Department of Transport
by G R W A I ' r S
The views expressed in this report are not necessarily those of the Department
of Transport
ISSN 0266-5247
Page Page
Neg.No. R688 87/4 Neg.No. R739 87/1
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In addition to the measurement of vibration and
noise, surveys of the buildings, traffic and soil were Time and frequency domain analyses were used to
completed. analyse the data. Most of the time domain analyses
were carried out on site.
foundations, front facade, and middle of suspended lists these values for 15 rain sampling periods
floors and window panes during 15 min periods were throughout the day at sites A, B and C. A t the
determined using signal averaging *. The sound farmhouse (site D), peak values in a full hour of
pressure at facades was also analysed in a similar monitoring are given both for the period before the
way. For the vibration records this enabled the increase in traffic and during the period when lorries
dominant frequencies to be identified and rms values were delivering the pipes to the store. The highest
in the low (4-20 Hz) and high (20-100 Hz) frequency vibration amplitude of 0.92 m m / s was recorded at
bands to be determined by integration of this spectral the town house (site A) and the frequencies with
density function. In the case of the noise recording, which the threshold was exceeded at this site also
the decibel scale was used and integration yielded tended to be greater than at other buildings. An
the dB level in the 20-100 Hz band. examination of the table shows that there is no
obvious systematic pattern in exposure throughout
the day. A t building D the significant increase in
peak levels in the after period can be clearly seen in
each hour. Figure 2 shows this change in vibration
7 RESULTS dose in greater detail. Only one event produced a
A large quantity of data was collected and analysed PPV greater than 0.1 m m / s in the before period yet
and the most important results are presented below. in the after period 32 exceedences occurred in a
similar period. These increases were almost entirely
due to the pipe delivery lorries.
7.1.1 Vibrations at foundations The frequency contents of the vertical vibrations at
the front foundations are shown in Figure 3 where
The vibration dose at each building was characterised the spectral density is given for sites A, B and C
by the frequency with which perception levels were during a 15 min sampling period. It is clear that at all
exceeded at the foundations in the vertical direction sites the dominant frequencies are below 20 Hz and
and by the maximum recorded amplitudes. Table 1 the peaks of the distribution are in a narrow range
from 9 - 1 2 Hz. By integrating the spectral density
function and taking the square root, the rms value in
m m / s was calculated for low and high frequency
* The spectral density referred to is the autospectrum and is bands (see Table 2) and this again indicates the
the magnitude squared of the Fourier transform of the time dominance of low frequency vibrations. The rms
signal. It indicates the distribution of power in the vibrations
across the selected frequency band. levels are very low at the church (site B) since it was
A linear average of several hundred spectra was computed only occasionally that heavy vehicles crossed a small
for each analysis period. sunken drain cover producing perceptible vibrations
20 ~
>0( ~ Before period
16 =-
14 :::::: "_ "_ ~ HGVs delivering pipes 1
!ii!ii ~ and sand to store ( After
12 :::!::: ~ ~ ~ Other HGVs I periOd
8 . .
6 . .
4 . .
o-o.o49 0.05-0.099 o.1 - o . 1 4 9 3o.15
Peak velocity of event (ram/s)
measured near foundations of porch
(ram/s) 2 per HZ
0.2x10 - 3
0.1x10 - 3
0 50 100
0.01x10 - 3 ,
Site B -- Church
0.005x10 - 3 w
0 i
_i . . . . . . . 1 .....
L ...... l
_,.J~dld'lll~ .J .... I~
0.06x10 - 3 ,
0.03x10 - 3
_ ~J~.~ I I -J--- I I
0 ,h
0 50 100
Frequency (Hz)
RMS levels for vertical vibration at foundation level
RMS velocity
at the foundations. Because of this, extraneous noise movement of the east and west walls in the radial
was a problem and resulted in the spurious peaks direction even at a height of 30 m in the tower at the
between 60 and 80 Hz. It is estimated that the rms west end of the church. In contrast there was
value for the higher frequency band was inflated by relatively large amplification in the radial direction at
about 40 per cent and the corrected value is given in first floor level at sites C and D. There was little
the table. attenuation of this motion at the rear of the
farmhouse (site D) at first floor level, and both walls
appeared to rock in phase on their foundations.
