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The manual provides information for planning, selecting, installing and commissioning pressure piping systems for building technology.

The manual aims to provide important data for planning, product selection, processing, installation and commissioning of pressure pipelines in building technology based on standards and testing.

Georg Fischer provides the piping systems discussed in the manual.


Planning fundamentals Technical manual

Table of contents
Chapter Page
Introduction 3
General Information 15
Materials 21
Approvals 35
Technical regulations and standards 39
Jointing technology 57
Chemical resistance 117
System technology and application technology 121
Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK) 201
Pressure test 251
Compressed air applications 259
Warranty 287
Symbols and units 291


Foreword 4

Overview 5

Georg Fischer 6

GF Piping Systems 7

Building Technology Systems of GF Piping Systems (GFPS)


Quality, environmental and social policies

-- Ecology / Recycling 11

Training 13


Nothing is more important in piping systems installation
than the reliability of the individual components and their
professional installation. Our products contribute to the
safety of your equipment and processes. We have the
best solution for nearly every application. This manual
aims to help you in the planning, selection and applica-
tion of products from GF Piping Systems.
GF Piping Systems has over 50 years of experience in
developing and installing plastic piping systems. We
would like to share this know-how, which is state of the
art, here with you. Our technical experts have carefully
put together this documentation in order to provide you
with the best possible support. The correct use of our
products will assure the safety and reliability of your sys-
tems. But nothing is so good that it can't be improved
on, so we always welcome your thoughts and sugges-
Wishing you informative reading 
Georg Fischer JRG AG



This technical manual will provide you with all the impor-
tant data for the planning, product selection, processing,
installation and commissioning of pressure pipelines in
building technology.
The data is based on the relevant international ISO and
EN standards, diverse national standards and the DVS
guidelines (German Federation for Welding) as well
as data provided by the manufacturers of raw materials. 
Furthermore, we have also incorporated the results from
extensive in-house research and testing. 
This manual serves as a tool for planners and installers,
enabling them to design and install complex piping sys-
tems correctly and professionally. 
Product information for industrial piping systems is con-
tained in a separate technical manual. 
For information on metal piping for malleable iron fit-
tings, PRIMOFIT and WAGA (connections for plain met-
al and plastic pipes), please see the GF catalogue. 
Your local sales representative will be glad to supply
you with additional information. 
This publication makes no warranty, but serves only to
impart technical information. We refer to our General
Conditions of Sale. 

Georg Fischer

Georg Fischer
Georg Fischer
Adding Quality to People’s Lives
People all over the world expect Georg Fischer to
make a significant contribution to meeting their
needs now and in the future.
The reliable supply of clean water is one of the biggest
challenges of this century. GF Piping Systems facili-
tates this worldwide demand for drinking water and en-
ables the safe transport of liquids and gases for indus-

As people become increasingly mobile, they also de-
mand more comfort and safety from the vehicle they
use. With highly durable cast parts made of light metal
and iron from GF Automotive, it is possible to build
lightweight and safe passenger cars and commercial ve-

The manufacture of consumer goods and high-quality
precision components requires sophisticated produc-
tion technologies. GF Agie Charmilles offers machines
and system solutions with which the necessary moulds,
tools and parts are made. 

GF Piping Systems

GF Piping Systems

GF Piping Systems is one of the three business units of

the Georg Fischer Corporation and a leading global sup-
plier of piping systems in plastic and metal.
We are dedicated to designing, manufacturing and mar-
keting piping systems for the safe and secure con-
veyance of liquids and gases.
GF Piping Systems carries over 100,000 products for di-
verse applications and specialised markets: from pipes
and fittings to valves and measurement instruments and
their respective jointing technologies. Tailor-made solu-
tions for any application in which fluids or gases are
conveyed, whether for industrial systems, in building
technology or for water and gas utilities.
All-round service
Manufacturing sites in Europe, Asia and the US are
near the customers and meet local requirements. All
components and systems comply with the relevant stan-
dards in each market area and are tested in accredited
test laboratories.
Sales companies in 12 countries and representatives in
another 80 countries ensure customer support round-
Our own distribution centres together with e-commerce
and information technology ensure rapid delivery and
We are your partner for the safe and secure con-
veyance of liquids and gases.
The requirements placed on piping systems are as di-
verse and demanding as the applications in which they
are implemented. Here you will find a selection of mar-
ket segments where we offer solutions. Our wide range
of systems can also be used in many other applications.
Please contact us for more information.
One manufacturer - one partner: GF Piping Systems
One-stop shopping: whether pipes, fittings, jointing tech-
nology, valves or measurement and control
technology – GF Piping Systems offers you all these
products from one source, anywhere in the world. 
Top quality
You benefit from our 50 years of know-how in product
development and production, our stringent quality con-
trols, our highly qualified staff and continuous improve-
ment process, which all contribute to the high quality of
our products. 
Global presence
Our global network of sales companies and representa-
tives make sure you get the products you need, wherev-
er you need them. For advice or support, just contact
our local experts. 

Building Technology Systems of GF Piping Systems (GFPS)

Building Technology Systems of GF

Piping Systems (GFPS)
INSTAFLEX - the material

The INSTAFLEX system is made of the plastic poly-

butene – the ideal material for drinking water installa-
tions. It was specially developed for applications in
building technology.

Polybutene has the least thermal expansion of all the

plastics. The low expansion forces (30 times less than
steel and 10 times less than composite piping) means

that the material can absorb the expansion in itself. • With INSTAFLEX from GF Piping Systems, your
drinking water is guaranteed lime-free. The smooth
This, in turn, saves on expansion legs or joints and surface of polybutene prevents deposits from forming
makes it possible to use standard fasteners, so clean in the system. Free passageways ensure a high level
and aesthetically pleasing installations can be built, of comfort.
even where space is limited.

• space-saving installation
• no maintenance
• easy to install
• the flexibility of polybutene enables making smaller
changes in direction without the use of fittings.This
saves on parts and valuable on-site time.
• polybutene retains its flexibility and easy handling
even at low temperatures
• pre-fabricated riser pipes can be transported in coils
and installed in shafts on site easily and quickly
• very durable due to its high resistance to chemicals
Plastic pipes - the modern alternative to steel and  

Noise reduction
Of all the piping systems, polybutene has the lowest
Polybutene has an excellent life cycle assessment. For acoustic velocity, e.g. ten times lower than for steel.
example, it can be reused to build noise barriers. This Thanks to this excellent sound insulation, a good night's
ultimately conserves our natural resources. sleep is practically guaranteed, even if the bedroom ad-
Compared to steel and copper, the manufacture of plas- joins the bathroom.
tic requires four times less energy. Another example of
how polybutene protects our environment. INSTAFLEX - the piping system
Free of deposits INSTAFLEX is available in a wide range of dimensions
(d16 mm to d225 mm) for universal use from single-fam-
• INSTAFLEX is a completely corrosion-free drinking ily homes to airports or luxury cruise liners.
water installation. Even after lengthy periods of non-
use, the water quality remains consistent. The d16 to d25 mm pipes can also be supplied as a
pipe-in-sleeve system. The system consists of a medi-
um-conveying pipe in a protective outer pipe. Should the
inner pipe become damaged, e.g. from drilling, it can be
effortlessly replaced, without breaking open the wall. 

Connection technology for a minimum of fuss

Prefabrication in the workshop with the proven z-dimen-
sion method from Georg Fischer is a time and cost-sav-
ing option. Complete, pre-assembled units (e.g. a base-
ment manifold) are rapidly installed on building sites, so
you can easily meet your deadlines. 

Building Technology Systems of GF Piping Systems (GFPS)

INSTAFLEX offers an optimal jointing technology for ev-

ery type of application:

Fitting is fused

Less is definitely more

• compression fitting d16 - d110 (3) to connect and
transition to other materials Weight
• socket fusion fitting d16 - d110 (1) as an economical Another advantage of plastic is its low weight, which ob-
alternative in prefabrication viously makes handling and transport much easier. In
contrast to metal systems, no cranes are needed. 
• electrofusion fitting d16 - d225 (2) for fast and safe  

jointing on site

Fusion process
Electrofusion is a controlled fusion process. Thanks to
the visible fusion indicators, it is always clear to see
whether a fitting has been fused or not. 

Comparison of system weights

1 Polybutene 173 kg
2 Copper 519 kg
3 Steel 1268 kg

The energy equivalence value comprises all the pro-
Fitting is not fused
cess energies that are required from the raw material to
the manufacture of the pipes, fittings and the thermal in-
sulation. Also included is the amount of energy for pro-
ducing the auxiliary jointing materials.  

Comparison of energy equivalence

1 Polybutene 7730 MJ
Electrofusion jointing
2 Copper 3179 MJ
3 Steel 34173 MJ

Water is our most precious resource and the most strict-
ly regulated food. In contrast to metals, which can give
off copper ions, nickel or corrosion deposits to the wa-
ter, polybutene does not release any taste or harmful

Building Technology Systems of GF Piping Systems (GFPS)

substances at all. INSTAFLEX is, from a hygiene and

health point of view, absolutely safe for use in drinking
water systems. 

The INSTAFLEX advantages

• economical prefabrication
• safe and fast to install
• long service life
• wide range of products
• corrosion-free
• incrustation-free
• noise reducing
• totally hygienic
• excellent life cycle analysis
Choose comfort - choose INSTAFLEX!

Quality, environmental and social policies

Quality, environmental and social Environmental management

policies The objectives of our environmental management sys-
tem are:
Quality, the environment, health and safety at work have
always been considered important values at the Georg • environmental issues are dealt with professionally
Fischer Corporation. This is manifested in the very good • risks are controlled
eco-efficiency of our products. Our products are becom-
ing more efficient, while the environmental impact of • the environmental aspects of our processes, prod-
their production and their utilisation has remained con- ucts and services are continuously analysed and im-
stant or is being reduced. Plastic piping systems proved.
from GF Piping Systems are lightweight for transport;
they are corrosion-resistant and long-lasting. They pro- Certified management systems are an essential ele-
tect our water, a most precious commodity, from the ment in achieving our highest goal: customer satisfac-
source to the end user. tion.

Comprehensive quality management Customer satisfaction

Efficient management systems are an indispensable in- Your experiences with our products and services help
strument for controlling and improving business pro- us to improve customer benefit and to respond rapidly to
cesses. They ensure stable processes, consistently high your requirements. Our employees are at your disposal
product quality, as well as sustainable success. All the with their know-how and expertise. To guarantee your
production companies and the majority of sales compa- satisfaction, we offer you this and more:
nies at GF Piping Systems are ISO 9001:2000 • comprehensive systems for a variety of applications
certified. In other words, an actively lived quality man-
agement system ensures that all business processes • high quality, reliable products
are functioning stably, are continually monitored and im- • wide range of services with customer support, cus-
proved.  tomer training, fusion machine rentals, planning aids,
You can expect a quality management system from etc. 
us on all levels:
• compliance with diverse technical specifications as
• capable research and development well as international standards, national and applica-
• modern production technology in our plants with inte- tion-specific approvals 
grated quality control • efficient logistics.
• test laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025.
Ecology / Recycling
A certified quality management system is an essential
element in achieving our highest goal: customer satis- Clean drinking water
One of the world's most valuable resources is clean wa-
Certified management systems ter. Providing the world with a reliable supply of drinking
water is therefore a major challenge. GF Piping Sys-
Efficient management systems are an indispensable in- tems steps up to this challenge by contributing to the
strument in controlling and improving business process- global infrastructure with systems for water distribution
es. They ensure stable processes, consistently high and treatment. Water must be transported without the
product quality, as well as sustainable success. All the risk of contamination; the systems must be safe and
production companies and the majority of sales compa- cost-effective and the control valves must be depend-
nies at GF Piping Systems are ISO 9001:2000 and ISO able and easy to operate. GF Piping Systems satisfies
14001:2004 certified. By 2011 all our production facili- all these requirements with plastic piping systems that
ties will also be certified according to OHSAS 18001 are durable, leakproof, lightweight and corrosion resis-
(Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series). In tant.
other words, an actively lived management system en-
sures that all business processes are functioning stably, Eco-efficient products
are continually monitored and improved. 
GF Piping Systems dedicates its more than 50 years of
Quality management application experience with plastic piping systems to the
service of a clean environment. One example of this is
You can expect quality management from us on all lev-
the fully pre-insulated system COOL-FIT for secondary
cooling and refrigeration pipework systems. It combines
• carefully selected, reliable suppliers numerous ecological and economical benefits. 
• capable research and development Further examples are:
• modern production technology in our plants with inte- • double containment pipe systems from GF Piping
grated quality control Systems for a safer environment for people and
equipment, especially when conveying aggressive liq-
• test laboratory accredited to ISO/IEC 17025. uids
• Better energy balance of plastics compared to alter-
native pipe materials.

Quality, environmental and social policies

Added value for our customers

We aim to understand and meet the requirements of our
customers in terms of environmentally friendly products
and services, and to being a competent partner for our
ecology-minded customers. We achieve this through en-
vironmentally compliant product design and production
processes, in addition to intensive dialogue with our
customers, which allows us to become familiar with their
needs and to adapt our market performance according-


Invest in the training of your staff
Qualified employees are among the key success fac-
tors of a company. That is why we recommend periodic
training for staff so they are always up to date with the
latest technology. 
GF Piping Systems offers customised training and
courses at our in-house training centre. Not only is theo-
retical knowledge imparted, but we also make a point of
providing opportunities for hands-on practice.

Up to 100 participants can receive hands-on training at

the same time in our first-rate, fully equipped training fa-
cility. The trainer is selected according to the criteria of
our colleagues in sales, in order to best fill your needs. 
Please consult your local sales representative for more
information on our current training programme.

An interesting training programme

As a professional system and solution provider, GF Pip-
ing Systems offers a broad range of training courses fo-
cused on exchanging product know-how and applica-
tion expertise, key sales arguments for the diverse re-
quirements of our customers. 
Jointing technologies and measurement and control
technology are always being improved on. To keep
abreast of the latest developments, lifetime training is
essential. GF Piping Systems advances this cause by
offering training courses for specialists from the utilities,
building technology or industry. Everyone benefits from
the training that focuses on the individual market seg-
ments and applications. 
Courses offered
We have put together an interesting programme for
sales personnel, installers, planners and plant engi-
neers. Besides theory, we focus especially on practical
experience. The Basic, Advanced and Master
courses are co-ordinated and built on one another. 

General Information

Working with plastic pipes and fittings 16

Plastic fundamentals 17

Planning fundamentals for plastic piping systems 18

Basic properties of plastics 19

General Information
Working with plastic pipes and fittings

General Information
Working with plastic pipes and
Transport and storage of plastic pipes



Plastics are sensitive to impact and  

Plastic pipes and plastic fittings must

crushing at low temperatures. The be protected from direct sunlight and
temperature limit depends on the re- external influences. Direct sunlight, im-
spective material.  pact and pressure loads should be
avoided. We recommend leaving the
pipes and fittings in their original pack-

aging until ready for use. Do not store


PVC-C 0 °C
PP-R - 10 °C
PB - 10 °C

General Information
Plastic fundamentals

Plastic fundamentals and ABS. These plastics are dissoluble and swellable

with the use of solvents and are therefore joined in pip-
What are polymers? ing system construction by means of solvent cementing.

Polymers are organic compounds derived from the con-

version of natural substances (e.g. natural rubber, cellu-
lose) or from the synthesis of petroleum. Their chemical
construction consists mainly of carbon and
hydrogen. Depending on the particular type, additional
halogens (chlorine, fluorine), oxygen, nitrogen and sul-
phur can be built into the polymer chain. Polymers
are macromolecules. One macromolecule consists
of over 1000 molecules, or monomers.   

Properties of plastics Semi-crystalline thermoplastics

Plastics are classified into three main groups on the ba- Semi-crystalline thermoplastics contain randomly ar-
sis of their properties: ranged areas, as well as highly ordered areas in which
the chains resemble crystal-like structures. 

Among the semi-crystalline thermoplastics are poly-

e.g. PB, PE, PVC olefins, such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP)
• linear or branched and polybutene (PB). The partially crystalline structure
is one reason these plastics are not as easily dissolved
• repeatedly meltable and swelled in solvents. For this reason, piping systems
• soluble, swellable made of semi-crystalline materials are usually fusion
• plastic deformation  


e.g. NBR, EPDM

• loosely crosslinked
• not meltable  

• not soluble, not swellable

• no plastic deformation Mechanical properties of plastics

The mechanical properties of plastics, particularly those


of thermoplastics, are temperature-dependent. At low

e.g. PUR, Epoxy temperatures, the chains become stiff and brittle, in-
• densely crosslinked creasing the susceptibility to breakage. At higher tem-
peratures, the chains are more pliable, which adds to
• not meltable  
the impact resistance of the material. However, strength
and rigidity decreases simultaneously. Both the brittle
• not soluble, not swellable
point and the softening point are characteristic of the in-
• no plastic deformation dividual plastics and in relation to their respective
  molecular structures. 
Thermoplastics are generally used for manufacturing  Plastics also tend to creep, that means to progressive
piping components; the material is injection moulded deformation under load. In other words, the mechanical
and extruded into fittings and pipes. Elastomers are the properties are not only temperature-, but also time-de-
sealing material of choice in screw couplings, flanges pendent. For piping system construction, the materials
and push-fit connectors. Duroplastics can be found e.g. are therefore tested for their long-term creep strength
in insulating foams or GFR liners (e.g. glass fibre mats under internal pressure according to ISO 9080. This is
wrapped around thermoplastic pipes. how the maximum operating temperatures and pres-
Under the thermoplastics, i.e. the meltable sures are determined for a lifetime of 50 years.
plastics, there are two subgroups:

Amorphous thermoplastics
The polymer chains of amorphous (Greek «without
form») thermoplastics have a random, entangled molec-
ular arrangement. 
Typical examples of amorphous thermoplastics are PVC

General Information
Planning fundamentals for plastic piping systems

Planning fundamentals for plastic

piping systems
Criteria for materials selection

Country-specific operating   Pressure and temperature da-   Environmental aspects

conditions  ta, service life, safety factor,

see chapter "Pipe Dimension- see chapter "Materials"

ing" see chapter "Introduction"
Select the material

Criteria for dimensioning


Specified operating pressure, safety factor     Specified pipe cross-section, pressure loss

see chapter "Materials" see chapter "Pipe Dimensioning"

Determine the pipe diameter
Pressure rating/dimension

Criteria for product selection


Possible applications for the   Jointing technology    Processing technology and in-
product  stallation technology

see chapter "General Infor-

mation / Materials" see chapter "Jointing Tech- see chapter "System Technol-
nology" ogy and Application Technol-
INSTAFLEX range of products
see separate programme           

General Information
Basic properties of plastics

Basic properties of plastics  

Fire behaviour
Plastics are flammable. They are classified ac-

Low density = low weight cording to the customary flammability tests for
Plastics, e.g. PB = 0.94 g/cm 3
building materials. 
(copper 8.9 g/cm³)  


Not electrically conductive

Cannot be used for potential equalisation. 

Chemical resistance = no corrosion like for


Installing different metals can lead to electro-  

chemical corrosion in piping systems. This is


not the case for plastics.


Solar radiation
  Plastics are sensitive to UV rays and must not
be exposed to them. 

Hot water and pressure resistance  

Certain plastics satisfy the requirements for  

drinking water pipes according to current

  building standards. 

Low thermal conductivity = minimal

heat loss
Plastics are poor heat conductors, but
  good insulators. 

  - PB 0.19 W/mK (acc. ASTM E1530)

  - PE 0.37 W/mK
  - Cu 400 W/mK
  - St 50 W/mK

Condensation formation
Thanks to the low thermal conductivity of plas-
tic, less condensation forms on plastic pipes
  than on metal. 

Wear resistant
Plastic pipes have an abrasion resistance
which is up to four times greater than that
of steel pipes. 

Leak-tight joints
Plastics can be fused, cemented and com-
pressed. Fusion joints are made absolutely
leak-tight without additional materials. 

Sound transmission
Polybutene has a low elasticity coefficient (E-
modulus). This warrants low noise transmis-

Smooth surface
The smooth surface means less pressure loss
and less incrustation. 

Plastics react to changes in temperature more
strongly than metals. The linear expansion of
  plastics is approx. 10 times greater than that
of steel. 


The material Polybutene (PB) 22

The material Polybutene (PB)

Materials Material properties


The material Polybutene (PB) Properties Val- Unit Test norm

General Density 0.94 g/cm³ ISO 1183
Polybutene (PB) is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic from Melt flow index 0.4 g/10 min EN ISO 1133
the polyolefin group of polymers. Its high flexibility, tem- MFI 190/2.16
perature resistance and creep rupture strength render
this material ideal for use in hot and cold water Yield stress at 23 20 MPa EN ISO 527-1
pipes. PB is created via polymerisation of 1- °C
butylene (C4H8), i.e chaining together the basic Elongation at 300 % EN ISO 527-1
molecules (monomers). PB is a non-polar material, as break at 23 °C
are polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP).
Flexural modu- 450 MPa ISO 178
The most suitable jointing method for PB is heat fusion. lus of elasticity at
For pressure piping, electrofusion and socket fusion are 23 °C
generally preferred. 
Notched impact 37 kJ/m² EN ISO
test at 23 °C 179/1eA
Notched impact 20 kJ/m² EN ISO
test at 0 °C 179/1eA
Ball indentation 43 MPa EN ISO 2039-1
hardness (132 N)
Coefficient of 0.13 mm/mK ASTM D696
thermal expan-
Thermal conduc- 0.19 W/mK ASTM E1530
  tivity at 23 °C

Moisture absorp- 0.01- % EN ISO 62

tion at 23 °C 0.04

Mechanical properties
The crystallinity of polybutene (PB) at approx. 50 % is
low compared to other polyolefins, rendering it both flex-
ible and robust. These properties are very advanta-
geous for prefabricating riser pipes. The material has
very good creep rupture strength at high temperatures
and under permanent loads, thus permitting high pres-
Socket fusion
sures with relatively small wall thicknesses. 

The creep strength is certified to MRS 14 (minimum re- The long-term behaviour under internal pressure is illus-
quired strength) and according to EN ISO 9080 in long- trated in the long-term diagram based on the
term testing. standard EN ISO 15494. The threshold values for pipes
and fittings, which are given in the pressure-tempera-
The polybutene used by GF Piping Systems for building ture diagram for PB, are deduced from this. See dia-
technology applications features the following qualities: gram on page 4 of this chapter. 
• High long-term creep strength
Resistance to chemicals, weather and UV
• Good resistance to corrosion radiation
• High flexibility Polybutene (PB) is non-polar and therefore easily with-
• High resistance to heat ageing   stands chemical attack.
• High resistance to stress cracking For more information, please see the chapter on Chemi-
cal Resistance or contact one of our sales companies.  
• High noise insulation When stored or used outdoors, PB, like most natural
and plastic materials, will become damaged, especially
by the ultraviolet wavelengths of solar radiation in com-
bination with atmospheric oxygen (photooxidation).

The material Polybutene (PB)

Plastic pipes and plastic fittings must be protected from Physiological properties
direct ultraviolet radiation. The pipes and fittings are
best left in their packaging until ready to use. Do not The material used by GF Piping Systems meets the for-
store outdoors. Please see the chapter General Infor- mulation specifications of the relevant food law require-
mation.  ments.

Thermal properties
Impact resistance and rigidity
Generally speaking, polybutene (PB) may be used at
temperatures between -10 °C and 95 °C. Below 0 °C
the material's impact resistance diminishes somewhat,
although the rigidity will increase at low temperatures.
Just as for every other piping material, the medium
should be protected from freezing because this could
damage the pipe system. Please refer to our pressure
temperature diagram, specially for the maximum work-
ing temperature. 
Linear expansion
Thermoplastics, including PB, have a much lower coeffi-
cient of linear expansion than metals, namely 0.13
mm/mK. The resulting forces are, however, very much
lower for PB than for metals. Please see the «System
Technology and Application Technology» chapter.
Thermal conductivity
The thermal conductivity is 0.19 W/m K (ASTM
C177). As a result, the insulation of a PB piping system
is much more energy efficient compared to metals, such
as copper.  

Fire behaviour
Polybutene (PB) belongs to the flammable plastics. The
oxygen index is 19%. Below 21% a plastic is consid-
ered flammable.  
When the flame is removed, PB will continue to form
droplets and burn without sooting. When burned, PB
produces primarily carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide
and water.
Persuant to UL94 (Test for Flammability of Plastic Mate-
rials), PB is rated as a slow burning plastic in the hori-
zontal burn test.  
According to DIN 4102-1, PB is classified B2 (normal
combustibility) and is classified E-d2 according to EN
In the French classification of building materials, poly-
butene falls in category M3 (small flame). According
to ASTM D 1929, PB self ignites at 360 °C. In case of
fire, this plastic is extinguished with spray water, foam or
carbon dioxide. 

Electrical properties
Due to the fact that polybutene (PB) is non-polar, PB is
an excellent isolator. External impurities, oxidation or
weather conditions considerably reduce the isolating ac-
tion. Otherwise, the electrical conductivity is practically
not dependent on temperature and frequency. The spe-
cific contact resistance is >10x10 Ωxcm, the dielectric

strength 75 kV/mm.

The material Polybutene (PB)

The densityof a body is the mass m per unit volume V.
The hardness refers to the material's resilience against
penetration of a body. It is generally measured using the
depth of penetration left by a load with a specific geom-
etry in the material. 
Melt Flow Index (MFI)
The Melt Flow Index (MFI) indicates how easily
the melted polymer flows. It depends on the length of
the molecular chains and the number of branches. The
mass pressed through a standard die with a 5 kg weight
in 10 minutes at 190 °C is measured. 
Strength is resistance of an elastic body to deformation. 
Thermal conductivity
Thermal conductivity means the energy transported
within a substance in relation to temperature and sur-
Coefficient of thermal expansion
The coefficient of thermal expansion specifies the
change of length of a rod, 1 meter in length, after in-
creasing the temperature by 1 °C; it is measured in mil-
Impact strength
The impact strength refers to a material's breaking re-
sistance upon impact stress. It is defined as the amount
of energy that the material can absorb at its smallest
cross-section before it breaks. It is determined in the
Charpy notched bar impact test. 
Flexural modulus of elasticity
The flexural modulus of elasticity is an expression of a
material's rigidity. It is defined as the slope of its stress-
strain curve in the linear range.  
Tensile strength
Tensile strength is the highest tensile stress which a
material can withstand before it breaks. The elongation
before it breaks is referred to as elongation at break or
ultimate elongation. 

The material Polybutene (PB)

Hygiene standards

Polybutene (PB) complies with the KTW recommendations of the German Health Authority for plastics in drinking
water. This is confirmed in the test certificate of the Hygiene Institute of the Ruhr. 

The material Polybutene (PB)

Long-term pressure test for PB

Standardized operating pressure of
polybutene drinking water systems

For operational safety and a long lifetime (service life),  

selecting the right material and pressure rating for

the piping components is key. Other factors to be taken
into consideration are operating temperature, the medi-  

um conveyed and the operating pressure range.

The INSTAFLEX d16 to d110 products have a nominal s = pipe wall thickness [mm]
pressure of PN 16 while the pressure rating for IN- p = operating pressure at 20 °C [bar]
STAFLEX BIG d125 to d225 falls under PN 10. The d = pipe outer diameter [mm]
pressure-temperature diagram has
been calculated for a service life of 50 years in the δB = comparative stress
drinking water sector. The diagram also figures in a SF = safety factor of 1.5
safety factor of SF = 1.5.  

Example for INSTAFLEX d16 to d110 (PN 16) All the pipe dimensions expressed in the standards are
Operating temperature: 70°C based on this calculation formula. According to DIN, EN
Pressure rating: PN 16 and ISO standards, the nominal pressure PN (Pres-
The operating pressure taken from the diagram: 10 bar sure Nominal) indicates the permissible operating pres-
sure in bar at 20 °C. In accordance with the European
Determining the pipe wall thickness and the standardization of systems, the new terms will be addi-
tionally used in future.
pressure class
To calculate the wall thickness of polybutene (PB) pipes
bearing internal pressure the Kessel formula is applied: Nominal pressure PN 16 means that a pipe in this pres-
sure class can be subjected to a pressure of 16 bar
at 20 °C.
In sanitary installations, the nominal pressure is not de-
cisive for the pipe and fitting technology, but rather the
building codes and test specifications in the respec-
tive country. These ensure safety in the distribution of
hot and cold drinking water. 

The material Polybutene (PB)

The critical material requirements are not the nominal

pressure, but the operating pressure and the service
At an operating pressure of 10 bar and a lifetime of 50
years, the operating temperature may be
maximum 70 °C. A safety factor of 1.5 has already been

Pipe data for INSTAFLEX PB pipes


Nominal diame- Pipe outer diam- Pipe wall thick- Pipe inner diam- Weight Water volume
ter DN eter ness eter
d s di
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg/m] [l/m]
12 16 2.2 11.6 0.088 0.10
15 20 2.8 14.4 0.141 0.16
20 25 2.3 20.4 0.152 0.33
25 32 2.9 26.2 0.254 0.53
32 40 3.7 32.6 0.392 0.83
40 50 4.6 40.8 0.610 1.31
50 63 5.8 51.4 0.969 2.07
65 75 6.8 61.4 1.354 2.96
80 90 8.2 73.6 1.960 4.25
100 110 10.0 90.0 2.920 6.36
125 125 11.4 102.2 3.950 8.20
160 160 14.6 130.8 6.460 13.40
225 225 20.5 184.0 12.700 26.60

Roughness factor k = 0.007

for polybutene per DIN 1988

Range of application for INSTAFLEX PB pipes

and fittings d16 - d225
INSTAFLEX is used for the hot and cold water pipes in
drinking water installations. National specifications are
not just satisfied, they are exceeded.

The material Polybutene (PB)

Pipe wall thickness «s»

The pipe wall thickness is determined by the compara-
tive stress, the pipe outer diameter and the permissible
positive operating pressure at 20 °C.
In reference to the 20 °C curve for a service life of 50
years with safety factor included. Comparison of the
drinking water pipelines used in building technology. 

The material Polybutene (PB)

Example for a pipe d 40 with DVGW/SVGW approval


Pipe material PB PE-X PP-R CT PVC-C  

(Polybutene) (Polyethy- (Polypropy- (Polyvinyl
lene, cross- lene, ran- chloride,
linked) dom, tem- postchlori-
perature- nated)
Pipe dimension d 40 x 3.7 5.5 4.5 4.5 [mm]
Pipe inner diameter 32.6 29.0 31.0 31.0 [mm]
Pipe inner surface 834 660 754 754 [mm²]
Nominal pressure rating PN 16 PN 20 PN 20 PN 25  

Flow velocity 2.4 3.0 2.7 2.7 [m/s]

at V = 2.0 l/s
Pressure loss 18.4 32.5 23.6 23.6 [mbar/m]
at V = 2.0 l/s
DN Nominal diameter 32 32 32 32 [mm]

PN 16 means
Permissible operating pressure of 16 bar at 20°C and a
lifetime of 50 years assuming a safety factor of 1.5 for
all materials. 
Compressed air
INSTAFLEX has been designed for a temperature range
of 0 to 80 °C for compressed air applications. The maxi-
mum permissible operating pressure at 20 °C is 16 bar
with a calculated safety factor of 1.5.

PB in comparison to other plastics, e.g. PP-R,

VPE and PVC-C as well as metals

Density «ρ» [g/cm³]


Polybutene (PB) 0.94 The density of a body is the ratio of its mass m to its vol-
ume V:
Polyetyhlene, cross-linked (PE-X) 0.94
Polypropylene, random (PP-R) 0.90 ρ = m/V
Polyvinyl chloride, postchlorinated (PVC- 1.55
Water 1.00
Steel 7.85
Copper 8.89

The material Polybutene (PB)

Thermal conductivity «λ» [W/mK] Determining the length of a flexible section

PB 0.19 The required length of a flexible section is determined
by means of the following formula:
PE-X 0.41  

PP-R 0.24
PVC-C 0.14
Composite 0.43  

Water 0.58 Symbol definitions:

Steel 42 to 53 da = pipe outer diameter (mm)
Copper 407.10 ΔL = change in length (mm)

Ecm = average flexural creep modulus

σb = permissible flexural stress ratio

Determining the length of a flexible section

Thermal conductivity means the energy transported

within a substance in relation to the difference of pipe in-
ner to pipe outer temperature and the pipe wall thick-

Thermal expansion «α» [mm/mK]

PB 0.13
PE-X ≈ 0.20
PP-R 0.18
PVC-C 0.08
Composite 0.026
Water -
Steel 0.012
Copper 0.018
Stainless steel 0.017

Modulus of elasticity «E» [MPa] [N/mm²]

PB 450
PE-X 600
PP-R 800
PVC-C 2500
Composite 70000
Water -
Steel 210000
Copper 120000  

The E-modulus is the relationship of stress to strain in


the elastic range of a material. Δt = temperature difference [K]

The smaller the E-modulus, the more flexible the materi- DN = nominal diameter [mm]
al. As the E-modulus increases, the material becomes L = length of expansion leg [mm]
more flexurally rigid. 
ΔL = thermally dependent change in length [mm]

The material Polybutene (PB)

Jointing systems
Just as important as the pipe and the pipe material are
the jointing technology and the metal materials of the fit-
The interplay of various factors, such as too high or too
low pH values, chlorides, free carbonic acid,
corrosive nitrate and sulphate ion concentrations, lead
to increasingly aggressive waters. This heightens the
risk of corrosion for metal materials. 
Traditional installation systems made of metals, such as
steel, galvanised steel, copper and with stainless steel
coatings, cannot be used in every situation due to incon-
sistent water qualities and are no longer approved for
use in certain areas. 
INSTAFLEX takes account of these trends. All the fit-
tings are made of high-quality CR hot-pressed brass.
CR brass is resistant to corrosion according to ISO
6509, the highest international standard. CR brass is
even superior to red brass in regard its mechanical
In a homogenous jointing system, like the INSTAFLEX
electrofusion and socket fusion system, of analogous
polybutene (PB) for pipes and fittings, corrosion prob-
lems can also be excluded.

Properties of different material alloys


Material Cast brass  CR pressed CR brass Red brass Stainless steel

GK-Cu Zn 37 Pb brass Cu Zn 36 Pb 2 As G-Cu Sn 5 Zn Pb 1.4301
Cu Zn 39 Pb 2
Norms DIN EN 1982 DIN EN 12420 DIN EN 12164 DIN EN 1982  
DIN EN 12165
Hardness HB 10 ≥ 70 80 - 100 ≥ 70 ≥ 60 130 - 180
Tensile strength ≥ 280 370 - 440 ≈ 280 ≥ 240 >500
Break elongation >20 ≈ 30 ≈ 30 >16 ≈ 50
Yield >90 280 - 360 ≈ 200 >90 >200
point (N/mm²)
Corrosion resis- low not quite up to resistant as resistant as resistant as per
tance ISO 6509 per ISO 6509 per ISO 6509 ISO 6509
Abrasion be- not so good good good not good good

Microstructure view of various alloys

The dense and very homogenous microstructure of dez-
incification-resistant CR hot-pressed brass is a ma-
jor contributing factor to the excellent leak tightness and
strength durability of the fittings.  

CR pressed brass, dense, homogenous


The material Polybutene (PB)

The tensile strength of the hot-pressed parts made

of CuZn39Pb2 CR brass is min. 360 N/mm², with an
elongation at break of at least 20% and a hardness HB
of 75. The 0.2 % yield point is min.110 N/mm².
For hot-pressed parts of CuZn36Pb2As, dezincifica-
tion-resistant CR brass, the tensile strength is
min. 280 N/mm², with an elongation at break of at
least 30 % and a hardness HB of 70. The 0.2 % yield
point is min. 90 N/mm². Components, e.g. valve connec-
tions, of brass are therefore capable of handling high
mechanical loads. 
Red brass
The tensile strength of cast components made of G-
CuSn5ZnPb red brass is min. 220 N/mm², with an
elongation at break of at least 16 % and a hardness HB
of 60. The 0.2 % yield point is min. 90 N/mm².
The acidular and coarse microstructure of red brass or
cast brass fittings raises the risk of leakage, especially
under mechanical loads.

Red brass, acicular, coarse microstruc-


The reduced deformability of red brass compared to

brass means that cracking is to be expected under 
building site conditions where there are high mechani-
cal loads.
High stability, good deformability and general robust-
ness under building site conditions are the outstanding
features of CR brass and dezincification-resistant CR
brass as compared to red brass.
INSTAFLEX metal fittings are manufactured of dez-
incification-resistant CR brass.

The material Polybutene (PB)

Corrosion behaviour Dezincification-resistant CR brass, in combination with

low pH drinking water, is resistant to dezincification and,
Dezincification thanks to its composition, is also less susceptible to
stress cracking. 
In soft water which contains chloride, brass tends to Material designation according to DIN 12164:
dezincify. For such water, a dezincification-resistant CR CR-Cu Zn 36 Pb 2 As
brass is preferred. The dezincification resistance of CR
brass is established in ISO 6509. Further evidence of Non-metal materials
the resistance of CR brass to these waters is substanti-
ated in 20 years of experience.  Non-metal materials must comply with KTW recommen-
dations of the German Health Authority.
Dezincification-resistant CR brass is on a level with red
brass in relation to dezincification.  Elastomers are rubber-like plastics and are mainly
used for seals. In the INSTAFLEX range, elastomers
Environmental stress cracking can be found in the seals of removable unions and in
Besides dezincifying, brass can also exhibit environ-
mental stress cracking. Environmental stress cracking EPDM is the acronym for ethylene-propylene-diene-rub-
occurs when at least one of the four following condi- ber. The EPDM seals used in INSTAFLEX comply with
tions are present: KTW recommendations and can be used at a constant
operating temperature of 90 °C with short-term increas-
• a material susceptible to stress cracking es up to 120 °C. EPDM seals are standard in IN-
• internal/external tensile stress on the component STAFLEX components.
• a corrosive medium, e.g. ammonia NBR (nitrile-rubber) can be used up to a constant oper-
ating temperature of 90 °C with short-term increases up
• moisture to 120 °C.
• EMPA report, Federal Materials Testing Institute
• Report from the Association for Brass Quality Stan-
Environmental stress cracking occurs very seldom in
red brass in connection with drinking water; it cannot
however be completely ruled out. 
Reducing environmental stress cracking
INSTAFLEX fittings are subjected to a thermal stress re-
lieving process (stress-relief annealing). Due to its mate-
rial composition which differs from brass, dezincification-
resistant brass is not only much more resistant to dezin-
cification, but also to stress cracking.  Only dezincifica-
tion-resistant brass is used for INSTAFLEX.

With consideration to all the properties,
correct system design and layout, and optimal selection
of the material alloys, brass components, especially
those made of dezincification-resistant CR brass, are
superior to red brass in conventional sanitary installa-
INSTAFLEX components are manufactured of dezincifi-
cation-resistant CR hot-pressed brass. 

Other materials used in INSTAFLEX

All the system parts which come into contact with drink-
ing water are commodities regulated by food law.
Copper alloys
Brass is a copper-zinc alloy and is deemed corrosion-re-
sistant as well as erosion-resistant. In drinking water
distribution, brass is used primarily for fittings which do
not come into contact with the medium. 
Material designation according to DIN 17660:
Cu Zn 39 Pb 3




The application parameters established by the DVGW

Approvals (German Technical and Scientific Association on Gas
and Water) for pipe systems in drinking water installa-
INSTAFLEX tions are:
Approval conditions • temperature 70°C
Distribution systems for drinking water are subject to the • pressure 10 bar
approval of or registration with the national gas and wa- • service life 50 years
ter associations.
• safety factor 1.5
The approval or registration ensures that state-of-the-art
technology is implemented and observed. This means In the framework of implementing the international ISO
of regulation obligates the system manufacturer to main- 15876 norm nationally, the manufacturer must indicate
tain a quality control system including a catalogue of the application classes which correspond to his pipe
measures and to continually and seamlessly monitor system and the individual parameters.  For INSTAFLEX
production processes. these are:
In addition, external monitoring by a recognised test in- • 16 and 20 mm: classes 1/2/4/5–10 bar 
stitute is mandatory. Such self-monitoring and external
control guarantee the quality of the products. 
• from 25 mm: classes 1/2/4–10 bar, classes 5–8 bar
Overview of national standards

Country Basis for testing Institute

Australia AS/NZS 4129 SAI
MP 52-Spec 435 Global
MP 52-Spec 012
Belgium ATG 05/1871 BUtgb
Germany Arbeitsblatt W 544 DVGW
Arbeitsblatt W 534
DIN 16968/16969
DIN 16831
France Avis Technique 14/07- CSTB
Great Britain British Standards BSI
BS 6920
Water Regulations
Netherlands KIWA ATA / BRL 536C KIWA
Richtlinie W 38
Portugal ISO 9001 SGS
EN ISO 15876-1 to 5
CEN ISO/TS 15876-7
Sweden NKB Product Rules SITAC
No. 3
Switzerland Bau- und SVGW
W/TPW 129, SN EN
ISO 15876
Spain UNE-EN ISO 15876-1: AENOR
UNE-EN ISO 15876-2:

Technical rules and testing regulations define the state

of the art. 


