Nomenclature CuZn 36 Pb 2 As 170 different substances, is based on the results of lab-
(CR brass) oratory tests, practical experience under operating con-
ditions and general knowledge of corrosion processes.
Chemical resistance
Demountable joints
+ resistant
o conditionally resistant (use must be clarified)
- not resistant
Chemical resistance
Demountable joints
Chemical resistance
Medium Formula Concentration
Compressed air,
20 - ++ O
containing oil 40
Nitrogen N2 Gas
20 ++ ++ ++
40 ++ ++
60 ++ ++
80 ++ O
100 O
Oxygen, gaseous O2
technically pure 20 ++ O
40 ++
60 O
System technology and application technology
General 122
-- break 123
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
Electrofusion fittings
The INSTAFLEX electrofusion fitting line of products
consists of a complete range of fittings in the dimen-
sions d16 to d110. The individual fitting types can be
found in the product catalogue. The fittings have been
designed so that each pipe connection is fused sepa-
rately. An integrated fastening device, a coded plug con-
nection, a markings every 45 degrees for alignment and
a visual fusion indicator as well as the insertion depth
marking enable individualized work according to the
stage of construction or prefabrication . An electric
screwdriver and the HWSG-3 fusion device are the tools
required for working with the INSTAFLEX electrofusion FAST - SAFE - ECONOMICAL - the modern IN-
fittings. STAFLEX installation technology
System technology and application technology
Ring mains
• Each tap is supplied from two sides
• No stagnated water
• Pressure loss 1/3 less than in continuous lines
• Double tap connections
1 Circulation line
2 Hot water line
3 Cold water line
System technology and application technology
1 Circulation line
2 Hot water line
3 Cold water line
1 Circulation line
2 Hot water line
3 Cold water line
• Several taps supplied by one line
• Less space required for pipe rack
System technology and application technology
Pipe support
Article no. 760 853 300
The pipes are supported by placing the pipes (d16, d20)
in the supports and fastening them with clips. To addi- Close off the end of the protective pipe with the sleeve
tionally stabilise the pipes from above you can insert a (red/green) enclosed in the pipe box. Place the pipe
reinforcement rod (diameter 10 mm) in the pipe (d16 or d20) in the guide and fasten with the clip. Sever-
support. Several pipe supports may be placed, 45 mm al guides can be used side by side, 45 mm apart, in the
apart, next to one another. same or opposite direction
System technology and application technology
Formwork box
1 Metal dowel M8
2 Threaded rod M8
Article no. 760 853 299
3 Pipe clip
System technology and application technology
If a different material is used for the flooring, e.g hot as-
phalt, then measures must be taken so as not to dam-
age the plastic piping laid in or under the insulation.
Insulation layer Embedding
The insulation requirements in DIN 1988-2 for cold wa-
System technology and application technology
Dual line arrangement with central riser zone
Pipework as single and continuous line
Module connection with single line
1 Spacer bar
2 Valve connections
Wall manufacturer
3 Mounting rail
4 Mounting plate
When installing valve connections in lightweight con-
structions or wooden walls, only mount valve connec-
tions without housings on the spacer.
To fasten valve connections, you require a combination
of INSTAFLEX installation accessories and accessories
from the wall manufacturer.
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
Manifold arrangement
The manifold of a pipe-in-sleeve system is usually in-
stalled in the basement of single-family homes and du-
plexes. It is advisable to place the hot water manifold as
closely as possible to the hot water heater. The shorter
the distance between the manifold and the water heater,
the shorter the flushing time of the cooled stagnant wa-
ter will be. This reduces water and heat loss.
In multi-family residences or similar buildings with a cen-
tral hot water supply and manifolds within the flats or in-
dividual units, we recommend placing the manifold as Manifold in pre-planned recess behind the
closely as possible to the user. The hot water circula- mirror
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
Requirements: Example:
• in-wall mounting
Exchangeablity of the con-
1 The housing can only be closed when the nector elbow is warranted af-
pipe has been installed. ter assembly.
fittings. Attention:
The INSTAFLEX valve connection with housing there- A double connection can only be replaced by opening
fore satisfies all the demands placed on it. Replacing the masonry. In drywall constructions, pre-assembled
valve connections in hollow spaces is made easier by valve connections with housing may not be mounted on
running the protective sleeve straight from the valve brackets because this could cause the connector to
connection and adding a fastening point before the first break off.
change in direction.
System technology and application technology
Attention: Attach the bottom of the housing and close it. You can
Do not use any valve connections with housing for only close the bottom part when the coupling nut has
lightweight constructions or wood walls. been mounted correctly.
Tighten the screws which are pre-mounted in the upper Thanks to this safety mechanism no visual inspec-
part of the housing. tion is necessary subsequently.
Cut the pipe at the height of the marking (arrow) on the Close off the ½" connecting thread with the IN-
upper part of the housing. Shorten the protective sleeve STAFLEX backing stem.
by 35 mm with the INSTAFLEX protective sleeve cutter. The backing stem seals directly on the fitting, dispens-
ing with the need for additional sealing for leak tight-
ness. At the same time, the backing stem serves as pro-
tection when plastering and tiling the wall.
System technology and application technology
The wall opening of the backing stem (34 mm) is easily For the exact assembly sequence, please follow the
covered with the rosette of the valve (50 mm). assembly instructions enclosed in the packaging.
backing stem.
System technology and application technology
Assembling valve connections with blue Assembly procedure for valve connections on
housing planking
In masonry
Valve connection, single
d16 - 1/2" thread
d20 - /2" thread
d16 - 1/2" thread
d20 - /2" thread
System technology and application technology
Make sure the dimensions correspond to Result with too much wrapping
the illustration.
System technology and application technology
Fastening accessories
Fasten drain valves to bathtubs, showers and wash
basins so that their function is not impaired. Use spacer
bars to anchor the valve connection asemblies as a
fixed point in the masonry.
For interior wall spaces use a flat spacer and bend to
the front wall dimension (X).
Maximum dimension 17.5 cm
Spacer use
Spacing 153 (150)
System technology and application technology
recessed mounting
1 Mounting rail
2 Backing stem
Fasten the valve connection with the
backing stem to the mounting rail.
System technology and application technology
Bath tub
H = 71 cm
Gauge for bore holes 150 (153)
Observe the manufacturer's instructions
of bath tubs
System technology and application technology
1 Nut
2 Spacer ring
3 Gasket
4 Housing
System technology and application technology
Replacement of multistory piping
INSTAFLEX piping is a perfect alternative to rigid instal-
lations. The flexible pipe-in-sleeve system can be laid so
that the medium-conveying pipe is easily replaced in
case of mechanical damage (e.g. drilling).
To ensure easy replacement, the following points should
be noted:
Dirt, stone chips, cement slurry, etc. may not get into the
gap between the medium-conveying pipe and the pro-
tective sleeve. This can be prevented with correct as-
sembly and by using the INSTAFLEX installation tools
and aids listed below:
• INSTAFLEX formwork box
article no. 760 853 299
• INSTAFLEX formwork duct
article no. 760 853 300
System technology and application technology
Secure the pipe bends with at least two to three clips. I. When installing flexible pipe-in-sleeve systems in
Straight pipes are fastened every 1 to 1.5 m. solid floor and wall constructions (concrete), the
pipes must be exchangeable and the position of
Manifolds should be accessible. If you build it in-wall, we
the connectors visible from the outside.
SVGW-W 3 Art. 4.120
SVGW-W 3 Art. 4.620
SVGW-W 3 Art. 5.100
System technology and application technology
Valve connections in walls without reinforcement can be Incorrect solution. The pipe risks freezing because of
either with or without housing. the cold bridge.
The correct solution. The pipe is laid in a warm area.
Pipelines which are only used intermittently and which
are exposed to risk of frost, e.g. pipes to unheated side
1 Valve connection with housing rooms, gardens, outdoor courtyards, must be equipped
2 Pipe with shut-off and drain valves.
3 Distributor
For pipes which are liable to freeze, drainage can be
warranted by laying the respective pipeline as a single
supply pipe with negative slope along its entire length to
the outlet valve or to the pipe connection.
System technology and application technology
Metal valves
1. Transition with external thread
Pipe guide
System technology and application technology
Service cabinet
Service cabinet assembly after pouring the rough
concrete floor
Screw the carrier and pipe guide together. After pouring the concrete, remove the thread
covering. Place the service cabinet on the pipe guide
System technology and application technology
1 Packaging cardboard
Remove the packaging cardboard from
the service cabinet.
