1st Quarter Notes
1st Quarter Notes
1st Quarter Notes
John Culkin
Ø Create Ø Evaluate
- To create means being able to use - Means having the ability to assess
media tools to produce media content whether the information is true or fake
- Distraction and loss of activity Ø Beware of what you post and share
- Addiction
Ø Keep your password safe
- Stress and Mood
Ø Consider having separate personal and
FLAME WARS professional accounts
- A series of angry, critical, or Ø Go for more offline interaction
disparaging comments by two or more
people in an ongoing online argument. Ø Spread positivity
- 1700s to 1920s
- The first mechanical tools or - It is the long-distance broadcast of
machines were introduced textual or symbolic messages.
- They developed machine tools and - This invention by Samuel Morse and
manufactured various products such as other inventors worked by transmitting
books through printing press electrical signals over a wire laid
between stations.
Ø Printing Press
- He also developed a code that is
- An apparatus for administering
pressure to an inked surface recessing named after him called the Morse
upon a print medium (such as paper or
cloth) thereby transferring the ink Code.
D. Potential market 6. It is also called Total 2. The process of creating something new that
Addressable Market (TAM) makes life better is called...
B. Having your hair cut D. Computers B. Taste and preferences of target market.
C. Target market cultures.
8. A good is something you buy and consume. D. Norm and status of target market.
Tell which is a good.
A. You buy cookies from Mrs. Jenny in the 14. Which activity is addressed in the
caferteria. product/service management function?
B. Mrs. Priester asks you to wash the tables. A. Setting discounts to clear products from
C. You hire someone to braid your hair. inventory.
D. You ask a friend to shampoo your living B. Determining where products will be offered
carpet. for sale.
C. Focusing promotional activities on a
new-product release.
9. When someone sales a good or provides a
service they _____________ D. Eliminating products that are slow sellers.
15. Which of the following is the BEST cannot be owned; and providers and
definition of a good? consumers form part of the service.
A. A tangible item which can be owned, b. Services confer no benefits; are intangible;
stored, and evaluated. are time- and placedependent; are inconsistent;
cannot be owned.
B. A tangible item which cannot be owned,
stored, and evaluated. c. Services are intangible; are time- and
place-dependent; are inconsistent; cannot be
C. An item that can only be bought at an branded; and providers and consumers form
in-person store. part of the service.
D. An intangible item which can be owned, d. Services confer ownership; are intangible;
stored, and evaluated. can be consumed at any time or place; are
inconsistent; and providers form part of the
e. Services confer benefits; are intangible; are
Module 4: Recognize the importance of time- and placedependent; are inconsistent;
marketing mix in the development of cannot be owned; and providers and
marketing strategy. consumers form part of the service.
1. Broadband provision/ internet provision is
an example of a service industry.
7. There are 7Ps in the services marketing mix.
True False What are the additional 3Ps?
2. Car insurance and IT consultancy are a. people, physical evidence and process
b. peripheral products, packaging and people
True False
c. people, physical evidence and presentation
3. Services do not contribute to a country‟s
economy as they do not result in any net d. physical evidence, presentation and process
increase in wealth. e. process, pricing and packaging
True False
4. Increase in leisure time is one of the reasons 8. A business wishes to meet the needs and
behind the growth of service industries. wants of customers better by delivering a
True False higher quality service. Which element of the
marketing mix will the business focus on to
5. Products can be categorized as either goods achieve this?
or services. Very few have significant elements
of both. a. Product
4. They are protected by consumer protection 10. What does the overall marketing mix
laws. create?
A. Businesses and customers A. Customer needs
B. Just customers B. Business objectives
C. Just businesses C. A unique selling point for a product
5. This is excluded in the marketing mix? 11. Which of the following descriptions
provides the best definition of the
A. Price
marketing mix?
B. Profit
A. The way products are arranged in a retail
C. Promotion store to maximize sales
B. The way a business combines the main
6. Where are premium products most likely to marketing elements to sell products that meet
be sold? the needs and wants of customers
● the process to be followed in
effectively manufacturing or
delivering a product or service.
● the day-to-day operations of a
business. Internally, the process must
abide with industry standards and
policies (ex. ISO Certification).
● this is the worker.
● When setting up a business, finding
honest and capable people is always a
challenge. In my experience, people
can be honest but may not be capable
or competent and some are capable but
not honest.
● It is a rare find to find someone with
all the ideal qualities. So for a
businessman, they must be able to
- Inorganic Chemistry
- Industrial Chemistry
- Nuclear Chemistry
- Variable composition
- Components retain their
characteristic properties
- May be separated into pure
substance by physical methods
- Mixture of different composition
may have vividly different
● Homogeneous Mixture
- Same composition
- Components are
- E.g. Juice
● Heterogeneous Mixture
- The study of matter, the changes that - Do not have same composition
matter undergoes, and the energy throughout
transformations that accompany each - Components are distinguishable
change - E.g. Halo-halo
- The science that deals with the Pure Substance (Physical Change)
compositions and properties of matter
- Fixed composition
Branches of Chemistry - Cannot be separated into simpler
substances by physical methods
- Analytical Chemistry - Properties do not vary
- Biochemistry ● Compounds (Chemical Change)
- Organic Chemistry
-Can be decomposed into - the property of a metal's ability to
simpler substances by be distorted below compression
chemical changes, always - Gold is the most malleable metal
in a definite ratio
● Elements (Chemical Change)
- Cannot be decomposed into
Does the Properties depend on the
simpler substances by
amount of substance?