7.1.2 A m p l i f i c a t i o n o f v i b r a t i o n s
There was however a significant reduction in the
The amplifications of the vibrations that occurred in radial motion at this level at the timber-framed
the buildings are shown in Table 3 where the PPVs cottage (site C), since the amplification reduced from
at various points in the building are related to that 3.4 to 1.2
measured in the vertical direction at the front
foundations. The numbers in brackets refer to the
measurement points shown in Figure 1. Radial and 7.1.3 S o u r c e o f v i b r a t i o n s
transverse measurement directions are also defined in Building C was only 2 m from a de-restricted stretch
this Figure. In all cases at the front foundations the of road where HGVs frequently passed at speed and
vertical component was largest. Vibrations of the it was thought that there was a possibility that
front facade tended to be greater at higher levels and detectable low frequency vibrations due to air
this was especially true of vibrations in the radial pressure pulses or quasi-static depression of the road
direction where amplifications of over four occurred. surface might be evident. As explained in section 2,
On the rear facade vibrations were lower but the the frequency of these vibrations would probably not
increase with height was still apparent. Vertical exceed 3 or 4 Hz in most cases. To examine this
vibrations of suspended floors were in all cases much possibility, a spectral density plot of the radial
higher than at the front foundations, the component of velocity at the front wall at first floor
amplifications in this case ranging from 2.5 to 5.1. level was computed from the average of eight of the
The increase with height is well illustrated at the most significant vibration events caused by HGVs
town house (site A) where amplification increases passing close to the building. This is shown in Figure
from 0.9 on the ground floor which was solid, to 5.1 4, and even allowing for the reduction in sensitivity
on the suspended wooden floor at third floor level. of the geophone below 5 Hz (eg sensitivity at 2 Hz is
Table 4 lists the natural frequencies and dimensions approximately -~ that at 10 Hz) there is no evidence
of these suspended floors together with the dominant of any substantial vibrations at these lower
frequency of vertical vibration at the foundations. frequencies which might result from these
A print out of particle velocity at several positions on
the front facade at site A showed the principal mode To demonstrate that the source of the observed
of vibration was a rocking motion on the foundations vibrations at this site was due to ground-borne
at about 11 Hz since the vibrations at various heights vibrations, simultaneous measurements in the radial
were approximately in phase and the radial motion at direction were made at the kerbside and on the front
top floor level was nearly four times the wall at first floor level. Time histories of the
corresponding level at the foundations. The church vibrations for the period when a large three-axled
(site B) was over 60 m long which meant that most lorry passed close to the building at speed are given
components at the west end were much reduced due in Figure 5. By close inspection it can be seen that
to the attenuation with distance. The time delay for the first six major oscillations in the vibration traces
vibrations to reach the far wall was 0.34s (wave for the kerb and wall geophone are similar. The
speed 180 m/s) and opposite walls were vibrating out dominant vibrations in both records occur at a
of phase as a consequence. There was relatively little frequency of 11 Hz and cross-correlation analysis
CO ~ ~ I~ 1~
~ o ~
d om d d
0 0~1 ~ ~ ~ 1.0
d d ~ d d
t- 0
O ~D
d od d d c- r- "1- ~ 0 0
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d oo d d o m
° ¢- "o
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> d od d d
"13- I o
m z t-
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0 dddd - O"
~n I ,~ ~0 ~0 "e-
o ~--r"
0 0 0 0 ~ "o
o ffl
-,I Q. Z
..J •" ~ 0
o ~ ~ ~
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_ 0
.o_ '~ EEEE E o
(1) A "o
> EE
N ddd d~o X X X X o
0 .~ ~
I~_ "o o 0 0") O~ ~ ~ ',d" ~ (~0
o C
~d~ d ~E ~ ~: > ,-r o
°o g X C~ 0 exl 0~__ ~ ~ c~ "8
~-. r. co o~.~ ~o co co o o
dd~ d~ ~ ~ ~i 0 "o
> " I
0 c-
~., t E~ O
,.j 0
0 E
< 0
._J •- - ¢N ('o , r - , -
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_J ,-_m - -
d dd d d d
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0 E
O') .~- ~ 0 .-- CO o
~ E ~e Z