1 Packaging cardboard
Put the packaging cardboard in the cabi-
System technology and application technology
1 Packaging cardboard
Put the packaging cardboard in the cabi-
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
Installation dimensions
Manifold 5x with hot water meter and valvel
Solution = cabinet size 600 mm
Number of distributor outlets in cabinet
Cabinet size
600 780
7 9 Distributor with valve
5 8 Distributor with valve and
water meter
9 12 Distributor only
System technology and application technology
Replacing a pipe in the service cabinet Laying INSTAFLEX pipes in rough concrete
Fasten the service cabinet carrier on the formwork.
System technology and application technology
First fuse the pipes to the manifold before attaching the Pipes in d16 and d20 can be pushed directly into the
valve connections. formwork box with the protection sleeve. However, d25
System technology and application technology
Formwork duct
Close off the pipe ends with the sleeve (red/green) en-
closed in the packaging. Put the pipe (d16 or d20) in the
guide and attach it with the clip. Several guides can be
used side by side, 45 m apart, in the same or opposite
After removing the formwork for the floor slab, pull the
required length (x) of the medium-conveying pipe up to
the manifold.
Then attach the protective sleeve with the correspond-
ing coupling.
Fasten the manifold by putting M8 metal dowels in the
provided openings. Then secure the manifold with IN-
STAFLEX pipe brackets and M8 threaded bolts.
Pipe support
Pipes (d16, d20) are laid in the pipe support and fas-
tened with clips. A reinforcement rod (diameter 10) can
be inserted in the pipe support to provide additional sup-
port for the pipes upward. Several pipe supports can be
positioned side by side, keeping a distance of 45 mm
between them.
d16 = article no.
760 853 316
d20 = article no.
760 853 753
System technology and application technology
Basement manifold
If the valve bonnet is designed appropriately, it can be
Precise pre-fabrication enables optimal on-site operated with handwheel or with a commercially avail-
working! able in-wall actuator.
In-wall actuators from H. and F. Grohe, Hansa, and oth-
ers can be used.
The valve is constructed according to a gate design with
direct sealing of the sliding tongue in the valve
body. This means the medium can flow in any
direction. If the passage cross-section is fully opened
with a non-rising valve spindle, it has the characteristic
of a free flow valve. Therefore, flow velocities up to max-
imum 5 m/s* are permitted. Because the valve actua-
tion is 90° to the flow direction, it can be used as a leg
shut-off as well as an in-wall valve. In both cases, the
valve bonnet can be replaced.
*per DVGW DIN 1988
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
Cut off the sleeve flush with the finished wall. Then
mount the actuating element according to the manufac-
turer's instructions.
The installation depth varies depending on the type of
actuating element. Generally it is between 85 and 125
4. Replacing the bonnet
The valve bonnet can be replaced in-wall through the
protective sleeve. Before dismantling the valve bonnet,
remove the cover or the actuating element. Dismantle
the valve bonnet with a hexagon socket spanner 17 w/a.
System technology and application technology
1. Arrangement as a branch shut-off d20 to d63
See also the manufacturer's assembly in- All valves are available in a socket fusion or electro-
fusion version.
• No restrictions in installation
• Vertical and horizontal installation
• Hanging or standing bonnet
• Any flow direction
• In-wall or on-wall installation
• Pipes, manifolds and fittings can be directly fused in
System technology and application technology
Branch valve with riser pipe outlet, in-wall assembly including fas-
System technology and application technology
Basement manifold with INSTAFLEX valves without
When used with a manifold, the fastening arrangement drainage. Drainage is done separately.
depends on the number of distributor outlets.
System technology and application technology
50 63 2⅜"
50 63 2¾"
sary. d G d1
Technical data 16 1 13
The valve adaptor union consists of a PB flange sleeve 20 1¼ 16
with groove and O-ring, a brass coupling nut and a 25 1½ 21
brass intermediate ring (nickel-plated). The design is
therefore quite similar to an INSTAFLEX adaptor union. 32 2 28
40 2½ 36
The dimensions are adapted to commercially available
angle seat valves and manifold valves as well as safety 50 2¾ 45
valves. 63 3¼ 57
For thread (G1)-pipe (d) combinations that do not fit, a
System technology and application technology
Make sure the O-ring seal of the flange sleeve lies flat
on whole surface.
Connections to
tanks and valves
(filter, pressure
valve (PRV))
A d25 - G1 ¼
B d25 - Rp ¾
Tank connec-
System technology and application technology
DN - G1
1 Pressure gauge 15 (½) - ¾
2 Thermometer
20 (¾) - 1
d Rp 20(¾) - 1
20 ½
25 ¾ G1 - d
32 1 ¾ - 25
63 ≈ 110 - 140
75 ≈ 150 - 190
90 ≈ 170 - 210
Pre-assembled unit with INSTAFLEX valve, water meter, IN-
100 ≈ 180 - 240 STAFLEX manifold and electrofusion adaptors
Drain valves
Connect the drain valve so that its use does not dam-
age the INSTAFLEX pipe.
System technology and application technology
1 PB 1 PB
2 MS 2 MS
3 PB 3 Internal thread
The actual connection thread is a metal thread for all
unions. This is also true for unions with two weld-on
System technology and application technology
2 HW outlet
3 Safety group
4 Boiler outlet, circulation connection
5 Boiler inlet
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
ΔL = α x L x ΔT
LDS = 5 m
ΔL = Temperature-related change in length [mm]
Δ ϑ = 50 K
da = 63 mm α = Coefficient of linear expansion [mm/mK]
L BS = 45 cm
See diagram below. L = Length of pipeline [m]
Diagram to determine length of flexible section ΔT = Temperature difference [K]
α = 0.13 mm/mK corresponds to 1.3 x 10 -4
Calculating the flexible section length
Calculate the minimum length of the flexible section us-
ing the following formula:
Definition of symbols:
da = pipe outer diameter (mm)
ΔL = change in length (mm)
Ecm = average bend-creep module
σb = permissible bending stress
Calculation example:
The length of the pipeline is 5 m. The temperature-relat-
ed change in length of this pipe section has to be taken
up with a flexible section. The temperature difference
between the installation temperature and the maximum
operating temperature is 50 K. For this calculatation, PB
pipe 63 x 5.8 mm with an outer diameter of 63 mm is
Determining the flexible section length:
ΔL = α x L x ΔT
ΔL = 0.13 (mm/mK) x 5 m x 50 K
ΔL = 32.5 mm change in length
To determine the required length of the flexible section
more easily, the diagram for flexible section length de-
termination can be used.
L BS = 45 cm length of flexible section
If we compare this data with the data for a metal pipe in
the same dimension, we see that the flexible section for
the metal pipe must be much larger. The reason for this
is the significantly higher material constant C for metal
pipes than for a polybutene pipe.
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
PB pipe
Pipe dim. Cold water pipeline under 20 °C Hot water pipeline over 20 °C
without with carriers without with carriers
carriers carriers
dxs L 1 [cm] L 2 [m] Pipe L 1 [cm] L 2 [m] Pipe
bracket bracket
16 x 2.2 50 35
20 x 2.8 60 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.5 m 40 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.25 m
25 x 2.3 70 45
32 x 3.0 80 50
40 x 3.7 80 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.75 m 50 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.5 m
50 x 4.6 100 60
63 x 5.8 125 75
75 x 6.8 150 90
90 x 8.2 180 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.75 m 110 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.5 m
110 x 10.0 200 130
125 x 11.4 200 150
160 x 14.6 200 2m 0.75 m 190 ca. 2 m 0.5 m
225 x 20.5 200 190
Individual fixed point spacing depending on building sit- Fastening technology for riser pipes in shafts
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
Pipe dim. d Fixed point Fast.spacing L 1 Pipe binder Fast.spacing L 1 Pipe binder
spacing spacing L 2 spacing L 2
16/20/25 individual de- 1.5 - 2.0 m 0.5 m 1.5 - 2.0 m 0.25 m
pending on build-
ing site
32/40/50 1.5 - 2.0 m 0.75 m 1.5 - 2.0 m 0.5 m
System technology and application technology
Deflection of straight PB
hot water pipes [mm]
Support spacing d
L1 in mm 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 160
500 2.5
600 3.5 3.0
750 6.0 4.5 3.5
900 9.0 6.5 5.0 4.5
1100 11.0 8.0 6.5 5.5
1300 11.5 9.0 7.5 6.0
1500 13.0 10.0 8.0 7.0
1700 12.0 9.0 8.0 6.5
1900 10.5 9.0 7.0
System technology and application technology
D = diameter of fastening
H = distance between wall or floor and pipeline
L = distance between screws
X = number of screws subject to tensile load
F FP = fixed point forces (N)
FZ = screw or dowel retention force (N)
System technology and application technology
The diameters given in the diagram are reference val- Realising fixed points and sliding fasteners
ues, based on a deflection of ca. 5 mm.