chemical means
- No
Classification of Matter
➢ Intensive Physical Property
- Matter ➔ Color
➔ Is made up of very tiny ➔ Melting point
units called atoms ➔ Boiling Point
- Element ➔ Density
➔ A substance made up of - Yes
only a single type of atom ➢ Extensive Physical Property
- Compounds ➔ Mass
➔ A substance in which atoms ➔ Volume
of two or more different ➔ Length
elements are combined with ➔ Shape
one another
2 Types of Physical Properties
- The composition and properties of
an element or compound are ● Extensive Physical Property
uniform throughout a given sample - Depend on the amount of
and from one sample to another substance
- Elements and Compounds are - depends on the amount of
called Substances. matter in a sample
- E.g. Volume, Mass, Size,
Weight, Length
● Intensive Physical Property
- Independent of the amount
Physical Property of substance
- a property of matter that
- One that a sample of matter depends only on the type
displays without changing its of matter in a sample and
composition not on the amount
- Are those that a substance shows - E.g. Boiling Point, Color,
by itself, without changing into or Temperature, Lutser,
interacting with another substance Hardness
- Ability to rust
- Formation of precipitate
- Reacts with water, oxygen, acids,
Examples of Physical Properties bases, or other substances
- Flammability
- Color
- Shape How the substance react to the presence
- Odor of:
- Mass
- Volume - Air
- Magnetism - Avid
- Conducting Electricity - Bone
- Strength - Water
- Flexibility - Other chemicals
➢ Decantation
- the process of separation of
liquid from solid and other
immiscible (non-mixing)
liquids, by removing the
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures liquid layer at the top from
the layer of solid or liquid
below. The process can be
carried out by tilting the
mixture after pouring out
the top layer.
Separating Mixtures:
➢ Filtration
- Can be used to separate an
insoluble substance from a
soluble substance
➢ Distillation
- a physical separation based
on the vaporization of the
different components of the
mixture to be separated
- The process of distillation
begins with heating a liquid
to boiling point. The liquid
evaporates, forming a
vapor. The vapor is then
➢ Magnetism/ Magnetic Separation
cooled, usually by passing
- separating mixtures of two
it through pipes or tubes at
solids with one part which
a lower temperature. The
has magnetic properties
cooled vapor then
condenses, forming a
➢ Centrifugation
- A device that can rapidly
spin/ mixture is separated
through spinning
- a method of separating
molecules having different
densities by spinning them
in solution around an axis
(in a centrifuge rotor) at
high speed
Law of Definite Composition
3 Components of Self-Concept
Less inner conflict
When your outside actions are in
Ideal Self
accordance with your inside feelings and
The ideal self is what a person
values, you will experience less inner
wants to be. This person has the attributes
or qualities you are either working towards
or wanting to possess. It’s who you
Better decision-making
envision yourself to be if you were exactly
You’ll have guidelines you can
as you wanted.
apply to solve life’s varied problems
Refers to how you see yourself at
You’ll have the insight to know
this moment in time.
which values and goals activate your
Attributes like physical
characteristics, personality traits, and
social roles all play a role in self-image.
Resistance to social pressure
However, self-image may or may not
When you are grounded in your
match reality.
values and preferences, you are less likely
to say “yes” when you want to say “no”
How much you like and accept
It is the value we place on
Tolerance and understanding of others
Your awareness of your own
It can be affected by a number of
foibles and struggles can help you
factors which includes how other see you,
empathize with others
how you think you compare to others, and
your role in society
Vitality and Pressure
Being who you truly are helps you Generating Ideas
feel more alive and makes your experience The purpose of generating new
of life richer, larger, and more exciting ideas is improving what already exists as
well as coming up with something new
What is Personal Effectiveness?
Means getting the best out of 3 Kinds of People In the World
yourself. It’s an approach to success that
involves utilizing all of your energy, skill Moviegoers
and motivation to develop and reach the -Watches the movie of their lives, admires
goals you set for yourself some parts and criticizes other
-Feels she has absolutely no control of
The 7 Skills that Will Greatly Increase their lives - except to comment about it
the Efficiency of a Person -The most pathetic, miserable people in the
A positive emotional feeling that Actor
involves persevering towards a difficult -Does not only watch the movie of her life
goal in spite of obstacle -Realizes she is the actor and can control a
big part of her life
Self-Confidence -Can make or break the movie
A feeling of trust in one’s abilities, -Happy bunch, realizing they are the start
qualities, and judgment of the show and enjoy some level of
Firm or obstinate continuance in a Scriptwriter
course of action in spite of difficulty or -Does not only watch and doesn’t only act,
opposition but creates the entire movie from her mind
-Determines what she will say, will do, and
Managing Stress how the movie will end
Offers a range of strategies to help -Sees that the movie of her life would turn
you better deal with stress and difficulty in out beautiful
your life
Lesson 2:
Problem Solving Skills Human Development
Helps you determine why an issue Is a form of development that
is happening and how to resolve that issue focuses on human growth and changes
across a person’s lifespan; including
Creativity physical, cognitive, social, intellectual,
Defined as the tendency to generate perceptual, personality, and emotional
or recognize ideas, alternatives, or growth
possibilities that may be useful in solving
problems, communicating with others, and 8 Stages of Human Development
entertaining ourselves and others 1. Prenatal
2. Infancy
3. Early Childhood 4. Learning to be Literate
4. Late Childhood 5. Developing a value system
5. Adolescence
6. Early Adulthood Adolescence (12 to 18 Years)
7. Middle Age Is the age of transition from
8. Old Age childhood to adulthood, in which sex
maturation and rapid physical growth take
Prenatal (Conception to Birth) place, causing changes in how individual
Is the age at which all physical feels, think, and act.
characteristics, both external and internal,
are fully developed, and hereditary Characteristics (Adolescence)
endowments and sex are fixed. 1. Achieving Mature Relations
2. Achieving Independence
Infancy (Birth to 2 Years) 3. Achieving Socially Responsible
Is the age of foundation when Behaviour
fundamental conduct is arranged and many 4. Acquiring Values and an Ethical
Ontogenetic maturation skills are System
developed 5. Preparing for Life
What is Mindfulness?