Approvals for INSTAFLEX


Country Institute Reg. No. Remarks

Australia SAI SUK 01923 d16 - d110
Belgium UBATc 05/1871 d16 - d110
Germany DVGW DW-8501AT2528 d16 - d50                    elec-
                                tro / socket fusion
DW-8501AT2529 d63 - d110                    
                                  electro / socket fusion
DW-8501AQ3144 d16 - d20           compres-
                                   sion joints
DW-8501AW0424 d25 - d63           compres-
sion joints
England BSI KM39698 d16 - d32
WRAS 0805500 PB - material
France CSTB CSTBat-33-1177 d16 - d110
Netherlands KIWA K 48336, 48341, d16 - d110
Austria ÖVGW W1.119 d16 - d110
Portugal SGS Pending d16 - d110
Sweden SITAC 0273/97 d16 - d110
Switzerland SVGW 8703-1961 d16 - d110
VKF Z16819 Fire prevention approval
Spain AENOR 001/004170 d16 - d25
Pending d32 - d110


China CCS HBTO3170142 d16 - d110

Bureau Veritas BV 12232/BO BV d16 - d225
German Lloyds GL 74455-96HH d16 - d225
21049-04HH Norma couplings
Italy RINA MAC187203CS d16 - d110
Pending d125 - d225
Lloyd's Register LR 02/20008_E2 d16 - d225
Norway DNV K3207 d16 - d110
K3208 d16 - d110
K3209 d16 - d110
Pending d125 - d225
Russia RMROS 04.00058.250 d16 - d110
USA ABS 04-LD465502-3PDA d16 - d110

Technical regulations and standards

General 40


Technical regulations and standards

Technical regulations and Testing and certification

standards Quality and quality control are a top priority at GF Pip-
ing Systems!
General Standards, external and internal test guidelines contain
the basic specifications and hallmarks of quality re-
Standards and regulations quired of pipes, connections and piping components.
Besides checking the dimensional accuracy, the pur-
Water specialists rely on the standards and regulations
pose of the required testing is to establish the quality
applicable in their respective countries. 
and the monitoring of quality in order to ensure safety
Until a uniform «European Technical Standard for for a system lifetime of 50 years. 
Sanitary Installations» is adopted, the country-
Proof of the hygienic suitability of pipes and compo-
specific «Accepted Rules of Technology» continue to
nents used to conduct the number one food «drinking
be valid.
water» is given in external testing according to the re-
spective guidelines. Recognised, independent test cen-
Technical regulations for water installations in:
tres continually monitor the quality of the PB material.
Germany DIN 1988 (TRWI) Only successfully tested and quality controlled pipes
  DIN EN 806 and fittings may carry the seal of approval. 

Switzerland SVGW Leitsätze W3

  SN EN 806
Austria Ö-NORM B5155
  Ö-NORM EN 806
Great Britain Water laws
  BS 6920-1
  BS EN 806

The specifications also state the legal basis from

which the technical and hygienic suitability of compo-
nents and materials is determined. In order to verify suit-
ability and correctly identify products, manufacturers are
required to label their products and plant constructors
are obligated to utilise only clearly marked products.
For the construction of drinking water systems, the fol-
lowing standards and guidelines apply:     
Germany DIN/DVGW
• DIN 1988 (TRWI)
DIN EN 806
• DIN 4109 Noise protection in high-rises
• DIN 4102 Fire behaviour of building materials
DIN EN 13238
• EnEv Energy-saving ordinance
Switzerland SVGW
• W3 guidelines for building water installations
• SIA 181 Noise protection in residential buildings  

• SN EN 806 Part 1: SIA 385301 INSTAFLEX pipes and fittings are tested and monitored
• SN EN 806 Part 2: SIA 385302 for quality by the accredited «SKZ» Test Centre in
Würzburg and other institutes. The frame of reference
Great Britain BS for confirmation of suitability is 50 years, based on
the operating conditions in the respective country.
• BS 5955-8
Specifications for the installation of thermoplastic Under ISO and DIN norms and existing test guidelines,
pipes and fittings in building services: drinking water, the manufacturer is obligated to statistically evaluate the
hot water, heating installations. product by means of the prescribed testing during the
production process. This is set down in a catalogue of
quality control measures, as well as periodic external

Technical regulations and standards

monitoring conducted by test institutes. This continu- Switzerland - SVGW (Guideline W3)
ous and stringent in-house testing is the basis of quali-  

ty control at GF Piping Systems. Medium Load dura- Temper- Operat-

tion ature ing
Test guidelines:     pres-
Germany DVGW Worksheet W534 sure
    W544/W270     [°C] [bar]
    DIN 16968 and 16969 Cold water Long-term op- 20
eration 10
    DIN 16831/DIN 50930
Hot water Long-term op- 60 10
  KTW Recommendations of eration
the Federal Health Au-
thority Exceptional 1000 h 95 10
load accumu-
    (BGes. BL. Jg. 1977, 1
lated over the
and 2 Mitt. ff.)
system lifetime
Switzerland SVGW Building and test guide-  

Hygiene standards
    W/TPW 129
Polybutene pipes have been proved to be hygienically
    W/TPW 143 suitable for hot and cold drinking water pipelines. The
Austria ÖVGW Guideline W38 test results of the DVGW research centre at the  Engler-
Bunte Institute of the University of Karlsruhe
    ONEN 15876 have shown that polybutene pipes satisfy the KTW rec-
Netherlands KIWA BRL-K 536/01 ommendations of the Federal Health Authority (BGA).
Belgium UBAtc ATG 92/1871 The suitability in terms of the material composition quali-
  BUtg b   fies the INSTAFLEX system as a «commodity» under
General Food Law.
France SO- C.S.T.B. Nr.: 09.24
COTEC The KTW guideline analyses the hygienic quality of or-
ganic materials that come into contact with drinking wa-
Great Britain WRc Approval per British ter. The following federal health periodicals have been
Standard BS 6920 published in this regard:

2005 48: 1409-1415

Operating conditions 2007 50: 1180-1181
The long-term operating pressures permissible for IN- 2008 51: In preparation, current status: 14.04.2008
STAFLEX pipes and fittings in the cold water range cor- Germany
respond to their nominal pressures (PN). Plastics in the food industry, recommendations of the
d16 to 110 complies with PN 16 Federal Health Authority; ed. R. Frank and H.
d125 to 225 complies with PN 10 Mühlschlegel, Carl Heymanns Verlag KG, Cologne,
Berlin, Bonn, Munich.
The pressure and temperature requirements for an as- LMBG (Food and Other Commodities Act) of
sumed operating duration of 50 years with a calculat- 15.08.1974; BGesundhBL T 1, S. 1945 ff.
ed safety factor of 1.5 are summarised in the following
table. Austria
Per decree Zl. IV-445.850/2-6/86 of the Federal Min-
Germany - DVGW (DIN 1988/Part 2) istry of Health and Environmental Protection as well as
the investigative report kl. 1399/6-87 of the Environmen-
Medium Operating Temper- Annual tal Protection Institute, body of public law.
overpressure ature dura- Great Britain
tion According to WRC per BS 6920-1 for non-metal prod-
  [bar] [°C] [h/a] ucts used to convey water intended for human con-
Cold water 0 to 10 (fluctu- up to 25* 8760 sumption with regard to their effect on the water quality. 
Hot water 0 to 10 (fluctu- up to 60 8710
    up to 85 50

* Reference temperature for creep rupture strength: 20


Technical regulations and standards

INSTAFLEX TA no.: 4062


Fire behaviour and fire protection F Supporting and space enclosing structures/
false ceiling/panelling/ flameproof coatings   
Fire protection T Movable closures
INSTAFLEX pipes of polybutene (PB) fall under fire cat- R Smoke and fire-resistant closures
egory 4.2 (normal inflammability) for building materials
according to VKF* regulations and are therefore ap- K Fire dampers
proved in Switzerland.  S Sealing, bulkheads
BZ no.: Z 16 819 A Elevator shaft doors

In Germany polybutene (PB) pipes belong to fire pro-

tection class B2 according to DIN 4102, Part 11. Laying pipes with bitumen
If fire protection measures are required in wall and ceil- If INSTAFLEX is laid on solvent-containing bitumen
ing ducts for pipes from size d32 and up, only fire-re- tracks or if it comes into contact with solvent-containing
tarding sealing with the respective approval may be bitumen coatings, the bitumen must first be completely
used.  dry.
Buried pipes generally require no special fire protection Please follow the manufacturer's instructions. 
measures. The regulations in the particular country must In certain cases, INSTAFLEX PB pipes must be protect-
be observed.  ed with solvent-resistant aluminium-clad insulation. 
* Association of Cantonal Fire Insurance Companies in
Fire behaviour
When exposed to an open flame, polybutene burns with
a bright flame and continues to burn on its own after the
source of ignition has been removed. The fumes and
smoke smell of wax and paraffin. When the flame is ex-
tinguished, it smells like a candle that has gone out. 
The formation of toxic or corrosive combustion products
is impossible for polybutene because there are no halo-
gens in its molecular structure.

Fire mains
When using PB pipes for fire mains, the local fire regula-
tions must be observed. 
According to SVGW guidelines W3 fire mains must be
made of non-flammable material or installed in a fire-re-
tardant manner as per EI 30 (nbb) :
• buried or in-wall
• in a shaft with fire bulkheads
• in an open installation, the insulation must be at least
category EI 30 (nbb). 
Category EI 30 (nbb) 
The fire-insulated, water-filled PB pipe must be protect-
ed so that in a so-called "standard fire" the temperature
on the cold side of the insulation (inner side) cannot
reach 140 °C in 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the
pipeline must still be operational.
Example of insulation according to the VKF fire pro-
tection index
For an EI 30 (nbb) category, pipe half-shells of mineral
wool and in the appropriate diameter are mounted stag-
gered and adjacently, the gaps are filled with
adhesive and tied with binding wire. 

Technical regulations and standards

Laying pipes with hot-asphalt flooring Individual protection

If INSTAFLEX is laid under hot-asphalt flooring, the In individual protection, each tapping point and each de-
pipes must be specially protected because this type of vice which represents a potential source of contamina-
flooring is laid at a temperature of about 250 °C. In this tion or a health risk from an altered drinking water quali-
case, the INSTAFLEX pipes are first laid on a rough ty is safeguarded individually. 

concrete slab and covered with a granular insulation at

least 10 mm deep (e.g. Perlite gravel). An insulating
board of perlite and fibre must be placed on the gravel
before the surface can be walked on to pour the hot as-

Potential equalisation
According to DIN VDE 0100-540, potential
equalisation is required between all types of
protective earthing conductors and any «conductive»
pipes. INSTAFLEX is not a conductive piping system
and hence cannot be used for potential equalisation  

per DIN VDE 0100.

Collective protection
Protecting drinking water
In collective protection, several or all the tapping points
If all the specifications of the national technical regula- and devices which represent a potential source of con-
tions for construction of drinking water systems are tamination or health risk from an altered drinking water
abided by, then it is safe to assume that the require- quality are protected jointly by one safeguard.  
ments for drinking water quality are fulfilled from the re-  

ceiving point to the tapping point. 

It must be warranted that neither impairment (1) of the
drinking water, nor health risks (2) to the consumer may
Causes of contamination or health risk in drinking
1. Backflow of contaminated water
2. Connection to non-drinking water systems (3)
3. External effects (4)

4. Materials, supplies and auxiliary materials

5. Stagnation (5)
6. Unprofessional and faulty maintenance

(1) Impairment:
  Changes in the drinking water which do not pose a
health risk to the consumer 
(2) Health risk:
  Changes in the drinking water which are haz-
ardous to health 
(3) e.g. rainwater systems 
(4) e.g.  conducted through shafts or trenches 
(5) For periods of stagnation of 4 weeks or more, rins-
ing the pipeline is recommended for hygienic rea-

Safety measures to prevent backflow of contaminat-

ed water
Precautions must be taken to prevent backflow. 

Technical regulations and standards

Sound insulation
Applicable standards

Germany DIN 4109 Sound insulation in high-

Switzerland SIA 181 Sound insulation in resi-
dential buildings

Most important in sound insulation is a suitable floor
plan. If planning is done correctly, it is still the most ef-
fective means of sound insulation and incurs no extra
costs. Rooms can be arranged advantageously from a
noise prevention point of view and plumbing fixtures and
pipelines placed accordingly.
Moreover, there is the requirement that walls of rooms
needing sound insulation to which pipes (water and
sewage lines), valves or plumbing fixtures are
fastened must have an area-related mass (mass per
unit area) of 220 kg/m² (no particular verification re-
quired). See the sound reduction index for conventional
building materials. 
In terms of active sound insulation in water installations,
the use of low-noise valves is a key factor. These
valves belong to valve group I, with a valve noise level
according to DIN 52218 of L  AG  ≤ 20 dB(A).
In structure-borne sound transmission, the sound veloci-
ty in the material is a major criterion. This value is de-
termined in relation to the density and modulus of elas-
ticity of a material. Plastics have low sound velocities
which is why INSTAFLEX is ideal for sound insulation of
water installations. 

Technical regulations and standards

Sound reduction index of conventional building


Stone type Wall thick- Stone Mass per Weighted Mass per Weighted Mass per Weighted
ness gross unit area sound re- unit area sound re- unit area sound re-
density with mor- duction with plas- duction with plas- duction
tar with- index ter index ter index
out plas- 1x1.5 cm 2x1.5 cm
  [cm] [kg/m³] [kg/m²] [dB] [kg/m²] 1)
[dB] [kg/m²] 2)
Pumice-sol- 9.5 1100 104.5 37 119.5 38 134.5 40
id brick and 11.5 126.5 39 141.5 40 156.5 41
expanded 17.5 192.5 44 207.5 44 222.5 45
clay, e.g. Li- 24.0 264.0 47 279.0 48 294.0 49
apor 30.0 330.0 50 345.0 50 360.0 51
Pumice-hol- 17.5 1100 192.5 44 207.5 44 222.5 45
low brick 24.0 264.0 47 279.0 48 294.0 49
and expand- 30.0 330.0 50 345.0 50 360.0 51
ed clay, e.g. 36.5 401.5 52 416.5 53 431.5 53
Honey- 11.5 1400 161.0 42 176.0 43 191.0 44
comb brick 17.5 245.0 46 260.0 47 275.0 48
(small 24.0 336.0 50 351.0 51 366.0 51
format) 30.0 420.0 53 435.0 53 450.0 54
Light brick 11.5 1200 138.5 40 153.0 41 168.0 42
(large for- 17.5 210.0 45 225.0 45 240.0 46
mat) 24.0 288.0 48 303.0 49 318.0 50
30.0 360.0 51 375.0 51 390.0 52
Porous 11.5 1000 115.0 38 130.0 39 145.0 40
brick, e.g. 17.5 175.0 43 190.0 44 205.0 44
Poroton, 24.0 240.0 46 255.0 47 270.0 48
Unipor, 30.0 300.0 49 315.0 49 330.0 60
Porous con- 10.0 800 80.0 33 95.0 36 110.0 37
crete, e.g. 12.5 10.0 36 115.0 38 130.0 39
Ytong, 15.0 120.0 38 135.0 40 150.0 41
Hebel 20.0 160.0 42 175.0 43 190.0 44
25.0 200.0 44 215.0 45 230.0 46
30.0 240.0 46 225.0 47 270.0 48
360 292.0 48 307.0 49 322.0 50
Sand-lime 11.5 1750 201.0 44 216.0 45 231.0 46
brick, solid 17.5 306.0 49 321.0 50 336.0 50
brick 24.0 420.0 53 435.0 53 450.0 54
30.0 525.0 55 540.0 56 555.0 56
Perforated 11.5 1500 172.5 42 187.5 43 202.5 44
brick 17.5 262.5 47 277.5 48 292.5 48
24.0 360.0 51 375.0 51 390.0 52
30.0 450.0 54 465.0 54 480.0 54
36.0 547.5 56 562.5 56 577.5 56
Clay full 11.5 1800 207.0 44 222.0 45 237.0 46
Concrete 10.0 2350 235.0 46        

e.g. gypsum plaster 1.0 kg/dm³ gross density (DIN

Source: DIN 1055 and manufacturer's data
4109 Part 3) Plaster thickness 1.5 cm = 15 kg/m², both
sides = 30 kg/m²
e.g. lime plaster/lime cement plaster 1.8 kg/dm³ gross

density plaster thickness 1.5 cm = 25 kg/m², both sides

= 50 kg/m²

Technical regulations and standards

Noise behaviour of INSTAFLEX polybutene • pipeline installed openly in unheated rooms (base-
(PB) valves
Noise emission from INSTAFLEX polybutene valves is • pipeline on concrete ceiling
less than 20 dB (A). This complies with the DIN 52218 • pipeline in duct, without hot water pipe
requirements for low-noise valves in valve group I.
• pipeline in wall slit, riser pipes
Dimension Valve noise emission  

DN/d [bar/mm] LAG [dB (A)] at 3 bar flow pressure

15/20 over 10
20/25 over 10
25/32 12
32/40 over 10
40/50 12
50/63 13

Sound velocity in materials

Installation situation II
  Densi- E-modu- Sound ve- 9 mm minimum thickness of insulation layer  
ty lus locity • pipeline installed openly in heated room 
  [kg/ [N/mm²] [m/s]  

Steel 7.95 210000 6000
Copper 8.9 120000 3900
PB (Polybutene) 0.94 450 620
PVC-C(Polyvinyl 1.56 3500 2350
chloride, post-
PE-X(Polyethy- 0.95 600 800

Soft rubber 0.90 90 320 Installation situation III


13 mm minimum thickness of insulation layer

Heat insulation of drinking water pipes
• pipeline in duct, next to hot water pipe
Heat insulation of the system complies with DIN 1988
requirements (drinking water - cold) and the energy con- • pipeline in wall recess, next to hot water pipe
servation ordinance EnEV (drinking water - hot).  


Insulation of cold water pipes (DIN 1988-2)

Cold water pipes should be placed at an adequate dis-
tance from heat sources. If this is not feasible, the
pipelines should be insulated so that the water quality is
not negatively affected by the heat. At the same time,
cold water pipes must be protected against condensa-
The given minimum thickness of the insulation layer is
based on a thermal conductivity of λ = 0.040 W/mK. For
other thermal conductivities, the thickness of the insula-  

tion layer needs to be recalculated. According to DIN

1988-2 the following thicknesses of the insulation layer
for drinking water pipes (cold) must be taken into ac- Insulation of hot water pipes according to EnEV (En-
count: ergy Conservation Ordinance)
Installation situation I To limit heat dissipation, heat distribution pipes and hot
4 mm minimum thickness of insulation layer water pipes as well as valves must be insulated. 

Technical regulations and standards

Central heating pipes which are located in heated rooms

or in structural elements between heated rooms of a us-
er and whose heat output can be affected by shutoff de-
vices need not be insulated. This also pertains to hot
water pipes up to an inner diameter of 22 mm which are
not connected to the circulation and are not equipped
with electric pipe heaters. 
Although the EnEV ordinance does not call for mandato-
ry insulation of drinking water installations, they
should nevertheless be insulated for the following rea-
• reduction of heat dissipation
• sound insulation
• protection of piping
The given minimum thickness of the insulation layer is
based on a thermal conductivity of λ = 0.035 W/mK. For
other thermal conductivities, the thickness of the insula-
tion layer needs to be recalculated. Insulation layer
thicknesses for hot water pipes according to EnEV can
be found in Table 1:
Table 1:

Line Type of pipeline/valve Minimum thickness of insulation

layer, based on thermal conductivity 0.035
1 Inner diameter up to 22 mm 20 mm
2 Inner diameter between 22 mm and 35 mm 30 mm
3 Inner diameter between 35 mm and 100 mm same as inner diameter
4 Inner diameter more than 100 mm 100 mm
5 Pipes and valves according to lines 1 to 4 in wall and ceiling
recesses, in pipe intersection area, at connection points, for ½ of requirements of lines 1 to 4
central pipe network distributors.
6 Central heating pipes according to lines 1 to 4, which are in-
stalled after this ordinance has come into effect in structural ½ of requirements of lines 1 to 4
elements between heated rooms of various users. 
7 Pipes according to line 6 in floor construction 6 mm

For pipe insulation arrangements other than a circular

insulation (e.g. eccentric), an equivalent restriction of Germany
heat dissipation, as in Table 1, must be warranted.  Hot water and circulation pipes are to be insulated ac-
cording to the energy conservation ordinance EnEV. A
Switzerland circulation line is calculated and regulated under DIN
Hot water pipes are to be insulated in compliance with 1988 and W 551/W 552/W 553.
cantonal energy and building law.   
Conventional dual lines
Great Britain Both pipelines must be insulated and fastened separate-
Installation systems must be insulated according to Part ly. 
2 of the Building Regulations, making certain that the
appropriate measures are taken. Evidence must be pro-
vided that the maximum heat loss is below the value
given in the Non-Domestic Heating Compliance Guide.

Circulation lines
Hot water and circulation pipes are to be insulated in
compliance with cantonal energy law. 

Technical regulations and standards

Examples for pipe-to-pipe configuration



Double, soft Soft polyethy-

polyethlylene lene (PE) insula-
(PE) insulation  tion


Mineral insula- Hard-foam

Hot water pipe and circula- tion (fibreglass) polyethylene
tion pipe as dual line
tied with wire
tion tied with wire
Pipe-to-pipe configuration or sheathed 

Both pipelines required only one set of insulation and  

fastening. This entails less cost and effort.  Calculations

have shown that this configuration results in ca. 30 %
less heat loss compared to the conventional solution.
Source: SIA-Ing. Karl Bösch, Switzerland

Hot water pipe and circula-

tion pipe in a pipe-to-pipe

Technical regulations and standards

Trace heating Drinking water heater

Self-regulating trace heaters whose surface tempera- Continuous flow heater
ture does not exceed 65 °C may be used on the
pipes. The trace heater has to be adapted to the water The maximum temperatures permitted for long-time op-
temperature. For better heat transfer, the entire length eration are specified in the operating conditions. 
of the trace heater should be attached with a wide alu- The use of continuous flow heaters in connection with
minium tape so that it covers as much of the medium- INSTAFLEX pipes has been tested and approved. Ther-
conveying pipe as possible. For pipes with carriers, the mally or electronically controlled devices are preferable
trace heater should be attached to the carrier.  to hydraulically controlled ones because these can in
some instances continue to heat uncontrolled causing
INSTAFLEX to overheat. 
The advantages of a modern plastic piping system like
INSTAFLEX can be fully utilised with an electronically-
controlled continuous flow heater from the companies
AEG continuous flow heaters in our test lab showed no
negative effects on INSTAFLEX, even in case of mal-
functions (brief overheating, air pockets in the heat ex-
changer, etc.).
Safety equipment of drinking water heating systems has
been taken up in DIN 1988, Part 2, Paragraph 6.2.2 per
1 INSTAFLEX pipe  decree of the DVGW-FA W 5.01 of 11.11.1991.
2 Trace heater The requirements for safety equipment of drinking wa-
3 Aluminium tape
4 Insulation ter heating systems are set down in DIN EN 60335-1,
Part 1. For electric heaters of drinking water, the follow-

ing standards also apply:

• VDE 0700-1, Part 1
• DIN EN 603352-2-15/VDE 0700-15, Part 15
• DIN EN 60335-2-24/VDE 0700-24, Part 24
• DIN EN 60335-2-35/VDE 0700-35, Part 35
• DIN EN 60335-2-80/VDE 0700-80, Part 243
To protect pipe materials and joints, temperature con-
trol units or safety temperature limiters should be used
with drinking water heaters which guarantee that the
water temperature cannot exceed 95 °C at any time and
2 Carrier in any location, even with post-heating (coasting). On
3 Trace heater hydraulically controlled devices, an automatic shutoff
4 Insulation
must ensure that pressures above 10 bar cannot occur
due to post-heating.
When installing trace heaters on INSTAFLEX pipes,
please follow the installation instructions of the heater Condensation
manufacturer. Do not double wrap the trace heater on
INSTAFLEX pipes. This also applies to carriers.  According to DIN 1988, Part 2, it is not necessary to
protect pipes against the formation of condensation if
they are adequately encased, e.g. pipe-in-sleeve. IN-
STAFLEX polybutene pipes are offered as a pipe-in-
sleeve system from dimension d16 to dimension d25.

Determining condensation formation on pipes

The h-x diagram (Mollier diagram) indicates how high
the moisture content of air is in relation to temperature
and pressure. 

h = enthalpy
x = moisture content in air
H = 540 m above sea level

Technical regulations and standards

H - x diagram

Technical regulations and standards

Pipe surface temperature


  d40 Pipe outer temperature [°C]

W 22 18.8 19.1 19.5 19.8 20.1 20.4 20.7 21.1 21.4 21.7 22.0 22.6 23.3 23.9 24.5
a 21 18.2 18.5 18.8 19.1 19.4 19.7 20.1 20.4 20.7 21.0 21.3 22.0 22.6 23.2 23.7
t 20 17.5 17.8 18.1 18.4 18.7 19.1 19.4 19.7 20.0 20.3 20.6 21.3 21.9 22.5 23.2
e 19 16.8 17.1 17.4 17.7 18.1 18.4 18.7 19.0 19.3 19.6 20.0 20.6 21.2 21.9 22.5
r 18 16.1 16.4 16.7 17.1 17.4 17.7 18.0 18.3 18.6 19.0 19.3 19.9 20.5 21.2 21.8
  17 15.4 15.7 16.1 16.4 16.7 17.0 17.3 17.6 18.0 18.3 18.6 19.2 19.9 20.5 21.1
t 16 14.7 15.1 15.4 15.7 16.0 16.3 16.6 17.0 17.3 17.6 17.9 18.5 19.2 19.8 20.4
e 15 14.1 14.4 14.9 15.0 15.3 15.6 16.0 16.3 16.6 16.9 17.2 17.9 18.5 19.1 19.8
m 14 13.4 13.7 14.0 14.3 14.6 15.0 15.3 15.6 15.9 16.2 16.5 17.2 17.8 18.4 19.1
p 13 12.7 13.0 13.3 13.6 14.0 14.3 14.6 14.9 15.2 15.5 15.9 16.5 17.1 17.8 18.4
e 12 12.0 12.3 12.6 13.0 13.3 13.6 13.9 14.2 14.5 14.9 15.2 15.8 16.4 17.1 17.7
r 11 11.3 11.6 12.0 12.3 12.6 12.9 13.2 13.5 13.9 14.2 14.5 15.1 15.8 16.4 17.0
a 10 10.6 11.0 11.3 11.6 11.9 12.2 12.5 12.9 13.2 13.5 13.8 14.4 15.1 15.7 16.4
t 9 10.0 10.3 10.6 10.9 11.2 11.5 11.9 12.2 12.5 12.8 13.1 13.8 14.4 15.0 15.7
u 8 9.3 9.6 9.9 10.2 10.5 10.9 11.2 11.5 11.8 12.1 12.4 13.1 13.7 14.4 15.0
r 7 8.6 8.9 9.2 9.5 9.9 10.2 10.5 10.8 11.1 11.4 11.8 12.4 13.0 13.7 14.3
e 6 7.9 8.2 8.5 8.9 9.2 9.5 9.8 10.1 10.4 10.8 11.1 11.7 12.4 13.0 13.6
[°C] 5 7.2 7.5 7.5 8.2 8.5 8.8 9.1 9.4 9.8 10.1 10.4 11.0 11.7 12.3 12.9
  4 6.5 6.9 7.2 7.5 7.8 8.1 8.4 8.8 9.1 9.4 9.7 10.4 11.0 11.6 12.3
    12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 26 28 30
  Air temperature [°C]

Polybutene pipe: 40 x 3.7
Water temperature: 16 °C
Air temperature: 24 °C
Air humidity: 60 %
Minimum pipe surface temperature from h-x diagram
15.5 °C  

The temperature of 18.5 °C. taken from the pipe sur-  

face temperature table, means that condensation will

not form.
GF Piping Systems will gladly provide you with data for
other pipe dimensions from the INSTAFLEX system.  

Calculation of pipe surface temperature Q = heat flow [W]


l = pipe length [m]

t1 = water temperature [°C]
t2 = outer pipe surface temperature [°C]
tL = air temperature [°C]
αK = heat transfer coefficient [W/m² * K], calculated
from measurements
λ = heat conductivity of the material [W/m * K]
r1 = pipe inner radius [m]
r2 = pipe outer radius [m]

Technical regulations and standards

Surface temperature of different pipes


  Pb Steel Copper  

Heat conductivity 0.19 67 372

λ [W/m * K]      
Heat transfer coeffi-
cient 25 25 25
[W/m² * K]      
Air temperature 20 20 20
tL [°C]      
Water temperature 10 60 10 60 10 60
t1 [°C]            
Pipe dimension d40 x 3.7 d42 x d35 x 1.5
Pipe surface tem-
perature 13 47 10 60 10 60
t2 [°C]            

Calculating heat emission from uninsulated

polybutene pipes

Uninsulated PB pipe d40 x 3.7
αi= 6000 W/m²K
αa= 10 W/m²K
λ = 0,19 W/mK

kR = overall heat transfer coefficient [W/mK]

αi = heat transfer coefficient on inside (water-pipe)
αa = heat transfer coefficient on outside (pipe-air)
da = pipe outer diameter [m]
di = pipe inner diameter [m]
λ = heat conductivity of polybutene [W/mK]

Ta = 20°C
Ti = 60°C
Temperature difference ΔT = 40K

Technical regulations and standards

Heat emission for INSTAFLEX PB pipes,


ΔT (t1-t2) 20 30 40 50 60 70 k R
Pipe- 16 11.6 8.98 13.47 17.97 22.46 26.95 31.44 0.449
  20 14.4 10.91 16.37 21.83 27.28 32.74 38.20 0.546
  25 20.4 14.06 21.09 28.11 35.14 42.17 49.20 0.703
dia- 32 26.2 17.52 26.29 35.05 43.81 52.57 61.34 0.876
40 32.6 21.16 31.74 42.32 52.90 63.48 74.06 1.058
50 40.8 25.48 38.22 50.96 63.71 76.45 89.19 1.274
meter 60 51.4 30.61 45.92 61.22 76.53 91.84 107.14 1.531
75 61.4 35.10 52.64 70.19 87.74 105.29 122.84 1.755
90 73.6 40.02 60.03 80.04 100.05 120.06 140.07 2.001
  110 90 45.98 68.97 91.96 144.95 137.94 160.93 2.299
  da [mm] di [mm]      Q [W/m]     [W/mK]

Heat loss Q [W/mk] Insulation thickness of cold water polybutene

Values for polybutene pipes

αi = 6000 W/m²k   Room temperature [°C]

αa = 10 W/m²k Dimension 15 20 25 30 35 40
λR = 0.19 d16 x 2.2 10  10 20 20 20 30
λD = 0.0025 W/mk
d20 x 2.8 10 10 20 20 20 30
Fluid temperature of 5-12 °C d25 x 2.3 10 10 20 20 20 30
Room temperature with maximum humidity 75 % r. h.
d32 x 2.9 10 10 20 20 20 30
ΔT = temperature difference [K] d40 x 3.7 10 10 20 20 30 30
da = pipe outer diameter [mm] d50 x 4.6 10 10 20 20 30 30
di = pipe inner diameter [mm] d63 x 5.8 10 20 20 30 30 30
Q = heat loss (heat emission) [W/m] d75 x 6.8 10 20 20 30 30 30
kR = overall heat transfer coefficient [W/mK]
d90 x 8.2 10 20 20 30 30 30
αi = heat transfer coefficient inside [W/m²k]
d110 x 10.0 10 20 20 30 30 30
αa = heat transfer coefficient outside [W/m²k]  

λR = heat conductivity of polybutene [W/mk] Flushing drinking water pipelines

λD = heat conductivity of insulation [W/mk] According to EN 806, DIN 1988, as well as the W3

Guidelines of the Swiss Association of Gas and

Water (SVGW), drinking water pipelines must be
flushed thoroughly in order to remove residue, such as
rust, shavings, traces of cutting oil and welding flux. 
For this reason the pipelines must be flushed intermit-
tently with an air/water mixture and drinking water while
under pressure. This type of flushing is mandatory for
metal pipelines because of corrosion.
In the corrosion-proof drinking water distribution
system INSTAFLEX, where no auxiliary materials, e.g.
cutting oil, welding flux or adhesives, are used for fu-
sion, compression or push-fit joining, this costly method
of flushing is not necessary. 
However, flushing the lines is still advised for hygienic
reasons. This is done by filling the system with drinking
water and then opening all the outlet valves. See also
the chapter on disinfection of drinking water systems. 

Technical regulations and standards

For more information on flushing drinking water sys-
tems please see the ZVSHK data sheet based on TR-
WI DIN 1988.

Disinfection of drinking water systems

In order to supply drinking water which is clean and
pure, it is crucial that the water does not become con-
taminated on its way to the consumer. Worksheet W291
of the DVGW regulatory body (German Technical and
Scientific Association on Gas and Water) describes how
to disinfect components which come into contact with
drinking water, e.g. pipelines. A contamination of the
drinking water with pathogenic germs can have
such devastating consequences that every possible
measure to avoid such risk must be taken.
Correct disinfection of drinking water systems is an im-
portant prerequisite to ensure compliance with the strict
microbiological threshold values and recommended val-
ues of drinking water ordinances. 
Disinfectants are hazardous substances for health and
the environment, which is why their use must be careful-
ly planned and executed according to the guidelines of
occupational safety and environmentally compatible dis-
Optional disinfectants

Sodium hypochlorite NaOCl

Hydrogen peroxide H2O2
Potassium permanganate KMnO4
Calcium hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2

Disinfection can take place either during the pressure

test or when the disinfectant solution is allowed to stand
for at least 12 hours in the pipeline. Due to the higher
pressure during the pressure test, the water containing
disinfectant can penetrate into the pores and gaps. 
Following disinfection, the pipeline must be flushed thor-
oughly, and prior to starting up the system again, it must
be ascertained that the threshold values for disinfec-
tants in drinking water are not exceeded.

Technical regulations and standards

Recommended values for disinfection of drinking

water according to the EU Guideline of 15th July

No. Description Permissible Threshold val- Calculated as Reaction product

added amount ue after treat-
    [mg/l] [mg/l]   Threshold value calculated as
after treatment

1 Chlorine 1.2 0.3 free 0.01 Trihaloge
Sodium chlorine methane
Chloride of lime
2 Chlorine diox- 0.4 0.2 ClO2 0.2 Chlorite
3 Ozone 10 0.05 O3 0.01 Trihalogen

Jointing technology

Non demountable joints

-- Compression joints 58
-- Socket fusion joints 65
-- Electrofusion joints 84
-- Fusion errors 108

Demountable joints
-- Threaded connection joints 115

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Due to the long insertion depths of our compression fit-

Jointing technology tings, we are able to prevent the plastic pipe from creep-
ing. This is due to the fact that long insertion lengths
Non demountable joints create large pressing areas and large pressing areas
entail small surface pressures.  
Compression joints
Thermal expansion is accounted for by reducing the wall
INSTAFLEX compression joints from d16 to thickness, especially for the larger dimensions from
d40. By decreasing the wall thickness, the thermal ex-
d110 pansion is also reduced, which has a positive effect on
Application areas the good creep behaviour of the plastic as well.  
• To join PB pipes in the diameters d16 to d110 mm; Functional reliability
• To make transitions from plastic to metal pipes or By functionally reliable we mean a permanent seal be-
valve connections; tween the plastic pipe and the compression fitting body,
without O-rings or other elastomer seals, based on a hy-
• To put the joint and pipe under temperature and pres- pothetical lifetime of the system of 50 years. 
sure loads immediately after assembly.
We also understand the term "functional reliability" to
Requirement profile mean a compression joint which is easy to assemble
without special tools (e.g. torque wrench).
A compression fitting must be 
Tighten the union nuts firmly. It is not possible to dam-
• plastics-oriented, age the plastic pipe by excessive tightening of the
• functionally reliable, clamping element.
• cost-efficient. Functionally reliable also refers to a compression fitting
that is delivered to the building site ready to install, thus
    ruling out assembly errors. 
To us, the term "plastics-oriented" means that the char- Spanner sizes:
acteristics specific to the plastic material, such as d16 = 24 AF
• notch and creep behaviour, d20 = 27 AF
• flexural strength and heat resistance, In addition, we consider the transition area from the
plastic pipe to a metal area (valve connection, metal
• thermal expansion, thread, etc.) to be an expression of "functional
• production tolerances reliability".
have been taken into consideration.
In our view, a compression fitting is cost-efficient when it
A major factor contributing to a plastics-oriented ap- is delivered pre-assembled so that it can be installed
proach for compression joints is partitioning the joint in- anywhere, without tools and when a durable,
to a  leakproof joint is guaranteed. 
• holding area and a The cost efficiency of a compression fitting takes the
• sealing area. purchase price as well as the ease of installation into
consideration because today the portion of costs for
This partitioning has a positive effect on the notching wages is much higher than for material costs. This un-
behaviour of the plastic.  derscores the significance of receiving a ready-to-
install compression fitting on site, enabling a fast, easy
In the holding area, in other words the area in which
and reliable joint to be made in little time. 
the plastic pipe is subjected to the greatest assembly
and installation load, there is a rounded, wave-like pro- Time-tested and safe
file in which the plastic pipe is anchored to prevent
notching and slipping.  INSTAFLEX compression fittings have been developed
according to the following criteria:
In the sealing area we have a chiselled, serrated pro-
file that digs into the pipe, thus ensuring a permanent • plastics-orientation
seal.  • functional reliability

• cost-effectiveness

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

This means:
• creep behaviour has been accounted for by strictly
separating the holding and sealing functions 
• notching behaviour has been taken into considera-
tion in the waved holding profile
• a durable, leakproof joint without O-rings 
• transitions from plastic to metal with compression fit-
• easy, fast and safe assembly without special tools

KV: d16/d20

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Assembly of INSTAFLEX compression joints Working with the protective pipe cutter
d16 to d20 To safely cut the protective pipe surrounding a conduit
pipe, it is essential to use the pipe cutter specially de-
With  signed for protective pipes. Use only this protective pipe
INSTAFLEX system tools, cutter to cut the protective pipe so as not to damage the
inner conduit pipe. The following pipe dimensions can
assembly is plastics-oriented and safe. Optimal han- be cut with the protective pipe cutter:
dling contributes to a rational assembly.  
  • d16/d20 mm
• d25 mm
Shorten the protective pipe with the appropriate protec-
tive pipe cutter corresponding to the valve connection:  
• 35 mm for single valve connections
• 80 mm for double valve connections  
The cutoff lengths are marked on the protective pipe

INSTAFLEX system tools:

• ratchet wrench (d16 = 24 AF, d20 = 27 AF)
• circlip pliers
• protective pipe cutter

1 Gauge to mark the insertion depth

for d16/d20
35 Gauge for single valve connection
80 Entire length for double valve connec-

Cut the pipe and protective pipe with the pipe cutter.  

Align the cutter with the groove of the pro-

tective pipe.

Press the cutter jaws lightly together and move the pro-
tective pipe cutter back and forth. Twist off the cut pipe
section with the cutter or by hand.
Use only the protective pipe cutter to shorten the pro-
tective pipe to keep from damaging the conduit pipe. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Hold the compression fitting with a barrel

Cutting process  nipple while tightening the union nut with
the corresponding ratchet wrench (d16 =

24 AF, d20 = 27 AF). Up to 2 mm of


the compression ferrule is then visible for

dimension 16.

1 Conduit pipe
2 Protective pipe
3 Guide
4 Blade

Result: You have connected the compres-

sion fitting. 

Mark the insertion depth correspond-

ing to the conduit pipe:
- d16 = 25 mm
- d20 = 29 mm
The insertion depths are indicated on
the protective pipe cutter.

Insert the conduit pipe in the compres-

sion fitting up to the insertion depth mark-
ing, holding it with the pliers or by hand. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Assembly of INSTAFLEX compression joints

d25 to d50

Result: You have connected the compres-

sion fitting. 

Cut the pipe squarely to length.


Mark the insertion depth:

- d25 = 14 mm
- d32 = 17 mm
- d40 = 19 mm
- d50 = 21 mm

Slide the pipe into the fitting up to the

socket base.

Tighten the union with two suitable pliers.


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Assembly of INSTAFLEX compression joints

d63 to d75

Push the compression ferrule and the

flange up to the union body.

Cut the pipe squarely to length.


Make sure the screws are tightened even-

ly, so the parts cannot wedge. Finish
tightening the three screws to create a
Chamfer the pipe end with the positive fit between the flange and the
peeling tool.
union body. 