For a more precise calculation, please see the pipe Arrangement of fixed points «FP»
bracket manufacturer's data. Fixed points direct temperature-related expansions in
the pipeline in a desired direction. Fixed points should
always be arranged at a fitting and supported on both
Some installation examples of fixed points:
up to d63
System technology and application technology
up to d63
from d75
up to d63
from d75
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
Pipe dimension d
d16 d20 d25 d32 d40 d50 d63 d75
Carrier plate no.
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4
sion Fittings
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
PB valves
2 2 2 3 3 4
2 3 3 3 4 4 4
1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4
Carrier 1 2 3 4
plate no.
Pipe 33 - 63 64 - 94 97 - 125 132 - 162
spacing s
A fixed point needs to be installed at the T-piece d40. In
Table 1 we see that the carrier plate no. 2 is required. In
Table 2 a pipe bracket spacing between 64 - 94 mm is
given for carrier plate no. 2.
System technology and application technology
Rigid installation
The three floor plans below show possible placement of
fixed points.
1 on T-piece
2 on pipeline
3 on change in direction
For basement distribution, only use rigid installation with
carriers and position the fixed points at branches and in
the pipeline.
System technology and application technology
Rigid installation and flexible sections Pipe bracket diameters and spacing for
INSTAFLEX fittings
d40 Pipe diameter corresponds
d50 to pipe bracket diameter
Pipes from basement manifolds can be installed rigid in
some places and with flexible sections in others.
Position the fixed points at branches and in the
Sliding fastener (GB)
Sliding fasteners enable the pipeline to move in the axi-
al direction. Avoid jamming.
Only use pipe brackets and fastening materials which
satisfy the following conditions:
• suitable for plastic pipes
• noise insulating bracket lining available
Select the size of the pipe bracket according to the
pipe dimension to ensure smooth sliding during oper-
16 22 50
20 26 56
25 32 64
32 40 76
40 51 88
50 64 102
63 81 124
75 91 150
90 112 176
110 132 210
T 90° reduced
System technology and application technology
Dimension D L
20-16-20 26 56
Dimension L
20-16-16 26 56
16 76
20-20-16 26 56
20 80
25-16-25 32 64
25 85
25-20-25 32 64
32 85
25-20-20 32 64
40 95
25-25-20 32 64
50 99
32-16-32 40 76
63 102
32-20-32 40 76
75 134
32-25-32 40 76
90 147
40-16-40 51 88
110 160
40-25-40 51 88
63-16-63 81 124
63-25-63 81 124
Dimension L
Dimension D L 16 94
16 22 33 20 108
20 26 33 25 116
25 32 39 32 120
32 40 43 40 138
40 51 48 50 156
50 64 54 63 1172
63 81 60 75 224
75 91 69 90 254
90 110 80 110 292
110 133 94
System technology and application technology
INSTAFLEX pipes With bending tool (90 °) 5xd By hand (90 °) 10xd
Pipe dimension Bending radius R Radian measure B Bending radius R Radian measure B
mm mm mm mm
16 80 125 128 201
20 100 157 160 251
INSTAFLEX With bending tool (90°) 35xd at +10 INSTAFLEX With bending tool (90°) 20xd at +20
pipes °C pipes °C
Pipe dimension Bending radius Radian measure Pipe dimension Bending radius Radian measure
mm mm mm mm
40 1400 2198 40 800 1256
50 1750 2748 50 1000 1570
63 2205 3462 63 1260 1978
75 2625 4121 75 1500 2355
90 3150 4946 90 1800 2826
110 3850 6045 110 2200 3454
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
System technology and application technology
Calculation example:
Pipe expansion force FR / Fixed point force FFP
Selected pipe dimension: 63 x 5.8
Elasticity modulus: 450 N/mm 2
α: 0.13 mm/mK
When you lay pipelines so that axial expansion is not Δψ: 50 K
possible, you should compare the determined pipe sup-
port distance LA with the allowed unsupported length LK , 1. Pipe expansion force F :
35286 N
FFP = FR= Stainless 19.1 ø 54 x 2
58290 N steel pipe
F Load N
L Length of pipe mm
σa Axial stress N/mm 2
System technology and application technology
The z-dimension and standard measurement proce- Fitting with inner jointing end:
dures are at the core of the GF Piping Systems installa-
System technology and application technology
T-piece equal on all sides, or reduced in outlet or pas- z-dimension for socket fusion fittings
Elbow 90°
T-equal 90°
Dimension Measurements
d z h l D
16 10 34 25 22
20 13 36 28 26
25 14 44 32 32
32 18 50 38 40
40 22 58 44 51
50 26 70 51 64
63 34 82 62 81
75 44 - 75 91
90 52 - 88 112
110 63 - 105 132
All measurements in mm
System technology and application technology
Dimension Measurements
d1-d2-d3 z1/z3 z2 l1/3 l2 D D1
20-16-20 13 13 28 28 26 22
20-16-16 13 13 28 28 26 2
20-20-16 13 13 28 28 26 26
25-16-25 14 17 32 32 32 26
25-20-25 14 17 32 32 32 26
Elbow 45°
25-20-20 14/17 17 32 32 32 26
25-25-20 14 17 32 32 32 32
32-16-32 18 23 38 38 40 26
32-20-32 18 23 38 38 40 26
32-25-32 18 20 38 38 40 32
40-25-40 22 26 44 44 51 34
50-25-50 26 33 51 51 64 34
63-25-63 34 44 62 62 81 34
Elbow 45° socket - spigot
16 6 29 21 22
20 7 30 22 26
25 7 35 25 32
32 10 40 30 40
40 12 46 34 51
50 14 53 39 64
63 17 62 45 81
75 20 - 51 92
90 22 - 58 109
110 26 - 68 134
T-red. 90°
System technology and application technology
Dimension Measurements
d-d1 z l
20-16 15 30
25-16 18 33
25-20 18 33
32-20 25 40
32-25 22 40
40-20 27 42
40-25 24 42 Flange adaptor with groove
40-32 22 42
110-63 58 86 All the fittings not listed here and other dimensions can
110-75 55 86 be found in the INSTAFLEX products catalogue or price
110-90 50 86
Electrofusion adaptor
Flange adaptor
Dimension d h L
16 23 60
20 22 61
Flange adaptor flat
25 25 67
32 29 71
40 32 79
50 36 85
63 43 94
System technology and application technology
d-d 1 L L1 h h1 H z z1 z2
25-16 1-fold 31 - 63 32 60 45 36 13
25-20 1-fold 39 - 78 39 64 60 35 21
25-16 2-fold 31 45 108 32 60 90 36 13 The direct joining of two fittings
(socket/spigot) results in a dimension-re-
25-16 3-fold 31 45 153 32 60 135 36 13 lated measurement «M».
Polybutene valve
Elbow 90° socket - spigot d25
h = 44 mm
Reducer: d63 - d25
z1= 40 mm
Tee d63 equal
z2 = 34 mm
M = h + z1 + z2
Dimension d L z H M = 44 mm + 40 mm + 34 mm
20 40 25 86 M = 118 mm
25 40 22 86 You will find the z-dimension in the corresponding IN-
32 43 23 91 STAFLEX product range.
