STEM 117 CH8 P1 Reyes Et Al.
STEM 117 CH8 P1 Reyes Et Al.
STEM 117 CH8 P1 Reyes Et Al.
I | April 2019
Love and Education are important for students Howe (2016). After couple’s breakup, individuals
and freshmen alike, especially to their loved ones, may include healthy effects like a reflection of
but there are times that some couples hardly last their past relationship and will likely improve
till the end, resulting in termination of a when pursuing another relationship. When people
relationship called break-up. The term break-up are in close relationships, souls intertwined and
means an abrupt event for two people that stopped becoming as one. The loss of a romantic partner is
caring for each other. The researchers will tackle a loss of the self. Individuals who grew closer with
on the problems of this research. The objectives their partner may inflict a huge blow to their self
are to discover the causes of break-ups and after a breakup. Exposing their true selves if
participants who were involved in long-term terminating a relationship at a wrong time. [4]
relationships. May survey certain individuals who Erica B. Slotter et al. (2009) approved the
broke up to two or more years. Determine the hypothesis when the group’s research observed that
participant’s decisions and thoughts on what they breakups predict a change in the structure of an
have to say before leading to relationship individuals’ self-concepts. Specifically, partners’
termination. How those effects affect their selves are intertwined, and their self-concepts
socialization aspects and relationship awareness become blurred. Romantic Breakups in young
towards others. And explore what are the adults include a variety of negative mental health
strategies, techniques and coping mechanisms issues, such as Major Depressive Disorder. The end
triggered to cope with the loss of their other half. of a romantic relationship is distressing to
[1] Goldsmith, B, Ph.D. (2018) the study states individuals because of the impact of the breakup
that the primary reasons why breakups happen are on their self-concept. The associated
commonly caused by 1.) Bad behavior, 2.) interdependence is disrupted, leaving individuals to
Infidelity, 3.) Toxicity, and 4.) Lack of Support to erase any shared or unshared views with their ex-
the said individual and many more. Other problems partner. [5] Tara Marshall et al. (2013).
too particularly to the opposite sex. [2] Kelley Associations of anxiety attachment and personal
Quirk, et al. (2015). The group observed that growth avoidance following relationship
couples that are uncertain to each other may find dissolution. Studies revealed that anxiety is
alternatives that may represent an ongoing state of associated with personal growth through breakup
conflicted thoughts and worrying about the future distress and avoidance is associated with lower
of the couple’s relationship. Includes monitoring of personal growth which grows through inhibited
other potential partners that shares similar values personal distress. Anxious individuals may tend to
and interests. Participants are more likely to resort rebound a new partner due to enhanced reflection
to alternative monitoring to other potential and brooding of self. [6] Galena K. Rhoades, et al.
candidates and most likely to terminate the (2011). Relationship breakups from unmarried
relationship over the course of 3 months. couples could cause distress from the individuals
Reactions to a relationship breakup can have coping through it. Stated in this study are there are
negative effects on an individual’s life. [3] Lauren beneficial and negative effects on the breakups.
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite Research Journal SHS Edition| Volume I, No. I | April 2019
The beneficial side is a breath of fresh air and a Compassionate individuals were discussed and
start of a new page in life. The negative side additional strategies were used associated with the
depends on the individual’s intake on it, the participants and perceived these choices as
individual could take a hard time coping with it compassionate to end a relationship. Individuals
due to feeling of attachment and comfort that they are likely to use verbal and direct strategies that are
have to let go sooner or later. The situation of commonly used in relationships to initiate
being together longer, planning a future together or termination. The use positive tone to withdrawal
already having children has a heavier impact on strategies from the relationship and overall number
both the individuals because of a more difficult of factors that influence the individual’s strategies
time to adjust to a new life event compared to a to end a relationship. [9] Zoë Griggs (2014)
couple who have been together for a shorter period showed the do’s and don’ts of handling a breakup.
in their lives. Although not all are not reliable due to the use of
profanity but overall individuals may learn some
Towards the aftermath of long-term relationship information that can help the individual and have a
break-ups. Personal growth is examined following good laugh. Focus on your best qualities and
romantic relationship breakups. [7] Ty Tashiro & reinventing yourself. After all, be patient and you
Patricia Frazier (2003) stated that stress-related can find another one next time.