Result: You have connected the compres-

sion fitting. 

Slide the flange and the compression fer-

rule over the pipe. Drive the support
ring completely into the pipe. 

Slide the pipe with the support ring com-

pletely into the union body.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Assembly of INSTAFLEX compression joints

d90 to d110

Slide the pipe with the individual parts in-

to the union body all the way to the base. 

Cut the pipe squarely to length.


Make sure the screws are tightened even-

ly, so the parts cannot wedge. Finish
tightening the three screws to create a
positive fit between the flange and the
union body. 
Chamfer the pipe end with the peeling  


Slide the flange, the compression ferrule, Result: You have connected the compres-
the support ring and the O-ring onto the sion fitting. 

pipe in this order. 


Drive the support ring completely into the


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Socket fusion joints

INSTAFLEX socket fusion of d16 to d110
The basics
Building on several decades of experience in the fusion
of plastics, GF Piping Systems has developed an
ideal fusion method for polybutene (PB) to create reli-
able, homogenous pipe joints in sanitary installations. 
INSTAFLEX fittings and pipes comply with the national
standards and requirements specific to the respective
country. INSTAFLEX pipes and fittings are made of the
same PB material, so a homogenous fusion joint is
Heating-element socket fusion
In socket fusion the pipe and the fitting overlap and are
fused without the use of auxiliary materials. Pipe ends
and fitting sockets are heated with the help of a socket
or spigot-shaped heating element to a specific fusion
temperature and then joined. The pipe, socket and heat-
ing element are dimensioned so that a fusion pressure
is built up during the fusion process. 
The fusion temperature is 260 ±10°C (250°C - 270°C).
Socket fusion may be done manually up to and includ-
ing d63 pipe outer diameter with chamfered pipe ends. 
Tools required
The tools and equipment required to create socket fu-
sion joints, as well as for electrofusion, must comply  

with DVS Guideline 2208, Part 1.

INSTAFLEX fusion tools for socket fusion
In addition to the plastic pipe cutter, a pipe chamfering
tool is required for fusion prepping. For socket fusion an INSTAFLEX fusion tools have been specifically de-
electrically heated and electronically controlled hand- signed for the INSTAFLEX piping system.
held fusion device and/or a fusion machine are neces- This specification of tools has decisive benefits in terms
sary. Provided that the equipment, machines, heating of 
bushes and spigots conform to DVS Guideline 2208, fu- • pipe pick-up,
sion may be performed with any commercially available
tools.  • heating element and
• stop position
which are essential for a
• plastics-oriented,
• functionally reliable and
• cost-efficient
fusion joint. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Hand-held fusion device


1 Prisma clamps for pipes and fittings d16 - d63
The hand-held fusion device is heated electrically (230 2 Round clamping device for fittings up to d63
3 Pick-up for hand-held heating element
V/50 Hz), with a wattage of 800 W. The welding blade is 4 Limit stop button for basic setting
also available in a 110 V/60 Hz version for United King- 5 Adjusting knob for stop positioning
dom. The electronic temperature control ensures a con- 6 Handwheel to move the slide

sistent temperature on the heating tools. 

The electric functions are identical with those of the
hand-held fusion device, the wattage is also 
800 W. Easy handling and a special pick-up for fittings
enable stress-free fusion, making this machine a valu-
able aid in the fusion process.  

1 red
2 green

The temperature can be readjusted with a control

screw. The status can be read from the red and green
control lamps. 
• red and green lights on
device is heating up
• red light on, green blinking
device is at fusion temperature
• red light on, green light off
temperature too high, device lowers temperature au-

Fusion machine
The use of a bench-mounted fusion machine has
proved highly advantageous when prefabricating with

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Fusion preparation d16 to d110

Fusion preparation
Protect the fusion equipment and the work area from
dampness and dirt. 

Periodic temperature check Cleaning

Set the fusion temperature of the heating element at   

260 °C. The temperature required for socket fusion

with INSTAFLEX is between 250 °C and 270 °C. You Attention:
can check the fusion temperature on the outside of the Damaged or worn heating bushes can lead to faulty fu-
heating bush with tempil sticks. This temperature check sion. Replace damaged heating bushes or send them
should be repeated periodically, especially if the weath- back to GF Piping Systems for recoating. 
er conditions are adverse. 
  Fusion machine check
Before beginning with the fusion, the machine adjust-
ments should be checked, with particular attention giv-
en to:
• axial alignment of the fitting and pipe clamps with the
heating bushes and spigots and
• the correct setting of the end stops.

Temperature check

The correct temperature of the heating element has

been reached when the 253 °C stick melts on the out-
side of the heating bush and the 274 °C stick does not
melt. Socket fusion can be performed at ambient tem-  

peratures down to -10 °C if the fusion parameters are

maintained. Cut the pipe
Cut the pipe squarely to length.
Cleaning the heating socket and spigot
Clean the heating bush and heating spigot after each fu-
sion with a clean, dry, lint-free paper without a
Hot. Can cause burns. The heating tools are heated to 
270 °C.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Cleaning the fitting and pipe

Clean the jointing surfaces of the parts to be joined - fit-
ting and pipe end - immediately before beginning with
the fusion. Use an absorbent, lint-free paper and the
cleaning fluid Tangit KS cleaner, Art. no. 799 298
023. Wipe off the cleaning fluid completely with clean-
ing paper.

Chamfer the pipe ends

Chamfer the pipe ends of dimensions d25 and above.
This ensures correct insertion of the pipe in the socket-
shaped heating bush. The chamfering also reduces the
force required to insert the cold pipe in the heating Cleaning the pipe end
bush. Chamfer the pipe ends at a 15° angle to half of

the wall thickness. 

Do not chamfer d16 and d20 pipes.

Cleaning the fitting


It is not necessary to mark INSTAFLEX for fitting and

pipe alignment since the following markings have al-
ready been made in the factory:

Pipe Line marking

Fitting Marking every 45°


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Fusion parameters

Pipe outer diame- Minimum Insertion depth Heat soak time Holding time Cooling time
ter wall thickness and joining depth
(fusion length)
d s   t t1 t2
[mm] [mm] [mm] [s] [s] [min]
16 2.0 15 5 15 2
20 2.0 15 6 15 2
25 2.3 18 6 15 2
32 2.9 20 10 20 4
40 3.7 22 14 20 4
50 4.6 25 18 30 4
63 5.8 28 22 30 6
75 6.8 31 26 60 6
90 8.2 36 30 75 6
110 10 42 35 90 6

Fusion check A special training programme is also offered by GF Pip-

Check the outer bead of the fusion weld. The fusion ing Systems for fusion of INSTAFLEX pipes and  IN-
bead must go around the entire circumference.  STAFLEX fittings.  

For obligatory handling and safety instructions,

please see the «Instructions for PB Socket Fusion».

1 fusion bead

Pressure test
All the fusion joints must be completely cooled before
beginning with the pressure test. Wait at least one hour
after the last fusion has been made.  
Welder requirements
All welders must be trained to perform fusion. In order to
qualify, certification for plastic fusion may be obtained
from a specialised institute, e.g. SKZ Würzburg, as de-
scribed in DVS 2212. Please contact your local GF
sales office.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Manual fusion of d16 to d63

Clean the fitting and pipe
Clean the jointing surfaces of the parts to be joined - fit-
ting and pipe end - immediately before beginning the fu-
sion. Use an absorbent, lint-free paper and the cleaning
fluid Tangit KS cleaner, Art. no. 799 298 023. Wipe off
the cleaning fluid completely with cleaning paper.

Mark the insertion and joining depth


The insertion depth is also marked on the fitting for

Cleaning the pipe end
all INSTAFLEX fittings. 

  Heat soak the pipe end and socket fitting

Slide the pipe end and fitting onto the heating socket or
spigot without twisting and not too quickly. (Material
melts slowly).
The heat soak time begins when the pipe and fitting are
completely inserted in the heating socket or on the heat-
ing spigot. After the heat soak period, pull the fitting and
pipe slowly off the heating tools and without twisting or

Cleaning the fitting


Mark the insertion depth

Mark the insertion and joining depth according to the
pipe. Make sure the mark stays visible when heating
and joining. 

Pipe dimension Insertion and joining

d depth (fusion length)
[mm] [mm]
16 15
20 15  

25 18
32 20
40 22
50 25
63 28

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Pipe dimension d Heat soak time t Joining the pipe and fitting
Join the fitting and the pipe immediately after heat soak-
[mm] [s] ing and without axial rotation.  
The holding and cooling times must be observed. 
16 5
Do not twist the parts during and after joining. 
20 6
The marking must always be visible!
25 6  

32 10
40 14
50 18
63 22

Joining the fitting and pipe


Pipe dimension d Holding time Cooling time

[mm] [s] [min]
16 15 2
20 15 2
25 15 2
32 20 4
40 20 4
50 30 4
63 30 6

Holding time:
During this time the joined parts (fitting and pipe) must
be held securely without twisting or turning. 
Cooling time:
The fused parts (fitting and pipe) may only be subjected
to further installation loads when the cooling time has

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Bench-mounted fusion of d16 to d63


Set the stop system to the dimension to be fused. 


Mount the welding blade in the fixture provided.


Mount the clamping inserts in the cor-

responding dimension in the support

Fasten the welding blade with the handle bar. 


Place the fitting in the pick-up. 


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Slide the pipe flush up to the fitting end and secure it in the pris-
Secure the fitting in the pick-up. ma clamp. 


Press the limit stop button and move the slides together up to the

stop with the handwheel.
  You can also clamp fittings in the prisma clamp to fuse very tight
fitting combinations.

Move the slides with pipe and fitting apart and swivel in the heat-
ing element. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

After the heat soak, remove the pipe and fitting slowly from the
heating tools, swivel out the heating element and immediately join
the pipe and fitting together. The holding and cooling times must
be observed. 

Heat soak the pipe end and the socket fitting. This is done by slid- Holding time:
ing the pipe end and socket fitting slowly onto the heating socket During this time, the joined parts (fitting and pipe) must
or heating spigot. (Material melts slowly). remain clamped in the machine. 
Move the two slides together up to the stop. 

Pipe dimension Holding time Cooling time
d Minimum
[mm] [s]  [min] 
16 15 2
20 15 2
25 15 2
32 20 4
40 20 4
50 30 4
63 30 6

Changing dimensions

The heat soak time begins when the pipe and the fitting are com-
pletely in the heating socket or on the heating spigot.

Pipe dimension Heat soak time

[mm] [s]
16 5
20 6
25 6
32 10
40 14
50 18
63 22  

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Caution: Hot. Danger of burning! Transport

Remove the heating socket and heating spigot from the
hand-held welding blade and replace with the heating To transport the machine in its wooden crate, the ma-
socket and spigot in the desired dimension. The clamp- chine pedestal needs to be folded up. The wooden crate
ing inserts are exchanged for the fitting pick-up. The can also be used as a workbench.
prisma clamp is not dependent on the dimension.   

Transport position of the pedestal


Work position of the pedestal


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Fusion protocol
Fusion protocols are to be issued upon request. Please
see example on the following page.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Fusion protocol

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Weld-in saddles d50 to d110

Assembly instructions for weld-in saddles in dimen-
sions d50 to d110

Drill through pipe wall with the drill (code no. 761 068
  033). Use a speed-controlled drill with 300-350 rpm.
Select the drill dimension: Important:
The hole must be drilled at a right angle. 
• One drill for outlets: 20, 25, 32  

• One drill for outlets: 40, 50


Chamfering the drill hole makes it easier to insert the

heating bush in the next step. 

The heating bushes for the corresponding dimension


Clean the pipe and the drill hole with Tangit KS
cleaner (code: 799 298 023). Wipe off all the cleaning
Mark the drilling point fluid with the cleaning paper. 


Mount a pipe bracket about 15 to 20 cm next to the Clean the weld-in saddle with Tangit KS cleaner (code:
drilling point to prevent the pipe from bending out dur- 799 298 023). Check that the saddle dimension corre-
ing assembly.  sponds to the pipe dimension. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

The heating bushes must be cleaned after each fusion
Mount heating bush on the welding blade.  joint. There must be no polybutene material left on the
heating bushes.

Slide both the weld-in saddle and the pipe onto the
heating bushes at the same time.  Result: the saddle is welded in the pipe.
Heat soak time, see Table 1

Various connections can be mounted on the saddle.

1 Melt bead

After heat soaking the pipe and saddle, an even bead

must have formed around the drill hole. 

Immediately after pulling off the heating bush, push the

weld-in saddle into the pipe. Do not twist or turn the sad-
Holding and cooling time, see Table 1

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Weld-in saddles d125 to d225 Drill a hole through the pipe wall. Use a speed-con-
trolled drill with 300-350 rpm.
Assembly instructions for weld-in saddles in dimen- Important:
sions d125 to d225 The hole must be drilled at a right angle.


Select the drill dimension: Chamfer 3 to 4 mm of the drill hole, which makes it easi-
er to insert the heating bush in the next step. 
• One drill for outlets: 20, 25, 32  

• One drill for outlets: 40, 50


Clean the pipe and the drill hole with Tangit KS

  cleaner (code: 799 298 023). Wipe off all the cleaning
The corresponding heating bushes for the dimension.  fluid with the cleaning paper. 

Mark the drilling hole Clean the weld-in saddle with Tangit KS cleaner (code:
799 298 023). Check that the saddle dimension corre-
sponds to the pipe dimension. 

Mount the heating bushes on the welding blade. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints


Slide both the weld-in saddle and the pipe onto the The heating bushes must be cleaned after each fusion
heating bushes at the same time.  joint. There must be no polybutene material left on the
Heat soak time, see Table 2 heating bushes. 

Result: the saddle is welded in the pipe.


1 Melt bead

After heat soaking the pipe and saddle, an even bead  

must have formed around the drill hole.  Various connections can be mounted on the saddle. 

Immediately after pulling off the heating bush, push the

weld-in saddle into the pipe. Do not twist or turn the sad-
Holding and cooling time, see Table 2.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Weld-in saddles fusion times

Fusion times

Table 1
    Weld-in saddle on pipe          Pipe in weld-in saddle
Dim. Temp.  Fusion time  Fusion time
d - d1 °C Heat soak Holding Cooling time  Heat soak Holding time  Cooling
time time  time time
    sec. sec.  min. sec. sec. min.
50 - 20 260 22 - 24  30 4 6 15 2
50 - 25  260 22 - 24  30 4 6 15 2
50 - 32  260 22 - 24  30 4 10 20 4
63 - 20  260 22 - 24  30 4 6 15 2
63 - 25  260 22 - 24  30 4 6 15 2
63 - 32  260 22 - 24  30  4 10 20 4
75 - 20  260 24 - 26  30 4 6 15 2
75 - 25  260 24 - 26  30 4 6 15 2
75 - 32  260 24 - 26  30 4 10 20 4
90 - 20  260 26 - 28  30 4 6 15 2
90 - 25  260 26 - 28  30 4 6 15 2
90 - 32  260 26 - 28  30  4 10 20 4
110 - 20  260 28 - 32  30 4 6 15 2
110 - 25  260 28 - 32  30 4 6 15 2
110 - 32  260 28 - 32  30 4 10 20 4

Table 2

125 - 32 260 29 - 33  30 4 10 20 4

125 - 40  260 31 - 35  30 4 14 20 4
125 - 50  260 31 - 35  30 4 18 30 4
160 - 32  260 28 - 30  120 4 10 20 4
160 - 40  260 42 - 45  120 4 14 20 4
160 - 50  260 42 - 45  120 4 18 30 4
225 - 32  260 25 - 30  120 4 10 20 4
225 - 40  260 45 - 50  120 4 14 20 4
225 - 50  260 45 - 50  120 4 18 30 4

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Pipes d125 to d225: drill hole with 3 to 4 mm chamfer 

Weld-in saddles spacing

Spacing weld-in saddles

When positioning the weld-in saddles on the IN-
STAFLEX pipe, the following distances are important:
• distance between two weld-in saddles
• distance of the weld-in saddle across the circumfer-
• distance between weld-in saddle and fitting
Not allowed!

It is also imperative to check that the saddle dimension  

on the pipe side corresponds to the pipe dimension.

Distance between two weld-in saddles
The minimum distance X between two weld-in saddles
must be at least 30 mm . This distance applies to pipe
dimensions 50 to 225 mm with all outlets. Burst and pul-
sation tests were conducted on welded-in saddles to de-
termine this distance.   


Pipe dimension d110 to d225

If a weld-in saddle has been welded into a d110 to d225
pipe, it is allowed to weld in another weld-in saddle
across the circumference. The minimum distance of X =
30 mm from saddle to saddle must be observed in this
case as well. 
Distance of weld-in saddle across circumference It is not allowed to weld in more than 2 saddles across
Pipe dimensions d50 to d90 the circumference.   
If a weld-in saddle has been welded into the pipe, an-  

other or more weld-in saddles may not be welded in

across the circumference at this point.  Alternatively, an-
other saddle may be welded in with a minimum dis-
tance X of 30 mm across the circumference. This ap-
plies to pipe dimensions 50 to 90 mm with outlets d20,
d25 and d32 mm.


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Distance between weld-in saddle and fitting INSTAFLEX electrofusion fittings

The minimum distance X between weld-in saddle and In developing the INSTAFLEX electrofusion sockets, the
fitting must be at least 30 mm. This applies to dimen- special requirements of building technology piping sys-
sions 50 to 225 mm irrespective of the outlet tems were taken into consideration:
• no support fixtures
• minimal pipe end prepping as possible
• no axial displacement of pipes during assembly
• simple cable connections for functional and safe oper-
• clearly visible product identification and fusion indica-
• easy transition from electrofusion to socket fusion 
All these requirements, as well as the benefits of the IN-
STAFLEX socket fusion fittings, were the basis for de-
  velopment of the INSTAFLEX electrofusion fittings.

Electrofusion joints Features of INSTAFLEX electrofusion fittings


INSTAFLEX electrofusion joints for d16 to d110

The same polybutene (PB) material is used for IN-
STAFLEX pipes and fittings, which guarantees a ho-
mogenous fusion joint. 
General requirements
INSTAFLEX electrofusion fittings made of PB are suit-
able for operating pressures up to 16 bar at 20 °C and
10 bar at 70 °C. The guidelines of the respective coun- 1 Integrated pipe attachment
tries and the specifications for a homogenous joint were 2 Coded single-plug connector for fusion cable 
integrated in the development.   3 Optical fusion indicator
4 Degree marking (every 45°) for component combinations 
The electrofusion process 5 Insertion depth marking
In electrofusion the pipe and the fitting overlap and are 6 Type designation incl. manufacturer, material and dimension
fused without auxiliary materials. The heat required to 7 Spigot for socket fusion 
fuse the pipe and fitting is supplied with the help of the 8 Fitting inner diameter designed as sleeve
resistance wires embedded in the socket.   

The electrical energy supply is controlled by the IN-

STAFLEX HWSG-3 fusion device. The required fusion
pressure is achieved via the dimensionally adapted IN-
STAFLEX pipes and  INSTAFLEX electrofusion
fittings. The pipes and fittings cannot be combined with
other systems. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Advantages of INSTAFLEX electrofusion

Integrated pipe attachment
Thanks to the pipe attachment integrated in the fitting,
additional pipe support is not necessary for fusion. This
is a big advantage in installation, especially in difficult to  

reach places as is often the case in plumbing installa-

tions (heating pipes, ventilation shafts in the way). INSTAFLEX HWSG-3 Fusion Device

The dimensions of INSTAFLEX pipes and electrofusion
fittings are adapted to one another. The electrofusion
socket is designed as a sleeve and the centre stop must
be broken out, but no machining of pipe ends is re-

The INSTAFLEX HWSG-3 fusion device has been specially de-

signed for fusion of INSTAFLEX electrofusion fittings with pipes.

Features of the INSTAFLEX HWSG-3 fusion device

• the dimension connected is identified by measuring

the electrical resistance 

• no errors due to incorrectly set parameters 
• fully automated fusion process
• start and finish of fusion process is signalled acousti-
cally and visually 
• interruptions in the fusion process are indicated 
• simultaneous fusion of three different dimensions is


Electrofusion sockets
may not be used to com-
pensate length. Both pipe
ends must be pushed up
to the stop in the socket.    


Fitting markings
The degrees marked on the fitting (every 45°) make it
possible to position components exactly, for example for
prefabrication of piping combinations. 

Electrofusion fittings

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Fusion parameters

 Pipe outer di- Insertion depth l   Fusion time

ameter d
  Socket Fitting t 
[mm] [mm] [mm] [s]
16 38 38 37
20 40 40 47
25 42 42 55
32 42 42 70
40 47 47 120
50 49 49 145
63 51 51 180
75 67 67 185
90 74 74 200
110 80 80 210
Cleaning the fitting 

Fusion preparation

Protect the fusion device and the fusion area from

dampness and dirt.       

Cleaning the pipe end

Cut the pipe squarely and deburr the inside of the pipe.   Marking the insertion depth
Do not chamfer the pipe end! Use a plastic pipe cutter. 
Mark the insertion and joining length accordingly on
both pipes. Make sure the marking stays visible during

Do not use a wax pencil.


Clean the jointing surfaces of the parts to be joined - fit-

ting and pipe end - immediately before starting. Use an
absorbent, lint-free paper and the cleaning fluid Tangit
KS cleaner, Art. no. 799 298 023. Wipe off all the
cleaning fluid with the cleaning paper.   

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Pipes must butt in the middle of the socket


Push the pipes into the fitting up to the marking. Make

sure the pipe faces butt against each other in the mid- «Start» fusion
dle of the socket. Tighten the screws alternately on the Connect the fusion device to the mains.  
integrated pipe attachment. 
Note: Plug the fusion cable into the fitting. You can perform up
With a pipe surface temperature above 40 °C and the to three fusion welds at the same time.  
related expansion, it is difficult to push the fitting onto
the pipe because of the required tight tolerances.   Start fusion with the button:

Pipe dimension Fusion time Cooling time

d t t1
[mm] [s] [min]
16 37 2
20 47 2
25 55 2
32 70 4
40 120 4
50 145 4
63 180 6
75 150 6
90 200 6
110 210 6

During the fusion process the parts to be joined - fitting

and pipe - may only be subjected to the forces
which normally occur in installation (pipe fastening) ac-
cording to the guidelines.  

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Please see the chapter on Pressure Testing. 

Functions of the INSTAFLEX HWSG-3 fusion device
The following conditions must be met for the fusion de-
vice to function accurately:

Mains voltage min. 185 V  max. 264 V 


Mains frequency min. 47 Hz  max. 65 Hz 

Cooling time:
The joined parts - fitting and pipe - may only be ex- Temperature  min. -15°C  max. 40°C 

posed to further installation forces when the cooling time These values are continuously checked by the fusion
has elapsed.  device during the process. The fusion process is inter-
Fusion check rupted if there are deviations and the control lamp indi-
Check the fusion with the optical fusion indicator. A cates an error.
fused socket can be identified by means of the emerg-
ing material pin. 

Pressure test
Before starting the pressure test, all the fusion welds
must be fully cooled. Observe the minimum waiting time
of one hour after finishing the last fusion. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Operation 3. Start the fusion process with the button:



1. Connect the device to the mains. All the control

lamps will light up for two seconds. The mains  

indicator goes on:

  The fusion indicator blinks and a beep signals

the beginning of the fusion process:


2. Connect the fusion cable to the respective fit-

ting. The "Ready" light goes on.    The "Ready" light of the connected fusion chan-
    nel goes on:

  Each fusion channel is able to identify the fitting

connected and its dimension independently. Up   To stop the fusion push:
to three fusion welds can be performed in differ-    

ent dimensions simultaneously. Fusion chan-

nels which are not connected are blocked dur-  

ing the fusion process (no current). 

The process cannot be resumed afterwards and
the fusion is not complete.

4. The fusion is completed after the longest fusion

time has elapsed. You will hear a beep and the
control lamp "End" will light up. 

  The "Ready" indicator for channels with shorter

fusion times (different dimensions) will go out
when the fusion has been completed:

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Technical data

Voltage: VPrim 230 V

  VSec 185 V
Frequency: 50/60 Hz  
Current: IPrim 7.5 A
  ISec 3 x 2.5 A
Power: PPrim 25 - 1400 W
Device no.    


Voltage: VPrim 110 V

  VSec 185 V
Frequency: 60 Hz  
Current: IPrim 13 A
  ISec 3 x 2.5 A
Power: PPrim 1500 W
Device no.    

Fitting connection
5. Remove the fusion cable from the fitting. The
Mains indicator lights up: The coding in the plug part of each electrofusion fitting
transmits to the fusion device the data on the fitting con-
  nected and its dimension. 

  All three fusion channels are free for the next fu-

Electrofusion fitting connections


If soiled, clean the device with a damp cloth. Only use
alcohol or spirit on the front panel and the typeplates,
no thinner or solvent.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Error messages

Problem Troubleshooting
1. Connecting the device to the mains  
All the control lamps are blinking:  
• Mains voltage is not in the required range (185–264 V) Select another power source.
• Ambient temperature too high or too low (-15– +40 °C) Protect device from heat or cold.
No indication:  
• No mains voltage Check mains fuse.

• Device defect Replace the device.

Have the device checked by GF Piping Systems
or a service centre.
2. Plugging fusion cable into fitting
«Ready» lamp does not light up:  
• Defective fusion cable Replace cable.

• Defective fitting Replace fitting.

3. «Error» lamp blinks
• The cause is not under points 1 and 2 Replace the device.
Have the device checked by GF Piping Systems
or a service centre.
4. Fusion aborts
«Error» lamp blinks:  
Disconnect the fusion cable from the fitting. 
Disconnect from the mains. 
• Fusion cable disconnected from fitting  Wait at least one hour before performing the
• Change in the allowed mains voltage fusion again.
If the problem continues:
• Change in the allowed ambient temperature Replace the defective device. 
Have the device checked by GF Piping Systems
or a service centre.

For the obligatory handling and safety instructions,

please see the manual for PB electrofusion of d16–d110
with the HWSG-3.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Assembly instructions for INSTAFLEX electrofu-
sion joints d125 to d225
Assembly of INSTAFLEX BIG electrofusion sockets

Cut the pipe squarely to length


Plane the top layer in one pass with the

peeling tool.

Peeling lengths for electro-socket fusion


Dimension Peeling length Total required length (with peel- Width of peeling tool      
ing tool)


[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm]

d125 90 190 360
d160 95 190 380
d225 110 210 450

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Cleaning the socket Fasten the socket to the pipe with the
Clean the jointing surfaces of the socket strap retainer. 

and the pipe end. Use an absorbent, lint-  

free paper and cleaning fluid Tangit KS

cleaner, Art. no. 799 298 023. Wipe off
all the cleaning fluid with the cleaning pa-

Connect the fusion cable of the MSA 250

Ex Multi Plus to the electrofusion socket.

Cleaning the pipe end

Clean the jointing surfaces of the socket
and the pipe end. Use an absorbent, lint-
free paper and cleaning fluid Tangit KS
cleaner, Art. no. 799 298 023. Wipe off all
the cleaning fluid with the cleaning paper.

Scan the coding with the barcode

reader. This transmits the fusion data to
the fusion device. 

Mark the insertion and joining depth ac-

cordingly. Make sure the marking stays
visible during fusion.   

Start the fusion process.


Slide the socket on the pipe.


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Butt fusion

Heating element for butt fusion


The fusion surface is the circular ring area of the pipe.

The stability of the pipe is equivalent to the stability of
the fusion weld. However, the pipe loses stability if there
is the slightest deviation in the fusion parameters.
Fusion may only be performed by persons trained by
GF Piping Systems or persons with the respective certi-
fication. Each fusion must be documented in a fusion

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Fusion parameters for GF SG 315


Heating element temperature: 260 °C ± 10 °C

Add the joining force to the drag resistance of the slide. 
If a different butt fusion machine is used than the GF SG
315, the definitive values must be adapted to the re-
spective fusion machine. See also the butt fusion pa-
rameters on the following pages. GF fusion machines
are also available for rental. Please contact your local
sales representative or Georg Fischer Building Technol-
ogy Ltd, Dept. CSO. Tel. +41 (0)52 631 36 59, Fax +41
(0)52 631 28 57.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Butt fusion parameters for GF 160, TM 160, KL 160


Heating element temperature: 255 °C ± 10 °C

Add the joining force to the drag resistance of the slide. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

PB butt fusion parameters for GF 250, GF 314, KL

250, KL 315, TM 250, TM 315

Heating element temperature: 225 °C ± 10 °C

Add the joining force to the drag resistance of the slide. 


Butt fusion jointing

Fusion machine: GF 250
Control unit: Suvi 400

Switch the Suvi 400 control

unit on with the main switch
on the right side of the ma-

Complete fusion unit, consisting of GF

250 fusion machine, Suvi 400 control unit,
planer and heating element

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

The display shows: Fusion start Press. Press the green button I.

Check the settings. If the settings are correct, confirm with the
green Enter button. 


The display shows: GF250CNC 1531.


GF250 Type name of fusion machine
CNC Control unit Suvi 400 Select the material used with the blue arrows. For INSTAFLEX
BIG select PB.
1531 Machine number  

If the machine was switched off, e.g. in the morning,   Material

press the grey button I. This switches the heating ele-
ment on.  PB Polybutene

PP Polypropylene
HDPE PE high density
PE 80 Polyethylene 80
PE 100 Polyethylene 100

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

The display flashes: Pressure rating: SDR 11, S 5. The pressure

Confirm with the green Enter button.  rating indicates for which pressure the pipe has been designed.

Select the pipe dimension with the blue arrows.


The display shows: Wall thickness. If the wall thickness is correct,

confirm with the green Enter button.

Confirm with the green Enter button. 


The display shows the following data: material, dimension and

pressure rating. Check the data. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

The display shows: Data o.k.? Confirm with the green Enter but-
  The display shows: Clamp pipe(s). Confirm with the green Enter

Screw the correct dimension

of the holding device for pipe /
fitting into the clamping unit.  

The display shows: Dragging force measuring. Press the

green >button until the red control lamp in this field lights up. 

Clamp the pipes and / or fittings in the

holding device.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

The display flashes between: Planer unit please insert and Pipe The display shows: Planer unit Please remove. The planing pro-
ends planing.
cess is finished and the planer shuts off automatically. When the
planer unit is switched off, take it out of the fusion device and put
it back in its proper fixture. 

Place the planer in the fusion machine and switch the power on. 
The planer only starts when this work step has been confirmed on
the control unit. 

The display shows: Clamping check. Press the green >button.

The fusion device conducts an automatic check of the clamping.

The display shows: Pipe ends stop planing. Press the green >but-
ton until the red control lamp in this field lights up.
When a shaving has been taken from both pipe ends without stop-
ping, confirm with the green >button until the red control lamp in
this field lights up. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints



The display shows: Alignment ok <YES>+open machine. Clean the jointing surfaces of the parts to be joined -
The offset between the pipes or the pipe and fitting is less than >1  fitting and pipe end. Use an absorbent, lint-free paper
mm. Press the green Enter button.  and cleaning fluid Tangit KS cleaner, Art. no. 799
If the offset <1 mm between the pipe ends or the pipe and
fitting, you can move the pipe ends apart, turn the pipes so that 298 023. Wipe off all the cleaning fluid with the clean-
the offset is 1 mm. 
ing paper.


The display shows: Cleaned? <Yes>.

The display shows: Cleaned? Confirm with the green Enter but-

The display shows: Insert heater.


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Swivel in the heater.

Hot. Danger of burning. The
heating element has a tem-
perature of 260 °C. The display shows: Bead size: 1.0mm reached. This information
should be checked visually by the welder. Confirm with the green
Enter button.
The fusion device reduces the contact pressure on the heating el-

The display shows: Start fusion. Press the green  >button until the
red lamp in this field lights up. The two pipes or the pipe and the
fitting move together. 

The fusion device begins to

beep. After 10 seconds remove the heat-
ing element from the fusion device and re-
turn it to its proper place.
Hot. Danger of burning. The heating ele-
ment has a temperature of 260 °C.

Wait until a 1 mm bead has

formed on both sides of the
heating element.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

The fusion device moves the

pipes or the pipe and the fit-
ting together. The cooling
time begins.

The display shows when the cooling time has ended. Press the
green Enter button.
The fusion device releases the fusion.

Remove the fused pipes or the pipe and

Result: you have completed a butt fusion

Fusion protocol

Fusion protocols are to be issued upon request.

Please see example on the following page.

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Fusion protocol

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Function check of HSWG-3


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Fusion errors
Evaluating fusion joints
The quality of fusion joints is evaluated on the building
site in the framework of pressure testing and visual in-
spection of the joints.

Errors in butt fusion


Characteristics/Description Cause Troubleshooting

1. Misalignment of jointing surfaces Set-up error Adjust machine set-up.
Clamping devices Check clamping devices.

Non-round pipe cross-section Clamp the pipes around the circum-


Jointing surfaces are offset

2. Angular deviation Set-up error Adjust machine set-up.

3. Narrow, raised bead Fusion pressure too high Check machine settings.
Check calculations and fusion pres-

4. Improperly formed fusion point Wrong heat soak time Check heat soak time.
Wrong heating element temperature Check temperature on heating ele-
Wrong fusion pressure
Check machine settings. 

Bead formation is too wide or too


Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

5. Uneven fusion bead Faulty fusion device Check machine settings.


Cut pipe at right angle. Plane joint-

Error in fusion preparation ing surfaces. 

6. Thermal damage Heating element temperature too Check temperature on heating ele-

high ment.

Heat soak time too long Check heat soak time.

High gloss surface with bubbles or

7. Faulty bonding in fusion area Heat soak time too short Check heat soak time.
Fusion pressure too low  Check machine settings.

Check temperature on heating ele-

Heating element temperature too ment.

Insufficient bonding locally or over

whole surface

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

8. Notches and furrows on pipe, Clamping tools on machine Check clamping tools.
running longitudinally or traversely
to fusion weld Incorrect transport Ensure correct transport.

Check pipe edges before fusion.

Faulty preparation of fusion weld Only use suitable tools.

9. Faulty bonding due to bead notches Fusion pressure too low Check machine settings.  
Check heat soak time.
Heat soak time too short
Adhere to holding and cooling
Cooling time too short times. 

Faulty preparation of fusion weld Only use suitable tools.

Local notching in fusion bead


Errors in socket fusion


Characteristics/Description Cause Troubleshooting

1. Faulty formation of fusion bead Unallowed tolerances or joined at Check dimensions of pipe, fitting,
an angle heating mandrel and heating
Heat soak time too long
Check heat soak time.
Fusion temperature too high or too
low Check temperature on heating

Different bead formations or non-ex-

istent beads
2. Strand formation on fusion bead Temperature too low during fusion Check temperature on heating

Heat soak too short Check heat soak time.

Heating tools pulled off too fast Pull parts off heating tools more

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

3. Dirty fusion bead Heat soak too long Check heat soak time.

Soiled heating sleeve and mandrel Clean heating sleeve and heating
(burnt material) mandrel before every fusion. 

Dirty fusion surfaces Clean pipe and fitting before


Discoloration of fusion bead

4. Bonding fault due to insufficient Wrong pairing of materials Only join identical materials with
melting  one another.

Soiled heating sleeve and mandrel  Clean heating sleeve and heating
(burnt material) mandrel before every fusion. 

Dirty jointing surfaces Clean pipe and fitting before


Temperature too low Tighten heating sleeves.

Incomplete fusion locally or over
whole surface with separation in the
jointing area
5. Bonding fault due to insufficient Notches in pipe surface Check pipe prior to fusion.
Check dimensions of pipe, fitting,
Unallowed tolerances heating sleeve and heating man-

Incorrect mechanical machining Check machining tools. 

Check clamping fixtures on ma-

Pipe not flush when inserted chine. 

Axial or circumferential channels

form locally or over whole surface 
6. Bonding fault due to incomplete Pipe not pushed in far enough  Mark insertion depth on pipe and
pipe insertion adhere to it.

Axial movement during holding Observe holding time.

time Secure pipe and fitting to
prevent axial movement.

Changeover time too long Join pipe and fitting immediately af-
ter pulling from heating tools.

Insufficient length of weld with insuf- Check heat soak time.

ficient bonding  Heat soak too short
Check temperature on heating
Heating element temperature too sleeves.
7. Angular deflection (permissible up Fusion machine incorrectly set up Check machine set-up.
to 1°)
Pipe ends out of square Cut off pipe ends square with pipe


Incomplete bonding locally or over

whole surface 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

8. Bonding fault due to deformation Check ovality of pipe ends prior to

fusion and calibrate or press
Oval pipes due to incorrect stor-
age  Avoid pressure loads. Store pipes
Radius of curvature of ring too little
or unsuitable clamping device  Use appropriate system tools (ma-
chines, devices).
Pipes are crushed during cutting
Check cutting tools. 

Non-round pipes are not leak tight

9. Constricted pipe cross-section Temperature too high during fu- Check temperature on heating
sion  sleeves.

Check heat soak time.

Heat soak too long
Check dimensions of pipe, fitting,
Fusion pressure too high heating mandrel and heating

Pipe pushed in too far during heat- Mark insertion depth on pipe and
ing or joining  adhere to it. 
10. Pores due to foreign body inclu- Steam formation during fusion (wet Clean pipes prior to fusion.
sions pipes) 
Clean heating sleeves and man-
Dirty fusion tools drels prior to fusion.

Protect fusion area from external

External effects effects during the fusion process.

Incomplete bonding locally or over

whole surface 
11. Temperature too high or too low Temperature too high or too low Correct temperature.

Heating tools not flat up against Check surfaces of heating tools

surface and heating blade. 

Heating tools are loose Tighten heating tools.

Voltage fluctuations in mains sup- Connect fusion machine to sepa-

ply  rate power supply. 

Dirty heating tools Clean heating sleeves and man-

drel prior to fusion. 

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

Errors in electrofusion

Characteristics/Description Cause Troubleshooting

1. Bonding fault due to insufficient form- Notches in pipe surface or pipe Check pipe prior to fusion.
fit  very oval 
Check dimensions of pipe. 
Unallowed tolerances
Check machining tools. 
Incorrect mechanical machining 

Axial or circumferential channel for-

mation locally or over whole surface
2. Bonding fault due to insufficient form- Pipe not fixed correctly in socket Apply or check pipe fixation. 
fit  or lack of fusion pressure 

Pipe slides out

3. Bonding fault due to insufficient melt- Wrong pairing of materials Only join identical materials with
ing  one another.

Soiled fusion surfaces Clean pipe and fitting prior to fu-


Defective or non-compatible fu- Check equipment. 

sion device Use system-based equipment. 

4. Angular deflection (1° permissible) Error in set-up Check clamping device.

Cut pipe ends square with pipe

Load during fusion process Prevent loads during fusion. 


5. Bonding fault due to deformation Check ovality of pipe ends prior to

fusion, calibrate or press round.

Oval pipes due to incorrect stor- Avoid pressure loads. Store pipes
age properly. 

Radius of curvature of ring too lit- Use system tools (machines, de-
tle or unsuitable clamping device vices).

Pipe ends crushed during cutting

Check cutting tools. 

Non-round pipes are not leak tight

Jointing technology
Non demountable joints

6. Bonding fault due to insufficient pipe Pipes not pushed in far enough Mark insertion depth on pipe and
insertion  adhere to it. 

Unsquare pipe ends Cut off pipe ends square with pipe

Pipe ends not flush or on the stop

7. Bonding fault due to foreign body in- Contaminated surfaces Clean pipe and fitting prior to fu-
clusions sion.

Steam or gas formation during fu- Only fuse dry pipes and fittings. 
sion For repairs: empty pipelines prior
to fusion and protect fusion zone
from dampness and dirt. 

Accumulation of pores, separation in

jointing surface
8. Fusion indicator not visible Tolerance error of pipe or fitting, Check dimensions of pipe and fit-
no fusion pressure, non-round ting.
pipes, insertion depth too little or See other troubleshooting mea-
insufficient form-fit sures.

Defective fusion device

Check fusion device.
9. Thermal damage Fusion time too long Check equipment.

Wrong selection of dimension on Check settings, see above. 

Only repeat the fusion process per
Immediately repeating the fusion manufacturer's recommendations.

Heavy material escape on fitting, de-

formation on fitting and/or pipe 
10. Fault indication or error message on Defective fusion machine, follow Follow manufacturer's instructions
fusion device  manufacturer's instructions on device or in documentation.
Have device repaired by GF Pip-
ing Systems or a service centre. 
11. Leakage at plug contact  Insertion depth of pipe in socket Mark insertion depth on pipe and
not adhered to or resistance wire adhere to it. 
melts itself free and comes into Cut pipe ends square with pipe
contact with the medium, creating cutter. 
a capillary effect. 