40 55 33 155
50 60 35 155
63 75 47 155
System technology and application technology
M = L + z 1 +z 2
L = M - (z 1 +z 2 )
M = L + z 1 + z 2 + ½ seal
L = M - z 1 - z 2 - ½ seal
M1 =h+z
M 2 = L + z 1 +z 2
L=M2 -z1 -z2
z3 =z1 +z
M 1 (for d16) = 45 mm
M2 =z2 +h1
M 2 = 13 mm + 32 mm = 45 mm
System technology and application technology
Elbow 45°
b = M x 0.707
On angular joints, the measurements a and b can be a = M x 0.707 + (z 1 + h 1
calculated with the measurement «M» (M = z + h) and Example:
the corresponding factors for the angular degrees. Elbow 45° socket - spigot d63
Elbow 45° z = 17 mm
M=h+z h = 62 mm
a or b = M x 0.707 M = h + z
M = 62 mm + 17 mm = 79 mm
Example: b = 79 mm x 0.707 = 56 mm
Tee d63 equal + Elbow 45° socket - spigot d63 a = 79 mm x 0.707 + 34 mm + 62 mm = 152 mm
z = 34 mm h = 62 mm
M = 62 mm + 34 mm = 96 mm
a = 96 mm x 0.707 = 68 mm
System technology and application technology
a = 79 mm x 0.707 = 56 mm
Piping diagram
When using the GF Piping Systems installation method,
pipe plans and floor plans are not suitable if you want to
prepare and install the piping system rapidly.
The run of the pipeline should be illustrated as plainly
and clearly as possible. The sketches can be done right
on the building site itself.
This type of illustration makes it possible to draw the di-
agrams quickly on location or according to a plan. You
require no further tools, such as ruler, triangle, etc. The
planned pipe system and all the required fittings, valves,
etc. is always easy to see.
Piping diagram 30° (space drawing)
is deliberately not drawn to scale, so long pipe sections
may be drawn shorter and short pipe sections longer.
In this way, you can draw extensive piping systems on
one A4 sheet of paper.
System technology and application technology
25 35
32 41
40 48
50 56
63 68
1 Elbow 90°
2 Socket - Spigot
Dimension M
16 44
20 49 1 Elbow 90°, Socket - Spigot
2 Elbow 90°
25 58
32 68 Dimension M
40 80 d
50 96
16 44
63 116
20 49
25 58
32 68
40 80
50 96
63 116
System technology and application technology
Dimension a/b
16 27
20 30
25 35
32 41
40 48
50 56 1 Elbow 45°, Socket - Spigot
2 T-piece reduced
63 68
Dimension M a/b
d min.
20-16-20 42 30
20-20-16 43 30
25-16-25 46 32
25-20-25 47 33
25-25-20 49 35
32-16-32 52 37
32-20-32 53 37
32-25-32 55 39
40-16-40 58 41
1 Elbow 90°, Socket - Spigot 40-25-40 61 43
2 T-piece reduced
50-16-50 65 46
Dimension M 50-25-50 68 48
d min. 63-16-63 76 54
20-16-20 47 63-25-63 79 56
20-20-16 49
25-16-25 51
25-20-25 53
25-25-20 58
32-16-32 57
32-20-32 59
32-25-32 64
40-16-40 63
40-25-40 70
50-16-50 70
50-25-50 77
63-16-63 81
63-25-63 88
1 Elbow 45°
2 T-piece equal
System technology and application technology
Dimension a/b M L
d min.
16 39 55 39
20 42 60 40
25 47 66 45
32 55 78 50
40 64 90 56
50 71 100 60
63 85 120 69 1 + 2 Elbow 45°
75 99 140 76
25 42 60 46
32 50 70 50
40 57 80 56
50 60 85 57
63 71 100 66
75 85 120 80
90 95 135 91
110 113 160 108
1 Elbow 45°
2 T-piece equal / Reducer
Dimension a/b M L
d min.
20-16 52 73 39
25-16 54 77 39
25-20 55 78 39
32-25 66 94 47
40-32 74 105 51
50-40 92 130 59
63-50 103 145 64
75-63 120 170 70 1 Elbow 90°
2 T-piece equal /
90-75 138 195 81 Reducer
System technology and application technology
d min.
20-16 78 40
25-16 82 40
25-20 85 40
32-25 102 48
40-32 115 53
50-40 140 59
63-50 160 67
75-63 195 78
90-75 225 88 1 + 2 Elbow 90°
1 Elbow 90°
2 T-piece equal
Dimension M L
d min.
16 60 40
20 66 40
25 76 48
32 88 52
40 100 56
50 115 63
63 140 72
75 165 77
90 195 91
110 230 104
System technology and application technology
Dimension d
16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110
Pipe length L
80 60 54 52 44 - - - - - -
100 80 74 72 64 56 - - - - -
120 100 94 92 84 76 68 - - - -
150 130 124 122 114 106 98 82 - - -
180 160 154 152 144 136 128 112 92 - -
210 190 184 182 174 166 158 142 122 106 -
250 230 224 222 214 206 198 182 162 146 124
1 Elbow 45°
2 T-piece equal
Dimension d
16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110
Pipe length L M
80 97 93 92 85 79 73 - - - - 113
100 125 121 120 113 107 101 90 - - - 141
120 154 150 149 142 136 130 119 106 - - 170
150 196 192 191 184 178 172 161 148 138 123 212
180 238 234 233 226 220 214 203 190 180 165 254
210 281 277 276 269 263 157 246 233 223 208 297
250 337 333 332 325 319 313 302 289 279 264 353
1 + 2 Elbow 45°
System technology and application technology
Dimension d
16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110
Pipe length L M
80 1011 99 99 93 89 85 79 - - - 113
100 129 127 127 121 117 113 107 101 97 - 141
120 158 156 156 150 146 142 136 130 126 118 170
150 200 198 198 192 188 184 178 172 168 160 212
180 242 240 240 234 230 226 220 214 210 202 254
210 285 283 283 277 273 269 263 257 253 245 297
250 341 339 339 333 329 325 319 313 309 301 353
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems
(CH, D, A, UK)
-- Appendix 231
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Details to Table 1:
1* Max. number LV – The flow rate may not be larger
than the sum of the equipment connected.
2** largest single LV – There may be no single user with
a greater flow rate.
The load units (LU) for the same appliance may differ
from country to country. To determine the pipe diameter
with Table 1, use the load values (LV) listed in Table 2.
Simultaneity has already been taken into consideration
in this calculation method.
Table 2: Load values per connection
Intended use: ½'' connections Flow rate per connec- Number of load
tion values per con-
nection LV
[l/s] [l/min]
Hand basin, wash trough, wash-stand, bidet, toilet tank, soda 0.1 6 1
Kitchen sink, sink, water tap for balcony and terrace, hand 0.2 12 2
shower set, household dishwasher, laundry room sink
Shower 0.3 18 3
Industrial sink, stand and wall sink, bathtub, washing machine 0.4 24 4
up to 6 kg, automatic urinal flushing, kitchen spray head
Water tap for garden and garage 0.5 30 5
Intended use: ¾'' connections
-Industrial sink, bathtub 0.8 48 8
-Shower, water tap for garden and garage
l = Length of pipe [m]
Δ p = Pressure loss [mbar]
di = Pipe inner ø (d-2s) [mm] * 1
18 ºC = 998.5kg/m³
60 ºC = 983.2 kg/m³
80 ºC = 971.8 kg/m³
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Single pipeline
Thermophysical properties of water
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
ζ Elbow 90º = 0,7
ρ = 999.7 kg/m 3
w = 0.5 m/s
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Complete installation
Pressure loss in the complete installation and ad-
justment of the pressure reducing valve
The pressure loss of the complete installation is com-
posed of the pressure loss for the multistory level Δ PST
and the pressure loss for the distribution pipeline Δ PVL.
Only the multistory level pipeline and the distribution
pipeline with the largest pressure loss are needed for
The total pressure loss Δ PInst.pertains to the pipe sys-
tem after the water meter or the pressure reducing valve
up to the last water tapping point.