Based on the average of eight spectra
f ~......j,'L~ _ i I I I .I I
50 100
Frequency (Hz)
Fig.4 Spectral density for the radial component of particle velocity of
the front wall at Site C at first floor level
Radial velocity at kerb
0.1 m
--0.2 I I I I I I I I
1 2 3 4
Radial velocity at first floor level on front facade
--08 I ! J ! ! I J i I I
1 2 3 4
shows a delay of 80 ms. It would appear that the on flexible structures such as suspended floors
wall is lightly damped and continues to vibrate at a (Watts, 1987b) the rms values for floor vibration
frequency close to the forcing frequency after the given in the table indicate the importance of
major vibrations at the kerb have decayed. It is also ground-borne rather than airborne vibration as levels
apparent that the wall vibration is later re-excited by in the l o w frequency band 4 - 2 0 Hz are greater than
minor peaks of ground-borne vibration. in the high frequency band where acoustically
coupled vibrations normally tend to dominate.
7.1.4 Noise levels
Table 5 lists the linear noise levels recorded at the 7.1.5 Window vibrations
building facades in the 20-100 Hz band and the In the case of w i n d o w vibration the d o m i n a n t
frequencies at the peaks of the spectra. Although frequencies are much higher and peak acceleration
low frequency noise produces the greatest response amplitudes exceed 10 m / s 2 (Table 6). A t site B,
Noise levels at facades and upper floor vibrations
Noise Vibration
At side D, due to low traffic flows, rms vibration levels and noise levels were both very low and affected by
extraneous factors.
Maximum recorded window vibrations
RMS window acceleration at church (site B)
RMS acceleration
measurements were made when the organist played distance to the building was over 30 m. It was
and traffic levels were low in order to provide a thought that this profile might deepen as a result of
context for judging the importance of traffic vibration the large increase in lorry traffic and this might
exposure compared with that resulting from the contribute to higher vibration levels in the after
normal use of the building. The organist was period. Figure 6 shows the profile in the before and
instructed to play the full range of notes in order to after periods and it can be seen that differences are
excite resonances in the stained glass window panes. very small being of the order of a few millimetres at
In this way it was hoped to create the worst case maximum and may in part be due to measurement
conditions likely to be produced by the organ. The error. It was considered that the measured
Table shows that the maximum vibration amplitude irregularities at all the sites produced the largest
produced by the organ was lower than that produced contributions to the vibration levels observed but it is
by traffic although of the same order. Since a likely that other surface irregularities in the vicinity
detailed study of the conditions of similar windows would have made some contribution. This was
exposed to and removed from traffic was made at probably the case at sites A and D where the road
site B a more detailed examination of the vibration surfaces were generally uneven.
dose at two pairs of windows was made. Table 7
lists the rms levels of these four window panes and
also records the linear noise levels at 1 m from the Direction of traffic
exterior of the windows at opposite ends of the 10
church. The window on the south wall at the east o
end 'buzzed' as vehicles passed by and it was clearly
~ Beforeincreasedlorryflow f
driven by low frequency noise. The rms levels are
E -20 ~" " - ~ _ . ., /
substantially greater in the higher frequency band as
can be seen in the table. These levels for the E-
exposed windows are 4 - 5 times greater than the
similar windows away from traffic reflecting the large
differences in sound pressure levels. --50 ~After increas~ed
-60 I I I I I
0 1 2 3 4 5
7.2 D Y N A M I C CRACK M O V E M E N T S Distance along road (m)
At all sites the maximum recorded crack movements Fig.6 Road surface profile contributing to
produced by passing heavy vehicles were very small significant vibrations at Site D
and of the order of one micron, and were in most
cases hardly distinguishable from the background
noise level of the instrumentation. At site D, where
the strain gauge was attached across a crack in the
brickwork directly above the porch, slamming the 7.4 BUILDING S U R V E Y S
front door produced a peak amplitude of 22 microns. The reports on the structural surveys carried out by