Medium escapes through plug


Jointing technology
Demountable joints

Demountable joints Plastic/metal joints

For transitions from plastic to metal, flange connections
Threaded connection joints with gaskets (O-rings) are generally used because the
sealing surfaces of the metal flanges are usually serrat-
Plastic/plastic joints
Demountable joints or flange connections with a gasket
Use a torque wrench to screw together the flange or
(O-ring) are used to join plastic pipes as well as plastic
flange adaptor. The following tables contain the refer-
pipes with valves (valves, pumps) up to dimensions 
ence values for fastening the screws of flange gaskets.
• d63 mm for unions and   

• d225 mm for flange connections. Pipe out- [mm] 20 25 32 40 50 63

er diam-
It does not take much force to join a flange with and O- eter
ring. That is why we recommend using a torque wrench Torque [Nm] 10 15 15 20 25 35
so as not to overtighten the screws. The following table  

contains the reference values for fastening the screws in


flange connections with O-rings or flange seals: Pipe out- [mm] 75 90 110 125 160 225
  er diam-
Pipe out- [mm] 20 25 32 40 50 63 eter
er diam- Torque [Nm] 40 40 50 50 60 75

Torque [Nm] 10 15 15 20 25 35   Flange gas-


Pipe out- [mm] 75 90 11 125 160 225    

er diam- 0
Torque [Nm] 40 40 50 50 60 75

Chemical resistance
-- Introduction 118
-- Chemical-physical resistance of polybutene (PB) 118
-- Pipe joints 118
-- Sealing materials (elastomers) 118
-- Corrosion behaviour of copper and copper alloys against various substances 118
-- Chemical resistance 120

Chemical resistance
Demountable joints

The material listed in the table above can be used for

Chemical resistance water distsribution in building technology. This material
complies with the specific guidelines for drinking water
Introduction installations. 
Plastics are materials used in modern piping system For other non-domestic drinking water systems, the giv-
construction. Plastic pipes have proved highly suitable en material must be checked for its suitability.
not only for conducting water, but also for very corro-
sive media.  Flanged joints and unions
Chemical compounds react differently to plastics de- For flanged joints and unions, the material of the seal-
pending on the interaction of their components. This can ing elements must be taken into consideration. 
result in deviations from the data given for the individual See the List of Chemical Resistance. 
components. Please feel free to contact us for an indi-
vidual consultation.  Sealing materials (elastomers)
Chemical-physical resistance of The lifetime of sealing materials can vary greatly from
polybutene (PB) that of the pipe material depending on the operating and
load conditions. 
The chemical-physical resistance of polybutene (PB)
corresponds largely to that of the polyolefins (semi-crys- For compressed air applications with air containing min-
talline thermoplastics).  eral oils, the EPDM seals must be replaced with seals
made of NBR. 
We suggest you check with your sales representative  

regarding the use of INSTAFLEX in non-drinking water Seal material General chemical- Max. operat-
applications on a case-by-case basis. physical resistance ing tempera-
Pipe joints
EPDM Resistant to aggres- 90 °C
INSTAFLEX socket fusion joints Ethylene- sive, oxidating media (short-term
INSTAFLEX socket fusion joints exhibit the same chem- propylene-di- Not resistant to hydro- 120 °C)
ical resistance as INSTAFLEX pipes. ene-rubber carbons, oils and
INSTAFLEX electrofusion joints
NBR Resistant to hydrocar- 90 °C
INSTAFLEX electrofusion joints can basically be used Nitrile rubber bons, oils and greases (short-term
with all polybutene-compatible media. See also the List Not resistant to oxidat- 120 °C)
of Chemical Resistance. Polybutene may not be used ing media
with the media listed below:  

- Hydrogen bromide HBr
INSTAFLEX polybutene valves can be used in water
- Hydrogen fluoride HF pipelines for building services. 
(hydrofluoric acid)
- Fluorosilic acid H2SiF6 Corrosion behaviour of copper and copper
(hydrofluorosilicic acid) alloys against various substances
- Hydrogen chloride HCI Besides their favourable physical and mechanical prop-
(Hydrochloric acid) erties, one of the main reasons for the widespread use
- Hypochloric acid HOCI ac- of copper alloys is their resistance to corrosion. 
(Hypochlorous acid) queous The corrosion behaviour of metals depends on a variety
of factors. This makes it nearly impossible to give gener-

This list makes no claim to be complete. If you do not al information which would be valid under any operating
find the substance on this list, please contact your local conditions. In addition to the type and purity level of the
sales representative.  corrosive substance, its concentration and temperature
Material for metal pipe joints play a major role in the corrosion process. Flow velocity
and flow conditions of the fluids must also be taken into
The following metal material in INSTAFLEX has contact account when assessing the suitability of a material. 
with the media:
  Oxygen or oxidizing agents (chemicals) have a special
Alloy Brass, dezincification-re- significance in the corrosion of copper and copper al-
sistant loys. They intensify the attack on metal, especially in
acids. The following data, which has been mainly taken
DIN EN 12134, EN 12165, EN from technical literature on the relative corrosion resis-
12168, EN 12420 tance of copper and its most important alloys against
Nomenclature CuZn 36 Pb 2 As 170 different substances, is based on the results of lab-
(CR brass) oratory tests, practical experience under operating con-
  ditions and general knowledge of corrosion processes. 

Chemical resistance
Demountable joints

The list provides a general overview on the use of cop-

per and copper alloys and makes no claim to being
complete. Again, damage caused by selecting the
wrong material should be prevented. The data applies
only to standard operating conditions and are not an un-
conditional recommendation. Under certain circum-
stances it may be necessary to conduct extensive prac-
tical tests under near-operation conditions in addition to
the usual laboratory tests. This is the only way to make
an absolutely reliable prognosis of the medium's corro-
sion behaviour. 
The symbols in the corrosion table signify the following:

+ resistant
o conditionally resistant (use must be clarified)
- not resistant

Chemical resistance
Demountable joints

Chemical resistance

Aggressive media Chemical resistance

Stainless Steel (1.4401)

Temperature °C
Boiling point °C



Medium Formula Concentration


Compressed air,

20 - ++ O
containing oil 40                

Ethylene glycol, HO-CH2-CH2-OH 198 technically pure 20 ++ ++ ++

technically pure 40 ++ ++                
60 ++ ++
80 ++ -  
100 -

Nitrogen N2 Gas

20 ++ ++ ++
40 ++ ++                
60 ++ ++
80 ++ O  
100 O

Oxygen, gaseous O2

technically pure 20 ++ O
40 ++                  
60 O

Propylene glycol, C3H8O2 188 technically pure 20 ++ ++ ++

technically pure 40 ++ ++                
60 ++ ++
80 ++ -
100 -


System technology and application technology

General 122

-- break 123

System technology and application technology

System technology and

application technology
Polybutene (PB) fittings for socket fusion
The fitting design which includes
• alignment markings
• insertion depth marking,
• product identification and 
• longitudinal marking on pipe

makes your work with the INSTAFLEX installation sys-

tem faster and more cost-efficient.  Insertion depth marking (fusion length)  
Marking the insertion depth on the pipe prevents forma-
tion of an inner bead in the fusion zone provided that the
fusion is performed correctly. By marking the insertion
depth you can use the z-dimension MBT 140 DE for in-

1 Name of manufacturer, dimension, material, pro-

duction code 
2 Insertion depth marking (fusion length)
3 Alignment marking (every 45°), for component com-
4 Pipe longitudinal marking

The alignment marking and pipe longitudinal marking

make it easier to produce component combinations.
Since the fitting and pipe do not need to be marked, a
lot of time is saved and the markings enable more accu-
rate work. 

System technology and application technology

INSTAFLEX HWSG-3 electrofusion device

The INSTAFLEX HWSG-3 with three independent fu-
break sion channels enables individual fusing of fittings
and sockets.You can perform three separate fusions
Polybutene (PB) electrofusion fittings, HWSG-3 in different dimensions at the same time irrespec-
tive of the fitting type.
Thanks to the coded fittings, the fusion device recognis-
es the type of fitting and its dimension. Fusion data does
not have to be entered anymore and the fusion process
runs fully automatically at the push of a button. 
The fusion progress is indicated via control lamps and
an acoustic signal.

Electrofusion fittings
The INSTAFLEX electrofusion fitting line of products
consists of a complete range of fittings in the dimen-
sions d16 to d110. The individual fitting types can be
found in the product catalogue. The fittings have been
designed so that each pipe connection is fused sepa-
rately. An integrated fastening device, a coded plug con-
nection, a markings every 45 degrees for alignment and
a visual fusion indicator as well as the insertion depth
marking enable individualized work according to the
stage of construction or prefabrication . An electric
screwdriver and the HWSG-3 fusion device are the tools  

required for working with the INSTAFLEX electrofusion FAST - SAFE - ECONOMICAL - the modern IN-
fittings.  STAFLEX installation technology

System technology and application technology

Multistory installation Continuous pipeline

Distributing drinking water comfortably throughout the
house is a challenging task. INSTAFLEX is made to ac-
• Several taps supplied with one line 
commodate the high demands placed on drinking water • Fewer pipes required
installations in new buildings and in renovation projects.
• Single and double tap connections
Piping layout  

Layout is possible with the flexible polybutene (PB)

pipes in coils and with INSTAFLEX rods. It doesn't mat-
ter whether you use the pipe-in-sleeve system or the
traditional installation technology.
INSTAFLEX with its system components is the ideal so-
lution for the most diverse requirements: from single-
family or duplex homes to subsidised housing to exclu-
sive residential buildings. 
Optimal drinking water distribution on every floor is
easy thanks to single pipelines, continuous pipelines,
ring mains, T branches as well as continuous lines with
circulation and the corresponding fittings. 
Single pipeline
• Uncomplicated planning
• Simple pressure loss calculation and dimensioning
• Each tap supplied by a separate line
• Low pressure losses
• Short flushing time and high level of comfort 
• Individual tap connections

• Easy replacement of the medium pipe in pipe-in-  

sleeve systems 1 Circulation line

• No connections in the floor 2 Hot water line
3 Cold water line

Ring mains
• Each tap is supplied from two sides
• No stagnated water
• Pressure loss 1/3 less than in continuous lines
• Double tap connections

1 Circulation line
2 Hot water line
3 Cold water line

System technology and application technology

1 Circulation line
2 Hot water line
3 Cold water line

Continuous pipeline with circulation

• Possibility of legionella-free operation 
• Hîgh level of comfort
• Hot water right up to tap

1 Circulation line
2 Hot water line
3 Cold water line

• Several taps supplied by one line
• Less space required for pipe rack  

• For renovation work, pipes can be laid in available re-


cesses 1 Circulation line

2 Hot water line
• Fusion and/or compression fittings
3 Cold water line
• Individual tap connections  

• Fewer pipes required

Pipe layout for large tapping valves
Tapping valves with an outlet flow rate of VR > 0.4 l/s
can be connected with parallel supply lines in dimen-
sion d16. With parallel supply lines (2 x d16) the pres-
sure loss is about 20 % less than with a single pipeline
of the next higher dimension (d20). An ideal solution
wherever there are only low supply pressures
Tapping valve
VR = 0.6 l/s
Single pipeline d20
ΔPR= 110 mbar/m
Dual pipeline 2 x d16
(VR = je 0.3 l/s)
ΔPR= 90 mbar/m
Difference ≈ 20 %

System technology and application technology

Pipe layout in rough concrete floors


Article no. 760 853 399



1 Circulation line Pipe carrier

2 Hot water line Pipe carriers serve as spacers for the protective sleeve
3 Cold water line and the pipeline and keep them at a safe distance from
the formwork. They also mark the run of the pipeline in
New developments open up new perspectives to plan- the ceiling. Drilling into the pipes from below can be pre-
ners and installers. They not only contribute to economi- vented with this pipe carrier.
sation but also improve performance. An example of this  

is the pipe-in-sleeve system for rough concrete floors,

which facilitates installation considerably. Laying the
pipework in the rough concrete has proven to be one of
the most efficient installation methods in practice today. 
The main advantage of the pipe-in-sleeve system is that Article no. 760 853 759

the medium-conveying pipe is separated from the sur-

rounding structure by the protective sleeve. When in- Formwork duct
stalled professionally, when the bending radius is ad-  

hered to and the provided installation aids are used, me-

chanical damage to the pipeline is excluded. The pipe
can be replaced at any time, if necessary. 


Pipe support
Article no. 760 853 300
The pipes are supported by placing the pipes (d16, d20)  

in the supports and fastening them with clips. To addi- Close off the end of the protective pipe with the sleeve
tionally stabilise the pipes from above you can insert a (red/green) enclosed in the pipe box. Place the pipe 
reinforcement rod (diameter 10 mm) in the pipe (d16 or d20) in the guide and fasten with the clip. Sever-
support. Several pipe supports may be placed, 45 mm al guides can be used side by side, 45 mm apart, in the
apart, next to one another. same or opposite direction

System technology and application technology

Formwork box

Pipes in d16 and d20 can be pushed with the protective

sleeve directly in the formwork box. Contrastly, d25 pipe
can only be inserted without protective sleeve. Several
  formwork boxes can be placed side by side, 45 mm
apart, in the same or opposite direction. Nail the form-
Coupling work box directly to the formwork under the lower rein-
d16 Article no. 760 853 316 forcement with the enclosed nails.
d20 Article no. 760 853 753
Distributor arrangement with one-sided pipe sup-
After removing the formwork, pull the medium- convey- port
ing pipe the required length (x) through to the  

distributor. The protective sleeve is then attached with

the corresponding coupling.

After removing the formwork, you can connect the

pipeline downward to the distributor. The distributor fas-
tening is similar to that of the formwork duct.
Distributor arrangement with two-sided pipe sup-

1 Metal dowel M8
2 Threaded rod M8
Article no. 760 853 299
3 Pipe clip  

4 Distributor Fasten the distributor with metal dowels M8 in the pro-

vided openings and then secure it with INSTAFLEX pipe
clips and threaded bolts M8.
Pipe installation on rough concrete floor
When laying pipes on a supporting structure (concrete
floor), which serves as the basis for a free floating
floor, DIN 18202 regulations must be observed.
Acoustical bridges and/or variations in the floor depth
should be avoided. 

System technology and application technology

If pipelines are laid on the supporting structure or in the

insulation, they must be embedded in a deformation-re-
sistant material or secured with fastening elements. The
surface should be levelled out again (compensation) be-
fore laying the insulation layer.
If two pipes are laid parallel in the insulation with a de-
formation-resistant covering, impact sound insulation
should be provided for. 
Pipes laid in the floor duct with deforma-
If, during the planning phase, cut-outs are prepared for tion-resistant embedding 

the pipe run in the rough concrete, the pipelines  

can easily pass through the floor in this conduit.    

For pipes laid in a duct on the rough concrete floor or in

the insulation, a protective sleeve must be used. This is
not the case for pipes embedded above the insulation Concrete floor
directly in the floor similar to floor heating. These can be

laid without a protective sleeve.    

If a different material is used for the flooring, e.g hot as-
phalt, then measures must be taken so as not to dam-
age the plastic piping laid in or under the insulation. 
Insulation layer Embedding
The insulation requirements in DIN 1988-2 for cold wa-    

ter and in the energy conservation ordinance (EnEV)    

for hot water must be complied with.   

Examples: Pipe installation in masonry (recessed mounting)


Although the guidelines are opposed to recessed

mounting, this type of installation is often found in reno-
vation and modernisation work. For new constructions,
particularly when pipes are laid on or in the rough con-
crete floor, it is recommended that they are fitted in wall
Horizontal wall recesses should be avoided, wherever
Pipes laid on the rough concrete floor in  

the insulation layer with deformation-re-

sistant covering

Pipes laid on the rough concrete floor in

the insulation or compensation layer with
deformation-resistant embedding


A range of installation tools enables rational fastening of

fitting connections in wall recesses. 
If you are using the pipe-in-sleeve system, it is not nec-
essary to subsequently protect the pipe in the
masonry. The respective insulation requirements should
be complied with here as well. 

Pipes laid in the middle of the insulation

layer with deformation-resistant embed-

System technology and application technology

Front-wall installation with installation modules

Modules mounted on the installation wall can be con-
nected like valve connections to single, continuous or
ring mains. You can connect all commercially available
installation modules with the corresponding IN-
STAFLEX system components.

Pipe installation in lightweight walls

Special care must be given when installing multistory
pipes in lightweight walls or wood walls. The forces pro-
duced by valve use need to be safely transferred to the
stud frame via the valve connection.
Pipe-in-sleeve systems must be adequately secured in
the hollow spaces with appropriate fastening materials. .  

Dual line arrangement with central riser zone
Pipework as single and continuous line

Module connection with single line

1 Spacer bar
2 Valve connections
Wall manufacturer
3 Mounting rail
4 Mounting plate
When installing valve connections in lightweight con-
structions or wooden walls, only mount valve connec-
tions without housings on the spacer.
To fasten valve connections, you require a combination
of INSTAFLEX installation accessories and accessories
from the wall manufacturer.

Module connection with continuous line (T-branch)


System technology and application technology

Conventional front-wall installation

In conventional front-wall installation, the INSTAFLEX
pipes are laid in protective sleeves on the installation
wall and fastened with the respective materials (bracket
or similar). 
The valve connections are fastened in the interior wall
space on the installation wall with the designated fasten-
ing material for the system.

INSTAFLEX front-wall installation in dual line arrangement with

central pipe shaft

INSTAFLEX single and double valve connections with designated

fastening materials for front-wall installation. 

Maximum front-wall measurement x = 17.5 cm


System technology and application technology

Manifold arrangement


1 Cold water manifold

2 Hot water manifold

The manifold of a pipe-in-sleeve system is usually in-
stalled in the basement of single-family homes and du-
plexes. It is advisable to place the hot water manifold as
closely as possible to the hot water heater. The shorter
the distance between the manifold and the water heater,
the shorter the flushing time of the cooled stagnant wa-
ter will be. This reduces water and heat loss.  
In multi-family residences or similar buildings with a cen-
tral hot water supply and manifolds within the flats or in-
dividual units, we recommend placing the manifold as Manifold in pre-planned recess behind the
closely as possible to the user. The hot water circula- mirror

tion can also be conducted close to the user. Keeping

the tie lines from the manifold to the user as short as
possible will reduce flushing times as well as water and
heat loss.

System technology and application technology

Manifold in the wall with or without ser-

vice cabinet, with access panel for main- Manifold in the corner next to the bathtub
tenance provides additional shelf space.


Manifold in hotel rooms or similar units


Manifold under the kitchen sink or in the

cupboard, easy access

Manifold in installation shaft with con-

cealed valve

Manifold in the bathtub side wall or under

the bath, access panel for maintenance

System technology and application technology

Connecting valves and appliances

A key connecting element between the plastic piping
and the user is the valve or appliance connection. 

These connections ensure a safe transition to the con-

sumer connection. The many different designs on offer
Tee pieces in frame elements
allow us to satisfy diverse connecting requirements. IN-
STAFLEX valve connections also meet the needs of the
Hot water supply market, whether in-wall or on-wall, front-wall or recess
mounted, brickwork, wood or plaster walls, elements or
Do not use valve connections with housings in dry-
wall constructions.
Basic design

Distribution in a flat with a central hot water supply 


INSTAFLEX valve connection with single spacer bracket for re-

cessed mounting

Single and double valve connections with

Valve connection with housing for in-wall mounting

Distribution in a flat with a decentralised hot water supply, e.g.

with continuous flow heater

System technology and application technology

Requirements: Example:
• in-wall mounting

• connector elbow exchangeable in combination with

pipe-in-sleeve system
• pre-assembled on a spacer
• easy and fast mounting
• reliable connection from plastic pipe to valve

Concealed in the masonry of a recessed


Exchangeablity of the con-
1   The housing can only be closed when the nector elbow is warranted af-
pipe has been installed. ter assembly.

Housing upper part = blue

Housing bottom part = light grey

The INSTAFLEX valve connection with housing is com-

posed of three main parts
1. The connector elbow with the proven, patented IN-
STAFLEX compression fitting. It comes pre-assem-
bled in the upper part of the housing.
2. The upper part of the housing is fastened directly on
the spacer to guard the connector elbow against the
masonry. It furthermore warrants easy replacement of
the pipeline in case of mechanical damage. 
3. The bottom part of the housing serves to anchor the After removing the two fasten-
protective sleeve, to guard the compression fitting ing screws, the connector el-
against mortar and other building materials, as well bow can be taken out of the
housing from the front.
as protection against unmounted compression  

fittings.  Attention:
The INSTAFLEX valve connection with housing there- A double connection can only be replaced by opening
fore satisfies all the demands placed on it. Replacing the masonry. In drywall constructions, pre-assembled
valve connections in hollow spaces is made easier by valve connections with housing may not be mounted on
running the protective sleeve straight from the valve brackets because this could cause the connector to
connection and adding a fastening point before the first break off. 
change in direction.

System technology and application technology


Assembly instructions are included in the

product packaging.

Only use the enclosed screws to fasten the valve con-

nections on the spacer.  

Attention: Attach the bottom of the housing and close it. You can
Do not use any valve connections with housing for only close the bottom part when the coupling nut has
lightweight constructions or wood walls. been mounted correctly.
Tighten the screws which are pre-mounted in the upper Thanks to this safety mechanism no visual inspec-
part of the housing.  tion is necessary subsequently.

Fix the sub-assembly in the wall recess. 

Detach the bottom part of the housing from the top part
so that the compression fitting is visible. 


Cut the pipe at the height of the marking (arrow) on the Close off the ½" connecting thread with the IN-
upper part of the housing. Shorten the protective sleeve STAFLEX backing stem.
by 35 mm with the INSTAFLEX protective sleeve cutter. The backing stem seals directly on the fitting, dispens-
  ing with the need for additional sealing for leak tight-
ness. At the same time, the backing stem serves as pro-
tection when plastering and tiling the wall.

1 INSTAFLEX protective sleeve cutter


Insert the pipe into the pre-assembled compression fit-

ting and tighten the coupling nut. 

System technology and application technology


The wall opening of the backing stem (34 mm) is easily For the exact assembly sequence, please follow the
covered with the rosette of the valve (50 mm). assembly instructions enclosed in the packaging.

Single valve connection Double valve connec-

with housing tion with housing


Screw connector housing Screw connector housing

on the spacer and fix in on the spacer and fix in
the wall recess.  the wall recess. 

If you want to replace the connector elbow, the wall

opening has to be enlarged to at least 44 mm.
Enlarge the wall opening by using a 44 mm or larger

backing stem.  

Open the protective sleeve

Attention: Open the protective bracket, insert the pipe,
The size of the covering rosette should be proportion- sleeve bracket, insert the mount the compression fit-
ately larger than backing stem, e.g. use a 60 mm cover- pipe, mount the compres- ting, snap protective
ing rosette for a 44 mm backing stem. sion fitting, snap protec- sleeve bracket shut.
tive sleeve bracket shut.

System technology and application technology

Assembling valve connections with blue Assembly procedure for valve connections on
housing planking

In masonry
Valve connection, single 

Fastening disk with 55 mm x ½ " diameter


d16 - 1/2" thread
d20 - /2" thread 

Screw the valve connection onto the spacer.


Mark the screw positions on the valve

connection and the fastening disk. 

d16 - 1/2" thread 
d20 - /2" thread 

Open the protective sleeve bracket and mount the pipe

in the compression fitting.
Then snap the protective sleeve bracket in place. 
Valve connection, double

Draw reference lines and mount the fas-

tening disk with four nails.

Screw the valve connection on the fasten-

1 ing disk. 
with /2" thread 

Mounting is same as for single valve connection. 

System technology and application technology

Make sure the dimensions correspond to Result with too much wrapping

the illustration.

Result when not wrapped


Connect the pipes and mount the spacer. 

Then thinly wrap the housing of the valve Fastening valve connections in facing concrete
connection with adhesive tape.

After pouring the cement


After removing the formwork


Turn out with suitable flat bar 5 x 25 mm


Fastening with nailed-on plastic fastening

disk and metal spacer bar.
If you use facing concrete, nail on the
plastic fastening disk and use a metal
spacer bar. 

System technology and application technology

Fastening accessories
Fasten drain valves to bathtubs, showers and wash
basins so that their function is not impaired. Use spacer
bars to anchor the valve connection asemblies as a
fixed point in the masonry. 

Spacer bar for interior wall spaces


For interior wall spaces use a flat spacer and bend to
the front wall dimension (X). 
Maximum dimension 17.5 cm

Spacer bars act as fasteners for the valve connections

and anchor them in the masonry, while also providing
a gauge for bore holes in valve connections. The gauge
for bore holes refers to the distance between hot and
cold water connections.

Flat spacer bar for recessed mounting


For Knauf, Rigips and Glock single-plank walls, a sepa-

rate spacer bar was designed which fits on the fasten-
ing elements supplied by the manufacturers of the wall
Bent spacer bar for recessed mounting
Only use valve connections without housing on the
The many different types of spacers enable anchoring
spacer bars for Knauf, Rigips, Glock single-plank walls.
valve connections in diverse wall constructions.
See also the wall manufacturer's documentation.

Bent spacer bar for interior wall spaces


Spacer use
Spacing 153 (150)  

for bathtub, shower valves and other

INSTAFLEX spacer bars are manufactured from one
Spacing 100 piece; they reduce assembly efforts thanks to sim-
for continuous flow heater, tanks and other plified procedures.
Spacing 80 There is no limit to the number of times a rail may be
for pillar wash-stands used for valve connection installations. 
Single mounting Make sure the rail is removed after bricking up the wall
for surface-mounted toilet cisterns, washing machines recess but before the plaster work.
and other 
This increases the assembly effort as more procedures
are required. 

System technology and application technology

Valve connections and fastening


Single and/or double-valve connections

Single-valve connection with housing for with housing for interior wall spaces

recessed mounting

Single-valve connection with housing for

recessed mounting with mounting rail

1 Mounting rail
2 Backing stem
Fasten the valve connection with the
backing stem to the mounting rail.

Single and/or double-valve connections

without housing for recessed mounting,
fastened to spacer with threaded bolts M6
x 20

Valve connections with flange without

housing for recessed mounting or interior
wall spaces, fastened to spacer with
threaded bolts M6 or with coupling nut
Protect valve connections without hous-
Valve connections with flange for interior ing from the masonry by wrapping them
wall spaces, fastened to spacer with with felt tape or foam insulation.
threaded bolt M6

System technology and application technology

Run-off support Installation dimensions

When connecting mixing taps for horizontal surfaces via Attention:
corner valves, make sure to take the run-off into consid- Always measure the installation dimensions from the fin-
eration when installing the valve connections, e.g. for ished floor level.
wash basins and kitchen sinks.   

Depending on the type of wash basin (with or without

pillar), the gauge for bore holes is between 80 and 153
Fasten the run-off support to the spacer bar with a
threaded bolt M6.
The same arrangement is used for double-valve con-
Mount the run-off support with a bore hole gauge of 80
mm. Valve connections with housing can be placed at Shower
an angle of 17.5 or 35°, respectively. The run-off sup- H = 116–120 cm
Gauge for bore
port is fitted between 60 and 80 mm under the connec- holes 150 (153) 
tions.  Observe the
instructions of

Wash basin and kitchen sink

H = 101 cm
h = 55 cm
Gauge for bore holes 80–150 (153)
Observe the manufacturer's
instructions of wash basins

Bath tub
H = 71 cm
Gauge for bore holes 150 (153)
Observe the manufacturer's instructions
of bath tubs

System technology and application technology

Connecting concealed toilet cysterns, single

and double
Connections for concealed toilet cysterns are not
Connection with INSTAFLEX
For a concealed toilet cystern, assemble the shut-off
valve connection outside the toilet cystern.
Surface-mounted toilet cystern and bidet Push the single or double-valve connection into the
H = 75 cm opening on the toilet cystern (35 mm) and fasten it from
h = 10–15 cm the inside with the corresponding fastening accessories.
h = 10–15 cm-
Gauge for bore holes 150 (153)
Observe the manufacturer's instructions of toilet cysterns Assembly from the back

1 Nut
2 Spacer ring
3 Gasket
4 Housing

Assemble the angle check valve outside the toilet cys-

tern in the valve connection (single or double). Slide a
fastening nut (1") over the angle check valve to fasten
the connection. 
Assembly from above

System technology and application technology

Replacement of multistory piping
INSTAFLEX piping is a perfect alternative to rigid instal-
lations. The flexible pipe-in-sleeve system can be laid so
that the medium-conveying pipe is easily replaced in
case of mechanical damage (e.g. drilling). 
To ensure easy replacement, the following points should
be noted:
Dirt, stone chips, cement slurry, etc. may not get into the
gap between the medium-conveying pipe and the pro-
tective sleeve. This can be prevented with correct as-
sembly and by using the INSTAFLEX installation tools
and aids listed below:
• INSTAFLEX formwork box 
article no. 760 853 299
• INSTAFLEX formwork duct
article no. 760 853 300

• INSTAFLEX pipe support

article no. 760 853 399
Protect the valve connection from the masonry by cov-
ering it with a foam rubber insulation. • INSTAFLEX sleeve for protection
article no. 760 854 986 d16 red 
article no. 760 854 987 d16 green
article no. 760 854 988 d20 red
article no. 760 854 989 d20 green

Do not exceed the minimum bending radius of R = 10

x d (d16, d20, d25, d32) between two connections when
installing a pipe section. If there are more than 4
changes in direction, the bending radii should be larger
in order to warrant easy replacement.  
If you are using the pipe-in-sleeve system, you must se-
cure the pipes inside the protective sleeve adequately,
especially in the bend area and the hollow spaces. 

System technology and application technology

Pipe fastening in hollow spaces to ensure replaceabili- Installation Guidelines (SVGW-W 3)


Secure the pipe bends with at least two to three clips. I. When installing flexible pipe-in-sleeve systems in
Straight pipes are fastened every 1 to 1.5 m. solid floor and wall constructions (concrete), the
pipes must be exchangeable and the position of
Manifolds should be accessible. If you build it in-wall, we
the connectors visible from the outside.

recommend providing a service opening. 

Valve connections are limited to a maximum installa-
tion depth of 60 mm. The installation depth is measured II. Bend-resistant pipes may not be cemented in.
from the front edge of the wall covering to the back edge    
of the connection. To replace a single and double con-
nection, a wall opening of 55 or 70 mm, respectively, is III. Plastic pipes and the respective connectors (com-
required.  pression or welded) laid in-wall must be provided
with a jacketing to protect the system parts from
  mechanical and chemical damage.
IV. Compression joints may be used in-wall. They
may be laid in flooring and in non-concrete walls
without having to be discernible from the outside.

SVGW-W 3 Art. 4.120
SVGW-W 3 Art. 4.620
SVGW-W 3 Art. 5.100


After removing the two fastening screws, the connector

elbow can be taken out of the housing from the front. 2 Valve connection without housing


Double connections can only be replaced by opening up

the masonry. 
SVGW guidelines (Swiss Association for Gas and Wa-
ter) on replacing INSTAFLEX pipes according to the W
3 guideline
Plastic piping systems must be installed according to
the W3 guidelines for building drinking water installa-
tions as well as the manufacturer's instructions.1

1 Valve connection with housing


System technology and application technology

Certain areas of the structural design, e.g. peripheral

area of basement floors, garages, driveways, etc.
can reach temperatures below 0 °C. Make sure pipes
are laid in frost-free areas of the building to prevent risk
of freezing.

Valve connections in walls without reinforcement can be Incorrect solution. The pipe risks freezing because of
either with or without housing.  the cold bridge. 

The correct solution. The pipe is laid in a warm area. 

Pipelines which are only used intermittently and which
are exposed to risk of frost, e.g. pipes to unheated side
1 Valve connection with housing rooms, gardens, outdoor courtyards, must be equipped
2 Pipe with shut-off and drain valves.
3 Distributor

For pipes which are liable to freeze, drainage can be
warranted by laying the respective pipeline as a single
supply pipe with negative slope along its entire length to
the outlet valve or to the pipe connection.

If stub lines have been laid instead, drain the pipes by

Flooring or wall without reinforcement blowing them out with compressed air or by suction. 

Concrete wall or floor with reinforcement

Frost-proof pipe laying

An important factor to remember when laying frost-proof
sanitary installations in heated buildings is where the
pipes are placed in the structural design of the building.
Generally, the temperature will be above 0 °C, but if this
factor is ignored, there is a real danger of the pipes
freezing if there is water stagnation. 
Drain pipes which are liable to freeze if the temperature
1 Drainage
drops below 0 °C. Ice formation in water sinks is not a
2 Inside
problem for our INSTAFLEX pipes.
3 Outside

System technology and application technology

2. Transition to compression fitting


Distributor with valve


Metal valves
1. Transition with external thread

Connections to INSTAFLEX compression fittings (e.g.

Loosen the union nut and the compression ferrule of the
compression fitting and put them on the adaptor. Screw
the adaptor with the gasket on the free compression fit-

Manifold service cabinets/Installation aids


Pipe guide

System technology and application technology

Protect screw thread with cap.


Nail the complete pipe guide onto the


Service cabinet
Service cabinet assembly after pouring the rough
  concrete floor

1 Top of concrete floor

Lay the pipes on the reinforcement
Wall recess
  and conduct them upward through the
pipe guide.
Pipeline assembly

Screw the carrier and pipe guide together. After pouring the concrete, remove the thread
covering. Place the service cabinet on the pipe guide

and bolt down.

System technology and application technology

The service cabinet can be offset to the pipe guide by

±15 mm.

Pipe bracket with M8 thread


The rest of the fastening materials are enclosed.

First mount the manifold in the service cabinet and con-
nect the pipes, only then attach the valve connections.  

1 Packaging cardboard
Remove the packaging cardboard from
the service cabinet. 

1 Packaging cardboard
Put the packaging cardboard in the cabi-

1 Cover frame with door

Dismantle the cover frame with door from
the service cabinet.

The packaging cardboard

protects the cabinet and its
contents during construction.

System technology and application technology

1 Cover frame with door

Reinsert the varnished cover frame with
door in final assembly.

Service cabinet assembly before pouring the rough  

concrete floor Attention:

First fuse the pipes to the manifold before attaching the
pipe connections.
Lay the pipes on the reinforcement. Conduct the pipes
through the pipe guide into the service cabinet and con-
nect to manifold.
Before connecting the pipes to the manifold, fit long pro-
tective pipe sleeves on the pipe up to the lettering.

Place the pre-assembled service cabinet on the pipe

guide and fasten it. 

1 Packaging cardboard
Put the packaging cardboard in the cabi-

System technology and application technology

Manifold arrangement with and without water meter, access from

top or side possible. 
The fastening rails are individually adjustable. 
The packaging cardboard  

protects the cabinet and its

contents during construction. 
Manifold arrangement in cabinet

1 Cover frame with door

Reinsert the varnished cover frame with Manifold arrangement with and without water meter, access only
door in final assembly.
from below, valves horizontal 

Service cabinet assembly on the rough concrete


Manifold arrangement with and without water meter, access from

Mount the service cabinet on the rough below, valves vertical 
concrete floor and fasten. Assemble the  

pipes as described above.


System technology and application technology

Installation dimensions

* Variable opening of side wall


Manifold 5x with hot water meter and valvel
Solution = cabinet size 600 mm
Number of distributor outlets in cabinet
Cabinet size

600 780  
7 9 Distributor with valve
5 8 Distributor with valve and
water meter
9 12 Distributor only

System technology and application technology

Replacing a pipe in the service cabinet Laying INSTAFLEX pipes in rough concrete

Fasten the service cabinet carrier on the formwork. 

Lay the pipes on the reinforcement and conduct them

upward through the carrier.

Cut off the pipe to be replaced about 5 cm below the

distributor outlet. 
Replace the pipe by pulling a new pipe in. Join the pipes
afterwards with the electrofusion socket.
If the pipe is exchanged, the corresponding pipeline is
Write the consumer on the sleeve.

1 Top of concrete floor


Place the pre-assembled service cabinet on the carrier

and fasten. 

System technology and application technology

Pipe support d16/d20

Damage can be avoided by using pipe support ele-
ments in the concrete floor, thus lifting the pipes from
the reinforcement underneath. 

Formwork box d16/d20/d25

If you wish to conduct the pipes downward through the
concrete floor, we recommend using a formwork box. 
Install the formwork box directly under the formwork re-

Conduct the pipe into the service cabinet and shorten

the protective sleeve with the corresponding cutter for
protective sleeves. Attach the protective sleeve (sleeve
can be written on). Connect the pipe to the manifold 
(compression or fusion jointing).

First fuse the pipes to the manifold before attaching the Pipes in d16 and d20 can be pushed directly into the
valve connections.  formwork box with the protection sleeve. However, d25

pipes can only be inserted without protective

sleeve. Several formwork boxes can be laid side by
side, 45 mm apart, in the same or opposite direction.
Nail the formwork box to the formwork directly under-
neath the reinforcement with the enclosed nails.
After removing the floor formwork, the pipe can be con-
nected downward to the manifold. The manifold fasten-
ing is similar to manifold fastening in the formwork duct.

System technology and application technology

Formwork duct
Close off the pipe ends with the sleeve (red/green) en-
closed in the packaging. Put the pipe (d16 or d20) in the
guide and attach it with the clip. Several guides can be
used side by side, 45 m apart, in the same or opposite
After removing the formwork for the floor slab, pull the
required length (x) of the medium-conveying pipe up to
the manifold. 
Then attach the protective sleeve with the correspond-
ing coupling. 
Fasten the manifold by putting M8 metal dowels in the
provided openings. Then secure the manifold with IN-
STAFLEX pipe brackets and M8 threaded bolts. 

  1  Metal dowel M8 

2  Threaded bolt M8
3  Pipe bracket
4  Distributor

Pipe support
Pipes (d16, d20) are laid in the pipe support and fas-
tened with clips. A reinforcement rod (diameter 10) can
be inserted in the pipe support to provide additional sup-
port for the pipes upward. Several pipe supports can be
positioned side by side, keeping a distance of 45 mm
between them. 

d16 = article no.
760 853 316
d20 = article no.
760 853 753

System technology and application technology

Manifold prefabrication PB valve product description

Multistory manifold The valve is designed as a «straight-seat valve», but
with full passage, which means it also corresponds to
an «angle-seat valve».

A multistory manifold consists of INSTAFLEX valve with

electrofusion union and a multi-distributor with electrofu-
sion unions. 

Valve with handwheel operation, d20 to


A second version consists of an INSTAFLEX valve Attention:

with surface-mounted water meter and a multi-distribu- Do not use the valve with handwheel operation as
tor. The transitions are made with water meter unions. an outlet or drain valve.

Basement manifold

A basement manifold includes shut-off and drain valves

as well as threaded outlets. Inlet is with a flanged con-  

If the valve bonnet is designed appropriately, it can be
Precise pre-fabrication enables optimal on-site operated with handwheel or with a commercially avail-
working! able in-wall actuator.
In-wall actuators from H. and F. Grohe, Hansa, and oth-
ers can be used. 
The valve is constructed according to a gate design with
direct sealing of the sliding tongue in the valve
body. This means the medium can flow in any
direction. If the passage cross-section is fully opened
with a non-rising valve spindle, it has the characteristic
of a free flow valve. Therefore, flow velocities up to max-
imum 5 m/s* are permitted. Because the valve actua-
tion is 90° to the flow direction, it can be used as  a leg
shut-off as well as an in-wall valve. In both cases, the
valve bonnet can be replaced. 
*per DVGW DIN 1988

System technology and application technology

Technical data for PB valves

d20 - d63
• Flow values (see Pipe Network Dimensions)
• Seals
The seals used are made of ethylene-propylene-di-
ene-rubber (EPDM) and comply with KTW recom-
mendations (Plastics in Drinking Water) and are ap-
proved for a constant operating temperature of 90°C.
Short-term peaks up to 120°C are possible.
In combination with oils, the use of EPDM is condi-
• Noise behaviour
The INSTAFLEX valve satisfies the requirements of
DIN 52218. It is therefore considered a low-noise
valve and assigned to valve group 1.
LAG < 20 dB (A)
Test certificate number of the DIBt-Berlin PA-IX
Valve with handwheel operation, d40 to 7010/l

Assembly and installation instructions

Valves with drainage are designed with  /4" thread on

both sides so conventional drain valves can be fitted.  1. Branch/Distributor valve

The thread insert is rotatable, so the outlet spigot can al- For on-wall installation with handwheel operation, the
ways be turned in the desired direction, independent of valve can be used as branch shut-off as well as distribu-
the installation situation.  tion shut-off. 
The valves are fitted with a grey handwheel. The sup-
plied discs (red/green) serve to identify hot or cold wa-

Fuse the pipes and/or distributor directly into the valve

body as specified in the fusion instructions. 
The valve is fused similar to fittings with the IN-
STAFLEX fusion machine.

2. Concealed (in-wall) valve without direct operation

For in-wall valves make sure the valve body is not dam-
aged by external effects (masonry). This also applies to
the INSTAFLEX pipe.
Before installing the valve, place the protective sleeve of
the in-wall assembly on the valve. The installation depth
of the valve in the wall is between 75 and 125 mm.