To set the pressure reducing valve, add the required
flow pressure at the farthest tap and the geodesic differ-
ence in height between the pressure reducing valve and
the highest tapping point to the total pressure loss Δ
Calculation examples
Calculation example 1: according to SVGW Guide-
line W 3
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Minimum flow pres- Type of drinking water tap Calculated flow when tapping:
sure P min Fl
only cold or heat-
Mixed water *) ed drinking water
[bar] VR VR VR
cold hot
[l/s] [l/s] [l/s]
Outlet valve
0.5 without aerator **) DN 15 - - 0.30
0.5 DN 20 - - 0.50
0.5 DN 25 - - 1.00
1.0 with aerator DN 10 - - 0.15
DN 15 - - 0.15
1.0 Spray head for cleaning DN 15 0.10 0.10 0.20
1.2 Flushing valve per DIN 3265 DN 15 - - 0.70
Part 1
1.2 Flushing valve per DIN 3265 DN 20 - - 1.00
Part 1
0.4 Flushing valve per DIN 3265 DN 25 - - 1.00
Part 1
1.0 Flushing valve for urinals DN 15 - - 0.30
1.0 Household dishwasher DN 15 - - 0.15
1.0 Household dishwasher DN 15 - - 0.25
1.0 Mixing taps for shower basin DN 15 0.15 0.15 -
1.0 Bathtub DN 15 0.15 0.15 -
1.0 Kitchen sink DN 15 0.07 0.07 -
1.0 Wash basin DN 15 0.07 0.07 -
1.0 Bidet DN 15 0.07 0.07 -
1.0 Mixing taps DN 20 0.30 0.30 -
0.5 Toilet tank per DIN 19 542 DN 15 - - 0.13
1.0 Electric, open-end water DN 15 - - 0.10 ***)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Diagram 2
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design Minimum
value value
WC toilet tank (filled in 2 0.13 0.05
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Table 9:
Type of tap Load units
WC toilet tank 2
Wash basin ½ - DN15 1.5 - 3
Bathtub ¾ - DN25 10
Bathtub 1 22
Shower 3
Outlet valve 3
Outlet valve 5
Washing machine or dishwash- 3
er ½ - DN15
Note 1: WC toilet tanks with single or double flushing
have the same load units.
Note 2: The load units of wash basins refer to wash
basins with pillar valves. The larger load units are
found in school and office situations because in these
places there are peak usage times. If spray valves are
installed, a simultaneous consumption of 0.04 l/s is as-
Note 3: Urinal flushing tanks have a very low con-
sumption and are usually ignored.
Note 4: Tapping points for industrial applications or
with peak usage times should be calculated so that
100 % of the flow is added to the simultaneous con-
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
2.5 0.001 0.004 0.010 0.027 0.050 0.083 0.160 0.261 0.430 0.748
3.0 0.001 0.004 0.012 0.033 0.050 0.093 0.178 0.291 0.478 0.831
3.5 0.001 0.005 0.014 0.039 0.053 0.102 0.195 0.318 0.523 0.908 0.15
4.0 0.002 0.006 0.016 0.040 0.058 0.110 0.211 0.344 0.565 0.981
4.5 0.002 0.007 0.018 0.040 0.062 0.118 0.227 0.396 0.605 1.040
5.0 0.002 0.008 0.020 0.040 0.066 0.126 0.241 0.392 0.643 1.110
5.5 0.003 0.008 0.022 0.040 0.070 0.133 0.255 0.414 0.680 1.170
6.0 0.003 0.009 0.024 0.041 0.074 0.140 0.268 0.436 0.715 1.230
6.5 0.003 0.010 0.026 0.043 0.078 0.147 0.281 0.457 0.748 1.290
7.0 0.003 0.011 0.028 0.045 0.081 0.154 0.294 0.477 0.781 1.350
7.5 0.004 0.012 0.030 0.047 0.085 0.160 0.306 0.496 0.813 1.400
8.0 0.004 0.012 0.031 0.049 0.088 0.166 0.317 0.515 0.843 1..50
8.5 0.004 0.013 0.031 0.051 0.091 0.172 0.329 0.533 0.873 1.510
9.0 0.005 0.014 0.031 0.053 0.094 0.178 0.340 0.551 0.902 1.560
9.5 0.005 0.015 0.031 0.054 0.098 0.184 0.351 0.569 0.931 1.600
10.0 0.05 0.005 0.016 0.031 0.056 0.101 0.190 0.362 0.586 0.958 1.650 0.30
12.5 0.007 0.020 0.031 0.064 0.115 0.216 0.411 0.666 0.108 1.880
15.0 0.008 0.024 0.035 0.072 0.128 0.240 0.457 0.739 1.200 2.080
17.5 0.009 0.025 0.039 0.079 0.140 0.263 0.499 0.807 1.310 2.270
20.0 0.011 0.025 0.042 0.085 0.151 0.284 0.539 0.872 1.420 2.450
22.5 0.012 0.025 0.045 0.091 0.162 0.304 0.577 0.932 1.520 2.620
25.0 0.014 0.025 0.048 0.097 0.173 0.323 0.613 0.990 1.610 2.780
27.5 0.015 0.026 0.051 0.103 0.182 0.342 0.647 1.040 1.700 2.930
30.0 0.016 0.028 0.053 0.108 0.192 0.359 0.680 1.090 1.790 3.080 0.50
32.5 0.15 0.018 0.029 0.056 0.113 0.201 0.376 0.712 1.140 1.870 3.220
35.0 0.019 0.030 0.059 0.118 0.210 0.393 0.743 1.190 1.950 3.360
37.5 0.019 0.032 0.061 0.123 0.219 0.408 0.773 1.240 2.030 3.490
40.0 0.019 0.033 0.063 0.128 0.227 0.424 0.801 1.290 2.100 3.620
42.5 0.019 0.034 0.066 0.133 0.235 0.439 0.830 1.330 2.170 3.740
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
72.5 0.022 0.047 0.090 0.181 0.320 0.596 1.120 1.800 2.940 5.040
75.0 0.023 0.048 0.092 0.185 3.260 0.607 1.140 1.840 2.990 5.140
77.5 0.023 0.049 0.094 0.188 0.332 0.619 1.160 1.870 3.050 5.230
80.0 0.024 0.050 0.096 0.192 0.339 0.630 1.180 1.910 3.100 5.330
82.5 0.024 0.051 0.097 0.195 0.345 0.641 1.200 1.940 3.160 5.420
85.0 0.025 0.052 0.099 0.199 0.351 0.652 1.220 1.970 3.210 5.510
87.5 0.025 0.053 0.101 0.202 0.356 0.663 1.240 2.010 3.260 5.600
90.0 0.025 0.054 0.102 0.205 0.362 0.674 1.260 2.040 3.310 5.690
92.5 0.026 0.054 0.104 0.209 0.368 0.680 1.280 2.070 3.360 5.780
95.0 0.026 0.055 0.106 0.212 0.374 0.700 1.300 2.100 3.420 5.860
97.5 0.027 0.056 0.107 0.215 0.379 0.710 1.320 2.130 3.470 5.950
100 0.027 0.057 0.109 0.218 0.385 0.720 1.340 2.160 3.510 6.030 1.00
120 0.030 0.063 0.121 0.242 0.427 0.790 1.490 2.390 3.890 6.670
140 0.033 0.070 0.133 0.265 0.466 0.870 1.620 2.610 4.240 7.270
160 0.30 0.036 0.075 0.143 0.286 0.503 0.930 1.750 2.810 4.570 7.820
180 0.039 0.081 0.153 0.306 0.538 1.000 1.870 3.000 4.870 8.350
200 0.041 0.086 0.163 3.250 0.571 1.050 1.980 3.180 5.170 8.850 1.50
220 0.044 0.091 0.172 0.343 0.603 1.110 2.090 3.360 5.450 9.330
240 0.046 0.095 0.181 0.360 0.633 1.170 2.190 3.520 5.720 9.780
260 0.048 0.100 0.189 0.377 0.662 1.220 2.300 3.680 5.970 10.200
280 0.050 0.104 0.198 0.393 0.690 1.270 2.390 3.840 6.220 10.600
300 0.052 0.109 0.206 0.409 0.718 1.320 2.490 3.990 6.470 11.000
320 0.054 0.113 0.213 0.424 0.744 1.370 2.580 4.130 6.700 11.400
340 0.056 0.117 0.221 0.439 0.770 1.420 2.660 4.270 6.930 11.800
360 0.058 0.121 0.228 0.454 0.795 1.470 2.750 4.410 7.150 12.200 2.00
380 0.50 0.060 0.124 0.236 4.680 0.820 1.510 2.830 4.550 7.360 12.500
400 0.062 0.128 0.243 0.481 0.844 1.550 2.920 4.680 7.570 12.900
420 0.064 0.132 0.249 0.495 0.867 1.600 3.000 4.800 7.780 13.300
440 0.066 0.135 0.256 0.508 0.890 1.640 3.070 4.930 7.980 13.600