engineers from English Heritage are given in the
Appendix. Summaries of the important findings are
7.3 ROAD SURFACE PROFILE given below.
The maximum depths and heights of significant road
surface irregularities at the sites are given in Table 8.
The largest depression at any of the sites was 50 mm 7.4.1 Building A--town house
deep and was due to the presence of a misaligned The building at 3 Widcombe Parade had been altered
service cover and a poorly backfilled trench. However at various stages in its history and this affected the
this did not result in the largest peak levels being ground floor and first floor levels, The only visible
recorded at this site (D) since the propagation sign of distress in the interior was a crack in the
TABL r 8
party wall next to the stairs between first and second 7.4.4 Building D--farmhouse
floors. On the external facade a crack had developed The building near Honiton was fully inspected on
above the beam over the shop front. This followed four occasions. On the 28th January 1988 the first
the joints in the ashlar blocks and was probably survey was carried out before the increase in lorry
caused by the sagging of the beam spanning the traffic. It was next surveyed on the 20th April which
shop front. The front wall was reasonably plumb, the occurred in the middle of a six week period when the
variation from the vertical up to a height of 5.8 m pipes were being delivered to the store and then
was only 22 ram. again on the 17th June in the middle of a similar
period when the pipes were being hauled back past
the house to be delivered to various parts of the
7.4.2 Building B--church
pipeline. Inspections were also carried out on the
The church was in very good condition structurally. 12th August 1988 and 9th February 1989 after
There were only two lines of fracture that were deliveries had finished. With the exception of the
noted as being of any importance. These were at the porch, the main building was found to be in good
crown of the arches of the chancel both on the north structural condition. The north gable wall had some
and south side and indicate a slight outward lean of minor cracking and flaking to the render. The front
the east gable wall. It was concluded that this and side walls of the porch had an outward lean of
cracking was probably due to the greater weight of approximately 40 mm over a height of 1.5 m and
the east gable wall compared with the smaller weight there were some cracks on the north elevation above
of the side walls. Very many churches of all ages the porch door. The settlement of the porch and
suffer fractures adjacent to the east gable. The associated cracking had possibly started some
condition of the stained glass windows exposed to considerable time ago and had been caused by
high levels of vibration and those not so exposed inadequate foundations or poor subsoil. Little or no
was very similar. further movements had taken place in the porch over
the monitoring period: for example, the recently
repointed corners between the porch wall and the
7.4.3 Building C--timber-framed cottage main wall had not cracked and measured crack
This building has a timber-framed gable wall which movements were relatively small (the largest being
leans towards the road and has a bulge at first floor 0.09 ram) and were probably due to seasonal
level. However there are no indictions that this changes.
movement is continuing and in fact some distortion
is apparent on an early photograph reproduced in a
book published in the early 1940s (Russel, 1941).
Unfortunately the building appears quite small in this The hourly flows are listed in Table 9. For sites A, B
picture since the photograph was taken from the and C these were estimated from 15 rain counts
other end of the village so it is not possible to infer during each hour. The A435 adjacent to the timber-
the degree of tilt accurately. framed cottage (site C) carried the highest lorry flow
Traffic flow by site
Hourly flow for hour beginning Percentage
Total flow of heavy vehicles
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10:00-18:00 (%)
A Light* 908 904 976 972 932 968 1008 1368 1344 1016 6472 10.4
(Town house) Heavy** 108 144 184 108 120 128 140 96 60 48 980
B East Light -- 456 568 504 492 588 580 820 564 460 4572 ~} 12.5
(Church) wall Heavy - - 1 0 8 64 112 108 72 88 64 36 44 652
West Light -- 76 132 108 100 100. 164 104 92 92 876 } 6.4
wall Heavy -- 0 8 8 12 8 8 12 4 0 60
Light -- 672 608 616 512 648 752 956 900 780 5664
C 17.6
(Timber-framed Heavy - - 184 148 140 192 184 136 140 88 136 1212
* Light: Cars and goods vehicles ~<1.5 tonnes ** Heavy: Goods vehicles >1.5 tonnes, buses and coaches.
