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Simulation and Analysis of

Turning Operation of Aluminium

AA2219-TiB2/ZrB2 Metal Matrix
Composite using “DEFORM 3D”
Krishnakumar R, Chinnadurai G, Suryakumar M

temperatures determine the service temperature of composites.

Abstract— Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has become the main
Most metals, ceramics and compounds can be used with matrices
tool for simulating metal cutting process. Current project presents
of low melting point alloys. The choice of reinforcements
the simulated 3D Finite Element Model using Deform-3D
software and compare with experimental validation while turning becomes more stunted with increase in the melting temperature
the AA2219-TiB2/ZrB2 metal matrix composites using a cutting of matrix materials.
tool. Turning operation is carried out using DEFORM 3D
software. Machining parameters are Cutting Speed, Feed Rate & II. ALUMINIUM 2219 ALLOY
Depth of Cut. Simulation of machining test using FEA is important
due to time and cost consuming in the actual cutting test, hence it
is preferred over experimental work. Aluminium Alloy 2219 is a high strength alloy which
combines good machinability and good mechanical properties.
Keywords Cutting Speed, Feed Rate & Depth of Cut
2219 is useful over a temperature range of -452°F to 600°F, is
readily weldable and has good fracture toughness. In the T8
I. INTRODUCTION condition it is resistant to stress corrosion cracking. Aluminium
2219 is typically used in a range of aerospace applications such
as high temperature structural applications including space
Composite material is a material made from two or more booster and fuel tanks.
constituent materials with significantly different physical or
chemical properties that, when combined, produce a material Aluminum alloys have high corrosion resistance. The
with characteristics different from the individual components. strength of these alloys can be reduced when they are subjected
Metal Matrix Composite is a composite material with at to temperatures of about 200 to 250°C. However, their strength
least two constituent parts, one being a metal necessarily, the can be increased at sub-zero temperatures. Aluminium 2219
other material may be a different metal or another material, such alloy is an age-hardenable copper containing alloy. 2219
as a ceramic or organic compound. When at least three materials aluminium alloy is an alloy in the wrought aluminium-copper
are present, it is called a hybrid composite. family 2000 series. It can be heat-treated to produce tempers
with a higher strength but a lower ductility. The aluminium-
Metal matrix composites, at present though generating a copper alloys have high strength, but are generally less
wide interest in research fraternity, are not as widely in use as corrosion resistant and harder to weld than other types of
their plastic counterparts. High strength, fracture toughness and aluminium alloys.
stiffness are offered by metal matrices than those offered by
their polymer counterparts. They can withstand elevated
temperature in corrosive environment than polymer composites. Chemical Composition of 2219 aluminium is
Most metals and alloys could be used as matrices and they Aluminium: 91.5 to 93.8%
require reinforcement materials which need to be stable over a Copper: 5.8 to 6.8%
range of temperature and non-reactive too. However, the Iron: 0.3% max
guiding aspect for the choice depends essentially on the matrix Magnesium: 0.02% max
material. Light metals form the matrix for temperature Manganese: 0.2 to 0.4%
application and the reinforcements in addition to the Silicon: 0.2% max
aforementioned reasons are characterized by high moduli. Titanium: 0.02 to 0.10%
Vanadium: 0.05 to 0.15%
Most metals and alloys make good matrices. However, Zinc: 0.1% max
practically, the choices for low temperature applications are not Zirconium: 0.10 to 0.25%
many. Only light metals are responsive, with their low density Residuals: 0.15% max
proving an advantage. Titanium, Aluminium and magnesium
are the popular matrix metals currently in vogue, which are
particularly useful for aircraft applications. If metallic matrix
materials have to offer high strength, they require high modulus
reinforcements. The strength-to-weight ratios of resulting
composites can be higher than most alloys. The melting point,
physical and mechanical properties of the composite at various
Fabrication and Heat Treatment • Automatic Lathe
• Turret Lathe
Machinability: Aluminium 2219 alloy can be machined in The most common form of lathe, motor driven and comes in
the annealed condition. In the heat-treated condition, this alloy large variety of sizes and shapes. A bench top model usually of
is very difficult to machine. Oil base lubrication is used to low power used to make precision machine small work pieces.
perform machining operations. A lathe that has the ability to follow a template to copy a shape
or contour. A lathe in which the work piece is automatically fed
Forming: Aluminium 2219 alloy can be formed using and removed without use of an operator. Cutting operations are
conventional techniques. automatically controlled by a sequencer of some form. A lathe
Welding: Aluminium 2219 alloy can be welded using which have multiple tools mounted on turret either attached to
resistance welding, and inert gas welding techniques with the tailstock or the cross-slide, which allows for quick changes
high precautions in order to prevent cracking. This process is in tooling and cutting operations. A highly automated lathe,
followed by heat treatment in order to maintain the corrosion where both cutting, loading, tool changing, and part unloading
resistance property of this alloy. are automatically controlled by computer coding.
Heat Treatment: Aluminium 2219 alloy can be heat treated
at 538°C (1000°F) followed by quenching in cold water.
Forging: Aluminium 2219 alloy can be forged to maintain
the corrosion resistance property. The finite element method is a numerical method that can
be used for the accurate solution of complex engineering
Hot working: Aluminium 2219 alloy should not be hot problems. The method was first developed in 1956 for the
worked if they are not subjected to heat treatment in order to analysis of aircraft structural problems. Thereafter, within a
restore the corrosion resistance property of this alloy. decade, the potentialities of the method for the solution of
different types of applied science and engineering problems
Cold working: Aluminium 2219 alloy can be cold worked were recognized. Since 1973, the finite element method has
using conventional methods. been applied to simulate machining with some successes.
Annealing: Aluminium 2219 alloy is annealed at 538°C Two different finite element formulations are the
(1000°F) for sufficient time followed by quenching in cold Lagrangian and the Eulerian, are most commonly used in the
water. modelling of cutting process. In the Lagrangian approach, the
Aging: Aluminium 2219 alloy can be aged at 190°C finite element must consist of material elements that cover the
(375°F) for varying time after annealing and quenching. region of analysis exactly. These elements are attached to the
Forgings can be aged at 190°C (375°F) for 18 h, and sheet or material and deformed with the deformation of the work piece.
plate type product forms can be aged at 190°C (375°F) for 36 In the Eulerian approach, the mesh consists of elements that are
h followed by cooling in air. fixed in space and cover the control volume, and the material
properties are calculated at fixed spatial locations as the
Hardening: Aluminium 2219 alloy is hardened by aging or material flows through the mesh. In FEM, the material
cold working. properties can be handled as functions of strain, strain rate and
temperature. Interaction between chip and tool can be modelled
Applications: Aluminium 2219 alloy is suitable for
as sticking and sliding. Nonlinear geometric boundaries such
manufacturing structural components, which are used in high
as the free surface of the chip can be represented as used. Stress
strength weldments and high temperature applications.
Aluminum 2219 widely used in aerospace, automotive and and temperature distribution can be obtained as well.
structural application because of their improved mechanical
properties, wear resistant, damping capacity and reduced

