8th Summative 1st Term Writing
8th Summative 1st Term Writing
8th Summative 1st Term Writing
TOPICS: Use of vocabulary, grammatical structures, structure of the review, audience, and TERM: 1
OBJECTIVE: D (Writing)
Criterion D (Writing):
Students will write a critical review about a previously assigned short story that might one of these options:
• The review must be written according to the structure:
Review’s title
Paragraph 1 Introduction
Paragraph 2 Summary of the plot
Paragraph 3 Character Development
Paragraph 4 Topic of the story
Paragraph 5 Conclusion
Class 1 Prewriting
• Write and organize the key ideas using the Review’s Outline format.
• If the student finishes, can start drafting the introduction and the body.
Class 2 Drafting
• Based on the prewriting, write sentences and paragraphs even if they are not
• Read what you have written again. Rearrange words, sentences, or paragraphs into
a clear and logical order.
Class 3 Editing:
• Correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, tenses, add synonyms and correct
word order. For this step you’ll need a dictionary.
*Proofread: the act of reading a piece of writing with the express purpose of identifying, marking, and correcting
Class 1: Prewriting: REVIEW’S OUTLINE
1st paragraph:
INTRODUCTION (Write your hook and add general information you want to provide).
2nd paragraph
SUMMARY OF THE PLOT (Summarize the most important events of the story)
(Detail 1)_____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Detail 2)_____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Detail 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Detail 4)_____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Detail 5)_____________________________________________________________________________________________
(Detail 6) ____________________________________________________________________________________________
3rd paragraph
CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT (Analyze the state of the character during the exposition and resolution).
Evidence: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Evidence: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Evidence: __________________________________________________________________________________________
4th paragraph
TOPIC AND ITS RELEVANCE (Identify what was the story mostly about and its importance for the
audience, teenagers)
(Evidence 1) _________________________________________________________________________________________
(Evidence 2 )_________________________________________________________________________________________
5th Paragraph
CONCLUSION (Rate the story out of 10 stars and mention your general opinion, you can include your favorite or
least favorite part or aspect and finally, emit a recommendation)
(Rating) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(Recommendation) _______________________________________________________________________________________________
2nd paragraph (words _____)
5th paragraph: Conclusion (words _____)
Class 4: Publishing:
1-2-3 i.uses a limited range of vocabulary. i. The vocabulary you used did not convey meaning most of the time
or was too basic for the level.
ii.uses a limited range of grammatical ii. You use a limited range of grammatical structures, and you make
structures with many errors which often mistakes when conjugating in the Simple Tenses.
hinder communication.
iii. The structure of the critical review is confusing, and paragraphs
iii.organizes some information in a
are not focused on the given topics. You insufficiently used
recognizable format using some basic
conjunctions and transitions; therefore, ideas are choppy or
cohesive devices.
iv.communicates limited relevant iv. You wrote imprecise ideas regarding character development,
information with some sense of audience and topic and opinion. Failed to provide evidence, causes and reasons to
purpose to suit the context. support your opinions. The paper informs but does not evaluate the
content of the story.
4 i.uses a basic range of vocabulary i.The vocabulary you used conveyed appropriate meaning most of
the time.
ii.uses a basic range of grammatical ii. Grammar is basic but appropriate for the level.
structures with some errors which sometimes
hinder communication.
iii. The structure of the critical review was used, and paragraphs are
focused on the given topics. However, only basic conjunctions and
iii.organizes information in a recognizable
transitions were used.
format using a range of basic cohesive
devices. iv. You wrote simple or imprecise ideas regarding character
development, topic and opinion. The paper provides evidence,
iv.communicates some relevant information causes and reasons to support your opinions, it informs but does not
with some sense of audience and purpose to fulfill the purpose of evaluation.
suit the context.
5-6 i.uses a range of vocabulary. i. Rich and varied use of vocabulary with few errors.
ii. Grammar was mostly accurate and appropriate for the level.
ii.uses a range of grammatical structures with
a few errors which do not hinder
iii. The structure of the critical review was used, and paragraphs are
focused on the given topics. Basic and complex conjunctions and
transitions were used.
iii.organizes information in an appropriate
format using simple and complex iv. You wrote precise ideas regarding character development, topic
cohesive devices. and opinion. The paper provides evidence, causes and reasons to
support your opinions, it informs and evaluates the story.
iv.communicates most relevant information
with a sense of audience and purpose to suit
the context.
7-8 i. Rich and varied use of vocabulary appropriate for the level.
i.uses a wide range of vocabulary. ii. Grammar was consistently accurate and appropriate for the level.