both in terms of the total number and also when are soft layers recorded and for such ground
expressed as a percentage of all vehicles. The conditions other work shows that for a given set of
farmhouse (site D) was exposed to the lowest flow conditions relatively large vibrations can be induced
of HGVs, there being only 48 in the measurement in nearby buildings (Watts, 1989).
period before the pipe store was operational.
However this rose to 118 in the second 'after' period
when pipes were being distributed to various parts of
the pipeline. This was more than in the first "after"
period when pipes were being delivered to store and 8 DISCUSSION
was largely due to the opening of a subcontractors
depot nearby at the beginning of the second 'after' 8.1 E X P O S U R E TO V I B R A T I O N
period. Information obtained from the site office All the buildings were situated within a few metres of
suggested that these increased lorry flows were fairly roads carrying HGVs and they were exposed to a
constant over the two six week periods when pipes range of traffic vibration levels. The principal
were being moved. It is likely that the normal lorry vibration frequencies were below 20 Hz and peaked
flows on this road have not changed very much in in the 10 Hz region indicating that the source was
recent years since flow data for October 1986 ground-borne vibration produced by the dynamic
obtained from the Highway Authority shows a similar loading of the road surface by passing heavy
level (61 in a 12 hour period 7:00 to 19:00). vehicles. This was indicated at the timber-framed
Additional flow information was obtained for the cottage (site C) and has been confirmed at other
other sites. At the town house (site A) the total locations near road surface irregularities (Watts,
flows of light and heavy vehicles between 9:00 and 1987a). At sites A and C these levels were relatively
19:00 hours in February 1982 were 7666 and 981 high and vibration amplitudes exceeded the level of
which are similar to those recorded in this study. At perception (0.3 ram/s) many times a day. The
the church (site B) in 1982 the total flow of heavy presence of soft ground at the town house (site A)
vehicles between 8:00 and 18:00 was 685 indicating may partly explain the relatively high vibration levels.
that this flow had not changed substantially in recent At the church (site B) there were few events which
years. At the timber-framed cottage (site C) the flow exceeded this threshold and this was probably due to
of light vehicles recorded in 1981 between 10:00 and the fact that the small sunken drain cover causing
18:00 was 5238 and the total for heavy vehicles was the high dynamic loading was only struck
1331, again similar to levels recorded in this study. occasionally. At the farmhouse (site D) the exposure
