Long distance relationships are getting more common than they were a generation or two ago. It
has many forms of relationships like couples married or unmarried living apart due to
educational purposes, having jobs in different cities, or due to family responsibilities. More than
people actually experiencing LDR, there are some prevelant set of beliefs which emphasized
LDR to be pessimistic and this type of partnership has no future. LDR may have positive
qualities but they are constructed in a negative way. Idealization?
Relationship satisfaction is the degree to which an individual is content and satisfied with his or
her relationship. Couples who report spending more time interacting with each other are more
satisfied than those couples who spend less time. Anderson and Emmers-Sommer found that
intimacy, trust, and communication satisfaction significantly predicted relationship satisfaction
among CMC couples. Guerrero (1994) found that relationship satisfaction affects individuals'
perceptions of their partner in terms of communication skills, attitudes, and behaviors. Therefore,
not only are there multiple variables that are associated with relationship satisfaction, but an
individual's level ofrelationship satisfaction also can greatly influence how one partner views the
Most of the organization wants to achieve its aim and compete favourably in the competitive market, to
embark this employee performance play a very important role. A high performing employee depends
not only on the rewards policies but also depends on the happiness level of the individual.
Romantic relationships are a source of emotional bonding, a successful establishment and maintenance
of romantic relationships have repercussions in other areas of life like an individual’s worklife.
Review of literature
Three things which surrounds a person’s life is family, romantic relationship and friends,
and their work. When one of these 3 areas is dampened there are high chances that it would also
impact the other areas. Another reason for studying the impact of long distance relationships on
work performance that there is a scarcity of information around this topic in general and
especially with its relation with its effect on work performance. To my knowledge there is no
statistics available about this topic because usually long distance relationship are connected with
the general wellbeing, happiness and relationship satisfaction that too in a comparative study
with proximal relationships.
Aims and objective:
The aim of this paper is to study the impact of Work performance and Relationship
satisfaction in Long distance relationships.
2. Relationship satisfaction
2. Work performance
How effectively the individual is performing the task assigned to him/her. Individual’s
job performance is measured on the scale of individual work performance scale, higher
scores indicate higher job performance.
3. Relationship satisfaction
1. Null hypothesis:
There is no impact of long distance relationship on an individual’s job performance i.e., people
in long distance relationship do not show any difference or show higher on the work
performance scale.
Alternate hypothesis:
There is impact of long distance relationship on an individual’s job performance i.e., couples in
long distance relationship show difference or lower scores on the work performance scale.
2. Null hypothesis:
The sample recruited for this study should currently be in a long distance relationship or should
have experienced a long distance relationship. The relationship could be marriage or dating. At
least one of the participant should be working. The age criteria is 22 to 35 years.
1. The Ps relationship status and long distance check will be done through demographic
details questions.
Inclusion criteria for the participants:
a. Age between 22-35
b. Must be staying in different places (preferably different cities) where it’s no possible
to meet frequently
c. Atleast one of the partners should be working
The research uses survey method for collection of data. An online questionnaire through google
forms was developed. A link to the google form containing the item pool was sent to the
participants and they were asked to fill the forms and they were further asked to pass on the
forms to their friends and acquaintances. Before filling the responses, each participant was asked
their permission to go further and were also informed about the aim of the study and how their
participation would contribute to reach their results. Also they were assured about the
confidentiality norm and informed that they can withdraw any time if they felt uncomfortable.
Statistical analysis
The statistical tool used for analyzing the data is ANOVA and were carried out on R software.
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The psychometric properties of the IWPQ have been tested and results indicated good to
excellent internal consistency for task performance (α = 0.78), contextual performance (α = 0.85)
and counterproductive work behaviour (α = 0.79). The IWPQ has shown good face and structural
validity,as well as sufficient convergent validity and good discriminative validity.
Relationship assessment scale
A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5. Items 4 and 7 are reverse scored. To calculate the total score, add up
all of the items. The scores range from 7 to 35 and Greenspace has provided the following ranges
for guidance based on the answer key.
Brief ROL
Research design
Proposal sample
Proposal tools
Proposal statistical analysis and proposed plan for results and discussions