TURNING In It is available in both Lagrangian (Transient) and arbitrary

Lagrangian and the Eularian (ALE Steady-State) modelling.
Additionally, the software is currently capability of Steady-State
Turning is a form of machining, a material removal function and it is required of running a transient simulation
process, which is used to create rotational parts by cutting previous to steady state cutting simulation.
away unwanted material. The turning process requires a To perform this simulation with relevant accuracy, they have
turning machine or lathe, work piece, fixture, and cutting tool. been used damage criteria for predicting when the material starts
LATHE to separate at the initiation of cutting for simulating segmented
chip formation.
Generally, a machine is an equipment which transform a
type of energy into another type. Lathe is a machine, which Further, they also study about influence of cutting parameters
removes the metal from a piece of work to the required shape such as cutting speed, rake angle and depth of cut. Later, the
&size. computed cutting force, temperature, deformations and chip
geometry have been compared with cutting experiments.
• Engine Lathe Finite Element Method (FEM) advanced tool allows designers
• Bench Lathe and engineers to reduce the need for costly shop floor trials and
redesign of tooling and processes. Improve tool and die design to
• Tracer Lathe reduce production and material costs. Shorten lead time in
bringing a new product to market. simulation engine also works seamlessly with the Automatic
Unlike general purpose FEM codes, DEFORM is tailored for Mesh Generation (AMG) system to generate a new FEM mesh
deformation modelling. A user-friendly graphical user interface on the work piece whenever necessary. While the simulation
provides easy data preparation and analysis so engineers can engine is running, it writes status information, including any
focus on forming, not on learning a cumbersome computer error messages, to the message (.MSG) and log (.LOG) files.
system. A post-processor for reading the database file from the
A key component of this is a fully automatic, optimized re simulation engine and displaying the results graphically and for
meshing system tailored for large deformation problems. extracting numerical data.

