Cold Formed Specials
Cold Formed Specials
Cold Formed Specials
Unsurpassed Expertise
Advancing technology has been the cornerstone
of our success for over 50 years. When Camcar
developed the Raycarl® process, it was
considered the most significant breakthrough in
cold forming technology in over 100 years.
Today, we continue to lead the industry though
continuing research and investment in new
technology, unsurpassed expertise and strict
attention to detail. STANLEY Engineered
Fastening manufactures the high-quality, cost-
efficient components your applications demand.
• Improved strength and reliability through
work hardening and an uninterrupted grain
• Improved surface finish over screw machined
Reduced Costs
• Reduced scrap rates
• High production rates
• Ability to form parts to a net or near-net
shape, which requires fewer secondary
operations to achieve finished form
• Allows multi-piece assemblies to be
manufactured as a single component
Cold forming, or cold heading, forms shapes
without causing scrap material. Since raw • Cold forming often uses significantly less raw
material can be the most expensive aspect of a material for the same component
part, cold forming is often a lower cost Design Flexibility
alternative to screw machining and other
• Unique and
manufacturing methods. Expanding cold
diverse shapes,
forming technology is allowing increasingly
including parts
complex components to be manufactured at
with multiple
very high production rates.
extrusions, blind
holes and through
• Eccentric or asymmetrical bodies possible
• Large head to shank ratios without secondary
Cold Forming Processes & Capabilities
Dies and Punches Cold forming uses forces greater than a metal‘s elastic
limit to form shapes without causing scrap material.
extrusion First the material, in wire form, is drawn into the
header, and is cut off at the desired length. Next, a
series of engineered dies and punches are used to form
shapes by upsetting or extruding the cut-off.
One Die, Two-Blow Process
Cut-off 1st Blow
The two-blow cold forming process allows upsets and
extrusions to be achieved on the same component. The
first blow provides the rough shape, while the second
One Die, Two-Blow Process blow forms the final shape.
Advancing Technology
The Raycarl® process was developed by Camcar to
manufacture shapes which exceed the upset or
extrusion limits of conventional one- and two-blow cold
Cut-off 1st Blow 2nd Blow Today, cold forming technology has advanced far
beyond this innovative process.
Two Die, Three-Blow Process
Two Die, Three-Blow Process With its additional impact/extrusion die, the
two die, three-blow process can provide up
to 4-1/2 diameters of upset, larger head
ratios and more diverse shapes than a one
die process.
Multi-die forming, which uses several impact/
extrusion dies on one header, allows even
greater capabilities (see following page).
Upsets Extrusions
Upsetting allows heads or shapes Extruding is done by two methods: forward and
larger than the wire diameter to be backward. With forward extrusions, the metal blank
formed by exerting force on one is forced into a die opening smaller than the wire
end of the blank. The portion of diameter, achieving a decrease in
the blank to blank diameter and an increase in
be upset is length. With backward
measured extrusions, a punch smaller in
by wire diameter than the blank is
diameters forced into the blank,
of upset. causing the material to
flow backward around the
punch, forming cylindrical
Cold Forming Processes & Capabilities
Multiple-Die Forming
Through multiple-die forming, the final shape is
achieved in stages. Multiple-die headers have
more dies and punches on each machine
to allow for:
• increased areas of reduction
• forming unique shapes such as multiple
diameters on one component
Cut-off 1st Die, 1st Blow 2nd Die, 2nd Blow
• large head to shank ratios
• possible elimination of secondary operations
such as drilling, turning and trimming
Current technology includes off line set-up,
computer-controlled tool loading, and trimming
capabilities within the header.
Multiple-Die Progression 3rd Die, 3rd Blow 4th Die, 4th Blow 5th Die, 5th Blow
Through multiple-die
forming, the final shape is
Progression Dimensions
achieved in stages. The six Cut-off (Stage 1): Length – 2.46" (62.55mm)
stage process shown here, Diameter: 0.72" (18.28mm)
from cut-off to finished Finished Blank (Stage 6): Length – 3.86"
blank, often takes less (98.06mm)
than 1/2 second. Smallest Diameter: 0.374" (9.488mm)
Largest Diameter: 1.85" (46.91mm)
Multiple-Die Headers
STANLEY Engineered Fastening
has a wide range of multiple-
die headers and other
equipment to manufacture
components to your specific
• Cut-off diameters up to
1.6" (31mm)
• 50 to 200 pieces per minute
• Reduced set-up time
• Highly conducive to
short runs
• Offers tight part
tolerances to eliminate
many secondary
Candidates for Cold Forming
Any one of the following criteria make a Round or concentric extrusions, for
part a strong candidate for cold forming: shafts or threading; multiple
• Large head to shank ratio diameters are possible
• Part is longer than 1-1/2 times its
largest diameter
• Part has multiple diameters
• High production quantities
• Raw material is a
large portion of
part‘s total cost External shapes, such as splines,
• Part has fine squares, flats and drive systems
surface finish
• Strength, hardness
and ductility must
meet certain
• Part requires a
shape, a drive
system or an Eccentric or asymmetrical bodies
extrusion that are within the initial wire
Size Ranges
Diameters: .020" to 1.6" (1.27mm to 41mm)
• 14" (355mm) under the head with
diameters to 1.5" (38mm)
• 17" (432mm) under the head with
diameters to .875" (22mm)
Actual sizes are dependent on the complexity of
Blind or through holes, which
the component. Please contact an STANLEY
eliminate secondary drilling
Engineered Fastening applications engineer for
more information.