System technology and application technology

3. In-wall valve for direct operation

For in-wall valves with direct operation, the valve body
has been designed to accept conventional actuators
from diverse manufacturers (Hansa, Grohe, etc.). The
valve bonnet has a valve spindle with a grooved tooth-
ing of 8 x 20 teeth and a fastening screw M24 x 1.

Cut off the sleeve 15 mm overlapping the finished wall

and put the chrome cap on. 

1 Grooved toothing ø 8 x 20 teeth


Before installing the valve, put the protective sleeve of

the in-wall assembly on the valve. The installation depth
depends on the actuating element used. 

If the installation depth is greater than 125 mm, length-

en the sleeve. This can be done by fusing two sleeves

Protection against external damage,

e.g. casing or insulation

The valve is operated with a screwdriver.


Cut off the sleeve flush with the finished wall. Then
mount the actuating element according to the manufac-
turer's instructions. 
The installation depth varies depending on the type of
actuating element. Generally it is between 85 and 125
4. Replacing the bonnet
The valve bonnet can be replaced in-wall through the
protective sleeve. Before dismantling the valve bonnet,
remove the cover or the actuating element. Dismantle
the valve bonnet with a hexagon socket spanner 17 w/a.


System technology and application technology

1. Arrangement as a branch shut-off d20 to d63

Branch valve horizontal


See also the manufacturer's assembly in- All valves are available in a socket fusion or electro-
fusion version.
• No restrictions in installation
• Vertical and horizontal installation
• Hanging or standing bonnet
• Any flow direction
• In-wall or on-wall installation
• Pipes, manifolds and fittings can be directly fused in

Branch valve with fused-in fitting


Vertical branch valve


System technology and application technology

Valve with several distributors


Branch valve with riser pipe outlet, in-wall assembly including fas-

Valve with handwheel, electrofusion

adaptor, double manifold

3. Fastening with branch assembly d20 to d63


Branch valve with electrofusion adaptor,

e.g. for riser pipes


with PB manifold d25/d32

When fastening the valve, make sure that the forces
which occur from valve operation are not transferred to
the pipeline. Instead, the forces should be deflected via
the fastening, which is why a double-sided fastening
with two pipe brackets is preferred. 
The valve can thus also be used as a fixed point.

In-wall valve with manifold in the pipeline


System technology and application technology

Application examples for PB valves in

basement distribution

Basement manifold with INSTAFLEX valves up to d63,

with drain valve and various pipe connections

Fastening with conventional pipe brackets


See also the INSTAFLEX product catalogue.


4. Fastening with PB manifold d25


Basement manifold with INSTAFLEX valves without
When used with a manifold, the fastening arrangement drainage. Drainage is done separately. 
depends on the number of distributor outlets.   

If you are using a short manifold with up to three distrib-

utor outlets, it can be fastened to the valve. However, if
there are several outlets on the manifold, a separate  

manifold fastener should be used. Branch shut-off with INSTAFLEX valves without

drainage. Drainage is done separately. 
– application with thermal insulation throughout.

System technology and application technology

Valve adaptor unions DN d G1

With the INSTAFLEX valve adaptor union, durable 12 16 ¾"
and leak-proof connections to manifold valves, shut-off
15 20 ¾"
valves, return check valves and metal safety groups
with external thread for pipe unions (G) can be made. 15 20 1"
The external threads of metal pipe unions differ howev- 20 25 ¾"
er from the external threads of plastic pipe unions by 20 25 1"
one thread dimension.
20 25 1¼"
25 32 1"
Union DN25
25 32 1¼"
• Metal 1"
Thread G1½" 25 32 1½"
• Plastic (polybutene) d32 32 40 1¼"
Thread G 2" 32 40 1½"
The jump in dimensions in the union thread (G) is relat- 32 40 2"
ed to the different mechanical stability of the materials 40 50 1¾"
(metal/plastic). 40 50 2¼"

50 63 2⅜"
50 63 2¾"

For special applications (see Applications) you can use

the brass coupling nut with the PB flange sleeve as di-
rect connection.
The INSTAFLEX valve adaptor union consists of an in-

termediate ring, a coupling nut and a flange sleeve. 

The intermediate ring serves to bridge the diameter of
the different union threads (G1 - G). The other two parts
are required for socket fusion with seal. 
Adaptor union for electrofusion
Special features:
Easy assembly  – no special tools required.  

Economical in use  – much less time and effort neces-  

sary.  d G d1
Technical data 16 1 13
The valve adaptor union consists of a PB flange sleeve 20 1¼ 16
with groove and O-ring, a brass coupling nut and a 25 1½ 21
brass intermediate ring (nickel-plated). The design is
therefore quite similar to an INSTAFLEX adaptor union. 32 2 28
40 2½ 36
The dimensions are adapted to commercially available
angle seat valves and manifold valves as well as safety 50 2¾ 45
valves.  63 3¼ 57
For thread (G1)-pipe (d) combinations that do not fit, a  

reducer may be welded in to compensate the discrepan- Applications

cy, see Applications.   

Connection of an angle seat valve with two valve adaptor unions


System technology and application technology

Make sure the O-ring seal of the flange sleeve lies flat
on whole surface.

Connections to
tanks and valves
(filter, pressure
valve (PRV))

Direct connection with coupling nut and flange sleeve

without groove and O-ring.
• only for use with cold water
• sealed with soft rubber gasket
Connection of manifold valves with the valve adaptor union 
Changes in diameter can be compensated by welding in This connection is not an INSTAFLEX system con-
reducers.  nection and is therefore not tested and approved as

Connection of a safety group

with valve adaptor union and
adaptor union with pipe inter-
nal thread  (Rp thread)

A d25 - G1 ¼
B d25 - Rp ¾

Tank connec-

Direct connection with coupling nut and flange sleeve

with groove and O-ring.

System technology and application technology

Adaptor union for pressure gauge and Water meter union

thermometer The INSTAFLEX water meter union is the ideal con-
nector between conventional water meters and the IN-

STAFLEX shut-off valve or distributor. Easy and ratio-

nal assembly facilitates your work.
Adaptor union for electrofusion

DN - G1
1 Pressure gauge 15 (½) - ¾
2 Thermometer

20 (¾) - 1
d Rp 20(¾) - 1

20 ½  

25 ¾ G1 - d
32 1 ¾ - 25

The length (L) of the immersion sleeve depends on the 1 - 25

pipe dimension.  1 - 25
The maximum diameter (d) of the immersion sleeve is  

12 mm. Union with socket or spigot


d1 L(mm) Application tip

25 ≈ 70 The adaptor union is equipped with a flat-sealing thread
32 ≈ 70 - 80 on one side and a PB flange sleeve (socket) on the oth-
er.  You can combine diverse dimensions with the avail-
40 ≈ 90 - 110 able union versions.
50 ≈ 100 - 120  

63 ≈ 110 - 140
75 ≈ 150 - 190 
90 ≈ 170 - 210
Pre-assembled unit with INSTAFLEX valve, water meter, IN-
100 ≈ 180 - 240 STAFLEX manifold and electrofusion adaptors

Drain valves
Connect the drain valve so that its use does not dam-
age the INSTAFLEX pipe. 

Thermometers and pressure gauges can be installed

safely in piping systems with the help of adaptor

System technology and application technology

Hot water heater

Practical and user-friendly connecting elements make it
easier to connect hot water boilers (HW boiler). 
Connect the safety group with valve or polybutene
adaptor unions depending on the design. 
A non-ferrous T-piece is preferred at the cold water
boiler  (CW boiler) inlet so the drain valve can be con-
nected directly. The supply line is connected via an
adaptor union with external thread. 
The HW boiler outlet and the circulation line are con-
nected via an adaptor union with internal thread to the
The adaptor unions represent a fast, easy and safe con-
nection technology for boilers and equipment. The IN-
STAFLEX union offers maximum safety thanks to its
perfected design. 


Always fasten the drain valve directly with a pipe


1 PB 1 PB
2 MS 2 MS
3 PB 3 Internal thread
The actual connection thread is a metal thread for all
unions. This is also true for unions with two weld-on

System technology and application technology

Pipeline installation with flexible sections

With the flexible pipes from INSTAFLEX, temperature-
related changes in length in a drinking water pipeline
can be absorbed in short flexible sections.
To prevent pipeline deflection, pipe carriers should not
be used in the area of the flexible section. You can use
flexible sections or expansion compensators in a num-
ber of ways:
I. Classic arrangement of flexible sections

ΔL = Temperature-related changes in length

LDS = Length of the expansion loop
FP = Fixed point
GB = Sliding fastener
LBS = Length of flexible section

II. Expansion bend

1 CW inlet  

2 HW outlet
3 Safety group
4 Boiler outlet, circulation connection
5 Boiler inlet

Basement distribution and riser pipes

Temperature-related changes in length
When planning and installing basement distribution pip-
ing and riser pipes with INSTAFLEX pipes and fittings, it
is important to remember temperature-related changes
in length, in addition to the structural requirements. 
According to the basic laws of physics, all pipe materi-
als expand when heated and contract when
cooled. This material behaviour must be taken into con-

sideration when installing drinking water pipes. 

The temperature-related change in length occurs with a
change in the ambient and operating temperatures. In
assembly, this pertains to:
1. Pipeline installation
2. Rigid installation
For visible runs of INSTAFLEX pipes, a straight
pipeline is achieved with the use of carriers. 

System technology and application technology

III. Flexible section with lateral yield of pipe


V. Flexible sections for in-wall installations

If the entire pipeline is installed in-wall, it must be insu-
lated according to the applicable guidelines with com-
mercially available insulating materials. Envelop the
flexible section with elastic material (mineral wool, foam
or similar) so that changes in length are not hindered. In
  most cases, the required insulation thickness is suffi-
cient for the thermal expansion. 
IV. Flexible sections in shafts  

If pipes run off from the riser mains in shafts of multisto-

ry installations, make sure that the branch can rebound
to take up the changes in length in the riser. There are 3
ways to do this:
• favourable positioning of the riser in the shaft (1)
• a large enough hole in the wall for the branch line (2)
• building an expansion loop (3)

Graphic determination of flexible section length


System technology and application technology

INSTAFLEX PB pipe Calculating the flexible section length

Temperature-related changes in length Δ l are deter- Calculating the change in length ΔL
mined from the temperature difference Δ ϑ and the ex-
pansion loop length LDS. The temperature-related change in length is calculated
The flexible section length LBS is determined from the with the following formula:
change in length Δ l and the pipe outer diameter d.  

ΔL = α x L x ΔT
LDS = 5 m
ΔL = Temperature-related change in length [mm]
Δ ϑ = 50 K
da = 63 mm α = Coefficient of linear expansion [mm/mK]
L BS = 45 cm      
See diagram below.   L = Length of pipeline [m]
Diagram to determine length of flexible section ΔT = Temperature difference [K]

α = 0.13 mm/mK corresponds to 1.3 x 10 -4
Calculating the flexible section length
Calculate the minimum length of the flexible section us-
ing the following formula:

Definition of symbols:
da = pipe outer diameter (mm)
ΔL = change in length (mm)
Ecm = average bend-creep module
σb = permissible bending stress

Calculation example:
The length of the pipeline is 5 m. The temperature-relat-
ed change in length of this pipe section has to be taken
up with a flexible section. The temperature difference
between the installation temperature and the maximum
operating temperature is 50 K. For this calculatation, PB
pipe 63 x 5.8 mm with an outer diameter of 63 mm is
Determining the flexible section length:
ΔL = α x L x ΔT
ΔL = 0.13 (mm/mK) x 5 m x 50 K
ΔL = 32.5 mm change in length
To determine the required length of the flexible section
more easily, the diagram for flexible section length de-
termination can be used.
L BS = 45 cm length of flexible section
If we compare this data with the data for a metal pipe in
the same dimension, we see that the flexible section for
the metal pipe must be much larger. The reason for this
is the significantly higher material constant C for metal
pipes than for a polybutene pipe.

System technology and application technology

Temperature-related change in length ΔL [cm] for


Pipeline Temperature difference Δ [K]

[m] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
0.1 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.13
0.2 0.03 0.05 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.23 0.26
0.3 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.23 0.27 0.31 0.35 0.39
0.4 0.05 0.10 0.16 0.21 0.26 0.31 0.36 0.42 0.47 0.52
0.5 0.06 0.13 0.20 0.26 0.33 0.39 0.46 0.52 0.59 0.65
0.6 0.08 0.16 0.23 0.31 0.39 0.47 0.55 0.62 0.70 0.78
0.7 0.09 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.46 0.55 0.64 0.73 0.82 0.91
0.8 0.10 0.21 0.31 0.42 0.52 0.62 0.73 0.83 0.94 1.04
0.9 0.12 0.23 0.35 0.47 0.59 0.70 0.82 0.94 1.05 1.17
1.0 0.13 0.26 0.39 0.52 0.65 0.78 0.91 1.04 1.17 1.30
2.0 0.26 0.52 0.78 1.04 1.30 1.56 1.82 2.08 2.34 2.60
3.0 0.39 0.78 1.17 1.56 1.95 2.34 2.73 3.12 3.51 3.90
4.0 0.52 1.04 1.56 2.08 2.60 3.12 3.64 4.16 4.68 5.20
5.0 0.65 1.30 1.95 2.60 3.25 3.90 4.55 5.20 5.85 6.50
6.0 0.78 1.56 2.34 3.12 3.90 4.68 5.46 6.24 7.02 7.80
7.0 0.91 1.82 2.73 3.64 4.55 5.46 6.37 7.28 8.19 9.10
8.0 1.04 2.08 3.12 4.16 5.20 6.24 7.28 8.32 9.36 10.40
9.0 1.17 2.34 3.51 4.68 5.85 7.02 8.19 9.36 10.53 11.70
10.0 1.30 2.60 3.90 5.20 6.50 7.80 9.10 10.40 11.70 13.00

System technology and application technology

Arrangement and spacing of pipe brackets in flexi-

ble section installation
Place the pipe brackets so that the changes in length
are not hindered. Make sure that the pipes can rebound
in holes through walls and floors. For longer pipelines
you can divide up the length changes with fixed points in
order to absorb them better.

System technology and application technology

Table to determine pipe bracket spacing


  PB pipe
Pipe dim. Cold water pipeline under 20 °C Hot water pipeline over 20 °C
  without with carriers without with carriers
carriers carriers
dxs L 1 [cm] L 2 [m] Pipe L 1 [cm] L 2 [m] Pipe
bracket bracket
16 x 2.2 50     35    
20 x 2.8 60 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.5 m 40 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.25 m
25 x 2.3 70     45    
32 x 3.0 80     50    
40 x 3.7 80 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.75 m 50 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.5 m
50 x 4.6 100     60    
63 x 5.8 125     75    
75 x 6.8 150     90    
90 x 8.2 180 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.75 m 110 ca. 1.5 - 2 m 0.5 m
110 x 10.0 200     130    
125 x 11.4 200     150    
160 x 14.6 200 2m 0.75 m 190 ca. 2 m 0.5 m
225 x 20.5 200     190    

Individual fixed point spacing depending on building sit- Fastening technology for riser pipes in shafts

There are no carriers for d90 to d110 in the IN-

STAFLEX product range.

PB drinking water pipeline with PB pipe and carrier

FB = Fixed point
GB = Sliding fastener

As illustrated above, carriers are not used in the area of

the flexible section so that the deflection is not hindered.

System technology and application technology

Requirements: Rigid installation - laying pipelines without pipe

• Use suitable pipe fastening to ensure that a fixed expansion
point is created at the bottom and top T-piece (floor
outlet).  A rigid installation is a straight pipeline between two
fixed points in which the pipe cannot move laterally. The
Definition of fixed point: temperature-related change in length is absorbed in
Fastening which prevents axial movement of the pipe the INSTAFLEX pipe. The thermal expansion forces of
and the pipe bracket in any direction (traction forces). the pipe are transferred via the fixed point to the struc-
• Position the pipe fastening directly at each floor outlet ture. 
(above or below the T-piece). For INSTAFLEX pipes rigid installation is only possible
• If the floor outlet is at midway height of the with pipe carriers. The forces which act on the fixed
room (ca. 0.4 m), one pipe fastening per floor is point depend on the pipe cross-section, the tempera-
enough. ture difference and the pipe material. They are however
much higher than for installations with flexible sections,
• If the T-piece is located at the height of the top edge which is why you need additional support fixtures
of floor, a second fastening is required. at greater wall and floor spacing. 
• Only use flexible insulation (e.g. Armaflex, glass or
mineral wool or similar) for HW riser pipes. 
Experience (based on testing and practice):
Thanks to their flexibility, hot water INSTAFLEX pipes
bend out freely without large axial thrust forces. You can
support this free movement by using flexible insulation
wherever possible. The insulation also protects against
mechanical damage.
Basic principle:
Riser pipes in shafts enable absorbing the thermal ex-
pansion by letting the INSTAFLEX pipes «bend out» at
the floor height. This lateral bending has no negative ef-
fects on the polybutene material, regardless whether
one, two or more pipe fastenings are used. 

System technology and application technology

Use of carriers in fixed point installations

If lateral movement of the INSTAFLEX pipes is not de-
sired, you can install the INSTAFLEX pipes with clip car-
riers. The pipe is ca. 60 % enclosed by the carrier
and pipe deflection is prevented. The temperature-relat-
ed change in length is also reduced. INSTAFLEX pipe
installations with clip carriers have to overlap 25 cm so
that a temperature-related change in length is possible. 
Arrangement and spacing of pipe brackets in rigid

Pipe dim. d Fixed point Fast.spacing L 1 Pipe binder Fast.spacing L 1 Pipe binder
spacing spacing L 2 spacing L 2
16/20/25 individual de- 1.5 - 2.0 m 0.5 m 1.5 - 2.0 m 0.25 m
pending on build-
ing site 
32/40/50   1.5 - 2.0 m 0.75 m 1.5 - 2.0 m 0.5 m

System technology and application technology

Deflection of straight PB
hot water pipes [mm]

Support spacing d
L1 in mm 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 160
500 2.5              
600 3.5 3.0            
750 6.0 4.5 3.5          
900 9.0 6.5 5.0 4.5        
1100   11.0 8.0 6.5 5.5      
1300     11.5 9.0 7.5 6.0    
1500       13.0 10.0 8.0 7.0  
1700         12.0 9.0 8.0 6.5
1900           10.5 9.0 7.0

Expansion forces at the fixed points due to

differences in temperature

There are no pipe carriers for d90 and d110 in the IN-

STAFLEX product range. 

Pipe expansion force F R in N

In rigid assemblies, the expansion forces which occur
are transferred from the fixed points to the building
The temperature difference between the installation
temperature and the operating temperature is 50 K. The
INSTAFLEX pipe used in this example has d63 dimen-
The expansion force taken from the above diagram is
therefore 1200 N.
FFP= fixed point force
FR= pipe exansion force
FR =  FFP = 1200 N
More information on how to calculate the expansion
forces can be found in the section "linear expansion".
The expansion forces that initially occur in rigid assem-
blies convert in time to tensile forces. This conversion
depends on the load caused by the change in tempera-
ture. It is therefore important when designing fixed
points to remember that not only expansion forces but
also tensile forces need to be absorbed.

System technology and application technology

For pipelines which are reduced two or more dimen-

sions in the passage, the reduction point should be fas-
tened with a fixed point. 
Calculating the fixed point fastening
FZ = (FFP x H) / (L x X)

D = diameter of fastening 
H = distance between wall or floor and pipeline
L = distance between screws
X = number of screws subject to tensile load
F FP = fixed point forces (N)
FZ = screw or dowel retention force (N)

2-hole base plate

4-hole base plate
FZ= (1200 N x 20 cm) / (12 cm x 2) = 1000 N
Retention force per screw
FZ = 1000 N

System technology and application technology

Choice of fastener diameter (D) of pipe bracket on

base plate

The diameters given in the diagram are reference val- Realising fixed points and sliding fasteners
ues, based on a deflection of ca. 5 mm.
For a more precise calculation, please see the pipe Arrangement of fixed points «FP»
bracket manufacturer's data.  Fixed points direct temperature-related expansions in
the pipeline in a desired direction. Fixed points should
always be arranged at a fitting and supported on both
Some installation examples of fixed points:

up to d63

System technology and application technology

up to d63
  from d75


up to d63
  from d75


Fixed point with half of an electrofusion socket

Supplied on request.

If you use metal valves up to d63, we recommend

from d75
  fastening them with 2 pipe brackets.
If you use metal valves d75 and larger, fasten the
valves directly on the fitting.

System technology and application technology

Fixed point layout for rigid installation of Fixed point configuration

INSTAFLEX hot water pipes d16 to d63  

Dis- d25 d32 d40 d50 d63

tance to
floor in
to 10 M8 M8 M10 M10 ½"
to 15 M10 ½" ½" ½" ½"
to 20  ½" ½" ½" ½" ½"
to 25 ½" ½" ½" ½" ½"
to 30 ½" ½" ½" ½" ¾"
to 35 ½" ½" ½" ¾" ¾"
to 40 ½" ½" ¾" ¾" ¾"
to 45 ½" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾"
to 50 ½" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾"

For dimensions ≥ d75 contact our technical support. 

Due to the low expansion forces of PB, conventional
pipe brackets with rubber linings up to d63 are
sufficient. They should always be tightened firmly. 
• Always install visible and horizontal pipelines with car-
1 Pipe bracket
• Always fasten INSTAFLEX pipelines tightly with pipe 2 Carrier plate
3 Threaded rod
brackets with rubber linings and threaded rods (min. 4 Base plate

• Place sockets, valves, etc. directly at a pipe bracket

so there is no interruption in the carrier
• Always mount clip carriers flush 
• Other carriers should always overlap ca. 25 cm and
be tied with zip ties
• For long pipelines, we recommend first aligning the
pipe brackets with a string 

System technology and application technology

Selecting a carrier plate (Table 1)


      Pipe dimension d
      d16 d20 d25 d32 d40 d50 d63 d75
    Carrier plate no.

Socket Fu- T equal, T red.  

1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4
sion Fittings


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

  PB valves  

  2 2 2 3 3 4  

Electrofusion T equal, T red.  

2 3 3 3 4 4 4  


1 1 2 2 2 2 3 4

Determining the pipe bracket spacing (Table 2)


Carrier 1 2 3 4
plate no.
Pipe 33 - 63 64 - 94 97 - 125 132 - 162
spacing s

A fixed point needs to be installed at the T-piece d40. In
Table 1 we see that the carrier plate no. 2 is required. In
Table 2 a pipe bracket spacing between 64 - 94 mm is
given for carrier plate no. 2. 

System technology and application technology

Selecting the threaded rod


  INSTAFLEX pipe dimension

    d16 d20 d25 d32 d40 d50 d63
  10 cm              
Distance to 15 cm   M10          
floor 20 cm              
  25 cm       ½"      
  30 cm              
  35 cm              
  40 cm             ¾"

Please note that all the data given in these tables is

based on a temperature difference of 60 K.
for threaded rod M10 ½"
  16 27 49
  20 31 53
Pipe bracket  25 33 55
diameter 32 38 60
  40 42 64
d 50 46 68
  63 53 75
  75 60 82

Rigid installation
The three floor plans below show possible placement of
fixed points. 

1 Length of threaded rod L

2 Centre distance A
3 Reducer M10 - ½"


1  on T-piece
2  on pipeline
3  on change in direction 
For basement distribution, only use rigid installation with
carriers and position the fixed points at branches and in
the pipeline.

System technology and application technology

Rigid installation and flexible sections Pipe bracket diameters and spacing for

INSTAFLEX fittings

d40 Pipe diameter corresponds 
d50 to pipe bracket diameter

Pipes from basement manifolds can be installed rigid in
some places and with flexible sections in others. 
Position the fixed points at branches and in the    

INSTAFLEX fittings with socket fusion joints

Do not install any carriers in the area of flexible sec- T 90° equal
tions or else the deflection of the pipeline will be hin-  

Sliding fastener (GB)
Sliding fasteners enable the pipeline to move in the axi-
al direction. Avoid jamming.
Only use pipe brackets and fastening materials which
satisfy the following conditions:
• suitable for plastic pipes
• noise insulating bracket lining available
Select the size of the pipe bracket according to the
pipe dimension to ensure smooth sliding during oper-  

ation and to prevent the bracket lining from being  

pulled out.  Dimension D L


16 22 50
20 26 56
25 32 64
32 40 76
40 51 88
50 64 102
63 81 124

75 91 150
90 112 176
110 132 210

T 90° reduced

System technology and application technology

INSTAFLEX fittings with electrofusion joints


Dimension D L  

20-16-20 26 56  

Dimension L
20-16-16 26 56
16 76
20-20-16 26 56
20 80
25-16-25 32 64
25 85
25-20-25 32 64
32 85
25-20-20 32 64
40 95
25-25-20 32 64
50 99
32-16-32 40 76
63 102
32-20-32 40 76
75 134
32-25-32 40 76
90 147
40-16-40 51 88
110 160
40-25-40 51 88  

50-16-50 64 102 T 90° equal

T 90° reduced
50-25-50 64 102  

63-16-63 81 124
63-25-63 81 124


Dimension L
Dimension D L 16 94
16 22 33 20 108
20 26 33 25 116
25 32 39 32 120
32 40 43 40 138
40 51 48 50 156
50 64 54 63 1172
63 81 60 75 224
75 91 69 90 254
90 110 80 110 292

110 133 94

System technology and application technology

Bending radius for PB pipes

INSTAFLEX pipes d16, d20 and d25 are always bent 
cold. A minimum bending radius is required for bending
which is compatible with the material. 

INSTAFLEX pipes With bending tool (90 °) 5xd By hand (90 °) 10xd
Pipe dimension Bending radius R Radian measure B Bending radius R Radian measure B
  mm mm mm mm
16 80 125 128 201
20 100 157 160 251

INSTAFLEX pipes With bending tool (90 °) 8xd By hand (90 °) 10xd

Pipe dimension Bending radius R Radian measure B Bending radius R Radian measure B
  mm mm mm mm
25 200 314 250 392
32 256 402    


INSTAFLEX With bending tool (90°) 35xd at +10 INSTAFLEX With bending tool (90°) 20xd at +20
pipes °C pipes °C
Pipe dimension Bending radius Radian measure Pipe dimension Bending radius Radian measure
  mm mm   mm mm
40 1400 2198 40 800 1256
50 1750 2748 50 1000 1570
63 2205 3462 63 1260 1978
75 2625 4121 75 1500 2355
90 3150 4946 90 1800 2826
110 3850 6045 110 2200 3454

System technology and application technology


Make certain that the minimum bending radius is kept

when transitioning from the floor to the wall. 
• The minimum bending radius refers to the pipe cen-
• You may not go below the minimum bending radius.
• Ensure that there are no dents or compressions after
the bending process.
• Hot bending of PB pipes is prohibited.
• Commercially available pipe bends can be used to
bend the pipes. It is important that the bending radii
given here are adhered to and that the pipe is not
damaged or buckled. 
• The given temperatures only pertain to the bending
• From dimension d40 and up, you may not subject the
pipes to a pressure test immediately after 1 Pipe fastening in bending area
bending. The waiting time for a pipe temperature d16 R = 130 mm
of 10 °C is 48 hours. At a pipe temperature of 20 °C d20 R = 160 mm
the waiting time is 18 hours.  d25 R = 200 mm

• If the pipes are only briefly bent, e.g. to insert them in

a shaft, the pipes may be bent with a bending radius
of at least 15xd at an ambient temperature of 10 °C.
For an ambient temperature of 20 °C the minimum
short-term bending radius is 9xd.

System technology and application technology

Linear expansion Pipeline calculations

It is a law of nature that all solid bodies expand to some Determining the pipe expansion forces in a «rigid in-
degree when heated and they contract again when stallation»
A rod with an original length L 0 exhibits a change in FR= ARx E x ε 
length ΔL when heated by a temperature difference Under the load condition, thermal expansion is ε = α x
Δϑ. Δϑ .
The temperature-related coefficient of linear expan- Determining the fixed point forces in a flexible sec-
sion α indicates the lengthening value at a temperature tion installation
increase of 1 K for a 1 m rod.   

ΔL = Temperature-related change in length

L = Pipe length  


The average linear expansion coefficent for:


α = 0.13 mm / mK ≙ 1.3 x 10 mm/mm K


The temperature-related change in length is calculated

with the following formula:
ΔL = α x L x Δϑ

Determining the pipe support distances


Determining the bending stress


Determining the allowed unsupported length

for fixed clamped pipe sections

System technology and application technology

LK with minimum safety factor of S K = 2

LK greater than LA

Calculation example:
Pipe expansion force FR / Fixed point force FFP
Selected pipe dimension: 63 x 5.8
Elasticity modulus: 450 N/mm 2

α: 0.13 mm/mK
When you lay pipelines so that axial expansion is not Δψ: 50 K
possible, you should compare the determined pipe sup-
port distance LA with the allowed unsupported length LK , 1. Pipe expansion force F :

LA may not be larger than LK .  


α Coefficient of linear expansion m/mK

FR Expansion force of pipe N  

ΔL Change in length of the expansion mm

E Elasticity modulus N/mm 2

ε Prevented change in length, calcu-  

lation of the prevented change in  

length always only on one meter  

pipe length   Pipe expansion Type of pipe  Ratio Dimension

AR Pipe ring surface mm 2 force = fixed factor
point force
LBS Length of flexible section mm
FFP = FR = INSTAFLEX 1.0 d63 x 5.8
JR Torque of inertia of pipe mm 4
3047 N PB pipe
LA Distance between pipe supports mm FFP= FR=  PE-X pipe 2.9 d63 x 8.6
q Distributed load, weight of pipe incl. N/mm 8814 N
content FFP = FR= PP-R pipe 4.1 d63 x 10.5
WR Resisting torque of pipe mm 3
12462 N
LK Permitted unsupported length mm FFP = FR= PVC-C pipe 5.7 d63 x 7.1
da Pipe outer diameter mm 17446 N
di Pipe inner diameter mm FFP = FR=  Composite 17.3 ø 50 x 4
52576 N pipe
Δϑ Temperature difference K
FFP = FR = Steel pipe 26.9 2" (60, 3/53)
δB Bending stress N/mm 2
81808 N

FFP= FR=  Copper pipe 11.6 ø 54 x 2


35286 N
FFP = FR=  Stainless 19.1 ø 54 x 2
58290 N steel pipe

The pipe expansion forces or fixed point forces are

much lower for INSTAFLEX PB pipes than for other ma-
terials. See table above. 

Sagging ε of freely suspended pipe


F Load N
L Length of pipe mm
σa Axial stress N/mm 2

Axial stress from prevented change in length

System technology and application technology

z-dimension installation method Measurements on the fitting


The z-dimension and standard measurement proce- Fitting with inner jointing end:
dures are at the core of the GF Piping Systems installa-  

tion method. The z-dimension is the design dimension

used by installers. With this, it is easy to calculate the
exact pipe length between fittings and/or valves.
Determining and using the z-dimension is based on the
fundamental principle:
Standard measurement
Centre - Centre = M

l   Overall length of fitting with socket

h   Overall length of fitting with spigot
z   z-dimension
This method, which is the foundation for efficient plan- VL   Length of joint

ning, work preparation and pre-fabrication, makes work

z = l - VL
easier and saves the enterprising installer time and
money: The z-dimension is calculated as the difference from the
With Georg Fischer, you: overall length l and the jointing length VL.
• can pre-fabricate sections Spigot


use materials, labour and machinery efficiently

Fitting with outer jointing end:
• reduce assembly time  

• adapt to the construction progress

• are not dependent on construction deadlines
• have better conditions for carrying out external
• have better conditions for carrying out renovations
• work more precisely with less effort
• are ensured consistent quality  


h = Overall height of fitting

Inner jointing ends are referred to in the following as
sockets and outer joints as spigots.

Elbow 90° with two inner jointing ends (sockets):


System technology and application technology

T-piece equal on all sides, or reduced in outlet or pas- z-dimension for socket fusion fittings

Elbow 90°

Elbow 90° with inner and outer jointing ends (socket -

Elbow 90° socket -spigot

T-equal 90°

Dimension Measurements
d z h l D
16 10 34 25 22
20 13 36 28 26
25 14 44 32 32
32 18 50 38 40
40 22 58 44 51
50 26 70 51 64
63 34 82 62 81
75 44 - 75 91
90 52 - 88 112
110 63 - 105 132

All measurements in mm

System technology and application technology

Dimension Measurements
d1-d2-d3 z1/z3 z2 l1/3 l2 D D1
20-16-20 13 13 28 28 26 22
20-16-16 13 13 28 28 26 2
20-20-16 13 13 28 28 26 26
25-16-25 14 17 32 32 32 26
25-20-25 14 17 32 32 32 26
Elbow 45°

25-20-20 14/17 17 32 32 32 26
25-25-20 14 17 32 32 32 32
32-16-32 18 23 38 38 40 26
32-20-32 18 23 38 38 40 26
32-25-32 18 20 38 38 40 32
40-25-40 22 26 44 44 51 34
50-25-50 26 33 51 51 64 34
63-25-63 34 44 62 62 81 34
Elbow 45° socket - spigot

Dimension Measurements Reducers

d z h l D

16 6 29 21 22
20 7 30 22 26
25 7 35 25 32
32 10 40 30 40
40 12 46 34 51
50 14 53 39 64
63 17 62 45 81
75 20 - 51 92
90 22 - 58 109
110 26 - 68 134


T-red. 90°

System technology and application technology

Dimension Measurements
d-d1 z l
20-16 15 30
25-16 18 33
25-20 18 33
32-20 25 40
32-25 22 40
40-20 27 42
40-25 24 42 Flange adaptor with groove

40-32 22 42  

Dimension flat with groove

50-20 40 55
d z l z l
50-25 37 55
16 5 20 8 23
50-32 35 55
20 5 20 8 23
50-40 33 55
25 5 23 8 26
63-20 43 58
32 5 25 8 28
63-25 40 58
40 5 27 10 32
63-32 38 58
50 5 30 10 35
63-40 36 58
63 5 33 10 38
63-50 33 58
75 4 35 9 40
75-63 39 67
90 6 42 11 47
90-63 46 74
110 7 49 13 55
90-75 43 74  

110-63 58 86 All the fittings not listed here and other dimensions can
110-75 55 86 be found in the INSTAFLEX products catalogue or price
110-90 50 86
Electrofusion adaptor


Flange adaptor

Spigot for socket fusion


Dimension d h L
16 23 60
20 22 61
Flange adaptor flat
  25 25 67
32 29 71
40 32 79
50 36 85
63 43 94

System technology and application technology

Polybutene manifold Application examples


(M as fixed or variable measurement)


d-d 1   L L1 h h1 H z z1 z2
25-16 1-fold 31 - 63 32 60 45 36 13
25-20 1-fold 39 - 78 39 64 60 35 21
25-16 2-fold 31 45 108 32 60 90 36 13 The direct joining of two fittings
(socket/spigot) results in a dimension-re-
25-16 3-fold 31 45 153 32 60 135 36 13 lated measurement «M».

25-16 4-fold 31 45 198 32 60 180 36 13



Polybutene valve

Elbow 90° socket - spigot d25
h = 44 mm
Reducer: d63 - d25
z1= 40 mm
Tee d63 equal
  z2 = 34 mm

M = h + z1 + z2
Dimension d L z H M = 44 mm + 40 mm + 34 mm
20 40 25 86 M = 118 mm
25 40 22 86 You will find the z-dimension in the corresponding  IN-
32 43 23 91 STAFLEX product range.
40 55 33 155
50 60 35 155
63 75 47 155

System technology and application technology

M = L + z 1 +z 2
L = M - (z 1 +z 2 )

M = L + z 1 + z 2 + ½ seal
L = M - z 1 - z 2 - ½ seal  

M1 =h+z
M 2 = L + z 1 +z 2
L=M2 -z1 -z2

z3 =z1 +z
M 1 (for d16) = 45 mm
M2 =z2 +h1
M 2 = 13 mm + 32 mm = 45 mm

«M» is the system-related distance be-

tween two axes. The calculated measure-
ment is achieved with two fittings and a
pipe section with the length L.

System technology and application technology

a = M/1.414 = 2 m /1.414 = 1.41 m


Elbow 45°
b = M x 0.707
On angular joints, the measurements a and b can be a = M x 0.707 + (z 1 + h 1
calculated with the measurement «M» (M = z + h) and Example:
the corresponding factors for the angular degrees.  Elbow 45° socket - spigot d63
Elbow 45° z = 17 mm
M=h+z h = 62 mm
a or b = M x 0.707 M = h + z
M = 62 mm + 17 mm = 79 mm
Example: b = 79 mm x 0.707 = 56 mm
Tee d63 equal  +   Elbow 45° socket - spigot d63 a = 79 mm x 0.707 + 34 mm + 62 mm = 152 mm
z = 34 mm              h = 62 mm     
M = 62 mm + 34 mm = 96 mm  

a = 96 mm x 0.707 = 68 mm

Elbow 45° Elbow 45 °

M = a or b x 1.414 M=z+h
M = L + 2z a or b = M x 0.707
L = M - 2z Example:
Example: Elbow 45° socket - spigot d63
Elbow 45° d63 z = 17 mm
M=2m Elbow socket - spigot 45° d63
M = L + 2z h = 62 mm
L = M - 2z M=z+h
L = 2 m - 2 x 17 mm = 1.96 m M = 17 mm + 62 mm = 79 mm
a = M x 0.707

System technology and application technology

a = 79 mm x 0.707 = 56 mm
Piping diagram
When using the GF Piping Systems installation method,
pipe plans and floor plans are not suitable if you want to
prepare and install the piping system rapidly.
The run of the pipeline should be illustrated as plainly
and clearly as possible. The sketches can be done right
on the building site itself. 
This type of illustration makes it possible to draw the di-
agrams quickly on location or according to a plan. You
require no further tools, such as ruler, triangle, etc. The
planned pipe system and all the required fittings, valves,
etc. is always easy to see.
Piping diagram 30° (space drawing) 
is deliberately not drawn to scale, so long pipe sections
may be drawn shorter and short pipe sections longer.
In this way, you can draw extensive piping systems on
one A4 sheet of paper. 

Draw pipelines which run at right angles to one another

as follows:

These changes in direction from pipelines which run di-

agonally to one other are drawn in a 2:1 or 1:2 ratio re-
gardless of the angles and dimensions. You can show
the change in direction more exactly by drawing in a tri-
angle. The deviation is specified by indicating the type
of fittings (catalogue number or elbow) or the dimen-
Fitting or sealing points are marked with a small hori-
zontal line and valves with the respective standard sym-

System technology and application technology

Fitting combinations Dimension a/b

Fittings with socket fusion joints d  
All dimensions in mm 16 27
20 30

25 35
32 41
40 48
50 56
63 68

1 Elbow 90°
2 Socket - Spigot

Dimension M
16 44
20 49 1 Elbow 90°, Socket - Spigot
2 Elbow 90°
25 58  

32 68 Dimension M
40 80 d  
50 96
16 44
63 116
20 49
    25 58
    32 68

40 80
50 96
63 116

1= Elbow 45°, Socket - Spigot

2= Elbow 90°, T-piece equal

1 Elbow 45°, Socket - Spigot

2 Elbow 45°

System technology and application technology

Dimension a/b
16 27
20 30
25 35
32 41
40 48
50 56 1 Elbow 45°, Socket - Spigot
2 T-piece reduced
63 68  

    Dimension M a/b
    d min.  