was very low before the opening of a pipe store
close to the building but this increased substantially
when the store became operational although it was
7.6 SOIL SURVEYS still below the exposures at other sites.
The particle size distributions and the moisture
contents of the soil samples taken at each site are
given in Table 10. It is evident that there was a large 8.1.1 Radial c o m p o n e n t of vibration
range of soil types: for example, the soil at the Generally vibration levels in the radial direction
farmhouse (site D) contains a high percentage of (horizontally, away from the point of loading on the
very fine particles consistent with a clay while at the road) were higher on upper levels of the buildings
timber-framed cottage (site C) there is a much larger and this has been found in previous studies (Watts,
percentage of larger particles which could be 1987b and 1989) and probably results from the lack
described as sandy gravel. Borehole data showing of restraint offered by the ground. The predominant
the types and depths of various geological strata are mode of vibration in the dwelling houses was a
given in Table 11. Only at the town house (site A) rocking of the front wall about the foundations. At
Soil characteristics near building foundations
A (Town house) 3 26 47 24 0 38
B (Church) 7 23 43 27 0 24
C (Timber-framed cottage) 12 7 35 46 0 15
D (Farmhouse) 43 27 22 8 0 29
Description of geological strata obtained from nearest borehole
Distance of borehole
Site Description Thickness (m) Depth (m) from site (m)
the town house (site A) this effect was probably thought to result from the reduction of dead load
exacerbated by the type of construction since the with height (Marshall and Hood, 1987). Amplification
front wall of ashlar blockwork was only 175 mm thick of the vertical component was very noticeable in the
yet over 8 m high. The side and rear walls were middle of floors at the fronts of the buildings. At the
nearly three times as thick and being stiffer town house (site A) the peak amplitude increased
responded to the ground-borne vibration to a much monotonically with height reaching over five times
smaller extent. The church (site B) had thick stone foundation level on the third floor. The amplification
walls with massive buttresses (see Plate 2) and as of the suspended floors relative to the foundation
expected the radial vibrations of the exposed wall level depends also on the mass and stiffness of the
were relatively small. A t the timber-framed cottage floor. Where the mass is relatively high and stiffness
(site C) there was a relatively large amplification of low, the natural frequency will be closer to typical
the radial component probably due to the flexible frequencies of ground-borne vibration and the
nature of the timber frame which was poorly damped response will tend to be high. Thus at site C where
and also because the natural frequency may have the natural frequency was highest the amplification
been close to the principal frequency of ground- was lowest (2.5) and the greatest response occurred
borne vibration. This was not the case on the rear on the floor with the lowest natural frequency where
wall as this was brick built and therefore more the amplification was 5.1 (site C). This trend was
substantial. A t the farmhouse (site D) both front and also noted in the first series of case studies (Watts,
rear walls vibrated in phase at a relatively high 1988).
amplitude. The absence of thick partition walls on
the first floor and continuous joists running from Peak vertical levels on the rear walls of the buildings
front to back probably contributed to this effect. were less than the corresponding levels at the front
since there was some attenuation with distance
especially at site B where the building was over 60 m
8.1.2 V e r t i c a l c o m p o n e n t of vi b rat i on long. In the absence of dissipative losses in the
There was generally an increase of the vertical underlying ground, the minimum attentuation
component of vibration with height but this was not expected can be calculated from the assumed
so large as the amplification of the radial component. circular spreading of surface waves from the road
This was also noted in a previous study and is surface irregularity. This leads to an attenuation rate
inversely proportional to the square root of the similar cracks in parts of the building not so exposed
distance from the source (Barkan 1962). On this basis to traffic vibration at the time so it cannot be
the expected attenuation to the south west corner is concluded on this evidence alone that heavy traffic
0.31 and can be compared with the average value had contributed to the movement. It should also be
measured at the foundations of 0.25 showing that noted that cyclic thermal movements of building
some small dissipative losses had occurred. materials and components are to be expected
(BRS 1970). For example a 6 m length of
unrestrained dense limestone would expand 1 mm if
8.2 W I N D O W V I B R A T I O N S the temperature increased by 30 Celsius. These
Low frequency noise levels at all sites where movements can be progressive particularly if there is
measurements were taken were relatively high an ingress of debris into these cracks. The stained
ranging from 85 to 89 dB at the exposed facades. glass windows chosen for study were of a very
This was expected as these buildings were close to similar age and construction and although the
carriageways carrying high levels of lorry traffic. exposed windows at the east end were subjected to
Consequently window vibration levels were high at average vibration levels 4 - 5 times that measured
these sites and the maximum acceleration of over near the west end there were no differences in their
10 m/s 2 was recorded at site A where noise levels conditions which could be attributed to the action of
were highest. The dominant frequencies in the traffic vibration. This is despite the fact that the
vibration spectra were in the range 40-200 Hz and window near the traffic on the south wall was found
clearly result from acoustic coupling rather than to have been exposed to a peak acceleration
ground-borne vibrations. These frequencies tended to amplitude of nearly 6 m / s 2 and "buzzed' noticeably as
increase with decreasing window pane size. This is vehicles passed. It is often the case that normal use
probably due to a decrease in natural frequency with of a building can produce vibration levels in parts of
window area (Steffens, 1975). the structure which are similar to, or higher than,
those produced by traffic (Watts, 1987b; Watts,
1988). For example, the peak acceleration of a
8.3 CAUSES OF D A M A G E stained glass w i n d o w produced by the church organ
The maximum amplitude of vibration of a structural approached the level caused by passing traffic and
element of any of the buildings was well below levels bell ringing can produce very high levels in a church
known to cause even minor damage directly. Some steeple. Steffens (1974) records a peak velocity due
minor damage from other vibration sources eg to bell ringing of 17 m m / s at 1.4 Hz at a height of
blasting and pile driving has been found to occur just 26 m in a tower 50 m high. This level is far greater
above a PPV of approximately 10 m m / s (Nelson and than that which can reasonably be expected from
Watts, 1987). However damage may possibly be passing traffic.
