1st Quarter Notes

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The Feedback (Response/Reply)

- Two types of Feedback
W1: “The Influence of Media and
Information to Communication” Ø Direct Feedback

Media (Verbal/Written response)

- Are communication outlets or tools Ø Indirect Feedback

that are used to store and deliver
information TAKE NOTE!

Information Ø As a human being, we

love to communicate
- Is a broad term that covers processed
data, knowledge or facts learned about Ø Every person has a
a certain subject, situation or event. different level of
knowledge. Therefore,
Communication we learn from each
other’s experiences,
- A process by which information is notions, culture, and
exchanged from sender to receiver other differences
through a common system of symbols,
signs, or behavior resulting in KNOWLEDGE IS POWER
interpretations of meaning on both
ends. - It helps us understand our
environment and it teaches us how to
Basic Types of Communications deal with the challenges

· Verbal Why do we need to Communicate?

- Oral/Written Communication - Communication is highly necessary

for our society as it is only through the
· Non-verbal exchange of ideas and cooperation that
society can grow and develop.
- Signs, symbols, gestures, facial
expressions, body language Relationship of Media, Information and
Communication and their importance in
Five Major Elements of Communication
the Modern World
1. To Transfer of ideas
1. The Sender (Source/ Communicator)
2. For Interacting with the society
2. The Receiver (Interpreter)
3. For Education
3. The Message (Information)
4. To Update yourself
4. The Channel (Medium)
5. For Entertainment Herbert Marshall McLuhan

How is Communication affected by - A famous scientist in the field of

Media and Information? media who said that: “the world has
become a global village”
- The way we communicate is
somehow a result of what information - He coined the expression that: “The
we initially know and what we see, medium is the message”
hear, feel, and learn from our
surroundings - He argued that media and
technologies in general were used by
- What comes out of our mouth when humans to extend their bodily
we talk and ideas that we write or capabilities into the environment, with
express are the things that we have different technologies augmenting the
instilled in our mind using our senses. capacities of different sensory organs.

John Culkin

W2: “Media Literacy, Information - A visionary teacher and friend of

Literacy and Technology Literacy” Marshall McLuhan

Ø In the present time, technological - He wrote curriculum on film study for

advancement is inevitable, and the his doctorate from Harvard
access of information is very much
available with the aid of technology. - He is the man who invented Media
Media and Information Literacy
- Accentuate an individual’s capability
to exercise his/her fundamental human - An individual’s ability to read, write
rights, specifically the right to express and comprehend while understanding
his/her opinion using any kind of simple messages in any form or
media platform and the right to access language
information responsibly.
According to UNESCO (United Nations
Ø This digital generation also gave us an Educational, Scientific and Cultural
opportunity to acquire an Accessible Organization)
- Literacy is the ability to identify,
Ø Everyone is aware that one of the understand, interpr
functions of communication is to
et, create, communicate, and compute,
using printed and written materials
Ø And these information are shared or associated with varying context
conveyed through the use of Media
Functional Literacy - Refers to the nature of message,
whether it is relayed using text, audio,
- A significantly higher level of literacy video, graphics, animation, or a
that includes not only reading and combination of any of this
writing skills but also numeracy skills
Media Format
The origin of the word “Media”
- The way the data is arranged
(Turow 2000)
The message may be transmitted
- The original means of mass through radio waves (for radio) and
communication were print-magazines, light for other modalities
journals, and newspapers- and their
collective was already in place: Mass Media Form
- Refers to the particular media
- Soon after, radio and television were technology to which the message is
added to the mix, However, the term transmitted
“publications” would not stretch to fit.
Reliable Source
- Needing a term that would encompass
all these means of communication, - One that provides a thorough,
writers borrowed the term media from well-reasoned theory, argument,
advertising people and used it since discussion, etc. based on strong
then to accommodate there means of evidence
communication even the newer ones,
such as the internet
- Something you can trust
Categories of Media
- A place, person, or thing where we
Modality Text can obtain something
Format Digital or Analog
Criteria for a Reliable Source
Way of Electromagnetic or
Transmitting radio waves, light 1. Accuracy
- Refers to the verification of the
Mass Media Form TV, radio, print, information you already know against
internet, the information found in the source
telephone, or
mobile 2. Authority

Media Modality - Refers to the trustworthiness of the

source, which could be an author or
the world around us. The prevalence
and influence of media make it
3. Coverage necessary part of the 21st century
- Refers to the examination of the
content of the source, and how it fits Who are the Media Literate?
your information needs based on its
relevance to your topic - A person can participate in public life
in another level
Key Components of Media Information
Literacy - Can give further meaning to
information exchange
Media Literacy
- Can communicate their ideas
- The ability to access, analyze, meaningfully
evaluate, and create media in a variety
of forms. - Engage in a democratic debate

- It aims to empower you by providing Information Literacy

knowledge and skills necessary to
engage with both traditional and new - Is the ability to recognize when
technologies information is needed, and locate,
evaluate and communicate information
Ø Access in its various formats

- To access means being able to Ø Recognize

recognize the media needed and its
availability for your use - Means having the ability to identify
information when needed and use it
Ø Analyze/Evaluate efficiently

- to analyze and evaluate means having Ø Locate

the ability to think critically about the
accuracy, credibility, or evidence of - Means having the ability to find
bias of the content created and reliable sources of information or
consumed in various media locate them when needed

Ø Create Ø Evaluate

- To create means being able to use - Means having the ability to assess
media tools to produce media content whether the information is true or fake

Why do we need to be a Media Literate? Ø Communicate information

- Media Literacy gives us the - Means having the ability to share

opportunity to competently and information effectively
effectively exchange information with
Why do we need to be an information adapting new technologies and flexible
literate? in adapting new things in changing
virtual world which are the keys to be
- It is essential for academic success, successful as a student, worker or
effective functioning in the workplace professional in the academic or
and participation in society as non-academic.
knowledgeable citizens
Who are the technology literate?
Whom do we consider information
literate? · Can assess, acquire and communicate
information in a fully digital
- An information literate individual can environment
recognize when information is needed
· Can utilize variety of digital devices
- Can locate and assess the information (e.g., computers, smartphones, tablets)
and interfaces (e.g., e-mail, internet,
- Can evaluate and use effectively the
social media, cloud computing.
· Can communicate, troubleshoot and
Technology Literacy
solve problem in both academic and
- It is the ability of an individual- either non-academic surroundings
working independently or with others,
· Can develop online presentation,
to use technological tools responsibly,
making video, etc.
appropriately, and effectively.
Being Media and Information Literate
Ø Skillful
- Means being to use digital tools
- There are two factors that can
Ø Knowledgeable influence you to become a media and
information literate individual. One is
- To be knowledgeable means knowing clarifying your goals and motivations
the basic principles in computing for seeking information. The greater
devices your need, the more effort you exert to
become selective of the information at
Ø Engaged your disposal. Second is acquiring
more skills in discerning,
- To be engaged with technology
appreciating, and filtering
means having the ability to act
information. This involves being more
responsible in online activities
media savvy and better acquainted
Why do we need to be a technology with information sources. For more
literate? information about media and
information literate individual.
- Makes a person capable of using
variety of technologies and flexible in - When you are literate, you are
expected to be intellectually critical in
interpreting the things that you see and 8. An understanding of the ethical and
experience around you. You are able to moral obligations of media practitioners.
decode and have a deeper
understanding of how things are and 9. The media literate person is in control of
how they work, being literate means his or her media experiences because he or
empowering you to be able to affect she understands the basic conventions of
change to yourself and to others. various media and enjoys their uses in the
deliberately conscious manner.
Critical Thinking Skills
W3: “Responsible Use of Media and
- The ability to evaluate the kind of Information”
information you access and share
which is a very vital skill as producers What is Social Media?
and consumers of information.
- The collective of online
- Being critical means being capable of communications channels dedicated to
judging the merit of something based community-based input, transaction,
on certain standards or parameters content-sharing and collaboration.

Eight Fundamental Elements of Media Types of Social Media

Literacy (by Art Silverblatt, the media
Ø Social Networks
- The sites that allow you to connect
1. A critical thinking skill enabling
with other people with the same
audience members to develop independent
interests or background
judgments about media content.
Ø Book Marking Sites
2. An understanding of the process of mass
communication. - The sites that allow you to store and
manage links to various websites and
3. An awareness of the impact of media on
the individual and society.
Ø Social News
4. Strategies for analyzing and discussing
media messages. - The sites that allow users to post their
own news items or links to other news
5. Understanding of media content as a
text that provides insight into our culture
and our lives. Ø Media Sharing
6. The ability to enjoy, understand, and - The sites that allow you to upload and
appreciate messages. share media content like images, music
and video
7. Development of effective and
responsible production skills. Ø Microblogging
- The sites that focus on short updates TIPS TO STAY SAFE AND

Ø Blogs and Forums Ø Turn off notifications and limit your

screen time
- These websites allow users to post
their content Ø Ensure personal information safety

Disadvantages Ø Never fully rely on privacy settings

- Distraction and loss of activity Ø Beware of what you post and share
- Addiction
Ø Keep your password safe
- Stress and Mood
Ø Consider having separate personal and
FLAME WARS professional accounts
- A series of angry, critical, or Ø Go for more offline interaction
disparaging comments by two or more
people in an ongoing online argument. Ø Spread positivity

FOMO Responsible Use of Information

- A form of anxiety that you get when TWO MAJOR ISSUES IN

you're scared of missing out on a INFORMATION USE
positive experience that someone else
is having. • Fake News

SOCIAL ISOLATION Ø Misinformation - false information that

is given to someone, often in a
- A lack of social connections. Social deliberate attempt to make them
isolation can lead to loneliness in some believe something which is not true.
people, while others can feel lonely
without being socially isolated. Ø Disinformation – false information that
can be understood as “reverse
A LOT OF PEOPLE FAIL AT information” or “anti-information”
MAXIMIZING SOCIAL MEDIA specially created to deceive and
misguide other people.
What are some of the reasons?
• Plagiarism
- An act of copying someone else's
Ø MISUSING PLATFORMS words or ideas without permission
from the rightful owner
An orderly writing system used by ancient
Egyptians that combines anagrammed and
alphabetic elements

W4: “The Evolution of Media” Egyptians used cursive hieroglyphs for

religious articles on papyrus and wood.
Pre- Industrial Age
Ø Alphabet
- An era that occurred before 1700s
- Phoenician Alphabet
- Also known as Pre-Historic Age

- Most media used to record It is the oldest confirmed alphabet

information during this time day back
to Ancient Civilization Contains 22 letters, of all which are
- In this period, people discovered
smoke, fire, created paper and used - Greek Alphabet
tools with stones, bronze and copper
Derived from the Phoenician alphabet
Ø Petroglyphs
The Greeks acclimated it to their own
- Illustrations by abolishing part of rock language, creating in the development of
surface by incising or carving, as a the first “true” alphabet
form of rock art
Vowels bestowed balanced status with
Ø Cave Paintings consonants
- Also known as the Parietal art Ø Papyrus
- Are painted drawings on cave walls or - A chunk, paper-like matter produced
ceilings from the core/stem of the Cyprus
papyrus plant which was used in
- 40,000 BCE to 38,000 BCE
ancient Egypt and Mediterranean
- Both in Asia and Europe cultures for writing

Ø Writing Ø Clay Tablets

- Cuneiform Script - Used as a writing medium specially

for writing Cuneiform
One of the earliest schemes of writing,
identified by its wedge0shaped marks - Cuneiform characters were
on clay tablets, built by means of a imprinted on a wet clay tablet with
blunt reed for a stylus stylus

- Egyptian Hieroglyphs Industrial Age

- 1700s to 1920s
- The first mechanical tools or - It is the long-distance broadcast of
machines were introduced textual or symbolic messages.

- They developed machine tools and - This invention by Samuel Morse and
manufactured various products such as other inventors worked by transmitting
books through printing press electrical signals over a wire laid
between stations.
Ø Printing Press
- He also developed a code that is
- An apparatus for administering
pressure to an inked surface recessing named after him called the Morse
upon a print medium (such as paper or
cloth) thereby transferring the ink Code.

- Invented by the Holy Roman Empire Ø Telephone

Johannes Gutenberg, he developed
- It is an instrument design for the
an entire printing system, which
simultaneous transmission and
fulfilled the printing operation through
reception of human voice.
all its stages
- It allows many users to administer a
Ø Typewriter
conversation when they are too far
- A machine with keys for producing apart to be heard. Invented by
alphabetical characters, numerals, and Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.
typographical symbols one at a time on
Electronic Age
paper inserted around a roller
- 1930s to 1980s
- First electrically operated typewriter
consisting of a printing wheel, was Ø Transistor
invented by Thomas A. Edison in
1872 and later developed into a - A semiconductor device used to
ticker-tape printer amplify or switch electronic signals
and electrical power
Ø Dry Plates
The earliest electronic device that uses
- work of Desire van Monckhoven, the transistors:
Collodion dry plates had been
accessible since 1855. But it was not - Transistor Radio
until the contraption of the gelatin dry
plate in 1871 by Richard Leach - Television in 1941
Maddox that the wet plate process
- First generations of large electronic
could be a match in quality and speed.
computers and mainframes
Ø Telegraphs
- Earliest forms of personal computers
Information Age Types of Media
- 1990s to present
- This age was characterized by the - BROADCAST MEDIA
massive influenced of the internet. - NEW MEDIA

- The internet has made information

Print Media
and communication accessible in real
- New Media
time and on demand anywhere across
the globe.
- Plain Text
- Illustration
- Modern electronic devices and social
media platforms. PLAIN TEXT
Theories on the Relationship of Media
Evolution to Social and Cultural
1. Technological Determinism Theory ● ENABLES LINEAR
(Marshall McLuhan) SEQUENCING OF
- Media and communication have and
will always significantly affect and
TYPOGRAPHY - the art and
change our way of life.
technique of arranging the visual
- Society is driven by changes in media component of the written word. It
and communication technology. features textual designs with optical
illusions that improve readability and
2. Cultural Determinism Theory help convey meaning. Fonts and
(Brian Winston) alignment are parts of typography.
- Culture shapes technology.
- refers to pictures, photos,
- Society is in control of technology. images, and graphics used to
channel communication using
- Innovations overtime do not dictate the sense of sight.
how society must adapt and function - “Visual media” is a general term
concerning these technologies. for any medium that mainly
makes use of sight as a channel
- Technology is a product of need. to receive the message.
- Technology, when not needed or does
not have a practical use, will perish.
GRAPHIC DESIGN - It is the process ● Immediate transmission of
of visual communication that organizes information through signals
and presents information developed
through a creative process for a NEW MEDIA
particular purpose. ● Internet is the main gateway in
accessing information
ILLUSTRATION ● Provides connection with people
❖INFOGRAPHICS across the globe making it easy
❖CARTOON to transmit information
❖PHOTOGRAPHY ● It is also interactive where
2-way communication is
INFOGRAPHIC - visual possible which means that you
representation of information in a can directly give feedback in the
simplified way. form of comment, like, share
CARTOON - series of drawing that and among others.
tell a story
illustration that provides opinion or MEDIA
commentary on the current events or 1. Interpersonal Communication Media
personalities. / Visual medium that 2. Interactive Play Media
engages the audience. 3. Information Search Media
PHOTOGRAPHY - LITERALLY 4. Collective Participatory Media
IMAGE ON LIGHTSENSITIVE Interpersonal Communication Media
FILMS ● Refers to online media that are
used to create and maintain
PRINT MEDIA personal relationships.
● Involves the usage of physical Interactive Play Media
medium such as paper, cloth etc. ● Refers to digital games
● Refers to paper publications Information Search Media
(news papers, books, posters, ● Refers to online media that are
banners, billboards, journals and used to store and retrieve
other materials that are information.
physically printed)

BROADCAST MEDIA Collective Participatory Media

● Transmits information to a wider ● Refers to online media that
and/or farther audience as centers on creating, sharing and
possible exchanging information, ideas
and content in online networks culturally appropriate information
and communities. in the languages understood by
their specific communities. (Asia
MEDIA CONVERGENCE - The Indigenous Peoples Pact)
process where several media channels FEATURES OF INDIGENOUS
come together to exist, operate and KNOWLEDGE (IK)
function in synergy.
Locally appropriate: Indigenous
knowledge signifies a way of life that has
advanced with the local conditions.
ON R Restraint in resource exploitation:
Production is for survival needs only; only
dramatic images, still images
those necessary for immediate survival are
video and audio clips, only, no
taken from the environment.
audio and/or audio
video clips
Diversified production systems: There is
usually, more more no abuse of resources; various strategies
short in-depth in-depth are utilized to avoid risks.
coverage coverage
Respect for nature: A 'conservation ethic'
little links to sources for often exists. Here, the land is treated
coverage related further sacred.
of related information information
informatio Human dependence on nature for
n survival: All species are interrelated;
hence, one affects the other.

Flexibility: Indigenous knowledge means

TYPES OF MEDIA AND adapting to new circumstances and being
INFORMATION SOURCES open to outside knowledge.

INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE (IK) Social responsibility: There are strong

family and community ties, and with them,
- Refers to distinctive facts, feelings
information and skills that
originate in a community of people Indigenous Communication
sharing the same beliefs, ideas and - Refers to transmission of
cultures. information through local
- A knowledge that is unique to a channels or by which the culture
specific culture or society, most is preserved, handed down, and
often it is not written down.
- is owned, controlled, and managed
by indigenous peoples. This is for
them to develop and produce
Indigenous Media
➢Define as forms of media expression CHATS A virtual platform where
that were conceptualised, produced, several users exchange information and
and circulated by indigenous people communicate in real time.
around the globe as vehicles for LIBRARY - A place in which literary,
communication. ➢Refers to musical, artistic, or reference materials
communicative tools and resources of such as books, manuscripts, recordings,
indigenous peoples. or films are kept for use but not for
1. Folk or traditional media MAJOR TYPES OF LIBRARIES
2. Gatherings and Social Organizations 1. Academic Library
3. Direct observation 3.School Library
4. Records (Written, Carve, Oral) 2. Public Library
5. Oral Instruction 4. Special Library


INDIGENOUS MEDIA system that leads computer networks
1. A culture's values and beliefs reside under the same set of communication
in the stories it tells. protocols.
2. Their language meanings are specific
and local which make their Mass Media - Refers to a different
communities closely knit. array of media technologies that reach
3. They store information in human a large audience via mass
memories. communication.
In the modern world, news and stories
typically reached the community HOW TO EVALUATE MEDIA
through local meetings which are RESOURCES
known as 1. CURRENCY
KAPIHAN - Refers to a place or 2.RELEVANCE
session where community members 3. AUTHOR/ ANCHOR
come together to share stories over a 4.ACCURACY
cup of coffee. 5.PURPOSE MEDIA SOURCE
discussion or debate where members
are free to voice out their opinion about MEDIA SOURCE
a certain topic. ● Refers to any resource that
KWENTONG BARBERO- A serves as a means of
Filipino idiom that is often associated communicating to the general
to heresay or news that is not public.
substantiated, without proof. GROUP HUMAN SOURCE
● Refers to any person who can be Caduceus is often mistakenly considered
a source of information or data as a medical symbol (instead of the Rod of
Asclepius). It signifies trade and
AND INFORMATION SOURCES Peace Sign is originally created to
- PRIMARY SOURCE encourage British nuclear disarmament.
- TERTIARY SOURCE Swastika, although usually linked to Nazi
anti semitism and the carnage of World
PRIMARY SOURCE War II, the swastika has auspicious
meanings in some other cultures.
Immediate, original, uninterpreted, or
first-hand accounts of a topic from Yin Yang is a significant symbol in
people who had a direct connection Chinese philosophy which signifies perfect
with it. balance.
● Novels ● Short Stories ● Poems ●
Artifacts ● Diaries ● Letters ● Audio Trinity Knots is the three-cornered
recordings ● Publications ● Original symbol in the ancient Celtic which
signifies the Holy Trinity. It also
Documents ● Interview ● Manuscripts
represents the three promises of a
● Videos
relationship: to love, honor, and protect.

