LAS G12 WEEK 1 2nd Quarter PHILO

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Second Quarter- WEEK 1


COMPETENCY: Realize that “all actions have consequences.”

CODE: PPT11/12-IIa-5.1
At the end of the week, you shall have:
Knowledge ● define freedom and its kinds through a diagram

Skill ● demonstrate the kinds of freedom through categorizing situations

Attitude ● reflect on the consequences of freedom through a given situation

Week 1

Grace Mae O. Montenegro

References /
I. Lesson Contents
Grade 12. Self-
Learning Module
What is freedom?
(SLM) Quarter 2-
Freedom, generally, is having the ability to act or change without Module 5- Lesson
constraint. Something is "free" if it can change easily and is not constrained 2, Department of
in its present state. In philosophy and religion, it is associated with Education,
having free will and being without undue or unjust constraints, Cagayan de Oro
or enslavement, and is an idea closely related to the concept of liberty. A City Division
person has the freedom to do things that will not, in theory or in practice, be
prevented by other forces.

What is the essence of freedom?

- The ability to make choices and perform those choices.
- The ability to be what we want and to decide and create
Two concepts that will help us fully understand freedom:

1. Freedom itself
✔ “Freedom is generally defined as having the ability to act or
change without constraint-Wikipedia” Someone or something is
“free” if he/it can do or change anything effortlessly and
✔ A person or an animal has the freedom to do things that will
not, in theory, or practice, be prevented by other forces. But
freedom has its particular limitations beyond himself because
he is bound by consequences of his actions either to promote
goodness or destruction to himself or other persons.
Your teacher gave you a pen and paper. The goal here is to make
these two items useful for you. You can either use the pen to write a letter or
draw something on the paper. You can also transform the paper into a paper
airplane and write a message on it and throw it in the air until it finally lands
to another person’s lap. Using your freedom as an instrument to create
action without constraint is its true meaning.
2. Free will
✔ Free will is the ability to choose different courses of action
without restrictions. If we exercise our free will, we get to
decide on things that will lead to results, either good or bad,
beneficial or not.
✔ The actions that we do depend on the values we uphold and
the acceptance and expectations of the community we live in,
including family members and friends that we care about.
✔ To be precise, free will is our ability to choose things according
to our moral reasoning, which can also be related to our
previous lesson on self-determination or the ability to select on
what is right and wrong, that a person’s action determines what
kind of person he or she becomes.


1. Physical Freedom

✔ Physical freedom refers to the absence of any physical

restraint. The person has the freedom of mobility to go
where he or she wants to go. He or she is not impeded in
his or her actions by any physical force.
✔ Granted that the person has natural limitations, physical
freedom enables him or her to act and move in determined
manner. You cannot be everywhere at once, but your
freedom allows you to move one place to another and to go
whenever you want to go.

2. Psychological Freedom
✔ Psychological freedom is also called freedom of choice. The
person is free to perform actions that he or she considers right
and wise. A person is also free to act or not to act.
✔ Psychological freedom is innate and cannot be denied to a
person. No outside force or influence can compel a person to
take action against his or her will.

3. Moral Freedom
✔ Moral freedom refers to using freedom in a manner that
upholds human dignity and goodness. Freedom is not an
object that a person may use in whatever way he or she
✔ A person must use his or her freedom to grow as a person. A
person becomes freer when he or she uses freedom well but
becomes less free when he or she uses it in a wicked way.
✔ Humans have a natural inclination for what is right and moral,
and when a person uses his or her freedom to do acts that
violates human dignity and goodness, he or she dehumanizes
himself or herself and effectively negates human freedom.

References /
II. Activities

Activity 1: Knowledge Objective

Directions: Using the diagram below, copy it on an A4 size bondpaper
and fill it with your own definition of freedom. Write also your own
definition of the kinds of freedom and give at least one (1)
to it.

Definition of Freedom

Physical Freedom Psychological Freedom

Moral Freedom
Rubric for Student Definition
 Definition demonstrates strong understanding of concept.
 Student used an appropriate strategy and there were no errors.
 Student completely define each kinds of freedom.
 Definition demonstrates good understanding of concept.
3  Student used an appropriate strategy is utilized but there were minor errors in
notation or labels.
 Definition is nearly complete but some gaps exist.
 Definition demonstrates some understanding of concept
2  Student used an appropriate strategy but application is inconsistent and there are
significant errors in giving definition.
 Definition is vague or inconsistent.