triggered in a building element weakened through
other causes and there are the further possibilities A t site C the timber-framed gable wall next to the
that low level vibrations over a period of many years road was highly distorted and responded readily to
may cause damage through material fatigue or ground-borne vibration. However an old photograph
induce differential settlement through soil indicates some distortion was present many years
densification or migration.
ago and before the advent of modern heavy traffic.
In addition a timber-framed building within a few
The most significant damage noted at the town miles of this site but situated away from heavy traffic
house (site A) was probably a result of the alteration showed a similar but more severe distortion (see
from a private dwelling house to a shop. The Appendix !2.3).
deflection of the beam over the shop front due to
the weight of the masonary above probably caused
the crack in the stonework. This is a common A t the farmhouse (site D) the large increase in
occurrence under such circumstances and it is exposure to traffic vibration has not been associated
unlikely that the damage was caused by the action of with any significant changes in the building. Changes
traffic vibration. in the crack widths on the porch and north wall have
been very small, and these may well be due to
At the church (site B) the major cracks were in the seasonal changes in temperature and humidity. Some
chancel arches close to the major road. However as minor cracking on the south gable wall that was
pointed out in the Appendix, cracking at these points noticed during the second after period may have
in similar churches not exposed to such vibration is been caused by substantial maintenance work that
common and is thought to result from the was carried out over the period of the surveys.
movements caused by the greater mass of the east
gable wall compared with the less massive side walls. A t all sites where dynamic crack movements were
Measurements were made of these crack widths by measured there was little or no movement due to
the church architects between 1977 and 1981 (Benny passing vehicles and it is therefore likely that these
1987) and show some movements. The largest cracks are not a direct result of exposure to traffic
increase was 2 mm and the largest decrease was vibration. Domestic activity such as slamming doors
1.4 mm. No control measurements were made of has been shown to produce measurable movements
in cracks adjacent to the doors. These movements investigations are similar to the first phase and are as
can be greater than those produced by traffic follows:
vibration (Watts, 1987b; Watts, 1988). (i) A t all sites ground-borne traffic induced vibration
was the most significant source of building
Finally, in case studies of this type it is not possible vibration. When the surface is even, airborne
to exclude the possibility that traffic has in some way vibration dominates, but in the cases studied
contributed to the observed damage and this was a surface defects up to 50 mm deep gave rise to
conclusion of the previous study (Watts, 1988). relatively high levels of ground-borne vibration.