SECONDARY SOURCE LANGUAGE - pertains to the technical

Describe, summarize, or discuss and symbolic ingredients or codes and
information or details originally conventions that media and Information
presented in the primary sources. professionals may select and use In an
● Bibliographies ● Textbooks ● effort to communicate ideas, Information
Dictionaries ● Encyclopedias ● and knowledge.
Magazines ● Histories ● Websites ● MEDIA LANGUAGE - codes,
Commentaries conventions, formats, symbols and
narrative structures that Indicate the
TERTIARY SOURCE meaning of media messages to an
Consist of information that is a audience.
distillation and collection of primary
MEDIA CODES - known as a systems or
and secondary sources.
collection of signs that when put together,
● Bibliographies ● Directories ●
It create meanings. As boy scouts, or girl
Almanacs ● Guidebooks ● scout," you might be familiar with the use
Chronologies ● Fact books of morse code, the smoke signals, or the
signal flags for relating a message to
Semiotics is the study of signs.
Media and Information Language is the Purple- Power, Luxury, Ambition
way in which the meaning of a media text
is conveyed to the audience. It is conveyed Pink- Feminism, Romance
through media codes and conventions. Black- Power, Elegance, Mystery,
GENRE refers to a class or category of
artistic endeavor having a particular form, White- Purity, Perfection, Safety
content, technique, or the like.
TECHNICAL CODES - refers to the
Types of Media Codes ways in which equipment is used to tell the
SYMBOLIC CODES- include the
● Camera Work- refers to how the
language, dress or actions of characters, or
camera is operated, positioned
iconic symbols that are easily understood.
and moved for specific effects.
● Setting- refers to the time and
Basic Camera Shots
place of the narrative. Your setting
must always fit your message. 1. Extreme Close-Up Shot- Frames
● Mise-en-scene - refers the the subject precisely to emphasize
description of all the objects within the specific portions of the body.
a frame of the media product and 2. CLOSE-UP SHOT- Frames the
how they have been arranged. subject at a close range to show a
● Acting - Actors portray characters detail.
in media products and contribute to 3. MEDIUM SHOT- A type of
character development, creating camera shot that shows an actor
tension or advancing the narrative. approximately from the ways up.
● Color- Every color elicits a 4. LONG/WIDE SHOT- This
different and unique emotional camera shot shows the full length
response in the viewer, thus when of the subject while also including
you produce media, you have to be a large amount of the surrounding
clever with your color choices. area of the film setting.
5. EYE LEVEL SHOT- This is
Red- Passion, Syrength, Power,
when your subject is at eye level. It
can resolve in a neutral
Green- Safety, Healing, Money perspective.
6. LOW ANGLE SHOT- Frames the
Blue- Stability, Trust, Health subject from below their eye line. It
Yellow- Happiness, Intelect most often emphasized power
dynamics between characters
Orange- Joy, Enthusiasm, 7. OVER THE SHOULDER
Encouragement SHOT- Camera angle used
wherein the camera used to place
Brown- Confidence, Casualness
the back of the shoulder and head
Gold- Wealth, Prestige, Wisdom of the subject.
8. HIGH ANGLE SHOT- Camera ● Audio/Sound
points down at your subject. It - Media language Involves
usually creates a feeling of the use of sound and
inferiority or looking down on your music to convey meaning
and often to work on the
emotional Impact of a
When your camera height is at - A change in sound will
ground-level with your subject. affect the overall mood of a
10. DUTCH ANGLE SHOT - The video.
camera is slanted to one side with - In radio production, sound
the horizons line tilted effects are one of its most
important elements.
● Lighting
above looking down in your - a code that gives an accent
subject. These are typically shot to visual media.
from 90 degrees in above. - refers to the manipulation
12. AERIAL SHOT - Taken from of natural or artificial light
helicopter or drone. It establishes a to selectively highlight the
wide expand of scenery the specific elements of the
horizons line tilted. scene.
- it gives a video with a sense
Basic Camera Movements of atmosphere.
● Editing
1. STATIC SHOT - No camera
- Nonlinear digital process
movement at all, It is achieved by
that allows editors to put
locking a camera by a fixed
pictures and sound together.
position with a use of a tripod.
- the process of choosing,
2. PAN SHOT - Direct camera
manipulating and arranging
horizontally left or right.
images and sound.
3. TILT SHOT - Camera movements
direct camera upward or WRITTEN CODES
4. PUSH IN - Moves a camera closer - the formal written language used in
to a subject with a steady camera a media product.
movement. - includes font style and font size
5. PULL OUT - Opposite of push in. used, captions, choice of words and
A smooth camera movement that emphasis of words,
moves the camera further away
from a subject. MEDIA CONVENTIONS- the accepted
6. TRACKING SHOT - Any shot ways of using media codes. Conventions
that physically moves the camera are closely connected to the audience's
through the scene for the extended expectations of a media product.
amount of time.

Types of Media Conventions Task 3

1. FORMS CONVENTIONS- the H. Business innovation 1. It involves

specific ways we expect the types developing new products or improving
of media codes to be arranged. existing technologies, processes, designs and
2. STORY CONVENTIONS - are marketing to solve problems, increase
efficiency, reach new customers, and
common narrative structures and
ultimately increase profits.
understandings that are common in
storytelling media products. E. Business opportunity 2. Involves sale or
3. GENRE CONVENTIONS - lease of any product, service, equipment, etc.
points to the common use of tropes, that will enable the purchaser-licensee to begin
characters, settings or themes in a a business.
particular type of medium. It is
B. Entrepreneurship 3. Refers to the act of
closely linked with the audience
creating a business or businesses while
expectations of a genre.
building and scaling it to generate a profit.

A. Livelihood 4. Refers to their "means of

securing the basic necessities (food, water,
shelter and clothing) of life".

J. Economy 5. The system of production,

distribution and consumption. The overall
measure of a currency system; as the national

I. Entrepreneur 6. Is a person who sets up a

business with the aim to make a profit.

C. Social change 7. Refers to any significant

alteration over time in behavior patterns and
cultural values and norms.

D. Socio-economic 8. Related to the

differences between groups of people caused
mainly by their financial situation.

F. Business venture 9. It is a new business that

is formed with a plan and expectation that
financial gain will follow. It is usually formed
out of a need for a service or product that is
lacking in the market.

G. Relevance 10. It is simply the noun form of

the adjective "relevant," which means
"important to the matter at hand."
programs. It attempts to develop
small-scale industries. In the
Entrepreneurship Philippines, many entrepreneurial
development-training programs rest on
- This is an act of creating a business or
such assumptions. But even without
businesses while building and scaling
the presence of government support,
it to generate a profit. It is an important
the statistics for the past fifty years or
driver of economic growth and
so on the number of businesses were
mostly in food processing, property
What people do to take their career and development, and trade (including
dreams into their hands and lead it in the shopping malls).
direction of their own choice. It is about
- In 2005, the top 50 Philippine
building a life on your own terms. No
corporations in terms of sales could be
bosses! No restricting schedules! And no
broken down into 22 private domestic
one holds you back!
firms, 23 foreign firms, and 5
(Batalla 2011). government-owned and/or controlled
corporations (BizNews Asia 2007as
Entrepreneur cited by Batalla, V., 2011).

- A person who sets up a business with - The 22 companies could be identified

the aim of making a profit and creating with 11 families and individuals,
a new business, bearing most of the mostly Filipinos of Chinese ethnic
risks and enjoying most of the rewards. background. The 11 families and
An innovator, a source of new ideas, individuals were the Zobel family
goods, services, and business/or (Ayala), the Lopez clan, Lucio Tan,
procedures. Playing a key role in any Henry Sy, John Gokongwei, Alfonso
economy, using the skills and initiative Yuchengco, Eduardo Cojuangco Jr.,
necessary to anticipate needs and bring Jose Yao Campos (Unilab Group of
good new ideas to market (Batalla Companies), George Ty (Metrobank),
2011). Mariano Que (Mercury Drug), and
Tony Tan-Caktiong (Jollibee).
Note: Understanding what an entrepreneur
is can help more people recognize the Importance of Entrepreneurship
value they contribute to the world.
Entrepreneurs take the idea and execute it 1. Entrepreneurship generates new wealth
while Entrepreneurship is about execution in an economy.
of ideas.
2. Entrepreneurship decreases poverty.
Entrepreneurship in the Philippines
3. It creates opportunities, ensures social
(Batalla, V. (2011)
justice, instills confidence and
- The notion of the entrepreneur is
stimulates the economy.
simply one who forms and manages
business that is apparent in government 4. Entrepreneurship improves productivity
5. Entrepreneurs create jobs. knowledge to come up with business ideas
and develop their own ventures.
6. Entrepreneurs innovate.
Potential market
7. Entrepreneurs create innovation and
social change - Is the part of the total population that
has shown some level of interest in
8. Entrepreneurs give to society buying a particular product or service.
Potential market is also called Total
Relevance of Entrepreneurship to SHS
addressable market (TAM) (MBA
Skool Team, 2018).
1. To prepare students for livelihood even
- A potential market is the part of the
before college.
market you can capture in the future. It
2. Entrepreneurship education aids includes the demographic groups that
students from all socioeconomic are not currently your customers but
backgrounds to think outside the box and could become customers in the future
nurture unconventional talents and skills. (Lake, L, 2019).

3. Entrepreneurship develops their - Market potential is the total demand

initiative and helps them to be more for a product in a given business
creative and self-confident in whatever environment (Bhasin, H., 2018).
they undertake and to act in a socially
The Importance of Potential Markets
responsible way.
(Lake, L., 2019)
4. It exposes students to numerous
- Potential markets are an important
opportunities to learn how to think
part of a business’s future growth.
critically and analyze the pieces on the
Ensure the future of your business by
identifying new customers. Think
5. Being aware of all the important factors proactively about ways for your
and seeing how they affect each other is business to grow and change. Show the
the foundation of a smart decision-making potential of your business to investors
process. or collaborators. Increase your
revenue. Create a plan B that will
6. Students have to be exposed to weather changes in the economy or
real-world examples and learn from their market.
own experience.
How to Identify Your Potential Markets
7. Entrepreneurship education requires (Lake, L., 2019)
students to be innovative, creative and
collaborative with others. - Consider every target demographic
that you currently sell to, as well as
8. Entrepreneurship education provides those you have not yet targeted.
budding entrepreneurs with the skills and Identify what they have in common
with each other, new milestones that
they will encounter in their lives that age, location, income, and lifestyle
will impact their buying patterns, and (Kenton, W.,2019).
where they overlap or diverge from
your current customers. Penetrated Market

- Is a set of customers or clients who

are already using a particular product
Reaching Your Potential Market (Lake, or service
L., 2019) (www.businessdictionary.com).

- Once you’ve identified and chosen a Need

potential market to begin targeting, you
will need new marketing strategies in - Is a motivating force that compels
place to communicate with them. Use action for its satisfaction. Needs range
this profile to identify: from basic survival needs (common to
all human beings) satisfied by
ü The demographic information that necessities, to cultural, intellectual, and
people in a group have in common. social needs (varying from place to
place and age group to age group)
ü The best forms of media to reach them. satisfied by necessaries
ü How they prefer to shop and make
purchases. Market
ü The concerns, struggles, or problems - Is a place where two parties can gather
that you can help them overcome. to facilitate the exchange of goods and
services (Kenton, W. & Boyle,
ü What values matter to them, both in
M., 2020).
everyday life and when shopping.
Existing Customers
ü The language that resonates with them.
- Are people who have already
Available Market
purchased your product.
- Are prospects who are willing and
capable (have sufficient resources)
buyers, and have access to a particular - Are people who have not yet
market or service purchased your product but are
(www.businessdictionary.com). considering it.
Target Market Target Market Users
- This refers to a group of potential - Are people in your target market who
customers to whom a company wants are not currently looking for a solution.
to sell its products and services. Target
markets are generally categorized by Why is it important to clearly define
market needs?
- The market now demands that your A. It creates opportunities, ensures
business align to their needs. In order social justice, instills confidence
to properly align your marketing and stimulates the economy.
efforts and your content, in particular B. It is an important part of the
economic growth strategies of
to what buyers need, you have to have
many local and national
a clear understanding of the many
governments around the world.
intricacies, pains and pressures within C. It refers to a person who sets up a
your market. To achieve such business with the aim of making a
alignment, you need the ability to profit.
define market patterns, needs, interests, D. The act of creating a business or
preferences, etc. for a comprehensive businesses while building and
view of the buying process is critical scaling it to generate a profit.
(www.aberdeen.com). 3. Which of the following has relevance
of Entrepreneurship to SHS students?
Below are ways to define your market A. It generates new wealth in an
(Lancaster SCORE (2010) economy.
B. It aids students from all economic
- Consider whether the business offers a backgrounds to think outside the
new solution to an old problem or box.
complements an emerging trend. C. It creates opportunities and
ensures social justice.
- Have a clear picture of your target D. It creates job.
market. 4. Which statement is not correct about
the status of entrepreneurship in the
- Determine the benefits that your Philippines?
product or service offers. A. The number of business
establishments formed every year
- Examine industry data that can would generally show an
confirm whether there is a sustained, increasing trend.
growing demand for your product or B. Entrepreneurs are people who can
secure resources such as
technology and information to
- Identify the percentage of market gain distinct, sustainable,
competitive advantages.
share that it is realistic for you to
C. In 2005, the top 50 Philippine
corporations in terms of sales
could be broken down into 25
private domestic firms, 20 foreign
1. Who acts as a coordinating agent in a firms, and 5 government-owned
capitalist economy? and/or controlled corporations.
A. Manager D. The 22 companies could be
B. Finance Officer identified with 11 families and
C. Entrepreneur individuals, mostly Filipinos of
D. Broker Chinese ethnic background.
2. Which of the following is the 5. Which of the following words is not
definition of Entrepreneurship? associated with entrepreneur?
A. innovative
B. impulsive a similar amount of responsibility in a
C. collaborative traditional job
D. Creative A. True B. False
6. What is the most common reason 14. The number one characteristic shared
given to people who choose to become by successful entrepreneurs is
entrepreneurs? creativity
A. To make a lot of money A. True B. False
B. To escape the long hours 15. After winning a medal for diving in
associated with corporate jobs Olympics, Cheryl starts a diving
C. To be their own boss instruction school. This is an example
D. To be able to retire early of a lifestyle firm
7. All of the characteristics shared by A. True B. False
successful entrepreneur EXCEPT: 16. An individual who starts, creates and
A. Passion manages a new business is called
B. Product/customer focus _________.
C. Risk averse A. A leader
D. Tenacity despite failures B. A manager
8. Which of the following is NOT a C. A professional
common myth about entrepreneurs? D. An entrepreneur
A. Everyone has potential to be an 17. What is the study of how new business
entrepreneur are created, as well as the actual
B. Entrepreneurs are born, not made process of starting a new business?
C. Entrepreneurs are gamblers A. Entrepreneurship
D. Entrepreneur love the spotlight B. Corporation
9. Influence on the innovation and job C. Intrapreneurship
creation best typifies entrepreneurial D. Financial Management
firms ________. 18. SWOT is one of the simplest ways to
A. Impact on society study and understand the business
B. Impact on larger business environment even before you start and
C. Economic impact operate your own business. What does
D. Impact on the Government SWOT mean?
A. Strengths, Weakened, Overtime,
( For nos. 10-15 write T if the statement is Tardiness
TRUE and F if FALSE) B. Sturdy, Weakness, Opportunities,
10. Entrepreneur and inventor mean Threats
essentially the same C. Strengths, Weaknesses,
A. True B. False Opportunities, Threats
11. Entrepreneurial businesses include D. Sturdy, Weaknesses, Overtime,
retailing, such as clothing and Time Bound
furniture stores, but do ot include 19. Micro, small and medium (MSMEs)
service businesses have a very important role in
A. True B. False developing the Philippine economy.
12. Entrepreneurship only pertains to They are divided according to the
starting business, not existing firms. amount of asset size, and by the
A. True B. False number of employees involved in the
13. The average entrepreneur does NOT budines. If business AXD has 67
make more money than someone with employees, which category of MSME
does it fall under?
A. Micro A. To run and manage the business
B. Medium successfully
C. Small B. To walk and stay out of business
D. Nano successfully
20. When an entrepreneur categorize his C. To be able to sit down and let the
or her customers into their age, business staff do the operation
income class, social class, ethnic D. To avoid failures
background, and religious belief they 26. What is the main contribution of
use the method __________. entrepreneurship to the country’s
A. Psychographics economy?
B. Demographics A. Popularity
C. Photographic B. Investors
D. Technographic C. Tax
21. The capacity for innovation, D. Consumers
investment and expansion in new 27. What is referred to as place of
markets, products and techniques. selling/buying, potential buyers, and
A. Business marketing strategy?
B. Entrepreneurship A. Products
C. Businessman B. Market
D. Entrepreneur C. Means
22. It is a stock or supply of money, D. Resources
materials, staff, and other assets that 28. Which of the following is an
can be drawn on by person or Entrepreneur?
organization in order to function A. Jessica Soho
effectively. B. Tony Tan Caktiong
A. Resources C. Coco Martin
B. Products D. Jung Kook
C. Means 29. What is an Entrepreneur?
D. Materials A. A person who works for someone
23. The following are examples of else in order to learn skills
non-human resources except one, B. A person who is in charge of a
which one is not? specific location
A. Capital C. A person who organizes and
B. Time operates a business or businesses
C. Building 30. Which is not a common characteristic
D. Machinery of an entrepreneur?
24. Risks are situations involving A. Risk-taker
exposure to dangers. Click the risks B. Creative
that are usually present in C. Organized
entrepreneurship. D. Irresponsible
A. Warehouse burnt 31. What are the key/unique
B. Competition characteristics that a person should
C. Building possess to be able to perform
D. Machinery entrepreneurial function effectively?
25. In venturing into business, one must A. Personal Entrepreneurial
consider the available resources. For Committees
what reasons? Write all answers that B. Personal Entrepreneurial
apply Competencies
C. Personal Entrepreneurial A. The number of business
Categories establishments formed every year
32. Entrepreneurs look for business ideas would generally show an
and new and better ways to solve increasing trend.
problems. B. Entrepreneurs are people who can
A. True secure resources such as
B. False technology and information to
33. Showing trust with owns skills, ability, gain distinct, sustainable,
and judgement. competitive advantages.
A. Confident C. In 2005, the top 50 Philippine
B. Discipline corporations in terms of sales
C. Hardworking could be broken down into 25
D. Committed private domestic firms, 20 foreign
34. The key concept of entrepreneurship, firms, and 5 government-owned
the outcome of creativity resulted to a and/or controlled corporations.
new and different way of doing things. D. The 22 companies could be
A. Creativity identified with 11 families and
B. Discipline individuals, mostly Filipinos of
C. Innovation Chinese ethnic background.
D. Risk taker 39. Which of the following words is not
35. A company wherein several business associated with entrepreneur?
owners work together to produce A. Innovative
particular dynamics that are B. Collaborative
advantageous to them. C. Impulsive
A. Enterprise D. Creative
B. Environment 40. What is the most common reason
C. Business given to people who choose to become
D. None of the above entrepreneurs?
36. It is the total of all things external A. To make lot of money
firms and industries which affect their B. To escape the long hours
organization and operation. associated with corporate jobs
A. Enterprise C. To be their own boss
B. Entrepreneur D. To be able to retire early
C. Business Environment
37. Which of the following has relevance MATCHING TYPE: Match the definitions in
of entrepreneurship to SHS 12 Cloumn A with the word/phrase in Column b.
students? write your answer on your paper.
A. It generates new wealth in an A.
B. It aids students from all C. Market strategy 1. It is a company’s
socioeconomic backgrounds to marketing goals and objectives combined into
think outside the box. a single comprehensive plan.
C. It creates opportunities and ensure
social justice D. Consumer 2. It refers to a person or
D. It creates job organization that uses a commodity or service.
38. Which statement is not correct about
A. Market 3. This is an area or arena in which
the status of entrepreneurship in the
commercial dealings are conducted.
B. Market share 4. This is used to give a 1. The customers you would most like to
general idea of the size of a company in attract are referred to as your
relation to its market and its competitors. A. Competition C. Market segments
C. Target market 5. This is one part of the B. Target market D. Market
total market for a good or service.

D. Potential market 6. It is also called Total 2. The process of creating something new that
Addressable Market (TAM) makes life better is called...

D. Customer 7. A person or business that A. Technology C. Brand recognition

purchases a commodity or service. B. Innovation D. Opportunity cost
A. Need 8. Circumstances in which something
is necessary, or that require some course of 3. Which of the following is the BEST
action; necessity. definition of knowing your products and
B. Demographic group 9. The study of the
characteristics of human populations, such as A. When an employee knows which product is
size, growth, density, distribution, and vital better than the others.
statistics. B. When an employee can explain the basic
aspects of the services the company offers
B. Market size 10. The number of buyers and
sellers in a particular market. C. When an employee can explain specific
details of their products and express the value
it has over others.
D. When an employee is able to discuss what
B. type of product or services they sell and to
A. Market A.

B. Market size B. Market 4. Which of the following is the BEST

explanation of why knowing your products
and services creates value?
C. Target market A. It helps the customer to see why the product
or service stands out and how it is beneficial to
D. Potential market them.
A. Need B. It helps manipulate the customer into
thinking the product or service is of good
B. Demographic group value.

C. Market strategy C. It identifies all the characteristics about the

product or service so customers can fully
D. Customer evaluate it.
D. It shows passion, which means that it must
be a good product or service.
Module 3: The Possible Product/s or 5. What are the typical characteristics of
Service/s that will Meet the Need services?
A. Services confer benefits; are tangible; are money.
time- and place-dependent; are consistent;
cannot be owned; and providers and A. Earn C. Consume
consumers form part of the service. B. Spend D. Produce
B. Services confer no benefits; are intangible;
are time- and place dependent; are
inconsistent; cannot be owned. 10. Anything made or grown to be sold is a
C. Services are intangible; are time- and
place-dependent; are inconsistent; cannot be A. Service C. Consumer
branded; and providers and consumers form
B. Good D. Producer
part of the service.
D. Services confer ownership; are intangible;
can be consumed at any time or place; are 11. Work done for people is a ____________.
inconsistent; and providers form part of the
service. A. Service C. Consumer

E. Services confer benefits; are intangible; are B. Good D. Produce

time- and place-dependent; are inconsistent;
cannot be owned; and providers and
consumers form part of the service. 12. The banking and hotel services are
example of _____________________.
A. Products C. Barter system
6. Which is an example of a good?
B. Commodities D. services offered
A. Candy bar C. Dental visit
B. Hair cut D. Having the car oil
changed 13. In providing products and services to
supply the need in the market, the following
are most preferred factors to consider
7. Which is an example of a service? except_____________.