460 0.067 0.139 0.263 0.521 0.913 1.680 3.150 5.050 8.180 13.900
480 0.069 0.142 0.269 0.534 0.935 1.720 3.230 5.170 8.370 14.300
500 0.071 0.146 0.275 0.546 0.956 1.760 3.300 5.290 8.560 14.600
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
DU = shower
LV = load value
1 load unit equals 3 DU (LV)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Tables and diagrams for pipeline dimensioning and
pressure loss calculation
Pipe data
Pipe dimen- Wall thickness Inner diame- Water quanti- Rod length [m] Pipe weight Pipe weight
sion [mm] [mm] ter [mm] ty [l/m] (empty) [kg/m] with 20 ºC wa-
16 2 11.6 0.10 5.8 0.0088 0.1088
20 2.8 14.4 0.16 5.8 0.141 0.301
25 2.3 20.4 0.33 5.8 0.152 0.482
32 2.9 26.2 0.53 5.8 0.254 0.784
40 3.7 32.6 0.83 5.8 0.392 1.222
50 4.6 40.8 1.31 5.8 0.610 1.920
63 5.8 51.4 2.07 5.8 0.969 3.039
75 6.8 61.4 2.96 5.8 1.354 4.314
90 8.2 73.6 4.25 5.8 1.960 6.210
110 10.0 90.0 6.36 5.8 2.920 9.280
125 11.40 102.20 8.20 5.8 3.95 12.10
160 14.60 130.80 13.40 5.8 6.46 19.86
225 20.50 184.00 26.60 5.8 12.70 39.30
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Pipe frictional pressure drop R and calculated flow velocity v in relation to peak flow rate Vs
Peak flow rate V s PB pipe PB pipe
DN12/d16 x 2.8 DN15/d20 x 2.8
di=11.6 mm di=14.4 mm
V=0.16 l/m V=0.16 l/m
[l/s] R v R v
[mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s]
0.01 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.02 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.1
0.03 1.6 0.3 0.6 0.2
0.04 2.6 0.4 0.9 0.2
0.05 3.9 0.5 1.4 0.3
0.06 5.3 0.6 1.9 0.4
0.07 6.9 0.7 2.5 0.4
0.08 8.7 0.8 3.1 0.5
0.09 10.7 0.9 3.8 0.6
0.10 12.8 0.9 4.6 0.6
0.15 26.1 1.4 9.3 0.9
0.20 43.5 1.9 15.4 1.2
0.25 64.8 2.4 22.8 1.5
0.30 89.9 2.8 31.6 1.8
0.35 118.8 3.3 41.6 2.1
0.40 151.3 3.8 52.9 2.5
0.45 187.4 4.3 65.4 2.8
0.50 227.2 4.7 79.1 3.1
0.55 270.5 5.2 94.0 3.4
0.60 110.1 3.7
0.65 127.3 4.0
0.70 145.8 4.3
0.75 165.3 4.6
0.80 186.1 4.9
0.85 208.0 5.2
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Pipe frictional pressure drop R and calculated flow velocity v in relation to peak flow rate Vs
Peak flow rate V s PB pipe PB pipe
DN12/d16 x 2.8 DN15/d20 x 2.8
di=11.6 mm di=14.4 mm
V=0.16 l/m V=0.16 l/m
[l/s] R v R v
[mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s]
0.05 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1
0.10 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.2
0.15 1.8 0.5 0.6 0.3
0.20 2.9 0.6 0.9 0.4
0.25 4.3 0.8 1.4 0.5
0.30 5.9 0.9 1.9 0.6
0.35 7.8 1.1 2.4 0.7
0.40 9.9 1.2 3.1 0.8
0.45 12.2 1.4 3.8 0.8
0.50 14.7 1.5 4.5 0.9
0.55 17.4 1.7 5.4 1.0
0.60 20.3 1.8 6.3 1.1
0.65 23.5 2.0 7.3 1.2
0.70 26.8 2.1 8.3 1.3
0.75 30.3 2.3 9.4 1.4
0.80 34.1 2.4 10.6 1.5
0.85 38.0 2.6 11.8 1.6
0.90 42.2 2.8 13.0 1.7
0.95 46.5 2.9 14.4 1.8
1.00 51.0 3.1 15.8 1.9
1.05 55.8 3.2 17.2 2.0
1.10 6.7 3.4 18.7 2.1
1.15 65.8 3.5 20.3 2.2
1.20 71.1 3.7 21.9 2.3
1.25 76.6 3.8 23.5 2.4
1.30 82.3 4.0 25.3 2.4
1.35 88.2 4.1 27.1 2.5
1.40 94.2 4.3 28.9 2.6
1.45 100.5 4.4 30.8 2.7
1.50 106.9 4.6 32.8 2.8
1.55 113.5 4.7 34.8 2.9
1.60 120.4 4.9 36.8 3.0
1.65 127.4 5.0 38.9 3.1
1.70 41.1 3.2
1.75 43.3 3.3
1.80 45.6 3.4
1.85 48.0 3.5
1.90 50.4 3.6
1.95 52.8 3.7
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
di = inner diameter
s = pipe wall thickness Temperature Factor
da = outer diameter [ºC] k
Q = flow volume [l/s] 10 1
v = flow velocity [m/s] 20 0.958
dp = pressure loss [mbar/m] 30 0.925
The table shows calculations for a water temperature 40 0.896
of 10 ºC. For higher temperatures, the pressure loss dp 50 0.878
must be multiplied with the factor k (see diagram below). 60 0.580
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
0.9 1.2 1.7
1-2 2.2 3.0 4.2
T-reduced The loss coefficient of the outlet in the flow direction (1-2 or 1-3) of the T-
equal must always be taken into consideration.
T-adaptor For outlet 2, only the loss coefficient of the part to be screwed in needs to
be considered.
0.6 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.8 2.3 3.2 4.2 5.4 6.6
0.7 0.9 1.2 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.7 4.8 5.9 7.0
T-reduced The loss coefficient of the outlet in the flow direction (1-2 or 1-3) of the T-
equal must always be taken into consideration.
Not documented are T90º passage, sockets, reducers, unions, due to too low pipe length values.
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Elbow 90 º 0.7 3.27 3.81 4.35 4.33 4.78 5.60 6.38 6.07 7.23 8.29 9.42 8.94
Elbow 45 º 0.4 1.88 2.18 2.48 2.47 2.73 3.20 3.64 3.47 4.13 4.74 5.38 5.11
T equal 1.3 6.11 7.07 8.07 8.03 8.88 10.40 11.84 11.27 13.43 15.40 17.49 16.61
225-160 0.5 2.35 2.72 3.11 3.09 3.41 4.00 4.55 4.34 5.16 5.92 6.73 6.39
160-125 0.5 2.35 2.72 3.11 3.09 3.41 4.00 4.55 4.34 5.16 5.92 6.73 6.39
125-110 0.5 2.35 2.72 3.11 3.09 3.41 4.00 4.55 4.34 5.16 5.92 6.73 6.39
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
PB valve
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
kv = 550
Spindle lift in %
10 % spindle lift corresponds to ½ spindle revolution
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Flow separation
d32 0.65
d40 0.45
d50 0.15
d63 0.95
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Flushing time for INSTAFLEX d 16 x 2.2 and d
20 x 2.8
Table 15:
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)
Flushing time
Table 16:
Pressure test
Pressure test
Pressure test according to GF Piping Systems factory specification
Pressure test
Pressure test according to GF Piping
Systems factory specification
Remarks on pressure testing
1. Build up pressure slowly to 15 bar, let stand for 10
2. Reduce pressure to 0 bar, let stand for 5 minutes.
3. Build up pressure slowly to 15 bar, let stand for 10
4. Reduce pressure to 0 bar, let stand for 5 minutes.
5. Build up pressure slowly to 15 bar. Close off the sys-
tem with a shut-off device.
6. Wait 60 minutes, read off the system pressure
and enter it in the log.
7. Then reduce to pressure to 3 bar.
8. Wait 90 minutes, read the pressure off the manome-
ter and enter it in the log.
The pressure must be at/above 3 bar at the end of
the test.
The pressure increase over 3 bar depends on the length
of the pipe and the type of installation and is therefore
not specified exactly.