Activity 2: Skills Objective

Direction: Read and analyze the given situations below and categorize
it to the kind of freedom it belongs. Use the given table below and
write a short explanation why that certain situation belongs to that
certain kind of freedom.
● Situations:
1. Daniel’s school shoes are still in top shape except that its color is
dried out. Instead of buying new ones, he decided to fix it and
polish it well.
2. With the knowledge that the following day is their unit test, Justin
stayed up late playing video games.
3. Leo decided to help his parents put up their backyard garden
instead of going out with his friends.

Situation/s Explanation/s

Situation/s Explanation/s

Situation/s Explanation/s

Rubric for Student Explanation

 Explanation demonstrates strong understanding of concept.
 Student used an appropriate strategy and there were no errors.
 Student completely justified their claims..
 Explanation demonstrates good understanding of concept.
3  Student used an appropriate strategy is utilized but there were minor errors in
 Explanation is nearly complete but some gaps exist.
 Explanation demonstrates some understanding of concept
2  Student used an appropriate strategy but explanation is inconsistent and there are
significant errors
 Explanation is vague or inconsistent.

Activity 3: Attitude Objective

Direction: Read the given situation below and answer the questions
briefly and honestly.
Your parents cautioned you about going out with friends or
classmates after school and that you should be home early to help
out in the household chores. But your best friends insisted that you
will watch movies together and they will pay for the meals and tickets.
1. What is your take on this?
2. Have you experienced the similar situation? What are the
consequences of the choice you make?
3. How important realizing first the consequences that may happen
in making decisions?

Rubric for Student Explanation

4  Explanation demonstrates strong understanding of concept.
 Student used an appropriate strategy and there were no errors.
 Student completely justified their claims..
 Explanation demonstrates good understanding of concept.
3  Student used an appropriate strategy is utilized but there were minor errors in
 Explanation is nearly complete but some gaps exist.
 Explanation demonstrates some understanding of concept
2  Student used an appropriate strategy but explanation is inconsistent and there are
significant errors
 Explanation is vague or inconsistent.

III. Performance Task (Authentic) Rubric

Directions: Rubrics:
⮚ Make a poster showing freedom and its CRITERIA POINTS
⮚ Any situation may be drawn as long it fits
-(If the poster fits to
to a freedom and the consequences that
the topic freedom
may happen.
and its 20
⮚ Do your poster in an A4 size bondpaper. consequences..)
⮚ Consider using any art materials to make Organization
your poster presentable.
-(If the poster has all
the information about 10
the poster. This
includes the title and
-(The graphics used 15
in the poster are all
related to the topic.)
-(If the poster is 5
presentable and not

Total: 50 points

IV. Answer Key

Activity 1 Answers
- The answer will depend on the students.

Activity 2 Answers
- The output will depend on the students.

Activity 3 - Answers may vary.

V. Key to Corrections

Activity 1 (Possible Answers)

Definition of Freedom : Freedom is being you without asking a

Physical Freedom : The ability to move around and control your
own body
Psychological Freedom : Self determination process beyond
biological control
Moral Freedom: It is to honor God's design of purity and holiness.

Situation/s Explanation/s
1.Daniel’s school shoes are still in Because Daniel has a freedom of
top shape except that its color is choice. He chose to just
dried out. Instead of buying new
fixed it rather than buying a new
Activity 2 ones, he decided to fix it and polish
it well.
He still have his own choice but he
2.With the knowledge that the
choose to play video games than
following day is their unit test, Justin
sleeping early in preparation for
stayed up late playing video games.
tomorrow’s exam.
3.Leo decided to help his parents
put up their backyard garden
He decided his own to help his
instead of going out with his friends.
parents rather than being with
friends he uses his own freedom o

1. What is your take on this? For me, I will not go with my

classmate even if they will pay for me or not because I respect my
parents rules.
2. Have you experienced the similar situation? What are the
consequences of the choice you make? Yes, But I never go with
them. It was lonely sometimes and missed the fun but I always
respect my parents rules for I believe they only wish what’s best
for me.
3. How important realizing first the consequences that may
happen in making decisions? Realizing it first will lead you to the
right way and that would result harmony and peace within

Activity 3
VI. Reflective Feedback
Write a reflective feedback about what you have learned about freedom by answering
the questions inside the box. You may express your answers in a more critical and
creative presentation of your great learning. Have fun and enjoy!

References : Grade 12. Self-Learning Module (SLM) Quarter 2- Module 5- Lesson 2, Department
of Education, Cagayan de Oro City Division

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