A. Candy bar C. A. Self-preferences and interest only of the

Hamburgers entrepreneur.

B. Having your hair cut D. Computers B. Taste and preferences of target market.
C. Target market cultures.

8. A good is something you buy and consume. D. Norm and status of target market.
Tell which is a good.
A. You buy cookies from Mrs. Jenny in the 14. Which activity is addressed in the
caferteria. product/service management function?
B. Mrs. Priester asks you to wash the tables. A. Setting discounts to clear products from
C. You hire someone to braid your hair. inventory.

D. You ask a friend to shampoo your living B. Determining where products will be offered
carpet. for sale.
C. Focusing promotional activities on a
new-product release.
9. When someone sales a good or provides a
service they _____________ D. Eliminating products that are slow sellers.
15. Which of the following is the BEST cannot be owned; and providers and
definition of a good? consumers form part of the service.
A. A tangible item which can be owned, b. Services confer no benefits; are intangible;
stored, and evaluated. are time- and placedependent; are inconsistent;
cannot be owned.
B. A tangible item which cannot be owned,
stored, and evaluated. c. Services are intangible; are time- and
place-dependent; are inconsistent; cannot be
C. An item that can only be bought at an branded; and providers and consumers form
in-person store. part of the service.
D. An intangible item which can be owned, d. Services confer ownership; are intangible;
stored, and evaluated. can be consumed at any time or place; are
inconsistent; and providers form part of the
e. Services confer benefits; are intangible; are
Module 4: Recognize the importance of time- and placedependent; are inconsistent;
marketing mix in the development of cannot be owned; and providers and
marketing strategy. consumers form part of the service.
1. Broadband provision/ internet provision is
an example of a service industry.
7. There are 7Ps in the services marketing mix.
True False What are the additional 3Ps?
2. Car insurance and IT consultancy are a. people, physical evidence and process
b. peripheral products, packaging and people
True False
c. people, physical evidence and presentation
3. Services do not contribute to a country‟s
economy as they do not result in any net d. physical evidence, presentation and process
increase in wealth. e. process, pricing and packaging
True False
4. Increase in leisure time is one of the reasons 8. A business wishes to meet the needs and
behind the growth of service industries. wants of customers better by delivering a
True False higher quality service. Which element of the
marketing mix will the business focus on to
5. Products can be categorized as either goods achieve this?
or services. Very few have significant elements
of both. a. Product

True False b. Price

c. Place

For items 6-15, choose the letter of the best d. Promotion

answer. Write your answer on your activity e. Positioning

9. What is a „service encounter‟?

6. What are the typical characteristics of
services? a. a bad service experience
a. Services confer benefits; are tangible; are b. the actual handing over of payment for the
time- and place-dependent; are consistent; service
c. an argument between customer and service a. Marketing strategy
b. Marketing objective
d. the time during which a customer receives a
service c. Profit from marketing

e. the customer‟s reaction to the service d. Marketing interest

e. Marketing firm

10. It refers to the processes involved in

delivering your products and services to the 14. Why is it generally harder for service
customer. It is also about being 'easy to do industry managers to cope with peaks and
business with. troughs in demand for their products?
a. Process a. Services are inconsistent and strong
b. Management competitions.

c. Marketing b. There are no salespeople to help with

d. Movement
c. Payment is usually made after the service
e. Positioning has been provided.
d. Most service customers are not brand loyal.
11. A concert ticket is primarily an example of e. Service products cannot usually be stored.
which element of the marketing mix?
a. process
15. People who work with information rather
b. physical evidence than in manufacturing or in more traditional
service industries called?
c. packaging
a. knowledge workers
d. price
b. technologists
e. place
c. info techs/IT users
e. project managers
12. Some fast food chains have detailed
instructions about how staff should prepare the
food. There are timers to tell them when the
chips are cooked and even painted footprints
on the floor to show where they should stand.
Which element of the marketing mix are they
trying to control?
a. process
b. physical evidence ENTREPRENEURSHIP Quarter 1
c. packaging Module 5: Describe the 4Ms (Manpower,
Method, Machine, Materials) of operations
d. price in relation to the business opportunities.
e. place 1. In order to create a brand image for a
particular product, what does a business adjust
13. What does the overall marketing mix of a
firm determine? A. The marketing mix
B. Product C. If management changes
C. Price
8. A supermarket's own brand range of
2. This is the most important element of the
marketing mix. A. Has its own marketing mix
A. Price B. Has no marketing mix
B. Product C. Has no promotional mix
C. No single element is the most important
9. How is a business most likely to increase
sales of a premium branded
3. It determines the overall marketing mix of a
firm. product? (no specific answer)
A. Marketing strategy A. By cutting price
B. Marketing objective B. By increasing promotion
C. Profit from marketing C. By using supermarkets for distribution

4. They are protected by consumer protection 10. What does the overall marketing mix
laws. create?
A. Businesses and customers A. Customer needs
B. Just customers B. Business objectives
C. Just businesses C. A unique selling point for a product

5. This is excluded in the marketing mix? 11. Which of the following descriptions
provides the best definition of the
A. Price
marketing mix?
B. Profit
A. The way products are arranged in a retail
C. Promotion store to maximize sales
B. The way a business combines the main
6. Where are premium products most likely to marketing elements to sell products that meet
be sold? the needs and wants of customers

A. In supermarkets C. The way a business distributes its products

through retailers and wholesalers.
B. In designer stores
C. On market stalls
12. The marketing mix which concerns on how
much a customer pays for
7. When is a business most likely to adjust the the goods or services being offered.
marketing mix of a product?
A. Product
A. If costs change
B. Price
B. If customer needs change
C. Place treasure their employees who are both
capable and honest as they are integral
to the growth of the business
13. What do the 4 P's achieve when these work Materials
● sourcing raw materials is critical in
A. Target customers any business endeavor as the
B. Profit margins businessman would want to have the
cheapest possible at the highest
C. Create marketing plan quality,
14. What are the four Ps in the Marketing ● machinery is also important. Without
Mix? the proper equipment, you will not be
able to perform the needed tasks
A. Problem, platform, program, procedure
B. Product, place, price, promotion ● You may be able to use the manpower
to do it but it is usually more efficient
C. Plain, progress, post, process if machines are able to automate the

15. Brenda's Beauty Salon offers customers Advertising

hair styling. This is an example ● As with all marketing activity, is an
of __________. investment and creates opportunities
for the product to be discovered by the
A. Physical product market
B. Tangible product
C. Service

● the process to be followed in
effectively manufacturing or
delivering a product or service.
● the day-to-day operations of a
business. Internally, the process must
abide with industry standards and
policies (ex. ISO Certification).
● this is the worker.
● When setting up a business, finding
honest and capable people is always a
challenge. In my experience, people
can be honest but may not be capable
or competent and some are capable but
not honest.
● It is a rare find to find someone with
all the ideal qualities. So for a
businessman, they must be able to
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Industrial Chemistry
- Nuclear Chemistry


- Anything that has mass and takes

up space
- E.g. anything you see that
surrounds you

Mixtures (Physical Change)

- Variable composition
- Components retain their
characteristic properties
- May be separated into pure
substance by physical methods
- Mixture of different composition
may have vividly different
● Homogeneous Mixture
- Same composition
- Components are
- E.g. Juice

● Heterogeneous Mixture
- The study of matter, the changes that - Do not have same composition
matter undergoes, and the energy throughout
transformations that accompany each - Components are distinguishable
change - E.g. Halo-halo

- The science that deals with the Pure Substance (Physical Change)
compositions and properties of matter
- Fixed composition
Branches of Chemistry - Cannot be separated into simpler
substances by physical methods
- Analytical Chemistry - Properties do not vary
- Biochemistry ● Compounds (Chemical Change)
- Organic Chemistry
-Can be decomposed into - the property of a metal's ability to
simpler substances by be distorted below compression
chemical changes, always - Gold is the most malleable metal
in a definite ratio
● Elements (Chemical Change)
- Cannot be decomposed into
Does the Properties depend on the
simpler substances by
amount of substance?
chemical means
- No
Classification of Matter
➢ Intensive Physical Property
- Matter ➔ Color
➔ Is made up of very tiny ➔ Melting point
units called atoms ➔ Boiling Point
- Element ➔ Density
➔ A substance made up of - Yes
only a single type of atom ➢ Extensive Physical Property
- Compounds ➔ Mass
➔ A substance in which atoms ➔ Volume
of two or more different ➔ Length
elements are combined with ➔ Shape
one another
2 Types of Physical Properties
- The composition and properties of
an element or compound are ● Extensive Physical Property
uniform throughout a given sample - Depend on the amount of
and from one sample to another substance
- Elements and Compounds are - depends on the amount of
called Substances. matter in a sample
- E.g. Volume, Mass, Size,
Weight, Length
● Intensive Physical Property
- Independent of the amount
Physical Property of substance
- a property of matter that
- One that a sample of matter depends only on the type
displays without changing its of matter in a sample and
composition not on the amount
- Are those that a substance shows - E.g. Boiling Point, Color,
by itself, without changing into or Temperature, Lutser,
interacting with another substance Hardness

- E.g. metal hammered into thin

change in composition under stated
- Indicates how a substance reacts
with something else

Examples of Chemical Property

- Ability to rust
- Formation of precipitate
- Reacts with water, oxygen, acids,
Examples of Physical Properties bases, or other substances
- Flammability
- Color
- Shape How the substance react to the presence
- Odor of:
- Mass
- Volume - Air
- Magnetism - Avid
- Conducting Electricity - Bone
- Strength - Water
- Flexibility - Other chemicals

Physical Change Chemical Change

- Change in a sample of matter’s - Chemical reaction, one or more

physical appearance kinds of matter are converted to
- No new substance is formed new kinds with different
- No change in its composition composition
- Some of the physical properties of - A new substance is formed
the sample may change, but its - The key to identifying a chemical
composition remains unchanged change comes sin observing a
change in composition
Examples of Physical Change
Examples of Chemical Change
- Melting an ice cube
- Mixing sand with water - Burning of wood
- Chopping wood - Cooking an Egg
- Boiling water - Vinegar and Baking Soda Mixture
- Shredding paper - Metabolism
- Mixing green and red marbles - Rotting banana
- Fireworks
Chemical Property
Some simple compounds:
- The ability (or inability) of a
sample of matter to undergo a
➢ Evaporation
- Can be used to separate a
solute from the solvent in a
- E.g. evaporation of
Difference between a molecule and a seawater to produce salt

➢ Decantation
- the process of separation of
liquid from solid and other
immiscible (non-mixing)
liquids, by removing the
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures liquid layer at the top from
the layer of solid or liquid
below. The process can be
carried out by tilting the
mixture after pouring out
the top layer.

Separating Mixtures:

➢ Filtration
- Can be used to separate an
insoluble substance from a
soluble substance
➢ Distillation
- a physical separation based
on the vaporization of the
different components of the
mixture to be separated
- The process of distillation
begins with heating a liquid
to boiling point. The liquid
evaporates, forming a
vapor. The vapor is then
➢ Magnetism/ Magnetic Separation
cooled, usually by passing
- separating mixtures of two
it through pipes or tubes at
solids with one part which
a lower temperature. The
has magnetic properties
cooled vapor then
condenses, forming a

➢ Separating Funnel/ Separatory

- Can be used to separate two
liquids which are

➢ Centrifugation
- A device that can rapidly
spin/ mixture is separated
through spinning
- a method of separating
molecules having different
densities by spinning them
in solution around an axis
(in a centrifuge rotor) at
high speed
Law of Definite Composition

- Compounds always contain the

same elements in the same
proportion by mass

Dalton’s Atomic Theory

- All matter consists of atoms, tiny

Democritus (460-370 BCE) indivisible particles of an element
that cannot be created or destroyed
- Matter is ultimately composed of - Atoms of one element cannot be
indivisible particles, with nothing converted into atoms of another
between them but empty spaces element. In chemical reactions, the
- It's called the particles atoms atoms of the original substances
(Greek atomos, “uncuttable”) recombine to form different
Important Chemical Observations (end - Atoms of an element are identical
of 18th Century) in mass and other properties and
are different from atoms of any
➔ Law of Mass Conservations
other element
(Antoine Lavoisier)
- Compounds result from the
➔ Law of Definite or Constant
chemical combination of a specific
Composition (Joseph Proust)
ratio of atoms of different elements
➔ Law of Multiple Proportions (John
Dalton) Law of Multiple Proportions
Law of Mass Conservation - When the same two elements
combine to form more than one
- matter cannot be created or
compound: the ratios of the mass
destroyed in a chemical reaction.
of one element in the first
- For example, when wood burns,
compound to its mass in the second
the mass of the soot, ashes, and
compound, (as it combines with the
gases equals the original mass of
same mass of the other element),
the charcoal and the oxygen when
can always be expressed as ratios
it first reacted
of small whole numbers (ex: 1:3 or
Thomson proposed the Plum Pudding
The observations that led to the Nuclear
Atom Model

Discovery of the Electrons and its


● Cathode rays were later named

● (1897) J.J. Thomson Alpha- Scattering Experiment
- Cathode ray particle
- An atom is mostly space occupied
weighed less than 1/1000 as
by electrons
much as hydrogen, which
- In the center of that space is a tiny
implied that atoms are
region, which he called nucleus,
divisible into even smaller
that contains all the positive
charged and essentially all the mass
Discovery of Atomic Nucleus of the atoms
- Positive particles, he called
● If matter is neutral, the atoms that protons, by within the nucleus
make it up must be neutral also - Rutherford’s model could not
● If atoms contain negatively charged account for all the atom’s mass
electrons: What positive charges
balance them? Resolved James Chadwick discovered
● If an electron has an incredibly tiny the neutron, an uncharged dense
mass, what accounts for an atom’s particle that also resides in the nucleus
much larger mass?
- The electrons move rapidly within
the available atomic volume, held
there by the attraction of nucleus
- The nucleus is incredibly dense: it
contains 99.7% of the atom’s mass
but occupies only about 1
ten-trillionth of its volume
- An atom’s diameter (~10-10m) is
about 10,000 times the diameter of
its nucleus (~10-14m)
➢ An atomic nucleus consists of
protons and neutrons (the only
exception its the simplest hydrogen
nucleus, which is a single proton)
➢ The proton (p+) has a positive
charge and the neutron (n° )
➢ The magnitude of charge processed
by a proton is equal to that of an
electron (e-), but the signs of the
charges are opposite
Explaining the results of the alpha- ➢ An atom is neutral because the
scattering experiment: number of protons in the nucleus
equals the number of electrons
- Undeflected straight-line paths surrounding the nucleus
exhibited by most of the alpha
particles uSI symbol for atomic mass unit
- Slight deflections of alpha particles (abb as amu)
passing close to electrons
- Severe deflections of alpha General Features of the Atom
particles passing close to the
- Reflections from the foil of the
alpha particles approaching a
nucleus head-on

The Atomic Theory Today

- The atom is electrically neutral,

spherical entity composed of a
positively charged central nucleus
surrounded by one or more
negatively charged electrons
Atomic Structure ➢ The nucleus mass and charge are
often included with the atomic
- Atom is the smallest unit of symbol (or element symbol).
matter Every element has a symbol based
1. Proton: +charge in nucleus on its English, Latin, or Greek
2. Neutron: no charge in nucleus name, such as C for Carbon, O for
3. Electron: - charge outside of Oxygen, S for Sulfur and Na for
nucleus Sodium latin (natrium)
- Each outer ring is an orbital or ➢ The atomic number (Z) is written
shell as a left subscript and the mass
1. 1st shell holds a max of 2 e- number (A) is written as the left
2. 2nd shell holds a max of 8 e- superscript to the symbol.
3. 3rd shell holds a max of 18 e-

➢ Atomic Number (Z)
- Number of protons in the
nucleus of each of an
element’s atom
- All atoms of a particular
element have the same ➢ Since the mass number is the sum
atomic number, and each of protons and neutrons, the
element has different number of neutrons (N) equals the
atomic number from that of mass number minus the atomic
any other element number

Ex. Mass number - Atomic Number = Number

of Neutrons
● All carbon atoms (Z=6) have 6
protons Number of Protons = Atomic Number
● All oxygen atoms (Z=8) have 8
Number of Protons - Charge = Number of
● All uranium atoms (Z=92) have 92
protons Mass Number - Number of Neutron =
Atomic Number
There are 90 known elements occurring in
nature; the remaining have been Amu- atomic mass unit
synthesized by nuclear processes
1 amu= 1.66054 x 10⁻²⁴g
➢ Mass Number
- The total number of protons 1 amu= mass of carbon 12 atom
and neutrons in the nucleus
of an atom Isotopes

Number of Neutrons + Number of Protons

= Mass Number
- Of an element are atoms that have
different numbers of neutrons and
therefore different mass numbers
➢ The chemical properties of an
element are primarily determined
by the number of electrons, so all
isotopes of an element have nearly
identical chemical behavior, even
though they have different masses
➢ The mass of an atom is measured
relative to the mass of an atomic
standard (carbon 12 atom). The
mass of a carbon-12 atom is
defined as exactly 12 atomic mass
➢ Atomic mass unit (amu), now
called Dalton (Da) is 1/12 the mass
of a carbon-12 atom
➢ The atomic mass (weight) of an
element is the average of the
isotopic masses, weighed
according to the naturally
occurring abundances of the

Average Atomic Mass Formula:

Average atomic mass = (isotopic mean A x

isotopic abundance %) /100

NOTE: Divide by 100 if using percentage

Importance of Self-Concept
Lesson 1:
It affects our motivations, attitudes,
and behaviors
● How we perceive our behaviors,
It also affects how we feel about
abilities, and unique characteristics
the person we think we are, including
● “To be aware of oneself is to have a
whether we are competent or if we have
concept of oneself.”
● A part of our self-concept develops
through our interaction with others
7 Benefits of Self-Concept
● In addition to family members and
close friends, other people in our
lives can contribute to our self
Expressing your desires will make
it more likely that you get what you want

3 Components of Self-Concept
Less inner conflict
When your outside actions are in
Ideal Self
accordance with your inside feelings and
The ideal self is what a person
values, you will experience less inner
wants to be. This person has the attributes
or qualities you are either working towards
or wanting to possess. It’s who you
Better decision-making
envision yourself to be if you were exactly
You’ll have guidelines you can
as you wanted.
apply to solve life’s varied problems

Refers to how you see yourself at
You’ll have the insight to know
this moment in time.
which values and goals activate your
Attributes like physical
characteristics, personality traits, and
social roles all play a role in self-image.
Resistance to social pressure
However, self-image may or may not
When you are grounded in your
match reality.
values and preferences, you are less likely
to say “yes” when you want to say “no”
How much you like and accept
It is the value we place on
Tolerance and understanding of others
Your awareness of your own
It can be affected by a number of
foibles and struggles can help you
factors which includes how other see you,
empathize with others
how you think you compare to others, and
your role in society
Vitality and Pressure
Being who you truly are helps you Generating Ideas
feel more alive and makes your experience The purpose of generating new
of life richer, larger, and more exciting ideas is improving what already exists as
well as coming up with something new
What is Personal Effectiveness?
Means getting the best out of 3 Kinds of People In the World
yourself. It’s an approach to success that
involves utilizing all of your energy, skill Moviegoers
and motivation to develop and reach the -Watches the movie of their lives, admires
goals you set for yourself some parts and criticizes other
-Feels she has absolutely no control of
The 7 Skills that Will Greatly Increase their lives - except to comment about it
the Efficiency of a Person -The most pathetic, miserable people in the
A positive emotional feeling that Actor
involves persevering towards a difficult -Does not only watch the movie of her life
goal in spite of obstacle -Realizes she is the actor and can control a
big part of her life
Self-Confidence -Can make or break the movie
A feeling of trust in one’s abilities, -Happy bunch, realizing they are the start
qualities, and judgment of the show and enjoy some level of
Firm or obstinate continuance in a Scriptwriter
course of action in spite of difficulty or -Does not only watch and doesn’t only act,
opposition but creates the entire movie from her mind
-Determines what she will say, will do, and
Managing Stress how the movie will end
Offers a range of strategies to help -Sees that the movie of her life would turn
you better deal with stress and difficulty in out beautiful
your life
Lesson 2:
Problem Solving Skills Human Development
Helps you determine why an issue Is a form of development that
is happening and how to resolve that issue focuses on human growth and changes
across a person’s lifespan; including
Creativity physical, cognitive, social, intellectual,
Defined as the tendency to generate perceptual, personality, and emotional
or recognize ideas, alternatives, or growth
possibilities that may be useful in solving
problems, communicating with others, and 8 Stages of Human Development
entertaining ourselves and others 1. Prenatal
2. Infancy
3. Early Childhood 4. Learning to be Literate
4. Late Childhood 5. Developing a value system
5. Adolescence
6. Early Adulthood Adolescence (12 to 18 Years)
7. Middle Age Is the age of transition from
8. Old Age childhood to adulthood, in which sex
maturation and rapid physical growth take
Prenatal (Conception to Birth) place, causing changes in how individual
Is the age at which all physical feels, think, and act.
characteristics, both external and internal,
are fully developed, and hereditary Characteristics (Adolescence)
endowments and sex are fixed. 1. Achieving Mature Relations
2. Achieving Independence
Infancy (Birth to 2 Years) 3. Achieving Socially Responsible
Is the age of foundation when Behaviour
fundamental conduct is arranged and many 4. Acquiring Values and an Ethical
Ontogenetic maturation skills are System
developed 5. Preparing for Life

Early Childhood (2 to 6 Years) Early Adulthood (18 to 40 Years)

Is the age of where a child is Is the age at which people begin to
learning the basics of social behavior, adapt to new lifestyles and roles, such as
exploration, and questioning of the world those of spouse, parent, and bread winner
around him/her

Characteristics (Infancy and Early Characteristics (Early Adulthood)

Childhood) 1. Starting a Family
1. Learning to Walk 2. Selecting a Mate
2. Learning to take Solid Food 3. Managing a Home
3. Learning to Talk 4. Starting an Occupation
4. Learning Sex Differences and 5. Rearing Children
Sexual Modesty 6. Assuming Civic Responsibility
5. Learning to Control the
Elimination of Body Wastes Middle Age (40 Years to 65)
Is the age of transition where
Late Childhood (6 to 12 Years) adjustments to the beginning of bodily and
Is the age of creativity and when mental decline are felt
self-help skills, social skills, academic
skills, and play skills are developed Characteristics (Middle Age)
1. Adjusting to Aging
Characteristics (Late Childhood) 2. Developing Adult Leisure Time
1. Learning Physical Skills Activities
2. Building an Attitude 3. Achieving Adult Social And Civic
3. Developing Social Relationships Responsibility
4. Accepting the Physiological
Changes of Middle Age 4. Mindful Appreciation
This exercise allows us to express
Old Age (65 to Death) gratitude and appreciation to the simple
Is the age of retirement, at which things in life. Being happy that you are
physical and mental decline are here today, learning; or appreciating the
experienced and occurs more quickly current transition to face to face.