The individual distribution circuits for drinking water
must be tested separately. Hot and cold water distribu-
tion circuits are tested separately, as are CW riser pipes
and HW riser pipes including circulation.
To save time, several drinking water distribution circuits
can be tested simultaneously.
After building up pressure three times to 15 bar, the sys-
tem is closed off with a shut-off device and the pressure
pump may be removed. The next distribution circuit can
be put under pressure in the same manner so that the
pressure testing is performed continuously, thus saving
Equipment (according to DVGW - DIN 1988)
Use pressure measurement instruments which permit
reading pressure variations of 0.1 bar.
Pressure test
Pressure test protocol of plastic piping systems
Pressure test
Pressure test
• at the earliest 1 hour after the last fusion for fusion Media which can be used for the pressure test:
jointing • compressed air free of oil
Please abide by these Technical Regulations • inert gases, e.g. nitrogen, carbon dioxide
and Pressure Testing Norms:
Pressure testing according to DVGW / ZVSHK (DIN
DVGW pressure test according to DIN 1988 - 2 TRWI
Pressure testing according to SVGW Guideline W 3
Pressure test according to ZVSHK
A pressure test is performed with air or inert
gases in drinking water installations according
to DIN 1988 - 2 (TRWI)
If a pressure test with water is not possible or only with
an extreme effort, it may be exceptionally performed
with oil-free compressed air or with inert gases.
Exceptions are:
Pressure test
Pressure test according to British Standard
Pressure test
Pressure test protocol of drinking water application according to ZVSHK
Pressure test
Pressure test protocol of drinking water application according to ZVSHK
Compressed air applications
General 260
Dimensioning 279
Compressed air applications
Dimensioning criteria
Compressed air applications
Criteria of a compressed air pipe
Compressed air applications
Air quantity
minimal as possible.
Economically acceptable losses in the overall sys-
Compressed air applications
Operating pressure
Operating pressure
Every consumer of compressed air (machine or tool) re-
quires a specific operating pressure besides air quality
and volume.
An operating pressure which is too low, 5 bar instead of
6 bar, reduces the machine's performance by approx.
30 %. Compression which is 1 bar higher generates ex-
tra costs of about 10 %.
A large pressure drop between the compressor and the
consumer is caused by pipe cross-sections which are
too small or by bottlenecks in the pipeline.
The pressure drop between compressor (tank) and con-
sumer should not exceed 0.1 bar (without filter and dry-
Δp system ≤ 0.1 bar
Definition of pressure:
Pressure = Force/Area
p = F/A
1 N/m = 1 Pa
Operating pressure
Compressed air applications
Design of a compressed air pipe
• connection line
Generation Distribution Consumption
Main line Distribution line Connection line
Compressed air applications
Design of a compressed air pipe
To keep leakage to a minimum, pipe joints should be In machine shops without specific requirements in re-
homogenous and, if possible, not threaded or flange gard to compressed air distribution, ring mains are pre-
connections. Compression joints for plastic pipes should ferred. Lines to machine or equipment aggregate are
be vacuum and pressure-tight and without elastomer ideally smaller ring mains. If this is not possible and on-
seals. ly a large ring mains can be installed, then it is advis-
able to use tie lines in this case.
The targeted use of shut-off valves allows shutting off
segments for maintenance or extension work.
For machine aggregates or assembly lines with specific
requirements, individual tie lines can also be
used. These are especially practical when production
processes and equipment (assembly lines) are fre-
quently rearranged, requiring a different infrastructure.
The pressure drop in the distribution line should not ex-
ceed Δp VL ≤ 0.03 bar.
Compressed air applications
Design of a compressed air pipe
the air quality. For air which hasn't been dried, the con-
Nominal width (NW) of HL or VL for a length
nection line should be conducted from the top of the dis-
of up to 100 m and an operating pressure of 6
tribution line to prevent condensate from exiting with the
air. For dried air the connection line can be conducted
Q DN PB/PE from the bottom.
[l/s], [m³/min] [mm] d [mm]
Connection lines should always be fitted with a shut-off
233/14.0 90 110 valve at their end. For single connections, the shut-off
135/8.1 75 90 can be integrated in the connector fitting. For group con-
nections via a manifold, integrating a separate shut-off
100/5.0 63 75 in the line is recommended.
53.3 50 63 When connecting a machine or production unit directly
30/1.8 40 50 to the distribution line, it is advisable to use a shut-off
valve with electric actuator so that when the machine is
15/0.9 32 40 turned off, the air supply is also interrupted. This pre-
10/0.6 25 32 vents air loss due to leaks within the machine.
The pressure drop in the connection line should not ex-
Tie line: ceed Δp AL ≤ 0.04 bar.
[l/s], [m³/min] [mm] d [mm]
0.42/0.25 12 16
9.2/0.55 15 20
L = 10 m/p = 6 bar
33,3/2 25 32
L = 10 m/p = 6 bar
Compressed air applications
Design of a compressed air pipe
Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system
Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system
The limits were taken from the corresponding creep dia- Safety
grams for the individual materials.
Several aspects must be considered under the term
For PB and PE the pipe series S5 per ISO 4065 was «safety», such as
taken as the basis. From this, the following pipe dimen-
sions were obtained: • fracture behaviour
d16 x 2.2
• resistance to UV radiation and compressor oils
Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system
Oil resistance of polybutene (PB) and polyethylene Socket fusion, PB and PE:
Mineral oils, oils that contain esters and oils with compo-
nents of aromatic amines have, depending on their con-
centration, a negative effect on the lifetime of plastics.
Make sure that you use only oil-free air in INSTAFLEX
piping systems for compressed air lines.
The materials PB and PE have the advantage that they
are resistant to corrosive attack inside and outside. A
damp and corrosive atmosphere will inevitably lead to
corrosion on the outside of steel pipes, residual mois-
ture in compressed air will lead to corrosion on the in-
PB and PE piping systems are corrosion-resistant, so
that the quality of the air conveyed is not impaired.
PB and PE are plastics with a B2 fire classification ac-
cording to DIN 4102 (normal flammability). Compression joints for plastic pipes should be perma-
Under an open flame, PB and PE burn with a bright nently pressure and vacuum-tight. The seal between
flame. The fumes smell of wax and paraffin. Because pipe and fitting should be made without elastomers.
they contain no halogens (chlorine), polyolefins such as The patented INSTAFLEX compression fitting for PB
PB and PE do not produce toxic or corrosive combus- pipes creates a durable and tight connection
tion products, unlike PVC and PVC-C. under DVGW registration and the required testing ac-
We recommend keeping the distribution network cording to Worksheet W534.
free of oil, if possible, when using polybutene (PB)
and/or polyethylene (PE).
Jointing technology
Compressed air networks must be leak-tight to pre-
vent losses and high costs.
Leaks occur primarily at the joints in a compressed air
Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system
Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system
Product range
Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes
ΔL = L DS x α x Δϑ
Change in direction:
Main line
We recommend using a rigid assembly for main lines up
to d63 (d75). Dimensions d75 and up should be de-
signed with flexible sections or expansion loops.
Fixed points should be selected so that if possible the
outlet T is fixed to the distribution line.
A shut-off valve should always be placed at the main
pipe outlet as well as at the branches so that individual
Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes
Branch lines
Expansion loop:
L BS for PB = 32 cm
L BS for PE = 108 cm
L BS for St = 91 cm
Distribution line
The three main layout designs for distribution lines
Ring main
Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes
Fastening on pipe runs with brackets: Depending on the installation technology, rigid or flexi-
ble, the placement of fixed points is very important.
On branches fixed points should be placed, if neces-
sary, as dictated by the local conditions.
On ring lines fixed points should be placed at the ring
inlet, at shut-off valves and depending on the actual sit-
uation also at the crossbar junctions.
Connection line
How the connection line (AL) and the distribution line
(VL) are connected depends on the air quality and the
dimension of the connection line.
For wet compressed air the connection lines should be
connected from the top to the distribution line.
For dry compressed air the connection lines can be
connected to the distribution line as desired.
Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes
For materials, e.g. PE, the swan neck must be as-
1 Protective sleeve
2 PB medium pipe d16/d20/d25
Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes
1 Earth
2 Sand
3 Sand
For floor or wall conduits, the pipe should be separated
from the building structure by a sleeve or insulation ma-
Since condensate might form on pipes laid in the earth, terial. The sleeve should protrude on both sides of the
a water trap should be placed at the lowest point. structure.