Is the ability to be fully aware of Practice Gratitude
where we are and what we’re doing, and When we practice gratitude, we
not excessively reactive or overwhelmed concentrate on the good things happening
by what is happening around us. It is a in our lives right now. By putting our
practice that allows us to be in control of attention on the good, we free up more
our lives. time to create a better and happier future.
Discrimination - the unjust or prejudicial Eight (8) simple rules which could help us
treatment of different categories of people teenagers, to become a responsible
or things, especially on the grounds of adolescent who is prepared for adult life:
race, age, or sex. 1. Focus on your studies and do well
in all of you endeavors
Self-Esteem - confidence in one’s own 2. Take care of your health and
worth or abilities hygiene
3. Establish good communication and
Introduction relation with your parents or
In this world of working parents guardian
and video games, in some families, teens 4. Think a lot before doing something
can go through childhood and adolescence 5. Choose to do the right thing
without a real sense of responsibility. 6. Do your best to resist temptations,
They’re occupied, but not prepared for a bad acts, and earthly pleasures and
successful life. Having responsibility for commit to being a responsible
things that matter and that contribute to the adolescent
welfare of others is part of a teen’s 7. Respect yourself
preparation for the future.
8. Be prepared to be answerable or the adolescent’s increasing
accountable for your actions and maturity and responsibilities in the
behavior family and community
● Is more and more aware of social
Physical Development behaviors of friends
● Most girls have completed the ● Seek friends that share the same
physical changes related to puberty beliefs, values, and interests
by age 15 ● Friends become more important
● Boys are still maturing and gaining ● Starts to have more intellectual
strength, muscle mass, and height interest
are are completing the ● Explores romantic and sexual
development of sexual traits behaviors with others
● May be influenced by peers to
What is Physical Development? risky behaviors (alcohol, tobacco,
It involves developing control sex)
cover the body, particularly muscles and
physical coordination What is Social Development?
Refers to the process by which a
Emotional Development child learns to interact with others around
● May stress over school and test them
● Is self-involved (may have high Mental Development
expectations and low self-concept) ● Becomes better able to set goals
● Seek privacy and time alone and think in terms of the future
● Is concerned about physical and ● Has a better understanding of
sexual attractiveness complex problems and ideas
● May complain of parents ● Starts to develop moral ideas and
preventing him or her from doing to select role models
things independently
● Starts to want both physical and What is Mental Development?
emotional intimacy in relationships Are the progressive changes and
● Try the experience of intimate improvements during mental maturation.
What is Emotional Development? Courage to be Imperfect
Refers to the ability to recognize, By: Timothy D. Evans, Ph.D
express and manage feelings at different
stages of life and ton have empathy for the Encouragement is the key ingredient
feelings of others for improving your relationships with
others. It is the single most important skill
Social Development necessary for getting along with others-so
● Shifts in relationship with parents important that the lack of it could be
from dependency and considered the primary cause of conflict
subordination to one that reflects and misbehavior. Encouragement develops
a person’s psychological hardiness and many houses.
social interest. Encouragement is the Most commonly, we discourage in five
lifeblood of a relationship. And yet, this several ways:
simple concept is often very hard to put ● We set standards that are too high for
into practice. others to meet because we are overly
Encouragement is not a new idea. Its ● We focus on mistakes as a way to
spiritual connotation dates back to the motivate change or improved behavior.
Bible in Hebrews 3:11 which states: ● We make constant comparisons (self to
Encourage one another daily.” other, siblings to one another).
Encouragement, as a psychological idea, ● We automatically give a negative spin
was developed by psychiatrist Alfred to the actions of others.
Adler in the early 20th century and ● We dominate others by being overly
continued to evolve through the work of helpful, implying that they are unable to
Adler’s follower Rudolph Dreikurs. do it as well
However, even today, relatively new
educators, parents, psychologists, leaders Encouragement is not a technique nor
or couples have utilized this valuable is it a special language used to gain
concept. Most of the time, people compliance. Encouragement conveys the
mistakenly use a technique like praise in idea that all human beings are worthwhile,
an effort to “encourage” others. simply because they exist. In one sentence,
Mr. Rogers does more for a child’s sense
Half the job of encouragement lies in of adequacy than a hundred instances of
avoiding discouraging words and actions. praise when he says, “I like you just the
When children or adults misbehave, it is way you are.” Not I like you when you do
usually because they are discouraged. it well enough, fast enough and get it all
Instead of building them up, we tear them correct. Encouragement develops
down: instead of recognizing their efforts children’s psychological hardiness—their
and improvements, we point out mistakes: ability to function and recover when things
instead of allowing them to belong through aren’t going their way.
shared decision-making and meaningful
contributions, we isolate and label them. Encouragement enhances a feeling of
belonging which leads to grater social
Most of us are skilled discouragers. We interest Social interest is the tendency for
have learned how to bribe, reward and, the people to unite themselves with other
when that fails, to punish, criticize, nag, human beings and to accomplish their task
threaten, interrogate and emotionally in cooperation with others. The Junior
withdraw. We do this as an attempt to League mission of “developing the
control those we love, bolstered by the potential of women and improving
mistaken belief that we are responsible for communities through the effective action
the behavior of everyone around us, and leadership of trained volunteers” is
especially our spouses and children. These rooted in the idea of social interest.
attempts to control behavior create
atmospheres of tension and conflict in The first step to becoming an
encouraging person is to learn to you may want to make concerning your
distinguish encouragement from life:
discouragement. As a rule, ask yourself: I declare:
Whatever I say or do, will it bring me - That I am totally free of all addictions.
closer together or farther apart from this - That I will sill survive any attempts of
person? others to control my life.