Characteristics (Old Age) 5. Mindful Awareness

1. Meeting Social and Civic This exercise allows us to develop
Obligations a greater awareness of what we do. It’s
2. Establishing Relations w/ Age being aware of our thoughts, our words,
Group how we stand, and how we talk, among
3. Adjusting to Decreasing Strength others.
and Health

What is Mindfulness?
Is the ability to be fully aware of Practice Gratitude
where we are and what we’re doing, and When we practice gratitude, we
not excessively reactive or overwhelmed concentrate on the good things happening
by what is happening around us. It is a in our lives right now. By putting our
practice that allows us to be in control of attention on the good, we free up more
our lives. time to create a better and happier future.

Mindfulness Exercises Check In with Your Body

1. Mindful Breathing Focusing on our bodies can help
This exercise allows you to tune ourselves refocus on the present moment
out your surroundings and your mental while also providing us with the
chatter. This exercise has many variations knowledge that we need to better take care
but the simplest is focusing on your of our bodies
breathing for a minute.
Pay Attention to your Heart
2. Mindful Observation The other way our bodies
This exercise allows us to communicate with us is through our
reconnect with the beauty of the natural emotions. We, then, can become more
world, an overlooked thing. It requires to coherent and control ourselves by tuning
just be present and observe. into our hearts, which is where our
emotions come from.
3. Mindful Listening
This exercise allows us to be less Fire Up Your Senses
prejudiced. It is meant to train our minds Using the major senses we’re
to be less influenced and unbiased, as well given, seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling,
as to open your ears and mouth in a and tasting; and using these in the
non-judgmental manner. appropriate contexts allows us to become
more aware of our surroundings and take The lobes - frontal, parietal,
them in a more fuller and holistic picture temporal, and occipital - each have
different functions.
Mindful Eating
Eating mindfully results in better Parietal Lobe
digestion, which improves absorption of Helps people understand what they
vitamins and minerals as well as digestive see and feel
health in general. This not only helps with
our physical but also our mental state Frontal Lobe
Determines personality and
Lesson 3: emotions
Brainpower: Complex Organ Controls
Your Every Thought and Move Occipital Lobe
Responsible for vision functions
*The brain test is a fun and insightful
game that helps us learn more about Temporal Lobe
ourselves and the way we think. The brain Responsible for hearing and word
test doesn’t measure knowledge like a recognition abilities
brain training game does, and it is not
designed for brain development, however, Neurons
it does tell us a lot about our brains Basic functional units of the
nervous system
Brain They are comprised of a nerve cell
The Power to Act body, axon and dendrite, and they power
the rapid-fire process that turns thought
3 Major Parts into movement
Cerebellum A Critical Age
Brain Stem Doug Postels; Pediatric Neurosurgeon in
New Orleans
Brain Stem
It controls functions that keep 3 Years Old ≠ The Brain Doesn’t Increase
people alive such as breathing, heart rate, Much
blood pressure, and food digestion
During the first three years of life, the
Cerebellum brain experiences most of its growth and
Controls voluntary movement develops most of its potential for learning.
That’s the time frame in which
Cerebrum synaptogenesis, or the creation of
The largest of the three brain pathways for brain cells to communicate,
sections, accounts for about 85 percent of occurs.
the brain’s weight, and has four lobes.
Drug Damage
Because so little recovery occurs to ● To go with the first idea
brains damaged after age 3, the effects of ● Being active
drugs and alcohol on the brain might be ● Athletics, art, or music
Middle Brain Dominant
“The question scientists can’t answer now ● Open minded but not gullible about
is if the damage is permanent” things or people
- Sue Ruesche ; co-author of “False ● May run into trouble making
Messengers”, a book on how decision sometimes, while your
addictive drugs change the brain logical brain plays tug-of-war with
your gut instinct
Inhalants ● Enjoy the arts, but you could also
Glue, paint, gasoline, and aerosols, do well in science and math
destroy the outer lining of nerve cells and ● You appreciate the beauty of all
make them unable to communicate with things in life, and are well-rounded
one another ● Would have a strong career in
business, but you may not go that
Steroids route you may be more interested
Cause aggression and violent mood in studying the arts and sciences in
swings college

Marijuana Right Brain Dominant

Hinders memory, learning, on ● Like to use visual aids
judgment and reaction times ● The quiet one in study groups, but
you come up with brilliant ideas
Ecstasy ● Need to read things twice, but then
Destroys neurons that make you’ve got it.
serotonin, a chemical crucial controlling ● Things you read make more sense
sleep, violence, mood swings and sexual after a day or so
urges ● Good with people
● Don’t fall for practical jokes as
Two Sides of the Brain easily as some
Left Dominance ● Seem dreamy, but you’re really in
● Classical Music deep thought
● Being on Time ● Like to write fiction, draw, or play
● Careful Planning music
● To consider alternative ● Might be athletic
● Being thoughtful ● Take time to ponder and you think
● Monopoly, Scrabble, or Chess there are two sides to every story
● May lose track of time
Right Dominance ● Spontaneous
● Popular Music ● Fun and witty
● A good times ● May find it hard to follow verbal
● To visualize outcome direction
people believe that a person is born either
Left Brain Dominant smart, average, or dumb-and stays that
● Probably work with a daily task list way for life.
● Like to be the critic in class
● Feel you’re naturally good at math But new research shows that the
or science brain is more like a muscle - it changes
● Rational and logical and gets stronger when you use it. And
● Research is precise and scientists have been able to show just how
well-documented the brain grows and gets stronger when
● Set goals for yourself you learn
● Can interpret information well
● Room is tidy That’s why people say “use it or
● Can answer questions lose it!” But most people don’t know that
spontaneously when they practice and learn new things,
● Follow directions and you do read part of their brain changes and gets larger a
directions (unlike some people) lot like muscles do when they exercise.
● You can listen to a long lecture
without losing patience Inside the cortex of the brain are
● Don’t let feelings get in your way billions of neurons. The nerve cells have
● Words are precise branches connecting them to other cells in
a complicated network. Communication
Mind-Mapping between these brain cells is what allows us
Graphical technique that mirrors to think and solve problems.
the way the brain works, and was invented
by Tony Buzan. Mind mapping helps to How do we know the brain can grow
make thinking visible. Most people make stronger?
notes using lined paper and blue or black Scientists started thinking that the
ink. Making notes more attractive to the human brain could develop and change
brain by adding color and rhythm can aid when they studied animals’ brains
the learning process, and can help to make
learning fun. Key to Growing The Brain
The subject being studied is Learning causes permanent
crystallized in a central image and the changes in the brain. The babies’ brain
main theme radiates out from the central cells get larger and grow new connections
image on branches. Each branch holds a between them. These new, stronger
key image or a keyword. Details are then connections make the child’s brain
added to the main branches and radiate stronger and smarter, just like a
further out. weightlifter’s big muscles make them
You Can Grow Your Intelligence
Many people think of the brain as a What Can You Do To Get Smarter
mystery. They don’t know much about You simply need to practice!
intelligence and how it works. When they
do think about what intelligence is, many
Just like a weightlifter or a The Passage to Adulthood: Challenges of
basketball player, to be a brain athlete, you Late Adolescence
have to exercise and practice. By Ways to become a responsible adolescent
practicing, you make your brain stronger. prepared for adult life
You also learn skills that let you use your
brain in a smarter way- just like a Becoming responsible and being able to
basketball player learns new moves. But make good choices are very important
many people miss out on the chance to traits no matter what developmental stage
grow a stronger brain because they think you are in. It holds true for adolescents
they can’t do it, or that it’s too hard. It does especially that they are just beginning to
take work, just like becoming stronger internalize and imbibe virtues, values, and
physically or becoming a better ball player other essential qualities.
does. Sometimes it even hurts! But when
you feel yourself getting better and It may not be easy to be a teenager.
stronger, all the work is worth it! There may be lots of things going on in
various facts of their lives. The demands
Lesson 4: and expectations of their parents and other
Adulting 101: How to Deal with Adulting people around them can also be stressful.
The Challenges of Middle and Late But the good news is, they can treat these
Adolescence ‘difficulties’ as ‘challenges’ which can
make their life exciting. Having that
Adolescence - the period following the mindset is also an indication of becoming
onset of puberty during which a young a responsible and mentally mature
person develops from a child into an adult adolescent.

Discrimination - the unjust or prejudicial Eight (8) simple rules which could help us
treatment of different categories of people teenagers, to become a responsible
or things, especially on the grounds of adolescent who is prepared for adult life:
race, age, or sex. 1. Focus on your studies and do well
in all of you endeavors
Self-Esteem - confidence in one’s own 2. Take care of your health and
worth or abilities hygiene
3. Establish good communication and
Introduction relation with your parents or
In this world of working parents guardian
and video games, in some families, teens 4. Think a lot before doing something
can go through childhood and adolescence 5. Choose to do the right thing
without a real sense of responsibility. 6. Do your best to resist temptations,
They’re occupied, but not prepared for a bad acts, and earthly pleasures and
successful life. Having responsibility for commit to being a responsible
things that matter and that contribute to the adolescent
welfare of others is part of a teen’s 7. Respect yourself
preparation for the future.
8. Be prepared to be answerable or the adolescent’s increasing
accountable for your actions and maturity and responsibilities in the
behavior family and community
● Is more and more aware of social
Physical Development behaviors of friends
● Most girls have completed the ● Seek friends that share the same
physical changes related to puberty beliefs, values, and interests
by age 15 ● Friends become more important
● Boys are still maturing and gaining ● Starts to have more intellectual
strength, muscle mass, and height interest
are are completing the ● Explores romantic and sexual
development of sexual traits behaviors with others
● May be influenced by peers to
What is Physical Development? risky behaviors (alcohol, tobacco,
It involves developing control sex)
cover the body, particularly muscles and
physical coordination What is Social Development?
Refers to the process by which a
Emotional Development child learns to interact with others around
● May stress over school and test them
● Is self-involved (may have high Mental Development
expectations and low self-concept) ● Becomes better able to set goals
● Seek privacy and time alone and think in terms of the future
● Is concerned about physical and ● Has a better understanding of
sexual attractiveness complex problems and ideas
● May complain of parents ● Starts to develop moral ideas and
preventing him or her from doing to select role models
things independently
● Starts to want both physical and What is Mental Development?
emotional intimacy in relationships Are the progressive changes and
● Try the experience of intimate improvements during mental maturation.
What is Emotional Development? Courage to be Imperfect
Refers to the ability to recognize, By: Timothy D. Evans, Ph.D
express and manage feelings at different
stages of life and ton have empathy for the Encouragement is the key ingredient
feelings of others for improving your relationships with
others. It is the single most important skill
Social Development necessary for getting along with others-so
● Shifts in relationship with parents important that the lack of it could be
from dependency and considered the primary cause of conflict
subordination to one that reflects and misbehavior. Encouragement develops
a person’s psychological hardiness and many houses.
social interest. Encouragement is the Most commonly, we discourage in five
lifeblood of a relationship. And yet, this several ways:
simple concept is often very hard to put ● We set standards that are too high for
into practice. others to meet because we are overly
Encouragement is not a new idea. Its ● We focus on mistakes as a way to
spiritual connotation dates back to the motivate change or improved behavior.
Bible in Hebrews 3:11 which states: ● We make constant comparisons (self to
Encourage one another daily.” other, siblings to one another).
Encouragement, as a psychological idea, ● We automatically give a negative spin
was developed by psychiatrist Alfred to the actions of others.
Adler in the early 20th century and ● We dominate others by being overly
continued to evolve through the work of helpful, implying that they are unable to
Adler’s follower Rudolph Dreikurs. do it as well
However, even today, relatively new
educators, parents, psychologists, leaders Encouragement is not a technique nor
or couples have utilized this valuable is it a special language used to gain
concept. Most of the time, people compliance. Encouragement conveys the
mistakenly use a technique like praise in idea that all human beings are worthwhile,
an effort to “encourage” others. simply because they exist. In one sentence,
Mr. Rogers does more for a child’s sense
Half the job of encouragement lies in of adequacy than a hundred instances of
avoiding discouraging words and actions. praise when he says, “I like you just the
When children or adults misbehave, it is way you are.” Not I like you when you do
usually because they are discouraged. it well enough, fast enough and get it all
Instead of building them up, we tear them correct. Encouragement develops
down: instead of recognizing their efforts children’s psychological hardiness—their
and improvements, we point out mistakes: ability to function and recover when things
instead of allowing them to belong through aren’t going their way.
shared decision-making and meaningful
contributions, we isolate and label them. Encouragement enhances a feeling of
belonging which leads to grater social
Most of us are skilled discouragers. We interest Social interest is the tendency for
have learned how to bribe, reward and, the people to unite themselves with other
when that fails, to punish, criticize, nag, human beings and to accomplish their task
threaten, interrogate and emotionally in cooperation with others. The Junior
withdraw. We do this as an attempt to League mission of “developing the
control those we love, bolstered by the potential of women and improving
mistaken belief that we are responsible for communities through the effective action
the behavior of everyone around us, and leadership of trained volunteers” is
especially our spouses and children. These rooted in the idea of social interest.
attempts to control behavior create
atmospheres of tension and conflict in The first step to becoming an
encouraging person is to learn to you may want to make concerning your
distinguish encouragement from life:
discouragement. As a rule, ask yourself: I declare:
Whatever I say or do, will it bring me - That I am totally free of all addictions.
closer together or farther apart from this - That I will sill survive any attempts of
person? others to control my life.
- That I am free in my mind, body, and
DECLARATIONS -That I am free to set goals and reach
By: Dr. Emily De Carlo - That I am a loving individual with the
So often we accept the declarations capacity to give love.
that others have made concerning our own - That I am a child of a God with all rights
lives, well-being or fate. It is imperative and privileges thereof.
that we recognize that in order to achieve - That I will contribute to the welfare of
what we want in life, we must not give our others.
power away to others by accepting heir - That I will be an ambassador of goodwill
declarations concerning our affairs. When to all I meet on the journey.
one decides that he or she will boldly - That I will be a good example for others
declare good fortune, wellness, joy, etc. to follow.
relative to his or her life, all of heaven will - That I will help all that I can to reach
break loose! Goodness and mercy shall their goals.
surely follow. - That I will speak words of
encouragement to others.
From birth, we often told what we are - That I will find the goodness in life and
going to be. Sometimes, this is a good focus on it.
thing, but suppose you have been told time - That I will not succumb to the negative
and time again that “you will not amount influences of others.
to anything just like your mother and - That I will read the information that will
father?” this is a dangerous declaration encourage my personal, and spiritual
because it sets into motion the growth.
actualization of an unwanted occurrence. - That I will commit to being the best I can
All of us want to amount to something! In be.
order to counteract this and all of the
negative declarations with their destructive These declarations are meant to encourage
potential, one must consciously replace you to take control of the influences in
them with one’s owns declarations. In so your life. They are suggestions as to what
doing, you are now in control of setting positive things you can speak about your
into action what you really want to occur. own life instead of accepting whatever has
You can declare that goodness and mercy been said about you in the past. You now
shall surely follow you all the days of your have the authority to plant the seeds of
life! love, encouragement and victory in your
garden., thereby crowding out the weeds
The following are some declarations that of negativity that may already have taken
root! Also, you can work to eliminate
controllable stress factors, such as running
Just us in the garden, you may have to pull late or not getting enough sleep.
and pull until you get some weeds out.
Sometimes, the negative comments and Causes of Stress
declarations of others have taken such a
stronghold in our lives, that we must Understanding why you are under stress is
persist until we see the bough not only fall, important.
but break into pieces. Don’t be This may seem obvious, but it
discouraged if you don’t reach your goals requires deliberate, conscious effort to
overnight. Just remember that even a small pause and simply ponder your situation.
stream of water will crack concrete By now, you are familiar with the stress
eventually!! response, the emotional or physical
symptoms of uncontrolled stress. Now you
“One of the greatest struggles of need to try to discover the stressors, the
becoming an adult is figuring out what factors of which create the stress in your
you want to do and what makes you life.
happy. The courageous thing is to stick
with it and see it through and see if you Analyze your Stress Factors and Write
were correct.” Them Down
- Kristen Stewart
Lesson 5: Write down your response to stress
Coping with Stress in Middle and Late
Adolescence For example, you may write down, “I feel
tired most of the time. My lower back
Stress seems to ache all through the day and
● Dictionary definitions do not quite night. I miss deadlines and run behind
capture the meaning of stress as it schedule.” Write down your response to
is seen and experienced in the stress
world of work
● A practical way of defining stress Analyze stress responses and
is the feeling one gets from consequences, and consider each item, and
prolonged, pent-up emotions. ask why. “Why am I feeling tired? Why
● It as an emotional factor that does my back ache? Why do I run behind
causes bodily or mental tension schedule?

