Educational Soundness Evaluation Checklist

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The purpose of the evaluation checklist is to determine whether or not a Learning

Resource (LR), Teaching Resource (TR) or Professional Development Material (PDM)
achieved a general level of Educational Soundness. This refers to the standards set forth
by the Department of Education (DepEd) to achieve quality of the LR/TR/PDM. This
checklist is used by the subject matter or curriculum specialist (Learning Area
Supervisor/Education Program Supervisor and Learning Resource Evaluator) or
instructional-developer to design and/or review a resource.
Resources NOT meeting the MANDATORY (*) qualities should not be further
evaluated. The reviewer should complete the checklist and provide a description of the
issues in the Comments Section. The completed checklist is submitted to the QA
Circle/Team Leader (Learning Area Supervisor/subject matter or curriculum/program
specialist). Any resource that passes this initial review will be subjected to a more
extensive Educational Quality review.

Resource Title: ________________________________________________________________


Teacher-Developer: _________________________________________________

School/District: _____________________________________________________

Check (√ ) YES, if the LR that you evaluate and assess integrates the following
considerations stated hereunder; or check (√ ) NO, if it violates certain guidelines on
educational soundness. Write something in Comments and Issues or
Remarks/Recommendations column for improvement. If an instance that neither a YES or a NO
does not apply, just check (√ ) Not Applicable (NA), except for the mandatory statements.

Educational YES NO Not Applicable (NA)

Soundness/Quality Check all Check all Comments and Issues
(*MANDATORY) that apply that apply Remark(s)/Recommendation(s)
1. Content is accurate and
reflects the ways in which
knowledge is conceptualized
within the domain. *
2. It supports learners’
deepening of knowledge within
the content domain.
3. It presents controversial
issues with balance and fairness
and in accordance with the
DepEd curriculum policies,
where these apply.

Address: Apolinar Velez St., Brgy. 29, Cagayan de Oro City, 9000
Tel. No.: (088) 881-3094 | Text: 0917-8992245 (Globe)
Email: [email protected]

Educational YES NO Not Applicable (NA)

Soundness/Quality Check all Check all Comments and Issues
(*MANDATORY) that apply that apply Remark(s)/Recommendation(s)
4. It uses language and symbols
of the content domain and its
ways of representation, and
supports learners in developing
and using them.
5. The following are used
correctly and appropriately:
 terms and expressions
 symbols and notations
 diagrammatic
 graphical representation *
6. It assists the learner with
identifying and differentiating
between different points of view
and perspective presented.
7. It uses content in ways
that are real to life/authentic
for learners/users:
 are not over simplified
or trivialized
 makes sense to learners
within their imaginary or
real world
 are realistic within
the relevant context
 enhances learner’s social
capital – their knowledge of
how the world works and
how to make a way in it.
8. It reflects the profile of the
target learner/user for the
curriculum or training area.
9. It presents the same idea to
learners/users in
multiple/multidirectional modes
 visual text (e.g.
pictures, diagrams)
 verbal (written) text
 symbolic representations
 oral (spoken) text
 both static and
dynamic images
10. Learning objectives are
made explicit to learners/users.


Educational YES NO Not Applicable (NA)

Soundness/Quality Check all Check all Comments and Issues
(*MANDATORY) that apply that apply Remark(s)/Recommendation(s)
11. The target learners/users are
clearly identified (academic
ability/demographics addressed).
12. Content is structured
to scaffold learning.
13. It provides an opportunity for
learners/users to obtain
feedback either within or outside
the resource.
14. Pre-requisite
knowledge/skills are clearly
identified and their
connections to prior and future
learning are established.
15. It is easy to use (time and
effort to use it is reasonable)
and the language is appropriate
for the intended learner/user.
16. Clear instructions for use
are provided (i.e., purpose,
processes, intended outcomes
are explicit).
17. Learning and information
design is intuitive (i.e., the user
knows what to do and how to
do it).
18. The learning resource can
be accessed by learners/users
in deprived, depressed and
underserved areas and
19. The resource may not
require teacher/facilitator
intervention to be used
effectively in varied learning
environments and learning
sequences (i.e., it may include
instructions, terms, material in
English/Filipino/local dialect
as maybe necessary).


Educational YES NO Not Applicable (NA)

Soundness/Quality Check all Check all Comments and Issues
(*MANDATORY) that apply that apply Remark(s)/Recommendation(s)
20. The learning resource
connects to learner’s
personal/local knowledge
and experience
 linguistic and
cultural experience
 local (community/geographic)
 individual and family
circumstances – including
gender, abilities,
economic conditions
 interest and degree of
engagement (in particular
addresses differently
abled learners)
21. Resource confront or
embarrass learners in any
way or all of the following
 require learner to expose
personal data which may
embarrass them
 invade learners’ privacy
 unfavorably compare
learners’ learning
performance with
learners’ identity
 unfavorably or
stereotypically compare
family or community
characteristics with
learners’ identity
 unnecessarily or
indiscriminately confront
cultural beliefs or practices
22. Equivalent or alternative
access to information is available
for learners with diverse needs
 identical content or activity
is presented in different
 different activities that
achieve the same learning
outcome are available


Result of Evaluation of the Resource:

General Comment/s, Remark/s, Suggestion/s and Recommendation/s:

(NOTE: Checklist indicators are based on the Evaluation Template 7.2 of the Guidelines and
Processes for LRMDS Development and Production)
(Please sign below and at the back of each page.)
I/We certify that this evaluation report and comment/s, remark/s, suggestion/s,
recommendation/s are my/our own and have been made without any undue influence from others.
Evaluator(s): Signature(s):
__________________________ ________________________
__________________________ ________________________
__________________________ ________________________
Date: ______________


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