- That I am free in my mind, body, and
DECLARATIONS -That I am free to set goals and reach
By: Dr. Emily De Carlo - That I am a loving individual with the
So often we accept the declarations capacity to give love.
that others have made concerning our own - That I am a child of a God with all rights
lives, well-being or fate. It is imperative and privileges thereof.
that we recognize that in order to achieve - That I will contribute to the welfare of
what we want in life, we must not give our others.
power away to others by accepting heir - That I will be an ambassador of goodwill
declarations concerning our affairs. When to all I meet on the journey.
one decides that he or she will boldly - That I will be a good example for others
declare good fortune, wellness, joy, etc. to follow.
relative to his or her life, all of heaven will - That I will help all that I can to reach
break loose! Goodness and mercy shall their goals.
surely follow. - That I will speak words of
encouragement to others.
From birth, we often told what we are - That I will find the goodness in life and
going to be. Sometimes, this is a good focus on it.
thing, but suppose you have been told time - That I will not succumb to the negative
and time again that “you will not amount influences of others.
to anything just like your mother and - That I will read the information that will
father?” this is a dangerous declaration encourage my personal, and spiritual
because it sets into motion the growth.
actualization of an unwanted occurrence. - That I will commit to being the best I can
All of us want to amount to something! In be.
order to counteract this and all of the
negative declarations with their destructive These declarations are meant to encourage
potential, one must consciously replace you to take control of the influences in
them with one’s owns declarations. In so your life. They are suggestions as to what
doing, you are now in control of setting positive things you can speak about your
into action what you really want to occur. own life instead of accepting whatever has
You can declare that goodness and mercy been said about you in the past. You now
shall surely follow you all the days of your have the authority to plant the seeds of
life! love, encouragement and victory in your
garden., thereby crowding out the weeds
The following are some declarations that of negativity that may already have taken
root! Also, you can work to eliminate
controllable stress factors, such as running
Just us in the garden, you may have to pull late or not getting enough sleep.
and pull until you get some weeds out.
Sometimes, the negative comments and Causes of Stress
declarations of others have taken such a
stronghold in our lives, that we must Understanding why you are under stress is
persist until we see the bough not only fall, important.
but break into pieces. Don’t be This may seem obvious, but it
discouraged if you don’t reach your goals requires deliberate, conscious effort to
overnight. Just remember that even a small pause and simply ponder your situation.
stream of water will crack concrete By now, you are familiar with the stress
eventually!! response, the emotional or physical
symptoms of uncontrolled stress. Now you
“One of the greatest struggles of need to try to discover the stressors, the
becoming an adult is figuring out what factors of which create the stress in your
you want to do and what makes you life.
happy. The courageous thing is to stick
with it and see it through and see if you Analyze your Stress Factors and Write
were correct.” Them Down
- Kristen Stewart
Lesson 5: Write down your response to stress
Coping with Stress in Middle and Late
Adolescence For example, you may write down, “I feel
tired most of the time. My lower back
Stress seems to ache all through the day and
● Dictionary definitions do not quite night. I miss deadlines and run behind
capture the meaning of stress as it schedule.” Write down your response to
is seen and experienced in the stress
world of work
● A practical way of defining stress Analyze stress responses and
is the feeling one gets from consequences, and consider each item, and
prolonged, pent-up emotions. ask why. “Why am I feeling tired? Why
● It as an emotional factor that does my back ache? Why do I run behind
causes bodily or mental tension schedule?
Wall painting by Josef Luciano Dans Painting was made by Fernando Amorsolo
found in St. James the Apostle Church in “Grand Old Man of Philippine Art” and
Paete, Laguna. Painting was dated 1850 born in Manila. A reminder of the
and depicts heaven, crucifixion of Christ, traditions and customs of the Filipino.
earth, Adam and Eve, and hell, with
sinners with different transgressions Bayanihan
(infringement or violations).
➔ Visual Arts
1. 1972 Fernando C. Amorsolo (May
30, 1892 - April 24, 1972)
2. 1973 Carlos " Botong" V.
3. 1973 Guillermo E. Tolentino
4. 1976 Victorio C. Edades
5. 1976 Napoleon V. Abueva
6. 1981 Vicente Manansala
7. 1990 Cesar Legaspi
8. 1991 Hernando R. Ocampo
9. 1997 Arturo R. Luz
10. 1999 J. Elizalde Navarro
11. 2001 Ang Kiukok
12. 2003 Jose T. Joya
13. 2006 Abdulmari Asia Imao
14. 2006 Bencab
15. 2009 Federico Aguillar Alcuaz
16. 2014 Francisco Coching
• When folk dances are compared • A people whose way of life existed
from one culture to another, before any Spaniard or other foreigners
they have in common no stepped foot on the Philippines.
universal movement, figure,
• Dances reflects ritual which celebrate
form, style, or function.
their daily lives, a good harvest, health,
• Neither does a specific peace, war and other symbols of living.
movement, figure, form, style,
• Gongs and Ganza.
or function identify a dance as
a folk dance. • Kalinga – “Banga”
• Bontoc – “Pattong”
2.Spanish Influence Dances • Also known as Ethnic dances; Ethnic
minorities found in different parts of the
• Philippine Aristocrats created Filipino Philippines (T’boli Bilaan, Manobo,
adaptations of European dances. Bagobo)
• Jota’s, Fandangos, mazurkas and waltz. • T’boli – “Mada Tahaw”
• Dance by socialites to the stringed music • Manobo – “Bangkakaw”
of the Rondalla.
