This document discusses the meaning and history of the Sanskrit language. It provides background that Sanskrit is the oldest Indo-Aryan language and the language of Hinduism and the Vedas. It was the classical literary language of India and its formation gave rise to civilization and culture in India. Many words in European languages are derived from Sanskrit, and it has influenced languages like Latin. Sanskrit was used by educated classes for over two thousand years and became a fixed literary language, while related languages evolved into modern languages of North and Central India. The document also discusses place names and ancient sites in Kutch that provide evidence of early Sanskrit-using civilizations in the region.
This document discusses the meaning and history of the Sanskrit language. It provides background that Sanskrit is the oldest Indo-Aryan language and the language of Hinduism and the Vedas. It was the classical literary language of India and its formation gave rise to civilization and culture in India. Many words in European languages are derived from Sanskrit, and it has influenced languages like Latin. Sanskrit was used by educated classes for over two thousand years and became a fixed literary language, while related languages evolved into modern languages of North and Central India. The document also discusses place names and ancient sites in Kutch that provide evidence of early Sanskrit-using civilizations in the region.
This document discusses the meaning and history of the Sanskrit language. It provides background that Sanskrit is the oldest Indo-Aryan language and the language of Hinduism and the Vedas. It was the classical literary language of India and its formation gave rise to civilization and culture in India. Many words in European languages are derived from Sanskrit, and it has influenced languages like Latin. Sanskrit was used by educated classes for over two thousand years and became a fixed literary language, while related languages evolved into modern languages of North and Central India. The document also discusses place names and ancient sites in Kutch that provide evidence of early Sanskrit-using civilizations in the region.
This document discusses the meaning and history of the Sanskrit language. It provides background that Sanskrit is the oldest Indo-Aryan language and the language of Hinduism and the Vedas. It was the classical literary language of India and its formation gave rise to civilization and culture in India. Many words in European languages are derived from Sanskrit, and it has influenced languages like Latin. Sanskrit was used by educated classes for over two thousand years and became a fixed literary language, while related languages evolved into modern languages of North and Central India. The document also discusses place names and ancient sites in Kutch that provide evidence of early Sanskrit-using civilizations in the region.
The oldest Indo-Aryan language is the language of Hinduism and the Vedas and is the Indian classical literary language. SANSKRUT / Sanskrit is not the just LANGAUGE but has its own meaning of doing GOOD by all of us in a civilised way. Which give us a CIVILISATION Sanskriti Formation of the CIVILISED CULTURE. Sanskrit sa skrita, from neuter of sa - skrita- , perfected, refined : sam, together; see sem-1 in IndoEuropean roots + karoti, he makes; kwer- in Indo-European roots. Indo European is the root of European languages Many words of European language are derived from Latin, e.g 8 - Eight is from Sanskrit Ashta; 3 - Tri in Sanskrit become three in English. Da in Sanskrit and same in Italian means to Give. In Sanskrit Jirna means Old is used for Geriatric Science Science related to the Old age and health. Word History: Like Latin in Europe and elsewhere, Sanskrit has been used by the educated classes in India for literary and religious purposes for over two thousand years. This tradition reached its height around 500 b.c. in the work of the grammarian Panini, who composed an intricate and complex description of the language in the form of rules of generative grammar in modern times to distinguish it from pr kritam, a speech of the ordinary people. Sanskrit thus became a fixed literary language, while Prakrit continued to develop into what are now the modern spoken languages of northern and central India, such as Hindi and Bengali. It is the oldest recorded member of the Indic branch of the Indo-European family of languages; recognition of the existence of the Indo-European family arose in the 18th century from a comparison of Sanskrit with Greek and Latin. Although it is used only for religious purposes, it is one of the official languages of India in Sanskrit language KUTCH means KACHBO also has synonyms Kachchh, Kurma- Kurmi, Kashyap etc. So as it is our destiny we are descendents of KASHYAP (Grandson of Brahma) and so our Gautra is also Kashyap. Our identity Kanbi was derived from this word of KURMI, From High lands Mountains of PAMIR we passed through Panjab Rajasthan, Gujarat saurastra Halar and then we arrived to auspicious astronomical area of KACHCHH, where Holy river Saraswati was flowing in vedic times, Hundreds of Civilisation like DHolavira were flourished in Kutch with the water of auspicious Saraswati river, Where the tropic of Cancer passes through middle of Kachchh and India. Tropic of Cancer has an astronomical as well as geological importance. Our villages named with a word PAR / PUR- a recidency e.g. Madhapar, Naranpar, Mirjapar,, surajpar. Many of the our residency Chovishi villages are actually the Ancient civilisation like Dholavira of vedic times. Amongst, Madhapar (Late Stone Age time), Sukhpar Bajariyu gaam, Vadasar TARO area, Bharasar, Meghpar Gadhwari Wadi, Sarali Jiwa /zinzu Timbo, Rampar Vekara Sindhu virdo etc. Our village places named with SAR means Sarowar/ Lakes, has old civilisation ( Sanskriti) places in Kutch. E.g. Bharasar, Vadasar TARO area, Dahisara etc MORO - TIMBO - MEANS TAKARO- Mould - SARLI JIWA TIMBO and Zinzu TIMBO of Sarli village GADH /GADHADA or Kot/Kotada means ancient Citadel areas GADHADA, GADHSHISHA, GADHWARI WADI - MEGHPAR IN BHUJ, GADHADA OF BHAVNAGAR ON RIVER BANKS OF GHELO RIVER. KOT - KOTADA - KOTDI OF KUTCH - KANTH KOT, GADHADO AREA HAS GADH IN GROUNDS, Kotada (Roha), KOTADA KOTADI OF DHOLAVIRA, KOTAY , KOTESHWAR - NARAYAN SAROVAR,
By Dr. Hirji BHUDIA-Science Group Of INDIA.
President:'Kutch Science Foundation'. Founder :'Kutch Astronomers Club - Bhuj - Kutch'. Life Member:'kutch Itihaas Parishad'.