According to VEG 1 § 49 and DIN 2403 pipelines need
to be marked. The marking which indicates the type of
medium is absolutely essential in the interest of safety
Duct installation and effective fire-fighting.
When laying pipes in ground ducts that are filled with The marking should be
concrete, it is important to ensure that the pipes are
completely encased. When inserting or removing the • at the beginning and the end of the pipeline,
pipes, measures should be taken to protect them from • at branches and lead-throughs
• on valves.
Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes
Compressed air applications
Allowances for:
- Leakage 10 %
- False estimations 10 %
- Reserves check with operator
Calculating the total air requirement
Machine number 1 2
Air requirement 300 500
V [l/min]
The ring mains is divided in the middle and calculated Number of machines 2 1
with half the nominal length and with half the required n
air volume, similar to a branch line. Utilisation 50 25
• Main pipeline, maximum pressure drop Δp ≤ 0.03 degree
bar connects the pressure reservoir to the distribution
Compressed air applications
Compressed air applications
Compressed air applications
Table 1
Operating 4 6 8 10 12 16
pressure Nomogram
[bar] The nomogram below is a fast and easy way of calculat-
Pipe ø Max. flow rate [m³/min] ing the right pipe diameter of compressed air pipelines
made of PB and PE-HD.
16 - - - - 0.10 0.15
20 - - - 0.18 0.20 0.25
1. Determine the pipe length [m] A and the flow rate
25 0.20 0.28 0.30 0.34 0.38 0.45 [m³/min] B and join them with line 1.
32 0.48 0.55 0.62 0.70 0.75 0.85 2. Join the pressure loss [bar] E and the operating pres-
40 0.78 0.90 1.00 1.30 1.50 1.70 sure [bar] D with line 2.
50 1.40 1.75 2.00 2.20 2.60 3.00 3. Join the two intersection points 1/C and 2/F with line
63 2.50 3.25 3.80 4.20 4.60 5.20
4. The intersection point of line 3 with G shows the pipe
75 4.10 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 8.20 dimension.
90 7.00 8.10 9.95 11.0 12.5 14.00
0 0 Example:
VL = 110 m
p = 0.03 bar
p = 6.0 bar
V = 4500 l/min
Compressed air applications
Compressed air applications
Table 2
0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.50
Elbow 90º
Elbow 45º
0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.9 1.25
0.10 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.60 0.75 1.00
0.50 0.65 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.90 2.30 2.90 3.50
0.65 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.50 3.10 3.80
0.20 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.70 0.90 1.20 1.50 1.90
Compressed air applications
Compressed air applications
Repair of existing systems
Leakage volume
Pressure loss
= (l/min)
Operating pressure 6 bar The shut-off valves at the end of the connection lines
are closed so that only the leakage in the single section
Network length 200 m can be measured.
Flow rate 12 m³/min
Quality, environmental and social policies
Quality, environmental and social policies
Symbols and units
SI units
-- SI basic units 292
-- Internationally defined prefixes 292
-- Units 293
Conversion tables
-- Viscosities 295
-- Delivery volumes 295
-- Pressures and pressure heads 296
-- Conversion inch/mm 297
Symbols and units
SI units
Prefix Factor as
Long-scale (UK) Name Symbol Power of ten Decimal
Trillion exa E 1018
= 1 000 000 000 000 000 000
Billiard peta P 1015
= 1 000 000 000 000 000
Billion tera T 1012
= 1 000 000 000 000
Milliard giga G 109
= 1 000 000 000
Million mega M 106
= 1 000 000
Thousand kilo k 103
= 1 000
Hundred hekto h 102
= 100
Ten deca da 101
= 10
Tenth deci d 10-1
= 0.1
Hundredth centi c 10-2
= 0.01
Thousandth milli m 10-3
= 0.001
Millionth micro μ 10-6
= 0.000 001
Milliardth nano n 10-9
= 0.000 000 001
Billionth pico p 10-12
= 0.000 000 000 001
Billiardth femto f 10-15
= 0.000 000 000 000 001
Trillionth atto a 10-18
= 0.000 000 000 000 000 001
Symbols and units
SI units
1 g (quadrantgon) =
2,467 • 10 sr
gn= 9.80665 m/s²
Mass m kg (kilo- t (tonne) 1 t = 10³ kg 1 q (centner) = 50 kg
Density ρ kg/m³ t/m³ 1t/m³ = 1000 kg/m³
kg/l 1kg/l = 1000 kg/m³
Moment of inertia J kg • m² 1 kp • m s² = 9.81 kg •
Force F N (New- 1 N = 1 kg • m/s² 1 dyn (dyn) = 10 N -5
1 kp (kilopond) =
9.80665 N
Torque M N•m 1 kpm = 9.80665 Nm
Pressure p Pa (Pas- bar 1 Pa = 1 N/m² 1 atm = 1.01325 bar
cal) 1 bar = 10 Pa 5
1 at = 0.980665 bar
1 Torr = 1.333224 • 10 -3
1 m WS = 98.0665 • 10 -
1 mm Hg = 1,333224 •
10 bar
1 kp/mm² = 9.80665 •
10 N/m²
Symbols and units
SI units
Work W J (joule) eV (electron 1 J = 1 Nm = 1 Ws 1 cal = 4.1868 J
Energy E volt) W • h 1 W • h = 3.6 KJ 1 kpm = 9.80665 J
1 erg = 10 J
ber) Wb
Magnetic flux density B T (tesla) 1 T = 1 Wb/m² 1 G (Gauss) = 10 T -4
1 Cl (Clausius) =
4.1868 J/K
Symbols and units
Conversion tables
Conversion tables
Kine- Abso- Engler Sec- Sec- Sec- Sec- Barbey Sec- Abso- Kine-
matic lute Vis- degrees onds onds onds onds degrees onds lute Vis- matic
Viscosi- cosity Saybolt Red- Saybolt Ford Cup Nr. cosity Viscosi-
ty Centi- Centi- Univer- wood 1 Furol Cup Nr. 15 Poise ty m²/s
stokes poise sal (Stand- 4 Density
Density (SSU) ard) 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 31 29 -- -- -- -- 0.01 1.0 x 10 -6
400 400 52.8 1888 1632 184 111 15.9 18.4 4.0 4.0 x 10 -4
600 600 79.2 2832 2448 276 162 10.6 26.9 6.0 6.0 x 10 -4
800 800 106 3776 3264 368 217 8.1 35 8.0 8.0 x 10 -4
5000 5000 660 23600 20400 2300 1356 1.23 240 50 5.0 x 10 -3
10000 10000 1320 47200 40800 4600 2713 -- 481 100 1.0 x 10 -2
50000 50000 6600 236000 204000 23000 13560 -- 2403 500 5.0 x 10 -2
Delivery volumes
m³/h l/min l/s m³/s Imp. gal/min US gal/min cu. ft./h cu. ft./s
1.0 16.67 0.278 2.78 x 10 -4
3.667 4.404 35.311 9.81 x 10 -3
Symbols and units
Conversion tables
Symbols and units
Conversion tables
Conversion inch/mm
Conversion inch/mm
Symbols and units
Conversion tables
ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
CR Chloroprene rubber, e.g. Neoprene
EPDM Ethylene-propylene rubber
FPM Fluorocarbon rubber, e.g. Viton
Ms Brass
NBR Nitrile rubber
NR Natural rubber
PB Polybutene
PE Polyethylene
PE-X Crosslinked polyethylene
PP Polypropylene
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene, e.g. Teflon
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
PVC-C Polyvinyl chloride post-chlorinated (higher chlorine content)
PVC-U Polyvinyl chloride unplasticized
PVDF Polyvinylidene fluoride
TG Malleable iron
UP-GF Unsaturated polyester resin, fibreglass reinforced
Page Page
Adaptor union 163 Heat emission from polybutene 52
(PB) pipes
Approval conditions 36
Hot-asphalt flooring 43
Approvals for INSTAFLEX 36
Hygiene standards 24, 41
Assembling valve connections with 137
blue housing Impact strength 24
Rigidity 24
Run-off support 141
Sound insulation 44
Summary 33
Tensile strength 24
Thermal expansion 29
Thermal properties 23
Thermoplastics 17
Trace heating 49
Training 13
UV resistance 22
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