Plausible reasons have been advanced to account for A t two sites levels were relatively high, regularly
the state of dilapidation based largely on the exceeding the level of perception at ground level.
judgement of structural engineers who have
specialized in heritage type buildings. Wide (ii) Maximum vibration amplitudes were greater on
experience of common types of damage in other upper floors and walls at the fronts of the
buildings of similar types to the ones examined in buildings than at foundation level.
this study provided the framework for assessing
(iii) Window pane vibration levels were relatively high
whether vibration effects are likely to be important.
and at one site where stained glass windows
However it remains a possibility that traffic vibration
exposed to high levels of airborne traffic
may exacerbate structural problems that are clearly
vibration were compared with similar windows
due to other causes (eg cracking above the shop
not so exposed, no differences in their condition
w i n d o w due to alteration works at site A) or may be
were found which were attributed to the effects
assisting soil settlement (eg the ground under the
of traffic vibration.
east wall of building B causing it to lean towards the
road). In other studies where tighter control of (iv) Damage surveys carried out by structural
extraneous factors was possible there was no engineers from the Historic Buildings and
evidence that traffic vibration has any significant Monuments Commission for England identified a
effects. In one study where a pair of semi-detached range of defects in the buildings ranging from
houses was exposed to high levels of simulated cracks in plaster finishes to more substantial
traffic vibration at levels which would be intolerable structural damage such as cracked stonework,
to most people (Marshall and Hood 1987) the only distortion of walls and foundation settlement. In
observed damage was minor cracking of plasterwork. all cases, however, it was concluded that the
It was concluded that this damage would probably main causes were likely to have been other site
go unnoticed in a normally decorated house. There factors rather than exposure to traffic vibration.
was no movement of the building despite the fact
that it was built on a fairly loose sand and some
densification of the sand was expected. In another
study the condition of houses on alluvial soils
exposed to traffic vibration was compared with that 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
of very similar properties in the neighbourhood that
were situated well away from heavy traffic to The work described in this report was carried out in
determine if any excess damage was detectable. It the Vehicles and Environment Division of the
was concluded that there was no evidence of Vehicles Group of the TRRL. The assistance of the
significant differences in the condition of the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for
properties that could reasonably be attributed to the England is gratefully acknowledged.
effects of traffic vibration. Thus while it is not
possible to exclude the possibility that traffic
vibration has some effect on the buildings in the
present study it is likely that the observed damage
was mainly due to other site factors. 1 1 REFERENCES
BARKAN, D D (1962). Dynamics of bases and
foundations. McGraw-Hill.
9 CONCLUSIONS BENNY, R (1987). Private communication.
The effect of traffic induced vibrations on four
heritage buildings has been examined. This study BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION (1975).
forms an extension to a previous examination of four Methods of tests for soils for civil engineering
relatively small brick built dwellings. The range of purposes. BS 1377. British Standards Institution,
building considered in this further phase was far London.
greater in terms of age, size and type of
Evaluation of human exposure to vibration in
The main findings from an analysis of the large buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz). BS 6472. British Standards
amount of physical measurements and structural Institution, London.
buildings. Building Research Station digest 75. BRE
Garston, Watford.
CIVIC TRUST (1970). Heavy lorries. A Civic Trust S U R V E Y S BY THE H I S T O R I C
CROCKETT, J H A (1973). The effects of traffic in
older buildings. PTRC course entitled: Environmental Although the immediate physical effects of passing
factors in road design. 4-8th June. traffic in terms of vibration, crack movements and
noise can be measured objectively using a variety of
MARSHALL, C and HOOD, R A (1987). Monitoring instruments, assessment of damage to the structure
the effects of simulated road traffic vibrations on a of buildings is a matter of judgement based on
test house--results. In Traffic vibration and building experience. The conclusions drawn in this report rest
damage--TRRL papers presented at Acoustics '87 largely on the expert judgements of structural
(Edited by G R Watts) Department of Transport engineers who have a wide experience of assessing
TRRL Report RR 146, Transport and Road Research damage in heritage buildings. Since the results of
Laboratory, Crowthorne. their surveys cannot readily be summarised without
neglecting some aspects which might be helpful to
NELSON, P M and WATTS, G R (1987). Traffic the reader, their reports are reproduced in full.
vibration and building damage. In Traffic vibration
and building damage--TRRL papers presented at
Acoustics '87 (Edited by G R Watts) Department of
Transport TRRL Report 146, Transport and Road
Research Laboratory, Crowthorne.
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