Keep Stress Under Control Deal with the Stressors

There are many effective ways to Develop techniques to deal with
handle stress. Of course, you can’t avoid the causes of stress. The longer you avoid
stress—in fact, you wouldn’t want to avoid dealing with the stress factors, the more
all stress, because you’d never grow. the stress will build up.
However, you can manage your life so that
you survive the emotional down times Learn to Work under Pressure or Unusual
without allowing stress to engulf you. Conditions
Some tips to relax when under pressure are Breaking Down into Manageable Steps
the following:
● Stop for a moment (especially Causes and Effects of Stress
when you feel your muscles The following are some words that
tightening up) and take a few deep describe the emotions associated (as cause
breaths. and effect) with stress:
● Do a relaxing exercise. Swing your
hands at your sides and stretch. ● Anxiety
● Take a “power nap.” Lie down and ● Pressure
totally relax for a few minutes. ● Misery
● Find time to do the things you ● Strain
enjoy. ● Desperation
● Leave your study area for a while ● Tension
to take a brisk walk. ● Anger
● Find a quiet place to read a ● Panic
magazine or novel during break or ● Dejection
at lunch.
● If possible, look at some peaceful Prolonged stress can be devastating;
images such as forests, beaches, burnout, breakdown, and depression are
etc. These images can initiate a some of the potential results of long-term,
relaxation response. unmanaged stress.
● Look up.
● Keep something humorous on By wearing a mask, you may expect to
hand, such as a book of jokes. hide stress caused by problems in your
personal life and not let them influence
Stress Management your performance on the job. This will
Managing One’s Stress probably not work. The more you try to
hold your emotions in, the greater the
Stress and change are part of our lives. pressure buildup will be.
It comes from both the good and
bad things that happen to us. Everyday frustrations cause stress buildup
● From the time you wake up until
Too much stress, however, can negatively you go to sleep, you may be
impact our mental wellness. It also may confronted with a succession of
put students at greater risk of becoming stressful situations.
involved in risk-taking behaviors. ● Driving to school or work can be
harrowing – especially if you are
They begin managing multiple running late.
tasks and expectations e.g., academic ● If part of your job is selling, you
work, extracurricular activities, family, may experience feelings of
friends, and work rejection when most of your
customers say “no.”
Learning How to Prioritize Tasks
A series of stressful and frustrating mother is ill and requires care. Her father
experiences throughout the day can cause died a few months ago. Ellen’s new job
you to lie awake at night in an emotional requires that she relocate to a town 100
turmoil – unable to get needed rest. You miles from home.
face the next day with less emotional and
physical stamina. After another stressful Stress Response
day and another night without rest, you Your stress response is the
may have even less emotional strength and collection of physiological changes that
stability. Therefore, stress buildup, if not occur when you face a perceived
resolved, continues day after day. threat—when you face situations where
you feel the demands outweigh your
Problems in our personal life can be resources to successfully cope. These
devastating situations are known as stressors.
● More serious stressful
circumstances may include When your stress response is triggered, a
separation from loved ones, series of changes occur within your body.
personal illness or illness of a They include the following:
loved one, death of someone you ● Redirection of blood away from
care about, or conflict with a extremities and instead to major
spouse or close friend. organs.
● Other major causes of stress are ● The release of cortisol and other
problems with drug and alcohol hormones, which bring other short
abuse, domestic violence, care of and long-term changes.
children and elderly relatives, ● The stress response is intended to
chronic mental illness, injury, give you a burst of energy so you
physical handicaps, and even are able to fight off attackers or run
moving to a new home, if you have away from them effectively
lived in the same place for more
than 10 years. When your stress response is triggered, a
● Unpaid bills, unwise use of credit, series of changes occur within your body.
and budget limitations can make They include the following:
life difficult.
● This can be a problem no matter This helped our ancestors, who faced
your income level, but it is numerous physical threats, to stay safe.
especially difficult if you must
support a family and do not earn However, now our threats tend to be less
enough to live comfortably physical and more associated with our way
of life—a challenge to our status, a
A common cause of stress is dealing with demand for performance, etc. In addition
life’s transitions to giving us a set of changes that may not
match our needs as well, the stress
For example, Ellen has just completed a response can actually cause harm if it leads
program in fashion merchandising. She is to a state of chronic stress—that is, if our
eager to get started on her new job. Her stress response is triggered, and then our
body doesn’t go back to its normal state pertains to the situation we find
via the relaxation response. ourselves in. When we are
emotionally intelligent, we know
Belly Breathing that we feel emotion, we can name
1. Stand straight with feet it (relatively) accurately, and we
shoulder-width apart. can express it in non-harmful ways.
2. Relax your arms and hands. Emotions
3. Relax your body. - Emotions are what you feel on the
4. Close your eyes. inside when things happen.
5. Focus on the lower abdomen Emotions are also known as
(belly) and imagine a small balloon feelings.
in that space. - It is an encouragement to act, and
6. Breathe slowly and deeply through a tendency to do things. (Goleman,
the nostrils, imagining the balloon 2007)
inflating (getting - Emotions are attitudes or responses
bigger/larger/growing) slowly, hold to a situation or an object, like
a few seconds. judgments (Zemach, 2001).
7. Slowly exhale through the mouth, Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions
imagining the balloon gently - Robert Plutchik theorized that
deflating (getting smaller, emotions are multi-dimensional, or
shrinking); blow out of the mouth having various intensities
as if blowing out a candle.
8. Tip: Place a hand over the lower
abdomen to feel it go up and down,
and make sure you’re not breathing
with the chest.
9. Repeat at least 10 times.

Lesson 6: Emotional Intelligence

- Intelligence comes from the Latin
word intelligere, "to understand, "
which refers to someone's ability to
comprehend things, learn and solve
a problem. Like most human
behavior and cognition 3 STEPS THAT CAN HELP HANDLE
characteristics, intelligence is a NEGATIVE EMOTIONS
complex trait influenced by both
environmental and genetic Step 1: Identify The Emotion
components. - Be aware of how you feel.
Emotional Intelligence - Don't hide how you feel from
- Also known as "Emotional yourself
Quotient or EQ". It means being - Don't blame
aware of our emotional state as it - Accept all your emotions as natural
and understandable of understanding mental health.
Step 2: Take Action
- Think about the best way to Mental health is an integral and
express your emotion. essential component of health. The
- Learn how to change your mood WHO constitution states: "Health is a
- Build positive emotions state of complete physical, mental and
- Seek support social wellbeing and not merely the
- Exercise absence of disease or infirmity." An
Step 3: Get Help With Difficult important implication of this definition
Emotions is that mental health is more than just
- If you find yourself stuck in feeling the absence of mental disorders or
of sadness or worry for more than a disabilities. Mental health is a state of
couple of weeks, or if you feel so well-being in which an individual
upset that you think you might hurt realizes his or her own abilities, can
youself or other people, you may cope with the normal stresses of life,
need extra help can work productively and is able to
- Talk to a school counselor, parent, make a contribution to his or her
trusted adult or therapist community. Mental health might be
Lesson 7: Mental Health and Well-being very uncomfortable to talk about, but it
in Middle and Late Adolescence is important to deal with it as this will
Mental health affect your well-being. Mental health is
- It’s the way your thoughts, fundamental to our collective and
feelings, and behaviors affect your individual ability as humans to think,
life. Good mental health leads to emote, interact with each other, earn a
positive self-image and in-turn, living and enjoy life. On this basis, the
satisfying relationships with friends promotion, protection and restoration
and others. Having good mental of mental health can be regarded as a
health helps you make good vital concern of individuals,
decisions and deal with life’s communities and societies throughout
challenges at home, work, or the world. Mental health promotion
school. It is not uncommon for involves actions that improve
teenagers to develop problems with psychological wellbeing. This may
their mental health. Problems can involve creating an environment that
range from mild to severe, and can supports mental health.
include depression, anxiety, body
esteem issues, and suicide, among
others. Often however, young
people ignore mental health We all like to help others. But, when it
problems thinking they will “snap comes to mental health, what steps can
out of it,” or that they are we take to support ourselves?
something to be ashamed of. That Psychological research has revealed a
kind of thinking prevents people range of approaches that can help you
from getting the help they need.
Sometimes getting help is a matter
stay mentally healthy and make the accomplishment. What can help
most out of your life. you flourish? Research suggests
acting with kindness, generosity,
1. Connect with others forgiveness and compassion
towards others, cultivating a sense
- Having deep, meaningful
of gratitude and appreciation,
relationships helps mental health.
savoring things you love, knowing
Build a rich social network by
and using personal strengths, being
flexing your communication skills.
creative and feeling optimistic.
Really listen to others and be
genuine, sharing your thoughts and 4. Live up to your values
feelings. Your relationships need
not be just about sharing - Living a life consistent with your
difficulties. Celebrate everyday values leads to improved
positive experiences with friends. well-being. Be aware of your own
Research shows doing this boosts values – of how you would like to
well-being by helping you savor lead your life, behave towards
good things and make great others, and treat yourself. Then
feelings last longer. find ways to ensure your life is in
keeping with those ideals. This is
2. Keep your perspective better for your well-being than
responding to events habitually,
- Avoiding difficult emotions or
without awareness or purpose.
keeping feelings to yourself
reduces well-being. Those able to 5. Be kind to yourself
process their emotions well
typically experience better mental - Treat yourself with the same
health. Emotion processing kindness, concern and support
involves being open to experiences you’d show a good friend facing
and accepting all your feelings and struggles. Rather than reproaching
thoughts, including the difficult yourself, recognize that life is full
ones. It helps to look for of mistakes and inadequacies. This
constructive solutions, think is the essence of self-compassion,
flexibly and see situations from which fosters resilience in the face
different perspectives when you are of adversity.
confronted by everyday problems
6. Improve your work-life balance
. 3. Develop positive habits
- We all have many roles in life. You
- Positive psychology has might be a parent, a partner, an
introduced the concept of employee, a student, a daughter, a
‘flourishing’. This is when you son or a sibling. It is easy to feel
enjoy positive emotions, healthy pulled between responsibilities and
relationships, meaning and purpose it can be tempting to sacrifice
in life, and a sense of important parts of your life. This
can leave you less satisfied and 9. Get enough sleep
more stressed. Researchers suggest
that working towards greater - Getting quality sleep, and enough
balance fosters well-being. Taking of it, is essential for physical and
time to wind down and enjoy mental health. Stress, worries, big
relaxing activities is an important life events, changes to shift work or
part of a balanced life and helps to daily routines and changes in home
reduce stress. Relaxing activities, life can affect our sleep. Using
such as gardening or reading, electronic devices such as tablets,
listening to music, walking or mobile phones or even the TV
singing, should be an important before bed, can disrupt sleep, as
part of your routine. can caffeinated drinks, cigarettes,
alcohol, and some medications and
7. Laugh loud, laugh often drugs. Your bedroom can affect
your sleep, as temperature, light
- Laughter really is good medicine. and noise can all disrupt sleep.
Humor that expresses positive
emotion and messages (rather than 10. Seek help when needed
humor that puts yourself or other
people down), is good for your - There are many effective
mental health. It has been found to treatments available for people
release ‘feel good’ hormones, experiencing mental health
increase optimism, improve your difficulties. Psychologists have a
mood over time, and improve range of approaches that can help
relationships by increasing you with difficulties you may face
connection and intimacy. – and they are backed by evidence.
Remember, delaying treatment or
8. Look after your body dropping out too early can make
recovery slower. What’s more,
- A good lifestyle supports mental other problems can creep in, such
health. Research suggests that a as relationship problems, issues
diet rich in fruit and vegetables, with work, and other stresses. So,
and regular moderate exercise, don’t delay. If there is seem to be a
boosts your well-being. Making problem, see your doctor or look
sure some of your exercise occurs for a psychologist with experience
in green spaces outside has extra in addressing your issues.
benefits to mental health. Eat a
well-balanced nutritious diet, SUPPORT
exercise regularly, get out into STRATEGIES/COMMUNITY
nature, read books, avoid excessive MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES
use of alcohol, and avoid drugs.
Here are some strategies for supporting
someone with mental health concerns:
• Encourage the person to seek help and handle those problems. Physical -
support from an adult. relating to the body of a person.
Psychological – of or relating to the
• Spend time with the person, listen to mind (mental). Psychological
his/her concerns. Well-being -at the most basic level,
psychological well-being (PWB) is
• Be hopeful; help them feel like their life
quite similar to other terms that refer to
will get better.
positive mental states, such as
• Stand by them. Invite your friend to happiness or satisfaction, and in many
things that you are doing; keeping busy ways it is not necessary, or helpful to
and staying in touch with friends will help worry about fine distinctions between
your friend feel better, when they are such terms. If I say that I’m happy, or
ready. very satisfied with my life you can be
pretty sure that my psychological
• Learn as much as you can about mental well-being is quite high! Self-care
illness so that you understand what is activities - are the things you do to
going on for them. maintain good health and improve
well-being. Social - relating to or
• If you are a close friend or family involving activities in which people
member of someone with a mental health spend time talking to each other or
problem, make sure that you get help as doing enjoyable things with each other.
well. Talk to someone about what is Spiritual - of or relating to a person's
happening. This will help you be a better spirit; having similar values and ideas.
support person. Well-being - the state of being happy,
healthy, or prosperous.
• Put the person’s life before your
friendship. If the person mentions thoughts
of suicide, don’t keep it secret, even if the
person has asked you to.


Emotional – relating to emotions.

Mental Health - state of well-being in
which an individual realizes his or her
own abilities, can cope with the normal
stresses of life, can work productively
and is able to make a contribution to
his or her community. Mental
well-being - in general, is the state of
thriving in various areas of life, such as
in relationships, at work, play, and
more, despite ups and downs. It’s the
knowledge that we are separate from
our problems and the belief that we can
how abundant the culture and
tradition in the Philippines is
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the ● Continues to evolve up to the
Regions present and progress to
contemporary art tradition
What is Art or “Sining”?
● Is defined as the different manners
Manunggul Jar
of expressing human skills and
imagination in the creation of
aesthetic conditions, objects, and
● Art is not only confined to what is
● It also involves the use of all the
physical senses in order to
appreciate it.

What is Modern Art? The Making of the Philippine Flag

● Created sometime between the (Fernando Amorsolo)
1860s (some say the 1880s) and the
late 1960s (some say only through
the 1950s)
● More on the skills and technique
of the artist

What is Contemporary Art?

● The term contemporary art refers to
Cinco Marias (Tres Marias Series)
art– namely, painting, sculpture,
(Federico Aguilar Alcuaz)
photography, installation,
performance, and video art–
produced today.
● Used to express one’s feelings and
● Used to depict certain events in
the current timeline

Diversity of Art in the Philippines

● The Philippines has diverse art
forms from its different regions
● These diverse art forms when
Major Traditions in the Development of
integrated (have been brought
the Philippine Arts
together, so that they live or work
together) give a clear picture of
Ethnic Tradition
● Primarily influenced by the Is a burial jar which signifies the belief of
geographical location and the early Filipinos in life after death.
experiences of Filipinos
(Luzviminda & Sayseng, 2016). Banga
● At this time, the purpose of art is
Integral to Life.
● Arts reflected the pagan beliefs and
practices, everyday activity such as
fishing and farming, and specific
decorative art patterns to the
Various Art Forms from the Region
Angono Petroglyphs

Literally means “pots”. The Banga or Pot

Dance is a performance of Kalinga of the
Mountain Province in the Philippines. The
dance shows the elegant grace of the
Igorot tribe and the skill and strength of
Situated in Binangonan, Rizal. Discovered
by National Artist Carlos “Botong”
Spanish Colonial Tradition
Francisco in 1965. There are 127 human
● Art forms were primarily
and animal figures engraved on the rock
influenced by religion and
secularization (the historical
process in which religion loses
Manunggul Jar
social and cultural significance)
● In this time, Spaniards used Arts to
propagate the Catholic Faith.

Various Art Forms from the Region

Langit, Lupa, at Impyerno

Found in Manunggul Cave, Lipuun Point,

Palawan in the early 1960s.
● Main theme of art works at this
time is rational identity.

Various Art Forms from the Region

The Making of the Philippine Flag

Wall painting by Josef Luciano Dans Painting was made by Fernando Amorsolo
found in St. James the Apostle Church in “Grand Old Man of Philippine Art” and
Paete, Laguna. Painting was dated 1850 born in Manila. A reminder of the
and depicts heaven, crucifixion of Christ, traditions and customs of the Filipino.
earth, Adam and Eve, and hell, with
sinners with different transgressions Bayanihan
(infringement or violations).

St. Paul Metropolitan Cathedral

Carlos “Botong” Francisco was born in

Ango, Rizal. This painting was dated in
1962. This mural painting of Botong
shows the Filipinos bayanihan tradition.
Located in Burgos, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur. This shows the distinctive style of
The original structure (mere chapel then, Francisco’s painting that showcased his
made of wood and thatch) was built in mastery in arts.
1574 and replaced as a church in 1641.
The cathedral follows a Baroque Contemporary Arts
architectural design. ● Refers to the practice of art from
the 1970s to the present.
American Colonial and Contemporary ● Arts mirror contemporary culture
Arts Traditions and society.
Modern Art ● Diverse and emerging art practices
● Refers to the practice of art from were introduced in this era.
the 1860s to 1960s.
Various Art Forms from the Region
Cinco Marias (Tres Marias Series) 2. Line - in visual arts, a line is a
series of connected points. It may
come in two characteristics: form -
curved, dotted, or broken lines; and
direction - vertical horizontal or
diagonal lines. Different types of
lines may convey different
meanings. For example, a
horizontal line usually suggests
calmness, vertical lines may
convey strength, diagonal lines
Federico Aguilar Alcuaz was born in Santa create an impression of action,
Cruz, Manila. This depicts the variety of curved lines create an expression of
domestic activities (Guillermo, 2007) gradual change of direction, and
circular lines may pertain to an
Art Installation in Sand Dunes in abrupt change of direction.
Paoay 3. Shape and Form - Shape is an area
that is enclosed by a line or lines.
Shapes are two dimensional figures
with height and width. There are
different kinds of shapes and these
are geometric shapes (triangle,
squares, rectangle, etc.), organic
shapes (shapes found in nature, e.g.
shape of a leaf or cloud), abstract
shapes (asymmetrical and free
flowing shapes). Meanwhile, forms
Leeroy New is one of the Philippines
are three dimensional figures. Its
Contemporary Artists. Born in General
dimensions are height,width, and
Santos City. This art installation was made
volume. Unlike shapes, it has more
for the La Milagrosa Festival in Ilocos
Norte. According to Leeroy New, the art
4. Color - In visual arts, color is
installation symbolizes the great festivals,
associated with the natural
feasts, and celebrations. (Lapena, 2012)
phenomenon in our environment.
Scientifically, when a light passes
Elements of Art
through a prism, it will produce
1. Space - in visual arts, pertains to
different hues of different
emptiness which may be either
wavelengths. These colors may
positive or negative space. Positive
pertain to lightness, darkness,
space is enclosed in a shape, while
coolness, or warmth.
negative space refers to the
5. Value - value is considered a
opposite part which the shape is
property of a color which pertains
to its lightness or darkness
6. Texture - texture is the element that
appeals to our sense of feel on ● Different kinds of local artworks have
things, rough, smooth, bumpy, or sprung not only in the urban centers
slippery. It pertains to the surface of the country and in schools of arts
of an art piece. of different educational institutions
but also a lot more of never seen or
Principles of Art heard art forms from the countryside
1. Proportion - refers to the have made known and have become
relationship of the size of elements renowned.
in a body of art. For example, when
drawing a human standing beside a ● QUESTION: Why is importatnt to to
house, it is important to ensure that know and understand the meaning of
the size of the human is the term contemporary when used in
proportional to the size of the defining Contemporary Philippine
house. Arts?
2. Harmony - harmony is the unity of ANSWER:
the artwork, specifically about the ➔ it would pave the way for better
arrangement of the related appreciation of the arts in the
elements Philippine context
3. Variety - variety may be referred to ➔ it would provide a better perception
as diversity. This means adding of the details, context, meaning and
multiple, different elements to significance of the artworks placed
break the monotony (lack of in a cultural, political and historical
variety and interest) of an artwork context.
and make it more interesting. ➔ It is also important to differentiate
4. Movement - movement is the Modern Philippine Arts from
illusion of motion in a painting, Contemporary Philippine Arts. It
sculpture design, or in a piece of would be easy to misunderstand the
art. two by treating them as
5. Rhythm - repetition of certain interchangeably the same.
elements to produce a pattern. In ● Contemporary Arts
visual arts, repeated design ➔ refers to art of any form and genre
elements may create a certain flow that was produced in our
contemporary time, simply put as
and may lead the viewer’s eyes.
“art created today.”
6. Balance - refers to the even and
➔ The term contemporary has been
equal distribution of elements.
defined as something “happening,
7. Emphasis - a principle which may
existing, living, or coming into
refer to the greater impact given on
being during the same period of
a certain element. time” (Merriam-Webster).
➔ from the late 20th Century to the
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the
➔ The artworks and styles of the past
(LESSON 2:ART: MEANING AND ITS ART have evolved and have adapted to a
dynamic changing world, a world ● Contemporary Arts in the
immersed in the latest technology Philippines
and emerging ideologies. ➔ is as diverse as our people
➔ These artworks and styles are ➔ is not confined to the usual genres
created, witnessed and experienced of the four main art forms, namely,
in our lifetime by artists and style visual, literary, applied and
experts catering to Millennial and performing arts
Gen Z viewers, and techy clientele.
➔ should not be confused with ● QUESTION: What are genres?
Modern Art which ranges from the ANSWER:
end of the 19th Century until the ➔ categories of artistic creation and
1970’s or 1980’s or the late 20th are characterized by similarities in
Century form, style, or subject matter
➔ EXAMPLES OF ➔ many other genres came up which
CONTEMPORARY ART include pure are forms as well as
FORMS: mixed art forms
1. Visual Arts
2. Performance Arts
● Integrative Art
3. Applied Arts
➔ employs the use of different art
4. Literary Arts
elements used together in distinct
different expressions
1. Appropriation 1. the use of computer
- this relates to the applications combined with
modifications made by other media
the artist. 2. the use of non-traditional
2. Hybridity art materials in creating
- refers in the use of artworks usually done with
different art mediums mixed art forms
that are put together
● Distinct features of Contemporary
3. Technology Art Forms from the Philippine
- its application highlights Regions:
the creativity of the
artist. 1. Communal nature
4. Performance - it reflects the relationships build
- carried out for viewers around the bonds of community
to experience. and society.
5. Space
- intricate use of space. 2. Intuitive
NOTE: These elements are combined in - as Filipinos are immersed in their
different ways to produce Integrative consciousness of themselves, their
Art. community and their culture.
3. Holistic
- as individuals, groups of people ➔ Some are integrated - combines
and events are perceived in their several mediums to create new art
entirety as well as the unitive use ➔ EXAMPLES: 1) painting, 2)
of art materials and forms. sculpture, 3) architecture, and 4) film
4. Creative process
- as the artist puts more emphasis on 1. Painting
now their artwork was made than - Expression of ideas through
on the artwork itself. emotions
5. Integrative - Creation of aesthetic qualities
- In 2 Dimensional visual language
- as it encompasses religious, moral,
- ELEMENTS: 1) texture, 2) tones,
spiritual, social, and environmental
3) lines 4) colors, and 5) shapes –
are used in various ways to
6. Multi-focal produce sensations of volume,
- as it considers everything and space, movement, and light on a
everyone, the wide perspective of flat surface.
the artwork as well as both artist - First painting here in the
and viewer. Philippines are commissioned
works during the Spanish
Contemporary Philippine Arts from the
FROM THE REGIONS) ❖ Luzon - The Sketch by
Victorio Edades
● Philippine Contemporary Arts ❖ Visayas - Magellan’s Cross
➔ Could be classified into 7 major art by Raul Agas
forms: ❖ Mindanao - Salaam (Peace)
1. Dance by Rameer Tawasil
2. Music and Theater
3. Film 2. Sculpture
4. Literature - An art form where hard or plastic
5. Painting materials are worked into 3
6. Architecture Dimensional art forms.
7. Sculpture - Filipino sculptors became known
in the middle of the 19th century.
➔ Can be described into: - EXAMPLES:
1. Visual Arts
❖ Luzon - The Bonifacio
2. Performing Arts
Monument by Guillermo
3. Literary Arts
● Visual Arts ❖ Visayas - Sandugo (Blood
➔ Expression of ideas through images, Compact) by Napoleon
structures, and tactile works Abueva
❖ Mindanao - Six Ladies in
Durian by Kublai Millan
❖ Mindanao - Mindanao by
3. Architecture Brillante Mendoza
- Art of designing and constructing
buildings ● Literary Arts
- Philippine Architecture is ➔ Expression of ideas through
rational, simple, and functional writing
- In the 20th century, young ➔ Categorized as poetry, prose, and
Filipinos who studied in drama
American colleges and institutes ➔ In the Philippines, this is
introduced the neoclassic style in encountered in literature
building structure ➔ According to Lombardi (2020),
- After World War II, real estate literature is a term used to
development started to take place describe written and sometimes
- EXAMPLES: unspoken material
❖ Luzon - Cultural Center of ➔ From the Latin word, “literatura”,
the Philippines by Leandro meaning “writing formed with
Locsin letters”
❖ Visayas - Saint Andrew the ➔ Refers ro worlds of the creative
Apostle Church by Leandro imagination, including 1) poetry,
Locsin 2) drama, 3) nonfiction, 4) fiction,
❖ Mindanao - Pearl Farm 5) journalism, and 6) song
Beach Resort by Francisco ➔ EXAMPLES:
Manosa ❖ Luzon - A Blade of Fern by
Edith Ocampo & I Saw the
4. Film Fall of the Philippines by
- Visual art used to imitate Carlos P. Romulo
experiences that communicates ❖ Visayas - Panhayhay hin
ideas, stories, or feelings with the Bungtohanon by Francisco
use of moving images Alvarado & An Higugma by
- Also called a movie or motion Iluminado Lucente
picture ❖ Mindanao - Dead Stars by
- Result of a film is called cinema H.O. Santos & Indarapatra at
- Film industry in the Philippines Sulayman by Bartolome Del
started in 1897 Valle
- Usual subjects and themes in the
Philippine films in the ● Performing Arts
Contemporary Period: 1) martyr ➔ Person doing certain actions and
wife, 2) super hero, 3) action, 4) movements in front of an audience
melodrama, and 5) comedies that goes along with sound in a
- EXAMPLES: space and time is called
❖ Luzon - Himala by Ishmael Performing Arts.
Bernal ➔ EXAMPLES: 1) music, 2)
❖ Visayas - Moro - Ami by theater, and 3) dance
Maria Diaz - Abaya
1. Music ❖ Visayas - Kuratsa
- According to Ramon P. Santos ❖ Mindanao - Singkil
in his article entitled
Contemporary Music,
Contemporary music in the Contemporary Philippine Arts from the
Philippines usually refers to Regions
20th century art music in the (LESSON 4:National Artists of the Philippines)