5. Rural Dances
• Dances reflect Christianity, European art
and culture. • Shows gaiety & laughter, festivities
• “Saut sa Rarug”
4. Tribal Dances
Costumes in the Philippine Folk Dances
• intricate craftsmanship in metal, clothing,
and jewelry · Typical Spanish Elite
Ø Female MARIA
• reflects rituals & animals, belief in
“spirits” & shamans, nature – “anito”
Ø Male: Barong Tagalog
• animal sounds, human singing and
and Black Pants
indigenous material,
· Rural (Tagalog)
Ø Female: BALINTAWAK in the archipelago. It is
with soft panuelo & characterized by the
tapis movements of one or
more dancers between
Ø Male: Camisa de Chino two bamboo poles while
& trousers of different these are beaten in a
colors certain rhythm against
each other and onto the
· Rural (Visaya)
Ø Female : Kimona and
Ø The Tinikling is an
Patadyong with soft
indigenous folk dance
whose origin lies on the
Ø Male: Barong or Camisa island of Leyte. The
de Chino and trousers name refers to a bird
of any color that is known in the
Philippines as Tikling, a
· Cordillera/Tribal term that is commonly
used for a whole range
Ø Male: G –string, short
of Squacco species. The
jacket and shoulder
dance as we know it
band, feathered head
today is inspired by the
bird’s showy gait when
o “Bahag” it struts through the
grass with its long stilts
Ø Female: Hinabi na teala and the way it runs
(hablon) through branches or
Ø Accessories (beads) dodges bamboo traps
set up by rice farmers.
· Muslim
Ø There are mainly four
Ø “Sigpit” or “Sablay” people taking part in the
dance – two male and
Ø Patadyong two female dancers.
Ø Malong pants While one couple takes
the dance position, the
Most Popular Folkdances in the other couple takes over
Philippines the handling of the
bamboo sticks. There is
· Tinikling Dance one person on either
end of the sticks
Ø The Tinikling is the
kneeling on the floor
official national dance
and facing each other.
of the Philippines and
The bamboo poles are
one of the oldest dances
approximately 9 feet imitating dance’
(about 2.75 m) long and popular in Samar then,
are lying parallel next to the Sabay. According to
each other on the floor Fr. Alcina the dance
in the beginning. imitates flying birds. An
illustration in that same
Ø Itik Itik Folkdance book had a caption: “su
danza para hombre y
Ø The Itik-Itik dance is
mujer” (dance for man
popular among the
and woman); very
Visayans of the
appropriate for the
province of Surigao del
characteristic Waray
Norte. It has many
amenudo dances.
variations of steps from
which the dancers Basic Folk Dance Steps
choose and combine. Its
steps are similar to the
movements of a duck
(itik, in Filipino), as it
walks with short,
choppy steps and
splashes water on its
back while attracting its
mate. It is used in folk
dances in different parts
of the Philippines.
For moderate-intensity physical activity,
your target heart rate should be between
64% and 76%1,2 of your maximum heart
rate. You can estimate your maximum Piling Larang
heart rate based on your age. To estimate
Lesson 1: Akademikong Pagsulat
your maximum age-related heart rate,
subtract your age from 220.
- Isa sa mga pinakamahirap na
For example, for a 50-year-old person, the
hasaing kasanayan sa
estimated maximum age-related heart rate
komunikasyon ang pagsulat.
would be calculated as 220 – 50 years =
(Nakakaangat ang mga indibidwal na may
170 beats per minute (bpm).
kasanayan sa akademikong pagsulat o
intelektwal na pagsulat.)
The 64% and 76% levels would be:
•64% level: 170 x 0.64 = 109 bpm, and
•76% level: 170 x 0.76 = 129 bpm
Ang pagsulat ay isang komplikadong ● Mag-organisa ng mga ideya
proseso na nangangailangan ng sapat na ● Mag-isip ng lohikal
panahon upang maging mahusay rito. ● Magpahalaga sa orihinal
(Kasanayang nililinang. Ang mahusay na ● Magsuri
manunulat ay may mapanuring pag-iisip.)
(Akademikong sulatin o intelektwal na
Ang pagsulat ay isang pagsulat. Kailangan ng mataas ng
masistemang paggamit ng mga grapikong pag-iisip.)
marka na kumakatawan sa espisipikong
linggwistikong pahayag (Rogers, 2005) Personal na Pagsulat vs. Akademikong
Ano ang ibig sabihin ng masistema?
ANo ang tinutukoy sa grapikong
Personal na Akademikong
marka? Pagsulat Pagsulat
● Nang-aaliw
● Maikli ang nilalaman
Magbigay aliw sa mga awdyens o
● Gumagamit ng ikatlong panauhang
● Gumagamit ng baligtad na tatsulok
● Okasyunal
● Matapat sa pagbabahagi ng
Isinusulat at binibigkas para sa
isang partikular na okasyon.
(Maituturing na isang marketing tool ng
manunulat, maging ng kaniyang
Talumpati ayon sa Kahandaan Ang isang mahusay na talumpati ay
hindi isinulat ng isang araw
● Impromptu o Dagliang lamang.
Biglaang talumpati kung saan Pangkalahatang Estruktura ng
ibinibigay ang paksa sa tiyempo mismo na Talumpati
kailangan magtalumpati. a. Panimula
b. Pangunahing Mensahe (Diskusyon
● Extemporaneous o Extempore o Katawan)
Binibigyan naman ng kahandaan c. Pabaon (Katapusan o Konklusyon)
subalit limitado lamang sa pagitan ng
pagkuha ng paksa at mismong paligsahan
● Isinaulong Talumpati o
Talumpating Handa
Ang mananalumpati o
tagapagsalita ay binibigyan ng panahon sa
pagsulat o paggawa ng kaniyang talumpati
As further strengthened with the arrival of The connection appears to be more evident
the Spanish missionaries and their in ‘ambivalent’ drinking cultures where
introduction of Catholicism. one needs a reason for drinking than in
Japanese Drinking Culture ‘integrated’ drinking cultures where
- Exercised through concern for drinking is morally neutral element of
others than for self shown by daily life and does not necessitate a
having to make sure that the glass justification.