20-16-20 42 30
20-20-16 43 30
25-16-25 46 32
25-20-25 47 33
25-25-20 49 35
32-16-32 52 37
32-20-32 53 37
32-25-32 55 39
40-16-40 58 41
1 Elbow 90°, Socket - Spigot 40-25-40 61 43
2 T-piece reduced

50-16-50 65 46
Dimension M 50-25-50 68 48
d min. 63-16-63 76 54
20-16-20 47 63-25-63 79 56
20-20-16 49      
25-16-25 51      

25-20-25 53
25-25-20 58
32-16-32 57
32-20-32 59
32-25-32 64
40-16-40 63
40-25-40 70
50-16-50 70
50-25-50 77
63-16-63 81
63-25-63 88
    1 Elbow 45°
2 T-piece equal

System technology and application technology

Dimension a/b M L
d   min.  
16 39 55 39
20 42 60 40
25 47 66 45
32 55 78 50
40 64 90 56
50 71 100 60
63 85 120 69 1 + 2 Elbow 45°

75 99 140 76  

90 117 165 91 Dimension a/b M L

110 138 195 106 d   min.  
        16 35 50 38
        20 37 52 38

  25 42 60 46
32 50 70 50
40 57 80 56
50 60 85 57
63 71 100 66
75 85 120 80
90 95 135 91
110 113 160 108
1 Elbow 45°        
2 T-piece equal / Reducer


Dimension a/b M L  

d   min.  
20-16 52 73 39
25-16 54 77 39
25-20 55 78 39
32-25 66 94 47
40-32 74 105 51
50-40 92 130 59
63-50 103 145 64
75-63 120 170 70 1 Elbow 90°
2 T-piece equal /
90-75 138 195 81 Reducer

110-90 163 230 96


System technology and application technology

Dimension M L Pipe lengths for defined distance between axes


d min.  
20-16 78 40
25-16 82 40
25-20 85 40
32-25 102 48
40-32 115 53
50-40 140 59
63-50 160 67
75-63 195 78
90-75 225 88 1 + 2 Elbow 90°

110-90 270 106


1 Elbow 90°
2 T-piece equal

Dimension M L
d min.  
16 60 40
20 66 40
25 76 48
32 88 52
40 100 56
50 115 63
63 140 72
75 165 77
90 195 91
110 230 104

System technology and application technology

  Dimension d
16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110
Pipe length L
80 60 54 52 44 - - - - - -
100 80 74 72 64 56 - - - - -
120 100 94 92 84 76 68 - - - -
150 130 124 122 114 106 98 82 - - -
180 160 154 152 144 136 128 112 92 - -
210 190 184 182 174 166 158 142 122 106 -
250 230 224 222 214 206 198 182 162 146 124

1 Elbow 45°
2 T-piece equal

  Dimension d
16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110  
Pipe length L M
80 97 93 92 85 79 73 - - - - 113
100 125 121 120 113 107 101 90 - - - 141
120 154 150 149 142 136 130 119 106 - - 170
150 196 192 191 184 178 172 161 148 138 123 212
180 238 234 233 226 220 214 203 190 180 165 254
210 281 277 276 269 263 157 246 233 223 208 297
250 337 333 332 325 319 313 302 289 279 264 353

1 + 2 Elbow 45°

System technology and application technology

  Dimension d
16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110  
Pipe length L M
80 1011 99 99 93 89 85 79 - - - 113
100 129 127 127 121 117 113 107 101 97 - 141
120 158 156 156 150 146 142 136 130 126 118 170
150 200 198 198 192 188 184 178 172 168 160 212
180 242 240 240 234 230 226 220 214 210 202 254
210 285 283 283 277 273 269 263 257 253 245 297
250 341 339 339 333 329 325 319 313 309 301 353

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems
(CH, D, A, UK)

-- Appendix 231


Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

strengths or load values of valves and appliances. For

Design and hydraulic pressure more information, please see the guidelines or techni-
losses of piping systems (CH, D, cal regulations. 

A, UK) 1 Load value (LV) corresponds to 0.1 l/s

The overall load value of a section is obtained by adding
General up the individual load values allocated to the sections. 

Basics for determining pressure loss

The basics for determining the pressure loss in IN-
STAFLEX piping systems are derived from the guide-
lines or technical regulations for drinking water installa-
tions in the respective countries.
Local regulations should always be observed. More-
over, the national preface of EN-806-T3 must be ad-
hered to.
Guidelines or technical regulations for drinking wa-
ter systems

Country Guideline or Technical Regulations

Switzerland SVGW/W3 2000, EN 806-3
Germany DVGW/DIN 1988, TRWI Part 3, EN
Austria ÖVGW/ÖNORM B 2531 Part 2, EN
England C.I.B.S.E. Guide 4, BS 6700:2006,
EN 806-3

In our experience, the simplified INSTAFLEX calcula-

tion method can be used for residential buildings with
standard installations up to pipe dimension d50 (DN 40).
For large buildings, such as hospitals, schools, hotels,
etc. or for pipe diameters >d50 you should always per-
form a pressure loss calculation. 

Simplified calculation method for pressure loss

in piping systems
Determining the pipe diameters is the basis for the sim-
plified method of calculating the pressure loss.
An approximation for determining pipe diameters in mul-
tistory distribution and riser pipes can be found in Table
1. Experience has shown that this simplified calculation
is sufficiently accurate for standard installations of pipe
dimensions d16-d50 (DN 40) in residential buildings.

By dimensioning the pipe diameters correctly, you can

safely assume that a pressure loss of 1.5 bar will not be
exceeded. This applies to the whole installation, start-
ing at the water meter or pressure reducing valve to the
last tapping point. 
Determining the pipe diameter
The pipe diameter is determined with Tables 1 and 2 in
the following. To calculate the pipe diameter, you need
the load values (LV) of the individual sections, which
correspond to the specifically calculated flow rates, flow

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Table 1: Load values (LV) and pipe diameters for

INSTAFLEX pipes and fittings

1* Max. number LV 3 4 5 8 25 55 180 500 1100

2 ** largest single LV     4 5          
Pipe ø da x s 16 x 2.2 20 x 2.8 25 x 2.3 32 x 2.9 40 x 3.7 50 x 4.6 63 x 5.8
Pipe ø di 11.6 14.4 20.4 26.2 32.6 40.8 51.4
Max. pipe length [m] 9 5 4            
Pipe content [l/m] 0.10 0.16 0.33 0.53 0.83 1.31 2.07
Valves ½'' ½'' ¾'' 1'' 1¼'' 1½'' 2''

Details to Table 1:
1* Max. number LV – The flow rate may not be larger
than the sum of the equipment connected.
2** largest single LV – There may be no single user with
a greater flow rate.
The load units (LU) for the same appliance may differ
from country to country. To determine the pipe diameter
with Table 1, use the load values (LV) listed in Table 2. 
Simultaneity has already been taken into consideration
in this calculation method. 
Table 2: Load values per connection

Intended use: ½'' connections Flow rate per connec- Number of load
tion values per con-
nection LV
  [l/s] [l/min]  
Hand basin, wash trough, wash-stand, bidet, toilet tank, soda 0.1 6 1
Kitchen sink, sink, water tap for balcony and terrace, hand 0.2 12 2
shower set, household dishwasher, laundry room sink
Shower 0.3 18 3
Industrial sink, stand and wall sink, bathtub, washing machine 0.4 24 4
up to 6 kg, automatic urinal flushing, kitchen spray head
Water tap for garden and garage 0.5 30 5
Intended use: ¾'' connections
-Industrial sink, bathtub 0.8 48 8
-Shower, water tap for garden and garage

Calculation formulae The resistance λ is a ratio. It depends on the Reynolds

number (Re) and the roughness of the pipe. For rough
Determining pressure loss in pipes estimations you can assume λ = 0.025. Up to Re = 2300
the flow in a straight pipe with smooth walls will be lami-
nar. In the laminar range, the resistance value is:
λ = 64 /RE

l = Length of pipe [m]

Δ p = Pressure loss [mbar]
di = Pipe inner ø (d-2s) [mm]  * 1

ζ = Loss coefficient (Zeta value) for fittings

p = specific weight of water at:
λ = Loss coefficient (Lamda value) for pipes  


  18 ºC = 998.5kg/m³
   60 ºC = 983.2 kg/m³
  80 ºC = 971.8 kg/m³

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

ν = Flow velocity [m/s] Multistory distribution


Piping systems and pressure loss calculation for

multistory distribution
The flow-dependent pressure loss in multistory distribu-
tion pipes is determined with the Tables 2 to 4. Deci-
sive for pressure loss calculation is only the «least
  favourable hydraulic flow path».

The load values (LV) for valves and appliances can be

* also for fitting calculations
found in Table 2.
* calculation basis for fittings and pipes

Single pipeline
Thermophysical properties of water     

  Density ρ           Kinematic viscosity

[kg/m³] [m²/s]
10 ºC 999.6 1.31 x 10- 6

60 ºC 983.2 0.52 x 10-6

80 ºC 971.8 0.37 x 10- 6

Single pipelines supply only one water tapping point

each. The pressure loss values can be taken directly
from Tables 3 and 4.
Continuous lines

Continuous lines supply several water tapping points

from the manifold. Because the tapping points are con-
nected in series, the pressure losses are added up.
If you place the valve with the largest load unit at the be-
ginning of the continuous line, the pressure loss will be
much lower than in the reverse order.
The pressure loss in continuous lines is calculated with
the peak flow. This calculation allows for reduced simul-
taneity, which means that not all the tapping points
along the flow path are used at the same time and over
the same period.
The peak flow rate (s) is determined with the help of
the corresponding simultaneity diagrams or calculation
formulae, as well as the information in the respective
technical regulations and the sum of the load units.
See Table 2 and Diagram 1 in this chapter.
Ring mains

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Ring mains supply several tapping points from the mani-

fold. The difference to the continuous line is, however,
that the tapping point is supplied with water from two
In ring mains there is about 70 % less pressure loss
than in continuous lines. For purposes of calculating the
pressure loss, you should nevertheless view a ring
mains as a continuous line with only one feed. Then
when you multiply the calculated pressure loss by 0.3,
you will get the result for pressure loss in the ring mains.
Pressure losses in pipe loops
The pressure loss values in the following Tables 3 and 4
show the individual resistances for direction changes,
valve connections and manifolds.
Table 3: Pressure loss for INSTAFLEX pipe loops
d16 x 2.2, Loop length 1 - 9 m

V V Loop length l [m]

    1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[l/s] [m/s] Pressure loss in pipe loops [mbar]
0.07 0.7 17 21 24 28 31 38 45 52 57 66 72
0.10 0.9 32 38 45 51 57 70 83 96 109 121 134
0.13 1.2 54 64 74 84 94 114 134 154 174 194 214
0.15 1.4 72 85 98 111 124 150 177 203 229 255 281
0.20 1.9 129 150 172 194 216 259 303 346 390 433 477
0.22 2.1 156 182 208 234 259 311 363 415 467 518 570
0.25 2.4 200 232 265 297 329 394 459 524 589 653 718
0.30 2.8 274 319 364 409 454 544 634 723 813 903 993
0.35 3.3 375 434 494 553 612 731 850 969 1088 1206 1325
0.40 3.8 490 566 642 717 793 944 1096 1247 1398 1549 1700
0.50 4.7 746 860 973 1087 1200 1428 1655 1882      

d16 x 2.2, Loop length 10 - 20 m


V V Loop length l [m]

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
[l/s] [m/s] Pressure loss in pipe loop [mbar]
0.07 0.7 79 86 93 100 107 114 121 128 135 141 148
0.10 0.9 147 160 173 185 198 211 224 237 249 262 275
0.13 1.2 234 254 274 294 314 334 354 374 394 414 434
0.15 1.4 307 333 359 385 411 438 464 490 516 542 568
0.20 1.9 520 564 607 651 694 738 781 825 868 912 955
0.22 2.1 622 674 726 777 829 881 933 985 1036 1088 1140
0.25 2.4 783 848 913 977 1042 1107 1172 1237 1301 1366 1434
0.30 2.8 1083 1173 1263 1353 1443 1533 1622 1712 1802 1892 1982
0.35 3.3 1444 1563 1682 1800 1919            
0.40 3.8 1852 2003                  
0.50 4.7                      

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Table 4: Pressure loss for INSTAFLEX pipe loops

d20 x 2.8, Loop length 1 - 9 m

V V Loop length l [m]

    1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[l/s] [m/s] Pressure loss in pipe loop [mbar]
0.07 0.4 6 8 9 10 11 14 16 19 21 24 26
0.10 0.6 12 14 17 19 21 26 31 35 40 44 49
0.13 0.8 20 24 27 31 35 42 49 57 64 71 78
0.15 0.9 26 31 36 40 45 54 64 73 82 91 101
0.20 1.2 46 53 61 69 76 92 107 123 138 153 169
0.22 1.4 55 64 73 82 91 110 128 146 165 183 201
0.25 1.5 70 81 93 104 116 138 161 184 207 230 252
0.30 1.8 100 115 131 147 163 194 226 258 289 321 352
0.35 2.1 134 155 176 196 217 259 300 342 384 425 467
0.40 2.5 174 200 226 253 279 332 385 438 491 544 597
0.50 3.1 268 307 347 386 426 505 584 663 742 821 900
0.60 3.7 384 439 494 549 604 714 824 934 1045 1155 1265
0.70 4.3 516 589 661 734 807 953 1099 1245 1391 1536 1682
0.80 4.9 666 759 852 946 1039 1225 1411 1597 1783 1969  

d20 x 2.8, Loop length 10 - 20 m


V V Loop length l [m]

    10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
[l/s] [m/s Pressure loss in pipe loop [mbar]
0.07 0.4 29 31 34 36 39 41 44 46 49 51 54
0.10 0.6 54 58 63 67 72 77 81 86 90 95 100
0.13 0.8 86 93 100 108 115 122 130 137 144 151 159
0.15 0.9 110 119 129 138 147 157 166 175 184 194 203
0.20 1.2 184 200 215 230 246 261 277 292 307 323 338
0.22 1.4 220 238 256 274 293 311 329 348 366 384 403
0.25 1.5 275 298 321 344 366 389 412 435 458 480 503
0.30 1.8 384 416 447 479 510 542 574 605 637 668 700
0.35 2.1 508 550 592 633 675 716 758 800 841 883 924
0.40 2.5 650 703 755 808 861 914 967 1020 1073 1126 1179
0.50 3.1 980 1059 1138 1217 1296 1375 1454 1533 1612 1691 1171
0.60 3.7 1375 1485 1705 1815 1925            
0.70 4.3 1828 1974                  
0.80 4.9                      

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)



Excerpts from guidelines and norms    

SVGW Guideline W 3
Guideline W 3 is the basis for dimensioning pipe
networks and for determining the pressure loss in
the scope of the SVGW.

Basic principles of W 3:

• If the static pressure of the system is under 2  bar,
calculations must be furnished that a flow pressure of
at least 1 bar is guaranteed at each tapping point.
• The static pressure at the tapping point may not ex-
ceed 5 bar.
• The maximum permissible pressure loss for the en-
tire system after the water meter or pressure reduc-
ing valve may not exceed 1.5 bar.
Tables 1 and 2 contain the LV for valve and appliance
connections, as well as the diagram to determine the
peak flow in relation to the load value of a complete
Diagram 1

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Distribution pipelines Diagram 1

Determining pressure loss in polybutene (PB) distri- Peak flow rate [l/s] as a function of total connected load
bution pipelinesin the pipe dimensions d25 x 2.3 / d32 values for standard installations. The size of the pipeline
x 2.9 / d40 x 3.7 / d50 x 4.6 / d63 x 5.8 / d75 x 6.8 / d90 required to transport the medium to the consumer is cal-
x 8.2 und d110 x 10. culated from Diagram 1.

Pressure loss ΔpVLin distribution pipelines is deter-

mined by adding the individual pressure losses  Δ pTS in
the different network sections.  
To determine the pressure loss, you must calculate the
peak flow rate Vs in the respective sections, taking the
overall load value (LV) and the respective simultaneity
factor into consideration. The overall LV can be found in
Table 2.
The maximum peak flow rate is found with the help
of Diagram 1. In the appendix to this chapter you will
find the pressure loss and flow velocity tables. From
these and with the value for the maximum peak flow
rate you can find the pressure loss per dimension in the
For the next calculation step you will need the length of
the pipe per dimension and the equivalent pipe lengths
of the fittings (Tables 11, 12 and 13 in the Appendix).
These values are added up and multiplied by the pres-
sure loss determined from Table 1. 
Alternatively, and for large fitting diameters, you can use
the formula below, with which you can calculate the
pressure loss for fittings:

Δpfi = Pressure loss for fitting [mbar]

ζ = Zeta value for fitting
p = Density [kg/m3]
w = Flow velocity [m/s]

ζ Elbow 90º = 0,7
ρ = 999.7 kg/m 3

w = 0.5 m/s

ΔPfi = 87.5 Pa = 0.87 mbar

Converting the fitting pressure loss in pipe
Proceed as follows:
From the table:
The pressure loss of dimension d125 mm with a flow ve-
locity w = 0.5 m/s is 0.266 mbar/m.

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Complete installation
Pressure loss in the complete installation and ad-
justment of the pressure reducing valve
The pressure loss of the complete installation is com-
posed of the pressure loss for the multistory level Δ PST
and the pressure loss for the distribution pipeline Δ PVL.
Only the multistory level pipeline and the distribution
pipeline with the largest pressure loss are needed for
The total pressure loss Δ PInst.pertains to the pipe sys-
tem after the water meter or the pressure reducing valve
up to the last water tapping point. 
To set the pressure reducing valve, add the required
flow pressure at the farthest tap and the geodesic differ-
ence in height between the pressure reducing valve and
the highest tapping point to the total pressure loss Δ

Calculation examples
Calculation example 1: according to SVGW Guide-
line W 3

Multistory level distribution


Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Distribution and riser pipes


Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)


Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

ÖNORM B 2531, Part 2 ÖVGW


The ÖNORM B 2531, Part 2 forms the basis for pres-

sure loss determination in the scope of ÖVGW.
Table 8 shows the flow strengths Q and the corre-
sponding load values (LV) for valves and appliances.
1 LV = 16 x Q²
Simultaneity is determined with the formula. Z stands for
the sum of all the LV assigned to a section.

Table 5: Flow strengths Q and load values LV at

commonly found types of tapping points

Type of tapping point LU per IN- Q* LV

Outlet valve NW 10 2.5 0.250 1.00
Outlet valve NW 15 4.0 0.400 2.50
Outlet valve NW 20 10.0 1.000 16.00
Outlet valve NW 25 15.0 1.500 36.00
Toilet tank, bidet, urinal, etc. 1.25 0.125 0.25
Tap for hand basin, sink, etc. 1.75 0.175 0.50
Tap for kitchen sink 2.5 0.250 1.00
Tap for household dishwasher, washing machine 2.5 0.250 1.00
Spray head NW 10 (hand) 1.75 0.175 0.50
Spray head NW 15 2.5 0.250 1.00
Tap for bathtub, incl. spray head 4.0 0.400 2.50
Continuous-flow heater to 17.4 kW 1)
1.75 0.175 0.50
Continuous-flow heater to 22.6 kW 2)
2.5 0.250 1.00
Flsuhing valve NW 15 6.0 0.600 6.00
Flushing valve NW 20 8.0 0.800 11.00
Tap for industrial dishwasher and washing machine 4.0 0.400 2.50
formerly 250 kcal/min      
formerly 325 kcal/min
* Total flow strength, hot and cold water combined    

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

DIN 1988 TRWI, Part 3 DVGW


DIN 1988 TRWI, Part 3 forms the basis for dimension-

ing and calculating piping systems in the scope of D
Table 6 shows the reference values for minimum flow
pressures and calculation flow rates VR at commonly
used drinking water taps.
Diagram 2 provides information on the peak flow rate
Vs*) in relation to the total flow k VR for diverse types of
*) Simultaneity

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Table 6: Reference values for minimum flow pres-

sures and calculation flow rates at commonly used
drinking water taps.

Minimum flow pres- Type of drinking water tap Calculated flow when tapping:
sure P min Fl
    only cold or heat-
Mixed water *) ed drinking water
[bar]     VR VR VR
cold hot
[l/s] [l/s] [l/s]
  Outlet valve        
0.5 without aerator **) DN 15 - - 0.30
0.5   DN 20 - - 0.50
0.5   DN 25 - - 1.00
1.0 with aerator DN 10 - - 0.15
    DN 15 - - 0.15
1.0 Spray head for cleaning DN 15 0.10 0.10 0.20
1.2 Flushing valve per DIN 3265 DN 15 - - 0.70
Part 1
1.2 Flushing valve per DIN 3265 DN 20 - - 1.00
Part 1
0.4 Flushing valve per DIN 3265 DN 25 - - 1.00
Part 1
1.0 Flushing valve for urinals DN 15 - - 0.30
1.0 Household dishwasher DN 15 - - 0.15
1.0 Household dishwasher DN 15 - - 0.25
1.0 Mixing taps for shower basin DN 15 0.15 0.15 -
1.0 Bathtub DN 15 0.15 0.15 -
1.0 Kitchen sink DN 15 0.07 0.07 -
1.0 Wash basin DN 15 0.07 0.07 -
1.0 Bidet DN 15 0.07 0.07 -
1.0 Mixing taps DN 20 0.30 0.30 -
0.5 Toilet tank per DIN 19 542 DN 15 - - 0.13
1.0 Electric, open-end water DN 15 - - 0.10 ***)

*) The calculated flow rates for tapping mixed water are

based on a cold water temperature of 15 ºC and hot wa-
ter temperature of 60 ºC.
**) For outlet valves without aerator and with hose
union, the pressure loss in the hose line (up to 10 m
length) and in the connected appliance (e.g. lawn sprin-
kler) is taken overall into consideration in the minimum
flow pressure. In this case the minimum flow pressure
increases 1.0 bar to 1.5 bar.
***) with fully opened throttle screw.
Note: The pipe diameters of taps and appliances not in-
cluded in the table which are of the similar type with
larger flows or minimum flow pressures than given
should be dimensioned according to the manufacturer's

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Diagram 2

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Peak flow rate Vs in relation to total flow

Table 7: Flow velocity

Pipeline section Max. flow velocity for flow duration

  m 15 min [m/s] L 15 min [m/s]
House service connections 2 2
For use with low pressure loss valves (gates/an- 5 2
gle seat valve)
For use of valves with increased pressure loss 2.5 2
(straight seal valve)
Circulation line - 0.5
Recommended max. flow velocity:    
PB = 5.0 m/s    
Cu = 2.5 m/s    
galv. steel = 2.0 m/s    

Calculation example 2: based on DVGW

Based on DVGW Germany,
Technical Regulations DIN 1988 TRWI
Multistory level distribution

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Distribution and riser pipes


Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Excerpt of guidelines and norms in United Table 8:

Kingdom Tap Flow rate

  Design Minimum
value value
WC toilet tank (filled in 2 0.13 0.05

WC rinsing channel (every 0.15 0.10

The Water Regulations Guide, C.I.B.S.E Guide C4 and WC) (see Note 2)
British Standard BS 6700:2006 form the basis of pipe di-
mensioning and pressure loss determination in Great Urinal flushing (individual 0.004 0.002
Britain and Northern Ireland. settings)
Permission to use the BS 6700:2006 excerpts has been Wash basin 0.15 0.10
granted by BSI. British Standards are available in PDF Hand wash basin (pillar 0.10 0.07
format or hardcopy from BSI Online Shop www.bsi- valve) or directly from BSI Customer Services
Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9001, Email: Hand wash basin (spray or 0.05 0.03
[email protected] (only paper). Mix spray valve)
Table 8 establishes the recommended flow rate values Bidet 0.20 0.10
for the tapping points (hot and cold water). Bathtub (G ¾) 0.30 0.20
Bathtub (G 1) 0.60 0.40
Shower (see Note 3) 0.20 0.10
Sink (G ½) 0.20 0.10
Sink (G ¾) 0.30 0.20
Sink (G 1) 0.60 0.40
Washing machine (see Note 0.20 0.15
Dishwasher (see Note 1) 0.15 0.10
Urinal flushing automatic 1.5 max. 1.2 min.
Urinal tank 0.3 max. 0.15 min.
Note 1: Please contact the manufacturer for details on
the required flow rate if washing machines and dish-
washers are used for more than one household.
Note 2: WC rinsing channels are recommended if the
expected use is more than once a minute.
Note 3: The flow rate for showers depends on the type.
For more information, contact the manufacturer.

In general, hot and cold water installations are de-

signed and installed so that the required flow rate for ev-
ery valve opened can be found in Table 8. This also
pertains to every opened valve assembly whose total
consumption does not exceed 0.3 l/s.
For simultaneous output, the flow rate for each opened
valve should not be less than the value shown in Table
Load units are factors which take into account the valve
flow velocity, the duration of use and frequency of use.
The number of each tapping point from Table P1, in-
cluding the pipe length, must be multiplied by the load
units from Table 9.

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Table 9:
Type of tap Load units
WC toilet tank 2
Wash basin ½ - DN15 1.5 - 3
Bathtub ¾ - DN25 10
Bathtub 1 22
Shower 3
Outlet valve 3
Outlet valve 5
Washing machine or dishwash- 3
er ½ - DN15
Note 1: WC toilet tanks with single or double flushing
have the same load units.
Note 2: The load units of wash basins refer to wash
basins with pillar valves. The larger load units are
found in school and office situations because in these
places there are peak usage times. If spray valves are
installed, a simultaneous consumption of 0.04 l/s is as-
Note 3: Urinal flushing tanks have a very low con-
sumption and are usually ignored.
Note 4: Tapping points for industrial applications or
with peak usage times should be calculated so that
100 % of the flow is added to the simultaneous con-

Polybutene pipe dimensions can be calculated with the

help of Table 1 by using the maximum number of load
Note: For approximate pipe dimensions, 1 LU from Ta-
ble 9 equals 3 consumption units (DU/LU).
Table 10 Pressure loss per meter INSTAFLEX pipe
(per C.I.B.S.E. C4 2007) for water at 20 °C

    Pipe dimension [mm]              

    Flow rate [l/s]              
Pres- Veloci- 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 Veloci-
sure ty [m/s] ty [m/s]
0.1         0.001 0.000 0.006 0.016 0.033 0.068 0.139  
0.2         0.002 0.005 0.012 0.032 0.066 0.114 0.168  
0.3       0.001 0.003 0.007 0.019 0.048 0.095 0.122 0.215  
0.4       0.001 0.004 0.010 0.025 0.065 0.095 0.145 0.255  
0.5       0.002 0.005 0.012 0.031 0.079 0.100 0.166 0.292 0.05
0.6       0.002 0.006 0.015 0.038 0.079 0.112 0.185 0.325  
0.7     0.001 0.002 0.007 0.017 0.044 0.079 0.122 0.203 0.356  
0.8     0.001 0.003 0.008 0.020 0.051 0.081 0.133 0.220 0.385  
0.9     0.001 0.003 0.010 0.023 0.057 0.087 0.142 0.236 0.412  
1.0     0.001 0.004 0.011 0.025 0.063 0.092 0.152 0.251 0.439  
1.5     0.002 0.006 0.016 0.038 0.063 0.118 0.193 0.319 0.556  
2.0   0.001 0.003 0.008 0.022 0.050 0.073 0.140 0.229 0.378 0.657  

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

2.5   0.001 0.004 0.010 0.027 0.050 0.083 0.160 0.261 0.430 0.748  
3.0   0.001 0.004 0.012 0.033 0.050 0.093 0.178 0.291 0.478 0.831  
3.5   0.001 0.005 0.014 0.039 0.053 0.102 0.195 0.318 0.523 0.908 0.15
4.0   0.002 0.006 0.016 0.040 0.058 0.110 0.211 0.344 0.565 0.981  
4.5   0.002 0.007 0.018 0.040 0.062 0.118 0.227 0.396 0.605 1.040  
5.0   0.002 0.008 0.020 0.040 0.066 0.126 0.241 0.392 0.643 1.110  
5.5   0.003 0.008 0.022 0.040 0.070 0.133 0.255 0.414 0.680 1.170  
6.0   0.003 0.009 0.024 0.041 0.074 0.140 0.268 0.436 0.715 1.230  
6.5   0.003 0.010 0.026 0.043 0.078 0.147 0.281 0.457 0.748 1.290  
7.0   0.003 0.011 0.028 0.045 0.081 0.154 0.294 0.477 0.781 1.350  
7.5   0.004 0.012 0.030 0.047 0.085 0.160 0.306 0.496 0.813 1.400  
8.0   0.004 0.012 0.031 0.049 0.088 0.166 0.317 0.515 0.843 1..50  
8.5   0.004 0.013 0.031 0.051 0.091 0.172 0.329 0.533 0.873 1.510  
9.0   0.005 0.014 0.031 0.053 0.094 0.178 0.340 0.551 0.902 1.560  
9.5   0.005 0.015 0.031 0.054 0.098 0.184 0.351 0.569 0.931 1.600  
10.0 0.05 0.005 0.016 0.031 0.056 0.101 0.190 0.362 0.586 0.958 1.650 0.30
12.5   0.007 0.020 0.031 0.064 0.115 0.216 0.411 0.666 0.108 1.880  
15.0   0.008 0.024 0.035 0.072 0.128 0.240 0.457 0.739 1.200 2.080  
17.5   0.009 0.025 0.039 0.079 0.140 0.263 0.499 0.807 1.310 2.270  
20.0   0.011 0.025 0.042 0.085 0.151 0.284 0.539 0.872 1.420 2.450  
22.5   0.012 0.025 0.045 0.091 0.162 0.304 0.577 0.932 1.520 2.620  
25.0   0.014 0.025 0.048 0.097 0.173 0.323 0.613 0.990 1.610 2.780  
27.5   0.015 0.026 0.051 0.103 0.182 0.342 0.647 1.040 1.700 2.930  
30.0   0.016 0.028 0.053 0.108 0.192 0.359 0.680 1.090 1.790 3.080 0.50
32.5 0.15 0.018 0.029 0.056 0.113 0.201 0.376 0.712 1.140 1.870 3.220  
35.0   0.019 0.030 0.059 0.118 0.210 0.393 0.743 1.190 1.950 3.360  
37.5   0.019 0.032 0.061 0.123 0.219 0.408 0.773 1.240 2.030 3.490  
40.0   0.019 0.033 0.063 0.128 0.227 0.424 0.801 1.290 2.100 3.620  
42.5   0.019 0.034 0.066 0.133 0.235 0.439 0.830 1.330 2.170 3.740  

    Pipe dimension [mm]              

    Flow rate [l/s]              
Pres- Veloci- 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 Veloci-
sure ty [m/s] ty [m/s]
45.0   0.019 0.035 0.068 0.137 0.243 0.454 0.857 1.380 2.250 3.860  
47.5   0.019 0.036 0.070 0.142 0.251 0.468 0.884 1.420 2.320 3.980  
50.0   0.019 0.038 0.072 0.146 0.258 0.482 0.910 1.460 2.380 4.100  
52.5   0.019 0.039 0.075 0.150 0.266 0.495 0.935 1.500 2.450 4.210  
55.0   0.019 0.040 0.077 0.154 0.273 0.509 0.961 1.540 2.510 4.320  
57.5   0.019 0.041 0.079 0.158 0.280 0.522 0.985 1.580 2.580 4.430  
60.0   0.020 0.042 0.081 0.162 0.287 0.535 1.000 1.620 2.640 4.540  
62.5   0.020 0.043 0.083 0.166 0.284 0.547 1.030 1.660 2.700 4.640  
65.0   0.021 0.044 0.085 0.170 0.300 0.560 1.050 1.700 2.760 4.750  
67.5   0.021 0.045 0.086 0.174 0.307 0.572 1.070 1.730 2.820 4.850  
70.0   0.022 0.046 0.088 0.177 0.314 0.584 1.100 1.770 2.880 4.950  

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

72.5   0.022 0.047 0.090 0.181 0.320 0.596 1.120 1.800 2.940 5.040  
75.0   0.023 0.048 0.092 0.185 3.260 0.607 1.140 1.840 2.990 5.140  
77.5   0.023 0.049 0.094 0.188 0.332 0.619 1.160 1.870 3.050 5.230  
80.0   0.024 0.050 0.096 0.192 0.339 0.630 1.180 1.910 3.100 5.330  
82.5   0.024 0.051 0.097 0.195 0.345 0.641 1.200 1.940 3.160 5.420  
85.0   0.025 0.052 0.099 0.199 0.351 0.652 1.220 1.970 3.210 5.510  
87.5   0.025 0.053 0.101 0.202 0.356 0.663 1.240 2.010 3.260 5.600  
90.0   0.025 0.054 0.102 0.205 0.362 0.674 1.260 2.040 3.310 5.690  
92.5   0.026 0.054 0.104 0.209 0.368 0.680 1.280 2.070 3.360 5.780  
95.0   0.026 0.055 0.106 0.212 0.374 0.700 1.300 2.100 3.420 5.860  
97.5   0.027 0.056 0.107 0.215 0.379 0.710 1.320 2.130 3.470 5.950  
100   0.027 0.057 0.109 0.218 0.385 0.720 1.340 2.160 3.510 6.030 1.00
120   0.030 0.063 0.121 0.242 0.427 0.790 1.490 2.390 3.890 6.670  
140   0.033 0.070 0.133 0.265 0.466 0.870 1.620 2.610 4.240 7.270  
160 0.30 0.036 0.075 0.143 0.286 0.503 0.930 1.750 2.810 4.570 7.820  
180   0.039 0.081 0.153 0.306 0.538 1.000 1.870 3.000 4.870 8.350  
200   0.041 0.086 0.163 3.250 0.571 1.050 1.980 3.180 5.170 8.850 1.50
220   0.044 0.091 0.172 0.343 0.603 1.110 2.090 3.360 5.450 9.330  
240   0.046 0.095 0.181 0.360 0.633 1.170 2.190 3.520 5.720 9.780  
260   0.048 0.100 0.189 0.377 0.662 1.220 2.300 3.680 5.970 10.200  
280   0.050 0.104 0.198 0.393 0.690 1.270 2.390 3.840 6.220 10.600  
300   0.052 0.109 0.206 0.409 0.718 1.320 2.490 3.990 6.470 11.000  
320   0.054 0.113 0.213 0.424 0.744 1.370 2.580 4.130 6.700 11.400  
340   0.056 0.117 0.221 0.439 0.770 1.420 2.660 4.270 6.930 11.800  
360   0.058 0.121 0.228 0.454 0.795 1.470 2.750 4.410 7.150 12.200 2.00
380 0.50 0.060 0.124 0.236 4.680 0.820 1.510 2.830 4.550 7.360 12.500  
400   0.062 0.128 0.243 0.481 0.844 1.550 2.920 4.680 7.570 12.900  
420   0.064 0.132 0.249 0.495 0.867 1.600 3.000 4.800 7.780 13.300  
440   0.066 0.135 0.256 0.508 0.890 1.640 3.070 4.930 7.980 13.600  
460   0.067 0.139 0.263 0.521 0.913 1.680 3.150 5.050 8.180 13.900  
480   0.069 0.142 0.269 0.534 0.935 1.720 3.230 5.170 8.370 14.300  
500   0.071 0.146 0.275 0.546 0.956 1.760 3.300 5.290 8.560 14.600  

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

    Pipe dimension [mm]              

    Flow rate [l/s]              
Pres- Veloci- 16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 Veloci-
sure ty [m/s] ty [m/s]
520   0.072 0.149 0.282 0.558 0.977 1.800 3.370 5.400 8.750 14.900  
540   0.074 0.152 0.288 0.570 0.998 1.840 3.440 5.520 8.930 15.200  
560   0.076 0.156 0.294 0.582 1.010 1.880 3.510 5.630 9.110 15.500  
580   0.077 0.159 0.300 0.594 1.030 1.910 3.580 5.740 9.280 15.800  
600   0.079 0.162 0.305 0.605 1.050 1.950 3.650 5.850 9.460 16.100  
620   0.080 0.165 0.311 0.616 1.070 1.990 3.720 5.950 9.630 16.400  
640   0.082 0.168 0.317 0.627 1.090 2.020 3.780 6.060 9.800 16.700  
660   0.083 0.171 0.322 0.638 1.110 2.060 3.850 6.160 9.960 17.000  
680   0.085 0.174 0.328 0.649 1.130 2.090 3.910 6.260 10.100 17.200  
700   0.086 0.177 0.333 0.660 1.150 2.120 3.970 6.360 10.200 17.500  
720   0.087 0.180 0.339 0.670 1.170 2.160 4.040 6.460 10.400 17.800  
740   0.089 0.182 0.344 0.681 1.190 2.190 4.100 6.560 10.600 18.100  
760   0.090 0.185 0.349 0.691 1.200 2.220 4.160 6.650 10.700 18.300 3.00
780   0.091 0.188 0.354 0.701 1.220 2.250 4.220 6.750 10.900 18.600  
800   0.093 0.191 0.359 0.711 1.240 2.290 4.280 6.840 11.000 18.800  
820   0.094 0.193 0.364 0.721 1.260 2.320 4.330 6.940 11.200 19.100  
840   0.095 0.196 0.369 0.731 1.270 2.350 4.390 7.030 11.300 19.300  
860   0.097 0.199 0.374 0.740 1.290 2.380 4.450 7.120 11.500 19.600  
880   0.098 0.201 0.379 0.750 1.310 2.410 4.510 7.210 11.600 19.800  
900   0.099 0.204 0.384 0.759 1.320 2.440 4.560 7.300 11.800 20.100  
920   0.101 0.207 0.389 0.769 1.340 2.470 4.620 7.390 11.900 20.300  
940   0.102 0.209 0.394 0.778 1.350 2.500 4.670 7.470 12.000 20.600  
960   0.103 0.212 0.398 0.787 1.370 2.530 4.730 7.560 12.000 20.800  
980   0.104 0.214 0.403 0.796 1.390 2.560 4.780 7.650 12.300 21.000  
1000   0.106 0.217 0.408 0.805 1.400 2.590 4.830 7.730 12.400 21.300  
1100   0.112 0.229 0.430 0.849 1.480 2.730 5.090 8.140 13.100 22.400  
1200 1.00 0.117 0.240 0.451 0.891 1.550 2.860 5.340 8.540 13.700 23.500  
1300   0.123 0.251 0.472 0.932 1.620 2.990 5.580 8.920 14.400 24.500  
1400   0.128 0.262 0.492 0.971 1.690 3.110 5.810 9.280 14.900 25.500  
1500   0.133 0.272 0.511 1.000 1.760 3.230 6.030 9.640 15.500 26.500  
1600   1.380 0.282 0.530 1.040 1.820 3.350 6.250 9.980 16.100 27.400  
1700   1.430 0.292 0.548 1.080 1.880 3.460 6.460 10.300 16.600 28.300  
1800   0.148 0.302 0.566 1.110 1.940 3.570 6.660 10.300 17.100 29.200  
1900   0.152 0.311 0.584 1.150 2.00 3.680 6.860 10.900 17.600 30.000  
2000   0.157 0.320 0.600 1.180 2.060 3.780 7.050 11.200 18.100 30.900  

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Calculation example 3: based on BS6700:2006

and Water Regulations Guide
According to BS 6700:2006 and Water Regulations
Multistory level distribution 

Section / Number DU (LV)

Pipe ø / Section length

DU = shower
LV = load value
1 load unit equals 3 DU (LV)

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Distribution and riser pipes


Section / Number DU (LV)

Pipe ø / Section length 

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Tables and diagrams for pipeline dimensioning and
pressure loss calculation
Pipe data

Pipe dimen- Wall thickness Inner diame- Water quanti- Rod length [m] Pipe weight Pipe weight
sion [mm] [mm] ter [mm] ty [l/m] (empty) [kg/m] with 20 ºC wa-
16 2 11.6 0.10 5.8 0.0088 0.1088
20 2.8 14.4 0.16 5.8 0.141 0.301
25 2.3 20.4 0.33 5.8 0.152 0.482
32 2.9 26.2 0.53 5.8 0.254 0.784
40 3.7 32.6 0.83 5.8 0.392 1.222
50 4.6 40.8 1.31 5.8 0.610 1.920
63 5.8 51.4 2.07 5.8 0.969 3.039
75 6.8 61.4 2.96 5.8 1.354 4.314
90 8.2 73.6 4.25 5.8 1.960 6.210
110 10.0 90.0 6.36 5.8 2.920 9.280
125 11.40 102.20 8.20 5.8 3.95 12.10
160 14.60 130.80 13.40 5.8 6.46 19.86
225 20.50 184.00 26.60 5.8 12.70 39.30

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Pressure loss and flow velocity

INSTAFLEX PB pipes per DIN 16968 and DIN 16969.
Pipe series S 3.2 (ISO 4065)

Pipe frictional pressure drop R and calculated flow velocity v in relation to peak flow rate Vs
Peak flow rate V s PB pipe PB pipe
DN12/d16 x 2.8 DN15/d20 x 2.8
di=11.6 mm di=14.4 mm
V=0.16 l/m V=0.16 l/m
[l/s] R v R v
[mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s]
0.01 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1
0.02 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.1
0.03 1.6 0.3 0.6 0.2
0.04 2.6 0.4 0.9 0.2
0.05 3.9 0.5 1.4 0.3
0.06 5.3 0.6 1.9 0.4
0.07 6.9 0.7 2.5 0.4
0.08 8.7 0.8 3.1 0.5
0.09 10.7 0.9 3.8 0.6
0.10 12.8 0.9 4.6 0.6
0.15 26.1 1.4 9.3 0.9
0.20 43.5 1.9 15.4 1.2
0.25 64.8 2.4 22.8 1.5
0.30 89.9 2.8 31.6 1.8
0.35 118.8 3.3 41.6 2.1
0.40 151.3 3.8 52.9 2.5
0.45 187.4 4.3 65.4 2.8
0.50 227.2 4.7 79.1 3.1
0.55 270.5 5.2 94.0 3.4
0.60     110.1 3.7
0.65     127.3 4.0
0.70     145.8 4.3
0.75     165.3 4.6
0.80     186.1 4.9
0.85     208.0 5.2

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

INSTAFLEX PB pipes per DIN 16968 and 16969. Pipe

series S 5 (ISO 4065)