West, and the latest trends and

What are National Artists?
musical styles in the
➔ a Filipino who has made a significant
entertainment industry.
contribution to the development of
Philippine Arts in the fields of 1)
❖ Luzon - Pastores (portrays
Music, 2) Dance, 3) Theater, 4) Visual
the nativity wherein they
Arts, 5) Literature, 6) Film, and 7)
solicit money from the owner
of the house)
➔ Filipino individuals who should have
❖ Visayas - Pinalangga
been awarded the highest national
❖ Mindanao - Buyayang
recognition for the arts namely,
National Artist Award — also known
2. Theater
as the Gawad Pambansang Alagad ng
- Collaborative form of fine art
- Uses live performers to present
the experience of a real or
imagined event before a live
The Order of National Artist/Orden ng
audience in a specific place.
Gawad Pambansang Alagad ng Sining
- Performers - may communicate
➔ The Philippines value many significant
this experience to the audience
Filipino artists who have a prominent
through combinations of
contribution to the promotion and
gesture, speech, song, music, or
preservation of our cultural heritage.
➔ These artists have made a notable
contribution in their own field of
❖ Luzon - Tanikalang Ginto
expertise, obtaining them the Order of
❖ Visayas - Moro - Moro
National Artist.
➔ highest national recognition given to
3. Dance
Filipino individuals who have made
- Movement of the body in a
significant contributions to the
rhythmic way
development of Philippine arts.
- Usually to music and within a
➔ concurrent administered by the
given space
National Commission for Culture and
- Its purpose is to express an idea
the Arts (NCCA) and Cultural Center
of emotion, releasing energy, or
of the Philippines (CCP)
taking delight in the movement
➔ conferred by the President of the
Philippines upon recommendation by
both institutions.
❖ Luzon - Banga
➔ one of the Honors conferred by the expression as significant to the
Republic of the Philippines that development of a national cultural identity.
represents the nation’s highest ideals in 3. The Filipino artists who have dedicated
the humanities and aesthetic their lives to their works to forge new
expression through the recognizable paths and directions for future generations
achievements of individual citizens of Filipino artists.
➔ The said achievements are measured in 7 Categories under which National
terms of their vision, unusual insight, Artist can be recognized:
creativity and imagination, technical 1. Literature – poetry, fiction, essay,
proficiency of the highest order in playwriting, journalism and/or literary
expressing Filipino culture and criticism;
traditions, history, way of life, and
aspirations. 2. Film and Broadcasting / Broadcast
Arts – direction, writing, production
Proclamation No.1001 design, cinematography, editing, camera
➔ on April 27, 1972, the Order of the work, and/or performance; and
National Artist Award (Orden ng 3. Architecture, Design and Allied Arts –
Gawad Pambansang Alagad ng Sining) architecture design, interior design,
was established. industrial arts design, landscape
➔ gives an appropriate recognition and architecture and fashion design.
prestige to Filipinos who have
acclaimed themselves and made a 4. Music - singing, composition, direction,
remarkable contribution to Philippine and/or performance;
arts and letters. 5. Dance - choreography, direction and/or
➔ The first award was given to Fernando performance;
Amorsolo. On May 15, 1973 under
6. Theater – direction, performance and/or
Proclamation No. 1144, CCP Board of
production design;
Trustees was named as the National
Artist Awards Committee. 7. Visual Arts – painting, sculpture,
➔ The Presidential Decree No.28 that printmaking, photography, installation art,
was issued on June 7, 1973 reiterated mixed media works, illustration, graphic
the mandate of CCP to administer the arts, performance art and/or imaging.
National Awards as well as the
privileges and honors to National
Qualifications of the National Artist
Award (5):
1. Living artists who are natural-born
The Order of National Artists aims to Filipino citizens.
recognize (3): 2. The content and form of their work have
1. The Filipino artists who have made procured in building a Filipino sense of
significant contributions to the cultural nationhood.
heritage of the country. 3. An artist who has developed a mode of
2. The Filipino artistic accomplishment at creative expression or style and living a
its highest level and to promote creative
legend on succeeding generations of ➔ Film
artists. 1. 1982 Gerardo de Leon
4. An artist who manifest excellence in the 2. 1997 Lino Brocka (April 3, 1939 -
practice of their art form May 22, 1991)
5. The artwork made has attained 3. 2001 Ishmael Bernal
international and national recognition. 4. 2003 Eddie S. Romero
5. 2009 Manuel Conde
Insignia of the Order of the National
➔ formed from a Grand Collar featuring ➔ Literature
circular links depicting the arts and an 1. 1973 Amado V. Hernadez
eight-pointed sunburst suspended from 2. 1999 Edith L. Tiempo
a sampaguita wreath in green and white 3. 1973 Jose Garcia Villa
enamel. 4. 2001 F. Sionil Jose
➔ The center of the badge is divided into 5. 1976 Nick Joaquin
three equal portions, in red, white and 6. 2003 Virgilio S. Almario
blue representing the Philippine Flag 7. 1982 Calos P. Romulo (January
with three stylized letter K’s that stands 14, 1898 - December 15, 1985)
for the CCP’s motto “ Katotohanan, 8. 2006 Bienvenido Lumbera
Kabutihan at Kagandahan “ ( The true, 9. 1990 Francisco Arcellana
the good and the beautiful ). 10. 2009 Lazaro Francisco
➔ The Grand Collar is made from silver 11. 1997 N.V. M Gonzales
gilt bronze. 12. 2014 Cirilo F. Bautista

National Artist of the Philippines:

➔ Architecture ➔ Music
1. 1973 Juan Nakpil (May 26, 1899 - 1. 1973 Antonio J. Molina
May 7, 1986) 2. 1976 Jovita Fuentes
2. 1976 Pablo Antonio 3. 1988 Antonio R. Buenaventura
3. 1990 Leondro V. Locsin 4. 1989 Lucrecia R. Kasilag
4. 2006 Ramon Valera 5. 1991 Lucio D. San Pedro
5. 2014 Jose Maria Zaragoza 6. 1997 Felipe Padilla de Leon
6. 2006 I.P Santos 7. 1997 Jose Maceda (January 31,
1917 - May 4, 2004)
8. 1997 Levi Celerio
➔ Dance 9. 1999 Ernani Joson Cuenco
1. 1973 Francisca Reyes Aquino 10. 1999 Andrea O. Veneracion
(March 9, 1899 - November 21, 11. 2014 Francisco Feliciano
1983) 12. 2014 Ramon Santos
2. 1976 Leonor Orosa-Goquingco
3. 1988 Lucrecia Reyes Urtula
4. 2006 Ramon Obusan ➔ Theater
1. 1987 Honorata " Atang" de la
2. 1997 Levi Celerio (April 30, 1910 -
April 2, 2002) 3. Barter of Panay by Jose Joya
3. 1997 Wlfrido Ma. Guerero
4. 1997 Rolando S. Tinio
5. 1999 Daisy Avellana
6. 2001 Severino Montano

➔ Visual Arts
1. 1972 Fernando C. Amorsolo (May
30, 1892 - April 24, 1972)
2. 1973 Carlos " Botong" V.
3. 1973 Guillermo E. Tolentino
4. 1976 Victorio C. Edades
5. 1976 Napoleon V. Abueva
6. 1981 Vicente Manansala
7. 1990 Cesar Legaspi
8. 1991 Hernando R. Ocampo
9. 1997 Arturo R. Luz
10. 1999 J. Elizalde Navarro
11. 2001 Ang Kiukok
12. 2003 Jose T. Joya
13. 2006 Abdulmari Asia Imao
14. 2006 Bencab
15. 2009 Federico Aguillar Alcuaz
16. 2014 Francisco Coching

Some works of our National Artists:

1. The Oblation by: Guillermo

2. Planting Rice by: Fernando

PHYSICAL EDUCATION • The simplest approach to
definition might be to say that
Folkdance folk dances are those dances
identified with and performed
• Folk - relating to the common people of
by folk dancers.
a country or region
Francisca R. Aquino
• Dance – to indicate a certain kind of
dance style used. A form of expression of (March 9, 1899 – November 21, 1983)
oneself through rhythmic movement.
National Artist for Dance
• The term “folk dance” is reserved for
dances which are to a significant degree • Francisca Reyes Aquino is
bound by tradition and originated in the acknowledged as the Folk-Dance Pioneer.
times when the distinction existed between
the dances of “common folk” and the • This Bulakeña began her research on folk
dances of the “high society. dances in the 1920s making trips to remote
barrios in Central and Northern Luzon.
• The oldest form of dance and the earliest
form of communication. • Her research on the unrecorded forms of
local celebration, ritual, and sport resulted
• The traditional dance of a given country into a 1926 thesis titled “Philippine Folk
which involved naturally and Dances and Games,” and arranged
spontaneously with everyday activities. specifically for use by teachers and
(occupations, customs, festivals and playground instructors in public and
rituals.) private schools.

• It is handed from one generation to the 5 Major Classifications of Folk Dances

1. Cordillera Dances
folk dance is not a universal • Bontoc, Ifugao, Benguet, Apayo and
genre of dance. Kalinga tribes.

• When folk dances are compared • A people whose way of life existed
from one culture to another, before any Spaniard or other foreigners
they have in common no stepped foot on the Philippines.
universal movement, figure,
• Dances reflects ritual which celebrate
form, style, or function.
their daily lives, a good harvest, health,
• Neither does a specific peace, war and other symbols of living.
movement, figure, form, style,
• Gongs and Ganza.
or function identify a dance as
a folk dance. • Kalinga – “Banga”

• Bontoc – “Pattong”
2.Spanish Influence Dances • Also known as Ethnic dances; Ethnic
minorities found in different parts of the
• Philippine Aristocrats created Filipino Philippines (T’boli Bilaan, Manobo,
adaptations of European dances. Bagobo)
• Jota’s, Fandangos, mazurkas and waltz. • T’boli – “Mada Tahaw”
• Dance by socialites to the stringed music • Manobo – “Bangkakaw”
of the Rondalla.
5. Rural Dances
• Dances reflect Christianity, European art
and culture. • Shows gaiety & laughter, festivities

• “Habanera” • Performed in fiestas to honor

patron saints
• “Jota”
• give homage to the barrio’s
3.Muslim Dances namesake for a good harvest, health, &
• Influenced by Malay, Javanese & Middle
Eastern Traders (Islam) • Indigenous materials: materials,
clapping, rondalla and percussion
• mysticism, royalty, and beauty
• Uses intricate hand & arm movement
• Reflects the simple life in the
• the fingers express feelings & emotions barrio

• Uses shimmering costumes • Depicts common work and daily

activities of peasants
• Tausug – “Pangalay”
• “Maglalatik”
• Maranao – “Singkil”
• “Oasioas”

• “Saut sa Rarug”
4. Tribal Dances
Costumes in the Philippine Folk Dances
• intricate craftsmanship in metal, clothing,
and jewelry · Typical Spanish Elite

Ø Female MARIA
• reflects rituals & animals, belief in
“spirits” & shamans, nature – “anito”
Ø Male: Barong Tagalog
• animal sounds, human singing and
and Black Pants
indigenous material,
· Rural (Tagalog)
Ø Female: BALINTAWAK in the archipelago. It is
with soft panuelo & characterized by the
tapis movements of one or
more dancers between
Ø Male: Camisa de Chino two bamboo poles while
& trousers of different these are beaten in a
colors certain rhythm against
each other and onto the
· Rural (Visaya)
Ø Female : Kimona and
Ø The Tinikling is an
Patadyong with soft
indigenous folk dance
whose origin lies on the
Ø Male: Barong or Camisa island of Leyte. The
de Chino and trousers name refers to a bird
of any color that is known in the
Philippines as Tikling, a
· Cordillera/Tribal term that is commonly
used for a whole range
Ø Male: G –string, short
of Squacco species. The
jacket and shoulder
dance as we know it
band, feathered head
today is inspired by the
bird’s showy gait when
o “Bahag” it struts through the
grass with its long stilts
Ø Female: Hinabi na teala and the way it runs
(hablon) through branches or
Ø Accessories (beads) dodges bamboo traps
set up by rice farmers.
· Muslim
Ø There are mainly four
Ø “Sigpit” or “Sablay” people taking part in the
dance – two male and
Ø Patadyong two female dancers.
Ø Malong pants While one couple takes
the dance position, the
Most Popular Folkdances in the other couple takes over
Philippines the handling of the
bamboo sticks. There is
· Tinikling Dance one person on either
end of the sticks
Ø The Tinikling is the
kneeling on the floor
official national dance
and facing each other.
of the Philippines and
The bamboo poles are
one of the oldest dances
approximately 9 feet imitating dance’
(about 2.75 m) long and popular in Samar then,
are lying parallel next to the Sabay. According to
each other on the floor Fr. Alcina the dance
in the beginning. imitates flying birds. An
illustration in that same
Ø Itik Itik Folkdance book had a caption: “su
danza para hombre y
Ø The Itik-Itik dance is
mujer” (dance for man
popular among the
and woman); very
Visayans of the
appropriate for the
province of Surigao del
characteristic Waray
Norte. It has many
amenudo dances.
variations of steps from
which the dancers Basic Folk Dance Steps
choose and combine. Its
steps are similar to the
movements of a duck
(itik, in Filipino), as it
walks with short,
choppy steps and
splashes water on its
back while attracting its
mate. It is used in folk
dances in different parts
of the Philippines.

Ø The dance is believed to

have originated from
the dance Sibay danced
to the Dejado music.
The Sibay is a bird
dance that came from
neighboring Visayan
Islands. Philippine
dance authority
Reynaldo Gamboa
Alejandro identified
that Visayan Island to
be Samar. True enough,
since a 1668 book
written by Fr. Ignacio
Alzina (a Jesuit
missionary to Samar)
described a ‘bird
This shows that moderate-intensity
physical activity for a 50-year-old person
will require that the heart rate remains
between 109 and 129 bpm during physical

For vigorous-intensity physical activity,

your target heart rate should be between
77% and 93%1,2 of your maximum heart
rate. To figure out this range, follow the
same formula used above, except change
“64 and 76%” to “77 and 93%”.

For example, for a 35-year-old person, the

estimated maximum age-related heart rate
would be calculated as 220 – 35 years =
185 beats per minute (bpm).
The 77% and 93% levels would be:
•77% level: 185 x 0.77 = 142 bpm, and
•93% level: 185 x 0.93 = 172 bpm
This shows that vigorous-intensity
Maximum Heart Rate (or Max HR or physical activity for a 35-year-old person
MHR) will require that the heart rate remains
-is the amount of beats a heart makes in a between 142 and 172 bpm during physical
minute under maximum stress activity.