of another member in the drinking
session does not fall empty In the Philippines, owing to the significant
- Filling glasses by another person feature of ‘integrated’ drinking cultures in
present in the circle, which is Europe is likewise adopted in Philippine
viewed as an expression of social society.
bond and cohesion, as well as
concern for the other members of Objective/ Aim:
the session - this study intended to describe the
Social drinking or drinking, in social dynamics of Filipino social
general drinking, otherwise known as
- serves various purposes tagay. Specifically, it aims to
throughout the course of respond to the following
traditions within a culture, such
objectives: (1) define tagay as a
as a camaraderie, initiation,
ritual, medicinal, and many distinct drinking culture among
others. Filipinos, looking into social
Alcohol considerations, gender-related
- has become an important interactions, power relations, and
component of social relations with material components; (2)
substantial global value and social determine the technicalities of
significance and hence regarded as tagay ; and (3) assess the
a multi-dimensional phenomenon
perceptions, interpretations, and
- Widely and abundantly consumed
in simple get-togethers, personal definitions of
celebrations, special occasions, at participants on tagay - its social
fiestas, rice-harvesting ceremonies, and personal importance, social
and healing rituals and personal functions, and
- Functions as a relaxant challenges faced.
Wilson (2004) Significance:
- Supports this in his paper that - The significance of this study
alcohol consumption [or drinking] may provide Filipino sociologists
and anthropologists with a intoxication- as Morris (1998) puts it,
detailed view of the social alcohol exaggerates the emotion felt in
dynamics and interactions within such a way that a happy drinker becomes
tagay and its possible implications happier, and a sad drinker becomes
for Filipino values and larger sadder. In this case, drinking plays a
communal functions and dynamics. utilitarian function (Savic et al., 2016).
Invitation and Participation
The research was conducted in various - Personal invitations such as, being
locations in the province of Cebu, offered a shot, a wave or being
Philippines wherever and whenever pulled in to join the circle
drinking sessions were accessible and - Virtual communication such as ,
available. through texts, calls, or chats by
Pseudonyms and codes friends or associates
- were used in this study to protect - Invitations are unnecessary for as
the identity of research informants. long as friends are gathered, tagay
No children or participants under is surely an activity to be done as
the age of 18 were observed or stated by one informant
included in and during the conduct - Self-invitation (Others would view
of this research. self-invitation and the person
Reasons for Engagement committing the invitation as
- Festive ritual associated with someone leeching on freebies, as
celebration remarked, at no expense)
- Essential element of festivity In a setting where tagay is already
- Intention to escape reality ongoing, the majority of the informants are
- An effort to unwind and relax after invited directly by the participants of the
a busy engagement active session, usually through calling out
- Let loose unwanted and undesired or being offered a glass or shot. Sharing, in
emotional stress such as, this case, is done in a friendly sense and
“broken-heartedness” goes with the cross- cultural governing
- Celebratory such as, birthdays stipulation of the socially contextualized
- Unwinding and letting loose consumption and sharing of alcohol
emotional tension from work which requires that sharing be done in a
- Emotional de-stressing friendly way with expressions of goodwill
- There is no definite reason for (Mars & Altman, 2003; Heath, 1991;
doing so Thornton, 1987) towards the establishment
Drinking of a shared identity, or the unification of
- Perceived as an important Others and the self (Labor
companion to sociability and a & Gastardo-Conaco, 2021), among
considerably inexpensive and members of the social drinking act.
effective relaxant. Rejection to join or engage in the session
Although it is observed that drinking is met with various treatments and
does not necessarily augment the responses. Most of the informants do not
emotional stress felt and is often see many issues in the rejection to drink or
intensified as a result of the influence of join, considering various reasons for
declining, such as not being in the proper or ridiculed, and if the behavior
condition or not having permission from persists, it is met with ostracization
other members of the family (wife or - Inappropriate behavior when
parents). drinking
Those who reject an invitation or offer is - Aggression
often labelled as indifferent or “others” in - Overtsexuality
colloquial terms. - Over-emotionality
Time Requirements - Terms and jargon, expressions, and
- It may be done any time for as long cussing are done with relative
as permissions are acquired from freedom without prejudice
family members adn people of Even though tagay is an avenue for
close relations (i.e. spouse, openness and vulnerability, the
girl/boyfriend, parents, etc.) excessive involvement of emotions,
- Unplanned drinking sessions are excessive cursing and expressing, the
more likely to be realized than deliberate wastage of alcohol, and
planned prolonged holding of the glass, are
- Usually happen in the late parts of grounds for disapproval of the group as
the day, particularly in the late these may cause inconvenience to
hours of the evening the members of the group.