growth is part of the factors present in an
impending breakup. The term refers to the growth Significance of the study shows when a
beyond their psychological functioning in response relationship doesn’t end well which could have
to a distressing or traumatic life event. Effects ended either for the better or worse, it would, of
include positive changes in self-perception, course, have a heavier impact to the individual’s
interpersonal relationships, philosophy, etc. Results self, especially if the relationship is unhealthy and
indicated that growth experienced from a breakup toxic that ends most likely due to problems that
may improve the quality of future romantic have not yet been settled before and after the
relationships. Reports show that women show breakup. The researchers conducted this study to
more positive changes rather than men and are know how a happy relationship could change
more likely to think critically on how to improve drastically and turn into a miserable one. The
future relationships. Initiators are likely to receive benefits of the study will aid to the individuals who
less stress over non-initiators, mainly the person are going through a difficult time adjusting
who controls the relationship might end it in order throughout the events and taking in the situation at
to avoid dealing with its problems. [8] Carter R. hand
Kelley, et al. (2019) suggests that most individuals
will go through one painful breakup in their Breakups signal a huge turning point to your life; a
lifetime, with tendencies to show like depression, relationship becomes useless if the couple does not
anxiety, mood swings, obsession, and a great agree with each other. The aftermath of a
chance of suicide. Others lean to social circles relationship breakup can negatively influence you,
while some turn to drugs and alcohol. The but it could also turn into a lesson for you, for
introduction of an overarching theory called better or worse. Our group conducted this study to
Symbolic Interaction Theoretical framework states raise awareness on how a committed couple can be
that broken romance gives meaning to each other’s uncertain at some times to the point whether they
behaviour. The definition of this is that the can continue their relationship or terminate it.
relationship is over and one third of the case show
that individuals know the relationship is ending
and know when is the relationship ending. A
second concept in this study is the Looking Glass OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
whereas the individuals of the relationship see an
The general objectives are to explore the concept
image of themselves reflected by those in a
of breakups and dive deeper into the stories of each
relationship. Like saying “I love you” to “This
participants that experienced breakups and create
isn’t working”, the individuals see a split image of
strategies, coping mechanisms that can help them.
a positive relationship turning into a negative one.
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite Research Journal SHS Edition| Volume I, No. I | April 2019
The researchers introduced two objectives that In conducting this research, a maximum of 10
will help formulate a broad plan, develop a participants, 5 men and 5 women from the college
framework and set standards for a more effective department, are needed in this study. The
and comprehensive research. researchers will use the judgmental/ purposive
sampling from the non-probability sampling
1.) Know the strategies and coping mechanisms section. The criteria needed are age 18-21, length
individuals use to cope with the aftermath of the of the relationship must be two or more years,
breakup. promises for marriage, decisions prior to the
2.) Observe the effects of the strategies on the dissolution of the relationship.
individuals and are they effective to other Data Collection Procedure
Phase 1: The formulation of questions is related to
the reasons made by the participants to terminate
the relationship. Are there other strategies or
coping mechanisms made by the participants that
Methods and Materials are peer-reviewed can cope well with other participants? Lastly did
publications that focuses on the methods developed the said strategies work? And what can they do to
and materials used during a research cycle. This is improve it. Interviews, open-ended questionnaires
where the discussion of the research design, are needed for this.
research method, sampling method, the
participants needed, validation of instruments, and
data collection procedures are located here. When Phase 2: When the formulation of the questions is
data collection is done, data analysis would soon done. The researchers will validate the
follow and ethical considerations with permission questionnaires to the headmaster to verify the
to use recorder to analyze more information from study and give it to the Subject teacher and Topic
the participants volunteering in the study. All of Expert for proofreading.
these are sub-headings of the methods and
materials. The methods & materials section should
give readers enough information to repeat the
experiments. Phase 3: The OEQs would undergo pilot testing
(revision of some questions that are not worthy to
Research Design be answered) and modify the overall theme as well
give feedback to improve the questionnaires.
The researchers would use the Narrative Design in
which in-depth interviews and open-ended
questionnaires are conducted to which weave
Phase 4: When Phases 1-3 are completed. The
sequences to form a cohesive story from the
collected data would be categorized into two
participants. [Narrative methods can be considered
sections. The strategies that worked and the ones
“real world measures” that are appropriate when
that didn’t. After pinpointing the middle ground of
“real life problems” are investigated.]
two strategies. What worked would be used in
Research Method coping mechanisms that participants could use to
lessen the tragedy of the breakup.
This study utilized semi-structured type of
interview that respondents engage in a formal
interview. There is a list of questions that are in the
topic and may answer in a particular order. REFERENCES
Participants can stray from the guide if he or she Carter, K.R., Knox, D & Hall, S.S. (2019),
feels this is appropriate. Romantic Breakups: Difficult Loss for Some,
but not for Others, Journal of Loss and
Participants Trauma: 1-17
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite Research Journal SHS Edition| Volume I, No. I | April 2019
Marshall, T., Bejanyan, K. & Ferenczi, N. (2013),
Attachment Styles and Personal Growth follow-
ing Romantic Breakups: The Mediating Roles
of Distress, Rumination, and Tendency to Re-
bound, PLoS ONE, 8(9)