For moderate-intensity physical activity,
your target heart rate should be between
64% and 76%1,2 of your maximum heart
rate. You can estimate your maximum Piling Larang
heart rate based on your age. To estimate
Lesson 1: Akademikong Pagsulat
your maximum age-related heart rate,
subtract your age from 220.
- Isa sa mga pinakamahirap na
For example, for a 50-year-old person, the
hasaing kasanayan sa
estimated maximum age-related heart rate
komunikasyon ang pagsulat.
would be calculated as 220 – 50 years =
(Nakakaangat ang mga indibidwal na may
170 beats per minute (bpm).
kasanayan sa akademikong pagsulat o
intelektwal na pagsulat.)
The 64% and 76% levels would be:
•64% level: 170 x 0.64 = 109 bpm, and
•76% level: 170 x 0.76 = 129 bpm
Ang pagsulat ay isang komplikadong ● Mag-organisa ng mga ideya
proseso na nangangailangan ng sapat na ● Mag-isip ng lohikal
panahon upang maging mahusay rito. ● Magpahalaga sa orihinal
(Kasanayang nililinang. Ang mahusay na ● Magsuri
manunulat ay may mapanuring pag-iisip.)
(Akademikong sulatin o intelektwal na
Ang pagsulat ay isang pagsulat. Kailangan ng mataas ng
masistemang paggamit ng mga grapikong pag-iisip.)
marka na kumakatawan sa espisipikong
linggwistikong pahayag (Rogers, 2005) Personal na Pagsulat vs. Akademikong
Ano ang ibig sabihin ng masistema?
ANo ang tinutukoy sa grapikong
Personal na Akademikong
marka? Pagsulat Pagsulat

- Masistema ang pagsulat dahil Impormal ang Pormal na Wika

bawat pananda ay may katumbas Wika
na makabuluhang tunog at Magaan ang tono May promat na
isinasaayos ang mga panandang ito at kumbersyonal sinusunod
upang makabuo ng makabuluhang ang wika
salita o pangungusap.
Komunikasyon ang isa sa
pangunahing layunin ng
pagsulat. (Dahil ang pagsulat ay patuloy na
nagbabago, may ilang manunulat na
Paano mo mailalarawan ang isang pinagsanib ang mga kumbensiyon sa
akademikong pagsulat? akademikong pagsulat at malikhaing
pagsulat sa pagbuo ng akademikong
Ang sulating akademiko ay teksto.)
tumutukoy sa mga sulating isinusulat para
sa larangang akademiko. Nakabatay ito sa Walang isang paraan sa pagsulat ng
datos at impormasyong itinuturing na mahusay na akademikong teksto.
● Sitwasyon
(Nakakaangat ang isang indibidwal na may ● Kahingian
kasanayan sa akademikong pagsulat. Isang ● Sino ang mambabasa
uri ng pagsusulat na kailangan ang mataas
na antas ng pag-iisip.) (Bakit walang “isang paraan” ng pagsulat
ng mahusay na akademikong teksto?
Ang mahusay na manunulat ng Magkakaiba ng pamantayan ang bawat
akademikong teksto ay may mapanuring larangan.)
Mga Layunin sa Akademikong Pagsulat
● Mangalap ng impormasyon ● Magpabatid
● Mang-aliw; at - Pagbibigay ng
● Manghikayat katuturan sa
konsepto o termino.
1. Ang impormatibong ● Enumerasyon
akademikong sulatin ay - Pag-uuri o
nagbibigay ng kaalaman at pagpapangkat ng
paliwanag. mga halimbawang
2. Tanggap na sa kasalukuyan ang nabibilang sa isang
mga personal o malikhaing akda uri o klasipikasyon.
bilang halimbawa ng akademikong ● Order
sulatin. - Pagkakasunod-suno
E.g. Autobiography d ng mga
(Bukod sa pagbibigay ng pangyayari o
impormasyon, nagbibigay din ng proseso.
aliw ang mga tekstong ito sa ● Paghahambing o
mambabasa.) Pagtatambis
3. Ang sulating nanghihikayat - Pagtatanghal ng
naman ay may layuning pagkakatulad o
kumbinsihin o impluwensiyahan pagkakaiba ng mga
ang mambabasa na pumanig sa tao, lugar,
isang paniniwala, opinion, o pangyayari,
katuwiran. konsepto.
(May mga akademikong sulating ● Sanhi at Bunga
naghahalo ang mga layunin.) - Paglalahad ng mga
dahilan ng
pangyayari o bagay
at ang kaugnay na
epekto nila.
Mga Gamit sa Akademikong
Pagsulat ● Problema at Solusyon
- Paglalahad ng mga
Sa pagbabasa ng sanaysay, suliranin at
encyclopedia, batayang aklat, balita pagbibigay ng mga
at iba pang akademikong sulatin, posibleng lunas sa
maoobserbahang may iba’t ibang mga ito.
gamit o hulwarang ginagamit. ● Kalakasan at Kahinaan
- Paglalahad ng
(Hulwaran: Pattern upang maging positibo at
organisado at malinaw ang daloy negatibong
ng mga ideya sa akademikong katangian ng isa o
sulatin.) higit pang bagay,
sitwasyon, o
● Depinisyon pangyayari.
Ano ang hulwarang ginamit ni Juana sa Mga Hakbang sa Pagsulat ng Abstrak
kanyang kritikal na sanaysay?
1. Basahin muli ang buong papel.
● Depinisyon Habang nagbabasa isaalang-alang
● Enumerasyon ang gagawing abstrak.
● Order 2. Isulat sa unang draft ng papel.
● Paghahambing o Pagtatambis 3. Irebisa ang unang draft upang
● Sanhi at Bunga maiwasto ang anumang kahinaan
● Problema at Solusyon sa organisasyon at ugnayan ng mga
● Kalakasan at Kahinaan salita.
4. I-proofread ang pinal na kopya.
Lesson 2: Abstrak
Katangian ng Mahusay na Abstrak
Ano ang Abstrak?
Nagmula sa latin na abstracum, ay a. Binubuo ng 200-250 salita.
ang maikling buod ng artikulo o ulat na b. Gumagamit ng mga simpleng
inilalagay bago ang introduksyon. Mukha pangungusap na nakatatayo sa
ng akademikong papel. sarili nito.
c. Kompleto ang bahagi
● Layunin ng pag-aaral ; d. Walang impormasyong hindi
● Saklaw at Limitasyon ; at nabanggit sa papel.
● Resulta e. Nauunawaan ng pangkalahatan at
ng target na mambabasa.
Deskriptibong Abstrak
● Inilalarawan nito sa mga Lesson 3: Bionote
mambabasa ang mga pangunahing
ideya ng papel (Akademikong sulatin na ginagamit upang
● Kaligiran, layunin at tuon ng papel ipakilala ang isang tao.)
o artikulo
● Ginagamit sa humanidades at Ano ang isang Bionote?
agham panlipunan at mga sanaysay Isang impormatibong talata na
sa sikolohiya. naglalahad ng mga kwalipikasyon ng
awtor at ng kaniyang kredibilidad bilang
Impormatibong Abstrak propesyunal.
● Ipinapahayag nito sa mga
mambabasa ang mahahalagang ● Personal na impormasyon
ideya ng papel tungkol sa manunulat;
● Binubuod ang kaligiran, layunin, ● Kaligirang pang-edukasyon; at
tuon, metodolohiya, resulta, at ● Ambag sa larangang
kongklusyon ng papel kinabibilangan
● 10% ang haba ng buong papel at
isang talata lamang. (Ang bionote ay sinasabing nagpapakilala
sa isang tao sa paanong paraan?
Maraming manunulat ng mga publikasyon, ang isang magandang
akademiko at malikhaing sulatin ang bionote)
nakilala natin dahil sa kanilang bionote.) Lesson 4: Talumpati

Etimolohiya ng Salitang Bionote (Ang pasalitang komunikasyon ang

pinakamatanda at pinakagamiting paraan
Ang bionote ay pinaikling anyo ng ng pakikipagtalastasan. Isa sa mga uri nito
mga salitang biographical note. Ito ay ay ang talumpati.)
maikling pagpapakilala ng manunulat o
mananaliksik sa kaniyang sarili. Ano ang isang talumpati?
Ang talumpati ay isang masining
(Ano ang layunin ng isang bionote? na pagpapahayag ng mga kaisipan,
Pawang impormasyong obhektibo pananaw, at saloobin ng isang tao sa harap
at mahahalagang detalye ng buhay ang ng madla.
nakasaad rito. Magkaroon din sila ng
pahapyaw na ideya sa pinagmulang Ito ay maaaring may layong
pananaw, paniniwala, o kaalaman ng humikayat, tumugon, mangatwiran,
manunulat.) magbigay ng kaalaman, at maglahad ng
isang paniniwala.
(Ang talumpati ay itinuturing na isang
Ang Ang bionote ay sining ng pagpapahayag ng kaisipan sa
autobiography o isang talata na
talambuhay ay nagpapaalam sa paraang pasalita sa harap ng tagapakinig.)
isang anyo ng mambabasa kung
panitikan na sino ka at ano ang Mga Uri ng Talumpati
nagsasaad ng nagawa mo bilang
kasaysayan ng propesyunal ● Impormatibo
buhay ng isang tao Naglalahad ng mga kaalaman
hango sa mga
tungkol sa isang partikular na paksa.
tunay na tala,
pangyayari, o
impormasyon. ● Nanghihikayat
Hikayatin ang tagapakinig na
magsagawa ng isang partikular na kilos.
Mga Katangian ng Mahusay na Bionote

● Nang-aaliw
● Maikli ang nilalaman
Magbigay aliw sa mga awdyens o
● Gumagamit ng ikatlong panauhang
● Gumagamit ng baligtad na tatsulok
● Okasyunal
● Matapat sa pagbabahagi ng
Isinusulat at binibigkas para sa
isang partikular na okasyon.
(Maituturing na isang marketing tool ng
manunulat, maging ng kaniyang
Talumpati ayon sa Kahandaan Ang isang mahusay na talumpati ay
hindi isinulat ng isang araw
● Impromptu o Dagliang lamang.
Biglaang talumpati kung saan Pangkalahatang Estruktura ng
ibinibigay ang paksa sa tiyempo mismo na Talumpati
kailangan magtalumpati. a. Panimula
b. Pangunahing Mensahe (Diskusyon
● Extemporaneous o Extempore o Katawan)
Binibigyan naman ng kahandaan c. Pabaon (Katapusan o Konklusyon)
subalit limitado lamang sa pagitan ng
pagkuha ng paksa at mismong paligsahan

● Isinaulong Talumpati o
Talumpating Handa
Ang mananalumpati o
tagapagsalita ay binibigyan ng panahon sa
pagsulat o paggawa ng kaniyang talumpati

● Pagbasa ng Papel sa Panayam o

Makikita sa talumpating ito ang
kasanayan sa pagsulat ng papel na
babasahin sa komperensiya.

Proseso sa Pagsulat ng Talumpati

1. Layunin sa pagtatalumpati
Ano ang pangunahing layunin ng
2. Kilalanin ang tagapakinig
Ang talumpati ay kailangang
nakaayon o nakaangkla sa kaisipan
at wika ng mga tagapakinig.
3. Angkop na haba o tagal ng
Iwasang mabitin (dahil sa sobrang
ikli) o mainip (dahil sa sobrang
tagal) ang mga tagapakinig.

4. Sumulat, Irebisa, Magsanay,

Irebisang Muli, at Patuloy na
- The use of open-ended questions
Practical Research 1: Qualitative and probing
- Gives the participants the
Types of Research opportunity to respond in their own
1. Pure Vs. Applied Research words
2. Exploratory Vs. Explanatory - They allow the researcher the
3. Quantitative Vs. Qualitative flexibility to probe initial
Qualitative Research participant responses- that is, to ask
- Commonly called “interpretive why or how
research” - Exploratory Advantage. The
- Its methods rely heavily on “thick” researcher can get an in-depth
verbal descriptions of a particular responses to make the study
context being studied substantial
Generally speaking, Qualitative Open-ended questions have the ability
Researchers: to evoke responses that are:
- Spend a great deal of time in the - Meaningful and culturally salient
settings being studied (fieldwork) to the participant
- Rely on themselves as the main - Unanticipated by the researcher
instrument of data collection - Rich and explanatory in nature
(subjectivity; intersubjectivity) Weakness/Issues in Qualitative
- Analyze data using interpretative Research
lenses - Gaining entry
General Characteristics of a Qualitative ● access is very much
Research dependent upon the
- Data source are real-world researcher’s personal
situations characteristics and how others
- Data are descriptive perceive the researcher
- Emphasizes a holistic approach ● may require considerable
negotiation and compromise
(processes and outcomes)
with a gatekeeper
- Data analysis is inductive
● trust is earned, not given
- Describes meaning(s) of research
- Contacting potential research
finding(s) from the perspective of
the research participants
● gaining access
Uses inductive reasoning
● dealing with gatekeeper(s)
- Involves developing
● issues of building trust and
generalizations from a limited
ensuring confidentiality and
number of specific observations or
- Selecting participants
- Highly dependent on the number
● is fraught with difficulties
and representativeness of the
in identifying and selecting
specific observations used to make
an appropriate number of
the generalization
participants who can
Strengths/Advantages of Qualitative
provide useful information
about the particular topic - It has roots in the philosophical
and setting being studied perspectives of Husserl, Heidegger,
- Enhancing validity and reducing Sartre, Merleau-Ponty, etc.
bias - Moustakas, 1994, p. 13: “to
● observer bias determine what an experience
● invalid information means for the persons who have
resulting from the had the experience and are able to
perspective the researcher provide a comprehensive
brings to the study and description of it. From the
imposes upon it individual descriptions, general or
- Leaving the field universal meanings are derived, in
● he question is when and other words, the essences of
how to exit structures of the experience.”
● the bonds formed with
study participants 3. Grounded theory
complicate leaving the - Based on Symbolic Interactionism
setting which posits that humans act and
● time constraints interact on the basis of symbols,
● when the amount of which have meaning and value for
accessible data is sufficient the actors.
Types of Qualitative Researches: - The intent of grounded theory is to
Qualitative Traditions of Inquiry generate or discover a theory that
1. Biography relates to a particular situation. If
- The study of an individual and her little is known about a topic,
or his experiences as told to the grounded theory is especially
researcher or found in documents useful
and archival material. - Data analysis generates a visual
- Life history--The study of an picture, a narrative statement or a
individual’s life and how it reflects series of hypotheses with a central
cultural themes of the society. phenomenon, causal conditions,
- Oral history--The researcher context and consequences.
gathers personal recollections of - The researcher needs to set aside
events, their causes, and their theoretical ideas or notions so that
effects from and individual or analytical or substantive theories
several individuals. can emerge from the data.
- The researcher needs to collect 4. Ethnography
extensive information about the - A description and interpretation of
subject of the biography a cultural or social group or
2. Phenomenology system.
- Describes the meaning of the lived - The researcher examines the
experience about a concept or a group’s observable and learned
phenomenon for several patterns of behavior, customs, and
individuals. ways of life.
- Involves prolonged observation of of appropriate data collection devices
the group, typically through (Creswell, 1994).
participant observation.
- Emic (insider group perspective) 2. Ethnography: Rooted in anthropology,
and Etic (researcher’s ethnography involves the study of an intact
interpretation of social life). group, logically defined, in its natural
- Context important, need holistic context for a sustained time interval. The
view. researcher is typically an observer or a
- Need grounding in anthropology. participant observer (Creswell, 1994).
- Many ethnographies may be
3. Phenomenology: In essence, this
written in a narrative or story
approach investigates an individual’s or
telling approach which may be
group’s perception of reality as he or she
difficult for the audience
constructs it. These realities may be
accustomed to usual social science
expressed as an event, program,
relationship, emotion, etc. Phenomenology
- Need extensive time to collect
is rooted in philosophy.
5. Case Study
- A case study is an exploration of a
“bounded system” or a case (or 40 4. Grounded Theory: Grounded theory
multiple cases) over time through is a general research methodology used in
detailed, in-depth data collection building naturalistic theory and is rooted in
involving multiple sources of sociology (Strauss and Corbin, 1994).
information rich in context.
5. Biography: The research relies on
- The context of the case involves
records, diaries, oral histories,
situating the case within its setting.
photographs, and other artifacts to
which may be physical, social,
describe, analyze, and explain past events,
historical and/or economic.
philosophies, etc.
- Data collection strategies include
direct observation, interviews, “Tagay ta, Bai!”: The Social Dynamics
documents, archival records, of Filipino Social Drinking
participant observation, physical Article History
artifacts and audiovisual materials. - Submitted: March 20, 2022
- Analysis of themes, or issues and - Revised: July 6, 2022
an interpretation of the case by the - Accepted: August 9, 2022
researcher. Keywords
Summary - Anthropology
- Alcohol
1. Case Study: In a case study, a single
- Social Drinking
person, program, event, process,
- Ethnography
institution, organization, social group or
- Philippines
phenomenon is investigated within a
specified time frame, using a combination
- Jamaal Santos Omamalin
Place of Origin researcher. The researcher
- Cebu City, Philippines participated in 4 (four) different
drinking sessions with diverse
School purposes and various participant
- University of San Carlos, Cebu profiles. Interviews were likewise
City, Philippines made with 7 (seven) informants
Abstract who engage in tagay comprised of
- Drinking alcohol, through an 2 males, 3 females, and 2
anthropological lens, is defined as self-identified gays, all beyond the
a social act embedded in a context age of 20, and were selected
of values, attitudes and other through both convenience and
norms. Social Drinking, or purposive sampling. Tagay, the
drinking in general, serves various Filipino social drinking culture, is
purposes throughout the course of engaged in by people through a
traditions within a culture, such as multitude of reasons usually
a camaraderie, initiation, ritual, celebratory and enjoyable in
medicinal, and many others. This nature. It possesses, in spite of its
study described the social mundane presence in Philippine
dynamics of Filipino social society, a myriad of social
drinking, otherwise known as dynamics and elements which
"tagay". Specifically, it aimed to govern and influence its conduct-
provide response to the following process of initiation, time and
objectives: (1) define tagay as a place, behaviors, gender and power
distinct drinking culture among relations, material components,
Filipinos, looking into social roles, mechanisms, definitions, and
considerations, gender-related functions. Even though the culture
interactions, power relations, and is controlled and determined by a
material components; (2) determine collection of various social
the technicalities, and behavioral considerations, the identity of tagay
rules of tagay; and (3) assess the as a Filipino drinking culture
perceptions, interpretations, and remains to be unique and symbolic
personal definitions of participants as embodied by the use of a single
on tagay- its social and personal glass from which to drink in and
importance, social and personal continues to be dynamic and ever
functions, and challenges faced. adaptive, with heavy reliance on
This study employed the those which involve themselves in
qualitative research design in the the tradition. Tagay becomes what
form of the ethnographic method, it is as to how it is assigned,
with participant observation, in defined, and viewed by those who
tandem with other research do it.
techniques, as the primary research Tanggero (tagalog), Tig-tagay (bisaya),
technique. Drinking sessions were gunner (a more contemporary term)
participated in with respect to - The individual responsible for
availability and accessibility by the refilling the glass and passing it
onto the next person in the within cultures facilitates how the
sequence of the drinking session revelation of class, ethnicity, and
nationalism is manifested through
Siarez (2019) [alcoholic] drink, implicated in
- Discusses that pre-Spanish society behaviors, ideologies, values, and
manifests its culture by consuming history of varying cultures-
local wines drinking is a culture in itself.