- May typically last between 3-5 Venue
hours - Accessibility and affordability
- May also depend on financial - Emphasis on comfort, safety,
resources, reasons for session, propriety, and access to alcoholic
further commitments, and tolerance drinks
of the group - Most prefers on their homes due to
The commencement of a tagay session lesser expenses and access to
relies on establishing the social resting amenities
requirements of the session, usually when - Homes
participants are gathered in one place. - Grills
Drinking sessions were commenced when - Bars
the first shot was offered to one of the - Convenience stores
group members, usually facilitated by the - Anywhere calm, comfortable, and
Gunner, tanggero, or tig-tagay - the person accessible
responsible for passing out shots via single - Men are usually seen drinking in
glass [FN-1 to FN-4]. public i.e., sidewalks, roadside
Acceptable and Unacceptable Behavior convenience stores, and quiet
- Extreme drunkenness neighborhood
- Excessive emotional openness Age Considerations
- Mismanagement such as, - In the Philippines, the drinking age
exaggerated crying, excessive is set starting from 18 years old,
sadness, and poor temperance with current legislative bills still on
- Fails self-control while under the debate in the House of Congress
influence of liquor is reprimanded and with existing executive
mandates such as Presidential
Decree 1619, which penalizes the - Most of those who engage in tagay
use of possession of unauthorized are men, with casual involvement
sale to minors of volatile of women
substances - Patriarchal notions in Philippine
- Must be exclusive to those at least society implying that alcohol is a
18 years old owing to the presumed man’s drink
better-established sense of self- - Drinks consumed differ between
control and tolerance to alcohol men and women
- Importance of early-age drinking - Beer, brandy, whisky, gin, rum, etc
towards the eventual mastery of is tend to be partaken by men
tagay - Women consume mild versions of
- This attitude towards drinking drinks such as, light or flavored
among children is likewise beers, flavored gin, mules
observed in China and France, (cocktails made with ginger beer or
albeit the mid or late teens are ginger ale), citrus juice, and any
preferred when speaking in kind of spirit
matters of legality (Heath, Elements and mechanism of tagay
1995a). Small quantities of - The effective conduct of Tagay is
alcohol are given to children under not only governed by social norms
the supervision of adults, and and agreed-on rules but also relies
children drink. They also acquire a on the presence of certain
elements- material and social-
set of attitudes regarding the
which allows for the execution of
practice (Barnett, 1955). Tagay, in the social act, guided through
terms of age, considerations are certain mechanisms. This section
looked upon based on legal and will discuss these.
cultural perspectives, though not - Material components (tools, drinks,
necessarily in complete coherence food). The material components
with each of these aspects. utilized in the session are few and
mundane: the glass, chairs,
Engaging in tagay requires certain alcoholic drinks, and food. The
considerations on age but may not glass or cup plays a vital role in
necessarily be as rigid. Timely and Philippine Social Science Journal
early exposure to the practice, Volume 5 Number 3
guided by elders and more July-September 2022 16
experienced drinkers, allows for - The tagay as this is what gives the
drinking culture its identity. In any
the acquisition and development of
tagay , there can only be one glass
certain skills on tolerance and (or 2 glasses when there is a
behavior and the understanding of chaser), and this is passed on to
the tacit aspects of the practice- the members of the session,
such as meaning and value, facilitated by the gunner (a more
relations building, etc. contemporary term), tanggero
(Filipino), or tig-tagay (Bisaya).
The determination of the
Gender engagement and gender and
alcoholic drink is usually based
power relations on group consensus and budget,
but within certain types of - Disapproval of topic is shown
liquor depending on the nature through indifference, gestures of
of the occasion. Beer is usually disinterest, or a deliberate
drunk during informal or relaxed
expression of disapproval
occasions [FN-1 and FN-2], while
spirits, i.e., imported or premium Participants and their roles
brandy, whisky, or rum, are - The drinking session is comprised
consumed in special celebration of at least 2 participants with two
events [FN-3 and FN-4]. Beer and primary profiles of participants- the
hard drinks may also be gunner, tanggero, or tig-tagay , and
consumed in one sitting [FN-1 the rest of the participants. The
to FN-4]. This dynamic of drink
gunner plays a significant role in
choice is supported by Morris
(1998) in the discussion that the session. He or she is
every drink carries a symbolic responsible for facilitating the
meaning and conveys a message flow of the drinking session via
and that drinks define the nature a single glass. He or she
of the occasion. controls the speed of the
- Tagay is accompanied by finger drinking session and determines
food known as pulutan (from the
the amount of alcohol for each
Tagalog term pulot meaning to
‘pick up’) or sumsuman (from the shot for each person in the
Bisaya term sumsum meaning to group [FN-1 to FN- 4]. As shared
‘indulge’), which is usually an by the informants, the gunner is
easily consumable food responsible for determining the
(Caballar, 2016). Commonly drunkenness of the different
partaken are chips, and fried foods,
members of the group- he or she
usually with strong flavors to
combat the bitterness of the must not become drunk before
alcohol, and are likewise subject to everyone else and must sustain
budget availability [FN-1 to FN-4]. himself or herself throughout the
- Tagay comprises a triage of session. This person is usually
material components- the glass, the the host or could be the
drinks, and the food- with the glass youngest in the group and drinks
serving as the primary identity
the first shot before everyone else-
component of the drinking culture.
Though in most settings, karaoke marking the start of the actual
(similar to a jukebox) is also tagay. Further, the appointment of
present and is generally looked for the gunner is openly determined
or requested. either through volunteerism or
Topical Considerations appointment by the group. All
- Not Confined to a limited and other members of the group also
categorical set of choices possess certain roles. Some may
- It is subject to the desired or be the bringer of conversation,
uncontrolled flow of exchange in a while the rests are listeners and
group commentators. Others may play
- May range from deep and personal as entertainers or comedians and
matters to anything else serve as caretakers of those who
have passed out. In general, the
role of other members in the Fundamental Unit of Measurements
group, apart from the gunner,
are diverse and openly defined. Ø Scientific Notation
These are not determined
- Scientific notation offers a convenient
beforehand and only spring up as
way of expressing very large or very
the session progresses, and more
small numbers. A positive number is
shots are consumed.
written as a product of a number
Interpretations and limitations of tagay
between I and l0 and a power of 10.
- Social drinking, in this case, tagay,
For example, 9.63 x 107 and 2.3 x 10-6
possesses symbolic meaning
are numbers written in scientific
- Tagay is interpreted as a cultural
exercise symbolic of celebration,
enjoyment, socialization, and Standard notation to scientific
letting loose notation
- In African cultures, social drinking
and social alcoholic drink provide Convert each number to
strengths, happiness, adn scientific notation:
hospitality and reinforce social
hospitality and communality a. 580,000,000,000m b.