Pipe frictional pressure drop R and calculated flow velocity v in relation to peak flow rate Vs
Peak flow rate V s PB pipe PB pipe
DN12/d16 x 2.8 DN15/d20 x 2.8
di=11.6 mm di=14.4 mm
V=0.16 l/m V=0.16 l/m
[l/s] R v R v
[mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s]
0.05 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1
0.10 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.2
0.15 1.8 0.5 0.6 0.3
0.20 2.9 0.6 0.9 0.4
0.25 4.3 0.8 1.4 0.5
0.30 5.9 0.9 1.9 0.6
0.35 7.8 1.1 2.4 0.7
0.40 9.9 1.2 3.1 0.8
0.45 12.2 1.4 3.8 0.8
0.50 14.7 1.5 4.5 0.9
0.55 17.4 1.7 5.4 1.0
0.60 20.3 1.8 6.3 1.1
0.65 23.5 2.0 7.3 1.2
0.70 26.8 2.1 8.3 1.3
0.75 30.3 2.3 9.4 1.4
0.80 34.1 2.4 10.6 1.5
0.85 38.0 2.6 11.8 1.6
0.90 42.2 2.8 13.0 1.7
0.95 46.5 2.9 14.4 1.8
1.00 51.0 3.1 15.8 1.9
1.05 55.8 3.2 17.2 2.0
1.10 6.7 3.4 18.7 2.1
1.15 65.8 3.5 20.3 2.2
1.20 71.1 3.7 21.9 2.3
1.25 76.6 3.8 23.5 2.4
1.30 82.3 4.0 25.3 2.4
1.35 88.2 4.1 27.1 2.5
1.40 94.2 4.3 28.9 2.6
1.45 100.5 4.4 30.8 2.7
1.50 106.9 4.6 32.8 2.8
1.55 113.5 4.7 34.8 2.9
1.60 120.4 4.9 36.8 3.0
1.65 127.4 5.0 38.9 3.1
1.70     41.1 3.2
1.75     43.3 3.3
1.80     45.6 3.4
1.85     48.0 3.5
1.90     50.4 3.6
1.95     52.8 3.7

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

2.00     55.3 3.8

2.05     57.9 3.9
2.10     60.5 4.0
2.15     63.1 4.0
2.20     65.8 4.1
2.25     68.6 4.2
2.30     71.4 4.3
2.35     74.3 4.4
2.40     77.2 4.5
2.45     80.2 4.6
2.50     83.2 4.7
2.55     86.3 4.8
2.60     89.5 4.9
2.65     92.7 5.0
2.70     95.9 5.1

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Peak flow rate V s DN32/d40 DN40/d50 DN50/d63 Peak flow

di=32.6 mm di=40.8 mm di=514 mm rate Vs
V=0.83 l/m V=131 l/m V=2.07 l/m
[l/s] R v R v R v [l/s]
[mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s]
0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 5.1
0.2 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1 5.2
0.3 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 5.3
0.4 1.1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 5.4
0.5 1.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.2 0.2 5.5
0.6 2.1 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.3 5.6
0.7 2.8 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.3 5.7
0.8 3.6 1.0 1.2 0.6 0.4 0.4 5.8
0.9 4.4 1.1 1.5 0.7 0.5 0.4 5.9
1.0 5.3 1.2 1.8 0.8 0.6 0.5 6.0
1.1 6.3 1.3 2.1 0.8 0.7 0.5 6.1
1.2 7.3 1.4 2.5 0.9 0.8 0.6 6.2
1.3 8.5 1.6 2.9 1.0 1.0 0.6 6.3
1.4 9.7 1.7 3.3 1.1 1.1 0.7 6.4
1.5 11.0 1.8 3.7 1.1 1.2 0.7 6.5
1.6 12.3 1.9 4.2 1.2 1.4 0.8 6.6
1.7 13.7 2.0 4.6 1.3 1.5 0.8 6.7
1.8 15.2 2.2 5.1 1.4 1.7 0.9 6.8
1.9 16.8 2.3 5.7 1.5 1.9 0.9 6.9
2.0 18.4 2.4 6.2 1.5 2.0 1.0 7.0
2.1 20.1 2.5 6.8 1.6 2.2 1.0 7.1
2.2 21.9 2.6 7.4 1.7 2.4 1.1 7.2
2.3 23.7 2.8 8.0 1.8 2.6 1.1 7.3
2.4 25.6 2.9 8.6 1.8 2.8 1.2 7.4
2.5 27.6 3.0 9.3 1.9 3.1 1.2 7.5
2.6 29.6 3.1 10.0 2.0 3.3 1.3 7.6
2.7 31.7 3.2 10.7 2.1 3.5 1.3 7.7
2.8 33.9 3.4 11.4 2.1 3.7 1.3 7.8
2.9 36.2 3.5 12.2 2.2 4.0 1.4 7.9
3.0 38.5 3.6 12.9 2.3 4.2 1.4 8.0
3.1 40.9 3.7 13.7 2.4 4.5 1.5 8.1
3.2 43.3 3.8 14.5 2.4 4.8 1.5 8.2
3.3 45.8 4.0 15.4 2.5 5.0 1.6 8.3
3.4 48.4 4.1 16.2 2.6 5.3 1.6 8.4
3.5 51.0 4.2 17.1 2.7 5.6 1.7 8.5
3.6 53.7 4.3 18.0 2.8 5.9 1.7 8.6
3.7 56.5 4.4 18.9 2.8 6.2 1.8 8.7
3.8 59.4 4.6 19.9 2.9 6.5 1.8 8.8
3.9 62.3 4.7 20.8 3.0 6.8 1.9 8.9
4.0 65.2 4.8 21.8 3.1 7.1 1.9 9.0
4.1 68.3 4.9 22.8 3.1 7.4 2.0 9.1
4.2 71.4 5.0 23.8 3.2 7.8 2.0 9.2
4.3 74.5 5.2 24.9 3.3 8.1 2.1 9.3

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

4.4     26.0 3.4 8.5 2.1 9.4

4.5     27.0 3.4 8.8 2.2 9.5
4.6     28.2 3.5 9.2 2.2 9.6
4.7     29.3 3.6 9.5 2.3 9.7
4.8     30.4 3.7 9.9 2.3 9.8
4.9     31.6 3.7 10.3 2.4 9.9
5.0     32.8 3.8 10.7 2.4 10.0

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Peak flow rate V s DN40/d50 DN50/d63

di=40.8 mm di=51.4 mm
V=1.31 l/m V=2.07 l/m
[l/s] R v R v
[mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s]
0.1 34.0 3.9 11.0 2.5
0.2 35.3 4.0 11.4 2.5
0.3 36.5 4.1 11.9 2.6
0.4 37.8 4.1 12.3 2.6
0.5 39.1 4.2 12.7 2.7
0.6 40.4 4.3 13.1 2.7
0.7 41.7 4.4 13.5 2.7
0.8 43.1 4.4 14.0 2.8
0.9 44.5 4.5 14.4 2.8
1.0 45.9 4.6 14.9 2.9
1.1 47.3 4.7 15.3 2.9
1.2 48.7 4.7 15.8 3.0
1.3 50.2 4.8 16.2 3.0
1.4 51.7 4.9 16.7 3.1
1.5 53.2 5.0 17.2 3.1
1.6 54.7 5.0 17.7 3.2
1.7 56.2 5.1 18.2 3.2
1.8     18.7 3.3
1.9     19.2 3.3
2.0     19.7 3.4
2.1     20.2 3.4
2.2     20.7 3.5
2.3     21.3 3.5
2.4     21.8 3.6
2.5     22.3 3.6
2.6     22.9 3.7
2.7     23.5 3.7
2.8     24.0 3.8
2.9     24.6 3.8
3.0     25.2 3.9
3.1     25.7 3.9
3.2     26.3 4.0
3.3     26.9 4.0
3.4     27.5 4.0
3.5     28.1 4.1
3.6     28.7 4.1
3.7     29.4 4.2
3.8     30.0 4.2
3.9     30.6 4.3
4.0     31.2 4.3
4.1     31.9 4.4
4.2     32.5 4.4
4.3     33.2 4.5

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

4.4     33.9 4.5

4.5     34.5 4.6
4.6     35.2 4.6
4.7     35.9 4.7
4.8     36.6 4.7
4.9     37.3 4.8
5.0     37.9 4.8

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Peak flow rate V DN65/d75 DN80/d90 DN90/d110

s di=61.2 mm di=73.6 mm di=90.0 mm
V=2.94 l/m V=4.25 l/m V=6.36 l/m
[l/s] R v R v R v
[mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s]
0.5 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1
1.0 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.1
1.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.2
2.0 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.2 0.3
2.5 1.3 0.8 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.4
3.0 1.8 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.3 0.5
3.5 2.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.4 0.6
4.0 3.1 1.4 1.3 0.9 0.5 0.6
4.5 3.8 1.5 1.6 1.1 0.6 0.7
5.0 4.6 1.7 1.9 1.2 0.7 0.8
5.5 5.4 1.9 2.2 1.3 0.8 0.9
6.0 6.4 2.0 2.6 1.4 0.9 0.9
6.5 7.4 2.2 3.0 1.5 1.0 1.0
7.0 8.4 2.4 3.4 1.6 1.2 1.1
7.5 9.6 2.5 3.9 1.8 1.3 1.2
8.0 10.7 2.7 4.4 1.9 1.4 1.2
8.5 12.0 2.9 4.9 2.0 1.5 1.3
9.0 13.3 3.1 5.4 2.1 1.6 1.4
9.5 14.7 3.2 6.0 2.2 1.7 1.5
10.0 16.2 3.4 6.6 2.4 1.9 1.6
10.5 17.7 3.6 7.2 2.5 2.2 1.7
11.0 19.3 3.7 7.8 2.6 2.5 1.7
11.5 20.9 3.9 8.5 2.7 2.8 1.8
12.0 22.6 4.1 9.2 2.8 3.2 1.9
12.5 24.4 4.2 9.9 2.9 3.5 2.0
13.0 26.2 4.4 10.6 3.1 3.8 2.0
13.5 28.1 4.6 11.4 3.2 4.1 2.1
14.0 30.0 4.8 12.2 3.3 4.4 2.2
14.5 32.1 4.9 13.0 3.4 4.8 2.3
15.0 34.1 5.1 13.8 3.5 5.2 2.4
15.5     14.7 3.6 5.5 2.4
16.0     15.6 3.8 5.8 2.5
16.5     16.5 4.0 6.1 2.6
17.0     17.4 4.1 6.5 2.7
17.5     18.4 4.2 6.8 2.7
18.0     19.4 4.3 7.2 2.8
18.5     20.4 4.4 7.6 2.9
19.0     21.4 4.5 8.0 3.0
19.5     22.4 4.6 8.3 3.1
20.0     23.5 4.7 8.7 3.1
20.5     24.6 4.8 9.1 3.2
21.0     25.7 4.9 9.5 3.3
21.5     26.9 5.1 9.8 3.4

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

22.0         10.2 3.5

22.5         10.6 3.5
23.0         11.0 3.6
23.5         11.4 3.7
24.0         11.8 3.8
24.5         12.3 3.8
25.0         13.1 3.9
26.0         14.2 4.1
27.0         15.1 4.2
28.0         16.3 4.4
29.0         17.8 4.6
30.0         19.7 4.7

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Pressure loss and flow velocity INSTAFLEX


d1 x s 125 x 11.4 160 x 14.6 225 x 20.5

d2 102.2 130.8 184.0
Q v dp v dp v dp
[l/s] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m] [m/s] [mbar/m]
0.5 0.061 0.007        
0.63 0.077 0.01        
0.08 0.098 0.016 0.060 0.005    
1.0 0.122 0.023 0.074 0.0071    
1.25 0.152 0.034 0.093 0.011    
1.6 0.195 0.053 0.119 0.016 0.060 0.003
2 0.244 0.078 0.149 0.024 0.075 0.005
2.5 0.305 1.116 0.186 0.036 0.094 0.007
3.15 0.384 0.174 0.234 0.054 0.118 0.011
4 0.488 2.266 0.298 0.082 0.150 0.016
5 0.610 0.396 0.372 0.12 0.188 0.024
6.3 0.768 0.598 0.469 0.183 0.237 0.036
8 0.975 0.919 0.595 0.281 0.301 0.055
10 1.219 1.373 0.744 0.419 0.376 0.081
12.5 1.524 2.056 0.930 0.625 0.470 0.121
16 1.95 3.219 1.191 0.976 0.602 0.089
20 2.438 4.836 1.488 1.463 0.752 0.282
25 3.048 7.279 1.861 2.195 0.940 0.422
31.5     2.344 3.347 1.185 0.641
40     2.977 5.188 1.504 0.989
50         1.880 1.486
63         2.369 2.270
80         3.009 3.521

di = inner diameter
s = pipe wall thickness Temperature Factor
da = outer diameter [ºC] k
Q = flow volume [l/s] 10 1
v = flow velocity [m/s] 20 0.958
dp = pressure loss [mbar/m] 30 0.925
The table shows calculations for a water temperature 40 0.896
of 10 ºC. For higher temperatures, the pressure loss dp 50 0.878
must be multiplied with the factor k (see diagram below). 60 0.580

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Pressure loss in fittings

The table below shows the equivalent length of pres-
sure loss in fittings. The equivalent length is the length
of a pipe which would produce the same pressure loss
as the respective fitting. 
Table 11: Equivalent pipe lengths for INSTAFLEX
compression fittings

  PB pipe dimension «d»

   16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75    
Article Equivalent pipe length [m]
Adaptors, sockets, couplings 0.7 1.3 1.2 1.4 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.4    
Valve connections/ elbow/bend 90 º 1.3 1.5 4.3              

0.9 1.2 1.7
1-2 2.2 3.0 4.2
T-reduced The loss coefficient of the outlet in the flow direction (1-2 or 1-3) of the T-
equal must always be taken into consideration.
T-adaptor For outlet 2, only the loss coefficient of the part to be screwed in needs to
be considered. 

Table 12: Equivalent pipe lengths for INSTAFLEX

electrofusion and socket fusion fittings

  PB pipe dimension «d»

  16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110
Article Equivalent pipe length [m]
Elbow 90º 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.7 2.1 2.6 3.2
Elbow 45º 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.9 2.4

  0.6 0.8 1.1 1.5 1.8 2.3 3.2 4.2 5.4 6.6


  0.7 0.9 1.2 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.7 4.8 5.9 7.0

T-reduced The loss coefficient of the outlet in the flow direction (1-2 or 1-3) of the T-
equal must always be taken into consideration.
Not documented are T90º passage, sockets, reducers, unions, due to too low pipe length values.

Equivalent pipe length ≙ of the pressure loss of the fit-

ting in relation to the given pipe meter with a known flow
Pipe d16 x 2.2 V = 0.4 l/s=151.3 bar/m
151.3 x 1.3 = pressure loss of a valve connection

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Equivalent pipe lengths for INSTAFLEX BIG

Table 13:

Pipe dimension (DN, 125 160 225

v [m/s] 0.5 1 2 3 0.5 1 2 3 0.5 1 2 3
  Pressure 0.266 0.919 3.219 7.279 0.183 0.625 2.195 5.188 0.121 0.422 1.486 3.521

  Loss coef- Equivalent pipe lengths [m]


Elbow 90 º 0.7 3.27 3.81 4.35 4.33 4.78 5.60 6.38 6.07 7.23 8.29 9.42 8.94
Elbow 45 º 0.4 1.88 2.18 2.48 2.47 2.73 3.20 3.64 3.47 4.13 4.74 5.38 5.11
T equal 1.3 6.11 7.07 8.07 8.03 8.88 10.40 11.84 11.27 13.43 15.40 17.49 16.61
225-160 0.5 2.35 2.72 3.11 3.09 3.41 4.00 4.55 4.34 5.16 5.92 6.73 6.39
160-125 0.5 2.35 2.72 3.11 3.09 3.41 4.00 4.55 4.34 5.16 5.92 6.73 6.39
125-110 0.5 2.35 2.72 3.11 3.09 3.41 4.00 4.55 4.34 5.16 5.92 6.73 6.39

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Pressure loss in INSTAFLEX shut-off valves

Table 14:

PB valve

Flow rate Pressure loss

ω p [mbar]
  Dimension DN
[l/s] 12 15 20 25 32 40 50
0.22   5.4 1.0 -      
0.25   6.9 1.6 -      
0.30   10.0 2.4 1.0      
0.35   13.6 3.2 1.4      
0.40   17.7 4.2 1.9      
0.45   22.5 5.3 2.4      
0.50   27.7 6.6 3.0      
0.55   33.6 8.0 3.6      
0.60   40.0 9.5 4.3      
0.65   46.8 11.0 5.0      
0.70   54.4 13.0 5.8 1.6    
0.80   71.0 16.8 7.6 2.1    
0.90   90.0 21.3 9.6 2.6    
1.00   111.0 26.3 12.0 3.3    
1.10   134.2 31.8 14.4 4.0    
1.20     37.8 17.1 4.7    
1.30     44.4 20.1 5.5    
1.40     51.5 23.3 6.4    
1.50     59.0 26.7 7.3 0.9 2.5
1.75     - 36.4 10.0 1.2 3.4
2.00       47.5 13.0 1.6 4.4
2.25       60.2 16.5 2.0 5.6
2.50       74.3 20.4 2.5 6.9
2.75       90.0 24.7 3.0 8.4
3.00       107.0 29.4 3.6 10.0
3.20       121.7 33.4 4.1 11.4
3.40       137.4 37.7 4.6 12.8
3.60       154.0 42.3 5.2 14.4
3.80       171.6 47.1 5.8 16.0
4.00       190.1 52.2 6.4 17.8
4.2         57.5 7.0 19.6
4.4         63.1 7.7 21.5
4.6           8.5 23.5
4.8           9.2 25.6
5.0           10.0 27.7

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

5.2           10.8 30.0

5.4           11.6 32.4
5.6           12.5 35.8
5.8           13.4 37.3
6.0           14.4 40.0
6.5           16.9 46.9
7.0           19.5 54.4
7.5             62.4
8.0             71.0
8.5             80.2
9.0             89.9
9.5             100.1
10.0             111.0
kv-value   180 370 550 1050 3000 1800
Pipe ø d 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

kv-value = flow coefficient [m /h]: measurement to se-

Flow characteristics
lect and dimension a valve in order to realise the de-  

sired flow of a liquid or gas.

d20 to d63
DN15 to DN50
Pressure loss calculation:

kv = 550

means a flow rate of 550 l/min with a pressure loss of

1000 mbar

Spindle lift in %
10 % spindle lift corresponds to ½ spindle revolution

Flow rate V = 2.0 l/s

Pressure loss Δp = 47.5 mbar

ρ of water at 18 ºC = 998.5 kg/m³


Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Loss coefficient ζ (Zeta) for individual

resistances in INSTAFLEX fittings

 Individual resistance Simplified symbol  Loss coefficient* ζ  

 Change in direction via elbow to 45°  


Change in direction via elbow larger than 45° to 90°  


 Flow separation, branch  


 Flow separation, branch and passage  


 Flow separation  


 Polybutene valves d20 0.50

  d25 0.55

d32 0.65

  d40 0.45
  d50 0.15
  d63 0.95

Not documented due to too low values

T 90° passage, sockets, reducer, unions.
For reduced T fittings, the smallest diameter in the flow
direction is always relevant for the calculation. 
* Reference values according to DIN 1988

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Flushing time for INSTAFLEX d 16 x 2.2 and d
20 x 2.8
Table 15:

Pipe length   Water content per m

d16 x 2.2 0.10 l
  Flow [l/s]    
Pipe length 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.50
[m] Flushing time [s]
2 2.8 2.0 1.3 1.0      
4 5.7 4.0 2.7 2.0 1.6 1.3  
6 8.6 6.0 4.0 3.0 2.4 2.0 1.2
8 11.4 8.0 5.3 4.0 3.2 2.7 1.6
10 14.3 10.0 6.7 5.0 4.0 3.3 2.0
12 17.1 12.0 8.0 6.0 4.8 4.0 2.4
14 20.0 14.0 9.3 7.0 5.6 4.7 2.8
16 22.8 16.0 10.7 8.0 6.4 5.6 3.2
18 25.7 18.0 12.0 9.0 7.2 6.0 3.6
20 28.6 20.0 13.3 10.0 8.0 6.7 4.0
22 31.4 22.0 14.7 11.0 8.8 7.3 4.4
24 34.3 24.0 16.0 12.0 9.6 8.0 4.8
26 37.1 26.0 17.3 13.0 10.4 8.7 5.2
28 40.0 28.0 18.7 14.0 11.2 9.3 5.6
30 42.8 30.0 20.0 15.0 12.0 10.0 6.0

Pipe content «V» per m INSTAFLEX pipe

d16 x 2.2 = 0.10 l/m
d20 x 2.8 = 0.16 l/m
d25 x 2.3 = 0.33 l/m
d32 x 2.9 = 0.53 l/m  

d40 x 3.7 = 0.83 l/m

d50 x 4.6 = 1.31 l/m t=7s
d63 x 5.8 = 2.07 l/m
d75 x 6.8 = 2.96 l/m
d90 x 8.2 = 4.25 l/m
d110 x 10.0 = 6.36 l/m
*Flushing time is the time in seconds required to com-
pletely exchange the pipe content. It serves to calculate
the time which the hot water needs to flow from the
manifold to the consumer.
Calculation of flushing time «t»

V = Pipe content [l/m]

L = Pipe length [m]
V = Flow [l/s]
t = Flushing time [s]

Design and hydraulic pressure losses of piping systems (CH, D, A, UK)

Flushing time
Table 16:

Pipe length   Water content per m

d20 x 2.8 0.16 l
  Flow [l/s]        
Pipe length 0.07 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.50 0.60 1.00
[m] Flushing time [s]
2 4.6 3.2 2.1 1.6 1.3 1.1      
4 9.1 6.4 4.3 3.2 3.6 2.1 1.3 1.1  
6 13.7 9.6 6.4 4.8 3.8 3.2 1.9 1.6 1.0
8 18.3 12.8 8.5 6.4 5.1 4.3 2.6 2.2 1.3
10 22.8 16.0 10.7 8.0 6.4 5.3 3.2 2.7 1.6
12 27.4 19.2 12.8 9.6 7.7 6.4 3.8 3.2 1.9
14 32.0 22.4 15.0 11.2 9.0 7.5 4.5 3.7 2.2
16 36.6 25.6 17.1 12.8 10.2 8.5 5.1 4.3 2.6
18 41.1 28.8 19.2 14.4 11.5 9.6 5.8 4.8 2.9
20 45.7 32.0 21.3 16.0 12.8 10.7 6.4 5.3 3.2
22 50.3 35.2 23.5 17.6 14.1 11.7 7.0 5.9 3.5
24 54.8 38.4 25.6 19.2 15.4 12.8 7.7 6.4 3.8
26 59.4 41.6 27.7 20.8 16.8 13.8 8.4 6.9 4.2
28 64.0 44.8 29.9 22.4 18.0 15.0 9.0 7.5 4.5
30 68.6 48.0 32.0 24.0 19.2 16.1 9.6 8.0 4.8

Pressure test

Pressure test according to GF Piping Systems factory specification 252

Pressure test protocol of plastic piping systems 253

Pressure test 254

Pressure test according to British Standard 255

Pressure test protocol of drinking water application according to ZVSHK 256

Pressure test
Pressure test according to GF Piping Systems factory specification

Pressure test
Pressure test according to GF Piping
Systems factory specification
Remarks on pressure testing
1. Build up pressure slowly to 15 bar, let stand for 10
2. Reduce pressure to 0 bar, let stand for 5 minutes.
3. Build up pressure slowly to 15 bar, let stand for 10
4. Reduce pressure to 0 bar, let stand for 5 minutes.
5. Build up pressure slowly to 15 bar. Close off the sys-
tem with a shut-off device.
6. Wait 60 minutes, read off the system pressure
and enter it in the log.
7. Then reduce to pressure to 3 bar.
8. Wait 90 minutes, read the pressure off the manome-
ter and enter it in the log.
The pressure must be at/above 3 bar at the end of
the test.
The pressure increase over 3 bar depends on the length
of the pipe and the type of installation and is therefore
not specified exactly. 
The individual distribution circuits for drinking water
must be tested separately. Hot and cold water distribu-
tion circuits are tested separately, as are CW riser pipes
and HW riser pipes including circulation. 
To save time, several drinking water distribution circuits
can be tested simultaneously.  
After building up pressure three times to 15 bar, the sys-
tem is closed off with a shut-off device and the pressure
pump may be removed. The next distribution circuit can
be put under pressure in the same manner so that the
pressure testing is performed continuously, thus saving
Equipment (according to DVGW - DIN 1988)
Use pressure measurement instruments which permit
reading pressure variations of 0.1 bar.

Pressure test
Pressure test protocol of plastic piping systems

Pressure test protocol of plastic

piping systems

Pressure test
Pressure test

Pressure test • Piping systems that cannot be completely drained

and that are at higher risk of corrosion due to the criti-
Drinking water pipes must be subjected to a pressure cal triple-point limit of water, material, air.
test after installing while the pipes are still visible. 
• Piping systems in which a pressure test cannot be
The pressure test must be 1.5 times the operating pres- done with water because of frost. 
sure or at least 15 bar.
• Prefabrication of piping components in the workshop.
• Piping systems that must be subjected to a pressure
test  because of the construction progress, but which
are not yet connected to the mains.
Pressure testing with air or inert gases is more compli-
cated than pressure testing with water, which is why it
needs to be described in detail in the specifications.
Safety regulations, as specified under point 3 of
the ZVSHK data sheet, must be observed at all

The test is divided into a strength test and a leak test.

To ensure correct testing, fill the installation slowly and
See also the corresponding data sheet from ZVSHK D-
then de-aerate it again completely. Use calibrated mea-
53757 St. Augustin Pressure Test Protocol, page #.
surement instruments which show pressure changes of
0.1 bar.  Leak test:
The leak test is performed before the strength test with
Note also that a temperature change of 10 K results in a
a pressure of 110 mbar. The test time amounts to 10
change in test pressure. Depending on the size of the
minutes per 100 litres pipe volume.
system, changes of up to 2 bar and more are possible. 
Strength test:
The pressure test is composed of two test phases:
is performed at increased pressure.
1. Preliminary test 3 bar up to DN50
1 bar above DN50
2. Main test
For plastic piping systems, it is necessary to wait until
Pressure testing is done: the steady-state condition is reached before the test
• immediately after the last connection for compres- time begins. The test time after applying the test pres-
sion jointing sure is 10 minutes per 100 litres pipe volume.

• at the earliest 1 hour after the last fusion for fusion Media which can be used for the pressure test:
jointing • compressed air free of oil
Please abide by these Technical Regulations • inert gases, e.g. nitrogen, carbon dioxide
and Pressure Testing Norms:
Pressure testing according to DVGW / ZVSHK (DIN
DVGW pressure test according to DIN 1988 - 2 TRWI
Pressure testing according to SVGW Guideline W 3
Pressure test according to ZVSHK
A pressure test is performed with air or inert
gases in drinking water installations according
to DIN 1988 - 2 (TRWI)
If a pressure test with water is not possible or only with
an extreme effort, it may be exceptionally performed
with oil-free compressed air or with inert gases. 
Exceptions are:

Pressure test
Pressure test according to British Standard

Pressure test according to British Test B

Standard 1. Put the whole system under an internal test pressure
which is maintained for 30 minutes by continuous
Pressure test pumping. The pressure is noted in the test protocol
The pressure test is based on the guidelines of Sched- and the test continued without further pumping.
ule 2, Part 4 of the Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regu- 2. Note whether the pressure loss after another 30 min-
lations 1999, governmental guidelines and recommen- utes is less than 0.6 bar.
dations from the water industry. 
3. If the pressure loss after another 120 minutes is less
The complete installation must be subjected to a pres- than 0.2 bar, there are no leaks in the system. 
sure test after completion, while the pipes are still visi- Or according to paragraph (Test proce-
ble. The internal test pressure for all pipes, fittings and dure B) of BS 6700:1997.
joints must be 1.5 times that of the maximum operat-  

ing pressure of the installation.

Pressure test
Piping systems laid above ground must be subjected to
a pressure test after completion. Underground piping
systems should be tested in sections before being
filled. If defects become apparent in the test results,
they should be rectified and the system then retested.
This condition is met in plastic piping systems when one
of the following tests supply satisfactory results.
Test A

1. Put the whole system under an internal test pressure

which is maintained for 30 minutes by continuous In systems with plastic piping, the pipes expand with in-
pumping. Afterwards, the test is continued without fur- creasing pressure marginally beyond the outer diame-
ther pumping. ter due to their elasticity. When the pumping is stopped,
the pressure is reduced, i.e. the pressure cannot be
2. The pressure in the system is slowly reduced to one maintained for a longer period of time, as is the case for
third of the test pressure.  rigid pipes. The test methods A and B have been devel-
oped to counteract this problem. (See diagrams R12.3a
3. The pressure may not fall over the next 90 minutes,
and R12.3b).
which excludes the possibility of leaks. However, if
For more information on pressure testing, refer to BS
the pressure does fall, this indicates there is a leak. 
Or according to paragraph (Test proce-
dure A) of BS 6700:1997. Attention:
Pressure testing with compression joints is done imme-
diately after the last connection has been made. For fu-
sion jointing, you must wait at least one hour.

Pressure test
Pressure test protocol of drinking water application according to ZVSHK

Pressure test protocol of drinking

water application according to

Pressure test
Pressure test protocol of drinking water application according to ZVSHK

Compressed air applications

General 260

Criteria of a compressed air pipe 261

Air quantity 262

Operating pressure 263

Design of a compressed air pipe 264

Selection of material / selection of system 268

Design and installation of pipes 273

Dimensioning 279

Repair of existing systems 286

Compressed air applications

Compressed air applications

Planning criteria for compressed air pipes
Material selection criteria

  Pressure and temperature specifications, durabili-

ty, oils additives, medium
National operating conditions  See «Planning criteria for compressed air pipes»
      Select the material

Dimensioning criteria

Required operating pressure   Required pipe cross-section, pressure loss

See «Operating pressure» See «Dimensioning»
      Select the pipe diameter

Compressed air applications
Criteria of a compressed air pipe

Criteria of a compressed air pipe

A compressed air pipeline is an energy line that serves
to transport compressed atmospheric air from the com-
pressor to the consumer with as little loss as possible.
Atmospheric air is, chemically speaking, a gaseous mix-
ture which consists of nitrogen (≈ 78 %), oxygen (≈ 21
%) and argon (≈ 1 %) as well as traces of carbon diox-
ide and other gases. 
The compressed air pipeline should conduct com-
pressed air from the compressor to the consumer with-
out reducing 
• air quality and
• air volume.
Needlessly high quality demands and unproportional
layout increase the price of the compressed air. For this
reason it is essential to assess the exact requirements
prior to designing the system. The required air quality
determines the type of processing and the pipe material
of the distribution lines. 
Air quality
The application guidelines with the recommended quali-
ty grade according to ISO 8573.1 and Pneurop 6611 are
based on the classification of
• the particle size,
• the maximum oil content and
• the pressure dew point.

Grade Maximum Maximum Pressure Maximum oil Water content

particle size particle den- dew point content maximum pressure dew point
  [μm] [mg/m³] [ºC] [mg/m³] ISO 8573.1 Pneurop 6611
1 0.1 0.1 -70 0.01 -70 -40
2 1 1 -40 0.1 -40 -20
3 5 5 -20 1.0 -20 2
4 15 not specified +3 5.0 +3 10
5 40 10 +7 25.0 +7  -
The pressure dew point determines the highest permissible water content of the air.
- 40 ºC ≙ 0.177 g/m³      
- 20 °C ≙ 0.88 g/m³       
    2 °C ≙ 5.57 g/m³      
  10 ºC ≙ 9.36 g/m³      

The quality requirements for compressed air depend on

the application area. The quality is supplied by the com-
pressor and may not be lessened by the distribution net-
1. e.g. photographic industry
2. e.g. aviation
3. e.g. packaging industry
4. e.g. general industry
5. e.g. mining

Compressed air applications
Air quantity

Air quantity VB = tank volume

The required quantity of air is defined by the consumer pA = initial pressure
to be supplied. pE = final pressure
Air and therefore energy loss caused by leaks in the dis- t = measurement time
tribution piping and the machinery lead to higher than  

necessary operating costs.

Leaks cannot always be completely eliminated, but they
= Leak volume (l/min)
do reduce efficiency and should therefore be kept as  

minimal as possible. 
Economically acceptable losses in the overall sys-

small networks max. 5 %

medium networks max. 7 - 8 %
large industrial networks 15 %
Please follow the national regulations for tank installa-

Compressed air – an expensive form of energy


The leakage in compressed air systems requiring reno-

vation is attributed ≈ 30 % to the network and ≈ 70 % to
hoses and tools. 

Hole di- Air loss [l/s] at Power requirement

ameter for
compression [kWh]
[mm] 6 bar 12 bar 6 bar 12 bar
1 1.2 1.8 0.3 1.0
3 11.1 20.8 3.1 12.7
5 30.9 58.5 8.3 33.7
10 123.8 235.2 33.0 132.0
To compress 1 m³ air to 6 bar, 0.075 kWh is needed.

Leakage is best measured by emptying the pressure


Compressed air applications
Operating pressure

Operating pressure
Every consumer of compressed air (machine or tool) re-
quires a specific operating pressure besides air quality
and volume. 
An operating pressure which is too low, 5 bar instead of
6 bar, reduces the machine's performance by approx. 
30 %. Compression which is 1 bar higher generates ex-
tra costs of about 10 %.
A large pressure drop between the compressor and the
consumer is caused by pipe cross-sections which are
too small or by bottlenecks in the pipeline. 
The pressure drop between compressor (tank) and con-
sumer should not exceed 0.1 bar (without filter and dry-
Δp system ≤ 0.1 bar
Definition of pressure:

Pressure = Force/Area
p = F/A

1 N/m = 1 Pa

Every pipeline offers resistance to air flow. The amount

of resistance depends on the surface roughness of the
pipe, on the pipe length and the flow velocity. 

Operating pressure

Paint spraying 4 bar

Compressed air screwdriver 6 bar
Lorry tyres 8 bar
Hoisting platform 12 bar

Compressed air applications
Design of a compressed air pipe

Design of a compressed air pipe Compressor

A compressed air system is divided into three segments          
• generation          
• distribution dynamic   displacement
• consumption          
Distribution, in turn, is divided into 
piston    rotation
• main line  

• distribution line Principle of production with heat recovery


• connection line

 Generation   Distribution   Consumption   
Main line Distribution line Connection line


Modern generators are offered by many manufacturers Processing

today as tailor-made complete solutions. The systems Depending on the compressed air quality required, a
take into account the air quality requirements and the certain type of processing is needed. Processing can
volumes required at specific operating pressures and take the form of cleaning (filter), drying as well as oil and
specific times. water separation. 
Compressed air generation is divided into  Storage
• production The pressure reservoir is a buffer station between com-
• processing pressor and distribution network. The pressure vessel
can either be placed before or after the processing, de-
• storage pending on whether the same air quality is required for
all the consumers or different ones. 
Principles of compressed air generation
Compressed air is produced in a compressor. Compres-  

sors can be classified into two main types: dynamic and

Positive-displacement compressors are either of the ro-
tary or piston type. In dynamic compressors kinetic en-
ergy is converted into pressure energy (e.g. jet
Modern production equipment is equipped today with
heat recovery. The electrical energy supplied to a com-
pressor is nearly entirely converted into heat. With opti-
mal heat recovery, up to 90 % of the supplied electrical
power can be recovered. 
In positive-displacement compressors a volume is Distribution of different qualities of compressed air
pressed together (e.g. air pump).   

Compressed air applications
Design of a compressed air pipe

One quality of compressed air



ALF = intake air filter Δp total ≤ 1. 0 bar

V = compressor The pressure drop between the pressure reservoir and
ZK = cyclone separator the consumer connection should not exceed 0.1 bar.
DBH = pressure vessel For an operating pressure at the point of consumption of
6 bar, the generating station should be run with 7 bar.
F = filter
T = dryer Main line (HL)

The main line joins the generating station (compressor

Distribution room) to the distribution network. The main line should
be dimensioned so that there is enough reserve for fu-
The compressed air network is dîvided into  ture extensions. 
• main line (HL),  The pressure drop in the main line should not exceed 
• distribution line (VL) and Δp HL ≤ 0.03 bar.
• connection line (AL). Distribution line (VL)
We recommend separating the pipe network into seg- The distribution line distributes the air within a con-
ments according to the function and usage require- sumer section. It can be designed as a tie or ring line or
ments. a ring mains with integrated ties.

To keep leakage to a minimum, pipe joints should be In machine shops without specific requirements in re-
homogenous and, if possible, not threaded or flange gard to compressed air distribution, ring mains are pre-
connections. Compression joints for plastic pipes should ferred. Lines to machine or equipment aggregate are
be vacuum and pressure-tight and without elastomer ideally smaller ring mains. If this is not possible and on-
seals.  ly a large ring mains can be installed, then it is advis-
able to use tie lines in this case. 
The targeted use of shut-off valves allows shutting off
segments for maintenance or extension work. 
For machine aggregates or assembly lines with specific
requirements, individual tie lines can also be
used. These are especially practical when production
processes and equipment (assembly lines) are fre-
quently rearranged, requiring a different infrastructure. 
The pressure drop in the distribution line should not ex-
ceed Δp VL ≤ 0.03 bar.

For optimally designed compressed air networks, the

pressure drop is as follows
• 0.03 bar for the main line,
• 0.03 bar for the distribution line and
• 0.04 bar for the connection line.
The total pressure loss of the system including filter,
separator, dryer, service units and connecting hoses
should not exceed 0.1 bar.
Δp network ≤ 0.1 bar

Compressed air applications
Design of a compressed air pipe

the air quality. For air which hasn't been dried, the con-
Nominal width (NW) of HL or VL for a length
nection line should be conducted from the top of the dis-
of up to 100 m and an operating pressure of 6
tribution line to prevent condensate from exiting with the
air. For dried air the connection line can be conducted
Q DN PB/PE from the bottom. 
[l/s], [m³/min] [mm] d [mm]
Connection lines should always be fitted with a shut-off
233/14.0 90 110 valve at their end. For single connections, the shut-off
135/8.1 75 90 can be integrated in the connector fitting. For group con-
nections via a manifold, integrating a separate shut-off
100/5.0 63 75 in the line is recommended.
53.3 50 63 When connecting a machine or production unit directly
30/1.8 40 50 to the distribution line, it is advisable to use a shut-off
valve with electric actuator so that when the machine is
15/0.9 32 40 turned off, the air supply is also interrupted. This pre-
10/0.6 25 32 vents air loss due to leaks within the machine. 
The pressure drop in the connection line should not ex-
Tie line: ceed Δp AL ≤ 0.04 bar.

[l/s], [m³/min] [mm] d [mm]
0.42/0.25 12 16
9.2/0.55 15 20
L = 10 m/p = 6 bar

Nominal widths (NW) of the AL for a length of 10 m and

an operating pressure of 6 bar.


[l/s], [m³/min] [mm] d [mm]

Ring line: 16,6/1 20 25

33,3/2 25 32
L = 10 m/p = 6 bar

Connection for air which hasn't been dried:


Ring line with tie lines:


Connection for dried air:


Connection line (AL)  

The connection line is the connection between the distri-

bution line and the machine or tapping point. The
method of connection depends on the air quality. The
type of connection to the distribution line depends on

Compressed air applications
Design of a compressed air pipe

Group connection with shut-off:


Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system

Selection of material / selection of Selection criteria

system Place of installation
A compressed air line must be:
Polybutene PB
• tight The majority of compressed air networks, over 80 %, is
• maintenance-free installed in factories and production halls or inside build-
ings. Thus, an ambient temperature of 15 to 25 °C can
• adequately dimensioned be assumed. It is however important to note that tem-
The pipe materials for compressed air lines can be di- peratures in workshops with glass roofs can reach up to
vided into two groups: metals and plastics. 50°C and more with direct sunlight.

Metal materials include: Pressure/temperature limits / Lifetime

• steel Pressure/temperature limits
• copper The diagram below shows the usage limits of the mate-
rials we recommend, polybutene (PB) and polyethylene
• stainless steel  (PE).
Plastic materials include: Lifetime
• polybutene (PB) The systems' lifetime has been calculated for 25 years,
• polyethylene (PE) with a safety factor of 1.5 for the permissible operating
• acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS)
Due to steadily increasing demands in terms of the qual-
ity of compressed air technology, specifically cleanli-
ness, easier installation and maintenance, plastic piping
systems have become more popular for these applica-
There is no one perfect material for compressed air
pipes; the specific requirement criteria determine the
type of material. 
Key criteria for selecting a material:
• location
• pressure/temperature limits
• service life
• safety
• jointing technology
• installation technology
• dimensioning
• product range
Generally, only one pipe system should be used for a
compressed air installation, mainly to prevent corrosion
problems from the metal systems. Combined systems of
plastic and metal are no problem in this regard.
We at GF Piping Systems recommend on the basis
of our many years of experience in piping system
construction the following materials for com-
pressed air pipelines
• Polybutene PB and
• Polyethylene PE.

Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system

The limits were taken from the corresponding creep dia- Safety
grams for the individual materials. 
Several aspects must be considered under the term 
For PB and PE the pipe series S5 per ISO 4065 was «safety», such as
taken as the basis. From this, the following pipe dimen-
sions were obtained: • fracture behaviour

d16 x 2.2
• resistance to UV radiation and compressor oils

d20 x 2.3 • corrosion

d25 x 2.3 • fire behaviour
d32 x 2.9 In contrast to water, air can be compressed. This means
d40 x 3.7 that there can be explosive decompression if the
pipeline is mechanically damaged. Preventing mechani-
d50 x 4.6 cal damage is therefore extremely important so as not to
d63 x 5.8 endanger the environment. In compressed air technolo-
gy and at temperatures below freezing, only plastic ma-
d75 x 6.8
terials with ductile fracture behaviour should be used
d90 x 8.2 for the piping.
d110 x 10.0

For further calculations of the actual safety factor in rela-

tion to the actual operating pressure, see the chapters
on Pressure and Distribution. 

Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system

Pipes and fittings should be joined homogenously, for

example through fusion. A homogenous joint is one in
which there is a direct, uniform joining of pipe and fitting,
without additives. This type of joint can only be re-
moved by destruction. 
Electrofusion, PB and PE:

Ductile fracture behaviour means that if there is

forced damage to a pipe causing explosive decompres-
sion (relief of compressed air), the material will not
shatter. Consequently there is no immediate danger to
the environment. 
The threshold temperature for ductile fracture be-
haviour is ≤ -5 °C for polybutene (PB) ≤ -40 °C for
polyethylene (PE).
In a compressed air network, traces of compressor oil
and condensate are to be expected. To ensure a long
service life and reliability, the pipe material must with-
stand the operation load.  

Oil resistance of polybutene (PB) and polyethylene Socket fusion, PB and PE:

Mineral oils, oils that contain esters and oils with compo-
nents of aromatic amines have, depending on their con-
centration, a negative effect on the lifetime of plastics.
Make sure that you use only oil-free air in INSTAFLEX
piping systems for compressed air lines.
The materials PB and PE have the advantage that they
are resistant to corrosive attack inside and outside. A
damp and corrosive atmosphere will inevitably lead to
corrosion on the outside of steel pipes, residual mois-
ture in compressed air will lead to corrosion on the in-
PB and PE piping systems are corrosion-resistant, so
that the quality of the air conveyed is not impaired. 
PB and PE are plastics with a B2 fire classification ac-  

cording to DIN 4102 (normal flammability). Compression joints for plastic pipes should be perma-
Under an open flame, PB and PE burn with a bright nently pressure and vacuum-tight. The seal between
flame. The fumes smell of wax and paraffin. Because pipe and fitting should be made without elastomers.
they contain no halogens (chlorine), polyolefins such as The patented INSTAFLEX compression fitting for PB
PB and PE do not produce toxic or corrosive combus- pipes creates a durable and tight connection
tion products, unlike PVC and PVC-C.   under DVGW registration and the required testing ac-
We recommend keeping the distribution network cording to Worksheet W534.
free of oil, if possible, when using polybutene (PB)
and/or polyethylene (PE).

Jointing technology
Compressed air networks must be leak-tight to pre-
vent losses and high costs.
Leaks occur primarily at the joints in a compressed air

Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system

Since plastics do not conduct electricity, the cable duct

is a particularly advantageous alternative.
When installing these systems in explosion-proof rooms,
the plastic pipes should be statically discharged with the
corresponding air humidity. 
Plastic pipes are particularly suitable for underground in-
stallations because extra corrosion protection is not nec-
essary. The respective installation guidelines (sand bed,
etc.) should however be observed. 

The connection methods normally found on metal pip-

ing systems, such as threaded joints with hemp sealing,
press fittings with elastomer seals, unions and flange
connections with flat gaskets, lead to leakage after a
certain time because of the «dry» compressed air gen-
erally used today.  

In situations where threaded unions or flange connec- Dimensioning

tions are unavoidable (tank connections), they should
be made so that the seals can be easily replaced. A compressed air line is an energy line and should
therefore be dimensioned carefully. 
Vibration If compressed air lines are unknowingly dimensioned
Vibration is the most frequent cause of irregularities in a according to  «water pipeline rules», over 50 % of the
compressed air system.  energy will be lost before it reaches the consumer.  
It therefore makes sense to use a pipe system which
Polybutene (PB) and polyethylene (PE) pipes trans-
prevents transmission of vibration. Polybutene (PB) pipe
port compressed air more economically than steel pipes
systems are flexible compared to metal systems, i.e.
thanks to their conducive properties. The smooth sur-
they are free of vibration.  
face of plastic pipes with k = 0.007 (steel pipe k = 0.15)
Installation technology permits a higher airflow with the same pipe inner cross-
section under the same pressure conditions.
In this case, the installation technology is only dis- k = pipe roughness factor        
cussed under the aspect of «material selection».
Surface of a plastic pipe:
The plastics recommended by us, polybutene (PB) and  

polyethylene (PE), for compressed air applications are 

ca. 80% lighter than steel pipes per DIN 2440, opening
up new perspectives for system layout. 
Installation is fast and easy thanks to the reduced fas-
tening requirements and rational pre-fabrication - deci-
sive factors for keeping installation costs low.
Because the pipes and fittings are so lightweight, com-
pressed air lines can be laid and fastened in existing ca-
ble ducts.

Depending on the pipe dimension, the lines can be se-

cured with pipe clips or cable binders.

Compressed air applications
Selection of material / selection of system

Surface of a steel pipe:


Product range

The INSTAFLEX polybutene (PB) piping system is avail-

able in a wide range of products: pipes from d16 to
d225, in coils and rods, fittings and connecting ele-
The fitter's job is made easier with electrofusion sock-
ets and fittings as well as the convenient product-cod-
ed connections and the handy fusion machine. 

Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes

Design and installation of pipes Calculating the flexible section:


For pipeline planning it is important to know the on-site

conditions. Bundling energy lines in or on common carri-  

er elements reduces installation time and costs.  Be-  

cause plastic pipes are approx. 80 % lighter than metal C for PB = 10

pipes, less fastening is also required.    PE = 27
The first step when planning an installation is to make a   St = 91
schematic, isometric drawing of the system.  

ΔL = L DS x α x Δϑ

α for PB = 0.130 mm/mK

  PE = 0.200 mm/mK
  St = 0.012 mm/mK

Change in direction:

1 = main line (HL)

2 = distribution line (VL Ring)
3 = distribution line (VL Ring mains with crossbars)
4 = distribution line (VL branch line)
5 = pressure vessel
6 = compressor

The compressed air lines should be protected against

mechanical damage, impact and shock in traffic areas,
in the swivel range of heavy loads and similar danger
It should also be remembered that plastic pipes react to FP = fixed point 
temperature changes by expanding or contracting. In GB = sliding fastener

compressed air lines, the temperature fluctuations are  

only in the ambient temperature.  ΔL = change in length

There are two main methods of installing p olybutene L DS = length of expasion leg
(PB) and polyethylene (PE) pipelines. L BS = length of flexible section
1. Flexible sections or expansion loops α = thermal expansion coefficient
Here the temperature-related changes in length are
taken into consideration. d = pipe outer diameter
2. Rigid installations C = material constant
Here the pipe must absorb the temperature-related Δϑ = temperature difference
changes in length in itself.   

Main line outlets to distribution:


Main, distribution and connection lines need to be

planned separately. 

Main line
We recommend using a rigid assembly for main lines up
to d63 (d75). Dimensions d75 and up should be de-
signed with flexible sections or expansion loops.
Fixed points should be selected so that if possible the
outlet T is fixed to the distribution line.
A shut-off valve should always be placed at the main
pipe outlet as well as at the branches so that individual  

sections can be turned off without interrupting the whole


Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes

Main line branch:


Branch lines

Expansion loop:

By cleverly placing the shut-off valves, individual sec-

tions of the distribution line can be shut down without
completely interrupting operation. Dividing the distribu-
tion lines (ring and branch lines) must take the actual
conditions and requirements into consideration.
When designing the distribution lines, the existing carri-
er system of other energy lines can be made use
of. Placing the distribution lines in or on electrical ca-
Example: ble ducts is the easiest and most rational method of in-
 Flexible section calculation stallation and because plastic is not electrically conduct-
ing, there are no adverse effects. 
LDS = 20 m
Fastening methods
Δϑ = 20 K
Normal fastening on ceilings, walls or other carriers with
 Pipe = d32 pipe brackets:


L BS for PB = 32 cm
L BS for PE = 108 cm
L BS for St = 91 cm

Distribution line
The three main layout designs for distribution lines

Ring main

Ring main with crossbars

Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes

Fastening on pipe runs with brackets: Depending on the installation technology, rigid or flexi-
ble, the placement of fixed points is very important.
On branches fixed points should be placed, if neces-
sary, as dictated by the local conditions.
On ring lines fixed points should be placed at the ring
inlet, at shut-off valves and depending on the actual sit-
uation also at the crossbar junctions. 

  Fixed point at ring inlet


Fastening with pipe clips: Attention:


Valves or apparatus in the line must be fastened sepa-


Connection line
How the connection line (AL) and the distribution line
(VL) are connected depends on the air quality and the
dimension of the connection line. 
For wet compressed air the connection lines should be
connected from the top to the distribution line. 
For dry compressed air the connection lines can be
connected to the distribution line as desired.

Fastening on cable duct with pipe clips:


Laying in cable duct:


The piping can be fastened in the cable

duct with cable ties.

Rigid or flexible assembly

Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes

1 Swan-neck bend with polybutene (PB) pipe Di-

mension d16 and d20    
2 - Tee with electrofusion PB outlet
- Pipe 16 x 2.2 or 20 x 2.8 can be bent into swan
- Bending radius min. 8 x d

For materials, e.g. PE, the swan neck must be as-
1 Protective sleeve
2 PB medium pipe d16/d20/d25

Attaching the connection line with d16 or larger

To attach the connection line, we recommend fitting
the distribution line outlet with an electrofusion adap-
tor to make assembly faster and easier. 

The joint connection of machines, devices or apparatus

at the end of the connection line can be done as a sin-
gle or multiple connection.
Multiple joint connection

INSTAFLEX valve and manifold:

Special installation cases

In compressed air systems which process the air with-

out drying, the main and distribution lines must be laid
with a ca. 2‰ slope anda condensate drain should be
mounted at the end of the line.
If the system works with dried compressed air, the
lines can be installed horizontally. 

Non-ferrous manifold with

connecting thread G ½", man-  

ifold attachment with pipe

brackets or clips
In the ground
If you are laying connection lines in a non-visible area, Polybutene (PB) pipes are especially suitable for in-the-
such as in laboratories, training or test facilities, the IN- ground installations because of their corrosion resis-
STAFLEX pipe-in-sleeve system with polybutene tance.
pipes offers a big plus. The protective sleeve separates, The pipes should be laid at a depth that prevents freez-
insulates and protects the medium-conveying pipe from ing. Stones and other sharp objects must be
the surrounding building, whether it has been installed in removed. The trench bottom should be covered with
a wall recess or behind a wall panel.  about 10 cm sand or other fine-grained material. The fill
A wide range of connectors with the corresponding as- that comes into contact with the pipe should be the
sembly and fastening materials are available in the IN- same material that was put on the bottom of the trench
STAFLEX programme for this application. and should cover the pipe to at least 10 cm, before fill-
ing the trench with earth. 

Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes

1 Earth  

2 Sand
3 Sand
For floor or wall conduits, the pipe should be separated
from the building structure by a sleeve or insulation ma-
 Since condensate might form on pipes laid in the earth, terial. The sleeve should protrude on both sides of the
a water trap should be placed at the lowest point.  structure.

According to VEG 1 § 49 and DIN 2403 pipelines need
to be marked. The marking which indicates the type of
medium is absolutely essential in the interest of safety
Duct installation and effective fire-fighting. 
When laying pipes in ground ducts that are filled with The marking should be
concrete, it is important to ensure that the pipes are
completely encased. When inserting or removing the • at the beginning and the end of the pipeline,
pipes, measures should be taken to protect them from • at branches and lead-throughs
  • on valves.

Medium Group RAL colour

Water 1 green 6018
Compressed 3 grey 7001
Gas 4/5 yellow 1012
Acids 6 orange 2000
Bases 7 violet 4001
Oxygen 0 blue 5015
Steam 2 red 3003

Compressed air applications
Design and installation of pipes

Compressed air applications

Dimensioning The entire air volume of the distribution line is

collected in the main pipeline. 
The energy carrier «compressed air line» must be
carefully dimensioned and calculated. Main lines are generally not very long. This area should
be generously dimensioned and reserves planned in to
A compressed air pipeline is not the same as a wa- allow for later extensions and to save costs. 
ter pipeline.
If a compressed air pipeline were calculated according Material
to the principles for a water pipeline, the energy lost
would be ≥ 50 %. A material must be selected prior to dimensioning be-
cause it is a decisive factor in calculating the pressure
Three factors need to be known in dimensioning: loss. For instance, the pipe inner surface is an impor-
tant parameter. Do you want rough as in steel  (k =
1. System concept
0.15) or smooth as in plastic (k = 0.007)? The pipe wall
2. Pipe material thickness (s) in plastic pipes depends on the material
strength under temperature load. Under the same appli-
3. Total air requirement cation conditions (e.g. 20 °C/16 bar/NW 25) a poly-
butene pipe has an outer diameter of d32, while a
System concept polyethylene pipe has d40 due to the thicker wall re-
A system consists of a: quired. 

• connection line, maximum pressure drop Δp ≤ 0.04 Air requirement

bar for connecting the distribution line and the con-
sumer connection  The air requirement is determined from the data of the
connected machines, devices and apparatus and then
• distribution line, maximum pressure drop Δp ≤ 0.03 added. 
bar as a ring mains or branch line However, to prevent overdimensioning the network,
the degree of utilisation should be figured and taken
Ring mains have the advantage over branch lines that into account. 
they have twice the capacity. We recommend them es-
pecially when the consumers are fairly evenly distribut- We recommend planning in reserves and al-
ed. lowances when calculating the air requirement.

Allowances for:

- Leakage 10 %
- False estimations 10 %
- Reserves check with operator

Calculating the total air requirement

Machine number 1 2
Air requirement 300 500
V [l/min]
The ring mains is divided in the middle and calculated Number of machines 2 1
with half the nominal length and with half the required n
air volume, similar to a branch line.  Utilisation   50 25
• Main pipeline, maximum pressure drop Δp ≤ 0.03 degree
bar connects the pressure reservoir to the distribution  


 Air requirement 300 125

V [l/min]
Total air requirement 425 l/min

Air requirements plus allowances

V = 600 l/min
Form 1 to calculate the total air requirement, see IN-

Compressed air applications

Compressed air applications

Compressed air applications

Pipeline dimensioning Distribution line d75 L = 110 m

The lengths of the connection, distribution and main 1 T-piece     2.5 m
lines are determined in the system concept. The fittings 4 Elbow 90º     6.0 m
used (elbow/T-pieces/etc.) and valves are added ac-
cording to their equivalent pipe length value.  3 Ball valve   ca. 1.6 m
The pipeline can be pre-dimensioned with the help Total length     120.1 m

of Table 1. As taken from Table 1 with an operating pressure of 6

The maximum flow rate of the diverse pipe diameters at bar and an air requirement of 4500 l/min (4.5 m³/min)
different operating temperatures is based on a pressure the pipe diameter is d75.
loss of 0.03 bar for 100 m pipe.  

Table 1

Operating 4 6 8 10 12 16
pressure Nomogram
[bar] The nomogram below is a fast and easy way of calculat-
Pipe ø Max. flow rate [m³/min] ing the right pipe diameter of compressed air pipelines
made of PB and PE-HD.
16 - - - - 0.10 0.15
20 - - - 0.18 0.20 0.25
1. Determine the pipe length [m] A and the flow rate
25 0.20 0.28 0.30 0.34 0.38 0.45 [m³/min] B and join them with line 1.
32 0.48 0.55 0.62 0.70 0.75 0.85 2. Join the pressure loss [bar] E and the operating pres-
40 0.78 0.90 1.00 1.30 1.50 1.70 sure [bar] D with line 2.
50 1.40 1.75 2.00 2.20 2.60 3.00 3. Join the two intersection points 1/C and 2/F with line
63 2.50 3.25 3.80 4.20 4.60 5.20
4. The intersection point of line 3 with G shows the pipe
75 4.10 5.00 6.00 7.00 7.50 8.20 dimension.
90 7.00 8.10 9.95 11.0 12.5 14.00
0 0 Example:

110 11.50 14.00 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.00 L = 120 m

0 0 0
V = 4.5 m³/min

Pipe length L = 100 m Δ = 0.03 bar

Pressure loss Δp = 0.03 bar
p = 6 bar

Result: pipe dimension d = 75


Equivalent pipe lengths for fittings, see Table 2 of the

section «Nomogram».


VL = 110 m
p = 0.03 bar
p = 6.0 bar
V = 4500 l/min

Compressed air applications

Compressed air applications

Table 2

Equivalent pipe lengths for plastic fittings and valves (polybutene/polyethylene)

Pipe ø A   16 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110

0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.50
Elbow 90º

Elbow 45º  

0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.9 1.25


0.10 0.15 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.60 0.75 1.00


0.50 0.65 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.90 2.30 2.90 3.50


0.65 0.80 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.80 2.10 2.50 3.10 3.80


0.20 0.25 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.70 0.90 1.20 1.50 1.90


0.70 0.85 1.00 - - - - - - -



- 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.24 0.28 0.40 0.52 0.65 0.80

Ball valve/
PB gate


- 0.90 1.20 1.60 2.10 2.60 3.30 4.10 5.00 6.20


Compressed air applications

Compressed air applications
Repair of existing systems

Repair of existing systems Example:


For the operator of a compressed air system, the effi- VB = 1000   l

ciency data of the system are of great importance.
pA = 8   bar
Two factors are predominant: pE = 6   bar
• pressure loss t = 5   min
• leakage loss  

Leakage volume
Pressure loss  
= (l/min)

If dimensions are selected which are too small because  

of calculation errors or investment cost saving, there

will be more pressure loss, thus leading to higher ener-
gy costs for supplying the compressed air.  

The following example shows the higher energy

costs incurred in order to compensate the pressure

Operating pressure 6 bar The shut-off valves at the end of the connection lines
are closed so that only the leakage in the single section
Network length 200 m can be measured. 
Flow rate 12 m³/min

DNR Pressure drop Energy costs

Δp [bar] EUR p.a.
90 0.04 200.00
70 0.2 800.00
50 0.86 4400.00

It's easy to calculate how long it takes to recover the

somewhat higher investment cost for larger pipes com-
pared to the higher energy costs for the smaller
Savings in building costs are rapidly depleted by
high lifecycle costs.
Leakage loss
It is important to know where and how much com-
pressed air is lost between the generator and the con-
Smaller leaks can usually be located with a leak detec-
tor spray, whereas larger leaks are easier to find be-
cause of the hissing sound. 
The best way of determining the leakage volume is
by draining the pressure reservoir or measuring the
on-time of the compressor.
Pressure reservoir draining
The pressure tank ( VB) is filled with a given pressure 
( pA ) and the time (t) required for the tank pressure to
sink to a pressure (pE) is measured.


Quality, environmental and social policies

-- Introduction 288
-- Quality assurance at all levels 288
-- Environment 288
-- Social policies 288

Quality, environmental and social policies

• ABS for environmentally friendly coolants in refrigera-

Warranty tion systems 

Quality, environmental and social • Pipe-in-sleeve systems for more safety in transport-

ing aggressive fluids 
• Better energy balance of plastics compared to alter-
Introduction native pipe materials
Quality, environment and social policies are given top Added value for customers
priority at the Georg Fischer Corporation. Over 90 per-
We aim to understand and satisfy our customers' needs
cent of the roughly 12,000 persons employed at the end
for environmentally friendlier products and services. We
of 2005 work at subsidiaries with quality management
want to be a competent partner for our environmentally
systems certified according to international standards,
conscious customers. 
such as ISO 9001. We achieve a competitive edge for
ourselves and our customers with a consistent standard We achieve this through sustainable product design and
of quality tailored to market needs as well as with the production processes, as well as through intensive dia-
continual improvement of our business processes. logue with our customers. We strive to know their re-
quirements and to adapt our market performance ac-
Our products are more ecologically efficient; without ad-
ditional or with less environmental impact in the produc-
tion and lifecycle phases, our products offer better per- Environmental management
formance. Plastic piping systems from GF Piping Sys-
tems are lightweight to transport, are corrosion resistant With our environmental management system we 
and durable. They safeguard our most valuable re- • deal professionally with environmentally relevant is-
source, water, from its source to the end consumer.  sues,

Quality assurance at all levels • control risks and 

Improvement process  • continuously evaluate and improve products, process-
es and services.
Your experiences with our products and services help
us to continually improve your benefit and to respond ISO 14001 certification is only the beginning. We are
quickly to your changing requirements. Our employees committed to continuously evaluating and improving our
are glad to support you with their know-how and their environmental performance. 
Social policies
Customer satisfaction
Statistical data on the diversity, health and safety on the
We offer all this and more: job, employment conditions, training and development
• Complete systems for a wide variety of applications of our employees was collected systematically and con-
solidated for the first time in 2005. This project was
• High-quality, reliable products overseen by the Corporate Sustainability Officer,
• Large range of services: customer support and train- who reports in this function directly to the Head of Cor-
ing, fusion machine rental, planning tools porate Development and is therefore a Member of the
Executive Committee. The results of this survey were
• Compliance with diverse technical regulations: inter- used to formulate the corporate objectives of GF Piping
national norms, national and application-specific ap- Systems.
• Efficient logistics Qualified, well trained and dedicated employees are
considered the key to success at GF Piping Systems.
Quality is planned, produced and monitored Interesting tasks, goal-oriented training activities, fair re-
You can expect comprehensive quality management on muneration and good social benefits are as important
all levels. as dealing responsibly with employees, especially in a
competitive and economically challenging environment.
• Highly productive research and development
Further training
• Modern production technology in our plants with inte- The training and personal development programs at GF
grated quality assurance  Piping Systems range from apprenticeship training to
• Accredited test lab according to ISO/IEC 17025 courses for employees and managers to seminars
for senior management. The goal-oriented development
An ISO 9001:2000 certified quality management sys- of our employees helps to keep them fit for the future
tem is a major milestone on the path toward achieving and secures their employment opportunities as well as
our ultimate goal  – customer satisfaction. our competitiveness. 

Environment Employee surveys

Georg Fischer periodically surveys the satisfaction of its
Know-how put to use for a clean environment employees regarding their work conditions. Great impor-
tance has also been attached to improving work pro-
Our decades of experience in the field of plastic piping
cesses in the corporation through an avidly pursued
systems are put to the service of a clean environment.
idea management.  

Quality, environmental and social policies

Improvements in work conditions have been implement-

ed at all locations; some of these are, for example, use
of lifting equipment, reduction of noise and particle
emissions or reduction of hazardous materials. 

Symbols and units

SI units
-- SI basic units 292
-- Internationally defined prefixes 292
-- Units 293

Conversion tables
-- Viscosities 295
-- Delivery volumes 295
-- Pressures and pressure heads 296
-- Conversion inch/mm 297

Symbols and units
SI units

Symbols and units

SI units
SI basic units
The International System of Units (SI Units abbreviated
from the French) are the seven base units with the cor-
responding units of measurement and the derived units,
i.e. derived with the factor 1. 

Measure SI base units

Name Symbol Name Symbol
Length l metre m
Mass m kilogram kg
Time t seconds s
Electric cur- l ampere A
Thermody- T kelvin K
namic tem-
Amount of n mole mol
Luminous ln candela cd

Internationally defined prefixes


  Prefix Factor as
Long-scale (UK) Name Symbol Power of ten Decimal
Trillion exa E 1018
= 1 000 000 000 000 000 000
Billiard peta P 1015
= 1 000 000 000 000 000
Billion tera T 1012
= 1 000 000 000 000
Milliard giga G 109
= 1 000 000 000
Million mega M 106
= 1 000 000
Thousand kilo k 103
= 1 000
Hundred hekto h 102
= 100
Ten deca da 101
= 10
Tenth deci d 10-1
= 0.1
Hundredth centi c 10-2
= 0.01
Thousandth milli m 10-3
= 0.001
Millionth micro μ 10-6
= 0.000 001
Milliardth nano n 10-9
= 0.000 000 001
Billionth pico p 10-12
= 0.000 000 000 001
Billiardth femto f 10-15
= 0.000 000 000 000 001
Trillionth atto a 10-18
= 0.000 000 000 000 000 001

Symbols and units
SI units


Unit Symbol SI unit Permissible Conversion to the Units and calcula-

units other respective SI unit tions no longer per-
than SI and name mitted
Length I m (metre)     1" (inch) = 0.0254 m
1 sm (sea mile)
= 1852 m
Area A m²     1 b (barn) = 10 m²

(square 1 a (are) = 10² m²

metre) 1 ha (hectare) = 10 m² 4

qm, qdm, qcm, etc.

Name permitted, not
Volume V m² (cubic l (litre) 1 l = 10 m³
Solid angle Ω  sr (stera-   1 sr = 1 m²/m² 1° (quadrant degree) =
dian) 3,046 • 10 sr

1 g (quadrantgon) =
2,467 • 10 sr

Time t s (second) min (minute) 1 min = 60 s  

h (hour) 1 h = 3600 s
d (day) 1 d = 86400 s

Frequency f Hz (hertz)   1 Hz = 1/s  

Rotational frequency n s-1
min -1
1 min (1/60) s
-1 -1
U/min 1 U/min = 1 (1/min)

Velocity v m/s km/h 1 km/h = (1/3.6) m/s  

Acceleration g m/s²   Normal gravitational 1 Gal (Gal) = 10 m/s²

gn= 9.80665 m/s²
Mass m kg (kilo- t (tonne) 1 t = 10³ kg 1 q (centner) = 50 kg
Density ρ kg/m³ t/m³ 1t/m³ = 1000 kg/m³  
kg/l 1kg/l = 1000 kg/m³
Moment of inertia J kg • m²     1 kp • m s² = 9.81 kg •

Force F N (New-   1 N = 1 kg • m/s² 1 dyn (dyn) = 10 N -5

ton) 1 p (pond) = 9.80665 •

10 N-3

1 kp (kilopond) =
9.80665 N
Torque M N•m     1 kpm = 9.80665 Nm
Pressure p Pa (Pas- bar 1 Pa = 1 N/m² 1 atm = 1.01325 bar
cal) 1 bar = 10 Pa 5
1 at = 0.980665 bar
1 Torr = 1.333224 • 10 -3

1 m WS = 98.0665 • 10 -

1 mm Hg = 1,333224 •
10 bar

Mechanical stress  σ N/m²   1 N/m² = 1 Pa 1 kp/m² = 9.80665 N/m²

Pa 1 kp/cm² = 98.0665 10 -3

1 kp/mm² = 9.80665 •
10 N/m²

Symbols and units
SI units

Dynamic viscosity   Pa • s   1 Pa • s = 1 N • s/m² 1 P (poise) = 10 Pa • s


Kinematic viscosity   m²/s   1 m²/s = 1 Pa • s • 1 St (stokes) = 10 m²/s


Work W J (joule) eV (electron 1 J = 1 Nm = 1 Ws 1 cal = 4.1868 J
Energy E volt) W • h 1 W • h = 3.6 KJ 1 kpm = 9.80665 J
1 erg = 10 J

Quantity of electrici- Q C   1C=1A•s  

ty  (coulomb)
Electric potential dif- U V (volt)   1 V = 1 W/A  
Electric current I A (ampere)      
Electric resistance R Ω (ohm)   1 Ω = 1 V/A 1 Ω abs = 1 Ω
Power P W (watt)   1 W = 1 J/s = 1 1 PS = 735.498 W
Nm/s 1 kcal/h = 1.163 W
1W=1V•A 1 kpm/s = 10 W
Electric capacitance C F (farad)   1 F = 1 C/V  
Magnetic field H A/m     1 Oe (Oersted) =
strength 79.5775 A/m
Magnetic flux Φ Wb (we-   1 Wb = 1 V • s 1 Mx (Maxwell) = 10 -8

ber) Wb
Magnetic flux density B T (tesla)   1 T = 1 Wb/m² 1 G (Gauss) = 10 T -4

Inductance L H (henry)   1 H = 1 Wb/A  

Electric conductance G S   1 S = 1/Ω  
Thermodynamic T K (kelvin)   Δ 1 °C = Δ 1 K  
temperature 0 °C = 273.15 K
Celsius temperature t, δ °C (de-   Δ 1 °C = Δ 1 K  
gree Cel- 0 K = -273.15 °C
Heat capacity C J/K     1 Kcl/grad = 4.1868 10 -3

1 Cl (Clausius) =
4.1868 J/K

Symbols and units
Conversion tables

Conversion tables

Kine- Abso- Engler Sec- Sec- Sec- Sec- Barbey Sec- Abso- Kine-
matic lute Vis- degrees onds onds onds onds degrees onds lute Vis- matic
Viscosi- cosity Saybolt Red- Saybolt Ford Cup Nr. cosity Viscosi-
ty Centi- Centi- Univer- wood 1 Furol Cup Nr. 15 Poise ty m²/s
stokes poise sal (Stand- 4 Density
Density (SSU) ard) 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0 31 29 -- -- -- -- 0.01 1.0 x 10 -6

2.0 2.0 1.1 34 30 -- -- 3640 -- 0.02 2.0 x 10 -6

3.0 3.0 1.2 35 33 -- -- 2426 -- 0.03 3.0 x 10 -6

4.0 4.0 1.3 37 35 -- -- 1820 -- - 4.0 x 10 -6

5.0 5.0 1.39 42 38 -- -- 1300 -- 0.05 5.0 x 10 -6

6.0 6.0 1.48 45.5 40.5 -- -- 1085 -- 0.06 6.0 x 10 -6

7.0 7.0 1.57 48.5 43 -- -- 930 -- 0.07 7.0 x 10 -6

8.0 8.0 1.65 53 46 -- -- 814 -- 0.08 8.0 x 10 -6

9.0 9.0 1.74 55 48.5 -- -- 723 -- 0.09 9.0 x 10 -6

10 10 1.84 59 52 -- -- 650 -- 0.10 1.0 x 10 -5

20 20 2.9 97 85 15 -- 320 -- 0.2 2.0 x 10 -5

40 40 5.3 185 163 21 -- 159 -- 0.4 4.0 x 10 -5

60 60 7.9 280 245 30 18.7 106 5.6 0.6 6.0 x 10 -5

80 80 10.5 370 322 38 25.9 79 6.7 0.8 8.0 x 10 -5

100 100 13.2 472 408 47 32 65 7.4 1.0 1.0 x 10 -4

200 200 26.4 944 816 92 60 32.5 11.2 2.0 2.0 x 10 -4

400 400 52.8 1888 1632 184 111 15.9 18.4 4.0 4.0 x 10 -4

600 600 79.2 2832 2448 276 162 10.6 26.9 6.0 6.0 x 10 -4

800 800 106 3776 3264 368 217 8.1 35 8.0 8.0 x 10 -4

1000 1000 132 7080 4080 460 415 6.6 68 10 1.0 x 10 -3

5000 5000 660 23600 20400 2300 1356 1.23 240 50 5.0 x 10 -3

10000 10000 1320 47200 40800 4600 2713 -- 481 100 1.0 x 10 -2

50000 50000 6600 236000 204000 23000 13560 -- 2403 500 5.0 x 10 -2

Absolute viscosity (centipoise) = kinematic viscosity

(Centistokes) x density
Over 50 centistokes - calculated to SSU at SSU = cen-
tistokes x 4.62

Delivery volumes

m³/h l/min l/s m³/s Imp. gal/min US gal/min cu. ft./h cu. ft./s
1.0 16.67 0.278 2.78 x 10 -4
3.667 4.404 35.311 9.81 x 10 -3

0.06 1.0 0.017 1.67 x 10 -5

0.220 0.264 2.119 5.89 x 10 -4

3.6 60 1.0 1.00 x 10 -3

13.20 15.853 127.12 3.53 x 10 -2

3600 60000 1000 1.0 13200 15838 127118 35.311

0.2727 4.55 0.076 7.58 x 10 -5
1.0 1.201 9.629 2.67 x 10 -3

0.2272 3.79 0.063 6.31 x 10 -5

0.833 1.0 8.0238 2.23 x 10 -3

0.0283 0.47 0.008 7.86 x 10 -6

0.104 0.125 1.0 2.78 x 10 -4

101.94 1699 28.32 2.83 x 10 -2

373.77 448.8 3600 1.0

Symbols and units
Conversion tables

gal/min = gallon per minute

1 ≈ 4.55 litre
1 ≈ 3.79 litre
cu. ft./h = cubic foot per hour 
cu. ft./s = cubic foot per second

Pressures and pressure heads


bar kg/cm² lbf/sq. in. atm ft H 2 O mH2O mm Hg in. Hg kPa

1.0 1.0197 14.504 0.9869 33.455 10.197 750.06 29.530 100

0.9807 1.0 14.223 0.9878 32.808 10 735.56 28.959 98.07
0.0689 0.0703 1.0 0.0609 2.3067 0.7031 51.715 2.036 6.89
1.0133 1.0332 14.696 1.0 33.889 10.332 760.0 29.921 101.3
0.0299 0.0305 0.4335 0.0295 1.0 0.3048 22.420 0.8827 2.99
0.0981 0.10 1.422 0.0968 3.2808 1.0 73.356 2.896 9.81
13.3 x 10 -4
0.0014 0.0193 13.2 x 10-4
0.0446 0.0136 1.0 0.0394 0.133

0.0339 0.0345 0.4912 0.0334 1.1329 0.3453 25.40 1.0 3.39

1.0 x 10 -5
10.2 x 10-6
14.5 x 10 -5
9.87 x 10-6
3.34 x 10 -4
10.2 x 10-5
75.0 x 10-4
29.5 x 10-5

kg/cm² = metric atmosphere

lbf/sq. in. = pound (force) per square inch (GB)
atm = international standard atmosphere
mm Hg = millimetre mercury column

Symbols and units
Conversion tables

Conversion inch/mm
Conversion inch/mm

Symbols and units
Conversion tables


ABS Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
CR Chloroprene rubber, e.g. Neoprene
EPDM Ethylene-propylene rubber
FPM Fluorocarbon rubber, e.g. Viton
Ms Brass
NBR Nitrile rubber
NR Natural rubber
PB Polybutene
PE Polyethylene
PE-X Crosslinked polyethylene
PP Polypropylene
PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene, e.g. Teflon
PVC Polyvinyl chloride
PVC-C Polyvinyl chloride post-chlorinated (higher chlorine content)
PVC-U Polyvinyl chloride unplasticized
PVDF Polyvinylidene fluoride
TG Malleable iron
UP-GF Unsaturated polyester resin, fibreglass reinforced

Measurements and units

Measurements are given in mm or inch and are consid-
ered nominal or standard measurements. 

Page Page
Adaptor union 163 Heat emission from polybutene 52
(PB) pipes
Approval conditions 36
Hot-asphalt flooring 43
Approvals for INSTAFLEX 36
Hygiene standards 24, 41
Assembling valve connections with 137
blue housing Impact strength 24

Basement distribution and riser 165 INSTAFLEX 8

Bending radius 182
Installation aids 146
Bitumen 42
Installation dimensions 141
Brass 30
Insulation thickness of cold water 53
Calculating the flexible section 167 polybutene pipes
Linear expansion 184
Chemical resistance 22
Long-term pressure test 25
Circulation lines 47
Manifold 146
Coefficient of thermal expansion 24
Mechanical properties of PB 22
Condensation 49
Mechanical properties of plastics 17
Condensation formation 49
MFI 24
Corrosion 33
Modulus of elasticity 29
CR brass 30
Operating conditions 41
Density 24, 29
Overview planning fundamentals 5
Determination of flexible section 29
Physiological properties 23
Drinking water heater 49, 164
Pipe data for PB 27
Duroplastics 17
Pipe installation with flexible 165
Ecology 11 sections
Elastomers 17 Pipe support 154

Electrical properties 23 Pipe surface temperature 50

Fastening accessories 139 Pipe wall thickness 28

Fire behaviour 23 Planungskriterien 18

Fire behaviour and fire protection 42 Potential equalisation 43

Fire mains 42 Pressure class 26

Fitting combinations 194 Pressure test protocol 253

Flushing 53 Properties of plastics 19

Formwork duct 154 Protecting drinking water 43

Fusion parameters 69 Quality management 11

General 22 Range of application 27

GF Piping Systems 7 Recycling 11

Hardness 24 Red brass 30

Rigidity 24

Run-off support 141

Servicing HWSG3 105

Sound insulation 44

Standards and regulations 40

Summary 33

Tensile modulus of elasticity 24

Tensile strength 24

Testing and certification 40

Thermal conductivity 24, 29

Thermal expansion 29

Thermal properties 23

Thermoplastics 17

Trace heating 49

Training 13

UV resistance 22

Valve connections 140

Water meter union 163

Weld-in saddles 77, 80, 81, 83

What are polymers 17

Working with plastic pipes and 16

z-dimension installation method 186

GF Piping Systems > worldwide at home
Our sales companies and representatives
ensure local customer support in over 100 countries.

The technical data is not binding. They neither

constitute expressly warranted characteristics nor
guaranteed properties nor a guaranteed durability.

Adding Quality to People’s Lives

They are subject to modification. Our General Terms
of Sale apply.

Headquarter Building Technology China India Norway Switzerland

Georg Fischer JRG AG Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd Georg Fischer AS Georg Fischer
4450 Sissach/Switzerland Shanghai 400 076 Mumbai 1351 Rud Rohrleitungssysteme (Schweiz) AG
Phone +41(0)61 975 22 22 Pudong, Shanghai 201319 Phone +91 224007 2001 Phone +47(0)67 18 29 00 8201 Schaffhausen
[email protected] Phone +86(0)21 58 13 33 33 [email protected] [email protected] Phone +41(0)52 631 30 26 [email protected] [email protected]
Australia Italy Russia
George Fischer Pty Ltd Denmark / Iceland Georg Fischer S.p.A. Georg Fischer Piping Systems Georg Fischer JRG SA
Riverwood NSW 2210 Australia Georg Fischer A/S 20063 Cernusco S/N (MI) Moscow 125047 6962 Viganello/Lugano
Phone +61(0)2 9502 8000 2630 Taastrup Phone +3902 921 861 Phone +7 495 258 60 80 Phone +41(0)91 972 26 26
[email protected] Phone +45 (0)70 22 19 75 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Austria Korea Singapore United Kingdom / Ireland
Georg Fischer France Georg Fischer Piping Systems George Fischer Pte Ltd George Fischer Sales Limited
Rohrleitungssysteme GmbH Georg Fischer SAS Guro-3 dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, Korea 528 872 Singapore Coventry, CV2 2ST
3130 Herzogenburg 95932 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Cedex Phone +82(0)2 2081 1450 Phone +65(0)67 47 06 11 Phone +44(0)2476 535 535
Phone +43(0)2782 856 43-0 Phone +33(0)1 41 84 68 84 Fax +82(0)2 2081 1453 [email protected] [email protected]
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Middle East Spain / Portugal International
Georg Fischer Fittings GmbH Germany George Fischer Piping Systems Georg Fischer S.A. Georg Fischer
3160 Traisen Georg Fischer GmbH Dubai, United Arab Emirates 280046 Madrid Piping Systems (Switzerland) Ltd.
Phone +43 (0)2762 90300 73095 Albershausen Phone +971 4 289 49 60 Phone +34(0)91 781 98 90 8201 Schaffhausen/Switzerland
[email protected] Phone +49(0)7161 302-0 [email protected] [email protected] Phone +41(0)52 631 30 03
[email protected] Fax +41(0)52 631 28 93
Belgium / Luxembourg [email protected]
Georg Fischer NV/SA Netherlands Sweden / Finland
1070 Bruxelles/Brüssel Georg Fischer JRG GmbH Georg Fischer N.V. Georg Fischer AB
Phone +32(0)2 556 40 20 86633 Neuburg/Donau 8161 PA Epe 12523 Älvsjö-Stockholm
[email protected] Phone +49(0)8431 5817-0 Phone +31(0)578 678 222 Phone +46(0)8 506 775 00 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

George Fischer Ltda
04795-100 São Paulo
Phone +55(0)11 5687 1311
[email protected]

11.09 / ©Georg Fischer JRG AG

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