Cold Formed Equipment & Capabilities
Materials Heat Treat
Through continual development and Several types of heat treatment are available to
modification of manufacturing techniques, meet desired hardness, strength, and ductility
STANLEY Engineered Fastening can cold form characteristics, including:
many unusual materials. This allows easy
• Through hardening: entire part is hardened
conversion from screw machining and other
and tempered to desired strength level
manufacturing methods.
• Case hardening: surface hardness is raised to
Material Characteristics a level higher than the core hardness and the
material the component will be in contact
Low Carbon Steel offers relative ease of
with (not recommended for structural
1005 1008 formability; relative low
1010 1018 cost as compared to
1022 other materials • Annealing: softens part that is work hardened
to enhance certain secondary processing or
Medium Carbon Steel for high strength meet functional application requirements
1030 1035 applications; good
formability; heat • Selective hardening/selective induction
1038 1040
treatable hardening: only a portion of a component is
1045 1050
Alloy Steel for high strength
applications (Class 10.9/ • Carbonitriding: carbon and nitrogen content
1541 4037
Grade 8 and above); of the surface is raised to a level higher than
4130 4140
offers highest the core for improved surface hardness
4340 8620
8640 8740 hardenability and
toughness; heat Platings
treatable In selecting plating, several aspects must be
Tool Steel for high strength considered, including desired corrosion
applications; good wear resistance, lubricity and appearance, as well as
52100 M2 resistance concerns over cost and toxicity. STANLEY
Copper Engineered Fastening has a wide array of
CDA102 ETP110 for corrosion resistance; platings available to meet the specific needs of
Brass good formability; offer your application.
CDA220 CDA230 excellent soldering, Please contact a STANLEY Engineered Fastening
CDA260 CDA270 welding and brazing application engineer for more information on
Bronze properties what type of heat treatment and plating is
Silicon Commercial appropriate for your application.
Aluminum for corrosion resistance;
2017 2024 lightweight; excellent
6061 5056 formability
Stainless Steel for superior corrosion
302HQ 316L resistance; allows for
321 405 work hardening from
410 420 cold forming, which is
430F 431 especially important for
17-4PH Camtronic® non‑heat‑treatable
A286 grades; good heat
resistance; some offer
desired magnetic or
non‑magnetic properties
Cold Forming Equipment & Capabilities
Secondary Operations Precision Machining
Cold forming allows products to be STANLEY Engineered Fastening has a wide array
manufactured to net or near net shape. of equipment that allows multiple secondary
STANLEY Engineered Fastening also offers a operations with extremely tight tolerances to be
full line of precision secondary operations to performed. A single machine can perform up to
meet more specific requirements. 12 operations per part, including turning,
grooving and drilling.
Capabilities Include: Utilizing this precision equipment can be less
expensive than other secondary machining
• Roll forming • Finishing methods because several operations can be
• Roll threading • Burnishing done on one machine at very high speeds. These
• Tapping • Assembly machines also offer continuously high quality,
• Broaching • Trimming holding diameter tolerances to .001" (0.025mm)
• Grinding and length tolerances to .005" (0.127mm).
• Drilling
• Turning/Shaving • Milling
• Slotting/Sawing • Flattening
• Reheading
• Knurling
Roll Threading
From Screw Machining To Cold Forming
Our wide array of cold forming processes
allow even the most complex screw
machined components to be converted
to cold formed components. There are
many reasons to switch:
From Screw Machining To Cold Forming
Cold forming can reduce
scrap by 80% and more.
Screw machining only
removes material, so it
requires bar stock to be as
large as the largest
diameter of the finished
component, resulting in
excessive scrap.
Success With Cold Formed Components
Material Capabilities Fulfill Requirements
Application: Airbag mount assembly
Component: Attachment pin
Original process considered: Die-casting
Needs/Problems: During prototyping, it was determined that the
die-cast material could not meet the mechanical performance
requirements of the application.
STANLEY Engineered Fastening Solution: Cold forming 10B21
material, followed by secondary machining
Customer Benefits:
• Provides a strong, reliable component
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Success With Cold Formed Components
Internal Rolled Threads Provide High Precision Fit
Application: Motorcycle wheel assembly
Component: Internally-threaded fastener for attachment of wheel
spokes to tire rim
Original process used: Cold formed part with cut-tapped hole
Needs/Problems: Cut-tapped hole could not meet automation
STANLEY Engineered Fastening Solution: Cold formed blank with
squared end, TORX PLUS® Drive recess, and hole. Internal threads
were rolled instead of cut.
Customer Benefits:
• Increased thread quality
• Decreased assembly line rework due to threading issues
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STANLEY Engineered Fastening, a Stanley Black & Decker Inc. Company has been
revolutionizing fastening and assembly technologies for a variety of industries for
more than 40 years.
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© 2015 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc., PTF CFS, Rev. 07.2015
Camtronic® is a registered trademark of Infastech Intellectual Properties Pte Ltd. Raycarl®, TORX®, and TORX PLUS® are registered trademarks of
Acument® Intellectual Properties, LLC.
Data shown is subject to change without prior notice as a result of continuous product development and improvement policy. The information in this catalog is
not to be considered a specification. Your local STANLEY Engineered Fastening representative is at your disposal should you need to confirm latest information.