- Informants view the importance of 0.000068g
tagay as a means of boosting
friendships, strengthening bonds,
and socialization a. Determine the power of l0
- Personal importance of tagay is by counting the number of
expressed in that it uplifts places that the decimal must
self-confidence, improves move so that there is a single
self-discipline, and helps in deeper nonzero digit to the left of the
understanding and knowledge of decimal point (11 places).
friends and family Since 580,000,000,000 is larger
Limitations than 10, we use a positive
- Lack of commitment from power of 10:
- Emotional mismanagement 580,000,000,000m = 5.8 x
- Growing apprehension to culture 1011m
brought by accidents related to
overconsumption of alcohol b. Determine the power of l0
- Health risks such as, liver by counting the number of
complications, hypertension, and places the decimal must move
tuberculosis (transmitted by the so that there is a single nonzero
partaking from a single glass digit to the left of the decimal
point (five places). Since
0.0000683 is smaller than 1, we
use a negative power of l0:
General Physics
0.0000683g = 6.83x10-5g Percentage of Precision = 100% - % of
Ø Accuracy
AE= Absolute deviation
- It refers to the closeness of the
measurements to the true or accepted O= observed value/measured value
value. A new spring balance is likely
to be more accurate than an old spring M= mean of several measurements
balance that has been used many times.
AE= |O-A|
Percentage of Error =
Scalar Quantity
· f= force Ø resistance
· a= acceleration Ø frequency ()
v= Example 1:
overall displacement?
x1 x2
This means that vector addition is 4. Find the sum of the y- components.
commutative (the order of addition is
∑⃗𝒗 𝒚 =⃗𝒗 𝟏𝒚 + ⃗𝒗 𝟐𝒚 + ⃗𝒗 𝟑𝒚
5. Use the sum of the x- components
The direction of a resultant vector can
and the sum of the y- components to find
often be determined by use of
the resultant (magnitude) and its angle
trigonometric functions. Recall the
meaning of the useful mnemonic SOH
CAH TOA of the three common • Magnitude: (⃗𝒗 𝑹)𝟐 = (∑⃗𝒗 𝒙)𝟐 + (∑⃗𝒗
trigonometric functions - sine, cosine, and 𝒚)𝟐
tangent functions. These three
trigonometric functions can be applied to • Direction: Use any of the
the hiker problem to determine the trigonometric functions: sine, cosine,
direction of the hiker's overall tangent
displacement. The process begins by the
selection of one of the two angles (other Example 5:
than the right angle) of the triangle. Once
An ant crawls on a tabletop. It moves 2 cm
the angle is selected, any of the three
East, turns 3 cm 400 North of East and
functions can be used to find the measure
finally moves 2.5 cm North. What is the
of the angle. Write the function and
ant’s total displacement.
proceed with the proper algebraic steps to
solve for the measure of the angle. The Solution:
work is shown below.
Step 1: Draw the vectors
https://www.physicsclassroom.com Step 2: The 2-cm vector has no component
along the y-axis and the
Vector Addition: Component Method
2.5 cm has no component along the x- = 1.03
axis. The components
Θ = 45.85 o
of the 3 cm vector are found this way,
Therefore, the final displacement is … dR
To show the components of the vectors, = 6.17 cm 45.85o NE.
you may present them in a table.
To add vectors that are not in the same or
Vector dx dy perpendicular directions, we use method of
components. All vectors can be described
2 cm E 2.00 cm 0 in terms of two components called the x
component and the y component. Adding
3 cm 40O NE 2.31 cm 1.92 cm
the vectors graphically using their
2.5 cm N 0 2.50 cm components produces the same result.
Components can be added using math
∑ 𝑑⃗⃗𝑥 = 4.31 𝑐𝑚 ∑ ⃗𝑑⃗𝑦 = 4.42 methods because all x components are in
𝑐𝑚 the same plane as are all y components.
Furthermore, x and y components are
Step 3: If the sum of the components on perpendicular and can be added to each
each axis is drawn, we get this figure other using Pythagorean theorem.
dR = √ 18.58 cm 2 + 19.54 cm 2
= √ 38. 12 cm2
dR = 6.17 cm
4.31 cm 1. distance
- actual path covered by a moving
particle measured in meters (m)
4. acceleration
Ø Average Speed
Instantaneous speed
Ø Circular Motion
- If air resistance is
disregarded, projectiles Relative Motion
- The laws of physics which be used with the airplane or
apply when you are at rest boat examples.
on the earth also apply
when you are in any The relative velocity of an object A with
reference frame which is respect to object B is the rate of change of
moving at a constant position of the object A with respect to
velocity with respect to the object B. If VA and VB be the velocities of
earth. For example, you can objects A and B with respect to the
toss and catch a ball in a ground, then The relative velocity of A
moving bus if the motion is with respect to B is VAB = VA – VB The
in a straight line at constant relative velocity of B with respect to A is
speed. The motion may VBA = VB – VA Relative Motion in One
have a different appearance Dimension In one-dimensional motion,
as viewed from a different objects move in a straight line. So there are
reference frame, but this only two possible cases:
can be explained by
●Objects are moving in the same direction
including the relative
velocity of the reference ●Objects are moving in the opposite
frame in the description of direction Again take the example of a man
the motion. sitting on the train if the train is moving
with 100 km/hr forward. Then according
Relative Velocity
to the man sitting on the train, the trees
- One must take into account outside are moving backwards with 100
relative velocities to km/hr. Because from the man’s point of
describe the motion of an view, the outside environment is moving in
airplane in the wind or a the opposite direction to the train with the
boat in a current. Assessing same velocity. So for all types of
velocities involves vector questions, if you have to find the velocity
addition and a useful of A with respect to B, then assume that B
approach to such relative is at rest and give the velocity of B to A in
velocity problems is to the opposite direction.
think of one reference
frame as an "intermediate"
reference frame in the form:
Put into words, the velocity
of A with respect to C is
equal to the velocity of A
with respect to B plus the
velocity of B with respect
to C. Reference frame B is
the intermediate reference
frame. This approach can