DEFORM-HT adds the capability of modelling heat treatment

processes, including normalizing, annealing, quenching,
tempering, aging, and carburizing. DEFORM-HT can predict
hardness, residual stresses, quench deformation, and other
mechanical and material characteristics important to those that The DEFORM pre-processor uses a graphical user interface to
heat treat. assemble the data required to run the simulation. Input data
B. MODELLING OF DEFORM-3D Object description: Includes all data associated with an object,
including geometry, mesh, temperature, material, etc.
DEFORM 3D system used to simulate 3D metal cutting Material data: Includes data describing the behaviour of the
environment in turning process. The system can be used to model material under the conditions which it will reasonably
the industrial turning process, without any assumptions that are experience during deformation.
associated with orthogonal cutting conditions.
Inter object conditions: Describes how the objects interact with
These modelling procedures enable the engineer to study the each other, including contact, friction, and heat transfer between
process response for any change in process conditions. Cutting objects.
forces, cutting temperatures, chip shape, tool wear and tool life
computations can be performed using this system. Simulation controls: Includes instructions on the methods
DEFORM should use to solve the problem, including the
The engineer can study the effect of process parameters like,
conditions of the processing environment, what physical
cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut on the process response.
processes should be modelled, how many discrete time steps
DEFORM 3D supports a special purpose template that simplifies
should be used to model the process, etc.
the model definition and uses the same engineering language of
process engineer. Inter material data: Describes the physical process of one phase
For turning applications, the rotating work piece, insert and their of a material transforming into other phases of the same material
relation to the analysis domain are shown in Figure 1 Typical in a heat treatment process. For example, the transformation of
analysis model generated using the current system is shown in Austenite into Pearlite, Bainite, and Martensite.
Figure 2 The main data requirements to model the machining RUNNING THE SIMULATION
process are material flow stress data for the work piece material
and geometric data for the insert. Simulation Engine: The simulation engine is the program which
actually performs the numerical calculations to solve the
The material flow stress data should cover the strain rate, strain problem. The simulation engine reads input data from the
and temperature range for metal cutting process. For most database, then writes the solution data back out to the database.
materials the typical range for strain rate is 0 - ~106/sec, the As it runs, it creates two user readable files which track its
range for strain is 0 – 5 and the range for temperature is 20 – progress.
1200oC. Special material characterizing techniques are required
to address this range of loading conditions. Log (LOG) files: Log files are created when a simulation is
running. They contain general information on starting and
The insert geometry can be made available in STL form, ending times, re meshing (if any), and may contain error
generated from any CAD system.
messages if the simulation stops unexpectedly.
Message (MSG) files: Message files are also created when a
III. THE DEFORM SYSTEM simulation is running. They contain detailed information about
the behavior of the simulation, and may contain information
regarding why a simulation has stopped.
The DEFORM system consists of three major components: POST-PROCESSOR
A pre-processor for creating, assembling, or modifying the The postprocessor is used to view simulation data after the
data required to analyze the simulation, and for generating the simulation has been run. The postprocessor features a graphical
required database file. user interface to view geometry, field data such as strain,
A simulation engine for performing the numerical temperature, and stress, and other simulation data such as die
calculations required to analyze the process, and writing the loads. The postprocessor can also be used to extract graphic or
results to the database file. The simulation engine reads the numerical data for use in other applications.
database file, performs the actual solution calculation, and
appends the appropriate solution data to the database file. The

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