As further strengthened with the arrival of The connection appears to be more evident
the Spanish missionaries and their in ‘ambivalent’ drinking cultures where
introduction of Catholicism. one needs a reason for drinking than in
Japanese Drinking Culture ‘integrated’ drinking cultures where
- Exercised through concern for drinking is morally neutral element of
others than for self shown by daily life and does not necessitate a
having to make sure that the glass justification.
of another member in the drinking
session does not fall empty In the Philippines, owing to the significant
- Filling glasses by another person feature of ‘integrated’ drinking cultures in
present in the circle, which is Europe is likewise adopted in Philippine
viewed as an expression of social society.
bond and cohesion, as well as
concern for the other members of Objective/ Aim:
the session - this study intended to describe the
Social drinking or drinking, in social dynamics of Filipino social
general drinking, otherwise known as
- serves various purposes tagay. Specifically, it aims to
throughout the course of respond to the following
traditions within a culture, such
objectives: (1) define tagay as a
as a camaraderie, initiation,
ritual, medicinal, and many distinct drinking culture among
others. Filipinos, looking into social
Alcohol considerations, gender-related
- has become an important interactions, power relations, and
component of social relations with material components; (2)
substantial global value and social determine the technicalities of
significance and hence regarded as tagay ; and (3) assess the
a multi-dimensional phenomenon
perceptions, interpretations, and
- Widely and abundantly consumed
in simple get-togethers, personal definitions of
celebrations, special occasions, at participants on tagay - its social
fiestas, rice-harvesting ceremonies, and personal importance, social
and healing rituals and personal functions, and
- Functions as a relaxant challenges faced.
Wilson (2004) Significance:
- Supports this in his paper that - The significance of this study
alcohol consumption [or drinking] may provide Filipino sociologists
and anthropologists with a intoxication- as Morris (1998) puts it,
detailed view of the social alcohol exaggerates the emotion felt in
dynamics and interactions within such a way that a happy drinker becomes
tagay and its possible implications happier, and a sad drinker becomes
for Filipino values and larger sadder. In this case, drinking plays a
communal functions and dynamics. utilitarian function (Savic et al., 2016).
Invitation and Participation
The research was conducted in various - Personal invitations such as, being
locations in the province of Cebu, offered a shot, a wave or being
Philippines wherever and whenever pulled in to join the circle
drinking sessions were accessible and - Virtual communication such as ,
available. through texts, calls, or chats by
Pseudonyms and codes friends or associates
- were used in this study to protect - Invitations are unnecessary for as
the identity of research informants. long as friends are gathered, tagay
No children or participants under is surely an activity to be done as
the age of 18 were observed or stated by one informant
included in and during the conduct - Self-invitation (Others would view
of this research. self-invitation and the person
Reasons for Engagement committing the invitation as
- Festive ritual associated with someone leeching on freebies, as
celebration remarked, at no expense)
- Essential element of festivity In a setting where tagay is already
- Intention to escape reality ongoing, the majority of the informants are
- An effort to unwind and relax after invited directly by the participants of the
a busy engagement active session, usually through calling out
- Let loose unwanted and undesired or being offered a glass or shot. Sharing, in
emotional stress such as, this case, is done in a friendly sense and
“broken-heartedness” goes with the cross- cultural governing
- Celebratory such as, birthdays stipulation of the socially contextualized
- Unwinding and letting loose consumption and sharing of alcohol
emotional tension from work which requires that sharing be done in a
- Emotional de-stressing friendly way with expressions of goodwill
- There is no definite reason for (Mars & Altman, 2003; Heath, 1991;
doing so Thornton, 1987) towards the establishment
Drinking of a shared identity, or the unification of
- Perceived as an important Others and the self (Labor
companion to sociability and a & Gastardo-Conaco, 2021), among
considerably inexpensive and members of the social drinking act.
effective relaxant. Rejection to join or engage in the session
Although it is observed that drinking is met with various treatments and
does not necessarily augment the responses. Most of the informants do not
emotional stress felt and is often see many issues in the rejection to drink or
intensified as a result of the influence of join, considering various reasons for
declining, such as not being in the proper or ridiculed, and if the behavior
condition or not having permission from persists, it is met with ostracization
other members of the family (wife or - Inappropriate behavior when
parents). drinking
Those who reject an invitation or offer is - Aggression
often labelled as indifferent or “others” in - Overtsexuality
colloquial terms. - Over-emotionality
Time Requirements - Terms and jargon, expressions, and
- It may be done any time for as long cussing are done with relative
as permissions are acquired from freedom without prejudice
family members adn people of Even though tagay is an avenue for
close relations (i.e. spouse, openness and vulnerability, the
girl/boyfriend, parents, etc.) excessive involvement of emotions,
- Unplanned drinking sessions are excessive cursing and expressing, the
more likely to be realized than deliberate wastage of alcohol, and
planned prolonged holding of the glass, are
- Usually happen in the late parts of grounds for disapproval of the group as
the day, particularly in the late these may cause inconvenience to
hours of the evening the members of the group.
- May typically last between 3-5 Venue
hours - Accessibility and affordability
- May also depend on financial - Emphasis on comfort, safety,
resources, reasons for session, propriety, and access to alcoholic
further commitments, and tolerance drinks
of the group - Most prefers on their homes due to
The commencement of a tagay session lesser expenses and access to
relies on establishing the social resting amenities
requirements of the session, usually when - Homes
participants are gathered in one place. - Grills
Drinking sessions were commenced when - Bars
the first shot was offered to one of the - Convenience stores
group members, usually facilitated by the - Anywhere calm, comfortable, and
Gunner, tanggero, or tig-tagay - the person accessible
responsible for passing out shots via single - Men are usually seen drinking in
glass [FN-1 to FN-4]. public i.e., sidewalks, roadside
Acceptable and Unacceptable Behavior convenience stores, and quiet
- Extreme drunkenness neighborhood
- Excessive emotional openness Age Considerations
- Mismanagement such as, - In the Philippines, the drinking age
exaggerated crying, excessive is set starting from 18 years old,
sadness, and poor temperance with current legislative bills still on
- Fails self-control while under the debate in the House of Congress
influence of liquor is reprimanded and with existing executive
mandates such as Presidential
Decree 1619, which penalizes the - Most of those who engage in tagay
use of possession of unauthorized are men, with casual involvement
sale to minors of volatile of women
substances - Patriarchal notions in Philippine
- Must be exclusive to those at least society implying that alcohol is a
18 years old owing to the presumed man’s drink
better-established sense of self- - Drinks consumed differ between
control and tolerance to alcohol men and women
- Importance of early-age drinking - Beer, brandy, whisky, gin, rum, etc
towards the eventual mastery of is tend to be partaken by men
tagay - Women consume mild versions of
- This attitude towards drinking drinks such as, light or flavored
among children is likewise beers, flavored gin, mules
observed in China and France, (cocktails made with ginger beer or
albeit the mid or late teens are ginger ale), citrus juice, and any
preferred when speaking in kind of spirit
matters of legality (Heath, Elements and mechanism of tagay
1995a). Small quantities of - The effective conduct of Tagay is
alcohol are given to children under not only governed by social norms
the supervision of adults, and and agreed-on rules but also relies
children drink. They also acquire a on the presence of certain
elements- material and social-
set of attitudes regarding the
which allows for the execution of
practice (Barnett, 1955). Tagay, in the social act, guided through
terms of age, considerations are certain mechanisms. This section
looked upon based on legal and will discuss these.
cultural perspectives, though not - Material components (tools, drinks,
necessarily in complete coherence food). The material components
with each of these aspects. utilized in the session are few and
mundane: the glass, chairs,
Engaging in tagay requires certain alcoholic drinks, and food. The
considerations on age but may not glass or cup plays a vital role in
necessarily be as rigid. Timely and Philippine Social Science Journal
early exposure to the practice, Volume 5 Number 3
guided by elders and more July-September 2022 16
experienced drinkers, allows for - The tagay as this is what gives the
drinking culture its identity. In any
the acquisition and development of
tagay , there can only be one glass
certain skills on tolerance and (or 2 glasses when there is a
behavior and the understanding of chaser), and this is passed on to
the tacit aspects of the practice- the members of the session,
such as meaning and value, facilitated by the gunner (a more
relations building, etc. contemporary term), tanggero
(Filipino), or tig-tagay (Bisaya).
The determination of the
Gender engagement and gender and
alcoholic drink is usually based
power relations on group consensus and budget,
but within certain types of - Disapproval of topic is shown
liquor depending on the nature through indifference, gestures of
of the occasion. Beer is usually disinterest, or a deliberate
drunk during informal or relaxed
expression of disapproval
occasions [FN-1 and FN-2], while
spirits, i.e., imported or premium Participants and their roles
brandy, whisky, or rum, are - The drinking session is comprised
consumed in special celebration of at least 2 participants with two
events [FN-3 and FN-4]. Beer and primary profiles of participants- the
hard drinks may also be gunner, tanggero, or tig-tagay , and
consumed in one sitting [FN-1 the rest of the participants. The
to FN-4]. This dynamic of drink
gunner plays a significant role in
choice is supported by Morris
(1998) in the discussion that the session. He or she is
every drink carries a symbolic responsible for facilitating the
meaning and conveys a message flow of the drinking session via
and that drinks define the nature a single glass. He or she
of the occasion. controls the speed of the
- Tagay is accompanied by finger drinking session and determines
food known as pulutan (from the
the amount of alcohol for each
Tagalog term pulot meaning to
‘pick up’) or sumsuman (from the shot for each person in the
Bisaya term sumsum meaning to group [FN-1 to FN- 4]. As shared
‘indulge’), which is usually an by the informants, the gunner is
easily consumable food responsible for determining the
(Caballar, 2016). Commonly drunkenness of the different
partaken are chips, and fried foods,
members of the group- he or she
usually with strong flavors to
combat the bitterness of the must not become drunk before
alcohol, and are likewise subject to everyone else and must sustain
budget availability [FN-1 to FN-4]. himself or herself throughout the
- Tagay comprises a triage of session. This person is usually
material components- the glass, the the host or could be the
drinks, and the food- with the glass youngest in the group and drinks
serving as the primary identity
the first shot before everyone else-
component of the drinking culture.
Though in most settings, karaoke marking the start of the actual
(similar to a jukebox) is also tagay. Further, the appointment of
present and is generally looked for the gunner is openly determined
or requested. either through volunteerism or
Topical Considerations appointment by the group. All
- Not Confined to a limited and other members of the group also
categorical set of choices possess certain roles. Some may
- It is subject to the desired or be the bringer of conversation,
uncontrolled flow of exchange in a while the rests are listeners and
group commentators. Others may play
- May range from deep and personal as entertainers or comedians and
matters to anything else serve as caretakers of those who
have passed out. In general, the
role of other members in the Fundamental Unit of Measurements
group, apart from the gunner,
are diverse and openly defined. Ø Scientific Notation
These are not determined
- Scientific notation offers a convenient
beforehand and only spring up as
way of expressing very large or very
the session progresses, and more
small numbers. A positive number is
shots are consumed.
written as a product of a number
Interpretations and limitations of tagay
between I and l0 and a power of 10.
- Social drinking, in this case, tagay,
For example, 9.63 x 107 and 2.3 x 10-6
possesses symbolic meaning
are numbers written in scientific
- Tagay is interpreted as a cultural
exercise symbolic of celebration,
enjoyment, socialization, and Standard notation to scientific
letting loose notation
- In African cultures, social drinking
and social alcoholic drink provide Convert each number to
strengths, happiness, adn scientific notation:
hospitality and reinforce social
hospitality and communality a. 580,000,000,000m b.
- Informants view the importance of 0.000068g
tagay as a means of boosting
friendships, strengthening bonds,
and socialization a. Determine the power of l0
- Personal importance of tagay is by counting the number of
expressed in that it uplifts places that the decimal must
self-confidence, improves move so that there is a single
self-discipline, and helps in deeper nonzero digit to the left of the
understanding and knowledge of decimal point (11 places).
friends and family Since 580,000,000,000 is larger
Limitations than 10, we use a positive
- Lack of commitment from power of 10:
- Emotional mismanagement 580,000,000,000m = 5.8 x
- Growing apprehension to culture 1011m
brought by accidents related to
overconsumption of alcohol b. Determine the power of l0
- Health risks such as, liver by counting the number of
complications, hypertension, and places the decimal must move
tuberculosis (transmitted by the so that there is a single nonzero
partaking from a single glass digit to the left of the decimal
point (five places). Since
0.0000683 is smaller than 1, we
use a negative power of l0:
General Physics
0.0000683g = 6.83x10-5g Percentage of Precision = 100% - % of

Ø Accuracy
AE= Absolute deviation
- It refers to the closeness of the
measurements to the true or accepted O= observed value/measured value
value. A new spring balance is likely
to be more accurate than an old spring M= mean of several measurements
balance that has been used many times.

- Expressed in terms of absolute error

or percentage error

AE= |O-A|

Percentage of Error =

Percentage of Accuracy = 100% - % of



AE= absolute error

O= observed value/measured value

A= Accepted value Conversion of Units

The parallel lines indicate that the value is Systematic Vs. Random Error
ü Systematic Error
Ø Precision
- Systematic error is consistent and
- It refers to the closeness of the repeatable error due to the kind of
measurements of the results to each measuring device used as mentioned
other. A physicist who frequently above. It is also due to flawed
carries out a complex experiment is experimental design
likely to have more precise results than
someone who is just learning the ü Random Error
- Random error has no pattern; it is
AE= |O-M| inconsistent

% of deviation = - Example, in your first reading, you

taught it might be too small, then the
next reading might be too large. So · m= mass
nobody can predict random error and
this cannot be avoided, even scientists · v= volume
doing their experiments
Ø time (t) in s
1D and 2D Kinematics
distance (d) in m
- Qualitative description of motion
ü the total path length
speed (v or s)
- A continuous change of position with
ü represents the distance
respect to its reference point
travelled by an object in
Horizontal Motion a given time

- Horizontal motion is described as a ü change in distance

projectile motion in a horizontal
ü unit: km/hr, m/s, cm/s
plane that is affected by a force. A
projectile's vertical and horizontal Ø temperature (K/ )
components are perpendicular and
independent of one another over a
short distance.
Ø energy in J
Free- Falling
Ø work in j

Scalar Quantity

- Is completely specified by its

magnitude and has no direction Ø Amperic-electriv current A

Ø Mass (m) in kg, g, mg… Ø potential difference in V

f=ma m= f/a V=IR

· f= force Ø resistance

· m= mass Ø luminosity in tandela

· a= acceleration Ø frequency ()

Ø density in (g/) Vector Quantity

d= m/v - a quantity that includes both a

magnitude and direction
· d= density
Ø displacement

- represents the straight- line distance

between starting and endpoint
Adding of Vectors and Solving for
- change in direction Magnitude and Direction

Ø velocity Adding Vectors Using Pythagorean

- represents the rate of change of
displacement Consider the following examples below.

v= Example 1:

Ø acceleration Blog walks 35 m East, rests for 20 s and

then walks 25 m East. What is
Blog’s overall displacement?
Ø force
Solve graphically by drawing a scale
f= diagram.
Ø weight 1 cm = 10 m
w=mg Place vectors head to tail and measure the
resultant vector.
Magnitude is the length of
a vector and is always a positive Solve algebraically by adding the two
scalar quantity. magnitudes. We can only do this because
In terms of movement, the information the vectors are in the same direction.
contained in the vector is the distance
R= 35 m East + 25 m East = 60 m East
traveled and the direction traveled. Vectors
give us a graphical method to calculate the Example 2:
sum of several simultaneous movements.
Blog walks 35 m [E], rests for 20 s and
then walks 25 m [W]. What is Blog’s

overall displacement?

x1 x2

Using algebraic solution, we can still add

the two magnitudes. We can only do this
because the vectors are parallel. We must
make one vector negative to indicate
opposite direction.
R = 35 m East + 25 m West A student drives his car 6.0 km, North
before making a right-hand turn
= 35 m East + – 25 m East
and driving 6.0 km to the East. Finally, the
= 10 m East (Note that 25 m West is the student makes a left-hand turn and travels
same as – 25 m East) another 2.0 km to the north. What is the
magnitude of the overall displacement of
If the vectors occur such that they are
the student?
perpendicular to one another, the
Pythagorean theorem may be used to When these three vectors are added
determine the resultant. together in head-to-tail fashion, the
resultant is a vector that extends from the
Example 3:
tail of the first vector (6.0 km, North,
Eric leaves the base camp and hikes 11 shown in red) to the arrowhead of the third
km, north and then hikes 11 vector (2.0 km, North, shown in green).
The head-to-tail vector addition diagram is
km east. Determine Eric's resulting shown below.
The resultant vector (drawn in black) is not
the hypotenuse of any right triangle yet it
would be possible to force this resultant
This problem asks to determine the result vector to be the hypotenuse of a right
of adding two displacement vectors that triangle. To do so, the order in which the
are at right angles to each other. This can three vectors are added must be changed.
be added together to produce a resultant The vectors above were drawn in the order
vector that is directed both north and east. in which they were driven. But if the three
When the two vectors are added vectors are added in the order 6.0 km, N +
head-to-tail as shown below, the resultant 2.0 km, N + 6.0 km, E, then the diagram
is the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The will look like this:
resultant can be determined using the
Pythagorean theorem; it has a magnitude After rearranging the order in which the
of 15.6 km. three vectors are added, the resultant
vector is now the hypotenuse of a right
Source: triangle. The lengths of the perpendicular
https://www.physicsclassroom.com sides of the right triangle are 8.0 m, North
(6.0 km + 2.0 km) and 6.0 km, East. The
The Pythagorean theorem works when the
magnitude of the resultant vector (R) can
two added vectors are at right angles to
be determined using the Pythagorean
one another - such as for adding a north
vector and an east vector.

Consider the vector addition problem:

𝑅2 = (8.0 𝑘𝑚)2 + (6.0 𝑘𝑚)2
Example 4:
𝑅2 = 64.0 𝑘𝑚 + 36.0 𝑘𝑚
𝑅2 = 100.0 𝑘𝑚 When vectors to be added are not
perpendicular, the method of addition by
√𝑅2 = √100.0 𝑘𝑚2 components described below can be used.
To add two or more vectors A, B, C, … by
𝑹 = 𝟏𝟎. 𝟎 𝒌𝒎
the component method, follow this
The size of the resultant was not affected procedure:
by this change in order. This illustrates that
1. Draw each vector.
the resultant is independent by the order in
which they are added. Adding vectors A + 2. Find the x- and y- components of
B + C gives the same resultant as adding each vector.
vectors B + A + C or even C + B + A as
long as all three vectors are included with 3. Find the sum of the x- components.
their specified magnitude and direction,
the resultant will be the same. ∑⃗𝒗 𝒙 = ⃗𝒗 𝟏𝒙 + ⃗𝒗 𝟐𝒙 + ⃗𝒗 𝟑𝒙

This means that vector addition is 4. Find the sum of the y- components.
commutative (the order of addition is
∑⃗𝒗 𝒚 =⃗𝒗 𝟏𝒚 + ⃗𝒗 𝟐𝒚 + ⃗𝒗 𝟑𝒚
5. Use the sum of the x- components
The direction of a resultant vector can
and the sum of the y- components to find
often be determined by use of
the resultant (magnitude) and its angle
trigonometric functions. Recall the
meaning of the useful mnemonic SOH
CAH TOA of the three common • Magnitude: (⃗𝒗 𝑹)𝟐 = (∑⃗𝒗 𝒙)𝟐 + (∑⃗𝒗
trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, and 𝒚)𝟐
tangent functions. These three
trigonometric functions can be applied to • Direction: Use any of the
the hiker problem to determine the trigonometric functions: sine, cosine,
direction of the hiker's overall tangent
displacement. The process begins by the
selection of one of the two angles (other Example 5:
than the right angle) of the triangle. Once
An ant crawls on a tabletop. It moves 2 cm
the angle is selected, any of the three
East, turns 3 cm 400 North of East and
functions can be used to find the measure
finally moves 2.5 cm North. What is the
of the angle. Write the function and
ant’s total displacement.
proceed with the proper algebraic steps to
solve for the measure of the angle. The Solution:
work is shown below.
Step 1: Draw the vectors
https://www.physicsclassroom.com Step 2: The 2-cm vector has no component
along the y-axis and the
Vector Addition: Component Method
2.5 cm has no component along the x- = 1.03
axis. The components
Θ = 45.85 o
of the 3 cm vector are found this way,
Therefore, the final displacement is … dR
To show the components of the vectors, = 6.17 cm 45.85o NE.
you may present them in a table.
To add vectors that are not in the same or
Vector dx dy perpendicular directions, we use method of
components. All vectors can be described
2 cm E 2.00 cm 0 in terms of two components called the x
component and the y component. Adding
3 cm 40O NE 2.31 cm 1.92 cm
the vectors graphically using their
2.5 cm N 0 2.50 cm components produces the same result.
Components can be added using math
∑ 𝑑⃗⃗𝑥 = 4.31 𝑐𝑚 ∑ ⃗𝑑⃗𝑦 = 4.42 methods because all x components are in
𝑐𝑚 the same plane as are all y components.
Furthermore, x and y components are
Step 3: If the sum of the components on perpendicular and can be added to each
each axis is drawn, we get this figure other using Pythagorean theorem.

The Pythagoras theorem equation is

expressed as, c2 = a2 + b2, where 'c' =
hypotenuse of the right triangle and 'a' and
'b' are the other two legs. Hence, any
triangle with one angle equal to 90 degrees
produces a Pythagoras triangle and the
Pythagoras equation can be applied in the
Use the Pythagorean theorem to solve for triangle.
the magnitude of the resultant.

(dR)2 = (∑ dx)2 + (∑ dy)2

= (4. 311 cm) 2 + (4.42 cm)2

dR = √ 18.58 cm 2 + 19.54 cm 2

= √ 38. 12 cm2

dR = 6.17 cm

To solve for the direction, Θ, tan Θ = 4.42

cm Kinematic Variables

4.31 cm 1. distance
- actual path covered by a moving
particle measured in meters (m)


- apparent change in location/position

of a moving particle with reference to Ø Average Velocity
its point of origin; measured in meters
- Displacement of the body in that time
interval divided by time
2. time

- interval between two events or

observations of a moving particle in a
straight line; measured in seconds (s) · Negative velocity
3. velocity - Average velocity is negative during a
time interval if the particles moves in
- change in position (displacement) of a
the x-direction for that time interval
particle as it is moving in a straight
line; measured in seconds (s)

4. acceleration

- change in velocity/speed per unit of Instantaneous Velocity

time of the moving particle; measured
in meters per second squared. ) - Velocity at a specific time or instant

Ø Average Speed

- The total distance travelled by a body

divided by time; NOTE: constant
speed is impossible

Instantaneous speed

- Speed of an object at an instant/time

follow parabolic

- If an object is in free fall,

the equations of motion can
be applied as follows:

ü An object in free fall

experiences an
acceleration of


The negative sign

indicates a downward
acceleration. Whether
explicitly stated or not,
the value of the
acceleration in the
kinematic equation is

for any falling object

Ø Circular Motion

· Projectile Motion (2) Types of Circular Motion

- Is free-fall with an initial o Uniform Circular Motion

horizontal velocity
- Motion of an object in a
- Is the curved path that an circular path with constant
object follows when speed
thrown, launched, or
o Non- uniform Circular
otherwise projected near the
surface of the Earth
- Motion of an object in a
circular path with varying
- Objects that are thrown or speed
launched into the air and
are subject to gravity

- If air resistance is
disregarded, projectiles Relative Motion
- The laws of physics which be used with the airplane or
apply when you are at rest boat examples.
on the earth also apply
when you are in any The relative velocity of an object A with
reference frame which is respect to object B is the rate of change of
moving at a constant position of the object A with respect to
velocity with respect to the object B. If VA and VB be the velocities of
earth. For example, you can objects A and B with respect to the
toss and catch a ball in a ground, then The relative velocity of A
moving bus if the motion is with respect to B is VAB = VA – VB The
in a straight line at constant relative velocity of B with respect to A is
speed. The motion may VBA = VB – VA Relative Motion in One
have a different appearance Dimension In one-dimensional motion,
as viewed from a different objects move in a straight line. So there are
reference frame, but this only two possible cases:
can be explained by
●Objects are moving in the same direction
including the relative
velocity of the reference ●Objects are moving in the opposite
frame in the description of direction Again take the example of a man
the motion. sitting on the train if the train is moving
with 100 km/hr forward. Then according
Relative Velocity
to the man sitting on the train, the trees
- One must take into account outside are moving backwards with 100
relative velocities to km/hr. Because from the man’s point of
describe the motion of an view, the outside environment is moving in
airplane in the wind or a the opposite direction to the train with the
boat in a current. Assessing same velocity. So for all types of
velocities involves vector questions, if you have to find the velocity
addition and a useful of A with respect to B, then assume that B
approach to such relative is at rest and give the velocity of B to A in
velocity problems is to the opposite direction.
think of one reference
frame as an "intermediate"
reference frame in the form:
Put into words, the velocity
of A with respect to C is
equal to the velocity of A
with respect to B plus the
velocity of B with respect
to C. Reference frame B is
the intermediate reference
frame. This approach can

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